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unit ST_function;

uses Windows, SysUtils{, Dialogs};


  TUSMC_Devices = packed record
                NOD: DWORD;
                Serial: Pointer; //array of PChar;
                Version: Pointer; //array of PChar;
        end; {USMC_Devices}

  TUSMC_Parameters =record
    AccelT : Single;       // 'Acceleration time (in ms)
    DecelT : Single;       // 'Deceleration time (in ms)
    PTimeout : Single;     //'Time (in ms) after which current will be reduced to 60% of normal
    BTimeout1 : Single;    //'Time (in ms) after which speed of step motor rotation will be equal to the one specified at
                           // 'BTO1P field (see below). (This parameter is used when controlling step motor using buttons)
    BTimeout2 : Single;   //'
    BTimeout3 : Single;   //  '
    BTimeout4 : Single;   // '
    BTimeoutR : Single;   //  'Time (in ms) after which reset command will be performed
    BTimeoutD : Single;   //  'This field is reserved for future use
    MinP : Single ;       //  'Speed (steps/sec) while performing reset operation. (This parameter is used when controlling
                          //  'step motor using buttons)
    BTO1P : Single;       // 'Speed (steps/sec) after BTIMEOUT 1 time have p:sed. (This parameter is used when controlling
                          //  'step motor using buttons)
    BTO2P : Single;       //  '
    BTO3P : Single ;      //  '
    BTO4P : Single ;      //  '
    MaxLoft : WORD;       //  'Value in full steps that will be used performing backl:h operation
    StartPos : DWORD;     // 'This field is reserved for future use
    RTDelta : WORD;    //  'Revolution distance – number of full steps per one full revolution
    RTMinError : WORD;    // 'Number of full steps missed to raise the error flag
    MaxTemp : Single;      // 'Maximum allowed temperature (Celsius)
    SynOUTP : Byte;       // 'Duration of the output synchronization pulse
    LoftPeriod : Single;  // 'Speed of the last phase of the backlash operation.
    EncMult: Single;      // Encoder step multiplier. Should be <Encoder Steps per Revolution>
                          //  / <SM Steps per Revolution> and should be integer multiplied by 0.25
    Reserved: array [1..16] of Byte;    // <Unused> File padding
  end; {USMC_Parameters}

  TUSMC_StartParameters = record
    SDivisor: byte;    //'Step is divided by this factor (1,2,4,8)
    DefDir:  LongBool;    //  'Direction for backlash operation (relative)
    LoftEn:  LongBool;    //  'Enable automatic backlash operation (works if slow start/stop mode is off)
    SlStart:  LongBool;   //  'If TRUE slow start/stop mode enabled.
    WSyncIN:  LongBool;   //  'If TRUE controller will wait for input synchronization signal to start
    SyncOUTR:  LongBool;  //  'If TRUE output synchronization counter will be reset
    ForceLoft:  LongBool; // 'If TRUE and destination position is equal to the current position backlash operation will be performed.
    Reserved: array [1..4] of Byte;  // <Unused> File padding
  end; {USMC_StartParameters}

