#include "../include/sipmscan.h"
#include "../include/workstation.h"
#include "../include/substructure.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Main window constructor (+layout) ---------------------------------
TGAppMainFrame::TGAppMainFrame(const TGWindow *p, int w, int h)
TGCompositeFrame *fT1;
idtotal = 0;
char *cTemp;
// CAMAC and Scope objects
gDaq = new daq();
gScopeDaq = new daqscope();
// Define main window and menubar
fMain = new TGMainFrame(p, w, h, kVerticalFrame);
// Initialize the menu
fMenuBar = new TGMenuBar(fMain, 200, 30);
fMain->AddFrame(fMenuBar, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsTop));
// Prepare the tabbed structure
fTab = new TGTab(fMain, 500, 500);
// Read the layout we wish to use
int frmWidth[measwin+analysiswin], frmHeight[measwin+analysiswin];
LayoutRead(measwin+analysiswin, frmWidth, frmHeight);
// Structure the measurement layout window
int *vert, *hor, *wPane, *hPane;
vert = new int[2]; hor = new int;
*hor = 1;
vert[0] = 1; vert[1] = 0;
const char *measFrmTit[] = {"Settings pane", "Display", "Main measurement window"};
wPane = new int[measwin]; hPane = new int[measwin];
for(int i = 0; i < measwin; i++)
wPane[i] = frmWidth[i];
hPane[i] = frmHeight[i];
fT1 = fTab->AddTab("Measurement");
TGSplitter(fT1, "horizontal", hor, vert, measFrmTit, measLayout, wPane, hPane);
fT1->AddFrame(fLayout[idtotal], new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY));
delete[] vert; delete hor; delete[] wPane; delete[] hPane;
// Structure the analysis layout window
vert = new int[2]; hor = new int;
*hor = 1;
vert[0] = 1; vert[1] = 1;
const char *analysisFrmTit[] = {"Histogram file selection", "Analysis", "Histogram", "Histogram controls"};
wPane = new int[analysiswin]; hPane = new int[analysiswin];
for(int i = 0; i < analysiswin; i++)
wPane[i] = frmWidth[i+measwin];
hPane[i] = frmHeight[i+measwin];
fT1 = fTab->AddTab("Analysis");
TGSplitter(fT1, "horizontal", hor, vert, analysisFrmTit, analysisLayout, wPane, hPane);
fT1->AddFrame(fLayout[idtotal], new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY));
delete[] vert; delete hor; delete[] wPane; delete[] hPane;
// Structure the monitoring layout window (Fieldpoint) //TODO
fT1 = fTab->AddTab("Monitoring");
fTab->SetEnabled(2,kFALSE); //TODO
// Structure the help layout window
fT1 = fTab->AddTab("Help");
TGTextView *helpdesc;
const TGFont *tfont = gClient->GetFont(HELPFONT);
FontStruct_t helpFont = tfont->GetFontStruct();
helpdesc = new TGTextView(fT1,100,100);
fT1->AddFrame(helpdesc, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY));
cTemp = new char[1024];
sprintf(cTemp, "%s/doc/README", rootdir);
if(DBGSIG) printf("TGAppMainFrame(): Help file correctly loaded.\n");
printf("Error! Help file not loaded.\n");
delete[] cTemp;
fMain->AddFrame(fTab, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY));
// Set the inner layout of each frame
// Prepare initial settings
EnableScan(0); //.
EnableScan(1); // Grey out scan
EnableScan(2); // options by default
EnableScan(3); //.
EnableLiveUpdate(); //. Disable the live histogram update at beginning
VoltOut(1); //. Get the output voltage save in file
HistogramOptions(1); //. Enable clean plots by default
plotType->widgetTB[0]->SetDown(kTRUE); //.
fMenuHisttype->CheckEntry(M_ANALYSIS_HISTTYPE_1DADC); // Set the ADC histogram
fMenuHisttype->UnCheckEntry(M_ANALYSIS_HISTTYPE_1DTDC); // to show by default
fMenuHisttype->UnCheckEntry(M_ANALYSIS_HISTTYPE_2D); //.
acqStarted = false; //. At program start, the acquisition is stopped
ToolTipSet(); //. Turn on tooltips
PositionSet(1); //. Get starting table position
RotationSet(1); //. Get starting rotation
if(DBGSIG > 1)
printf("TGAppMainFrame(): At end of constructor\n");
delete fMain;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Event handler for menubar actions ---------------------------------
void TGAppMainFrame::HandleMenu(Int_t id)
// int ret = 0;
char cmd[256];
// Here, we save the set values in the measurement layout (automatically done when we safely exit the application and after each start of measurement).
// Here, we save the set values in the analysis layout (automatically done when we safely exit the application and after each start of analysis).
