/lab/sipmscan/trunk/doc/README |
529,13 → 529,7 |
= 8. Change log === |
=================== |
5.10.2016 (Current Rev) |
a) Fixed a couple of bugs and layout positions. |
b) Added settings files for measurement and analysis settings. With this, everytime a new measurement or a new analysis is |
ran, the selected settings are saved to a file. This way, if the program crashes, the selected settings will be automatically |
filled in. |
30.9.2016 (Rev 172): |
??.8.2016 (Current Rev) |
a) Fixed the time estimation for surface and Z-axis scans (TimeEstimateNew). |
b) Did the same as c) in the previous revision, but separately for opening histogram files and for selecting the measurement |
output file. |
/lab/sipmscan/trunk/doc/documentation.html |
511,22 → 511,8 |
<div class="backtop"><a href="#top">Back to top</a></div> |
<h2 id="changelog">8. Change log</h2> |
<p>5.10.2016 (Current Rev):</p> |
<p>11.8.2016 (Current Rev):</p> |
<ol type="a"> |
<li>Fixed a couple of bugs and layout positions.</li> |
<li>Added settings files for measurement and analysis settings. With this, everytime a new measurement or a new analysis is ran, the selected settings are saved to a file. This way, if the program crashes, all settings will be automatically filled in.</li> |
</ol><br/> |
<p>30.9.2016 (Rev 172):</p> |
<ol type="a"> |
<li>Fixed the time estimation for surface and Z-axis scans (TimeEstimateNew).</li> |
<li>Did the same as c) in the previous revision, but separately for opening histogram files and for selecting the measurement output file.</li> |
<li>Added an Emergency stop button to the movement of the table - just in case a wrong value is inserted and there is something in the way.</li> |
<li>Added a way to integrate the surface scan, when using the "Start and Edit" option. This can be useful for determining the angular dependence of the light passing onto a complete camera pixel.</li> |
</ol><br/> |
<p>11.8.2016 (Rev 167):</p> |
<ol type="a"> |
<li>When using breakdown voltage or relative PDE analysis and with only one file selected, the analysis is stopped and the fit is displayed on the graph. This makes it easier to setup fitting settings.</li> |
<li>Added the possibility to export plots created through analysis ("Start and edit" option).</li> |
<li>Everytime, when opening a histogram file, the following open and save dialog windows automatically open up in that directory. This makes it easier to find the directory that was used last.</li> |
/lab/sipmscan/trunk/include/sipmscan.h |
22,9 → 22,6 |
132,10 → 129,6 |
void LayoutRead(int nrframes, int *w, int *h); |
void LayoutSave(); |
void LayoutSet(); |
void SaveMeasSettings(); |
void SaveAnalSettings(); |
void GetMeasSettings(); |
void GetAnalSettings(); |
void ToolTipSet(); |
void ToolTipSetSurfaceScan(); |
void ToolTipSetRelativePDE(); |
179,7 → 172,6 |
TSubStructure *yPosStep; |
TSubStructure *rotPos; |
TSubStructure *rotButtons; |
TSubStructure *rotButEmergency; |
TSubStructure *rotPosMin; |
TSubStructure *rotPosMax; |
TSubStructure *rotPosStep; |
/lab/sipmscan/trunk/src/analysis.cpp |
59,7 → 59,6 |
else if(analTab->GetCurrent() == 1) // Relative PDE |
{ |
relPde->widgetChBox[0]->SetState(kButtonDown); |
relPde->widgetChBox[1]->SetState(kButtonUp); |
midPeak->widgetChBox[0]->SetState(kButtonUp); |
zeroAngle->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(0.00); |
} |
97,9 → 96,6 |
else if( analtab == 3 ) |
analtype = 4; |
// Save analysis settings any time we run a new analysis |
SaveAnalSettings(); |
// Only integrate spectrum or make relative PDE |
if(type == 0) |
{ |
374,6 → 370,7 |
double range[4]; |
TGraph2D *gScan2D; |
gScan2D = new TGraph2D(); |
gScan2D->SetName("edgescan"); |
range[0] = TMath::MinElement(nrfiles, surfxy); |
range[1] = TMath::MaxElement(nrfiles, surfxy); |
range[2] = TMath::MinElement(nrfiles, surfz); |
682,7 → 679,6 |
int adcpedestal[2]; |
int zeromu = 0; |
int darkhist = -1; |
int nopeaks = -1; |
double pointest[12]; |
bool exclude = false; |
694,170 → 690,9 |
analysisProgress->widgetPB->SetPosition(progVal); |
gVirtualX->Update(1); |
// Check if the checkbox for no peaks is selected - TODO: Still need the situation when we do not have a peaked ADC spectrum |
if(relPde->widgetChBox[1]->IsDown()) |
{ |
printf("PhotonMu(): ADC spectrum has no peak structure.\n"); |
nopeaks = 1; |
// Error if there is no darkhist |
if(strcmp("", darkRun->widgetTE->GetText()) == 0) |
{ |
printf("PhotonMu(): Error! The no peak structure option needs a dark histogram.\n"); |
delete[] integralCount; |
delete[] integralPedestal; |
delete[] angle; |
delete[] pdeval; |
delete[] muval; |
return; |
} |
} |
// Start if we select at least one file |
if(nrfiles > 0) |
{ |
// Find the pedestal peak for the dark histogram, and use it for all if there are no peaks |
if(nopeaks != -1) |
{ |
// Replot the spectrum on analysisCanvas and do not close the input file |
DisplayHistogram( (char*)(darkRun->widgetTE->GetText()), 0, 1); |
analysisCanvas->GetCanvas()->Modified(); |
analysisCanvas->GetCanvas()->Update(); |
// Get the spectrum |
histtemp = (TH1F*)analysisCanvas->GetCanvas()->GetPrimitive(histname); |
npeaks = 15; |
double par[300]; |
spec = new TSpectrum(npeaks); |
// Find spectrum background |
histback = spec->Background(histtemp, (int)fitInter->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber(), "same"); |
// Clone histogram and subtract background from it if we select that option |
h2 = (TH1F*)histtemp->Clone("h2"); |
if(fitChecks->widgetChBox[0]->IsDown()) |
h2->Add(histback, -1); |
// Search for the peaks |
int found = spec->Search(h2, fitSigma->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber(), "goff", fitTresh->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() ); |
printf("PhotonMu(): Found %d candidates to fit.\n",found); |
npeaks = found; |
// Set initial peak parameters |
xpeaks = spec->GetPositionX(); |
for(j = 0; j < found; j++) |
{ |
float xp = xpeaks[j]; |
int bin = h2->GetXaxis()->FindBin(xp); |
float yp = h2->GetBinContent(bin); |
par[3*j] = yp; |
par[3*j+1] = xp; |
par[3*j+2] = (double)fitSigma->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber(); |
} |
// Fit the histogram |
fit = new TF1("fit", FindPeaks, adcRange->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber(), adcRange->widgetNE[1]->GetNumber(), 3*npeaks); |
