Subversion Repositories f9daq

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 199 → Rev 200

1,22 → 1,22
[Workspace Header]
Version = 1302
Pathname = "/c/Users/rok/Documents/rok/lab/drs/drsctrl/drs4.cws"
CVI Dir = "/c/program files (x86)/national instruments/cvi2013"
CVI Shared Dir = "/C/Program Files (x86)/National Instruments/Shared/CVI"
Pathname = "/c/home/rok/DRS/drs4.cws"
CVI Dir = "/c/program files/national instruments/cvi2013"
CVI Shared Dir = "/C/Program Files/National Instruments/Shared/CVI"
CVI Pub Local Dir = "/C/ProgramData/National Instruments/CVI2013"
CVI Pub Global Dir = "/C/ProgramData/National Instruments/CVI"
IVI Standard Root Dir = "/C/Program Files (x86)/IVI Foundation/IVI"
IVI Standard Root Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/IVI"
IVI Standard Root 64-bit Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/IVI"
VXIplug&play Framework Dir = "/C/Program Files (x86)/IVI Foundation/VISA/winnt"
VXIplug&play Framework Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/VISA/winnt"
VXIplug&play Framework 64-bit Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/VISA/win64"
Number of Projects = 1
Active Project = 1
Project 0001 = "drs4.prj"
Drag Bar Left = 360
Window Top = 277
Window Left = 205
Window Bottom = 1617
Window Right = 2435
Drag Bar Left = 280
Window Top = 144
Window Left = 139
Window Bottom = 966
Window Right = 1588
Maximized = False
Maximized Children = True
Max32 Number Of Errors = 20
30,9 → 30,9
Hide Windows = False
Break At First Statement = False
Sort Type = "File Name"
Number of Opened Files = 8
Number of Opened Files = 2
Window Confinement Region Enabled = True
MainColumnWidth = 343
MainColumnWidth = 263
FileDateColumnWidth = 70
FileSizeColumnWidth = 70
46,104 → 46,47
Batch Build Debug = False
[File 0001]
Path = "/c/Users/rok/Documents/rok/lab/drs/drsctrl/drs4.c"
Path = "/c/home/rok/DRS/drs4.c"
File Type = "CSource"
Disk Date = 3566382302
Disk Date = 3566544473
In Projects = "1,"
Window Top = 522
Window Left = 247
Window Z-Order = 1
Source Window State = "1,147,148,148,0,0,0,0,0,229,0,2,0,2,0,67,14,0,26,2,349,683,1,0,"
Source Window State = "1,146,146,146,12,22,22,0,0,141,0,2,0,2,0,43,100,0,124,37,349,683,1,0,"
[File 0002]
Path = "/c/Users/rok/Documents/rok/lab/drs/drsctrl/drs4.uir"
Path = "/c/home/rok/DRS/drs4.uir"
File Type = "User Interface Resource"
Disk Date = 3566382690
Disk Date = 3566543748
In Projects = "1,"
Window Top = 132
Window Left = 49
Window Height = 349
Window Width = 811
Window Z-Order = 2
[File 0003]
Path = "/c/Users/rok/Documents/rok/lab/drs/drsctrl/drs4.h"
File Type = "Include"
Disk Date = 3566380515
In Projects = ""
Window Top = 67
Window Left = 16
Window Z-Order = 6
Source Window State = "1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,96,0,0,0,0,0,25,0,0,0,0,349,811,1,0,"
Path = "/c/home/rok/DRS/drsread.lib"
File Type = "Library"
Disk Date = 3566543748
In Projects = "1,"
[File 0004]
Path = "/c/Users/rok/Documents/rok/lab/drs/drsctrl/drsread.h"
Path = "/c/Program Files/National Instruments/CVI2013/include/userint.h"
File Type = "Include"
Disk Date = 3566381442
Disk Date = 3486492000
In Projects = ""
Window Top = 197
Window Left = 82
Window Z-Order = 5
