150,7 → 150,7 |
void TGAppMainFrame::HandleMenu(Int_t id) |
{ |
// int ret = 0; |
int ret = 0; |
char cmd[256]; |
switch(id) |
164,13 → 164,33 |
break; |
// Here, we save the set values in the measurement layout (automatically done when we safely exit the application and after each start of measurement). |
SaveMeasSettings(); |
break; |
// Here, we save the set values in the analysis layout (automatically done when we safely exit the application and after each start of analysis). |
SaveAnalSettings(); |
break; |
printf("Reseting measurement settings to default.\n"); |
sprintf(cmd, "cp %s/settings/default_measurement_settings.txt %s/settings/measurement_settings.txt", rootdir, rootdir); |
ret = system(cmd); |
break; |
printf("Reseting analysis settings to default.\n"); |
sprintf(cmd, "cp %s/settings/default_analysis_settings.txt %s/settings/analysis_settings.txt", rootdir, rootdir); |
ret = system(cmd); |
break; |
printf("Reseting all settings to default.\n"); |
sprintf(cmd, "cp %s/settings/default_measurement_settings.txt %s/settings/measurement_settings.txt", rootdir, rootdir); |
ret = system(cmd); |
sprintf(cmd, "cp %s/settings/default_analysis_settings.txt %s/settings/analysis_settings.txt", rootdir, rootdir); |
ret = system(cmd); |
break; |
printf("\nSettings window: %dx%d\n", measLayout[0]->GetWidth(), measLayout[0]->GetHeight()); |
printf("Histogram window: %dx%d\n", measLayout[1]->GetWidth(), measLayout[1]->GetHeight()); |
302,6 → 322,9 |
fMenuFile->AddSeparator(); |
fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("Save current &measurement settings"), M_FILE_SAVE_MSETTINGS); |
fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("Save current &analysis settings"), M_FILE_SAVE_ASETTINGS); |
fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("Set default measurement settings"), M_FILE_DEF_MSETTINGS); |
fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("Set default analysis settings"), M_FILE_DEF_ASETTINGS); |
fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("Set default settings"), M_FILE_DEF_SETTINGS); |
fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&Check frame width (Testing)"), M_FILE_CHECK_WIDTH); |
fMenuFile->AddSeparator(); |
fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("E&xit"), M_FILE_EXIT); |
533,12 → 556,12 |
fH2 = new TGCompositeFrame(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, kFixedWidth | kHorizontalFrame); |
xPos = new TSubStructure(); |
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0; |
numform[0] = 9; numform[3] = 2; numform[4] = -100; numform[5] = 215000; |
numform[0] = 9; numform[3] = 2; numform[4] = -100; numform[5] = 375000; //numform[4] = -100; numform[5] = 215000; // use commented part if Z is the longer axis and X the shorter |
if(xPos->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "X:", 0, numform, "center")) |
fH2->AddFrame(xPos->outsidebox, f0centerX); |
zPosMin = new TSubStructure(); |
numform[5] = 375000; |
numform[5] = 215000; //numform[5] = 375000; // use commented part if Z is the longer axis and X the shorter |
if(zPosMin->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "Z (min):", 0, numform, "center")) |
fH2->AddFrame(zPosMin->outsidebox, f0centerX); |
fG1->AddFrame(fH2, f1expandXpad); |
550,7 → 573,7 |
fH2->AddFrame(yPos->outsidebox, f0centerX); |
zPosMax = new TSubStructure(); |
numform[5] = 375000; |
numform[5] = 215000; //numform[5] = 375000; // use commented part if Z is the longer axis and X the shorter |
if(zPosMax->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "Z (max):", 0, numform, "center")) |
fH2->AddFrame(zPosMax->outsidebox, f0centerX); |
fG1->AddFrame(fH2, f1expandXpad); |
557,7 → 580,7 |
fH2 = new TGCompositeFrame(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, kFixedWidth | kHorizontalFrame); |
zPos = new TSubStructure(); |
numform[5] = 375000; |
numform[5] = 215000; //numform[5] = 375000; // use commented part if Z is the longer axis and X the shorter |
if(zPos->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "Z:", 0, numform, "center")) |
fH2->AddFrame(zPos->outsidebox, f0centerX); |
580,11 → 603,12 |
fH2 = new TGCompositeFrame(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, kFixedWidth | kHorizontalFrame); |
xPosMin = new TSubStructure(); |
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0; |
numform[0] = 9; numform[3] = 2; numform[4] = -100; numform[5] = 215000; |