TVirtualFitter::Fitter(histtemp, 3*npeaks); |
fit->SetParameters(par); |
fit->SetNpx(300); |
h2->Fit("fit","Q"); |
// Get the fitted parameters |
fittingfunc = h2->GetFunction("fit"); |
fparam = fittingfunc->GetParameters(); |
fparamerr = fittingfunc->GetParErrors(); |
// Gather the parameters (mean peak value for now) |
int j = 1; |
int nrfit = 0; |
while(1) |
{ |
if( (fparam[j] < 1.E-30) || (nrfit > 8) ) |
break; |
else |
{ |
// Check if pedestal is above the lower limit and sigma is smaller than the mean |
if( (fparam[j] > pedesLow->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber()) && ((double)fparamerr[j]/fparam[j] < accError->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber()) ) |
{ |
// With the additional ADC offset, we can shift the mean values slightly, so they are not close to the X.5, but to the X.0 values |
meansel[nrfit] = fparam[j]+(adcOffset->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber()); |
sigmasel[nrfit] = fparam[j+1]; |
nrfit++; |
} |
} |
j+=3; |
} |
TMath::Sort(nrfit, meansel, sortindex, kFALSE); |
meanparam = meansel[sortindex[0]]; |
paramsigma = sigmasel[sortindex[0]]; |
for(j = 0; j < nrfit; j++) |
if(DBGSIG) |
printf("PhotonMu(): %d: peak mean = %lf\n", j, meansel[sortindex[j]]); |
j = 0; |
adcpedestal[0] = 0; |
adcpedestal[1] = -1; |
while(1) |
{ |
int bin = histtemp->GetXaxis()->FindBin((int)(j+meanparam+paramsigma)); |
int yp = histtemp->GetBinContent(bin); |
// Check where we get to first minimum after pedestal peak or where we get to the half maximum of the pedestal peak (in case there is only a pedestal peak) |
if(adcpedestal[1] == -1) |
{ |
adcpedestal[0] = j+meanparam+paramsigma; |
adcpedestal[1] = yp; |
} |
else |
{ |
if( (npeaks > 1) && (adcpedestal[1] >= yp) ) |
{ |
adcpedestal[0] = j+meanparam+paramsigma; |
adcpedestal[1] = yp; |
} |
else if( (npeaks == 1) && (adcpedestal[0] < meanparam+5*paramsigma) ) // TODO -> Determining the pedestal when only one peak |
{ |
adcpedestal[0] = j+meanparam+paramsigma; |
adcpedestal[1] = yp; |
} |
else |
break; |
} |
j++; |
if(j > 50) break; |
} |
if(midPeak->widgetChBox[0]->IsDown()) |
{ |
if( (meanparam - (int)meanparam >= 0.) && (meanparam - (int)meanparam < 0.5) ) |
m = TMath::Floor(meanparam); |
else if( (meanparam - (int)meanparam >= 0.5) && (meanparam - (int)meanparam < 1.) ) |
m = TMath::Ceil(meanparam); |
int bin = histtemp->GetXaxis()->FindBin(m); |
adcpedestal[0] = m; |
printf("midpeak x = %d, ", adcpedestal[0]); |
adcpedestal[1] = histtemp->GetBinContent(bin); |
} |
// Option to show the fit |
fittingfunc->Draw("L SAME"); |
analysisCanvas->GetCanvas()->Modified(); |
analysisCanvas->GetCanvas()->Update(); |
printf("Pedestal ends = %d and nr. of counts = %d\n", adcpedestal[0], adcpedestal[1]); |
// Delete the opened histogram and spectrum |
delete spec; |
delete inroot; |
// return; |
} |
printf("PhotonMu(): Continuing with the rest of the spectra.\n"); |
// Check all histograms for pedestal peak values |
for(int i = 0; i < (int)nrfiles; i++) |
{ |
if( (nrfiles == 1) || (!multiSelect->widgetChBox[0]->IsDown()) ) |
953,148 → 788,145 |
darkhist = i; |
} |
if(nopeaks == -1) |
{ |
// Replot the spectrum on analysisCanvas and do not close the input file |
DisplayHistogram( (char*)(files->At(i)->GetTitle()), 0, 1); |
analysisCanvas->GetCanvas()->Modified(); |
analysisCanvas->GetCanvas()->Update(); |
// Replot the spectrum on analysisCanvas and do not close the input file |
DisplayHistogram( (char*)(files->At(i)->GetTitle()), 0, 1); |
analysisCanvas->GetCanvas()->Modified(); |
analysisCanvas->GetCanvas()->Update(); |
// Get the spectrum |
histtemp = (TH1F*)analysisCanvas->GetCanvas()->GetPrimitive(histname); |
npeaks = 15; |
double par[300]; |
spec = new TSpectrum(npeaks); |
// Find spectrum background |
histback = spec->Background(histtemp, (int)fitInter->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber(), "same"); |
// Clone histogram and subtract background from it if we select that option |
h2 = (TH1F*)histtemp->Clone("h2"); |
if(fitChecks->widgetChBox[0]->IsDown()) |
h2->Add(histback, -1); |
// Search for the peaks |
int found = spec->Search(h2, fitSigma->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber(), "goff", fitTresh->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() ); |
printf("PhotonMu(): Found %d candidates to fit.\n",found); |
npeaks = found; |
// Get the spectrum |
histtemp = (TH1F*)analysisCanvas->GetCanvas()->GetPrimitive(histname); |
npeaks = 15; |
double par[300]; |
spec = new TSpectrum(npeaks); |
// Find spectrum background |
histback = spec->Background(histtemp, (int)fitInter->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber(), "same"); |
// Clone histogram and subtract background from it if we select that option |
h2 = (TH1F*)histtemp->Clone("h2"); |
if(fitChecks->widgetChBox[0]->IsDown()) |
h2->Add(histback, -1); |
// Search for the peaks |
int found = spec->Search(h2, fitSigma->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber(), "goff", fitTresh->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() ); |
printf("PhotonMu(): Found %d candidates to fit.\n",found); |
npeaks = found; |
// Set initial peak parameters |
xpeaks = spec->GetPositionX(); |
for(j = 0; j < found; j++) |
{ |
float xp = xpeaks[j]; |
int bin = h2->GetXaxis()->FindBin(xp); |
float yp = h2->GetBinContent(bin); |
par[3*j] = yp; |
par[3*j+1] = xp; |
par[3*j+2] = (double)fitSigma->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber(); |
} |
// Set initial peak parameters |
xpeaks = spec->GetPositionX(); |
for(j = 0; j < found; j++) |
{ |
float xp = xpeaks[j]; |
int bin = h2->GetXaxis()->FindBin(xp); |
float yp = h2->GetBinContent(bin); |
par[3*j] = yp; |
par[3*j+1] = xp; |
par[3*j+2] = (double)fitSigma->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber(); |
} |
// Fit the histogram |
fit = new TF1("fit", FindPeaks, adcRange->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber(), adcRange->widgetNE[1]->GetNumber(), 3*npeaks); |
TVirtualFitter::Fitter(histtemp, 3*npeaks); |
fit->SetParameters(par); |
fit->SetNpx(300); |
h2->Fit("fit","Q"); |
// Get the fitted parameters |
fittingfunc = h2->GetFunction("fit"); |
fparam = fittingfunc->GetParameters(); |
fparamerr = fittingfunc->GetParErrors(); |
// Fit the histogram |
