#ifndef __PCIVME_H__
#define __PCIVME_H__
// Copyright (C) 2000-2004 ARW Elektronik Germany
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// This product is not authorized for use as critical component in
// life support systems without the express written approval of
// ARW Elektronik Germany.
// Please announce changes and hints to ARW Elektronik
// Maintainer(s): Klaus Hitschler (klaus.hitschler@gmx.de)
// pcivme.h -- the common header for driver and applications for the PCIVME
// PCI to VME Interface
// All commands and constants are similiar to WIN?? drivers, but
// not equal. Please check if you cross-port or develop.
// $Log: pcivme.h,v $
// Revision 1.9 2004/08/13 19:23:26 klaus
// conversion to kernel-version 2.6, released version 3.0
// Revision 1.8 2003/06/27 17:25:52 klaus
// incomplete try to get mmap() with nopage() running for automatic page switch
// Revision 1.7 2002/10/20 18:06:51 klaus
// changed error handling
// Revision 1.6 2002/10/18 21:56:28 klaus
// completed functional features, untested
// Revision 1.5 2002/10/18 21:56:28 klaus
// completed functional features, untested
// Revision 1.4 2002/10/17 19:05:03 klaus
// VME access is working through test to lib to driver
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <asm/ioctl.h>
#define PCIVME_MAGIC ' '
#define MAX_INIT_ELEMENTS 20 // maximum number of init in PCIVME_(DE)INIT_HARDWARE
#ifndef __KERNEL__
#define u8 __u8
#define u16 __u16
#define u32 __u32
// shared structures between driver & app to support ioctls ------------------
typedef struct // one command element to initialize interface or deinitialize
u8 bDestination; // 0 = lcr, 1 = vme-interface, -1 = stop
u8 bAccessType; // 1 = byte access, 2 = word access, 4 = long access
u16 wOffset; // offset into interface address range for initialisation
u32 dwValue; // value to initialize
typedef struct
PCIVME_INIT_ELEMENT sVie[MAX_INIT_ELEMENTS]; // at least one zero element must be the last
typedef struct
u8 bModifier; // set the current modifier
u8 bAccessType; // set the current access type (1,2,4), not used
u8 bIncrement; // set the current byte increment count, not used
u8 bDummy; // reserved
typedef struct
u32 dwAddress; // tas to address
u8 bModifier; // VME address modifier for this window
u8 bContent; // content to store and get back
typedef struct
u16 wRegisterAddress; // address offset of vic68a register
u8 bAccessMode; // read, write, or, and
u8 bContent; // content to write, and, or
u8 bDummy; // reserved
typedef struct
u8 bEnable; // set to 0 to disable, != 0 to enable
u8 bDummy; // reserved
typedef struct
u8 bCommand; // makes and reads different reset commands
u8 bResult; // return result, == 0 if command has finished
typedef struct // static information about status of PCIADA & VMEMM
u8 bConnected; // is it or it was software connected
u8 cModuleNumber; // module number
u8 cFPGAVersion; // FPGA Version number
u8 cSystemController; // set if VMEMM is system controller
u8 cWordMode; // set if VMEMM is jumpered to word mode
u8 bDummy; // reserved
typedef struct // dynamic information about status of PCIADA & VMEMM
u8 bConnected; // the current cable connection state
u8 bPCIADAIrq; // interrupt pending due to timeout or connection fail
u8 bVMEMMIrq; // interrupt pending due to VMEMM event
u8 bDummy; // reserved
typedef struct
u32 dwStatusID; // interrupt-vector (byte, word, long)
u8 bLevel; // interrupt-level
u8 bPCIADAIrq; // pending PCIADA Irq detected and cleared
// commands to support ioctls ------------------------------------------------
#define PCIVME_INIT_HARDWARE _IOW(PCIVME_MAGIC, 1, PCIVME_INIT_COMMAND) // initializes the hardware with given parameters
#define PCIVME_DEINIT_HARDWARE _IOW(PCIVME_MAGIC, 2, PCIVME_INIT_COMMAND) // uninitializes the hardware
#define PCIVME_SET_ACCESS_PARA _IOWR(PCIVME_MAGIC, 3, PCIVME_ACCESS_COMMAND) // set the address modifier for this path
#define PCIVME_GET_STATIC_STATUS _IOR(PCIVME_MAGIC, 4, PCIVME_STATIC_STATUS) // asks for static status of PCIADA & connected VMEMM
#define PCIVME_GET_DYNAMIC_STATUS _IOR(PCIVME_MAGIC, 5, PCIVME_DYNAMIC_STATUS) // asks for dynamic status of PCIADA & connected VMEMM
#define PCIVME_READ_VECTOR_POLL _IOR(PCIVME_MAGIC, 6, PCIVME_VECTOR_LEVEL) // reads the level and vector of IRQ
#define PCIVME_READ_VECTOR_BLOCK _IOR(PCIVME_MAGIC, 7, PCIVME_VECTOR_LEVEL) // reads blocking the level and vector of IRQ
#define PCIVME_TAS _IOWR(PCIVME_MAGIC, 9, PCIVME_TAS_STRUCT) // make test and set
#define PCIVME_RESET _IOWR(PCIVME_MAGIC, 10, PCIVME_RESET_COMMAND) // make a reset to VME or global
#define PCIVME_ACCESS_VIC68A _IOWR(PCIVME_MAGIC, 11, PCIVME_VIC68A_ACTION) // access vic68a register (interface depended)
// input constants of ioctls -------------------------------------------------
// switches for PCIVME_INIT and DEINIT_COMMAND
#define LCR (u8)0 // destination is PCIADA (LCR) register
#define IFR (u8)1 // destination is VMEMM-Interface register
#define VIC (u8)2 // destination is VIC68A register
#define STOP (u8)255 // this command stops the init machine
#define BYTE_ACCESS (u8)1 // write byte wise
#define WORD_ACCESS (u8)2 // word
#define LONG_ACCESS (u8)4 // long
// switches for PCIVME_ACCESS_VIC68A
#define VIC68A_READ 0 // read only access
#define VIC68A_WRITE 1 // write and read back access
#define VIC68A_OR 2 // read, bitwise 'or' content and read back access
#define VIC68A_AND 3 // read, bitwise 'and' content and read back access
#define VIC68A_WRITE_ONLY 4 // do not read back after write
// switches for PCIVME_VECTOR_CMD
#define READ_CURRENT_LEVEL 0 // try to get the current irq level
#define READ_VECTOR 1 // (if level == 0) read vector @ current LEVEL else @ level
// switches for the PCIVME_RESET
#define VME_RESET_CMD 0 // raise a VME reset only
#define LOCAL_RESET_CMD 1 // raise a local reset only
#define GLOBAL_RESET_CMD 2 // raise a global reset
#define POLL_RESET_CMD 3 // ask if reset is finished
// address masks for the pager - to use for offset and size @ window alignment
#define HI_ADDRESS_MASK (u32)0xFFFFF000 // masks the high part of a vme address
#define LO_ADDRESS_MASK (~HI_ADDRESS_MASK) // masks the low part of a vme address
#define ONE_PAGE_SIZE (LO_ADDRESS_MASK + 1) // size of 1 page (hardware related)
// macros to calculate the real base and the real size of demand pages
#define PCIVME_PAGE_BASE(base) (base & HI_ADDRESS_MASK) // makes an aligned base for a page
#define PCIVME_PAGE_SIZE(base, size) (((base + size + LO_ADDRESS_MASK) / ONE_PAGE_SIZE) * ONE_PAGE_SIZE)
// results of ioctls ---------------------------------------------------------
#endif /* __PCIVME_H__ */