printf("\nSettings window: %dx%d\n", measLayout[0]->GetWidth(), measLayout[0]->GetHeight());
printf("Histogram window: %dx%d\n", measLayout[1]->GetWidth(), measLayout[1]->GetHeight());
printf("Main measurement window: %dx%d\n", measLayout[2]->GetWidth(), measLayout[2]->GetHeight());
printf("Histogram file window: %dx%d\n", analysisLayout[0]->GetWidth(), analysisLayout[0]->GetHeight());
printf("Analysis window: %dx%d\n", analysisLayout[1]->GetWidth(), analysisLayout[1]->GetHeight());
printf("Histogram window: %dx%d\n", analysisLayout[2]->GetWidth(), analysisLayout[2]->GetHeight());
printf("Histogram controls window: %dx%d\n", analysisLayout[3]->GetWidth(), analysisLayout[3]->GetHeight());
printf("Main window: %dx%d\n", fMain->GetWidth(), fMain->GetHeight());
printf("Menu bar: %dx%d\n", fMenuBar->GetWidth(), fMenuBar->GetHeight());
printf("Tab window: %dx%d\n", fTab->GetWidth(), fTab->GetHeight());
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if(i == 0)
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if(i == 1)
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if(i == 2)
printf("TGAppMainFrame::HandleMenu(): Opening %s/doc/documentation.html in a web browser.\n", rootdir);
sprintf(cmd, "xdg-open %s/doc/documentation.html &", rootdir);
// fMainFrame->SetCurrent(id);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialize the main window menu -----------------------------------
void TGAppMainFrame::InitMenu()
fMenuBarItemLayout = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, 0, 4, 0, 0);
// Popup menu in menubar for File controls
fMenuFile = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());
fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("Set &user layout"), M_FILE_SET_LAYOUT);
fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("Save ¤t layout"), M_FILE_SAVE_LAYOUT);
fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("Save current &measurement settings"), M_FILE_SAVE_MSETTINGS);
fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("Save current &analysis settings"), M_FILE_SAVE_ASETTINGS);
fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&Check frame width (Testing)"), M_FILE_CHECK_WIDTH);
fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("E&xit"), M_FILE_EXIT);
// Popup menu in menubar for Analysis controls
fMenuHisttype = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); // adds a cascade menu that will be incorporated into analysis controls
fMenuHisttype->AddEntry(new TGHotString("1D &ADC histogram"), M_ANALYSIS_HISTTYPE_1DADC);
fMenuHisttype->AddEntry(new TGHotString("1D &TDC histogram"), M_ANALYSIS_HISTTYPE_1DTDC);
fMenuHisttype->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&2D ADC vs. TDC histogram"), M_ANALYSIS_HISTTYPE_2D);
fMenuAnalysis = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); // adds a new popup menu to the menubar
fMenuAnalysis->AddPopup(new TGHotString("&Histogram type"), fMenuHisttype);
fMenuAnalysis->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&Integrate spectrum"), M_ANALYSIS_INTEG);
fMenuAnalysis->AddEntry(new TGHotString("Integrate spectrum (&X direction)"), M_ANALYSIS_INTEGX);
fMenuAnalysis->AddEntry(new TGHotString("Integrate spectrum (&Y direction)"), M_ANALYSIS_INTEGY);
fMenuAnalysis->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&Relative PDE"), M_ANALYSIS_PHOTMU);
fMenuAnalysis->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&Breakdown voltage"), M_ANALYSIS_BREAKDOWN);
fMenuAnalysis->AddEntry(new TGHotString("Surface 2&D scan"), M_ANALYSIS_SURFSCAN);
fMenuAnalysis->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&Timing analysis"), M_ANALYSIS_TIMING);
// Popup menu in menubar for File controls
fMenuHelp = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());
fMenuHelp->AddEntry(new TGHotString("Open &help in web browser"), M_HELP_WEBHELP);
fMenuHelp->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&About"), M_HELP_ABOUT);
// Connect all menu items with actions
fMenuFile->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
fMenuAnalysis->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
fMenuHelp->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
// Draw the created popup menus on the menubar
fMenuBar->AddPopup(new TGHotString("&File"), fMenuFile, fMenuBarItemLayout);
fMenuBar->AddPopup(new TGHotString("&Analysis"),fMenuAnalysis,fMenuBarItemLayout);
fMenuBar->AddPopup(new TGHotString("&Help"), fMenuHelp, fMenuBarItemLayout);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Setting the application subwindow layout --------------------------
void TGAppMainFrame::AppLayout()
double numform[6], numform2[6];
int *checksel;
char selected[256];
int subgroup[2];
TGCompositeFrame *fH1, *fV1, *fH2, *fT1;
TGGroupFrame *fG1;
TGLayoutHints *f0centerX = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX,2,2,2,2);
TGLayoutHints *f0leftX = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop,2,2,2,2);
TGLayoutHints *f0leftXnoleft = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop,0,2,2,2);
TGLayoutHints *f0leftXpad = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop,12,12,2,2);
TGLayoutHints *f0rightX = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight | kLHintsTop,2,2,2,2);
TGLayoutHints *f0rightXpad = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight | kLHintsTop,12,12,2,2);
TGLayoutHints *f0centerY = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterY,2,2,2,2);
TGLayoutHints *f0center2d = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX | kLHintsCenterY,2,2,2,2);
TGLayoutHints *f1expandX = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX,2,2,2,2);
TGLayoutHints *f1expand2d = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY,2,2,2,2);
TGLayoutHints *f1expandXpad = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX,12,12,2,2);
// Settings pane ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
subgroup[0] = (measLayout[0]->GetWidth())-4;
// Check buttons to toggle voltage, surface and Z axis scans
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *scansOn -> 4 check buttons (voltage, surface, Z axis, incidence angle scans)\n");
scansOn = new TSubStructure();
checksel = new int[4];
checksel[0] = 0; checksel[1] = 0; checksel[2] = 0; checksel[3] = 0;
const char *selnames[] = {"Voltage scan ON/OFF", "Surface scan ON/OFF", "Z-axis scan ON/OFF","Rotation scan ON/OFF","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0"};
if(scansOn->TGCheckList(measLayout[0], subgroup[0], 30, 4, selnames, checksel, "vertical", "center"))
measLayout[0]->AddFrame(scansOn->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
delete[] checksel;
// Hard limit for maximum voltage we can set
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *vHardlimit -> Number entry for voltage limit\n");
vHardlimit = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 6; numform[1] = 2;
if(vHardlimit->TGLabelNEntry(measLayout[0], subgroup[0], 30, "Voltage limit:", 70.00, numform, "center"))
measLayout[0]->AddFrame(vHardlimit->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
// Number of used channels
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *NCH -> Number entry for number of channels to capture\n");
NCH = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 3; numform[2] = 2; numform[3] = 2; numform[4] = 1; numform[5] = 8;
if(NCH->TGLabelNEntry(measLayout[0], subgroup[0], 30, "Nr. of channels:", 1, numform, "center"))