  TUSMC_Mode = record
    PMode : LongBool;      // 'Turn off buttons (TRUE - buttons disabled)
    PReg : LongBool;       // 'Current reduction regime (TRUE - regime is on)
    ResetD : LongBool;     // 'Turn power off and make a whole step (TRUE - apply)
    EmReset : LongBool;    // 'Quick power off
    Tr1T : LongBool;       // 'Trailer 1 TRUE state (TRUE : +3/+5?; FALSE : 0?)
    Tr2T : LongBool;       // 'Trailer 2 TRUE state (TRUE : +3/+5?; FALSE : 0?)
    RotTrT : LongBool;     // 'Rotary Transducer TRUE state (TRUE : +3/+5?; FALSE : 0?)
    TrSwap : LongBool;     // 'If TRUE, Trailers are treated to be swapped
    Tr1En : LongBool;      // 'If TRUE Trailer 1 Operation Enabled
    Tr2En : LongBool;      // 'If TRUE Trailer 2 Operation Enabled
    RotTeEn : LongBool;    // 'If TRUE Rotary Transducer Operation Enabled
    RotTrOp : LongBool;    // 'Rotary Transducer Operation Select (stop on error for TRUE)
    Butt1T : LongBool;     // 'Button 1 TRUE state (TRUE : +3/+5?; FALSE : 0?)
    Butt2T : LongBool;     // 'Button 2 TRUE state (TRUE : +3/+5?; FALSE : 0?)
    ResetRT : LongBool;    // 'Reset Rotary Transducer Check Positions (need one full revolution before it can detect error)
    SyncOUTEn : LongBool;  // 'If TRUE output syncronization enabled
    SyncOUTR : LongBool;   // 'If TRUE output synchronization counter will be reset
    SyncINOp : LongBool;   // 'Synchronization input mode:
                        //'True - Step motor will move one time to the destination position
                        //'False - Step motor will move multiple times by steps equal to the value destination position
    SyncCount : DWORD; // 'Number of steps after which synchronization output sygnal occures
    SyncInvert : LongBool; // 'Set to TRUE to invert output synchronization signal
    EncoderEn : LongBool; // Enable Encoder on pins {SYNCIN,ROTTR} - disables Synchronization input and Rotary Transducer
    EncoderInv : LongBool; //  Invert Encoder Counter Direction
    ResBEnc : LongBool; //  Reset <EncoderPos> and <ECurPos> to 0
    ResEnc : LongBool; //  Reset <ECurPos> to <EncoderPos>
    Reserved: array [1..8] of Byte;  // <Unused> File padding
  end; {USMC_Mode}

  TUSMC_State = record
    CurPos: integer;      //  'Current position (in microsteps)
    Temp: single;         //  'Current temperature of the driver
    SDivisor:  byte;   //  'Step is divided by this factor
    Loft:  LongBool;      //  'Indicates backlash status
    FullPower:  LongBool; //  'If TRUE then full power.
    CW_CCW:  LongBool;    //  'Current direction. Relatively!
    Power:  LongBool;     //  'If TRUE then Step Motor is ON.
    FullSpeed:  LongBool; //  'If TRUE then full speed. Valid in "Slow Start" mode only.
    AReset:  LongBool;    //  'TRUE After Device reset, FALSE after "Set Position".
    RUN:  LongBool;       //  'Indicates if step motor is rotating
    SyncIN:  LongBool;    //  'Logical state directly from input synchronization PIN
    SyncOUT:  LongBool;   //  'Logical state directly from output synchronization PIN
    RotTr:  LongBool;     //  'Indicates current rotary transducer press state
    RotTrErr:  LongBool;  //  'Indicates rotary transducer error flag
    EmReset:  LongBool;   //  'Indicates state of emergency disable button (local control)
    Trailer1:  LongBool;  //  'Indicates trailer 1 logical state.
    Trailer2:  LongBool;  //  'Indicates trailer 2 logical state.
    Voltage:  Single;     //  'Input power source voltage (6-39V) -=24 version 0nly=-
    Reserved: array [1..8] of Byte;  // <Unused> File padding
  end; {USMC_State}

        TUSMC_EncoderState = record
    EncoderPos : integer;  // Current position measured by encoder
    ECurPos : integer;  // Current position (in Encoder Steps) - Synchronized with request call
    Reserved: array [1..8] of Byte;  // <Unused> File padding
  end;  {USMC_EncoderState}

