/drivers/standa/2019-10/8MT175-150.cfg |
0,0 → 1,514 |
[User_units] |
Enable=false |
Step_multiplier=400 |
Unit_multiplier=1 |
Precision=3 |
Unit=mm |
[TypeSkin] |
TypeSkin=GeneralMotor |
[GeneralMotor_setup] |
Left_point=-626 |
Right_point=59374 |
LoadFromDevice_enable=false |
WatchOverLimits_enable=true |
ShowSecondaryPosition_enable=true |
[Cyclic] |
Left_point=0 |
Right_point=1000 |
Cyclic_type=ptp_fine |
[Log_setup] |
Xilab_loglevel=3 |
script_loglevel=3 |
library_loglevel=3 |
Autosave_enabled=false |
Autosave_path=. |
[Graph_common_setup] |
Datapoints=60 |
Update_interval=100 |
dataUpdate_enable=false |
Autostart_on_open=true |
[Graph_position_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#000000 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=1000000 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_speed_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#0000ff |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=-8000 |
Scale_max=8000 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_encoder_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#000000 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=0 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_flags_setup] |
Line_width=2 |
Line_color=#9500ff |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=0 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_envoltage_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#996633 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=-12 |
Scale_max=12 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_encurrent_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#ff0000 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=1000 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_pwrvoltage_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#00ffff |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=0 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_pwrcurrent_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#ffff00 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=0 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_usbvoltage_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#00ff00 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=0 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_usbcurrent_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#0000ff |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=0 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_voltageA_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#ff00ff |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=-12 |
Scale_max=12 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_voltageB_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#ff8000 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=-12 |
Scale_max=12 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_voltageC_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#800080 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=-12 |
Scale_max=12 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_currentA_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#996633 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=1000 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_currentB_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#00ffff |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=1000 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_currentC_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#00ff00 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=1000 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_pwm_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#ff00ff |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=-100 |
Scale_max=100 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_temperature_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#ff8000 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=15 |
Scale_max=30 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_joy_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#ff0000 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=10000 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_pot_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#ffff00 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=10000 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Attenuator_setup] |