measLayout[0]->AddFrame(NCH->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
// Select the units to use for table positioning (micrometer, table position units)
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *posUnits -> Dropdown menu for selecting the units for table positioning\n");
posUnits = new TSubStructure();
selnames[0] = "table units"; selnames[1] = "micrometers";
sprintf(selected, "table units");
if(posUnits->TGLabelDrop(measLayout[0], 2*subgroup[0]/3, 30, "Position units:", 2, selnames, selected))
measLayout[0]->AddFrame(posUnits->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
// Select the units to use for rotation platform (degrees, table rotation units)
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *rotUnits -> Dropdown menu for selecting the units for rotation\n");
rotUnits = new TSubStructure();
selnames[0] = "table units"; selnames[1] = "degrees";
sprintf(selected, "degrees");
if(rotUnits->TGLabelDrop(measLayout[0], 2*subgroup[0]/3, 30, "Rotation units:", 2, selnames, selected))
measLayout[0]->AddFrame(rotUnits->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
// Button and textbox to enter the oscilloscope IP address
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *oscConnect -> Text Entry (oscilloscope IP address)\n");
oscConnect = new TSubStructure();
if(oscConnect->TGLabelTEntryButton(measLayout[0], subgroup[0], 30, "Scope IP:", "", "Connect", "twoline"))
measLayout[0]->AddFrame(oscConnect->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
// Laser settings (freq., tune, ND filter)
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *laserInfo -> Text Entry (Laser setting information)\n");
laserInfo = new TSubStructure();
if(laserInfo->TGLabelTEntry(measLayout[0], subgroup[0], 30, "Laser settings:", "kHz, tune, ND", "twoline"))
measLayout[0]->AddFrame(laserInfo->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
// Chamber temperature (will only be manually set until we can get it directly from the chamber)
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *chtemp -> Number entry for chamber temperature\n");
chtemp = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 5; numform[1] = 1; numform[3] = 2; numform[4] = -70.; numform[5] = 140.;
if(chtemp->TGLabelNEntry(measLayout[0], subgroup[0], 30, "Chamber temp.:", 25.0, numform, "center"))
measLayout[0]->AddFrame(chtemp->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
// Check button to toggle live update of histogram (in display canvas)
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *liveDisp -> 1 check button (live histogram update)\n");
liveDisp = new TSubStructure();
checksel = new int;
*checksel = 0;
selnames[0] = "Live histogram ON/OFF";
if(liveDisp->TGCheckList(measLayout[0], subgroup[0], 30, 1, selnames, checksel, "vertical", "center"))
measLayout[0]->AddFrame(liveDisp->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
delete checksel;
// Actions for Settings pane //TODO
scansOn->widgetChBox[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "EnableScan(=0)");
scansOn->widgetChBox[1]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "EnableScan(=1)");
scansOn->widgetChBox[2]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "EnableScan(=2)");
scansOn->widgetChBox[3]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "EnableScan(=3)");
vHardlimit->widgetNE[0]->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "VoltageLimit()");
(vHardlimit->widgetNE[0]->GetNumberEntry())->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "VoltageLimit()");
posUnits->widgetCB->Connect("Selected(Int_t)", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "ChangeUnits(Int_t)");
rotUnits->widgetCB->Connect("Selected(Int_t)", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "ChangeUnitsRot(Int_t)");
liveDisp->widgetChBox[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "EnableLiveUpdate()");
// Settings pane ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main window -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TGTab *setTab;
// Voltage, position and incidence angle tab
subgroup[0] = 2*(measLayout[2]->GetWidth())/7-14;
subgroup[1] = (measLayout[2]->GetHeight())/2-4;
setTab = new TGTab(measLayout[2], subgroup[0], subgroup[1]);
fT1 = setTab->AddTab("Voltage, position and incidence angle");
fH1 = new TGCompositeFrame(fT1, measLayout[2]->GetWidth(), subgroup[1], kFixedHeight | kHorizontalFrame);
// Left pane (Bias voltage controls)
fV1 = new TGCompositeFrame(fH1, subgroup[0], subgroup[1], kFixedWidth | kFixedHeight | kVerticalFrame);
fG1 = new TGGroupFrame(fV1, "Bias voltage controls");
// Output voltage supply channel
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *vOutCh -> Dropdown menu for bias voltage channel\n");
vOutCh = new TSubStructure();
selnames[0] = "U0"; selnames[1] = "U1"; selnames[2] = "U2"; selnames[3] = "U3"; selnames[4] = "U4"; selnames[5] = "U5"; selnames[6] = "U6"; selnames[7] = "U7"; selnames[8] = "U100"; selnames[9] = "U101"; selnames[10] = "U102"; selnames[11] = "U103"; selnames[12] = "U104"; selnames[13] = "U105"; selnames[14] = "U106"; selnames[15] = "U107";
sprintf(selected, "U0");
if(vOutCh->TGLabelDrop(fG1, 2*subgroup[0]/3, 30, "Output channel:", 16, selnames, selected))
fG1->AddFrame(vOutCh->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
// Output voltage setting
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *vOutOpt -> 2 check buttons (negative polarity, ON/OFF toggle switch)\n");
vOutOpt = new TSubStructure();
checksel = new int[2];
checksel[0] = 0; checksel[1] = 0;
selnames[1] = "Output ON/OFF"; selnames[0] = "Negative polarity";
if(vOutOpt->TGCheckList(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, 2, selnames, checksel, "vertical", "center"))
fG1->AddFrame(vOutOpt->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
delete[] checksel;
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *vOut -> Number entry for bias voltage\n");
vOut = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 7; numform[1] = 2; numform[3] = 2; numform[4] = 0.; numform[5] = vHardlimit->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber();
if(vOut->TGLabelNEntry(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, "Output voltage:", 0.00, numform, "center"))
fG1->AddFrame(vOut->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
// Set, get and reset voltage buttons
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *vOutButtons -> 3 buttons (set bias voltage, read current bias voltage, reset voltage output when it gets interlocked)\n");
vOutButtons = new TSubStructure();
selnames[0] = "Set"; selnames[1] = "Get"; selnames[2] = "Reset";
if(vOutButtons->TGMultiButton(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, 3, selnames, "center"))
fG1->AddFrame(vOutButtons->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
// Voltage scan controls
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *vOutStart -> Number entry for starting bias voltage\n");
vOutStart = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 7; numform[1] = 2;
if(vOutStart->TGLabelNEntry(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, "V (min):", 0.00, numform, "center"))
fG1->AddFrame(vOutStart->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *vOutStop -> Number entry for starting bias voltage\n");
vOutStop = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 7; numform[1] = 2;
