Subversion Repositories f9daq

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Ignore whitespace Rev 25 → Rev 70

0,0 → 1,54
TVector3 dum;
gROOT->ProcessLine(".L src/RTUtil.cpp+");
gROOT->ProcessLine(".L src/guide.cpp+");
gROOT->ProcessLine(".L src/raySimulator.cpp+");
gROOT->ProcessLine(".L src/userFunctions.cpp+");
// Draw the detector and propagate certain number of rays
// Draw the statistics
// Set the parameters of the light guide:
// SiPM0: light guide exit surface linear dimension (surface = SiPM0^2)
// M0: Magnification ratio = b / SiPM
// b: Light guide entry surface linear dimension = M0*SiPM (surface = (M0*SiPM0)^2)
// d0: length of light array
// n10: refractive index outside of the light guide - entry surface and lateral sides
// n20: refractive index of light guide material and the glass plate
// n30: refractive index outside of the light guide at the exit surface (ie optical cement, detector) - it is used only by Fresenl eq, not for the refraction
//gROOT->ProcessLine("SetLG(3.0, 1.666, 3.0, 1.0, 1.48, 1.48)");
// Set light guide surface types
// void SetLGType(int in = 1, int side = 1, int out = 1)
// 0 = dummy; 1 = refractor; 2 = reflector; 3 = total reflection (oboslete, total reflection now included with refractor type)
//gROOT->ProcessLine("SetLGType(1, 1, 1)");
// Gap between light guide exit surface and sensitive area (SiPM)
// supposed it is epoxy of the same refractive index as light guide
gROOT->ProcessLine("SetGap(0.3, 0, 0)");
// Glass surface of the detector on/off; width
gROOT->ProcessLine("SetGlass(0, 0)");
// Glass plate above the light guide on/off
gROOT->ProcessLine("SetPlate(1, 1)");
// Draw the detector and propagate certain number of rays
// Draw the statistics
// Propagate 1e4 rays, isotropicaly distributed in 0-30 degree cone (relative to entry surface normal)
// draws first 20 rays (slow)