fit = new TF1("fit", FindPeaks, adcRange->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber(), adcRange->widgetNE[1]->GetNumber(), 3*npeaks); |
TVirtualFitter::Fitter(histtemp, 3*npeaks); |
fit->SetParameters(par); |
fit->SetNpx(300); |
h2->Fit("fit","Q"); |
// Get the fitted parameters |
fittingfunc = h2->GetFunction("fit"); |
fparam = fittingfunc->GetParameters(); |
fparamerr = fittingfunc->GetParErrors(); |
// Gather the parameters (mean peak value for now) |
int j = 1; |
int nrfit = 0; |
while(1) |
{ |
if( (fparam[j] < 1.E-30) || (nrfit > 8) ) |
break; |
else |
// Gather the parameters (mean peak value for now) |
int j = 1; |
int nrfit = 0; |
while(1) |
{ |
if( (fparam[j] < 1.E-30) || (nrfit > 8) ) |
break; |
else |
{ |
// Check if pedestal is above the lower limit and sigma is smaller than the mean |
if( (fparam[j] > pedesLow->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber()) && ((double)fparamerr[j]/fparam[j] < accError->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber()) ) |
{ |
// Check if pedestal is above the lower limit and sigma is smaller than the mean |
if( (fparam[j] > pedesLow->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber()) && ((double)fparamerr[j]/fparam[j] < accError->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber()) ) |
{ |
// With the additional ADC offset, we can shift the mean values slightly, so they are not close to the X.5, but to the X.0 values |
meansel[nrfit] = fparam[j]+(adcOffset->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber()); |
sigmasel[nrfit] = fparam[j+1]; |
nrfit++; |
} |
// With the additional ADC offset, we can shift the mean values slightly, so they are not close to the X.5, but to the X.0 values |
meansel[nrfit] = fparam[j]+(adcOffset->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber()); |
sigmasel[nrfit] = fparam[j+1]; |
nrfit++; |
} |
} |
j+=3; |
} |
TMath::Sort(nrfit, meansel, sortindex, kFALSE); |
j+=3; |
} |
TMath::Sort(nrfit, meansel, sortindex, kFALSE); |
meanparam = meansel[sortindex[0]]; |
paramsigma = sigmasel[sortindex[0]]; |
meanparam = meansel[sortindex[0]]; |
paramsigma = sigmasel[sortindex[0]]; |
for(j = 0; j < nrfit; j++) |
if(DBGSIG) |
printf("PhotonMu(): %d: peak mean = %lf\n", j, meansel[sortindex[j]]); |
for(j = 0; j < nrfit; j++) |
if(DBGSIG) |
printf("PhotonMu(): %d: peak mean = %lf\n", j, meansel[sortindex[j]]); |
j = 0; |
adcpedestal[0] = 0; |
adcpedestal[1] = -1; |
j = 0; |
adcpedestal[0] = 0; |
adcpedestal[1] = -1; |
while(1) |
while(1) |
{ |
int bin = histtemp->GetXaxis()->FindBin((int)(j+meanparam+paramsigma)); |
int yp = histtemp->GetBinContent(bin); |
// Check where we get to first minimum after pedestal peak or where we get to the half maximum of the pedestal peak (in case there is only a pedestal peak) |
if(adcpedestal[1] == -1) |
{ |
int bin = histtemp->GetXaxis()->FindBin((int)(j+meanparam+paramsigma)); |
int yp = histtemp->GetBinContent(bin); |
// Check where we get to first minimum after pedestal peak or where we get to the half maximum of the pedestal peak (in case there is only a pedestal peak) |
if(adcpedestal[1] == -1) |
adcpedestal[0] = j+meanparam+paramsigma; |
adcpedestal[1] = yp; |
} |
else |
{ |
if( (npeaks > 1) && (adcpedestal[1] >= yp) ) |
{ |
adcpedestal[0] = j+meanparam+paramsigma; |
adcpedestal[1] = yp; |
} |
else |
else if( (npeaks == 1) && (adcpedestal[0] < meanparam+5*paramsigma) ) // TODO -> Determining the pedestal when only one peak |
{ |
if( (npeaks > 1) && (adcpedestal[1] >= yp) ) |
{ |
adcpedestal[0] = j+meanparam+paramsigma; |
adcpedestal[1] = yp; |
} |
else if( (npeaks == 1) && (adcpedestal[0] < meanparam+5*paramsigma) ) // TODO -> Determining the pedestal when only one peak |
{ |
adcpedestal[0] = j+meanparam+paramsigma; |
adcpedestal[1] = yp; |
} |
else |
break; |
adcpedestal[0] = j+meanparam+paramsigma; |
adcpedestal[1] = yp; |
} |
else |
break; |
} |
j++; |
if(j > 50) break; |
} |
j++; |
if(j > 50) break; |
} |
if(npeaks > 1) |
{ |
int bin = histtemp->GetXaxis()->FindBin((int)(meanparam+meansel[sortindex[1]])/2); |
adcpedestal[0] = (meanparam+meansel[sortindex[1]])/2; |
printf("PhotonMu(): multipeak x = %d, ", adcpedestal[0]); |
adcpedestal[1] = histtemp->GetBinContent(bin); |
} |
if( (npeaks > 1) && (nrfit > 1) ) |
{ |
int bin = histtemp->GetXaxis()->FindBin((int)(meanparam+meansel[sortindex[1]])/2); |
adcpedestal[0] = (meanparam+meansel[sortindex[1]])/2; |
printf("PhotonMu(): multipeak x = %d, ", adcpedestal[0]); |
adcpedestal[1] = histtemp->GetBinContent(bin); |
} |
if(midPeak->widgetChBox[0]->IsDown()) |
{ |
if( (meanparam - (int)meanparam >= 0.) && (meanparam - (int)meanparam < 0.5) ) |
m = TMath::Floor(meanparam); |
else if( (meanparam - (int)meanparam >= 0.5) && (meanparam - (int)meanparam < 1.) ) |
m = TMath::Ceil(meanparam); |
int bin = histtemp->GetXaxis()->FindBin(m); |
adcpedestal[0] = m; |
printf("midpeak x = %d, ", adcpedestal[0]); |
adcpedestal[1] = histtemp->GetBinContent(bin); |
} |
if(midPeak->widgetChBox[0]->IsDown()) |
{ |
if( (meanparam - (int)meanparam >= 0.) && (meanparam - (int)meanparam < 0.5) ) |
m = TMath::Floor(meanparam); |
else if( (meanparam - (int)meanparam >= 0.5) && (meanparam - (int)meanparam < 1.) ) |
m = TMath::Ceil(meanparam); |
int bin = histtemp->GetXaxis()->FindBin(m); |
adcpedestal[0] = m; |
printf("midpeak x = %d, ", adcpedestal[0]); |
adcpedestal[1] = histtemp->GetBinContent(bin); |
} |
/* // Option to show the fit |
fittingfunc->Draw("L SAME"); |
analysisCanvas->GetCanvas()->Modified(); |
analysisCanvas->GetCanvas()->Update();*/ |
/* // Option to show the fit |
fittingfunc->Draw("L SAME"); |
analysisCanvas->GetCanvas()->Modified(); |
analysisCanvas->GetCanvas()->Update();*/ |
printf("Pedestal ends = %d and nr. of counts = %d\n", adcpedestal[0], adcpedestal[1]); |
printf("Pedestal ends = %d and nr. of counts = %d\n", adcpedestal[0], adcpedestal[1]); |
// Delete the opened histogram and spectrum |
delete spec; |
delete inroot; |
} |
// Delete the opened histogram and spectrum |
delete spec; |
delete inroot; |
// Open the input file and read header, ADC and TDC values |
sprintf(ctemp, "%s", files->At(i)->GetTitle()); |
1162,7 → 994,14 |
if( (angle[i] == zeroAngle->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber()) && (darkhist != i) ) |
zeromu = i; |
