#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "wusbxx_dll.h" /* the header of the shared library */
#include "daq.h"
#define PRRES(X) printf(">>> %s -> %d\n",#X,(X))
/* definiram lokacije enot*/
//#define NTDC 23 /* TDC LeCroy 2277*/
#define NTGG 23 /* CAEN C423 */
#define NSCA 22 /* CAEN C257 */
#define NDIS 21 /* Philips 7106 */
#define END_MARKER 0xFAF5
int ctrlc=0;
int timer_out=0;
void SigInt (int sig)
ctrlc = 1;
struct sigaction oact;
void timerast (int signumber)
timer_out = 1;
void tmlnk (int tout)
timer_out = 0;
struct sigaction act;
struct itimerval tdelay;
act.sa_handler = timerast;
sigemptyset (&act.sa_mask);
act.sa_flags = 0;
tdelay.it_value.tv_sec = tout / 100;
tdelay.it_value.tv_usec = 10000 * (tout % 100);
tdelay.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
tdelay.it_interval.tv_usec = 0;
if (sigaction (SIGALRM, &act, &oact) < 0)
if (setitimer (ITIMER_REAL, &tdelay, NULL) < 0)
void tmulk ()
struct itimerval tdelay;
tdelay.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
tdelay.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
tdelay.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
tdelay.it_interval.tv_usec = 0;
if (setitimer (ITIMER_REAL, &tdelay, NULL) < 0)
if (sigaction (SIGALRM, &oact, NULL) < 0)
void CAMAC_status(void)
unsigned short id,fpga,modid,inhibit,lam;
unsigned short dum;
long cres;
int q,x;
short retval = CSSA_RQX(0,0,0,&cres,&q,&x);
dum = cres;
id = (dum & 0xF000) >> 12;
fpga = (dum & 0x0F00) >> 8;
modid = (dum & 0x00F0) >> 4;
q = (dum & 0x0008) >> 3;
x = (dum & 0x0004) >> 2;
inhibit= (dum & 0x0002) >> 1;
lam = (dum & 0x0001);
printf ("[%d] CCUSB CSR ID=%x FPGA=%x modID=%x Q=%d X=%d INHIBIT=%d LAM=%d \n",retval
, id
, q
int daq::connect(){
// WUSBXX_open ((char *)"CC0126");
WUSBXX_open ((char *)"CC0130");
return 0;
int daq::disconnect(){
/* zakljuci */
if (udev == NULL) ; WUSBXX_close ();
return 0;
int daq::start(int thr_set,int time_set){
int q,x;
// printf("Nastavljam threshold na %d in cas meritve na %d ms\n",thr_set,time_set);
long dum;
short retval;
/* postavimo zeljeni prag prozenja */
retval = CSSA_WQX(NDIS,0,17,thr_set,&q,&x);
if (retval
<0) printf ("USB error %d line %d\n",retval
retval = CSSA_WQX(NDIS,1,17,0,&q,&x);
if (retval
<0) printf ("USB error %d line %d\n",retval
/* stevec postavim na nic */
retval = CSSA_RQX ( NSCA, 0, 9,&dum, &q,&x);
if (retval
<0) printf ("USB error %d line %d\n",retval
/* nastavim dolzino signala */
retval = CSSA_WQX(NTGG,0,16,time_set,&q,&x);
if (retval
<0) printf ("USB error %d line %d\n",retval
retval = CSSA_RQX(NTGG,0,15,&dum,&q,&x);
if (retval
<0) printf ("USB error %d line %d\n",retval
return 0;
int daq::count(){
int q,x;
short retval=0;
/* prestejem sunke na posameznem kanalu */
for ( int ch=0 ; ch<16 ; ch ++ ) {
long data=0;
retval = CSSA_RQX( NSCA, ch, 0, &data, &q,&x);
retval = CSSA_RQX( NSCA, ch, 0, &data, &q,&x);
if (retval
<0) printf ("USB error %d line %d\n",retval
// CC USB ne precita v redu CAEN C257 scalerja,
// kanali so zamaknjeni za 1, ce je klic samo en
// vrednost kanala 0 se pristeje h kanalom 8..16, zato ga ne uporabljamo.
// vajo izvedemo le s kanali 1..15.
printf("[%d] Kanal:%d Stevilo sunkov: %ld \n",retval
for ( int ch=0 ; ch<16 ; ch ++ ) if (gData[ch]>0) gData[ch]--;
return 0;
int daq::save(){
/* shrani */
FILE *fp;
int ch;
if ( ( fp
= fopen ( "scaler.txt", "w+" ) ) == NULL
) printf ( "ERROR" ) ;
for ( ch=0; ch<16 ; ch++ ) {
fprintf ( fp
, "%d\t%d\n", ch
, gData
] ) ;
return 0;
int daq::append(char *filename){
/* zapisi v tekstovno datoteko */
=fopen ( filename
, "a" );
if ( fp!= NULL ){
for ( int ch
=0; ch
<16 ; ch
++ ) fprintf ( fp
, "%d\t", gData
] ) ;
printf("Rezultati meritve so dodani v datoteko %s\n",filename
} else {
return 0;
int daq::init(){
printf("DAQ init at 0x%x\n",(unsigned int *) udev
if (udev == NULL) connect();
if (udev
) printf("udev == NULL\n");
int q,x;
long dum;
printf("Pazi na cas meritve. Kaksen je obseg stevca?\n");
CSSA_RQX( NTGG, 0, 9, &dum,&q, &x); /* init TGG */
CSSA_WQX( NTGG, 0,16, 1000,&q, &x); /* Set preset counting value */
CSSA_WQX( NTGG, 0,17, 0x2 ,&q, &x ); /* Set Load&Clock Modes */
CSSA_WQX( NDIS, 0,16, 0xffff,&q, &x);/* enable all ch. */
CSSA_RQX( NDIS, 0,26, &dum,&q, &x);
return 0;
// intercept routine
if (signal
, SigInt
) == SIG_ERR
) perror ("sigignore");
#ifdef MAIN
int main (int argc, char **argv){
int threshold=250;
int time_set =1000; /* in ms */
char filename[1024];
if (argc
>1) threshold
= atoi(argv
if (argc
>2) sprintf(filename
if (argc
>3) time_set
= atoi(argv
daq *d= new daq();
d->start(threshold, time_set); // threshold
delete d;
return 0;