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  Name:         rb.c
  Created by:   Stefan Ritt

  $Id: rb.cpp 21437 2014-07-30 14:13:29Z ritt $


#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef OS_DARWIN
#include <sys/malloc.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include "rb.h"

*                                                                    *
*                 Ring buffer functions                              *
*                                                                    *
* Provide an inter-thread buffer scheme for handling front-end       *
* events. This code allows concurrent data acquisition, calibration  *
* and network transfer on a multi-CPU machine. One thread reads      *
* out the data, passes it vis the ring buffer functions              *
* to another thread running on the other CPU, which can then         *
* calibrate and/or send the data over the network.                   *
*                                                                    *

typedef struct {
   unsigned char *buffer;
   unsigned int size;
   unsigned int max_event_size;
   unsigned char *rp;
   unsigned char *wp;
   unsigned char *ep;

#define MAX_RING_BUFFER 100

volatile int _rb_nonblocking = 0;

extern void ss_sleep(int ms);

int rb_set_nonblocking()

  Routine: rb_set_nonblocking

  Purpose: Set all rb_get_xx to nonblocking. Needed in multi-thread
           environments for stopping all theads without deadlock



  Function value:
    RB_SUCCESS       Successful completion


   _rb_nonblocking = 1;

   return RB_SUCCESS;

int rb_create(int size, int max_event_size, int *handle)

  Routine: rb_create

  Purpose: Create a ring buffer with a given size

    int size             Size of ring buffer, must be larger than
    int max_event_size   Maximum event size to be placed into
                         ring buffer
    int *handle          Handle to ring buffer

  Function value:
    DB_SUCCESS           Successful completion
    DB_NO_MEMORY         Maximum number of ring buffers exceeded
    DB_INVALID_PARAM     Invalid event size specified


   int i;

   for (i = 0; i < MAX_RING_BUFFER; i++)
      if (rb[i].buffer == NULL)

   if (i == MAX_RING_BUFFER)
      return RB_NO_MEMORY;

   if (size < max_event_size * 2)
      return RB_INVALID_PARAM;

   memset(&rb[i], 0, sizeof(RING_BUFFER));
   rb[i].buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(size);
   rb[i].size = size;
   rb[i].max_event_size = max_event_size;
   rb[i].rp = rb[i].buffer;
   rb[i].wp = rb[i].buffer;
   rb[i].ep = rb[i].buffer;

   *handle = i + 1;

   return RB_SUCCESS;

int rb_delete(int handle)

  Routine: rb_delete

  Purpose: Delete a ring buffer

    int handle       Handle to ring buffer

  Function value:
    DB_SUCCESS       Successful completion


   if (handle < 0 || handle >= MAX_RING_BUFFER || rb[handle - 1].buffer == NULL)
      return RB_INVALID_HANDLE;

   free(rb[handle - 1].buffer);
   memset(&rb[handle - 1], 0, sizeof(RING_BUFFER));

   return RB_SUCCESS;

int rb_get_wp(int handle, void **p, int millisec)

Routine: rb_get_wp

  Purpose: Retrieve write pointer where new data can be written

     int handle               Ring buffer handle
     int millisec             Optional timeout in milliseconds if
                              buffer is full. Zero to not wait at
                              all (non-blocking)

    char **p                  Write pointer

  Function value:
    DB_SUCCESS       Successful completion


   int h, i;
   unsigned char *rp;

   if (handle < 1 || handle > MAX_RING_BUFFER || rb[handle - 1].buffer == NULL)
      return RB_INVALID_HANDLE;

   h = handle - 1;

   for (i = 0; i <= millisec / 10; i++) {

      rp = rb[h].rp;            // keep local copy, rb[h].rp might be changed by other thread

      /* check if enough size for wp >= rp without wrap-around */
      if (rb[h].wp >= rp
          && rb[h].wp + rb[h].max_event_size <= rb[h].buffer + rb[h].size - rb[h].max_event_size) {
         *p = rb[h].wp;
         return RB_SUCCESS;

      /* check if enough size for wp >= rp with wrap-around */
      if (rb[h].wp >= rp && rb[h].wp + rb[h].max_event_size > rb[h].buffer + rb[h].size - rb[h].max_event_size && rb[h].rp > rb[h].buffer) {    // next increment of wp wraps around, so need space at beginning
         *p = rb[h].wp;
         return RB_SUCCESS;

