247,9 → 247,9 |
if(dbg) |
{ |
//printf("angle_ve1 = %lf\n", angle_ve1*DEGREE); |
//printf("angle_ve2 = %lf\n", angle_ve2*DEGREE); |
//printf("angle_sum = %lf\n", (angle_ve1 + angle_ve2)*DEGREE); |
printf("angle_ve1 = %lf\n", angle_ve1*DEGREE); |
printf("angle_ve2 = %lf\n", angle_ve2*DEGREE); |
printf("angle_sum = %lf\n", (angle_ve1 + angle_ve2)*DEGREE); |
printf(" angle_r = %lf\n", angle*DEGREE); |
} |
397,23 → 397,32 |
// --------------- Fresnel ---------------------------------------------------- |
// R_f = a_te * R_te + a_tm * R_tm |
// e - electrical/perependicular |
// m - magnetic polarization/parallel |
double r_te=0; |
double r_tm=0; |
double R_te=0; |
double R_tm=0; |
double R_te=0; // s reflection coefficient |
double R_tm=0; // p reflection coefficient |
double R_f = 0.0; |
double a_te = 0.0; |
double a_tm = 0.0; |
TVector3 v_te; // polarization perpendicular to the plane of incidence |
TVector3 v_tm; // inbound polarization parallel with the plane of incidence |
double a_te = 0.0; // s-wave amplitude, cos Alpha |
double a_tm = 0.0; // p-wave amplitude, sin Alpha |
TVector3 v_te; // unit s-polarization vector |
TVector3 v_tm; // unit p-polarization vector |
TVector3 v_tm_t;// transmited polarization parallel with the plane of incidence |
TVector3 pol_t = in.GetP(); // transmited polarization |
int sign_n; // sign of normal direction vs. inbound ray |
double cosTN; // debug |
if(fresnel) { |
v_te = n.Cross(in.GetN()); v_te = v_te.Unit(); |
v_tm = -v_te.Cross(in.GetN()); v_tm = v_tm.Unit(); |
if(fresnel) { |
// p-polarization unit vector v_te |
// is in the plane orthogonal to the plane of incidence |
// defined as the plane spanned by |
// incident surface vector n and wave vector k |
// k in this notation is in.GetN() |
v_te = n.Cross(in.GetN()); |
v_te = v_te.Unit(); |
v_tm = -v_te.Cross(in.GetN()); |
v_tm = v_tm.Unit(); |
if(dbg) { |
printf(" v_te = "); printv(v_te); |
printf(" v_tm = "); printv(v_tm); |
428,7 → 437,7 |
} |
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
if(type == 3) type = SURF_REFRA; //SURF_TOTAL -> SURF_REFRA |
if(type == SURF_TOTAL) type = SURF_REFRA; |
switch(type){ |
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// --------------- refraction from n1 to n2 ----------------------------------- |
452,9 → 461,8 |
p_ref = rand.Uniform(0.0, 1.0); |
if (dbg) printf(" reflection probability = %f\n", p_ref); |
// Total reflection |
/* |
if( (cosTi <= cosTtotal) && (p_ref < reflection) ) { // totalni odboj z verjetnostjo "reflection" |
// If n1>n2 and theta>thetaCritical, total reflection |
if( (cosTi < cosTtotal) && (p_ref < reflection) ) { // totalni odboj z verjetnostjo "reflection" |
if(dbg) printf(" TOTAL\n"); |
transmit = in.GetN() + sign_n*2*cosTi*n; |
467,7 → 475,7 |
pol_t = -in.GetP() + sign_n*2*cosTi*n; |
out->SetPolarization(pol_t); |
return REFLECTION; |
} else { */ |
} else { |