if(vOutStop->TGLabelNEntry(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, "V (max):", 0.00, numform, "center"))
fG1->AddFrame(vOutStop->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *vOutStep -> Number entry for starting bias voltage\n");
vOutStep = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 7; numform[1] = 2;
if(vOutStep->TGLabelNEntry(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, "V (step):", 0.00, numform, "center"))
fG1->AddFrame(vOutStep->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
fV1->AddFrame(fG1, f1expand2d);
// Left pane (Bias voltage controls)
fH1->AddFrame(fV1, f0leftX);
// Center pane (Table position controls)
subgroup[0] = 3*(measLayout[2]->GetWidth())/7-13;
fV1 = new TGCompositeFrame(fH1, subgroup[0], subgroup[1], kFixedWidth | kFixedHeight | kVerticalFrame);
fG1 = new TGGroupFrame(fV1, "Table position controls");
// X, Y and Z positions
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *xPos, *yPos, *zPos, *zPosMin, *zPosMax, *zPosStep -> Settings for position and Z axis scan\n");
fH2 = new TGCompositeFrame(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, kFixedWidth | kHorizontalFrame);
xPos = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 9; numform[3] = 2; numform[4] = -100; numform[5] = 215000;
if(xPos->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "X:", 0, numform, "center"))
fH2->AddFrame(xPos->outsidebox, f0centerX);
zPosMin = new TSubStructure();
numform[5] = 375000;
if(zPosMin->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "Z (min):", 0, numform, "center"))
fH2->AddFrame(zPosMin->outsidebox, f0centerX);
fG1->AddFrame(fH2, f1expandXpad);
fH2 = new TGCompositeFrame(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, kFixedWidth | kHorizontalFrame);
yPos = new TSubStructure();
numform[5] = 215000;
if(yPos->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "Y:", 0, numform, "center"))
fH2->AddFrame(yPos->outsidebox, f0centerX);
zPosMax = new TSubStructure();
numform[5] = 375000;
if(zPosMax->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "Z (max):", 0, numform, "center"))
fH2->AddFrame(zPosMax->outsidebox, f0centerX);
fG1->AddFrame(fH2, f1expandXpad);
fH2 = new TGCompositeFrame(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, kFixedWidth | kHorizontalFrame);
zPos = new TSubStructure();
numform[5] = 375000;
if(zPos->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "Z:", 0, numform, "center"))
fH2->AddFrame(zPos->outsidebox, f0centerX);
zPosStep = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 9;
if(zPosStep->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "Z (step):", 0, numform, "center"))
fH2->AddFrame(zPosStep->outsidebox, f0centerX);
fG1->AddFrame(fH2, f1expandXpad);
// Set, get, home and reset position buttons
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *posButtons -> 4 buttons (set position, read current position, home the motor and reset all three controllers)\n");
posButtons = new TSubStructure();
selnames[0] = "Set"; selnames[1] = "Get"; selnames[2] = "Home"; selnames[3] = "Reset";
if(posButtons->TGMultiButton(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, 4, selnames, "center"))
fG1->AddFrame(posButtons->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
// Position scan controls
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *xPosMin, *xPosMax, *xPosStep, *yPosMin, *yPosMax, *yPosStep -> Settings for X and Y axis scans\n");
fH2 = new TGCompositeFrame(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, kFixedWidth | kHorizontalFrame);
xPosMin = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 9; numform[3] = 2; numform[4] = -100; numform[5] = 215000;
if(xPosMin->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "X (min):", 0, numform, "center"))
fH2->AddFrame(xPosMin->outsidebox, f0centerX);
yPosMin = new TSubStructure();
if(yPosMin->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "Y (min):", 0, numform, "center"))
fH2->AddFrame(yPosMin->outsidebox, f0centerX);
fG1->AddFrame(fH2, f1expandXpad);
fH2 = new TGCompositeFrame(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, kFixedWidth | kHorizontalFrame);
xPosMax = new TSubStructure();
if(xPosMax->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "X (max):", 0, numform, "center"))
fH2->AddFrame(xPosMax->outsidebox, f0centerX);
yPosMax = new TSubStructure();
if(yPosMax->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "Y (max):", 0, numform, "center"))
fH2->AddFrame(yPosMax->outsidebox, f0centerX);
fG1->AddFrame(fH2, f1expandXpad);
fH2 = new TGCompositeFrame(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, kFixedWidth | kHorizontalFrame);
xPosStep = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 9;
if(xPosStep->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "X (step):", 0, numform, "center"))
fH2->AddFrame(xPosStep->outsidebox, f0centerX);
yPosStep = new TSubStructure();
if(yPosStep->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "Y (step):", 0, numform, "center"))
fH2->AddFrame(yPosStep->outsidebox, f0centerX);
fG1->AddFrame(fH2, f1expandXpad);
fV1->AddFrame(fG1, f1expand2d);
// Center pane (Table position controls)
fH1->AddFrame(fV1, f0leftX);
// Right pane (Incidence angle controls)
subgroup[0] = 2*(measLayout[2]->GetWidth())/7-14;
fV1 = new TGCompositeFrame(fH1, subgroup[0], subgroup[1], kFixedWidth | kFixedHeight | kVerticalFrame);
fG1 = new TGGroupFrame(fV1, "Incidence angle controls");
// Rotation positions
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *rotPos -> Setting for rotation position\n");
rotPos = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 7; numform[1] = 2; numform[3] = 2; numform[4] = -180.; numform[5] = 180.;
if(rotPos->TGLabelNEntry(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, "Incidence angle:", 0., numform, "center"))
fG1->AddFrame(rotPos->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
// Set, get, home and reset rotation buttons
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *rotButtons -> 4 buttons (set rotation, read current rotation, home the motor and reset controller)\n");
rotButtons = new TSubStructure();
selnames[0] = "Set"; selnames[1] = "Get"; selnames[2] = "Home"; selnames[3] = "Reset";
if(rotButtons->TGMultiButton(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, 4, selnames, "center"))
fG1->AddFrame(rotButtons->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
// Rotation scan controls
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *rotPosMin -> Number entry for starting angle\n");
rotPosMin = new TSubStructure();
if(rotPosMin->TGLabelNEntry(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, "Angle (min):", 0.0, numform, "center"))
fG1->AddFrame(rotPosMin->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *rotPosMax -> Number entry for finishing angle\n");
rotPosMax = new TSubStructure();
if(rotPosMax->TGLabelNEntry(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, "Angle (max):", 0.0, numform, "center"))
fG1->AddFrame(rotPosMax->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *rotPosStep -> Number entry for angle step\n");
rotPosStep = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 7; numform[1] = 1;
if(rotPosStep->TGLabelNEntry(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, "Angle (step):", 0.0, numform, "center"))
fG1->AddFrame(rotPosStep->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
fV1->AddFrame(fG1, f1expand2d);
// Right pane (Incidence angle controls)
fH1->AddFrame(fV1, f0leftX);
