// pcilib.c - interface hardware dependend functions to interface to the pvmon
// (c) 1999-2002 ARW Elektronik
// this source code is published under GPL (Open Source). You can use, redistrubute and
// modify it unless this header is not modified or deleted. No warranty is given that
// this software will work like expected.
// This product is not authorized for use as critical component in life support systems
// wihout the express written approval of ARW Elektronik Germany.
// Please announce changes and hints to ARW Elektronik
// $Log: pcilibLx.c,v $
// Revision 1.4 2002/10/20 18:07:48 klaus
// mostly working alpha version
// Revision 1.3 2002/10/20 11:49:33 klaus
// first parts working
// Revision 1.2 2002/10/19 09:44:36 klaus
// first success compiling project
// Revision 2002/10/18 22:14:29 klaus
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <../driver/pcivme.h>
#include <../driver/vic.h>
#include <../driver/vme.h>
#include <../lib/pcivme_ni.h>
#include <pcilibLx.h>
#include <mbuffer.h>
static int storedError = 0;
static int nLocalWordMode = 0; // initial 32 bit mode
// set word mode
int setWordMode(int nMode)
nLocalWordMode = nMode;
return nLocalWordMode;
// set interface special registers - VIC68A
unsigned long _SetRegister(int nIfcHandle, unsigned long Address, unsigned long Value)
__u8 ubContent = (__u8)Value;
VMEaccessVIC(nIfcHandle, VIC68A_WRITE, Address, &ubContent);
return ubContent;
// function to get special interface registers - VIC68A
unsigned long _GetRegister(int nIfcHandle, unsigned long Address)
__u8 ubContent;
VMEaccessVIC(nIfcHandle, VIC68A_READ, Address, &ubContent);
return ubContent;
// init the interface with the current properties
int Init_Interface(char *szDevicePath, char AdrMode, int *nIfcHandle)
return VMEopen(szDevicePath, AdrMode, nIfcHandle);
// deinit the current interface
void DeInit_Interface(int nIfcHandle)
// check if an error occured
int GetError(int nIfcHandle)
int error;
if ((error = GetLastError(nIfcHandle)))
storedError = error;
storedError = VMEerror(nIfcHandle);
return storedError;
// clear a pending error
void ClearError(int nIfcHandle)
storedError = 0;
// read elements and split a long access into 2 word accesses if word data path
char ReadByte(int nIfcHandle, unsigned long adr, unsigned short modifier)
__u8 c;
setAccessProperties(nIfcHandle, (__u8)modifier, BYTE_ACCESS);
storedError = VMEread(nIfcHandle, adr, BYTE_ACCESS, 1, &c);
return c;
short ReadWord(int nIfcHandle, unsigned long adr, unsigned short modifier)
__u16 w;
setAccessProperties(nIfcHandle, (__u8)modifier, WORD_ACCESS);
storedError = VMEread(nIfcHandle, adr, WORD_ACCESS, 1, &w);
return w;
long ReadLong(int nIfcHandle, unsigned long adr, unsigned short modifier)
__u32 l;
if (nLocalWordMode)
__u16 partl, parth;
// lese high anteil von adresse +0
parth = ReadWord(nIfcHandle, adr, modifier);
// lese low anteil von adresse +2
partl = ReadWord(nIfcHandle, adr + sizeof(__u16), modifier);
l = (parth << 16) | partl;
setAccessProperties(nIfcHandle, (__u8)modifier, LONG_ACCESS);
storedError = VMEread(nIfcHandle, adr, LONG_ACCESS, 1, &l);
return l;
// write a byte/word/long and split a long access into 2 word accesses if word data path
void WriteByte(int nIfcHandle, unsigned long adr, char value, unsigned short modifier)
setAccessProperties(nIfcHandle, (__u8)modifier, BYTE_ACCESS);
storedError = VMEwrite(nIfcHandle, adr, BYTE_ACCESS, 1, &value);
void WriteWord(int nIfcHandle, unsigned long adr, short value, unsigned short modifier)
setAccessProperties(nIfcHandle, (__u8)modifier, WORD_ACCESS);
storedError = VMEwrite(nIfcHandle, adr, WORD_ACCESS, 1, &value);
void WriteLong(int nIfcHandle, unsigned long adr, long value, unsigned short modifier)
if (nLocalWordMode)
__u16 part;
// high anteil auf adresse +0
part = (value >> 16) & 0xffff;
WriteWord(nIfcHandle, adr, part, modifier);
// low anteil auf adresse +2
part = value & 0xffff;
WriteWord(nIfcHandle, adr + sizeof(__u16), part, modifier);
setAccessProperties(nIfcHandle, (__u8)modifier, LONG_ACCESS);
storedError = VMEwrite(nIfcHandle, adr, LONG_ACCESS, 1, &value);
// check for a pending SYSFAIL
unsigned short PollSfail(int nIfcHandle)
BOOLEAN bResult;
VMEsysfailGet(nIfcHandle, &bResult);
return (unsigned short)bResult;
// clear a interface set SYSFAIL
void ClrSfail(int nIfcHandle)
VMEsysfailSet(nIfcHandle, 0);
// set a SYSFAIL
void SetSfail(int nIfcHandle)
VMEsysfailSet(nIfcHandle, 1);
// read a interrupt vector as byte/word/long (if supported)
char ReadVectorByte(int nIfcHandle)
__u8 ubVector;
VMEinterrupt(nIfcHandle, &ubVector);
return ubVector;
short ReadVectorWord(int nIfcHandle)
printf("Word read of a vector not available!\n");
return 0;
long ReadVectorLong(int nIfcHandle)
printf("Longword read of a vector not available!\n");
return 0;
// emulate a 68K TAS (read/modify/write) instruction
char TAS(int nIfcHandle, unsigned long adr, unsigned short modifier)
__u8 ubResult = 0x80;
VMETAS(nIfcHandle, adr, &ubResult);
return ubResult; // check if a read reads a lock
// generate a SYSRESET on the vmebus and re-init the interface
void Reset_VME(int nIfcHandle)
// print out some interface special info
void GetInterfaceInfo(int nIfcHandle, char type)
switch (type)