#ifndef _PCICC32_LOCAL_H__
#define _PCICC32_LOCAL_H__
// Address definitions and constants for PCIADA of PCICC32 interface
// designed by A.Rausch
// (c) 1999 ARW Elektronik
// this source code is published under GPL (Open Source). You can use, redistrubute and
// modify it unless this header is not modified or deleted. No warranty is given that
// this software will work like expected.
// This product is not authorized for use as critical component in life support systems
// wihout the express written approval of ARW Elektronik Germany.
// Please announce changes and hints to ARW Elektronik
// what who when
// first parts derived from PCIVME AR 10.03.2000
// added initialisation for AUTOREAD AR 17.03.2001
/* all addresses relative to PCI-Window */
/*--------- some masks in CSR -------------------------------------------*/
#define MASK_MODNR (WORD)0x00F0 /* the mask to get the module No */
#define MASK_FPGA (WORD)0x0F00 /* the mask to get the FPGA rev. */
#define MASK_MODTYPE (WORD)0xF000 /* the mask to get type of module*/
/*---------- release und inhibit into 0x50 of PLX ------------------------*/
#define RELEASE_CC32 (WORD)0x4186 /* write this to release access ..*/
#define INHIBIT_CC32 (WORD)0x4086 /* write this to inhibit access ..*/
#define ENABLE_PCIADA_IRQS (WORD)0x0049 /* enable PCIADA IRQs */
#define DISABLE_PCIADA_IRQS (WORD)0x0009 /* disable PCIADA IRQs */
#endif // _PCICC32_LOCAL_H__