#ifndef __TEST_H__
#define __TEST_H__
#include "root_include.h"
#include <string.h>
// Format for Number Entry fields:
// [digit space] [num type] [neg-pos] [limit] [min limit], [max limit]
// [digit space]: Number of spaces for the entered digits (width)
// [num type]: 0 = Integer, 1 = Real one digit, 2 = Real two digits, 3 = Real three digits, 4 = Real four digits, -1 = Arbitrary real
// [neg-pos]: 0 = Any number, 1 = Positive numbers, 2 = Nonnegative numbers
// [limit]: 0 = No limits, 1 = Maximum limit, 2 = Min and Max limits, -1 = Minimum limit
// [min limit], [max limit]: Min and Max limits, if applicable
class TSubStructure
TGLabel *lab;
TGHorizontalFrame *fH1;
TGLayoutHints *f0, *f0expandX, *f1, *f2, *f3;
virtual ~TSubStructure();
// Label + Text Entry -> layout can be "oneline", "twoline"
bool TGLabelTEntry(TGWindow *parent, int w, int h, const char *label, const char *deftext, const char *layout);
// Label + Text Entry + Button -> layout can be "oneline", "twoline"
bool TGLabelTEntryButton(TGWindow *parent, int w, int h, const char *label, const char *deftext, const char *buttext, const char *layout);
// Label + Button
bool TGLabelButton(TGWindow *parent, int w, int h, const char *label, const char *buttext, const char *pos);
// Label + Number Entry
bool TGLabelNEntry(TGWindow *parent, int w, int h, const char *label, double defval, double *format, const char *pos);
// Text Entry + Button
bool TGTEntryButton(TGWindow *parent, int w, int h, const char *deftext, const char *buttext);
// Label + Dropdown menu
bool TGLabelDrop(TGWindow *parent, int w, int h, const char *label, int nrentries, const char *entrytext[512], const char *selecttext);
// 2 or more buttons
bool TGMultiButton(TGWindow *parent, int w, int h, int nrbuttons, const char *buttext[512], const char *pos);
// Label + 2 Number Entries
bool TGLabelDoubleNEntry(TGWindow *parent, int w, int h, const char *label, double defval1, double *format1, double defval2, double *format2, const char *pos);
// Checkbutton list (1 - 9) -> layout can be "horizontal", "vertical", "twoline", "threeline"
bool TGCheckList(TGWindow *parent, int w, int h, int nrchecks, const char *labels[512], int *onoff, const char *layout, const char *pos);
// Button + Horizontal progress bar
bool TGButtonProgress(TGWindow *parent, int w, int h, const char *buttext);
// Label + Horizontal progress bar
bool TGLabelProgress(TGWindow *parent, int w, int h, const char *label);
// Button + Horizontal progress bar + Text Entry
bool TGButtonProgressTEntry(TGWindow *parent, int w, int h, const char *buttext, const char *deftext);
// Checkbutton + Number entry
bool TGCheckNEntry(TGWindow *parent, int w, int h, const char *label, int onoff, double defval, double *format, const char *pos);
// Checkbutton + Text entry
bool TGCheckTEntry(TGWindow *parent, int w, int h, const char *label, int onoff, const char *deftext, const char *layout);
TGTextEntry *widgetTE;
TGTextButton *widgetTB[6];
TGNumberEntry *widgetNE[2];
TGComboBox *widgetCB;
TGCompositeFrame *outsidebox;
TGCheckButton *widgetChBox[9];
TGHProgressBar *widgetPB;
int id;