1,22 → 1,15 |
[Project Header] |
<<<<<<< .mine |
Version = 1302 |
Pathname = "/c/home/rok/hapd/pts/PtsModule_CVI.prj" |
CVI Dir = "/c/program files/national instruments/cvi2013" |
CVI Shared Dir = "/C/Program Files/National Instruments/Shared/CVI" |
======= |
Version = 1201 |
Pathname = "/c/home/rok/pts/PtsModule_CVI.prj" |
CVI Dir = "/c/program files (x86)/national instruments/cvi2012" |
CVI Shared Dir = "/C/Program Files (x86)/National Instruments/Shared/CVI" |
>>>>>>> .r80 |
CVI Pub Local Dir = "/C/ProgramData/National Instruments/CVI2013" |
CVI Pub Global Dir = "/C/ProgramData/National Instruments/CVI" |
IVI Standard Root Dir = "/C/Program Files (x86)/IVI Foundation/IVI" |
VXIplug&play Framework Dir = "/C/Program Files (x86)/IVI Foundation/VISA/winnt" |
IVI Standard Root Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/IVI" |
VXIplug&play Framework Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/VISA/winnt" |
IVI Standard Root 64-bit Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/IVI" |
VXIplug&play Framework 64-bit Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/VISA/win64" |
Number of Files = 8 |
Number of Files = 9 |
Target Type = "Executable" |
Flags = 2064 |
Copied From Locked InstrDrv Directory = False |
54,13 → 47,8 |
Res Id = 2 |
Path Is Rel = True |
Path Rel To = "Project" |
<<<<<<< .mine |
Path Rel Path = "PtsModule.h" |
Path = "/c/home/rok/hapd/pts/PtsModule.h" |
======= |
Path Rel Path = "../../../Program Files/CAEN/VME/lib/x86_64/CAENVMELib.lib" |
Path = "/c/Program Files/CAEN/VME/lib/x86_64/CAENVMELib.lib" |
>>>>>>> .r80 |
Exclude = False |
Project Flags = 0 |
Folder = "Include Files" |
67,10 → 55,22 |
Folder Id = 1 |
[File 0003] |
File Type = "User Interface Resource" |
File Type = "Include" |
Res Id = 3 |
Path Is Rel = True |
Path Rel To = "Project" |
Path Rel Path = "../../../CVI/instr/vme/vme.h" |
Path = "/c/home/CVI/instr/vme/vme.h" |
Exclude = False |
Project Flags = 0 |
Folder = "Include Files" |
Folder Id = 1 |
[File 0004] |
File Type = "User Interface Resource" |
Res Id = 4 |
Path Is Rel = True |
Path Rel To = "Project" |
Path Rel Path = "PtsModule_CVI.uir" |
Path = "/c/home/rok/hapd/pts/PtsModule_CVI.uir" |
Exclude = False |
78,9 → 78,9 |
Folder = "User Interface Files" |
Folder Id = 2 |
[File 0004] |
[File 0005] |
File Type = "Function Panel" |
Res Id = 4 |
Res Id = 5 |
Path Is Rel = True |
Path Rel To = "Project" |
Path Rel Path = "../../../CVI/instr/CAENV1718/CAENV1718.fp" |
90,9 → 90,9 |
Folder = "Instrument Files" |
Folder Id = 3 |
[File 0005] |
[File 0006] |
File Type = "Function Panel" |
Res Id = 5 |
Res Id = 6 |
Path Is Rel = True |
Path Rel To = "Project" |
Path Rel Path = "../../../CVI/instr/vme/vme.fp" |
102,9 → 102,9 |
Folder = "Instrument Files" |
Folder Id = 3 |
[File 0006] |
[File 0007] |
File Type = "Function Panel" |
Res Id = 6 |
Res Id = 7 |
Path Is Rel = True |
Path Rel To = "Project" |
Path Rel Path = "../../../CVI/instr/WIENVME_DLL/wienvme_dll.fp" |
114,29 → 114,21 |
Folder = "Instrument Files" |
Folder Id = 3 |
[File 0007] |
[File 0008] |
File Type = "Function Panel" |
Res Id = 7 |
Res Id = 8 |
Path Is Rel = True |
<<<<<<< .mine |
Path Rel To = "Project" |
Path Rel Path = "../../../CVI/instr/WUSBVME_DLL/wusbvme_dll.fp" |
Path = "/c/home/CVI/instr/WUSBVME_DLL/wusbvme_dll.fp" |
======= |
Path Rel To = "Project" |
Path Rel Path Line0001 = "../../../Program Files/National Instruments/CVI2012/instr/WIENVME_DLL/wienvme_dl" |
Path Rel Path Line0002 = "l.fp" |
Path = "/c/Program Files/National Instruments/CVI2012/instr/WIENVME_DLL/wienvme_dll.fp" |
>>>>>>> .r80 |
Exclude = False |
Project Flags = 0 |
Folder = "Instrument Files" |
Folder Id = 3 |
<<<<<<< .mine |
[File 0008] |
[File 0009] |
File Type = "Library" |
Res Id = 8 |
Res Id = 9 |
Path Is Rel = True |
Path Rel To = "Project" |
Path Rel Path = "../../../../Program Files/CAEN/VME/lib/x86/CAENVMELib.lib" |
145,14 → 137,6 |
Project Flags = 0 |
Folder = "Library Files" |
Folder Id = 4 |
======= |
[Folders] |
Folder 0 = "Source Files" |
Folder 1 = "Include Files" |
Folder 2 = "User Interface Files" |
Folder 3 = "Instrument Files" |
Folder 4 = "Library Files" |
>>>>>>> .r80 |
[Custom Build Configs] |
Num Custom Build Configs = 0 |
184,11 → 168,7 |
Stack Commit = 4096 |
Image Base Address = 4194304 |
Image Base Address x64 = 4194304 |
<<<<<<< .mine |
Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN" |
======= |
Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN /DCAEN_V1718 /DWXXIENVME" |
>>>>>>> .r80 |
Sign = False |
Sign Store = "" |
Sign Certificate = "" |
475,8 → 455,12 |
[Include Paths] |
Include Path 1 Is Rel = True |
Include Path 1 Rel To = "Project" |
Include Path 1 Rel Path = "" |
Include Path 1 = "/c/home/rok/hapd/pts" |
Include Path 1 Rel Path = "../../../CVI/instr/vme" |
Include Path 1 = "/c/home/CVI/instr/vme" |
Include Path 2 Is Rel = True |
Include Path 2 Rel To = "Project" |
Include Path 2 Rel Path = "" |
Include Path 2 = "/c/home/rok/hapd/pts" |
[Create Executable] |
Executable File_Debug Is Rel = True |