muval[i] = -TMath::Log((double)k2/(double)k); |
// Checking for errors when fitting a histogram |
if(k2 == 0) |
{ |
printf("PhotonMu(): No pedestal entries found. Check the fitting results.\n"); |
muval[i] = -1; |
} |
else |
muval[i] = -TMath::Log((double)k2/(double)k); |
printf("PhotonMu(): %lf: muval = %lf\n", angle[i], muval[i]); |
inroot->Close(); |
1179,7 → 1018,7 |
printf("PhotonMu(): angle\tmu\trelative PDE\n"); |
m = 0; |
// Set the 0 degree muval, reuse meansel[1] |
meansel[1] = muval[zeromu]; |
printf("Zero value (id=%d, angle=%lf) = %lf\n", zeromu, angle[zeromu], meansel[1]); |
1209,6 → 1048,10 |
if(i == darkhist) |
exclude = false; |
// Wrong fit |
if(muval[i] == -1) |
exclude = true; |
// If nothing excluded, pass the points in pointest variable like in a FIFO |
if(!exclude) |
{ |
1469,7 → 1312,6 |
{ |
// With the additional ADC offset, we can shift the mean values slightly, so they are not close to the X.5, but to the X.0 values |
meansel[nrfit] = fparam[j]+(adcOffset->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber()); |
meanselerr[nrfit] = fparamerr[j]; |
sigmasel[nrfit] = fparam[j+1]; |
nrfit++; |
} |
1646,8 → 1488,6 |
exclude = false; |
} |
printf("BreakdownVolt(): Calculated separation between peaks %d and %d: sep = %lf, seperr = %lf\n", (int)peakSepCalc->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber()-1, (int)peakSepCalc->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber(), sep[(int)peakSepCalc->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber()-1][p], seperr[(int)peakSepCalc->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber()-1][p]); |
// Write out parameters to a file |
fp = fopen(paramname, "a"); |
if(exclude) |
1700,7 → 1540,7 |
bdplot = new TGraphErrors(p, volt, sep[k-1], volterr, seperr[k-1]); |
else |
{ |
printf("BreakdownVolt(): Unsupported peak separation selected (%d).\n", k); |
printf("BreakdownVold(): Unsupported peak separation selected (%d).\n", k); |
return; |
} |
1737,7 → 1577,7 |
sprintf(ctemp, "#splitline{#Delta_{p}(U) = (%.2lf #pm %.2lf)#timesU + (%.2lf #pm %.3lf)}{U_{0} = %.2lf #pm %.3lf}", meansel[0], meanselerr[0], meansel[1], meanselerr[1], meansel[2], meansel[2]*(TMath::Abs(meanselerr[0]/meansel[0]) + TMath::Abs(meanselerr[1]/meansel[1])) ); |
latex = new TLatex(); |
latex->SetTextSize(0.039); |
latex->DrawLatex(volt[0], 0.97*sep[0][sortindex[1]], ctemp); |
latex->DrawLatex(volt[0], 0.97*sep[0][sortindex[p-1]], ctemp); |
printf("#Delta_{p}(U) = (%.6lf #pm %.8lf)#timesU + (%.6lf #pm %.8lf)}{U_{0} = %.6lf #pm %.8lf\n", meansel[0], meanselerr[0], meansel[1], meanselerr[1], meansel[2], meansel[2]*(TMath::Abs(meanselerr[0]/meansel[0]) + TMath::Abs(meanselerr[1]/meansel[1])) ); |
} |
else |
1912,6 → 1752,7 |
double range[4]; |
TGraph2D *gScan2D; |
gScan2D = new TGraph2D(); |
gScan2D->SetName("surfscan"); |
range[0] = TMath::MinElement(nrfiles, surfx); |
range[1] = TMath::MaxElement(nrfiles, surfx); |
range[2] = TMath::MinElement(nrfiles, surfy); |
2014,6 → 1855,8 |
{ |
gCanvas->Modified(); |
gCanvas->Update(); |
UpdateIntegrateSurface(-1); |
} |
} |
} |
/lab/sipmscan/trunk/src/connections.cpp |
1360,9 → 1360,6 |
// Start the acquisition |
void TGAppMainFrame::StartAcq() |
{ |
// Save measurement settings any time we run a new measurement |
SaveMeasSettings(); |
// Variable that will initialize camac only once (for scans) |
int scanon = 0; |
/lab/sipmscan/trunk/src/sipmscan.cpp |
150,7 → 150,7 |
void TGAppMainFrame::HandleMenu(Int_t id) |
{ |
int ret = 0; |
// int ret = 0; |
char cmd[256]; |
switch(id) |
164,33 → 164,13 |
break; |
SaveMeasSettings(); |
// Here, we save the set values in the measurement layout (automatically done when we safely exit the application and after each start of measurement). |
break; |
SaveAnalSettings(); |
// Here, we save the set values in the analysis layout (automatically done when we safely exit the application and after each start of analysis). |
break; |
printf("Reseting measurement settings to default.\n"); |
sprintf(cmd, "cp %s/settings/default_measurement_settings.txt %s/settings/measurement_settings.txt", rootdir, rootdir); |
ret = system(cmd); |
break; |
printf("Reseting analysis settings to default.\n"); |
sprintf(cmd, "cp %s/settings/default_analysis_settings.txt %s/settings/analysis_settings.txt", rootdir, rootdir); |
ret = system(cmd); |
break; |
printf("Reseting all settings to default.\n"); |
sprintf(cmd, "cp %s/settings/default_measurement_settings.txt %s/settings/measurement_settings.txt", rootdir, rootdir); |
ret = system(cmd); |
sprintf(cmd, "cp %s/settings/default_analysis_settings.txt %s/settings/analysis_settings.txt", rootdir, rootdir); |
ret = system(cmd); |
break; |
printf("\nSettings window: %dx%d\n", measLayout[0]->GetWidth(), measLayout[0]->GetHeight()); |
printf("Histogram window: %dx%d\n", measLayout[1]->GetWidth(), measLayout[1]->GetHeight()); |
322,9 → 302,6 |
fMenuFile->AddSeparator(); |
fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("Save current &measurement settings"), M_FILE_SAVE_MSETTINGS); |
fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("Save current &analysis settings"), M_FILE_SAVE_ASETTINGS); |
fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("Set default measurement settings"), M_FILE_DEF_MSETTINGS); |
fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("Set default analysis settings"), M_FILE_DEF_ASETTINGS); |
fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("Set default settings"), M_FILE_DEF_SETTINGS); |
fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&Check frame width (Testing)"), M_FILE_CHECK_WIDTH); |
fMenuFile->AddSeparator(); |
fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("E&xit"), M_FILE_EXIT); |
556,12 → 533,12 |
fH2 = new TGCompositeFrame(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, kFixedWidth | kHorizontalFrame); |
xPos = new TSubStructure(); |
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0; |
numform[0] = 9; numform[3] = 2; numform[4] = -100; numform[5] = 375000; //numform[4] = -100; numform[5] = 215000; // use commented part if Z is the longer axis and X the shorter |
numform[0] = 9; numform[3] = 2; numform[4] = -100; numform[5] = 215000; |
if(xPos->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "X:", 0, numform, "center")) |
fH2->AddFrame(xPos->outsidebox, f0centerX); |
