/* LabWindows/CVI User Interface Resource (UIR) Include File */
/* */
/* WARNING: Do not add to, delete from, or otherwise modify the contents */
/* of this include file. */
#include <userint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Panels and Controls: */
#define P1 1
#define P1_STDIO 2 /* control type: textBox, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SINGLEDATA 3 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_CHANNELON 4 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_CHANNELOFF 5 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_FIXEDDATA 6 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_EXTERNALCMD 7 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_OUTPUTFILE 8 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_TPENB 9 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_PLOTEACHEVENT 10 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_CHPARLOAD 11 /* control type: command, callback function: UploadChannelParameters */
#define P1_ONOFF_4 12 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_ONOFF_3 13 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_ONOFF_2 14 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_ONOFF_1 15 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_STDIOLOG 16 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: StdIo2FileCB */
#define P1_TESTFIXEDDATA 17 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_CHART_4 18 /* control type: strip, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_CHART_3 19 /* control type: strip, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_CHART_2 20 /* control type: strip, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_CHART_1 21 /* control type: strip, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_EXTCMD 22 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_ADDHEADER 23 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_DAQEXE 24 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_FRACTION 25 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_APPEND 26 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_PROGRESS 27 /* control type: scale, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SCRIPTNAME 28 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_ETA 29 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_WAIT 30 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_PTSLED 31 /* control type: LED, callback function: LedCB */
#define P1_INTTRGLEN 32 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_ABORTTOUT 33 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_BOARDNUMBER 34 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_DELAY 35 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_RUNNO 36 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_CUREVE 37 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SETSINGLEVALUE 38 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SETVALUE 39 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_DATA 40 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_CHANNEL 41 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_CHIP 42 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_VERBOSE 43 /* control type: numeric, callback function: Verbose */
#define P1_SINGLECHANNEL 44 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SINGLECHIP 45 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_ZOOMFEB 46 /* control type: numeric, callback function: ZoomToFebCB */
#define P1_NSLIX 47 /* control type: numeric, callback function: PlotSliceY */
#define P1_NSLIY 48 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_MULTINEVE 49 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_NEVE 50 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_DSTEP0 51 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_DSTEP 52 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_TOREAD 53 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_READOUT 54 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_RSTOUT 55 /* control type: command, callback function: ResetStdOut */
#define P1_DAQ 56 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_STOP 57 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_BOARDTYPE 58 /* control type: ring, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_ASICPAR 59 /* control type: ring, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SENDSWTRIG 60 /* control type: ring, callback function: SendTriggerTypeCB */
#define P1_EXT 61 /* control type: ring, callback function: SelectPtsOutputCB */
#define P1_WRITECMD 62 /* control type: ring, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SINGLEWRITECMD 63 /* control type: ring, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_TESTING 64 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_THRVSADC 65 /* control type: command, callback function: ThresholdLinearityCB */
#define P1_MULTIFPGAWRITE 66 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SENDSEUTRIG 67 /* control type: command, callback function: SendSEUTRigger */
#define P1_FPGAWRITE 68 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SCANTYPE 69 /* control type: slide, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_GRAPH 70 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_GRAPHY 71 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_GRAPH2D 72 /* control type: graph, callback function: CursorCB */
#define P1_GRAPHX 73 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_PRINT 74 /* control type: command, callback function: Print */
#define P1_PRINTY 75 /* control type: command, callback function: Print */
#define P1_PRINTX 76 /* control type: command, callback function: Print */
#define P1_PRINT2D 77 /* control type: command, callback function: Print */
#define P1_GET_FPGA_SERIAL 78 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SLIX 79 /* control type: command, callback function: PlotSliceX */
#define P1_SLIY 80 /* control type: command, callback function: PlotSliceY */
#define P1_LED 81 /* control type: LED, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SERIAL_FPGA_4 82 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SERIAL_FPGA_3 83 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SERIAL_FPGA_2 84 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SERIAL_FPGA_1 85 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SERIAL_4 86 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SERIAL_3 87 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SERIAL_2 88 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SERIAL_1 89 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_DECORATION_2 90 /* control type: deco, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_TEXTMSG_2 91 /* control type: textMsg, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_DECORATION_4 92 /* control type: deco, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_CONFIGURE 93 /* control type: command, callback function: LoadParameters */
