cc32lib.c -- a simple access library for the PCICC32 PCI to CAMAC Interface from ARW Elektronik
(c) 2000 ARW Elektronik
this source code is published under GPL (Open Source). You can use, redistrubute and
modify it unless this header is not modified or deleted. No warranty is given that
this software will work like expected.
This product is not authorized for use as critical component in life support systems
wihout the express written approval of ARW Elektronik Germany.
Please announce changes and hints to ARW Elektronik
first steps derived from the LINUX pcicc32 library AR 16.03.2000
added buffer, UNTIL_NOT_Q and AUTOREAD functionality AR 17.03.2001
corrected fault in setAccessParameter() AR 21.05.2002
added framework only fro future interrupt handling AR 08.06.2002
/*--- INCLUDES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "Vpcic32D.h" /* PCI common ioctl commands and structures between driver and library */
#include "libcc32_95.h" /* shared header bewteen applictaion and library */
/*--- DEFINES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define pwCC32_ADR(adr, N, A, F) (unsigned short *)((N << 10) + (A << 6) + ((F & 0xF) << 2) + adr)
#define plCC32_ADR(adr, N, A, F) (unsigned long *)((N << 10) + (A << 6) + ((F & 0xF) << 2) + adr)
#define WINDOW_SIZE 32768
/*--- EXTERNALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/*--- TYPEDEFS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
typedef struct
HANDLE nHandle; /* the handle of this device */
int nModuleNumber; /* the number of the module */
char *base; /* base of range */
unsigned short wLastAttributes; /* switched attributes like UNTIL_NOT_Q or AUTOREAD */
/*--- FUNCTIONS -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// a function to get the base address of the CAMAC range
static int attachWindow(HANDLE nHandle, DWORD dwInterface, void **base)
DWORD DIOC_count; // count of returned bytes of DeviceIoControl
DWORD result;
*base = NULL;
if (nHandle == (HANDLE)-1) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE;
// attach a window into the CC32 space ----------------
result = DeviceIoControl(nHandle, VPCIC32_ATTACH_CC32,
&dwInterface, sizeof(dwInterface),
&window, sizeof(window),
&DIOC_count, NULL);
if (!result)
return GetLastError();
*base = window.pvWindowBase;
return 0;
// a function to release a attached range
static int detachWindow(HANDLE nHandle, DWORD dwInterface)
DWORD DIOC_count; // count of returned bytes of DeviceIoControl
DWORD result;
if (nHandle == (HANDLE)-1) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE;
// attach a window into the CC32 space ----------------
result = DeviceIoControl(nHandle, VPCIC32_DETACH_CC32,
&dwInterface, sizeof(dwInterface),
NULL, 0, &DIOC_count, NULL);
if (!result)
return GetLastError();
return 0;
// get the PCIADA status from the PCI side of the interface
static int getStatus(HANDLE nHandle, DWORD dwInterface, char *nTimeout, char *nLAM)
DWORD DIOC_count; // count of returned bytes of DeviceIoControl
DWORD result;
if (nHandle == (HANDLE)-1) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE;
*nTimeout = *nLAM = 0;
// attach a window into the CC32 space ----------------
result = DeviceIoControl(nHandle, VPCIC32_GET_STATUS,
&dwInterface, sizeof(dwInterface),
&status, sizeof(status), &DIOC_count, NULL);
if (!result)
return GetLastError();
*nTimeout = (char)status.bTimeout;
*nLAM = (char)status.bInterrupt;
return 0;
// clear the PCIADA status
static int clearStatus(HANDLE nHandle, DWORD dwInterface)
DWORD DIOC_count; // count of returned bytes of DeviceIoControl
DWORD result;
if (nHandle == (HANDLE)-1) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE;
// attach a window into the CC32 space ----------------
result = DeviceIoControl(nHandle, VPCIC32_CLEAR_STATUS,
&dwInterface, sizeof(dwInterface),
NULL, 0, &DIOC_count, NULL);
if (!result)
return GetLastError();
return 0;
// set the future access parameters - override the current
static int setAccessParameter(HANDLE hHandle, DWORD dwInterface, USHORT wBlockTransfer)
DWORD result;
DWORD DIOC_count; // count of returned bytes of DeviceIoControl
VPCIC32D_ACCESS_COMMAND access_parameter;
if (hHandle == (HANDLE)-1) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE;
access_parameter.dwInterface = dwInterface;
access_parameter.wBlockTransfer = wBlockTransfer;
result = DeviceIoControl(hHandle, VPCIC32_SET_ACCESS_PARA,
&access_parameter, (DWORD)sizeof(access_parameter), NULL,
0, &DIOC_count, NULL);
if (!result)
return GetLastError();
return 0;
// open the device
int cc32_open_95(char *cszPath, int nModuleNumber, void **handle)
CC32_DEVICE *dev;
int error;
*handle = (void *)-1;
if (!dev) return errno;