number_of_wheels=One |
Wheel_1Transmittance_1=0 |
Wheel_1Transmittance_2=0 |
Wheel_1Transmittance_3=0 |
Wheel_1Transmittance_4=0 |
Wheel_1Transmittance_5=0 |
Wheel_1Transmittance_6=0 |
Wheel_1Transmittance_7=0 |
Wheel_1Transmittance_8=0 |
Wheel_2Transmittance_9=0 |
Wheel_2Transmittance_10=0 |
Wheel_2Transmittance_11=0 |
Wheel_2Transmittance_12=0 |
Wheel_2Transmittance_13=0 |
Wheel_2Transmittance_14=0 |
Wheel_2Transmittance_15=0 |
Wheel_2Transmittance_16=0 |
[Borders] |
Border_is_encoder=false |
Left_border=874 |
Left_border_usteps=0 |
Right_border=57874 |
Right_border_usteps=0 |
Stop_at_left_border=true |
Stop_at_right_border=true |
Borders_swap_misset_detection=false |
Limit_switch_1_pushed_is_closed=true |
Limit_switch_2_pushed_is_closed=true |
Limit_switch_ender_swap=true |
[Maximum_ratings] |
Low_voltage_protection=false |
Low_voltage_off=800 |
Critical_current=4000 |
Critical_voltage=5000 |
Critical_usb_current=450 |
Critical_usb_voltage=520 |
Minimum_usb_voltage=420 |
Critical_temperature=800 |
Shutdown_on_overheat=true |
H_bridge_alert=true |
Alarm_on_borders_swap_misset=true |
Alarm_flags_sticking=true |
Usb_break_reconnect=false |
[Motor_type] |
type=STEP |
[Driver_type] |
[Engine] |
Max_voltage_enable=false |
Max_current_enable=false |
Limit_speed_enable=true |
Play_compensation_enable=false |
Rated_voltage=360 |
Rated_current=1200 |
Max_speed_steps=4000 |
Max_speed_usteps=0 |
Play_compensation=575 |
Reverse_enable=true |
Use_max_speed=false |
Acceleration_enable=true |
Current_as_RMS_enable=false |
Steps_per_turn=200 |
Microstep_mode=9 |
Speed_steps=1000 |
Speed_usteps=0 |
Antiplay_speed_steps=1000 |
Antiplay_speed_usteps=0 |
Acceleration=2000 |
Deceleration=4000 |
Feedback_type=NONE |
Encoder_CPT=4000 |
Encoder_reverse=false |
Feedback_enc_type=AUTO |
[Home_position] |
1st_move_direction_right=false |
1st_move_speed=500 |
1st_move_speed_usteps=0 |
2nd_move_direction_right=true |
2nd_move_speed=500 |
2nd_move_speed_usteps=0 |
standoff=626 |
standoff_usteps=200 |
use_second_phase=false |
use_half_movement=false |
use_fast_home=true |
first_stop_after=LIM |
second_stop_after=REV |
[PID_control] |
Voltage_Kp=0 |
Voltage_Ki=0 |
Voltage_Kd=0 |
Voltage_Kp_float=0 |
Voltage_Ki_float=0 |
Voltage_Kd_float=0 |
[TTL_sync] |
Clutter_time=4 |
Position=0 |
uPosition=0 |
Speed=0 |
uSpeed=0 |
Syncin_enabled=false |
Syncin_invert=false |
Syncin_gotoposition=false |
Syncout_enabled=false |
Syncout_fixed_is_high=false |
Syncout_invert=false |
Syncout_count_in_steps=false |
Syncout_onstart_enabled=true |
Syncout_onstop_enabled=true |
Syncout_onperiod_enabled=false |
Syncout_pulse_steps=100 |
Syncout_period=2000 |
Accuracy=0 |
uAccuracy=0 |
[Uart] |
Speed=115200 |
Use_parity=false |
Parity_type=EVEN |
One_stop_bit=false |
[Extio] |
Extio_as_output=true |
Extio_invert=false |
Mode_in=IN_STOP |
Mode_out=OUT_OFF |
[Power] |
Hold_current=50 |
Current_reduction_delay=1000 |
Power_off_delay=60 |
Current_set_time=300 |
Current_reduction_enabled=true |
Power_off_enabled=true |
Smooth_current_enabled=true |
[Brake] |
Brake_enabled=false |
Power_off_enabled=true |
t1=300 |
t2=500 |
t3=300 |
t4=400 |
[Control] |
Joy_low_end=0 |
Joy_center=5000 |
Joy_high_end=10000 |
Exp_factor=100 |
Dead_zone=50 |
Joystick_reverse=false |
timeout_1=1000 |
timeout_2=1000 |
timeout_3=1000 |
timeout_4=1000 |
timeout_5=1000 |
timeout_6=1000 |
timeout_7=1000 |
timeout_8=1000 |
timeout_9=1000 |
speed_1_steps=100 |
speed_1_usteps=0 |
speed_2_steps=1000 |
speed_2_usteps=0 |
speed_3_steps=0 |
speed_3_usteps=0 |
speed_4_steps=0 |
speed_4_usteps=0 |
speed_5_steps=0 |
speed_5_usteps=0 |
speed_6_steps=0 |
speed_6_usteps=0 |
speed_7_steps=0 |
speed_7_usteps=0 |
speed_8_steps=0 |
speed_8_usteps=0 |
speed_9_steps=0 |
speed_9_usteps=0 |
speed_10_steps=0 |
speed_10_usteps=0 |
control_mode=LR |
left_button_pushed=false |
right_button_pushed=false |
MaxClickTime=300 |
DeltaPosition=1 |
uDeltaPosition=0 |
[Control_position] |
Position_control_enabled=false |
Alarm_on_error_enabled=false |
Error_correction_enabled=true |
Rev_sens_inv_enabled=false |
Based_on_rev_sens=false |
Min_error=3 |
[Controller_name] |
EEPROM_precedence=false |
[Stage] |
