/sipmScan/src/analysisScan.cpp |
17,7 → 17,7 |
#include "TStyle.h" |
#include "TCanvas.h" |
#include "TLine.h" |
//#include "zlib.h" |
#include "zlib.h" |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
30,8 → 30,8 |
#define NCH 64 |
#define TDC_BIN 1.0416 // 1 TDC bin in ns |
#define MIKRO_BIN 0.49609/1000. //1 mikro step in mm; stage MM3MF |
#define OFFSETX 0 // Right edge of SiPM+Lightguide |
#define OFFSETY 0 // Lower edge of SiPM+Lightguide |
#define OFFSETX 5220 // Right edge of SiPM+Lightguide |
#define OFFSETY 5860 // Lower edge of SiPM+Lightguide |
#define RUNREC_ID 1 |
#define ENDREC_ID 2 |
84,18 → 84,14 |
double padCenter[NCH][2]; |
// Test if the hit(x,y) lies inside the coordinates of the channel |
// file with pad centers (without offset) should be provided |
int position(int, int, int); |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
int analysisScan(char* dfile0="test", double c_tdcOffset=97, double tdcCut=5.0, int dbg=0) |
int analysisScan(char* dfile0="test", int dbg=0, double tdcCut=5.0) |
{ |
//const double c_tdcOffset = +98*TDC_BIN; // ns |
c_tdcOffset *= TDC_BIN; //ns |
const double c_tdcOffset = +97*TDC_BIN; // ns, SiPM4 |
printf(" Data to root conversion program\nUsage:\nd2r(input file name <without .dat>, debug on/off, TDC cut +-[ns])\n\n"); |
printf(" OFFSETS: \n x: %d\n y: %d\n t:%f\n", OFFSETX, OFFSETY, c_tdcOffset); |
160,7 → 156,7 |
char hname[256]; |
//double tdc; |
TH2F *htdc; |
TH2F* h_correctedTDC; |
TH2F* h_correctedTDC; |
TH1F *hnhitsx[NCH], *hnhitsy[NCH]; |
TH2F *h2d[NCH]; |
170,9 → 166,12 |
unsigned int readbuf[READBUFFERLENGTH]; |
unsigned int buf[READBUFFERLENGTH]; |
//data file |
//gzFile dfp; |
FILE *dfp; |
gzFile dfp; |
char dfile[256]; |
int ftype=0; |
int fcount=1; |
191,8 → 190,7 |
printf(" Cannot find data file for %s !!!\n", dfile0); |
return -1; |
} |
//dfp=gzopen(dfile,"rb"); |
dfp=fopen(dfile,"rb"); |
dfp=gzopen(dfile,"rb"); |
} while(!dfp); |
printf("Opened data file %s\n", dfile); |
221,11 → 219,9 |
int status; |
while(1) { |
//if(gzeof(dfp)) end_of_file = 1; |
if(feof(dfp)) end_of_file = 1; |
//gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf, 2*ulsize); |
fread((void*)&readbuf, 2*ulsize, 1, dfp); |
if(gzeof(dfp)) end_of_file = 1; |
gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf, 2*ulsize); |
rec_id=readbuf[0]; |
rec_len=readbuf[1]; |
236,8 → 232,7 |
switch(rec_id) |
{ |
case RUNREC_ID: |
//gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize)); |
fread((void*)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize), 1, dfp); |
gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize)); |
runrec = (RUNREC*) readbuf; |
run = *runrec; |
303,8 → 298,7 |
break; |
case POSREC_ID: |
//gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize)); |
fread((void*)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize), 1, dfp); |
gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize)); |
posrec = (POSREC *) readbuf; |
pos=*posrec; |
318,8 → 312,7 |
break; |
case EVTREC_ID: |
//gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], ulsize); // last field of event record |
fread((void*)&readbuf[2], ulsize, 1, dfp); |
gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], ulsize); // last field of event record |
evtrec = (EVTREC *) readbuf; |