Source Window State = "1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,96,0,0,0,0,0,25,0,0,31,70,349,811,1,0,"
Window Top = 33
Window Left = 10
Window Z-Order = 2
Source Window State = "1,962,962,962,8,16,16,0,0,80,0,0,0,0,0,25,950,0,962,8,349,683,1,0,"
[File 0005]
Path = "/c/Users/rok/Documents/rok/lab/drs/drsctrl/drsread.c"
File Type = "CSource"
Disk Date = 3566381600
In Projects = ""
Window Top = 262
Window Left = 115
Window Z-Order = 4
Source Window State = "1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,96,0,0,0,0,0,25,0,0,30,26,349,811,1,0,"
[File 0006]
Path = "/c/Users/rok/Documents/rok/lab/drs/drsctrl/drsread.lib"
File Type = "Library"
Disk Date = 3566381587
In Projects = "1,"
[File 0007]
Path = "/c/Users/rok/Documents/rok/lab/praktikum/mioni/mioni.c"
File Type = "CSource"
Disk Date = 3564730349
In Projects = ""
Window Top = 132
Window Left = 49
Window Z-Order = 8
Source Window State = "1,26,26,26,0,25,25,0,3,96,0,0,0,0,0,25,0,0,26,0,349,811,1,0,"
[File 0008]
Path = "/c/home/git/arich/daq/sa02_daq/cvi/sa02_CVI.c"
File Type = "CSource"
Disk Date = 3559701358
In Projects = ""
Window Top = 197
Window Left = 82
Window Z-Order = 3
Source Window State = "1,362,370,362,7,60,7,0,3,96,0,0,0,0,0,25,330,0,370,60,349,811,1,0,"
[File 0009]
Path = "/c/home/git/arich/daq/sa02_daq/sa02lib.c"
File Type = "CSource"
Disk Date = 3559701358
In Projects = ""
Window Top = 262
Window Left = 115
Window Z-Order = 7
Source Window State = "1,240,240,240,1,21,21,0,3,96,0,0,0,0,0,25,213,0,240,1,349,811,1,0,"
[Tab Order]
Tab 0001 = "/c/Users/rok/Documents/rok/lab/drs/drsctrl/drs4.uir"
Tab 0002 = "/c/Users/rok/Documents/rok/lab/drs/drsctrl/drs4.c"
Tab 0003 = "/c/Users/rok/Documents/rok/lab/drs/drsctrl/drsread.c"
Tab 0004 = "/c/Users/rok/Documents/rok/lab/praktikum/mioni/mioni.c"
Tab 0005 = "/c/home/git/arich/daq/sa02_daq/cvi/sa02_CVI.c"
Tab 0006 = "/c/home/git/arich/daq/sa02_daq/sa02lib.c"
Tab 0007 = "/c/Users/rok/Documents/rok/lab/drs/drsctrl/drs4.h"
Tab 0008 = "/c/Users/rok/Documents/rok/lab/drs/drsctrl/drsread.h"
Tab 0001 = "/c/home/rok/DRS/drs4.c"
Tab 0002 = "/c/Program Files/National Instruments/CVI2013/include/userint.h"
[Default Build Config 0001 Debug]
Generate Browse Info = False
Generate Browse Info = True
Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
Batch Build = False
Profile = "Disabled"
155,7 → 98,7
External Process Path = ""
[Default Build Config 0001 Release]
Generate Browse Info = False
Generate Browse Info = True
Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
Batch Build = False
Profile = "Disabled"
167,7 → 110,7
External Process Path = ""
[Default Build Config 0001 Debug64]
Generate Browse Info = False
Generate Browse Info = True
Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
Batch Build = False
Profile = "Disabled"
179,7 → 122,7
External Process Path = ""
[Default Build Config 0001 Release64]
Generate Browse Info = False
Generate Browse Info = True
Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
Batch Build = False
Profile = "Disabled"
194,7 → 137,7
Number of Dependencies = 0
[Build Options 0001]
Generate Browse Info = False
Generate Browse Info = True
Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
Execution Trace = "Disabled"
Profile = "Disabled"