// reflection or refraction according to Fresnel equations |
if(dbg) printf(" REFRACTION\n"); |
if(dbg) printf(" N1_N2(sign_n) = %lf\n", N1_N2(sign_n)); |
488,6 → 496,7 |
if(dbg) printf(" r_te = %lf, r_tm = %lf\n", r_te, r_tm); |
// transmited polarization |
v_tm_t = -v_te.Cross(transmit); |
v_tm_t = v_tm_t.Unit(); |
pol_t = a_te * (1.0 - TMath::Abs(r_te)) * v_te + a_tm * (1.0 - TMath::Abs(r_tm)) * v_tm_t; |
496,13 → 505,14 |
printf(" v_tm_t = "); printv(v_tm_t); |
printf(" pol_t = "); printv(pol_t); |
} |
// Fresnel coefficients |
R_te = TMath::Power(r_te, 2); |
R_tm = TMath::Power(r_tm, 2); |
R_f = a_te*a_te*R_te + a_tm*a_tm*R_tm; |
if (dbg) printf(" R_te = %lf, R_tm = %lf, R_f = %lf\n", R_te, R_tm, R_f); |
//} |
} |
if(p_ref >= R_f) { // se lomi |
if (dbg) printf(" SURFACE REFRACTED. Return.\n"); |
573,7 → 583,8 |
{ |
double t; |
TDatime now; rand.SetSeed(now.Get()); |
TDatime now; |
rand.SetSeed(now.Get()); |
center = center0; |
double b = parameters.getB(); |
582,33 → 593,41 |
n1 = parameters.getN1(); |
n2 = parameters.getN2(); |
// if PlateOn, then n0 = n3 (optical grease), else = n1 (air) |
double n0 = (parameters.getPlateOn() ? parameters.getN3(): n1); |
//double n0 = (parameters.getPlateOn() ? parameters.getN3(): n1); |
double n0 = (parameters.getPlateOn() ? n2 : n1); |
n3 = parameters.getN3(); |
_r = c_reflectivity; |
int fresnel = parameters.getFresnel(); |
// light guide edges |
t = b/2.0; |
vodnik_edge[0].SetXYZ(0.0, t,-t); vodnik_edge[1].SetXYZ(0.0, t, t); |
vodnik_edge[2].SetXYZ(0.0,-t, t); vodnik_edge[3].SetXYZ(0.0,-t,-t); |
vodnik_edge[0].SetXYZ(0.0, t,-t); |
vodnik_edge[1].SetXYZ(0.0, t, t); |
vodnik_edge[2].SetXYZ(0.0,-t, t); |
vodnik_edge[3].SetXYZ(0.0,-t,-t); |
t = a/2.0; |
vodnik_edge[4].SetXYZ(_d, t,-t); vodnik_edge[5].SetXYZ(_d, t, t); |
vodnik_edge[6].SetXYZ(_d,-t, t); vodnik_edge[7].SetXYZ(_d,-t,-t); |
vodnik_edge[4].SetXYZ(_d, t,-t); |
vodnik_edge[5].SetXYZ(_d, t, t); |
vodnik_edge[6].SetXYZ(_d,-t, t); |
vodnik_edge[7].SetXYZ(_d,-t,-t); |
for(int i = 0; i<8; i++) vodnik_edge[i] += center; |
// light guide surfaces |
s_side[0] = new CSurface(SURF_REFRA, vodnik_edge, n0, n2, _r); |
s_side[0]->FlipN(); |
s_side[1] = new CSurface(SURF_REFRA, vodnik_edge[3], vodnik_edge[2], vodnik_edge[6], vodnik_edge[7], n2, n1, _r); |
s_side[2] = new CSurface(SURF_REFRA, vodnik_edge[2], vodnik_edge[1], vodnik_edge[5], vodnik_edge[6], n2, n1, _r); |
s_side[3] = new CSurface(SURF_REFRA, vodnik_edge[1], vodnik_edge[0], vodnik_edge[4], vodnik_edge[5], n2, n1, _r); |
s_side[4] = new CSurface(SURF_REFRA, vodnik_edge[0], vodnik_edge[3], vodnik_edge[7], vodnik_edge[4], n2, n1, _r); |
s_side[5] = new CSurface(SURF_REFRA, &vodnik_edge[4], n2, n3, _r); |
s_side[5] = new CSurface(SURF_REFRA, &vodnik_edge[4], n2, n3, _r); // n3 - ref ind at the exit, grease, air, epoxy |
s_side[5]->FlipN(); |
if(fresnel) for(int i=0; i<6; i++) s_side[i]->SetFresnel(1); |