//evtrec->nev = buf[0]; |
//if (rec_len < 0 || rec_len > 10000) { |
328,8 → 321,7 |
return(0); |
} |
nb = rec_len - 3*ulsize; // no. of bytes to read |
//gzread(dfp, (voidp)&buf, nb); |
fread((void*)&buf, nb, 1, dfp); |
gzread(dfp, (voidp)&buf, nb); |
if(dbg) { |
printf("EVTREC_ID\n"); |
350,10 → 342,10 |
if (dbg) printf("Buffer pointer %d\n", ii); |
unsigned int *dbuf = (unsigned int *)&buf[ii]; |
//if (n%1000==0) |
if (dbg) printf("%d 0x%03x Len=%d\n",evtrec->nev,recid,len); |
if (dbg) printf("%d 0x%03x Len=%d\n",evtrec->nev,recid,len); |
//unsigned short edge; |
//int nhits; |
if (recid==0x140 || recid==0x141) { |
if (recid==0x140 || recid==0x141) { |
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { |
int data = dbuf[i] & 0xFFFF ; |
int edge_type = (dbuf[i]>>16)&0x1 ; |
431,8 → 423,7 |
break; |
case THRREC_ID: |
//status = gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize)); |
status = fread((void*)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize), 1, dfp); |
status = gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize)); |
thrrec = (THRREC*) readbuf; |
thr = *thrrec; |
if (dbg) printf("THRREC id = %d len = %d threshold %d\n", |
440,8 → 431,7 |
break; |
case ENDREC_ID: |
//gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize)); |
fread((void*)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize), 1, dfp); |
gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize)); |
endrec = (ENDREC *) readbuf; |
if(dbg) { |
462,11 → 452,9 |
break; |
} |
//if(dfp) gzclose(dfp); |
if(dfp) fclose(dfp); |
if(dfp) gzclose(dfp); |
//dfp=gzopen(dfile,"rb"); |
dfp=fopen(dfile,"rb"); |
dfp=gzopen(dfile,"rb"); |
if(!dfp) { |
printf(" Cannot open data file: %s ---> Exiting\n", dfile); |
end_of_file = 1; |
490,9 → 478,8 |
} |
if(dfp) { |
//gzclose(dfp); |
fclose(dfp); |
//delete dfp; |
gzclose(dfp); |
delete dfp; |
} |
if(dbg) return 1; |
if(rootfile) { |
500,7 → 487,7 |
rootfile->Write(); |
printf("Saved to %s\n", fnameroot); |
rootfile->Close(); |
//delete rootfile; |
delete rootfile; |
} |
return 1; |
/sipmScan/src/sipmScan.c |
24,8 → 24,6 |
#include <ansi_c.h> |
#include <utility.h> |
#include <analysis.h> |
#include <time.h> |
//#include <zlib.h> |
#include "c:\HOME\dino\sipmScan\include\sipmScan_ui.h" |
35,7 → 33,7 |
# define NDAC 1 |
# define ASD8 0 // channels |
# define AMPDISSH 1 |
# define SIPM 15 |
# define SIPM 2 |
//# define CAEN_V673A 0x10110000 // FMF |
# define CAEN_V673A 0x22220000 // IJS |
# define CAEN_V462 0x100300 |
42,7 → 40,7 |
#endif |
#ifdef USE_MIKRO |
# define MIKRO_COM 3 |
# define MIKRO_COM 5 |
# define MIKRO_X 1 |
# define USE_MIKRO_Y |
# define MIKRO_Y 2 |
51,7 → 49,7 |
# define STEP_TOLERANCE 1 |
#endif |
#define MAXCH 128 |
#define MAXCH 512 |
#define MAX_THREADS 10 |
#define IWAIT 200 |
68,9 → 66,6 |
static int poolHandle = 0; |
static int ntics,dummy; |
static int offsetX = 5600; |
static int offsetY = 5400; |
/************************************************************/ |
void wait_loop(unsigned long iloop) |
213,10 → 208,8 |
GetSystemTime(&start_hours, &start_minutes, &start_seconds); |
//cur_time_s = start_hours*3600 + start_minutes*60 + start_seconds; |
time(&cur_time_s); |
end_time_s = cur_time_s + (int) (runrec.nx * runrec.ny * runrec.nev/10000.0 * 4.5); // expected seconds |