Positioner_name= |
Manufacturer=Standa |
Part_number=8MT175-150 |
Lead_screw_pitch=0.5 |
Units=mm |
Max_speed=10 |
Travel_range=150 |
Supply_voltage_min=12 |
Supply_voltage_max=36 |
Max_current_consumption=0 |
Horizontal_load_capacity=8 |
Vertical_load_capacity=3 |
[StageMotor] |
Manufacturer=Motion Control P |
Part_number=FL42STH47-1204B |
Type=STEP |
Poles=0 |
Phases=0 |
Nominal_voltage=3.84 |
Nominal_current=1.2 |
Nominal_speed=0 |
Nominal_torque=0.45 |
Nominal_power=0 |
Winding_resistance=3.2 |
Winding_inductance=6 |
Rotor_inertia=82 |
Stall_torque=0 |
Detent_torque=0 |
Torque_constant=0 |
Speed_constant=0 |
Speed_torque_gradient=0 |
Mechanical_time_constant=0 |
Max_speed=5000 |
Max_current=0 |
Max_current_time=0 |
No_load_current=0 |
No_load_speed=0 |
[StageEncoder] |
Manufacturer= |
Part_number= |
Max_operating_frequency=0 |
Max_current_consumption=0 |
Supply_voltage_min=0 |
Supply_voltage_max=0 |
Pulses_per_revolution=1000 |
Differential_output=false |
Pushpull_output=false |
Index_channel_present=false |
Revolution_sensor_present=false |
Revolution_sensor_active_high=false |
[StageHallsensor] |
Manufacturer= |
Part_number= |
Max_operating_frequency=0 |
Max_current_consumption=0 |
Supply_voltage_min=0 |
Supply_voltage_max=0 |
Pulses_per_revolution=0 |
[StageGear] |
Manufacturer= |
Part_number= |
Reduction_in=1 |
Reduction_out=1 |
Rated_input_speed=0 |
Rated_input_torque=0 |
Max_output_backlash=0 |
Input_inertia=0 |
Efficiency=0 |
[StageAccessories] |
Magnetic_brake_info= |
MB_rated_voltage=0 |
MB_rated_current=0 |
MB_torque=0 |
MB_available=false |
MB_powered_hold=false |
Temperature_sensor_info= |
TS_min=0 |
TS_max=0 |
TS_grad=0 |
TS_available=false |
LS_on_sw1_available=false |
LS_on_sw2_available=false |
LS_sw1_active_low=false |
LS_sw2_active_low=false |
LS_shorted=false |
/drivers/standa/2019-10/8MT175-50.cfg |
0,0 → 1,514 |
[User_units] |
Enable=false |
Step_multiplier=400 |
Unit_multiplier=1 |
Precision=3 |
Unit=mm |
[TypeSkin] |
TypeSkin=GeneralMotor |
[GeneralMotor_setup] |
Left_point=-626 |
Right_point=19374 |
LoadFromDevice_enable=false |
WatchOverLimits_enable=true |
ShowSecondaryPosition_enable=true |
[Cyclic] |
Left_point=0 |
Right_point=1000 |
Cyclic_type=ptp_fine |
[Log_setup] |
Xilab_loglevel=3 |
script_loglevel=3 |
library_loglevel=3 |
Autosave_enabled=false |
Autosave_path=. |
[Graph_common_setup] |
Datapoints=60 |
Update_interval=100 |
dataUpdate_enable=false |
Autostart_on_open=true |
[Graph_position_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#000000 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=1000000 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_speed_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#0000ff |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=-8000 |
Scale_max=8000 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_encoder_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#000000 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=0 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_flags_setup] |
Line_width=2 |
Line_color=#9500ff |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=0 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_envoltage_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#996633 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=-12 |
Scale_max=12 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_encurrent_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#ff0000 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=1000 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_pwrvoltage_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#00ffff |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=0 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_pwrcurrent_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#ffff00 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=0 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_usbvoltage_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#00ff00 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=0 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_usbcurrent_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#0000ff |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=0 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_voltageA_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#ff00ff |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=-12 |