fT1->AddFrame(fH1, f1expand2d);
// Waveform tab
measLayout[2]->AddFrame(setTab, f0leftX);
// Bottom pane (File controls)
subgroup[0] = measLayout[2]->GetWidth()-19;
subgroup[1] = (measLayout[2]->GetHeight())/4-4;
fH1 = new TGCompositeFrame(measLayout[2], subgroup[0], subgroup[1], kFixedWidth | kFixedHeight | kHorizontalFrame);
fG1 = new TGGroupFrame(fH1, "Event/Data file controls");
// Number of events
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *evtNum -> Number entry for set number of events to acquire\n");
evtNum = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 8; numform[2] = 1;
if(evtNum->TGLabelNEntry(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, "Number of events:", 10000, numform, "left"))
fG1->AddFrame(evtNum->outsidebox, f0leftXpad);
// Time stamp display
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *timeStamp -> Text entry for timestamp\n");
timeStamp = new TSubStructure();
if(timeStamp->TGLabelTEntry(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, "Time stamp:", "", "oneline"))
fG1->AddFrame(timeStamp->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
// Save to file
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *fileName -> Text entry for timestamp\n");
fileName = new TSubStructure();
char *cTemp;
cTemp = new char[256];
sprintf(cTemp, "%s/results/test%s", rootdir, histext);
if(fileName->TGLabelTEntryButton(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, "Save to file:", cTemp, "...", "oneline"))
fG1->AddFrame(fileName->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
fH1->AddFrame(fG1, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX,8,2,2,2));
// Bottom pane (File controls)
measLayout[2]->AddFrame(fH1, f0leftX);
// Start acquisition and progress bar
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *measProgress -> Button to start acquiring data and horizontal progress bar\n");
measProgress = new TSubStructure();
if(measProgress->TGButtonProgressTEntry(measLayout[2], 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, "Start acquisition", "Estimated end time: "))
measLayout[2]->AddFrame(measProgress->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
// Actions for Main window //TODO
vOutOpt->widgetChBox[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "NegativePolarity()");
vOutButtons->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "VoltOut(=0)");
vOutButtons->widgetTB[1]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "VoltOut(=1)");
vOutButtons->widgetTB[2]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "VoltOut(=2)");
posButtons->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "PositionSet(=0)");
posButtons->widgetTB[1]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "PositionSet(=1)");
posButtons->widgetTB[2]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "PositionSet(=2)");
posButtons->widgetTB[3]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "PositionSet(=3)");
rotButtons->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "RotationSet(=0)");
rotButtons->widgetTB[1]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "RotationSet(=1)");
rotButtons->widgetTB[2]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "RotationSet(=2)");
rotButtons->widgetTB[3]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "RotationSet(=3)");
fileName->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "SaveFile()");
measProgress->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "StartAcq()");
// TODO - Save file
// Main window -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Display pane ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
measCanvas = new TRootEmbeddedCanvas("measCanvas",measLayout[1],300,300);
measLayout[1]->AddFrame(measCanvas, f1expand2d);
// Display pane ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Histogram file selection pane -----------------------------------------------------------
subgroup[0] = (analysisLayout[0]->GetWidth())-4;
// Open browser for file selection
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *selectDir -> Button to open histogram files\n");
selectDir = new TSubStructure();
if(selectDir->TGLabelButton(analysisLayout[0], 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, "File selection:", "...", "left"))
analysisLayout[0]->AddFrame(selectDir->outsidebox, f0leftXpad);
// List view of the opened files
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TGListBox *fileList -> List box for opened histograms\n");
fileList = new TGListBox(analysisLayout[0],1);
fileList->Resize(300, (3*analysisLayout[0]->GetHeight()/7)-10 );
analysisLayout[0]->AddFrame(fileList, f1expandXpad);
fH1 = new TGCompositeFrame(analysisLayout[0], subgroup[0], 30, kHorizontalFrame);
// Multiple file selection toggle
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *multiSelect -> 2 check buttons (enable multiple select, select everything)\n");
multiSelect = new TSubStructure();
checksel = new int[2];
checksel[0] = 0; checksel[1] = 0;
selnames[0] = "Multiple file select"; selnames[1] = "Select all listed files";
if(multiSelect->TGCheckList(fH1, subgroup[0]/2, 30, 2, selnames, checksel, "horizontal", "left"))
fH1->AddFrame(multiSelect->outsidebox, f0leftX);
delete[] checksel;
// Previous/next controls, clear list and edit header
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *fileListCtrl -> Multiple buttons for controlling and displaying the histograms in list box\n");
fileListCtrl = new TSubStructure();
selnames[0] = "<<"; selnames[1] = ">>"; selnames[2] = "Edit header"; selnames[3] = "Clear list";
if(fileListCtrl->TGMultiButton(fH1, subgroup[0]/3, 30, 4, selnames, "right"))
fH1->AddFrame(fileListCtrl->outsidebox, f0rightX);
analysisLayout[0]->AddFrame(fH1, f1expandXpad);
// Header information of opened file
fG1 = new TGGroupFrame(analysisLayout[0], "Opened file header information");
fH1 = new TGHorizontalFrame(fG1, subgroup[0], 30);
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *dispTime -> Display text Entry for opened histogram (time stamp)\n");
dispTime = new TSubStructure();
if(dispTime->TGLabelTEntry(fH1, 3*subgroup[0]/4-24, 30, "Time:", "", "oneline"))
fH1->AddFrame(dispTime->outsidebox, f0leftXnoleft);
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *dispBias -> Number entry for opened histogram (bias voltage)\n");
dispBias = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 7; numform[1] = 2;
if(dispBias->TGLabelNEntry(fH1, subgroup[0]/4-24, 30, "Bias voltage:", 0.00, numform, "center"))
fH1->AddFrame(dispBias->outsidebox, f0leftX);
fG1->AddFrame(fH1, f0leftXpad);
fH1 = new TGHorizontalFrame(fG1, subgroup[0], 30);
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *dispPos -> Display text Entry for opened histogram (table position)\n");
dispPos = new TSubStructure();
if(dispPos->TGLabelTEntry(fH1, subgroup[0]/2-12, 30, "Position:", "", "oneline"))
fH1->AddFrame(dispPos->outsidebox, f0leftXnoleft);
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *dispTemp -> Number entry for opened histogram (temperature)\n");
dispTemp = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 6; numform[1] = 1;
if(dispTemp->TGLabelNEntry(fH1, subgroup[0]/4-18, 30, "Temperature:", 0.0, numform, "center"))
fH1->AddFrame(dispTemp->outsidebox, f0leftX);
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *dispAngle -> Number entry for opened histogram (incidence angle)\n");
dispAngle = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 7; numform[1] = 2;