// statistics histograms |
hfate = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hfate"); if(hfate) delete hfate; |
hfate = new TH1F("hfate", "Ray fate", 8, -3.5, 4.5); |
(hfate->GetXaxis())->SetBinLabel(1, "Back Ref"); |
670,7 → 689,7 |
} else { |
if (dbg) printf(" GUIDE: ray entered\n"); |
points[0] = ray1.GetR(); |
hfate->Fill(2); // enter |
hfate->Fill(enter); // enter |
hin->Fill(vec1.y(), vec1.z()); |
if (dbg) printf(" GUIDE: n_odb = %d\n", n_odb); |
890,14 → 909,17 |
//guide = new CVodnik(center, SiPM, M, d, type_in, type_side, type_out, n1, n2, n3, reflectivity, fresnel, absorption, A); |
double b = parameters.getB(); |
double n1 = parameters.getN1(); |
double n2 = parameters.getN2(); |
//double n3 = parameters.getN3(); |
double reflectivity = c_reflectivity; // for faster simulation, not using Fresnel eqs. |
//double n1 = parameters.getN1(); |
//double n2 = parameters.getN2(); |
double n3 = parameters.getN3(); |
double reflectivity = c_reflectivity; |
double x_gap = parameters.getGap().X(); |
double y_gap = parameters.getGap().Y(); |
double z_gap = parameters.getGap().Z(); |
// additional glass between at top of SiPM |
// example: epoxy n=1.60 |
double n4 = 1.60; |
TVector3 plane_v[4]; |
int nBins = nch + 1; |
double p_size = b/2.0; |
905,8 → 927,10 |
plane_v[1].SetXYZ(x_offset+d+glass_d, y_gap + p_size, z_gap + p_size); |
plane_v[2].SetXYZ(x_offset+d+glass_d, y_gap - p_size, z_gap + p_size); |
plane_v[3].SetXYZ(x_offset+d+glass_d, y_gap - p_size, z_gap - p_size); |
glass = new CSurface(SURF_REFRA, plane_v, n2, n1, reflectivity); glass->FlipN(); |
glass = new CSurface(SURF_REFRA, plane_v, n3, n4, reflectivity); |
glass->FlipN(); |
// additional circular glass between LG and SiPM |
glass_circle = new CPlaneR(TVector3(x_offset+d+glass_d, y_gap, z_gap), TVector3(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0), b); |
hglass = (TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("hglass"); if(hglass) delete hglass; |
914,7 → 938,7 |
nBins, y_gap - p_size, y_gap + p_size, |
nBins, z_gap - p_size, z_gap + p_size); |
// SiPM active surface |
p_size = parameters.getActive()/2.0; |
//cout<<"SiPM active length "<<detectorActive<<endl; |
//p_size = 1.0/2.0; |
934,7 → 958,7 |
hlaser = (TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("hlaser"); if(hlaser) delete hlaser; |
hlaser = new TH2F("hlaser", ";x [mm]; y [mm]", nBins, -p_size+offsetY, p_size+offsetY, nBins, -p_size+offsetZ, p_size+offsetZ); |
// collection surface in SiPM plane |
p_size = 1.4*b/2.0; |
plane_v[0].SetXYZ(x_offset+d+x_gap, y_gap + p_size, z_gap - p_size); |
plane_v[1].SetXYZ(x_offset+d+x_gap, y_gap + p_size, z_gap + p_size); |
982,7 → 1006,8 |
//CRay *ray0 = new CRay; ray0->Set(in.GetR(), in.GetN()); ray0->SetColor(col_in); |
CRay *rayin = new CRay(in); |
rayin->SetColor(col_in); |
CRay *rayout = new CRay; |
CRay *rayout = new CRay(in); |
rayout->SetColor(col_in); |
