void script(int runNumber){
char path[0xFF];
TFile * data;
gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ./base.c+");
gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ./savetoroot.c+");
gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ./info.c+");
gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ./gain.c+");
gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ./treshold.c+");
gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ./projection.c+");
//~ char c; printf("Compilation complete, PRESS ENTER to continue..."); scanf("%c",&c);
info(runNumber, 2);
gain(runNumber, 2);
charge(runNumber, 2);
treshold(runNumber, 2);
if (file_exists(path)){
data = new TFile(path); //Zvezno po X
projection(runNumber, 2);
delete data;
} else printf("File '%s' with continous scan in direction x does not exist.\n",path
if (file_exists(path)){
data = new TFile(path); //Zvezno po Y
projection(runNumber, 2);
delete data;
} else printf("File '%s' with continous scan in direction y does not exist.\n",path
charge(runNumber, 4);
treshold(runNumber, 4);