/HVtest/HVtest.c |
14,12 → 14,18 |
int __stdcall WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, |
LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { |
int mainonoff,onoff[4]; |
int ch=100*HVSLOT,mo=HVSLOT; |
const int mo=3; |
const int ch0=100*mo; |
int mainonoff,HVonoffall; |
int HVonoff[4],HVonoff_rID[4]={P1_HVonoff_0,P1_HVonoff_1,P1_HVonoff_2,P1_HVonoff_3}; |
int HVvdis_rID[4]={P1_HVvdis_0,P1_HVvdis_1,P1_HVvdis_2,P1_HVvdis_3}; |
int HVcdis_rID[4]={P1_HVcdis_0,P1_HVcdis_1,P1_HVcdis_2,P1_HVcdis_3}; |
int iret; |
int i, j; |
double ret; |
double vset[4],cset[4],vrise[4],vfall[4]; |
double HVvset[4],HVcset[4],HVvrise,HVvfall; |
double HVvdis[4],HVcdis[4]; |
char cret[2000]; |
char cMainSwitch[2][30]= {"Turn system OFF?","Turn system ON?"}; |
29,20 → 35,17 |
return -1; /* out of memory */ |
MPOD_Start(); |
// MPOD_Open(0,"f9mpod.ijs.si"); |
MPOD_Open(0,"arich-mpod1.kek.jp"); |
// MPOD_Open(0,"f9mpod.ijs.si"); |
crate1 = crateHsnmp[0]; |
iret=MPOD_GetInt(0,"moduleNumber.0"); |
printf("Module Number = %i\n", iret); |
// iret=MPOD_GetInt(0,"moduleNumber.0"); |
// printf("Module Number = %i\n", iret); |
// strcpy(cret, MPOD_GetString(0,"moduleDescription.ma2")); |
// printf("Module type: %s\n",cret); |
// iret=MPOD_GetIntCh(0,"fanNominalSpeed",0); |
// printf("Fan nominal speed = %i\n", iret); |
strcpy(cret, MPOD_GetString(0,"moduleDescription.ma2")); |
printf("Module type: %s\n",cret); |
iret=MPOD_GetIntCh(0,"fanNominalSpeed",0); |
printf("Fan nominal speed = %i\n", iret); |
if ((p1h = LoadPanel (0, "HVtest_ui.uir", P1)) < 0) return -1; |
DisplayPanel (p1h); |
54,16 → 57,22 |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_MST, iret); |
iret=getFanNominalSpeed(crate1); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_MFS, iret); |
if (mainonoff) { |
onoff[0]=getChannelSwitch(crate1, ch); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_ONOFF0, onoff[0]); |
vset[0]=getOutputVoltage(crate1,ch); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_V0, vset[0]); |
cset[0]=1e+6*getOutputCurrent(crate1,ch); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_C0, cset[0]); |
vrise[0]=getModuleRampSpeedVoltage(crate1,mo); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_VRI0, vrise[0]); |
HVonoffall=0; |
for (i=0;i<4;i++) { |
HVonoff[i]=getChannelSwitch(crate1, ch0+i); |
if (HVonoff[i]) HVonoffall=1; |
} |
for (i=0;i<4;i++) { |
if (!HVonoffall) HVonoff[i]=1; |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, HVonoff_rID[i], HVonoff[i]); |
} |
HVvset[0]=getOutputVoltage(crate1,ch0); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_HVvset, HVvset[0]); |
HVcset[0]=1e+6*getOutputCurrent(crate1,ch0); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_HVcset, HVcset[0]); |
HVvrise=getModuleRampSpeedVoltage(crate1,mo); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_HVvrise, HVvrise); |
// vfall[0]=abs(getOutputFallRate(crate1,ch)); |
// SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_VFA0, vfall[0]); |
} |
80,36 → 89,42 |
iret=getMainStatus(crate1); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_MST, iret); |
// ret=getOutputSenseMeasurement(crate1, ch); |
ret=getOutputTerminalMeasurement(crate1, ch); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_VD0, ret); |
ret=1e+6*getCurrentMeasurement(crate1, ch); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_CD0, ret); |
PlotStripChartPoint (p1h, P1_G1, ret); |
for (i=0;i<4;i++) { |
HVvdis[i]=getOutputTerminalMeasurement(crate1, ch0+i); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, HVvdis_rID[i], HVvdis[i]); |
HVcdis[i]=1e+6*getCurrentMeasurement(crate1, ch0+i); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, HVcdis_rID[i], HVcdis[i]); |
PlotStripChart (p1h, P1_G1, HVcdis, 4, 0, 0, VAL_DOUBLE); |
break; |
case P1_MSW: |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_MSW, &mainonoff); |
if (ConfirmPopup("Main switch!!!", cMainSwitch[mainonoff])) |
setMainSwitch(crate1, mainonoff); |
if (!mainonoff) break; |
// Delay(1); |
onoff[0]=getChannelSwitch(crate1, ch); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_ONOFF0, onoff[0]); |
vset[0]=getOutputVoltage(crate1,ch); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_V0, vset[0]); |
cset[0]=1e+6*getOutputCurrent(crate1,ch); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_C0, cset[0]); |