const int max_n_points = guide->GetMAXODB() + 2; |
TVector3 pointsPlate[max_n_points]; |
999,14 → 1024,16 |
if(_plateOn) { |
fatePlate = plate->propagateRay(*rayin, rayout, &nPointsPlate, pointsPlate); |
if(draw) rayin->DrawS(center.x()- _plateWidth, -10.0); |
if(draw) rayin->DrawS(center.x()- _plateWidth, -10.0); |
if(draw) { |
if(fatePlate == missed) { |
rayout->SetColor(col_in); |
rayout->DrawS(center.x() - _plateWidth, -10.0); |
} |
else { |
else if(fatePlate == backreflected){ |
if (dbg) printf("Backreflected at plate!\n"); |
} |
else { |
int p_i; |
for(p_i = 0; p_i < nPointsPlate-1; p_i++) { |
line3d->SetPoint(0, pointsPlate[p_i].x(), pointsPlate[p_i].y(), pointsPlate[p_i].z()); |
1013,24 → 1040,30 |
line3d->SetPoint(1, pointsPlate[p_i+1].x(), pointsPlate[p_i+1].y(), pointsPlate[p_i+1].z()); |
line3d->DrawClone(); |
} |
if(fatePlate != noreflection) { |
//rayout->SetColor(7); |
rayout->DrawS(pointsPlate[p_i].x(), -0.1); |
rayout->DrawS(pointsPlate[p_i].x(), -0.1); |
if(fatePlate == noreflection) { // lost on plate side |
rayout->SetColor(col_out); |
rayout->DrawS(pointsPlate[p_i].x(), 10.0); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if(! (fatePlate == hitExit or fatePlate == refracted) ) { |
if (dbg) printf("CDetector::propagate Simulated ray missed the entry surface!\n"); |
guide->GetHFate()->Fill(rays); |
if (dbg)printf("CDetector::propagate Simulated ray missed the entry surface!\n"); |
if (fatePlate == backreflected) |
guide->GetHFate()->Fill(fatePlate); // reflected back |
else |
guide->GetHFate()->Fill(noreflection); //lost on plate side |
return fatePlate; |
} |
// missing: if refracted at plate sides |
//if (fatePlate == refracted) return fatePlate; |
//Ray hits light guide |
histoPlate->Fill(pointsPlate[0].y(), pointsPlate[0].z()); // entry point |
} |
else { |
rayout = rayin; |
//rayout = rayin; |
if(draw) rayout->DrawS(center.x(), -10.0); |
} |
1045,7 → 1078,7 |
int fate_glass; |
CRay *ray0 = new CRay(*rayout); |
// delete rayout; -> creates dangling reference when tries to delete ray0! |
delete rayin; |
//delete rayin; -> delete rayout! |
CRay *ray1 = new CRay; |
fate = guide->PropagateRay(*ray0, ray1, &n_points, points); |
1084,6 → 1117,10 |
if(! (fate == hitExit or fate == refracted) ) { |
if (dbg) printf("Detector: fate != hit, refracted\n"); |
*out = *ray1; |
delete ray0; |
delete ray1; |
delete rayout; |
delete rayin; |
return fate; |
} |
} else { |
1095,18 → 1132,6 |
} |
} |
/* |
TVector3 pres_wind; |
fate = window_circle->TestIntersection(&pres_wind, *ray1); |
if(fate == 1) { |
hwindow->Fill(pres_wind.y(), pres_wind.z()); |
if(!guide_on) { |
window->PropagateRay(*ray0, ray1, &presecisce); |
if(draw) ray1->Draw(center.x() + window_d, center.x() + glass_d); |
*ray0 = *ray1; |
} |
*/ |
fate = missed; // zgresil aktivno povrsino |
if(glass_on) { |
*ray0 = *ray1; ray1->SetColor(col_rgla); |
1143,6 → 1168,7 |