zPosMin = new TSubStructure(); |
numform[5] = 215000; //numform[5] = 375000; // use commented part if Z is the longer axis and X the shorter |
numform[5] = 375000; |
if(zPosMin->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "Z (min):", 0, numform, "center")) |
fH2->AddFrame(zPosMin->outsidebox, f0centerX); |
fG1->AddFrame(fH2, f1expandXpad); |
573,7 → 550,7 |
fH2->AddFrame(yPos->outsidebox, f0centerX); |
zPosMax = new TSubStructure(); |
numform[5] = 215000; //numform[5] = 375000; // use commented part if Z is the longer axis and X the shorter |
numform[5] = 375000; |
if(zPosMax->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "Z (max):", 0, numform, "center")) |
fH2->AddFrame(zPosMax->outsidebox, f0centerX); |
fG1->AddFrame(fH2, f1expandXpad); |
580,7 → 557,7 |
fH2 = new TGCompositeFrame(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, kFixedWidth | kHorizontalFrame); |
zPos = new TSubStructure(); |
numform[5] = 215000; //numform[5] = 375000; // use commented part if Z is the longer axis and X the shorter |
numform[5] = 375000; |
if(zPos->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "Z:", 0, numform, "center")) |
fH2->AddFrame(zPos->outsidebox, f0centerX); |
603,12 → 580,11 |
fH2 = new TGCompositeFrame(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, kFixedWidth | kHorizontalFrame); |
xPosMin = new TSubStructure(); |
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) numform[i] = 0; |
numform[0] = 9; numform[3] = 2; numform[4] = -100; numform[5] = 375000; //numform[5] = 215000; // use commented part if Z is the longer axis and X the shorter |
numform[0] = 9; numform[3] = 2; numform[4] = -100; numform[5] = 215000; |
if(xPosMin->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "X (min):", 0, numform, "center")) |
fH2->AddFrame(xPosMin->outsidebox, f0centerX); |
yPosMin = new TSubStructure(); |
numform[5] = 215000; |
if(yPosMin->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "Y (min):", 0, numform, "center")) |
fH2->AddFrame(yPosMin->outsidebox, f0centerX); |
fG1->AddFrame(fH2, f1expandXpad); |
615,12 → 591,10 |
fH2 = new TGCompositeFrame(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, kFixedWidth | kHorizontalFrame); |
xPosMax = new TSubStructure(); |
numform[5] = 375000; //numform[5] = 215000; // use commented part if Z is the longer axis and X the shorter |
if(xPosMax->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "X (max):", 0, numform, "center")) |
fH2->AddFrame(xPosMax->outsidebox, f0centerX); |
yPosMax = new TSubStructure(); |
numform[5] = 215000; |
if(yPosMax->TGLabelNEntry(fH2, 8*subgroup[0]/16, 30, "Y (max):", 0, numform, "center")) |
fH2->AddFrame(yPosMax->outsidebox, f0centerX); |
fG1->AddFrame(fH2, f1expandXpad); |
655,18 → 629,11 |
fG1->AddFrame(rotPos->outsidebox, f1expandXpad); |
// Set, get, home and reset rotation buttons |
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *rotButtons -> 4 buttons (set rotation, read current rotation, home the motor, reset controller)\n"); |
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *rotButtons -> 5 buttons (set rotation, read current rotation, home the motor, reset controller and emergency stop)\n"); |
rotButtons = new TSubStructure(); |
selnames[0] = "Set"; selnames[1] = "Get"; selnames[2] = "Home"; selnames[3] = "Reset"; |
if(rotButtons->TGMultiButton(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, 4, selnames, "center")) |
selnames[0] = "Set"; selnames[1] = "Get"; selnames[2] = "Home"; selnames[3] = "Reset"; selnames[4] = "Emergency stop"; |
if(rotButtons->TGMultiButton(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, 5, selnames, "center")) |
fG1->AddFrame(rotButtons->outsidebox, f1expandXpad); |
// Emergency stop rotation buttons |
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *rotButEmergency -> 1 button (emergency stop)\n"); |
rotButEmergency = new TSubStructure(); |
selnames[0] = "Emergency stop"; |
if(rotButEmergency->TGMultiButton(fG1, 3*subgroup[0]/4, 30, 1, selnames, "center")) |
fG1->AddFrame(rotButEmergency->outsidebox, f1expandXpad); |
// Rotation scan controls |
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("AppLayout(): Creating TSubStructure *rotPosMin -> Number entry for starting angle\n"); |
747,10 → 714,10 |
Pixel_t pixel_color; |
gClient->GetColorByName("white", pixel_color); |
posButtons->widgetTB[4]->SetTextColor(pixel_color); |
rotButEmergency->widgetTB[0]->SetTextColor(pixel_color); |
rotButtons->widgetTB[4]->SetTextColor(pixel_color); |
gClient->GetColorByName("red", pixel_color); |
posButtons->widgetTB[4]->SetBackgroundColor(pixel_color); |
rotButEmergency->widgetTB[0]->SetBackgroundColor(pixel_color); |
rotButtons->widgetTB[4]->SetBackgroundColor(pixel_color); |
// Actions for Main window //TODO |
vOutOpt->widgetChBox[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "NegativePolarity()"); |
766,7 → 733,7 |
rotButtons->widgetTB[1]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "RotationSet(=1)"); |
rotButtons->widgetTB[2]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "RotationSet(=2)"); |
rotButtons->widgetTB[3]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "RotationSet(=3)"); |
rotButEmergency->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "RotationSet(=4)"); |
rotButtons->widgetTB[4]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "RotationSet(=4)"); |
fileName->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "SaveFile()"); |
measProgress->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "StartAcq()"); |
// TODO - Save file |
1233,10 → 1200,6 |
exportHist->widgetTB[0]->Connect("Clicked()", "TGAppMainFrame", this, "UpdateHistogram(=1)"); |
// Histogram controls pane ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Setting starting settings (when opening program) |
GetMeasSettings(); |
GetAnalSettings(); |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
/lab/sipmscan/trunk/src/tooltips.cpp |
103,7 → 103,7 |
SetToolTipText("Move the rotation sample holder to angle 0 deg."); |
rotButtons->widgetTB[3]-> |
SetToolTipText("Reposition to 0 deg, reset and initialize controller for the rotation sample holder.\nOnly use, if there is a problem with moving the table. If further problems\noccur, check under \"Movement table\" in the \"Help\" file."); |