#define P1_RUNSCRIPT 94 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_MODULETEST 95 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_FEBTESTANA 96 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_TEST 97 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SLOWC 98 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_TEXTMSG_3 99 /* control type: textMsg, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_DECORATION_5 100 /* control type: deco, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_DECORATION_6 101 /* control type: deco, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_DECORATION_3 102 /* control type: deco, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_DAQ_TIMEOUT 103 /* control type: timer, callback function: sa02timeout */
#define P1_TRGHVMON 104 /* control type: timer, callback function: TrgHvMon */
#define P1_DAQMODE 105 /* control type: ring, callback function: (none) */
#define P2 2
#define P2_IY 2 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_Z 3 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_Y 4 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_HIDE 5 /* control type: command, callback function: HidePanelCB */
#define P2_CEVE 6 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_YMIN 7 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_NEVE 8 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_IX 9 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_YSTEP 10 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_TPENB 11 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_PEDESTAL 12 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_CHX 13 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_YC 14 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_CH 15 /* control type: numeric, callback function: HDraw2DCB */
#define P2_FRACTION 16 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_XC 17 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_GAPX 18 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_PROGRESS 19 /* control type: scale, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_ETA 20 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_DX 21 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_CHY 22 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_X 23 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_NY 24 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_ZSET 25 /* control type: numeric, callback function: Zset */
#define P2_XMIN 26 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_XSTEP 27 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_NX 28 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_MGET 29 /* control type: command, callback function: GetPosition */
#define P2_REREAD 30 /* control type: command, callback function: ReRead */
#define P2_HO 31 /* control type: command, callback function: SetHome */
#define P2_GRAPH_4 32 /* control type: graph, callback function: HistoInfoCB */
#define P2_GRAPH_3 33 /* control type: graph, callback function: HistoInfoCB */
#define P2_GRAPH_2 34 /* control type: graph, callback function: HistoInfoCB */
#define P2_GRAPH_1 35 /* control type: graph, callback function: HistoInfoCB */
#define P2_DSAVE 36 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_DFILE 37 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_NEWF 38 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_EID2HAPDXY_2 39 /* control type: command, callback function: SetCenter */
#define P2_EID2HAPDXY 40 /* control type: command, callback function: SetPositionAndMux */
#define P2_DAQ 41 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_STOP 42 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_PRINTXY 43 /* control type: command, callback function: Print */
#define P2_DAQEXE 44 /* control type: ring, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_RUNSCRIPT 45 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_SCANUNITSY 46 /* control type: binary, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_SCANUNITSX 47 /* control type: binary, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_DIRECTION 48 /* control type: binary, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_DECORATION 49 /* control type: deco, callback function: (none) */
#define P2_TIMER 50 /* control type: timer, callback function: CBTimer */
#define P3 3
#define P3_GREG 2 /* control type: table, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_CREG 3 /* control type: table, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_ADDRESS 4 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_LOADALL 5 /* control type: command, callback function: UploadFromPanels */
#define P3_SELGPARLOAD 6 /* control type: command, callback function: UploadGlobalParameters */
#define P3_GPARLOAD 7 /* control type: command, callback function: UploadGlobalParameters */
#define P3_HIDE 8 /* control type: command, callback function: HidePanelCB */
#define P3_FPGAPARLOAD 9 /* control type: command, callback function: UploadFPGAParameters */
#define P3_DAQ 10 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_SELCPARLOAD 11 /* control type: command, callback function: UploadChannelParameters */
#define P3_CPARLOAD 12 /* control type: command, callback function: UploadChannelParameters */
#define P3_FPGAPAR 13 /* control type: textBox, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_EXPORT 14 /* control type: command, callback function: ExportParameters */
#define P3_SetPAR 15 /* control type: command, callback function: SetParameters */
#define P3_PTSDOWNLOAD 16 /* control type: command, callback function: PtsDownloadCB */
#define P3_PTSFIRMWARE 17 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_PTSFSELECT 18 /* control type: command, callback function: FSelect */
#define P3_PTSMODE 19 /* control type: ring, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_DAQEXE 20 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_LOADPAR 21 /* control type: command, callback function: LoadParameters */
#define P3_INPUTFILE 22 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_FSELECT 23 /* control type: command, callback function: FSelect */
#define P3_SETGPAR 24 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_SETSELGPAR 25 /* control type: command, callback function: SetSelectionToVal */