printf("START:%2d-%2d-%2d (cur_time = %u s, end_time = %u s)\n", start_hours, start_minutes, start_seconds, cur_time_s, end_time_s); |
SetCtrlAttribute(p1h, P1_EXPTIME, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); |
SetCtrlVal(p1h, P1_EXPTIME, ctime(&end_time_s)); |
end_time_s = cur_time_s + step_minutes*60; |
printf("START:%2d-%2d-%2d (cur_time = %u s, end_time = %u s)\n", start_hours, start_minutes, start_seconds, cur_time_s, end_time_s); |
//GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_DSAVE, &dsave); |
//if (dsave) { |
243,7 → 236,6 |
//if (dsave) { |
sprintf(dfile,"%s_file%02d.dat",dfile0,fcount); |
SetCtrlVal(p1h, P1_FCOUNT,fcount); |
fp = fopen (dfile, "wb"); |
time (&runrec.time); |
253,42 → 245,36 |
fseed = runrec.time & 0x7fffffff; |
Uniform (1, fseed, &fracg); |
} |
// vertical moving stage loop |
for (posrec.iy=0; posrec.iy<runrec.ny; posrec.iy++) { |
posrec.yset = runrec.y0 + posrec.iy*runrec.dy; |
#ifdef USE_MIKRO_Y |
if (print) printf("MIKRO_MoveTo (2, y);%d\n",posrec.yset); |
do { |
MIKRO_MoveTo (MIKRO_Y, offsetY + posrec.yset); |
MIKRO_GetPosition(MIKRO_Y, &mikroY); |
mikroY -= offsetY; |
if (print) printf("%d\n", abs(posrec.yset - mikroY)); |
} while (abs(posrec.yset - mikroY) > STEP_TOLERANCE); |
if (print) printf("->MIKRO_MoveTo (2, y);%d\n",posrec.yset); |
#endif |
posrec.yset = mikroY; |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_Y, posrec.yset); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_IY, posrec.iy); |
// horizontal moving stage loop |
for (posrec.ix=0; posrec.ix<runrec.nx; posrec.ix++) { |
posrec.xset = runrec.x0 + posrec.ix*runrec.dx; |
for (posrec.ix=0; posrec.ix<runrec.nx; posrec.ix++) { |
posrec.xset = runrec.x0 + posrec.ix*runrec.dx; |
#ifdef USE_MIKRO |
do { |
if (print) printf("MIKRO_MoveTo (1, x);%d\n",posrec.xset); |
MIKRO_MoveTo (MIKRO_X, offsetX + posrec.xset); |
MIKRO_MoveTo (MIKRO_X, posrec.xset); |
MIKRO_GetPosition(MIKRO_X, &mikroX); |
mikroX -= offsetX; |
if (print) printf("%d\n", abs(posrec.xset - mikroX)); |
} while (abs(posrec.xset - mikroX) > STEP_TOLERANCE); |
#endif |
posrec.xset = mikroX; // true value |
posrec.xset = mikroX; // true value |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_X, posrec.xset); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_IX, posrec.ix); |
//if (dsave) { |
if (fmax && (ftell(fp) > fmax)) { |
for (posrec.iy=0; posrec.iy<runrec.ny; posrec.iy++) { |
posrec.yset = runrec.y0 + posrec.iy*runrec.dy; |
#ifdef USE_MIKRO_Y |
if (print) printf("MIKRO_MoveTo (2, y);%d\n",posrec.yset); |
do { |
MIKRO_MoveTo (MIKRO_Y, posrec.yset); |
MIKRO_GetPosition(MIKRO_Y, &mikroY); |
if (print) printf("%d\n", abs(posrec.yset - mikroY)); |
} while (abs(posrec.yset - mikroY) > STEP_TOLERANCE); |
if (print) printf("->MIKRO_MoveTo (2, y);%d\n",posrec.yset); |
#endif |
posrec.yset = mikroY; |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_Y, posrec.yset); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_IY, posrec.iy); |
//if (dsave) { |
if (fmax && (ftell(fp) > fmax)) { |
fcount+=1; |
sprintf(dfile,"%s_file%02d.dat",dfile0,fcount); |
fclose(fp); |
384,7 → 370,7 |
} else { |
if (ntrig==0) { |
fprintf(stderr,"-----------------> no trigger"); |
//break; |
break; |
} else { |