rotButEmergency->widgetTB[0]-> |
rotButtons->widgetTB[4]-> |
SetToolTipText("Emergency stop of the rotation samble holder. Use if you know the motor is about to hit something."); |
evtNum->widgetNE[0]->GetNumberEntry()-> |
/lab/sipmscan/trunk/src/MIKRO/Makefile |
2,5 → 2,3 |
gcc mikro_ctrl.c rs232.c MIKRO.c -o mikro_ctrl -lm |
mikro_ctrl_d: mikro_ctrl.c rs232.c rs232.h MIKRO.c |
gcc mikro_ctrl.c rs232.c MIKRO.c -o mikro_ctrl_d -lm -DDEBUG |
clean: |
rm mikro_ctrl |
/lab/sipmscan/trunk/src/daqscope.C |
2,7 → 2,7 |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include "../include/vxi11_i686/vxi11_user.h" |
#include "../include/vxi11_x86_64/vxi11_user.h" |
#include "../include/daqscope.h" |
#include "../include/workstation.h" |
/lab/sipmscan/trunk/src/daqusb.C |
7,7 → 7,7 |
#include <signal.h> |
#include <ctype.h> |
#include <time.h> |
#include "../include/wusbxx_dll.h" /* the header of the shared library */ |
//#include "../include/wusbxx_dll.h" /* the header of the shared library */ |
#include "../include/daq.h" |
//#define DEBUG /* vkljuci dodatni izpis */ |
26,11 → 26,11 |
//#define NADCCH 8 |
int ctrlc=0; |
char *ccserial=(char*)"CC0126"; |
//int devDetect; // variable to tell if we detect any devices |
int devDetect; // variable to tell if we detect any devices |
int daq::connect(){ |
// odpri daq |
xxusb_device_type devices[100]; |
/* xxusb_device_type devices[100]; |
//struct usb_device *dev; |
devDetect = xxusb_devices_find(devices); |
// printf("Detected devices: %d\n", devDetect); |
44,16 → 44,16 |
printf("daq::connect()\n"); |
} |
else |
printf("daq::connect() - No devices were detected!\n"); |
*/ printf("daq::connect() - No devices were detected!\n"); |
return 0; |
} |
int daq::init(int chan = 0){ |
int i; |
long k; |
// int i; |
// long k; |
DBGFUNI(xxusb_register_write(udev,1,0x0)); // Stop DAQ mode |
/* DBGFUNI(xxusb_register_write(udev,1,0x0)); // Stop DAQ mode |
while (xxusb_usbfifo_read(udev, (int*) stackdump,BUFF_L,100)>0); |
115,26 → 115,27 |
// ret[0] = CAMAC_register_read(udev,1,&k); |
// printf("k (return %d) -> 0x%08lX\n",ret[0],k); |
printf("daq::init()\n"); |
*/ printf("daq::init()\n"); |
return 0; |
} |
int daq::start(){ |
xxusb_register_write(udev,1,0x1); // Start DAQ mode |
// xxusb_register_write(udev,1,0x1); // Start DAQ mode |
printf("daq::start()\n"); |
return 0; |
} |
int daq::stop(){ |
xxusb_register_write(udev,1,0x0); // Stop DAQ mode |
while (xxusb_usbfifo_read(udev,(int *)stackdump,BUFF_L,30)>0); |
// xxusb_register_write(udev,1,0x0); // Stop DAQ mode |
// while (xxusb_usbfifo_read(udev,(int *)stackdump,BUFF_L,30)>0); |
printf("daq::stop()\n"); |
return 0; |
} |
int daq::event(unsigned int *data, int maxn){ |
int ib,count; |
int events,evsize; |
// int ib,count; |
int count; |
/* int events,evsize; |
short ret; |
ib=0; |
149,7 → 150,7 |
DBG(printf("Event:%d EvSize:%d\n", events, evsize);) |
for (int i=0;i<(NTDCCH+NADCCH);i++,ib++) data[count++] =stackdata[ib++]&0xffff; |
if (stackdata[ib++]!=0xfafb){ |
printf("Error!\n"); |
printf("Error!\n");, |
return 0; |
} |
events--; |
159,14 → 160,14 |
printf("Error!\n"); |
return 0; |
} |
// count = 1; |
*/ |
count = 1; |
return count; |
} |
int daq::disconnect(){ |
// zapri daq |
WUSBXX_close(); |
// WUSBXX_close(); |
printf("daq::disconnect()\n"); |
return 0; |
} |
203,7 → 204,7 |
// intercept routine |
if (signal (SIGINT, CatchSig) == SIG_ERR) perror ("sigignore"); |
if (signal (SIGINT, CatchSig) == SIG_E,RR) perror ("sigignore"); |
#define BSIZE 10000 |
int i,ieve,nc,nb; |
211,8 → 212,8 |
int hdr[4]={1,(NTDCCH+NADCCH+4)*sizeof(int)}; |
unsigned short adc; |
unsigned int data[BSIZE]; |
daq *d= new daq(); |
time_t time_check; |
daq *d= new daq();, |
time_t time_check;, |
// odpremo datoteko za pisanje |
FILE *fp=fopen(fname,"w"); |
/lab/sipmscan/trunk/src/window_layout.cpp |
284,450 → 284,6 |
delete[] layoutdir; |
} |
// Function for saving all current measurement settings in a file and reopening them on next program open |
void TGAppMainFrame::SaveMeasSettings() |
{ |
char *cTemp; |
cTemp = new char[1024]; |
sprintf(cTemp, "%s/settings/measurement_settings.txt", rootdir); |
std::ofstream osettings; |
osettings.open(cTemp, std::ofstream::out); |
if(osettings.is_open()) |
{ |
osettings << "# Settings pane" << std::endl; |
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) |
osettings << (int)scansOn->widgetChBox[i]->IsDown() << std::endl; |
osettings << vHardlimit->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << NCH->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << posUnits->widgetCB->GetSelected() << std::endl; |
osettings << rotUnits->widgetCB->GetSelected() << std::endl; |
osettings << oscConnect->widgetTE->GetText() << std::endl; |
osettings << laserInfo->widgetTE->GetText() << std::endl; |
osettings << chtemp->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << (int)liveDisp->widgetChBox[0]->IsDown() << std::endl; |
osettings << std::endl; |
osettings << "# Main measurement window" << std::endl; |
osettings << vOutCh->widgetCB->GetSelected() << std::endl; |
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) |
osettings << (int)vOutOpt->widgetChBox[i]->IsDown() << std::endl; |
osettings << vOutStart->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << vOutStop->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << vOutStep->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << zPosMin->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << zPosMax->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << zPosStep->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << xPosMin->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << xPosMax->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << xPosStep->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << yPosMin->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << yPosMax->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << yPosStep->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << rotPosMin->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << rotPosMax->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << rotPosStep->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << evtNum->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << fileName->widgetTE->GetText() << std::endl; |