#define P3_SETCPAR 26 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_SETSELCPAR 27 /* control type: command, callback function: SetSelectionToVal */
#define P3_MUX3 28 /* control type: LED, callback function: SelectMux */
#define P3_MUX2 29 /* control type: LED, callback function: SelectMux */
#define P3_MUX1 30 /* control type: LED, callback function: SelectMux */
#define P3_MUX0 31 /* control type: LED, callback function: SelectMux */
#define P3_TARGETRMS 32 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_TARGETOFFSET 33 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_X0 34 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_FITMODE 35 /* control type: ring, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_CALIBRATION_2 36 /* control type: command, callback function: FitH2DCoarse */
#define P3_CALIBRATION 37 /* control type: command, callback function: FitH2D */
#define P3_SCANPAR 38 /* control type: ring, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_NX 39 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_DX 40 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_DECORATION 41 /* control type: deco, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_STOP 42 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_TEXTMSG 43 /* control type: textMsg, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_TEXTMSG_2 44 /* control type: textMsg, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_TEXTMSG_3 45 /* control type: textMsg, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_TEXTMSG_4 46 /* control type: textMsg, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_TEXTMSG_5 47 /* control type: textMsg, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_TEXTMSG_6 48 /* control type: textMsg, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_TEXTMSG_7 49 /* control type: textMsg, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_DECORATION_2 50 /* control type: deco, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_DECORATION_3 51 /* control type: deco, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_DECORATION_4 52 /* control type: deco, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_TEXTMSG_8 53 /* control type: textMsg, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_DECORATION_5 54 /* control type: deco, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_DECORATION_6 55 /* control type: deco, callback function: (none) */
#define P3_DECORATION_7 56 /* control type: deco, callback function: (none) */
#define P5 4
#define P5_FREQUENCY_OFF 2 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P5_DAC_OFF 3 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P5_FREQUENCY_ON 4 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P5_DAC_ON 5 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P5_DECORATION 6 /* control type: deco, callback function: (none) */
#define P5_TEXTMSG 7 /* control type: textMsg, callback function: (none) */
#define P5_TEXTMSG_2 8 /* control type: textMsg, callback function: (none) */
#define P5_SET_DAC_HV_OFF 9 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P5_SET_HV_OFF 10 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P5_SET_HV_ON 11 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P5_SET_DAC_HV_ON 12 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P5_DECORATION_2 13 /* control type: deco, callback function: (none) */
/* Control Arrays: */
/* (no control arrays in the resource file) */
/* Menu Bars, Menus, and Menu Items: */
#define MENU 1
#define MENU_OPERATIO_SA02CFG 3 /* callback function: MenuCB */
#define MENU_OPERATIO_2DSCAN 4 /* callback function: MenuCB */
#define MENU_OPERATIO_LASER 5 /* callback function: MenuCB */
#define MENU_OPERATIO_CAEN_V729 6 /* callback function: MenuCB */
#define MENU_OPERATIO_EXIT 7 /* callback function: MenuCB */
#define MENU_MINIRICH 8 /* callback function: MenuCB */
#define MENU_HELP 9 /* callback function: MenuCB */
/* Callback Prototypes: */
int CVICALLBACK CBTimer(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK CursorCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK ExportParameters(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK FitH2D(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK FitH2DCoarse(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK FSelect(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK GetPosition(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK HDraw2DCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK HidePanelCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK HistoInfoCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK LedCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK LoadParameters(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
void CVICALLBACK MenuCB(int menubar, int menuItem, void *callbackData, int panel);
int CVICALLBACK PlotSliceX(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK PlotSliceY(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK Print(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK PtsDownloadCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK ReRead(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK ResetStdOut(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK sa02timeout(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK SelectMux(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK SelectPtsOutputCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK SendSEUTRigger(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK SendTriggerTypeCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK SetCenter(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK SetHome(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK SetParameters(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK SetPositionAndMux(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK SetSelectionToVal(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK StdIo2FileCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK ThresholdLinearityCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK TrgHvMon(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK UploadChannelParameters(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK UploadFPGAParameters(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK UploadFromPanels(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK UploadGlobalParameters(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK Verbose(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK ZoomToFebCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK Zset(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
#ifdef __cplusplus