58,7 → 58,7 |
int combiner3(int id0 ,int id1 , int id2, int same, SIMPLEPID particlename, double min, double max, int hid, int id ); |
int combiner3(int id0 ,int id1 , int id2, int same, SIMPLEPID particlename, double min, double max, std::vector<int>hid, int id ); |
int fix_mass(int id); |
int Fill(std::vector<int> hid, BParticle *p); |
int Fill(std::vector<int> hid, std::vector<BParticle *> p); |
void plist(int i); |
84,7 → 84,7 |
"momentum (GeV/c)", |
"momentum (GeV/c)", |
"angle (deg.)", |
"cos(theta)"}; |
"cos(theta)", "#Deltamass_{1}(GeV/c2)", "#Deltamass_{2}(GeV/c2)", "#Delta mass_{3}(GeV/c2)"}; |
fHtype[id] = 0; |
if (svar.Contains("GetMass" )) fHtype[id]=0; |
if (svar.Contains("GetMomentum")) fHtype[id]=1; |
97,6 → 97,9 |
if (svar.Contains("GetTransverseMomentum")) fHtype[id]=8; |
if (svar.Contains("GetTheta")) fHtype[id]=9; |
if (svar.Contains("GetCosTheta")) fHtype[id]=10; |
if (svar.Contains("GetDeltaMass1" )) fHtype[id]=11; |
if (svar.Contains("GetDeltaMass2" )) fHtype[id]=12; |
if (svar.Contains("GetDeltaMass3" )) fHtype[id]=13; |
//fH[id]= new TH1F(TString::Format("h%d",id), TString::Format("%s;%s;N",name,axis[fHtype[id]].Data()), nbins, min, max); |
if (fHtype[id]==4) { |
111,9 → 114,10 |
int Blab2::Fill(std::vector<int> id, BParticle *p){ |
int Blab2::Fill(std::vector<int> id, std::vector<BParticle *> particle){ |
for (int i=0; i< id.size(); i++){ |
int hid = id[i]; |
int hid = id[i]; |
BParticle *p= particle[0]; |
if (hid>=0 && fH[hid]) { |
double val; |
switch (fHtype[hid]){ |
128,6 → 132,12 |
case 8 : val = p->GetTransverseMomentum(); break; |
case 9 : val = (p->GetMomentum()!=0) ? p->pz()/p->GetMomentum() : 0; val = 180.0*TMath::ACos(val)/TMath::Pi(); break; |
case 10: val = (p->GetMomentum()!=0) ? p->pz()/p->GetMomentum() : 0; break; |
case 11 : |
case 12 : |
case 13 : { |
int idx = fHtype[hid]-10; |
val = (particle.size()>idx) ? p->GetMass() - particle[idx]->GetMass() : 0; break; |
} |
default: val = 0 ; break; |
} |
fH[hid]->Fill(val); |
154,6 → 164,7 |
fList[_p2]->Clear(); |
std::vector<BParticle *> pall(3); |
int nprt=0; |
for(TIter next1(fList[_p0]);BParticle * p1 =(BParticle *) next1();) { |
161,9 → 172,13 |
// in the case the second parti |
for(TIter next2 = (_p0!=_p1 && same==0) ? TIter(fList[_p1]): TIter(next1) ; BParticle * p2 =(BParticle *) next2();) { |
if (p1==p2) continue; // do not use the same particle in the combinations |
BParticle p = *p1 + *p2; // Combine two particles into a new particle |
BParticle p = *p1 + *p2; // Combine two particles into a new particle |
pall[0] = &p; |
pall[1] = p1; |
pall[2] = p2; |
if (p.InMassRange(min, max)){ |
Fill(hid, &p); |
Fill(hid, pall); |
p.SetPid(pid); // set PID to particlename to fix the particle mass |
p.SetEnergyFromPid(); |
TClonesArray& list = *fList[_p2]; |
186,6 → 201,8 |
fList[_p3]->Clear(); |
std::vector<BParticle *> pall(4); |
int nprt=0; |
for(TIter next1(fList[_p0]);BParticle * p1 =(BParticle *) next1();) { |
195,9 → 212,15 |
if (p1==p2) continue; // do not use the same particle in the combinations |
for(TIter next3 = (_p1!=_p2 && same==0) ? TIter(fList[_p2]): TIter(next2) ; BParticle * p3 =(BParticle *) next3();) { |
if (p2==p3) continue; // do not use the same particle in the combinations |
BParticle p = *p1 + *p2 + *p3; // Combine two particles into a new particle |
BParticle p = *p1 + *p2 + *p3 ; // Combine two particles into a new particle |
pall[0] = &p; |
pall[1] = p1; |
pall[2] = p2; |
pall[3] = p3; |
if (p.InMassRange(min, max)){ |
Fill(hid, &p); |
Fill(hid, pall); |
p.SetPid(pid); // set PID to particlename to fix the particle mass |
p.SetEnergyFromPid(); |
TClonesArray& list = *fList[_p3]; |
221,6 → 244,7 |
fList[pout]->Clear(); |
int nprt=0; |
std::vector<BParticle *> pall(1); |
for(TIter next(fList[pin]); BParticle * p =(BParticle *) next();) { |
if (p->charge()== charge || charge > 1){ |
227,7 → 251,8 |
if ( p->pid()== type || type == ALL ) { |
TClonesArray& list = *fList[pout]; |
new (list[nprt++]) BParticle ( *p ); |
Fill(hid, p); |
pall[0] = p ; |
Fill(hid, pall); |
} |
} |
} |