dev->base = (char *)0;
dev->nModuleNumber = nModuleNumber;
dev->wLastAttributes = 0;
dev->nHandle = CreateFile(cszPath,
if (dev->nHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
error = attachWindow(dev->nHandle, nModuleNumber, &dev->base);
error = GetLastError();
if (error)
return error;
*handle = (void *)dev;
return NO_ERROR;
// close the device
int cc32_close_95(void *handle)
CC32_DEVICE *dev = (CC32_DEVICE *)handle;
int error = NO_ERROR;
if (dev)
if (dev->nHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
detachWindow(dev->nHandle, dev->nModuleNumber);
return error;
// read a word
unsigned short cc32_read_word_95(void *handle, unsigned int N, unsigned int A, unsigned int F)
CC32_DEVICE *dev = (CC32_DEVICE *)handle;
return *pwCC32_ADR(dev->base, N, A, F);
// read a long
unsigned long cc32_read_long_all_95(void *handle, unsigned int N, unsigned int A, unsigned int F)
CC32_DEVICE *dev = (CC32_DEVICE *)handle;
return *plCC32_ADR(dev->base, N, A, F);
// read a long and get Q and X
unsigned long cc32_read_long_95(void *handle, unsigned int N, unsigned int A, unsigned int F, char *Q, char *X)
CC32_DEVICE *dev = (CC32_DEVICE *)handle;
unsigned long erg = *plCC32_ADR(dev->base, N, A, F);
*Q = (erg & 0x80000000) ? 1 : 0;
*X = (erg & 0x40000000) ? 1 : 0;
return erg & 0x00FFFFFF;
// write a word
void cc32_write_word_95(void *handle, unsigned int N, unsigned int A, unsigned int F, unsigned short uwData)
CC32_DEVICE *dev = (CC32_DEVICE *)handle;
dev->wLastAttributes = 0;
*pwCC32_ADR(dev->base, N, A, F) = uwData;
// write a long
void cc32_write_long_95(void *handle, unsigned int N, unsigned int A, unsigned int F, unsigned long ulData)
CC32_DEVICE *dev = (CC32_DEVICE *)handle;
dev->wLastAttributes = 0;
*plCC32_ADR(dev->base, N, A, F) = ulData;
// clear the PCIADA status
int cc32_poll_error_95(void *handle, char *nTimeout, char *nLam)
CC32_DEVICE *dev = (CC32_DEVICE *)handle;
int error;
if ((error = getStatus(dev->nHandle, dev->nModuleNumber, nTimeout, nLam)))
return error;
if (*nTimeout) /* clear error */
if ((error = clearStatus(dev->nHandle, dev->nModuleNumber)))
return error;
return NO_ERROR;
// read 'len' words or 'UNTIL_NOT_Q' from a address made out of N,A,F
int cc32_read_word_buffer_95(void * handle, unsigned int N, unsigned int A, unsigned int F,
unsigned short *pwBuffer, unsigned long *pdwLen)
CC32_DEVICE *dev = (CC32_DEVICE *)handle;
register unsigned long i = 0;
unsigned long dwLen = *pdwLen;
unsigned long *pdwAddress = plCC32_ADR(dev->base, N, A, F);
register unsigned long dwTempBuffer;
if (dev->wLastAttributes & UNTIL_NOT_Q)
dwTempBuffer = *pdwAddress;
*pwBuffer++ = (unsigned short)dwTempBuffer;
} while ((dwTempBuffer & 0x80000000) && (i++ < dwLen));
while (i++ < dwLen)
*pwBuffer++ = (unsigned short)*pdwAddress;
*pdwLen = --i;
return 0;
// read 'len' longs or 'UNTIL_NOT_Q' from a address made out of N,A,F, mask 24 bits out
int cc32_read_long_buffer_95(void * handle, unsigned int N, unsigned int A, unsigned int F,
unsigned long *pdwBuffer, unsigned long *pdwLen)
CC32_DEVICE *dev = (CC32_DEVICE *)handle;
register unsigned long i = 0;
unsigned long dwLen = *pdwLen;
unsigned long *pdwAddress = plCC32_ADR(dev->base, N, A, F);
register unsigned long dwTempBuffer;
if (dev->wLastAttributes & UNTIL_NOT_Q)
dwTempBuffer = *pdwAddress;
*pdwBuffer++ = dwTempBuffer & 0x00FFFFFF;
} while ((dwTempBuffer & 0x80000000) && (i++ < dwLen));
while (i++ < dwLen)
*pdwBuffer++ = *pdwAddress & 0x00FFFFFF;
*pdwLen = --i;
return 0;
// read 'len' longs or 'UNTIL_NOT_Q' from a address made out of N,A,F, without interpretation
int cc32_read_long_all_buffer_95(void * handle, unsigned int N, unsigned int A, unsigned int F,
unsigned long *pdwBuffer, unsigned long *pdwLen)
CC32_DEVICE *dev = (CC32_DEVICE *)handle;
register unsigned long i = 0;
unsigned long dwLen = *pdwLen;
unsigned long *pdwAddress = plCC32_ADR(dev->base, N, A, F);
register unsigned long dwTempBuffer;
if (dev->wLastAttributes & UNTIL_NOT_Q)
dwTempBuffer = *pdwAddress;
*pdwBuffer++ = dwTempBuffer;
} while ((dwTempBuffer & 0x80000000) && (i++ < dwLen));
while (i++ < dwLen)
*pdwBuffer++ = *pdwAddress;
*pdwLen = --i;
return 0;
// switch UNTIL_NOT_Q or AUTOREAD on or off
int cc32_access_switch_95(void *handle, unsigned short uwSwitch)
CC32_DEVICE *dev = (CC32_DEVICE *)handle;
dev->wLastAttributes = uwSwitch;
return setAccessParameter(dev->nHandle, dev->nModuleNumber, dev->wLastAttributes);
// switch interrupts on
int cc32_enable_interrupt_95(void *handle)
// switch interrupts off
int cc32_disable_interrupt_95(void *handle)
// wait blocking for the next interrupt
int cc32_get_interrupt_95(void *handle, unsigned long *dwStatus)