if(dispAngle->TGLabelNEntry(fH1, subgroup[0]/4-18, 30, "Angle:", 0.00, numform, "center"))
fH1->AddFrame(dispAngle->outsidebox, f0leftX);
fG1->AddFrame(fH1, f0leftXpad);
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *dispLaser -> Display text Entry for opened histogram (laser and additional info)\n");
dispLaser = new TSubStructure();
if(dispLaser->TGLabelTEntry(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, "Laser settings:", "", "oneline"))
fG1->AddFrame(dispLaser->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
analysisLayout[0]->AddFrame(fG1, f1expandX);
// Actions for histogram file selection pane
selectDir->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "SelectDirectory()");
multiSelect->widgetChBox[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "ListMultiSelect(=0)");
multiSelect->widgetChBox[1]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "ListMultiSelect(=1)");
fileList->Connect("DoubleClicked(Int_t)", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "FileListNavigation(Int_t)");
fileListCtrl->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "FileListNavigation(=-2)");
fileListCtrl->widgetTB[1]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "FileListNavigation(=-3)");
fileListCtrl->widgetTB[2]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "HeaderEdit()");
fileListCtrl->widgetTB[3]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "ClearHistogramList()");
// Histogram file selection pane -----------------------------------------------------------
// Analysis pane ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
fH1 = new TGCompositeFrame(analysisLayout[1], analysisLayout[1]->GetWidth(), 30, kHorizontalFrame);
subgroup[0] = (analysisLayout[1]->GetWidth())/2-4;
subgroup[1] = (analysisLayout[1]->GetHeight())-4;
analTab = new TGTab(fH1, subgroup[0], subgroup[1]);
// Analysis tabs
// Integrate spectrum tab
fT1 = analTab->AddTab("Integ. spectrum");
fV1 = new TGCompositeFrame(fT1, subgroup[0], subgroup[1], kVerticalFrame | kFixedWidth | kFixedHeight);
// Check buttons to toggle direction of integration and normalization
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *intSpect -> 3 check buttons (direction of integration, normalization)\n");
intSpect = new TSubStructure();
checksel = new int[3];
checksel[0] = 0; checksel[1] = 0; checksel[2] = 1;
selnames[0] = "X direction (for edge scans)";
selnames[1] = "Y direction (for edge scans)";
selnames[2] = "Normalize to number of events";
if(intSpect->TGCheckList(fV1, subgroup[0], 30, 3, selnames, checksel, "vertical", "center"))
fV1->AddFrame(intSpect->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
delete[] checksel;
// Values for 2D plot pixel resolution
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *resol2d -> Pixel resolution for 2D plots\n");
resol2d = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { numform[i] = 0; numform2[i] = 0; }
numform[0] = 5; numform2[0] = 5; numform[2] = 2; numform2[2] = 2;
if(resol2d->TGLabelDoubleNEntry(fV1, subgroup[0], 30, "2D plot pixel resolution (X, Y):", 40, numform, 40, numform2, "center"))
fV1->AddFrame(resol2d->outsidebox, f1expandX);
// Start integrating or set its defaults
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *intSpectButtons -> 2 buttons for integrating spectra\n");
intSpectButtons = new TSubStructure();
selnames[0] = "Start"; selnames[1] = "Start and edit"; selnames[2] = "Default values";
if(intSpectButtons->TGMultiButton(fV1, subgroup[0], 30, 3, selnames, "center"))
fV1->AddFrame(intSpectButtons->outsidebox, f1expandX);
fT1->AddFrame(fV1, f1expandX);
// Relative photon detection efficiency tab (PDE)
fT1 = analTab->AddTab("Relative PDE");
fV1 = new TGCompositeFrame(fT1, subgroup[0], subgroup[1], kVerticalFrame | kFixedWidth | kFixedHeight);
// Check button to toggle normalization
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *relPde -> 2 check buttons (relative pde, normalization)\n");
relPde = new TSubStructure();
checksel = new int;
*checksel = 1;
selnames[0] = "Normalize to number of events";
if(relPde->TGCheckList(fV1, subgroup[0], 30, 1, selnames, checksel, "vertical", "center"))
fV1->AddFrame(relPde->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
delete[] checksel;
// Calculate relative PDE using the middle of the pedestal peak
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *midPeak -> Calculate the relative PDE, by setting the middle of the pedestal peak.\n");
midPeak = new TSubStructure();
checksel = new int;
*checksel = 0;
selnames[0] = "Pedestal entries end at middle of ped. peak";
if(midPeak->TGCheckList(fV1, subgroup[0], 30, 1, selnames, checksel, "vertical", "center"))
fV1->AddFrame(midPeak->outsidebox, f1expandX);
delete checksel;
// Select the dark run
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *darkRun -> Button to open histogram files of a dark run\n");
darkRun = new TSubStructure();
if(darkRun->TGLabelTEntryButton(fV1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, "Select dark run histogram:", "", "...", "oneline"))
fV1->AddFrame(darkRun->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
// Select the offset of 0 angle
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *zeroAngle -> Set the offset for 0 angle\n");
zeroAngle = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 6; numform[1] = 2;
if(zeroAngle->TGLabelNEntry(fV1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, "Offset to zero angle:", 0., numform, "center"))
fV1->AddFrame(zeroAngle->outsidebox, f0centerX);
// Start calculating the PDE or set its defaults
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *relPdeButtons -> 2 buttons for calculating the relative PDE\n");
relPdeButtons = new TSubStructure();
selnames[0] = "Start"; selnames[1] = "Start and edit"; selnames[2] = "Default values";
if(relPdeButtons->TGMultiButton(fV1, subgroup[0], 30, 3, selnames, "center"))
fV1->AddFrame(relPdeButtons->outsidebox, f1expandX);
fT1->AddFrame(fV1, f1expandX);
// Breaktown voltage tab
fT1 = analTab->AddTab("Breakdown voltage");
fV1 = new TGCompositeFrame(fT1, subgroup[0], subgroup[1], kVerticalFrame | kFixedWidth | kFixedHeight);
// Select the minumum number of peaks for fitting to be initiated
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *minPeak -> Minimum number of peaks to fit for peak fitting\n");
minPeak = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 4; numform[2] = 1; numform[3] = 2; numform[4] = 1; numform[5] = 20;
if(minPeak->TGLabelNEntry(fV1, subgroup[0], 30, "Min. nr. of peaks:", 2, numform, "center"))
fV1->AddFrame(minPeak->outsidebox, f0centerX);
// Select which separation to use
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *peakSepCalc -> Make the separation between the selected peaks\n");
peakSepCalc = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 4; numform[2] = 1; numform[3] = 2; numform[4] = 1; numform[5] = 3;
if(peakSepCalc->TGLabelNEntry(fV1, subgroup[0], 30, "Calculate peak separation between N pe and N+1 pe peaks:", 1, numform, "center"))
fV1->AddFrame(peakSepCalc->outsidebox, f0centerX);
// Start calculating the breakdown voltage or set its defaults
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *brDownButtons -> 2 buttons for calculating the breakdown voltage\n");
brDownButtons = new TSubStructure();
selnames[0] = "Start"; selnames[1] = "Start and edit"; selnames[2] = "Default values";
