Subversion Repositories f9daq


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Rev Age Author Path Log message Diff
346 1818 d 6 h f9daq /belle2/masterclass/ Updated path for help page.
Changed default datasource.
344 1818 d 16 h f9daq /belle2/masterclass/ Updated code with fitting and MathJax functions display  
333 2066 d 17 h f9daq /belle2/masterclass/ added delta mass wrt to the 1,2 (3) particle in the combiners  
332 2070 d 9 h f9daq /belle2/masterclass/ In the combiner, if you don't select particle name, the energy is not recalculated from the seelcted mass  
330 2070 d 12 h f9daq /belle2/masterclass/ added combiner for three particles  
329 2070 d 16 h f9daq /belle2/masterclass/ added Lambda0 to the combiner  
321 2305 d 15 h f9daq /belle2/masterclass/js/ update of particle names  
319 2305 d 21 h f9daq /belle2/masterclass/ multiple histograms can be added to the selector and combiner.  
318 2306 d 21 h f9daq /belle2/masterclass/ Polishing of the code, tooltips, helpurl  
302 2403 d 17 h f9daq /belle2/masterclass/ Removal of bugs,
same particle option to remove combinatorics
273 2724 d 10 h f9daq /belle2/masterclass/ added cos theta histogramming  
272 2724 d 13 h f9daq /belle2/masterclass/ Added additional quantities to histogram (charge, px,py,pz,pT, id)  
271 2724 d 16 h f9daq /belle2/masterclass/ GUI update: several particles were missing in the seelctor list.  
267 2732 d 15 h f9daq /belle2/masterclass/ print particle list )limitide to maximal 100 events),
reduce double counting in the case of combination of particles from the same particle list.
266 2733 d 8 h f9daq /belle2/masterclass/ different quantities can be plotted, in the selector all particles can be selected  
193 2963 d 10 h f9daq /belle2/ Belle II masterclass