      /* check if enough size for wp < rp */
      if (rb[h].wp < rp && rb[h].wp + rb[h].max_event_size < rp) {
         *p = rb[h].wp;
         return RB_SUCCESS;

      if (millisec == 0)
         return RB_TIMEOUT;

      if (_rb_nonblocking)
         return RB_TIMEOUT;

      /* wait one time slice */

   return RB_TIMEOUT;

int rb_increment_wp(int handle, int size)

  Routine: rb_increment_wp

  Purpose: Increment current write pointer, making the data at
           the write pointer available to the receiving thread

     int handle               Ring buffer handle
     int size                 Number of bytes placed at the WP


  Function value:
    RB_SUCCESS                Successful completion
    RB_INVALID_PARAM          Event size too large or invalid handle

   int h;
   unsigned char *new_wp;

   if (handle < 1 || handle > MAX_RING_BUFFER || rb[handle - 1].buffer == NULL)
      return RB_INVALID_HANDLE;

   h = handle - 1;

   if ((unsigned int) size > rb[h].max_event_size)
      return RB_INVALID_PARAM;

   new_wp = rb[h].wp + size;

   /* wrap around wp if not enough space */
   if (new_wp > rb[h].buffer + rb[h].size - rb[h].max_event_size) {
      rb[h].ep = new_wp;
      new_wp = rb[h].buffer;
      assert(rb[h].rp != rb[h].buffer);

   rb[h].wp = new_wp;

   return RB_SUCCESS;

int rb_get_rp(int handle, void **p, int millisec)

  Routine: rb_get_rp

  Purpose: Obtain the current read pointer at which new data is
           available with optional timeout

    int handle               Ring buffer handle
    int millisec             Optional timeout in milliseconds if
                             buffer is full. Zero to not wait at
                             all (non-blocking)

    char **p                 Address of pointer pointing to newly
                             available data. If p == NULL, only
                             return status.

  Function value:
    RB_SUCCESS       Successful completion


   int i, h;

   if (handle < 1 || handle > MAX_RING_BUFFER || rb[handle - 1].buffer == NULL)
      return RB_INVALID_HANDLE;

   h = handle - 1;

   for (i = 0; i <= millisec / 10; i++) {

      if (rb[h].wp != rb[h].rp) {
         if (p != NULL)
            *p = rb[handle - 1].rp;
         return RB_SUCCESS;

      if (millisec == 0)
         return RB_TIMEOUT;

      if (_rb_nonblocking)
         return RB_TIMEOUT;

      /* wait one time slice */

   return RB_TIMEOUT;

int rb_increment_rp(int handle, int size)

  Routine: rb_increment_rp

  Purpose: Increment current read pointer, freeing up space for
           the writing thread.

     int handle               Ring buffer handle
     int size                 Number of bytes to free up at current
                              read pointer


  Function value:
    RB_SUCCESS                Successful completion
    RB_INVALID_PARAM          Event size too large or invalid handle


   int h;

   unsigned char *new_rp;

   if (handle < 1 || handle > MAX_RING_BUFFER || rb[handle - 1].buffer == NULL)
      return RB_INVALID_HANDLE;

   h = handle - 1;

   if ((unsigned int) size > rb[h].max_event_size)
      return RB_INVALID_PARAM;

   new_rp = rb[h].rp + size;

   /* wrap around if not enough space left */
   if (new_rp + rb[h].max_event_size > rb[h].buffer + rb[h].size)
      new_rp = rb[h].buffer;

   rb[handle - 1].rp = new_rp;

   return RB_SUCCESS;

int rb_get_buffer_level(int handle, int *n_bytes)

  Routine: rb_get_buffer_level

  Purpose: Return number of bytes in a ring buffer

    int handle              Handle of the buffer to get the info

    int *n_bytes            Number of bytes in buffer

  Function value:
    RB_SUCCESS              Successful completion
    RB_INVALID_HANDLE       Buffer handle is invalid


   int h;

   if (handle < 1 || handle > MAX_RING_BUFFER || rb[handle - 1].buffer == NULL)
      return RB_INVALID_HANDLE;

   h = handle - 1;

   if (rb[h].wp >= rb[h].rp)
      *n_bytes = rb[h].wp - rb[h].rp;
      *n_bytes = rb[h].ep - rb[h].rp + rb[h].wp - rb[h].buffer;

   return RB_SUCCESS;