vrise[0]=getModuleRampSpeedVoltage(crate1,mo); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_VRI0, vrise[0]); |
// vfall[0]=abs(getOutputFallRate(crate1,ch)); |
// SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_VFA0, vfall[0]); |
if (mainonoff) { |
Delay(5); |
HVonoffall=0; |
for (i=0; i<4; i++) { |
HVonoff[i]=getChannelSwitch(crate1, ch0+i); |
if (HVonoff[i]) HVonoffall=1; |
} |
for (i=0; i<4; i++) { |
if (!HVonoffall) HVonoff[i]=1; |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, HVonoff_rID[i], HVonoff[i]); |
} |
HVvset[0]=getOutputVoltage(crate1,ch0); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_HVvset, HVvset[0]); |
HVcset[0]=1e+6*getOutputCurrent(crate1,ch0); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_HVcset, HVcset[0]); |
HVvrise=getModuleRampSpeedVoltage(crate1,mo); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_HVvrise, HVvrise); |
} |
break; |
} |
if (!mainonoff) continue; |
switch (rID) { |
case P1_ONOFF0: |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_ONOFF0, &onoff[0]); |
setChannelSwitch(crate1, ch, onoff[0]); |
// Delay(1); |
case P1_HVonoff: |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_HVonoff, &HVonoffall); |
for (i=0;i<4;isetChannelSwitch(crate1, ch, onoff[0]); |
break; |
case P1_V0: |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_V0, &vset[0]); |
/HVtest/HVtest.ico |
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/HVtest/HVtest_ui.h |
14,28 → 14,36 |
/* Panels and Controls: */ |
#define P1 1 |
#define P1_SET0 2 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_HVset 2 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_EXIT 3 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_C0 4 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_VFA0 5 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_VRI0 6 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_CD0 7 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_VD0 8 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_V0 9 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_ONOFF0 10 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_REFRESHTIMER 11 /* control type: timer, callback function: refreshTimer */ |
#define P1_MSW 12 /* control type: binary, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_G1 13 /* control type: strip, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_MSWLED 14 /* control type: LED, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_MFS 15 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_MST 16 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_HVcset 4 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_HVvrise 5 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_HVcdis3 6 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_HVvdis3 7 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_HVcdis2 8 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_HVvdis2 9 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_HVcdis1 10 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_HVvdis1 11 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_HVcdis0 12 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_HVvdis0 13 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_HVvset 14 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_HVonoff3 15 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_HVonoff2 16 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_HVonoff1 17 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_HVonoff0 18 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_HVonoffall 19 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_REFRESHTIMER 20 /* control type: timer, callback function: refreshTimer */ |
#define P1_MSW 21 /* control type: binary, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_G1 22 /* control type: strip, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_MSWLED 23 /* control type: LED, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_MST 24 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_MFS 25 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
/* Control Arrays: */ |
/* (no control arrays in the resource file) */ |
#define CTRLARRAY 1 |
/* Menu Bars, Menus, and Menu Items: */ |
/* (no menu bars in the resource file) */ |
/HVtest/HVtest_ui.uir |
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