if (print) fprintf(stderr,"-----------------> wrong number of triggers in chips V673a !!!\n"); |
} |
412,7 → 398,6 |
status = fwrite (&endrec, 1, endrec.len, fp); |
fcount+=1; |
sprintf(dfile,"%s_file%02d.dat",dfile0,fcount); |
SetCtrlVal(p1h, P1_FCOUNT,fcount); |
fclose(fp); |
fp = fopen (dfile, "wb"); |
} |
434,9 → 419,9 |
} while (evtrec.nev++<runrec.nev && daq_on); |
if (!daq_on) break; |
} // y loop |
} // x loop |
if (!daq_on) break; |
} // x loop |
} // y loop |
//if (dsave) { |
time (&endrec.time); |
479,8 → 464,7 |
{ |
int i,j,status,refon; |
long int xpos, ypos, zpos; |
char dfile[512]; |
char message[256]; |
char dfile[300]; |
FILE *fp; |
typedef struct { |
520,9 → 504,6 |
DisplayPanel (p1h); |
SetCtrlAttribute (p1h, P1_PLCH, ATTR_MAX_VALUE, NCH-1); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_OFFSETX, offsetX); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_OFFSETY, offsetY); |
GetCtrlVal(p1h, P1_ADCHLSAVE, &runrec.xy); |
SetCtrlVal(p1h, P1_ADCHL, runrec.xy-2); |
530,8 → 511,6 |
QueueUserEvent (1000, p1h, P1_ASD8THR); |
QueueUserEvent (1000, p1h, P1_AMPDISSHTHR); |
QueueUserEvent (1000, p1h, P1_BIAS); |
QueueUserEvent (1000, p1h, P1_OFFSETX); |
QueueUserEvent (1000, p1h, P1_OFFSETY); |
printf("BIAS offset set to: %d\n", POWERSUPPLY); |
551,27 → 530,12 |
if (daq_on) { |
CmtScheduleThreadPoolFunction (poolHandle, daq_run, (void *)&dummy, &tfID); |
} else { |
CmtWaitForThreadPoolFunctionCompletion (poolHandle, tfID, OPT_TP_PROCESS_EVENTS_WHILE_WAITING); |
CmtWaitForThreadPoolFunctionCompletion (poolHandle, tfID, |
CmtReleaseThreadPoolFunctionID (poolHandle, tfID); |
} |
break; |
case P1_XMIN: |
if (!daq_on) { |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_XMIN, &xpos); |
//backlash |
MIKRO_MoveTo(MIKRO_X, xpos+offsetX-1000); |
Delay(0.01); |
MIKRO_MoveTo(MIKRO_X, xpos+offsetX); |
} |
break; |
case P1_YMIN: |
if (!daq_on) { |
GetCtrlVal(p1h, P1_YMIN, &ypos); |
MIKRO_MoveTo(MIKRO_Y, ypos+offsetY-1000); |
Delay(0.01); |
MIKRO_MoveTo(MIKRO_Y, ypos+offsetY); |
} |
break; |
case P1_ZSET: |
if (!daq_on) { |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_ZSET, &zpos); |
605,11 → 569,11 |
#ifdef USE_MIKRO |
MIKRO_GetPosition(MIKRO_X,&xpos); |
Delay(0.01); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_X, xpos-offsetX); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_X, xpos); |
#ifdef USE_MIKRO_Y |
MIKRO_GetPosition(MIKRO_Y,&ypos); |
Delay(0.01); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_Y, ypos-offsetY); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_Y, ypos); |
#endif |
#ifdef USE_MIKRO_Z |
MIKRO_GetPosition(MIKRO_Z,&zpos); |
677,20 → 641,6 |
SetDac(SIPM, value); |
} |
break; |
// reset SiPM bias to initial power supply voltage |
case P1_BIASOFF: |
{ |
SetDac(SIPM, 0); |
SetCtrlVal(p1h, P1_SBIAS, (double) POWERSUPPLY); |
} |
case P1_OFFSETX: |
{ |
GetCtrlVal(p1h, P1_OFFSETX, &offsetX); |
} |
case P1_OFFSETY: |
{ |
GetCtrlVal(p1h, P1_OFFSETY, &offsetY); |
} |
} |
/sipmScan/src/sipmThreshold.c |
44,7 → 44,7 |
# define MIKRO_Y 2 |
# define USE_MIKRO_Z |
# define MIKRO_Z 3 |
# define STEP_TOLERANCE 1 |
# define STEP_TOLERANCE 50 |
#endif |
#define MAXCH 512 |
/sipmScan/src/sipmBias.c |
34,7 → 34,7 |