printf("Saving measurement settings to file.\n"); |
} |
else |
printf("Error! Save file can not be opened.\n"); |
osettings.close(); |
} |
// Function for saving all current analysis settings in a file and reopening them on next program open |
void TGAppMainFrame::SaveAnalSettings() |
{ |
char *cTemp; |
cTemp = new char[1024]; |
sprintf(cTemp, "%s/settings/analysis_settings.txt", rootdir); |
std::ofstream osettings; |
osettings.open(cTemp, std::ofstream::out); |
if(osettings.is_open()) |
{ |
osettings << "# Analysis" << std::endl; |
// Integrate spectrum |
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) |
osettings << (int)intSpect->widgetChBox[i]->IsDown() << std::endl; |
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) |
osettings << resol2d->widgetNE[i]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
// Relative PDE |
osettings << (int)relPde->widgetChBox[0]->IsDown() << std::endl; |
osettings << (int)midPeak->widgetChBox[0]->IsDown() << std::endl; |
osettings << zeroAngle->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
// Breakdown voltage |
osettings << minPeak->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << peakSepCalc->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
// Surface scan |
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) |
osettings << (int)surfScanOpt->widgetChBox[i]->IsDown() << std::endl; |
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) |
osettings << resolSurf->widgetNE[i]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
// Fitting |
osettings << fitSigma->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << fitTresh->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << fitInter->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << adcOffset->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << accError->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << pedesLow->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) |
osettings << (int)fitChecks->widgetChBox[i]->IsDown() << std::endl; |
osettings << std::endl; |
osettings << "# Histogram controls" << std::endl; |
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) |
osettings << adcRange->widgetNE[i]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) |
osettings << tdcRange->widgetNE[i]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) |
osettings << yRange->widgetNE[i]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
osettings << selectCh->widgetNE[0]->GetNumber() << std::endl; |
for(int i = 0 ; i < 2; i++) |
osettings << (int)histOpt->widgetChBox[i]->IsDown() << std::endl; |
osettings << posUnitsPlot->widgetCB->GetSelected() << std::endl; |
printf("Saving analysis settings to file.\n"); |
} |
else |
printf("Error! Save file can not be opened.\n"); |
osettings.close(); |
} |
// Function for getting all measurement settings from a file |
void TGAppMainFrame::GetMeasSettings() |
{ |
char *cTemp, readTemp[1024]; |
cTemp = new char[1024]; |
sprintf(cTemp, "%s/settings/measurement_settings.txt", rootdir); |
int iTemp, k = 0; |
double dTemp; |
std::ifstream isettings; |
isettings.open(cTemp, std::ifstream::in); |
if(isettings.is_open()) |
{ |
printf("Opening measurement settings from file.\n"); |
while(1) |
{ |
if(isettings.peek() == '#') |
{ |
isettings.getline(readTemp, 1024, '\n'); |
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("GetMeasSettings(): readTemp = %s\n", readTemp); |
} |
else if(isettings.peek() == '\n') |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
else |
{ |
if(k == 0) |
{ |
// Scan settings |
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) |
{ |
isettings >> iTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
if(iTemp == 0) scansOn->widgetChBox[i]->SetState(kButtonUp); |
else if(iTemp == 1) scansOn->widgetChBox[i]->SetState(kButtonDown); |
} |
// Hard voltage limit |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
vHardlimit->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
// Number of channels |
isettings >> iTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
NCH->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(iTemp); |
// Position units |
isettings >> iTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
posUnits->widgetCB->Select(iTemp); |
// Rotation units |
isettings >> iTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
rotUnits->widgetCB->Select(iTemp); |
// Oscilloscope IP address |
isettings.getline(readTemp, 1024, '\n'); |
oscConnect->widgetTE->SetText(readTemp); |
// Laser info |
isettings.getline(readTemp, 1024, '\n'); |
laserInfo->widgetTE->SetText(readTemp); |
// Chamber temperature |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
chtemp->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
// Live display |
isettings >> iTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
if(iTemp == 0) liveDisp->widgetChBox[0]->SetState(kButtonUp); |
else if(iTemp == 1) liveDisp->widgetChBox[0]->SetState(kButtonDown); |
k++; |
} |
else if(k == 1) |
{ |
// Voltage supply channel |
isettings >> iTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
vOutCh->widgetCB->Select(iTemp); |
// Voltage supply options |
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) |
{ |
isettings >> iTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
if(iTemp == 0) vOutOpt->widgetChBox[i]->SetState(kButtonUp); |
else if(iTemp == 1) vOutOpt->widgetChBox[i]->SetState(kButtonDown); |
} |
// Voltage supply min, max and step |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
vOutStart->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
vOutStop->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
vOutStep->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
// Z axis scan min, max and step |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
zPosMin->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
zPosMax->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
zPosStep->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
// X axis scan min, max and step |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
xPosMin->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
xPosMax->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
xPosStep->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
// Y axis scan min, max and step |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