  D_USMC_Init = function (out USMC_Devices: TUSMC_Devices) : Longword; cdecl;
  D_USMC_GetState = function (Device: Longword;     // IN - Device number
                                                                            out Str: TUSMC_State  // OUT - Structure representing divice state
                                                                            ) : Longword ; cdecl;
  D_USMC_SaveParametersToFlash = function (Device: Longword         // IN - Device number
                                                                            ) : Longword ; cdecl;
  D_USMC_GetMode = function ( Device: Longword;                             // IN - Device number
                                                                      out Str: TUSMC_Mode                                 // OUT - Structure representing some of divice parameters
                                                                        ): Longword ; cdecl;
  D_USMC_SetMode= function ( Device: Longword;                              // IN - Device number
                                                                      var Str: TUSMC_Mode                                       // IN/OUT Structure representing some of divice parameters
                                                                      ): Longword ; cdecl;
  D_USMC_GetParameters = function ( Device: Longword;                   // IN - Device number
                                                                                  out Str: TUSMC_Parameters       // OUT - Structure representing some of divice parameters
                                                                                  ) : Longword ; cdecl;
  D_USMC_SetParameters = function ( Device: Longword;                   // IN - Device number
                                                                                  var Str: TUSMC_Parameters       // IN/OUT Structure representing some of divice parameters
                                                                                   ): Longword ; cdecl;
  D_USMC_GetStartParameters = function ( Device: Longword;          // IN - Device number
                            out Str: TUSMC_StartParameters      // OUT - Structure representing start function parameters
                            ) : Longword ; cdecl;
  D_USMC_Start = function ( Device: Longword;                                 // IN - Device number
                                                                      DestPos: integer;                                 // IN - Destination position
                            var Speed: single;                                  // IN/OUT - Speed of rotation
                            out Str: TUSMC_StartParameters      // IN/OUT - Structure representing start function parameters
                                                                      ) : Longword ; cdecl;
  D_USMC_Stop = function ( Device: Longword                                           // IN - Device number
                                                                      ) : Longword ; cdecl;
  D_USMC_SetCurrentPosition = function ( Device: Longword;                                    // IN - Device number
                                                                      Position: integer                                 // IN - New current position in 1/8 steps (5 least significant bits are ignored)
                            ) : Longword ; cdecl;
  D_USMC_GetEncoderState =  function ( Device: Longword;                        // IN - Device number
                                                                                  var Str: TUSMC_EncoderState     //IN/OUT Structure containing encoder state
                                                                                  ) : Longword ; cdecl;
  D_USMC_GetLastErr = procedure (ErrString: PChar; Size: Integer) cdecl;
  D_USMC_Close = function : Longword ; cdecl;

        TStandaClass = class(TObject)
        HandleStandaDLL: THandle;
                        bDllLoadOK: Boolean;
      USMC_Init: D_USMC_Init;
        USMC_GetState: D_USMC_GetState;
      USMC_SaveParametersToFlash: D_USMC_SaveParametersToFlash;
        USMC_GetMode: D_USMC_GetMode;
        USMC_SetMode: D_USMC_SetMode;
        USMC_GetParameters: D_USMC_GetParameters;
        USMC_SetParameters: D_USMC_SetParameters;
        USMC_GetStartParameters: D_USMC_GetStartParameters;
        USMC_Start: D_USMC_Start;
        USMC_Stop: D_USMC_Stop;
      USMC_SetCurrentPosition: D_USMC_SetCurrentPosition;
      USMC_GetEncoderState: D_USMC_GetEncoderState;
        USMC_GetLastErr: D_USMC_GetLastErr;
      USMC_Close: D_USMC_Close;
                        function LoadLibAndFuncs : Integer;
                        function UnLoadLibAndFuncs : Integer;
        constructor Create;
                        destructor Destroy; override;


constructor TStandaClass.Create;
        iError: Integer;
        inherited Create;
        iError := LoadLibAndFuncs;
        if iError <> 0 then
                bDllLoadOK := false;
    if iError=ErrNotLoadDLL then        //ShowMessage('TStandaClass.Create: Error "can`t Load DLL" ')
    else ;//ShowMessage('TStandaClass.Create: Error ''' + IntToStr(iError) + ''' from "LoadLibAndFuncs"');
        end else
                bDllLoadOK := true;

destructor TStandaClass.Destroy;
        iError: Integer;
        iError := UnLoadLibAndFuncs;
        if iError <> 0 then
//              ShowMessage('TStandaClass.Destroy: Error from "UnLoadLibAndFuncs"');
        inherited Destroy;

function TStandaClass.LoadLibAndFuncs : Integer;
        Result := 0;

