-- Company:
-- Engineer:
-- Create Date: 13.10.2018 11:54:07
-- Design Name:
-- Module Name: BRAM_buffer - Behavioral
-- Project Name:
-- Target Devices:
-- Tool Versions:
-- Description:
-- Dependencies:
-- Revision:
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
-- Additional Comments:
library IEEE;
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
-- any Xilinx leaf cells in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity BRAM_buffer is
generic (
bit_num : natural := 10; --number of data bits
buffer_size : natural := 26); -- buffer size in bits, 5 bit gets 32 different values
port (
clk: in std_logic;
AD_wr_en: in std_logic; --from AD unit, enable writing into bram
AD_addr: in unsigned ( (buffer_size - 1) downto 0); --from AD unit, address for writing
PE_addr: in unsigned ( (buffer_size - 1) downto 0 ); -- from PE_unit, address for reading
PE_wr_en: in std_logic; -- from PE_unit, enable writing into PE unit
data_in : in unsigned ( (bit_num - 1) downto 0 ); --data from ADC
data_out : out unsigned ( (bit_num - 1) downto 0 ); -- data for PE_unit
BUFF_data_ready: out std_logic --signal, ki PE_enoti pove, da so podatki pripravljeni (prviè)--preveri ali je to potrebno, ker bodo itak samo nièle letele iz PE enote predn se kaj vpie, nièle lahko na raèunalniku preè vrem
end BRAM_buffer;
architecture Behavioral of BRAM_buffer is
---- COMPONENTS ----
component single_port_bram is
generic (
bit_num : natural := 10; --number of data bits
buffer_size : natural := 5); -- buffer size in bits, 5 bit gets 32 different values
port (
clk: in std_logic;
bram_en: in std_logic;
wr_en: in std_logic;
addr: in unsigned ( (buffer_size - 1) downto 0 );
data_in : in unsigned ( (bit_num - 1) downto 0 ); --data from ADC
data_out : out unsigned ( (bit_num - 1) downto 0 ) -- data for PE_unit
end component;
---- SIGNALS ----
signal addr_sig: unsigned ( (buffer_size - 1) downto 0);
signal bram_en_sig: std_logic;
signal zeros: unsigned ( (buffer_size - 1) downto 0 ) := (others => '0');
type state_type is (WRITE, READ, IDLE); -- definicija stanj
signal state: state_type;
--------------------COMBINATIONAL PART-------------------------------------
state <= WRITE when AD_wr_en = '1' else --stanja
READ when PE_wr_en = '1' else
IDLE when (AD_wr_en = '0' and PE_wr_en = '0');
addr_sig <= AD_addr when state = WRITE else
PE_addr when state = READ else--mux to choose addresses for writing or reading
zeros when state = IDLE;
bram_en_sig <= AD_wr_en or PE_wr_en; -- bram enable signal
--------------------------------CONNECT UNITS --------------------------------
BRAM_connect: single_port_bram generic map (bit_num => bit_num,
buffer_size => buffer_size)
port map (clk => clk,
bram_en => bram_en_sig,
wr_en => AD_wr_en,
addr => addr_sig,
data_in => data_in,
data_out => data_out);
-------------------SEQUENTIAL PART----------------------------------------------
--- tole je za nastavljanje BUFF_data_ready signala
BUFF_data_ready_proc: process (clk)
variable BUFF_ON_flag : std_logic := '0';
if ( rising_edge(clk) ) then
if (AD_addr = 2**buffer_size - 1 and AD_wr_en = '1') then -- pogoj AD_wr_en = '1' zato, da se flag postavi ele ko je izbrana
BUFF_ON_flag := '1'; -- konkretno ta enota, drugace se flag postavi takoj, ko addr pride do 2**buffer_size - 1
elsif (PE_addr = 2**buffer_size - 1) then -- kar pa je ze, ko se polni prva enota.
BUFF_ON_flag := '0';
end if;
if (BUFF_ON_flag = '1' ) then
BUFF_data_ready <= '1';
BUFF_data_ready <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;