87,8 → 87,8 |
{ |
if(show_data) { |
char sbuff[256]; |
sprintf(sbuff, "SiPM = %.1lf, M = %.1lf, d = %.1lf | gap = (%.1lf, %.1lf, %.1lf), #theta = %.1lf | acceptance = %.3lf", |
parameters.getA(), parameters.getM(), parameters.getD(), |
sprintf(sbuff, "SiPM = %.1lf, L.y. = %.2lf, d = %.1lf | gap = (%.1lf, %.1lf, %.1lf), #theta = %.1lf | acceptance = %.3lf", |
parameters.getA(), parameters.getLightYield()*acc, parameters.getD(), |
parameters.getGap().x(), parameters.getGap().y(), parameters.getGap().z(), theta, acc); |
if(!only2d) { |
183,6 → 183,7 |
theta = Pi()*theta/180.0; |
if(theta < 1e-6) theta = 1e-6; |
phi = phi*Pi()/180.0; |
if(phi < 1e-6) phi = 1e-6; |
double offset = (parameters._plateOn ? parameters._plateWidth : 0); |
195,6 → 196,9 |
detector->Propagate(*ray0, ray1, show_3d); |
delete ray0; |
delete ray1; |
return (detector->GetHActive())->GetEntries() / (double)(1); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
224,16 → 228,26 |
if(i == (NN/2)) |
detector->Propagate(*ray0, ray1, show_3d); |
else |
detector->Propagate(*ray0, ray1, 0); |
detector->Propagate(*ray0, ray1, 0); |
delete ray0; |
delete ray1; |
} |
} |
return (detector->GetHActive())->GetEntries() / (double)((NN)*(NN)); |
double acceptance = 0.0; |
/* |
if( !(parameters.getPlateOn()) ) |
acceptance = (detector->GetHActive())->GetEntries() / (double)NN*NN; |
else |
acceptance = (detector->GetHActive())->GetEntries() / (detector->GetHPlate())->GetEntries(); |
*/ |
acceptance = (detector->GetHActive())->GetEntries() / (double)((NN)*(NN)); |
return acceptance; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// zarki z nakljucnim polozajem vpada (na vstopni pov. vodnika) |
// vsi pod kotom (theta, phi) |
double RandYZ(CDetector *detector, DetectorParameters& parameters, int NN = 1e3, double theta = 0.0, double phi = 0.0, int show_rays = 30) |
double RandYZ(CDetector *detector, DetectorParameters& parameters, int NN, double theta, double phi, int show_rays) |
{ |
//CDetector *detector = new CDetector(center, 3, 1.666, 3, 3, 1, 1.48, 1.48); |
theta = theta*3.14159265358979312/180.0; |
272,13 → 286,25 |
//delete ray0; |
//delete ray1; |
} |
return (detector->GetHActive())->GetEntries() / (double)NN; |
double acceptance = 0.0; |
/* |
if( !(parameters.getPlateOn()) ) |
acceptance = (detector->GetHActive())->GetEntries() / (double)NN; |
else |
acceptance = (detector->GetHActive())->GetEntries() / (detector->GetHPlate())->GetEntries(); |
//return (detector->GetHActive())->GetEntries() / (double)((NN)*(NN));*/ |
acceptance = (detector->GetHActive())->GetEntries() / (double) NN; |
return acceptance; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// zarki, izotropno porazdeljeni znotraj kota theta |
// = nakljucni vstopni polozaj in kot |
double RandIso(CDetector *detector, DetectorParameters& parameters, int NN = 1e3, double theta = 30.0, int show_rays = 30, int show_rand = 0) |
// NN - number of rays to be simulated with angles theta distributed uniformly |
// in cos theta and phi uniformly: |
// theta [0, theta] |
// phi [0,360] |
double RandIso(CDetector *detector, DetectorParameters& parameters, int NN = 1e3, double thetaMin=0.0, double theta = 30.0, int show_rays = 30, int show_rand = 0) |
{ |
//CDetector *detector = new CDetector(center, 3, 1.666, 3, 3, 1, 1.48, 1.48); |
double pi = 3.14159265358979312; |
292,6 → 318,7 |
double rphi, rtheta; |
//double theta_min_rad = TMath::Power(TMath::Cos(theta), 2); |
double theta_min_rad = TMath::Cos(theta); |
double theta_max_rad = TMath::Cos(thetaMin); |
TH1F *hphi, *htheta, *hcostheta, *hl, *hm, *hn; |
hphi = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hphi"); if(hphi) delete hphi; |
322,7 → 349,9 |
rz = rand.Uniform(-M*SiPM/2.0, M*SiPM/2.0); |
rphi = rand.Uniform(0.0, 2.0*pi); |
rtheta = TMath::ACos((rand.Uniform(theta_min_rad, 1.0))); |
//double theta_max_rad = TMath::Cos(17.0*pi/180.0); |
//rtheta = TMath::ACos((rand.Uniform(theta_min_rad, 1.0))); |
rtheta = TMath::ACos((rand.Uniform(theta_min_rad, theta_max_rad))); |