Scale_max=12 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_voltageB_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#ff8000 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=-12 |
Scale_max=12 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_voltageC_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#800080 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=-12 |
Scale_max=12 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_currentA_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#996633 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=1000 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_currentB_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#00ffff |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=1000 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_currentC_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#00ff00 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=1000 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_pwm_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#ff00ff |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=-100 |
Scale_max=100 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_temperature_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#ff8000 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=15 |
Scale_max=30 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_joy_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#ff0000 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=10000 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Graph_pot_setup] |
Line_width=1 |
Line_color=#ffff00 |
Line_style=0 |
Scale_min=0 |
Scale_max=10000 |
Autoscale_enable=true |
Antialiasing_enable=false |
[Attenuator_setup] |
number_of_wheels=One |
Wheel_1Transmittance_1=0 |
Wheel_1Transmittance_2=0 |
Wheel_1Transmittance_3=0 |
Wheel_1Transmittance_4=0 |
Wheel_1Transmittance_5=0 |
Wheel_1Transmittance_6=0 |
Wheel_1Transmittance_7=0 |
Wheel_1Transmittance_8=0 |
Wheel_2Transmittance_9=0 |
Wheel_2Transmittance_10=0 |
Wheel_2Transmittance_11=0 |
Wheel_2Transmittance_12=0 |
Wheel_2Transmittance_13=0 |
Wheel_2Transmittance_14=0 |
Wheel_2Transmittance_15=0 |
Wheel_2Transmittance_16=0 |
[Borders] |
Border_is_encoder=false |
Left_border=-126 |
Left_border_usteps=0 |
Right_border=18874 |
Right_border_usteps=0 |
Stop_at_left_border=true |
Stop_at_right_border=true |
Borders_swap_misset_detection=false |
Limit_switch_1_pushed_is_closed=true |
Limit_switch_2_pushed_is_closed=true |
Limit_switch_ender_swap=true |
[Maximum_ratings] |
Low_voltage_protection=false |
Low_voltage_off=800 |
Critical_current=4000 |
Critical_voltage=5000 |
Critical_usb_current=450 |
Critical_usb_voltage=520 |
Minimum_usb_voltage=420 |
Critical_temperature=800 |
Shutdown_on_overheat=true |
H_bridge_alert=true |
Alarm_on_borders_swap_misset=true |
Alarm_flags_sticking=true |
Usb_break_reconnect=false |
[Motor_type] |
type=STEP |
[Driver_type] |
[Engine] |
Max_voltage_enable=false |
Max_current_enable=false |
Limit_speed_enable=true |
Play_compensation_enable=false |
Rated_voltage=360 |
Rated_current=1200 |
Max_speed_steps=4000 |
Max_speed_usteps=0 |
Play_compensation=575 |
Reverse_enable=true |
Use_max_speed=false |
Acceleration_enable=true |
Current_as_RMS_enable=false |
Steps_per_turn=200 |
Microstep_mode=9 |
Speed_steps=1000 |
Speed_usteps=0 |
Antiplay_speed_steps=1000 |
Antiplay_speed_usteps=0 |
Acceleration=2000 |
Deceleration=4000 |
Feedback_type=NONE |
Encoder_CPT=4000 |
Encoder_reverse=false |
Feedback_enc_type=AUTO |
[Home_position] |
1st_move_direction_right=false |
1st_move_speed=500 |
1st_move_speed_usteps=0 |
2nd_move_direction_right=true |
2nd_move_speed=500 |
2nd_move_speed_usteps=0 |
standoff=626 |
standoff_usteps=200 |
use_second_phase=false |
use_half_movement=false |
use_fast_home=true |
first_stop_after=LIM |
second_stop_after=REV |
[PID_control] |
Voltage_Kp=0 |
Voltage_Ki=0 |
Voltage_Kd=0 |
Voltage_Kp_float=0 |
Voltage_Ki_float=0 |
Voltage_Kd_float=0 |
[TTL_sync] |
Clutter_time=4 |
Position=0 |
uPosition=0 |
Speed=0 |
uSpeed=0 |
Syncin_enabled=false |
Syncin_invert=false |