if(brDownButtons->TGMultiButton(fV1, subgroup[0], 30, 3, selnames, "center"))
fV1->AddFrame(brDownButtons->outsidebox, f1expandX);
fT1->AddFrame(fV1, f1expandX);
// Surface scan tab
fT1 = analTab->AddTab("Surface scan");
fV1 = new TGCompositeFrame(fT1, subgroup[0], subgroup[1], kVerticalFrame | kFixedWidth | kFixedHeight);
// Check button to toggle normalization
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *surfScanOpt -> 2 check buttons (normalization, zero bottom-left corner)\n");
surfScanOpt = new TSubStructure();
checksel = new int[2];
checksel[0] = 1; checksel[1] = 0;
selnames[0] = "Normalize to number of events"; selnames[1] = "Zero the bottom left corner";
if(surfScanOpt->TGCheckList(fV1, subgroup[0], 30, 2, selnames, checksel, "vertical", "center"))
fV1->AddFrame(surfScanOpt->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
delete[] checksel;
// Values for 2D plot pixel resolution
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *resolSurf -> Pixel resolution for surface plots\n");
resolSurf = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { numform[i] = 0; numform2[i] = 0; }
numform[0] = 5; numform2[0] = 5; numform[2] = 2; numform2[2] = 2;
if(resolSurf->TGLabelDoubleNEntry(fV1, subgroup[0], 30, "Surface plot pixel resolution (X, Y):", 40, numform, 40, numform2, "center"))
fV1->AddFrame(resolSurf->outsidebox, f1expandX);
// Start calculating the breakdown voltage or set its defaults
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *surfButtons -> 2 buttons for calculating the surface scan\n");
surfButtons = new TSubStructure();
selnames[0] = "Start"; selnames[1] = "Start and edit"; selnames[2] = "Default values";
if(surfButtons->TGMultiButton(fV1, subgroup[0], 30, 3, selnames, "center"))
fV1->AddFrame(surfButtons->outsidebox, f1expandX);
fT1->AddFrame(fV1, f1expandX);
// Timing tab
fT1 = analTab->AddTab("Timing");
fV1 = new TGCompositeFrame(fT1, subgroup[0], subgroup[1], kVerticalFrame | kFixedWidth | kFixedHeight);
fT1->AddFrame(fV1, f1expandX);
// Analysis tabs
fH1->AddFrame(analTab, /*f1expandX*/f0leftX);
// Peak fitting settings
fV1 = new TGCompositeFrame(fH1, subgroup[0], 30, kVerticalFrame);
fH2 = new TGCompositeFrame(fV1, subgroup[0], 30, kHorizontalFrame);
// Select the sigma for peak fitting
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *fitSigma -> Sigma for peak fitting\n");
fitSigma = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 6; numform[1] = 3; numform[2] = 2;
if(fitSigma->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, subgroup[0]/2, 30, "Peak sigma:", 1.2, numform, "center"))
fH2->AddFrame(fitSigma->outsidebox, f0centerX);
// Select the signal to noise treshold for peak fitting
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *fitTresh -> S/N ratio for peak fitting\n");
fitTresh = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 6; numform[1] = 3; numform[2] = 2;
if(fitTresh->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, subgroup[0]/2, 30, "S/N ratio:", 0.005, numform, "center"))
fH2->AddFrame(fitTresh->outsidebox, f0centerX);
fV1->AddFrame(fH2, f1expandXpad);
// Select the background interpolation for peak fitting
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *fitInter -> Background interpolation for peak fitting\n");
fitInter = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 5; numform[2] = 1;
if(fitInter->TGLabelNEntry(fV1, subgroup[0], 30, "Back. interpolation:", 7, numform, "center"))
fV1->AddFrame(fitInter->outsidebox, f0centerX);
// Select the ADC offset
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *adcOffset -> Select the offset for all ADC spectra\n");
adcOffset = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 6; numform[1] = 2;
if(adcOffset->TGLabelNEntry(fV1, subgroup[0], 30, "ADC spectrum offset:", 0.00, numform, "center"))
fV1->AddFrame(adcOffset->outsidebox, f0centerX);
// Select the acceptable error for peak fitting
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *accError -> Acceptable peak fitting error for peak fitting\n");
accError = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 6; numform[1] = 2; numform[2] = 1;
if(accError->TGLabelNEntry(fV1, subgroup[0], 30, "Max. peak fit error:", 0.15, numform, "center"))
fV1->AddFrame(accError->outsidebox, f0centerX);
// Select the pedestal lower limit for peak fitting
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *pedesLow -> Lower ADC limit of pedestal peak for peak fitting\n");
pedesLow = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 6; numform[1] = 1; numform[2] = 2;
if(pedesLow->TGLabelNEntry(fV1, subgroup[0], 30, "Pedestal low limit:", 0.0, numform, "center"))
fV1->AddFrame(pedesLow->outsidebox, f0centerX);
// Check buttons to toggle subtracting the background and exporting the fitted spectra
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *fitChecks -> 2 check buttons (substracting background, exporting fitted spectra)\n");
fitChecks = new TSubStructure();
checksel = new int[2];
checksel[0] = 1; checksel[1] = 0;
selnames[0] = "Backround subtraction ON/OFF";
selnames[1] = "Export fitted spectra ON/OFF";
if(fitChecks->TGCheckList(fV1, subgroup[0], 30, 2, selnames, checksel, "vertical", "center"))
fV1->AddFrame(fitChecks->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
delete[] checksel;
// Analysis progress bar
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *analysisProgress -> Horizontal progress bar for analysis\n");
analysisProgress = new TSubStructure();
if(analysisProgress->TGLabelProgress(fV1, subgroup[0], 30, "Current analysis:"))
fV1->AddFrame(analysisProgress->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
fH1->AddFrame(fV1, f1expandX);
analysisLayout[1]->AddFrame(fH1, f1expandXpad);
// Actions for analysis pane
intSpectButtons->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "AnalysisHandle(=0)");
intSpectButtons->widgetTB[1]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "AnalysisHandle(=1)");
intSpectButtons->widgetTB[2]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "AnalysisDefaults()");
relPdeButtons->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "AnalysisHandle(=0)");
relPdeButtons->widgetTB[1]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "AnalysisHandle(=1)");
relPdeButtons->widgetTB[2]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "AnalysisDefaults()");
darkRun->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "SelectDarkHist()");
brDownButtons->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "AnalysisHandle(=0)");
brDownButtons->widgetTB[1]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "AnalysisHandle(=1)");
brDownButtons->widgetTB[2]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "AnalysisDefaults()");
surfButtons->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "AnalysisHandle(=0)");
surfButtons->widgetTB[1]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "AnalysisHandle(=1)");
surfButtons->widgetTB[2]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "AnalysisDefaults()");
// Analysis pane ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Histogram pane --------------------------------------------------------------------------
analysisCanvas = new TRootEmbeddedCanvas("analysisCanvas",analysisLayout[2],300,300);
analysisLayout[2]->AddFrame(analysisCanvas, f1expand2d);
// Histogram pane --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Histogram controls pane -----------------------------------------------------------------
