#ifndef _workstation_h_
#define _workstation_h_
// Debug signal (0 = no debug, 1 = printout debug, 2 = structure + printout debug)
#define DBGSIG 0
// Define the working computer (O=offline, S=offline with scope, I=IJS/online) and the base directory
#define WORKSTAT 'O'
// Define if working computer is connected to IJS ethernet network (for fieldpoint)
#define IJSNET 0
#define rootdir "/home/gasper/Gasper/Delo/ijs_sipm/sipmscan_standalone"
// Title colors and font
#define FORECOLOR 0xfcfcfc
#define BACKCOLOR 0x2e5a86
#define FONT "-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-13-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-"
#define HELPFONT "-*-courier-bold-r-normal-*-13-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-"
// Global variables
#define histext ".root"
#define histextall "*.root"
#define tdctimeconversion 45.0909
#define lenconversion 0.3595
#define rotconversion (6.3281/3600.)
#define histname "hdata"
#define singlewait 3
#define doublewait 2