# define NDAC 1 // CAEN C221 |
# define ASD8 0 // channels |
# define AMPDISSH 1 |
# define SIPM 15 |
# define SIPM 2 |
# define CAEN_V673A 0x22220000 // IJS |
//#define CAEN_V673A 0x10110000 // FMF |
# define CAEN_V462 0x100300 |
41,13 → 41,13 |
#endif |
#ifdef USE_MIKRO |
# define MIKRO_COM 3 |
# define MIKRO_COM 5 |
# define MIKRO_X 1 |
# define USE_MIKRO_Y |
# define MIKRO_Y 2 |
# define USE_MIKRO_Z |
# define MIKRO_Z 3 |
# define STEP_TOLERANCE 1 |
# define STEP_TOLERANCE 50 |
#endif |
#define MAXCH 512 |
57,8 → 57,6 |
#define NCH 64 |
#define POWERSUPPLY 66 // Power supply voltage for SiPM bias |
#define OFFSETX 5600 // position of the lower right corner |
#define OFFSETY 5200 |
static int p1h, pID, rID, tfID; |
static int ph_tdc, ph_adc; |
285,7 → 283,6 |
//if (dsave) { |
sprintf(dfile,"%s_file%02d.dat",dfile0,fcount); |
SetCtrlVal(p1h, P1_FCOUNT, fcount); |
fp = fopen (dfile, "wb"); |
time (&runrec.time); |
304,7 → 301,6 |
SetCtrlVal(p1h, P1_SBIAS, biasrec.bias/1000.0); |
status = fwrite(&biasrec, 1, biasrec.len, fp); |
if (print) printf("BIASREC status %d len %d bias %d\n", status, biasrec.len, biasrec.bias); |
wait_loop(10000); |
// Set ASD threshold voltage |
thrrec.threshold = (unsigned long) ceil(thresholdLow*1000); // threshold in mV |
313,7 → 309,6 |
SetCtrlVal(p1h, P1_SASD8THR, thrrec.threshold/1000.0); |
status = fwrite(&thrrec, 1, thrrec.len, fp); |
if (print) printf("THRREC status %d len %d threshold %d\n", status, thrrec.len, thrrec.threshold); |
wait_loop(10000); |
for (posrec.ix=0; posrec.ix<runrec.nx; posrec.ix++) { |
posrec.xset = runrec.x0 + posrec.ix*runrec.dx; |
320,9 → 315,8 |
#ifdef USE_MIKRO |
//printf("MIKRO_MoveTo (1, x);%d\n",posrec.x); |
do { |
MIKRO_MoveTo (MIKRO_X, OFFSETX + posrec.xset); |
MIKRO_MoveTo (MIKRO_X, posrec.xset); |
MIKRO_GetPosition(MIKRO_X, &mikroX); |
mikroX -= OFFSETX; |
} while (abs(posrec.xset - mikroX) > STEP_TOLERANCE); |
//printf("->MIKRO_MoveTo (1, x);%d\n",posrec.xset); |
#endif |
335,9 → 329,8 |
#ifdef USE_MIKRO_Y |
//printf("MIKRO_MoveTo (2, y);%d\n",y); |
do { |
MIKRO_MoveTo (MIKRO_Y, OFFSETY + posrec.yset); |
MIKRO_MoveTo (MIKRO_Y, posrec.yset); |
MIKRO_GetPosition(MIKRO_Y, &mikroY); |
mikroY -= OFFSETY; |
} while (abs(posrec.yset - mikroY) > STEP_TOLERANCE); |
//printf("->MIKRO_MoveTo (2, y);%d\n",posrec.yset); |
#endif |
472,7 → 465,6 |
status = fwrite (&endrec, 1, endrec.len, fp); |
fcount+=1; |
sprintf(dfile,"%s_file%02d.dat",dfile0,fcount); |
SetCtrlVal(p1h, P1_FCOUNT, fcount); |
fclose(fp); |
fp = fopen (dfile, "wb"); |
} |
499,11 → 491,9 |
} // y loop |
if (!daq_on) break; |
thrrec.threshold += thresholdStep*1000; |
wait_loop(10000); |
} // threhsold loop |
if (!daq_on) break; |
biasrec.bias += runrec.biasStep; |
wait_loop(10000); |
} // bias loop |
SetDac(SIPM, 0); // safety |
549,8 → 539,7 |
{ |
int i,j,status,refon; |
long int xpos, ypos, zpos; |
char dfile[256]; |
char message[128]; |
char dfile[300]; |
FILE *fp; |
typedef struct { |
590,11 → 579,6 |
DisplayPanel (p1h); |
SetCtrlAttribute (p1h, P1_PLCH, ATTR_MAX_VALUE, NCH-1); |
sprintf(message, "%d", OFFSETX); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_OFFSETX, message); |
sprintf(message, "%d", OFFSETY); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_OFFSETY, message); |
GetCtrlVal(p1h, P1_ADCHLSAVE, &runrec.xy); |
SetCtrlVal(p1h, P1_ADCHL, runrec.xy-2); |