subgroup[0] = (analysisLayout[3]->GetWidth())-4;
// Control for histogram X range
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *adcRange -> Range for ADC histogram\n");
adcRange = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { numform[i] = 0; numform2[i] = 0; }
numform[0] = 6; numform2[0] = 6;
if(adcRange->TGLabelDoubleNEntry(analysisLayout[3], subgroup[0], 30, "ADC range (min, max):", 0, numform, 0, numform2, "center"))
analysisLayout[3]->AddFrame(adcRange->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
// TDC window for getting data
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *tdcRange -> Range for TDC histogram\n");
tdcRange = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { numform[i] = 0; numform2[i] = 0; }
numform[0] = 8; numform[1] = 2; numform2[0] = 8; numform2[1] = 2;
if(tdcRange->TGLabelDoubleNEntry(analysisLayout[3], subgroup[0], 30, "TDC range (min, max):", -0.5, numform, 221.8, numform2, "center"))
analysisLayout[3]->AddFrame(tdcRange->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
// Y axis range settings
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *yRange -> Y axis range\n");
yRange = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { numform[i] = 0; numform2[i] = 0; }
numform[0] = 8; numform[1] = 1; numform2[0] = 8; numform2[1] = 1;
if(yRange->TGLabelDoubleNEntry(analysisLayout[3], subgroup[0], 30, "Y range (min, max):", 0, numform, 0, numform2, "center"))
analysisLayout[3]->AddFrame(yRange->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
fH1 = new TGHorizontalFrame(analysisLayout[3], subgroup[0], 30);
// Select the channel to display
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *selectCh -> Channel to display\n");
selectCh = new TSubStructure();
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0;
numform[0] = 3; numform[2] = 2; numform[3] = 2; numform[4] = 0; numform[5] = 7; // TODO - ko odprem file, nastavi zgornjo limito
if(selectCh->TGLabelNEntry(fH1, subgroup[0]/2-24, 30, "Display channel:", 0, numform, "center"))
fH1->AddFrame(selectCh->outsidebox, f0leftX);
selChannel = -1;
// Change plot type
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *plotType -> 3 buttons for selecting the plot type (ADC, TDC, ADC/TDC)\n");
plotType = new TSubStructure();
selnames[0] = "ADC"; selnames[1] = "TDC"; selnames[2] = "ADC/TDC";
if(plotType->TGMultiButton(fH1, subgroup[0]/2-24, 30, 3, selnames, "center"))
fH1->AddFrame(plotType->outsidebox, f1expandX);
analysisLayout[3]->AddFrame(fH1, f1expandXpad);
// Check button to toggle logarithmic scale
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *histOpt -> 2 check buttons (histogram logarithmic scale, clean plots)\n");
histOpt = new TSubStructure();
checksel = new int[2];
checksel[0] = 0; checksel[1] = 1;
selnames[0] = "Logarithmic scale ON/OFF";
selnames[1] = "Clean plots ON/OFF";
if(histOpt->TGCheckList(analysisLayout[3], subgroup[0], 30, 2, selnames, checksel, "vertical", "center"))
analysisLayout[3]->AddFrame(histOpt->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
delete[] checksel;
// Export the selected files
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *exportHist -> Button to export current histogram\n");
exportHist = new TSubStructure();
if(exportHist->TGLabelButton(analysisLayout[3], subgroup[0], 30, "Export selected histograms:", "Export", "center"))
analysisLayout[3]->AddFrame(exportHist->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
// Edit the selected histograms
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *editSelHist -> Button to additionally edit the selected histograms (make a canvas clone in a new tab)\n");
editSelHist = new TSubStructure();
if(editSelHist->TGLabelButton(analysisLayout[3], subgroup[0], 30, "Edit selected histograms:", "Edit", "center"))
analysisLayout[3]->AddFrame(editSelHist->outsidebox, f1expandXpad);
// Actions for histogram controls pane //TODO
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
adcRange->widgetNE[i]->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "UpdateHistogram(=0)");
// (adcRange->widgetNE[i]->GetNumberEntry())->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "UpdateHistogram(=0)");
tdcRange->widgetNE[i]->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "UpdateHistogram(=0)");
// (tdcRange->widgetNE[i]->GetNumberEntry())->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "UpdateHistogram(=0)");
yRange->widgetNE[i]->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "UpdateHistogram(=0)");
// (yRange->widgetNE[i]->GetNumberEntry())->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "UpdateHistogram(=0)");
plotType->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "ChangeHisttype(=0)");
plotType->widgetTB[1]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "ChangeHisttype(=1)");
plotType->widgetTB[2]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "ChangeHisttype(=2)");
selectCh->widgetNE[0]->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "UpdateHistogram(=2)");
selectCh->widgetNE[0]->Connect("ValueChanged(Long_t)", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "UpdateHistogram(=2)");
(selectCh->widgetNE[0]->GetNumberEntry())->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "UpdateHistogram(=2)");
histOpt->widgetChBox[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "HistogramOptions(=0)");
histOpt->widgetChBox[1]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "HistogramOptions(=1)");
exportHist->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "UpdateHistogram(=1)");
// Histogram controls pane -----------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Closing main window and checking about information ----------------
void TGAppMainFrame::CloseWindow()
Bool_t TGAppMainFrame::About()
int ret = 0;
new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), fMain, fMain->GetWindowName(), "Software for SiPM characterization with\nCAMAC, scope, bias voltage and table position support\n\nCreated by Gasper Kukec Mezek (gasper.kukec@ung.si),\nUpdated on July 17th 2015", kMBIconQuestion, kMBClose, &ret);
return kFALSE;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Subwindow constructor (+layout) and close subwindow ---------------
TGMdiSubwindow::TGMdiSubwindow(TGMdiMainFrame *main, int w, int h)
// Create a new subwindow
fMdiFrame = new TGMdiFrame(main, w, h);
fMdiFrame->Connect("CloseWindow()", "TGMdiSubwindow", this, "CloseWindow(=0)");
Bool_t TGMdiSubwindow::CloseWindow(int layoutchange)
int ret = 0;
if(layoutchange == 0)
new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), fMdiFrame, fMdiFrame->GetWindowName(), "Really want to close the window?", kMBIconExclamation, kMBYes | kMBNo, &ret);
else if(layoutchange == 1)
ret = kMBYes;
if(ret == kMBYes)
if(strcmp("Information window", fMdiFrame->GetWindowName()) == 0)
id = -1;
return fMdiFrame->CloseWindow();
return kFALSE;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main function -----------------------------------------------------
void root_app()
if(DBGSIG > 1)
printf("root_app(): Starting objects\n");
int winWidth = 1240;
int winHeight = 800;
layoutMainWindow(&winWidth, &winHeight);
new TGAppMainFrame(gClient->GetRoot(), winWidth, winHeight);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if(DBGSIG > 1)
printf("main(): Starting objects\n");
TApplication theApp("MdiTest", &argc, argv);
return 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------