                HandleStandaDLL := LoadLibrary(pChar('USMCDLL.dll'));

                if HandleStandaDLL <> 0 then
                        @USMC_Init := GetProcAddress(HandleStandaDLL, 'USMC_Init');
                        @USMC_GetLastErr := GetProcAddress(HandleStandaDLL, 'USMC_GetLastErr');
                        @USMC_GetState := GetProcAddress(HandleStandaDLL, 'USMC_GetState');
                        @USMC_GetStartParameters := GetProcAddress(HandleStandaDLL, 'USMC_GetStartParameters');
                        @USMC_Start := GetProcAddress(HandleStandaDLL, 'USMC_Start');
                        @USMC_Stop := GetProcAddress(HandleStandaDLL, 'USMC_Stop');
                        @USMC_GetParameters := GetProcAddress(HandleStandaDLL, 'USMC_GetParameters');
                        @USMC_SetParameters := GetProcAddress(HandleStandaDLL, 'USMC_SetParameters');
                        @USMC_GetMode := GetProcAddress(HandleStandaDLL, 'USMC_GetMode');
                        @USMC_SetMode := GetProcAddress(HandleStandaDLL, 'USMC_SetMode');
      @USMC_SaveParametersToFlash := GetProcAddress(HandleStandaDLL, 'USMC_SaveParametersToFlash');
      @USMC_SetCurrentPosition := GetProcAddress(HandleStandaDLL, 'USMC_SetCurrentPosition');
      @USMC_GetEncoderState := GetProcAddress(HandleStandaDLL, 'USMC_GetEncoderState');
      @USMC_Close := GetProcAddress(HandleStandaDLL, 'USMC_Close');

                        if @USMC_Init = nil then Result := Result + 1;
                        if @USMC_GetLastErr = nil then  Result := Result + 2;
                        if @USMC_GetState = nil then Result := Result + 4;
                        if @USMC_GetStartParameters = nil then  Result := Result + 8;
                        if @USMC_Start = nil then       Result := Result + 16;
                        if @USMC_Stop = nil then        Result := Result + 32;
                        if @USMC_GetParameters = nil then       Result := Result + 64;
                        if @USMC_SetParameters = nil then       Result := Result + 128;
                        if @USMC_GetMode = nil then     Result := Result + 256;
                        if @USMC_SetMode = nil then     Result := Result + 512;
      if @USMC_SaveParametersToFlash = nil then Result := Result + 1024;
      if @USMC_SetCurrentPosition = nil then    Result := Result + 2048;
      if @USMC_GetEncoderState = nil then       Result := Result + 4096;
      if @USMC_Close = nil then Result := Result + 8192;

                end else
                        Result := ErrNotLoadDLL;
                on EExternalException do
                        Result := Result + 100000;
                        Result := Result + 200000;      { unexpected }
end; {LoadLibAndFuncs}

function TStandaClass.UnLoadLibAndFuncs : Integer;
        bOK : Boolean;
        Result := 0;

        if HandleStandaDLL <> 0 then
                bOK := FreeLibrary(HandleStandaDLL);
                if bOK = true then
                        HandleStandaDLL := 0;

                        USMC_Init := nil;
                        USMC_GetLastErr := nil;
                        USMC_GetState := nil;
                        USMC_GetStartParameters := nil;
                        USMC_Start := nil;
                        USMC_Stop := nil;
                        USMC_GetParameters := nil;
                        USMC_SetParameters := nil;
                        USMC_GetMode := nil;
                        USMC_SetMode := nil;
      @USMC_SaveParametersToFlash := nil;
      @USMC_SetCurrentPosition := nil;
      @USMC_GetEncoderState := nil;
      @USMC_Close := nil;
                end else
                        // further: exact info by 'GetLastError()'
                        Result := 1;
                end; {if bOK = true then}
        end; {if HandleStandaDLL <> 0 then}
end; {UnLoadLibAndFuncs}