delete ray0; |
delete ray1; |
delete rayout; |
delete rayin; |
return fate; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1171,27 → 1197,30 |
const double b = parameters.getB(); |
const double n1 = parameters.getN1(); |
const double n2 = parameters.getN2(); |
const double n3 = parameters.getN3(); |
const double reflectivity = c_reflectivity; |
const double t = b/2.; |
const double plateWidth = parameters.getPlateWidth(); |
center.SetX( CENTER.X() - plateWidth ); |
plate_edge[0].SetXYZ(0.0, t,-t); plate_edge[1].SetXYZ(0.0, t, t); |
plate_edge[2].SetXYZ(0.0,-t, t); plate_edge[3].SetXYZ(0.0,-t,-t); |
plate_edge[4].SetXYZ(plateWidth, t,-t); plate_edge[5].SetXYZ(plateWidth, t, t); |
plate_edge[6].SetXYZ(plateWidth,-t, t); plate_edge[7].SetXYZ(plateWidth,-t,-t); |
plate_edge[0].SetXYZ(0.0, t,-t); |
plate_edge[1].SetXYZ(0.0, t, t); |
plate_edge[2].SetXYZ(0.0,-t, t); |
plate_edge[3].SetXYZ(0.0,-t,-t); |
plate_edge[4].SetXYZ(plateWidth, t,-t); |
plate_edge[5].SetXYZ(plateWidth, t, t); |
plate_edge[6].SetXYZ(plateWidth,-t, t); |
plate_edge[7].SetXYZ(plateWidth,-t,-t); |
for(int i = 0; i<8; i++) plate_edge[i] += center; |
sides[0] = new CSurface(SURF_REFRA, plate_edge, n1, n2, reflectivity); |
sides[0] = new CSurface(SURF_REFRA, plate_edge, n1, n2, c_reflectivity); |
sides[0]->FlipN(); |
sides[1] = new CSurface(SURF_REFRA, plate_edge[3], plate_edge[2], plate_edge[6], plate_edge[7], n2, n2, reflectivity); |
sides[2] = new CSurface(SURF_REFRA, plate_edge[2], plate_edge[1], plate_edge[5], plate_edge[6], n2, n2, reflectivity); |
sides[3] = new CSurface(SURF_REFRA, plate_edge[1], plate_edge[0], plate_edge[4], plate_edge[5], n2, n2, reflectivity); |
sides[4] = new CSurface(SURF_REFRA, plate_edge[0], plate_edge[3], plate_edge[7], plate_edge[4], n2, n2, reflectivity); |
sides[1] = new CSurface(SURF_REFRA, plate_edge[3], plate_edge[2], plate_edge[6], plate_edge[7], n2, n2, c_reflectivity); |
sides[2] = new CSurface(SURF_REFRA, plate_edge[2], plate_edge[1], plate_edge[5], plate_edge[6], n2, n2, c_reflectivity); |
sides[3] = new CSurface(SURF_REFRA, plate_edge[1], plate_edge[0], plate_edge[4], plate_edge[5], n2, n2, c_reflectivity); |
sides[4] = new CSurface(SURF_REFRA, plate_edge[0], plate_edge[3], plate_edge[7], plate_edge[4], n2, n2, c_reflectivity); |
sides[5] = new CSurface(SURF_REFRA, &plate_edge[4], n2, n3, reflectivity); |
sides[5] = new CSurface(SURF_REFRA, &plate_edge[4], n2, n2, c_reflectivity); |
sides[5]->FlipN(); |
for(int i=0; i<6; i++) sides[i]->SetFresnel(1); |
1237,7 → 1266,7 |
fate = backreflected; |
} else { |
points[0] = ray1.GetR(); |
//hfate->Fill(2); |
//hfate->Fill(enter); |
//hin->Fill(vec1.y(), vec1.z()); |
while (n_odb++ < MAX_REFLECTIONS) { |
ray0 = ray1; |
1264,7 → 1293,7 |
break; |
} |
if(propagation == 1) { |
fate = refracted; //at side? |
fate = noreflection; //at side |
n_odb++; |
points[n_odb] = vec1; |
ray0 = ray1; |