rl = TMath::Cos(rtheta); |
rm = TMath::Sin(rtheta)*TMath::Sin(rphi); |
345,8 → 374,8 |
detector->Propagate(*ray0, ray1, 0); |
} |
//delete ray0; |
//delete ray1; |
delete ray0; |
delete ray1; |
} |
if(show_rand) { |
363,8 → 392,113 |
c2rand->cd(6); hn->Draw(); |
} |
double acceptance = 0.0; |
/* |
if( !(parameters.getPlateOn()) ) |
acceptance = (detector->GetHActive())->GetEntries() / (double)NN; |
else |
acceptance = (detector->GetHActive())->GetEntries() / (detector->GetHPlate())->GetEntries(); |
*/ |
acceptance = (detector->GetHActive())->GetEntries() / (double)NN; |
return acceptance; |
} |
// Beamtest distribution |
// with fixed theta and phi in interval phiMin, phiMax |
double beamtest(CDetector *detector, DetectorParameters& parameters, int NN, double theta, double phiMin, double phiMax, int show_rays, int show_rand) |
{ |
double pi = 3.14159265358979312; |
theta *= pi/180.0; |
if(theta < MARGIN) theta = MARGIN; |
phiMin *= pi/180.0; |
phiMax *= pi/180.0; |
double acceptance = (detector->GetHActive())->GetEntries() / (double)NN; |
TDatime now; |
TRandom rand; |
rand.SetSeed(now.Get()); |
double rx, ry, rz, rl, rm, rn; |
double rphi; |
//double rtheta; |
//double theta_min_rad = TMath::Power(TMath::Cos(theta), 2); |
//double theta_min_rad = TMath::Cos(theta); |
TH1F *hphi, *htheta, *hcostheta, *hl, *hm, *hn; |
hphi = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hphi"); if(hphi) delete hphi; |
hphi = new TH1F("hphi", "hphi", 100, -pi, pi); |
htheta = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("htheta"); if(htheta) delete htheta; |
htheta = new TH1F("htheta", "htheta", 100, 0.0, pi/2.0); |
hcostheta = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hcostheta"); if(hcostheta) delete hcostheta; |
hcostheta = new TH1F("hcostheta", "hcostheta", 100, 0.0, 1.0); |
hl = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hl"); if(hl) delete hl; |
hl = new TH1F("hl", "hl", 100, 0.0, 1.0); |
hm = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hm"); if(hm) delete hm; |
hm = new TH1F("hm", "hm", 100, 0.0, 1.0); |
hn = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hn"); if(hn) delete hn; |
hn = new TH1F("hn", "hn", 100, 0.0, 1.0); |
//detector->Init(); |
if (show_3d) detector->Draw(draw_width); |
double b = parameters.getB(); |
double offset = (parameters._plateOn ? parameters._plateWidth : 0); |
for(int i = 0; i < NN; i++) { |
rx = CENTER.x() - offset; |
ry = rand.Uniform(-b/2.0, b/2.0); |
rz = rand.Uniform(-b/2.0, b/2.0); |
rphi = rand.Uniform(phiMin, phiMax); |
//double theta_max_rad = TMath::Cos(17.0*pi/180.0); |
//rtheta = TMath::ACos((rand.Uniform(theta_min_rad, 1.0))); |
//rtheta = TMath::ACos((rand.Uniform(theta_min_rad, theta_max_rad))); |
rl = TMath::Cos(theta); |
rm = TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Sin(rphi); |
rn = TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Cos(rphi); |
if(show_rand) { |
//htheta->Fill(rtheta); |
//hcostheta->Fill( TMath::Cos(rtheta) ); |
hphi->Fill(rphi); |
hl->Fill(rl); hm->Fill(rm); hn->Fill(rn); |
} |
CRay *ray0 = new CRay(rx, ry, rz, rl, rm, rn); |
CRay *ray1 = new CRay; |
if(i < show_rays) { |
detector->Propagate(*ray0, ray1, show_3d); |
} |
else { |
detector->Propagate(*ray0, ray1, 0); |
} |
delete ray0; |
delete ray1; |
} |
if(show_rand) { |
TCanvas *c2rand = (TCanvas*)gROOT->FindObject("c2rand"); |
if(!c2rand) c2rand = new TCanvas("c2rand", "Random", 750, 550, 700, 700); |
else c2rand->Clear(); |
c2rand->Divide(2,3); |
c2rand->cd(1); hphi->Draw(); |
c2rand->cd(3); htheta->Draw(); |
c2rand->cd(5); hcostheta->Draw(); |
c2rand->cd(2); hl->Draw(); |
c2rand->cd(4); hm->Draw(); |
c2rand->cd(6); hn->Draw(); |
} |
double acceptance = 0.0; |
/* |
if( !(parameters.getPlateOn()) ) |
acceptance = (detector->GetHActive())->GetEntries() / (double)NN; |
else |
acceptance = (detector->GetHActive())->GetEntries() / (detector->GetHPlate())->GetEntries(); |
*/ |
acceptance = (detector->GetHActive())->GetEntries() / (double)NN; |
return acceptance; |
} |