yPosMin->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
yPosMax->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
yPosStep->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
// Rotation min, max and step |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
rotPosMin->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
rotPosMax->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
rotPosStep->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
// Number of events |
isettings >> iTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
evtNum->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(iTemp); |
// Save filename |
isettings.getline(readTemp, 1024, '\n'); |
fileName->widgetTE->SetText(readTemp); |
k++; |
} |
else |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
else |
printf("Error! Measurement settings file can not be opened. Using defaults.\n"); |
} |
// Function for getting all analysis settings from a file |
void TGAppMainFrame::GetAnalSettings() |
{ |
char *cTemp, readTemp[1024]; |
cTemp = new char[1024]; |
sprintf(cTemp, "%s/settings/analysis_settings.txt", rootdir); |
int iTemp, k = 0; |
double dTemp; |
std::ifstream isettings; |
isettings.open(cTemp, std::ifstream::in); |
if(isettings.is_open()) |
{ |
printf("Opening analysis settings from file.\n"); |
while(1) |
{ |
if(isettings.peek() == '#') |
{ |
isettings.getline(readTemp, 1024, '\n'); |
if(DBGSIG > 1) printf("GetAnalSettings(): readTemp = %s\n", readTemp); |
} |
else if(isettings.peek() == '\n') |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
else |
{ |
if(k == 0) |
{ |
// Integrate spectrum options |
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) |
{ |
isettings >> iTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
if(iTemp == 0) intSpect->widgetChBox[i]->SetState(kButtonUp); |
else if(iTemp == 1) intSpect->widgetChBox[i]->SetState(kButtonDown); |
} |
// Integrate spectrum 2D resolution |
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) |
{ |
isettings >> iTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
resol2d->widgetNE[i]->SetNumber(iTemp); |
} |
// Relative PDE normalization |
isettings >> iTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
if(iTemp == 0) relPde->widgetChBox[0]->SetState(kButtonUp); |
else if(iTemp == 1) relPde->widgetChBox[0]->SetState(kButtonDown); |
// Relative PDE middle peak |
isettings >> iTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
if(iTemp == 0) midPeak->widgetChBox[0]->SetState(kButtonUp); |
else if(iTemp == 1) midPeak->widgetChBox[0]->SetState(kButtonDown); |
// Relative PDE zero angle setting |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
zeroAngle->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
// Breakdown voltage minimum number of detected peaks |
isettings >> iTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
minPeak->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(iTemp); |
// Breakdown voltage separation calculation |
isettings >> iTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
peakSepCalc->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(iTemp); |
// Surface scan options |
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) |
{ |
isettings >> iTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
if(iTemp == 0) surfScanOpt->widgetChBox[i]->SetState(kButtonUp); |
else if(iTemp == 1) surfScanOpt->widgetChBox[i]->SetState(kButtonDown); |
} |
// Surface scan 2D resolution |
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) |
{ |
isettings >> iTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
resolSurf->widgetNE[i]->SetNumber(iTemp); |
} |
// Fitting - sigma |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
fitSigma->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
// Fitting - S/N ratio |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
fitTresh->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
// Fitting - interpolation |
isettings >> iTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
fitInter->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(iTemp); |
// Fitting - ADC offset |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
adcOffset->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
// Fitting - Acceptable error |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
accError->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
// Fitting - Pedestal lower limit |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
pedesLow->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
// Fitting - settings |
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) |
{ |
isettings >> iTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
if(iTemp == 0) fitChecks->widgetChBox[i]->SetState(kButtonUp); |
else if(iTemp == 1) fitChecks->widgetChBox[i]->SetState(kButtonDown); |
} |
k++; |
} |
else if(k == 1) |
{ |
// ADC range |
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) |
{ |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
adcRange->widgetNE[i]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
} |
// TDC range |
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) |
{ |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
tdcRange->widgetNE[i]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
} |
// Y axis range |
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) |
{ |
isettings >> dTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
yRange->widgetNE[i]->SetNumber(dTemp); |
} |
// Displayed channel |
isettings >> iTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
selectCh->widgetNE[0]->SetNumber(iTemp); |
// Display options |
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) |
{ |
isettings >> iTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
if(iTemp == 0) histOpt->widgetChBox[i]->SetState(kButtonUp); |
else if(iTemp == 1) histOpt->widgetChBox[i]->SetState(kButtonDown); |
} |
// Display position units |
isettings >> iTemp; |
isettings.ignore(1, '\n'); |
posUnitsPlot->widgetCB->Select(iTemp); |
k++; |
} |
else |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
else |
printf("Error! Measurement settings file can not be opened. Using defaults.\n"); |
} |
// Layout function for the main window (width and height) |
void layoutMainWindow(int *w, int *h) |
{ |