numform[0] = 9; numform[3] = 2; numform[4] = -100; numform[5] = 375000; //numform[5] = 215000; // use commented part if Z is the longer axis and X the shorter |
if(xPosMin->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "X (min):", 0, numform, "center")) |
fH2->AddFrame(xPosMin->outsidebox, f0centerX); |
yPosMin = new TSubStructure(); |
numform[5] = 215000; |
if(yPosMin->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "Y (min):", 0, numform, "center")) |
fH2->AddFrame(yPosMin->outsidebox, f0centerX); |
fG1->AddFrame(fH2, f1expandXpad); |
591,10 → 615,12 |
fH2 = new TGCompositeFrame(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, kFixedWidth | kHorizontalFrame); |
xPosMax = new TSubStructure(); |
numform[5] = 375000; //numform[5] = 215000; // use commented part if Z is the longer axis and X the shorter |
if(xPosMax->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "X (max):", 0, numform, "center")) |
fH2->AddFrame(xPosMax->outsidebox, f0centerX); |
yPosMax = new TSubStructure(); |
numform[5] = 215000; |
if(yPosMax->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "Y (max):", 0, numform, "center")) |
fH2->AddFrame(yPosMax->outsidebox, f0centerX); |
fG1->AddFrame(fH2, f1expandXpad); |
629,11 → 655,18 |
fG1->AddFrame(rotPos->outsidebox, f1expandXpad); |
// Set, get, home and reset rotation buttons |
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *rotButtons -> 5 buttons (set rotation, read current rotation, home the motor, reset controller and emergency stop)\n"); |
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *rotButtons -> 4 buttons (set rotation, read current rotation, home the motor, reset controller)\n"); |
rotButtons = new TSubStructure(); |
selnames[0] = "Set"; selnames[1] = "Get"; selnames[2] = "Home"; selnames[3] = "Reset"; selnames[4] = "Emergency stop"; |
if(rotButtons->TGMultiButton(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, 5, selnames, "center")) |
selnames[0] = "Set"; selnames[1] = "Get"; selnames[2] = "Home"; selnames[3] = "Reset"; |
if(rotButtons->TGMultiButton(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, 4, selnames, "center")) |
fG1->AddFrame(rotButtons->outsidebox, f1expandXpad); |
// Emergency stop rotation buttons |
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *rotButEmergency -> 1 button (emergency stop)\n"); |
rotButEmergency = new TSubStructure(); |
selnames[0] = "Emergency stop"; |
if(rotButEmergency->TGMultiButton(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, 1, selnames, "center")) |
fG1->AddFrame(rotButEmergency->outsidebox, f1expandXpad); |
// Rotation scan controls |
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *rotPosMin -> Number entry for starting angle\n"); |
714,10 → 747,10 |
Pixel_t pixel_color; |
gClient->GetColorByName("white", pixel_color); |
posButtons->widgetTB[4]->SetTextColor(pixel_color); |
rotButtons->widgetTB[4]->SetTextColor(pixel_color); |
rotButEmergency->widgetTB[0]->SetTextColor(pixel_color); |
gClient->GetColorByName("red", pixel_color); |
posButtons->widgetTB[4]->SetBackgroundColor(pixel_color); |
rotButtons->widgetTB[4]->SetBackgroundColor(pixel_color); |
rotButEmergency->widgetTB[0]->SetBackgroundColor(pixel_color); |
// Actions for Main window //TODO |
vOutOpt->widgetChBox[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "NegativePolarity()"); |
733,7 → 766,7 |
rotButtons->widgetTB[1]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "RotationSet(=1)"); |
rotButtons->widgetTB[2]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "RotationSet(=2)"); |
rotButtons->widgetTB[3]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "RotationSet(=3)"); |
rotButtons->widgetTB[4]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "RotationSet(=4)"); |
rotButEmergency->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "RotationSet(=4)"); |
fileName->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "SaveFile()"); |
measProgress->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "StartAcq()"); |
// TODO - Save file |
1200,6 → 1233,10 |
exportHist->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "UpdateHistogram(=1)"); |
// Histogram controls pane ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Setting starting settings (when opening program) |
GetMeasSettings(); |
GetAnalSettings(); |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- |