Syncin_gotoposition=false |
Syncout_enabled=false |
Syncout_fixed_is_high=false |
Syncout_invert=false |
Syncout_count_in_steps=false |
Syncout_onstart_enabled=true |
Syncout_onstop_enabled=true |
Syncout_onperiod_enabled=false |
Syncout_pulse_steps=100 |
Syncout_period=2000 |
Accuracy=0 |
uAccuracy=0 |
[Uart] |
Speed=115200 |
Use_parity=false |
Parity_type=EVEN |
One_stop_bit=false |
[Extio] |
Extio_as_output=true |
Extio_invert=false |
Mode_in=IN_STOP |
Mode_out=OUT_OFF |
[Power] |
Hold_current=50 |
Current_reduction_delay=1000 |
Power_off_delay=60 |
Current_set_time=300 |
Current_reduction_enabled=true |
Power_off_enabled=true |
Smooth_current_enabled=true |
[Brake] |
Brake_enabled=false |
Power_off_enabled=true |
t1=300 |
t2=500 |
t3=300 |
t4=400 |
[Control] |
Joy_low_end=0 |
Joy_center=5000 |
Joy_high_end=10000 |
Exp_factor=100 |
Dead_zone=50 |
Joystick_reverse=false |
timeout_1=1000 |
timeout_2=1000 |
timeout_3=1000 |
timeout_4=1000 |
timeout_5=1000 |
timeout_6=1000 |
timeout_7=1000 |
timeout_8=1000 |
timeout_9=1000 |
speed_1_steps=100 |
speed_1_usteps=0 |
speed_2_steps=1000 |
speed_2_usteps=0 |
speed_3_steps=0 |
speed_3_usteps=0 |
speed_4_steps=0 |
speed_4_usteps=0 |
speed_5_steps=0 |
speed_5_usteps=0 |
speed_6_steps=0 |
speed_6_usteps=0 |
speed_7_steps=0 |
speed_7_usteps=0 |
speed_8_steps=0 |
speed_8_usteps=0 |
speed_9_steps=0 |
speed_9_usteps=0 |
speed_10_steps=0 |
speed_10_usteps=0 |
control_mode=LR |
left_button_pushed=false |
right_button_pushed=false |
MaxClickTime=300 |
DeltaPosition=1 |
uDeltaPosition=0 |
[Control_position] |
Position_control_enabled=false |
Alarm_on_error_enabled=false |
Error_correction_enabled=true |
Rev_sens_inv_enabled=false |
Based_on_rev_sens=false |
Min_error=3 |
[Controller_name] |
EEPROM_precedence=false |
[Stage] |
Positioner_name= |
Manufacturer=Standa |
Part_number=8MT175-50 |
Lead_screw_pitch=0.5 |
Units=mm |
Max_speed=10 |
Travel_range=50 |
Supply_voltage_min=12 |
Supply_voltage_max=36 |
Max_current_consumption=0 |
Horizontal_load_capacity=8 |
Vertical_load_capacity=3 |
[StageMotor] |
Manufacturer=Motion Control P |
Part_number=FL42STH47-1204B |
Type=STEP |
Poles=0 |
Phases=0 |
Nominal_voltage=3.84 |
Nominal_current=1.2 |
Nominal_speed=0 |
Nominal_torque=0.45 |
Nominal_power=0 |
Winding_resistance=3.2 |
Winding_inductance=6 |
Rotor_inertia=82 |
Stall_torque=0 |
Detent_torque=0 |
Torque_constant=0 |
Speed_constant=0 |
Speed_torque_gradient=0 |
Mechanical_time_constant=0 |
Max_speed=5000 |
Max_current=0 |
Max_current_time=0 |
No_load_current=0 |
No_load_speed=0 |
[StageEncoder] |
Manufacturer= |
Part_number= |
Max_operating_frequency=0 |
Max_current_consumption=0 |
Supply_voltage_min=0 |
Supply_voltage_max=0 |
Pulses_per_revolution=1000 |
Differential_output=false |
Pushpull_output=false |
Index_channel_present=false |
Revolution_sensor_present=false |
Revolution_sensor_active_high=false |
[StageHallsensor] |
Manufacturer= |
Part_number= |
Max_operating_frequency=0 |
Max_current_consumption=0 |
Supply_voltage_min=0 |
Supply_voltage_max=0 |
Pulses_per_revolution=0 |
[StageGear] |
Manufacturer= |
Part_number= |
Reduction_in=1 |
Reduction_out=1 |
Rated_input_speed=0 |
Rated_input_torque=0 |
Max_output_backlash=0 |
Input_inertia=0 |
Efficiency=0 |
[StageAccessories] |
Magnetic_brake_info= |
MB_rated_voltage=0 |
MB_rated_current=0 |
MB_torque=0 |
MB_available=false |
MB_powered_hold=false |
Temperature_sensor_info= |
TS_min=0 |
TS_max=0 |
TS_grad=0 |
TS_available=false |
LS_on_sw1_available=false |
LS_on_sw2_available=false |
LS_sw1_active_low=false |
LS_sw2_active_low=false |
LS_shorted=false |
/drivers/standa/2019-10/8SMC4-8SMC5-USB_Programming_manual_Eng.pdf |
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/drivers/standa/2019-10/8SMC4-USB_User_manual_Eng.pdf |
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/drivers/standa/2019-10/libximc-2.10.5-all.tar.gz |
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/drivers/standa/2019-10/xilab-1.14.12-win32_win64.exe |
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/drivers/standa/2019-10/ximc-4.1.13-hw2.3.x.cod |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
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Property changes: |
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