Subversion Repositories f9daq

Compare Revisions

No changes between revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 264 → Rev 285

0,0 → 1,2
@call %1.bat > %1.out
@echo Build Step complete for %1
0,0 → 1,0
-force-include-file "qe2d.c";"c:\home\rokd\qe2d\qe2d.c"
0,0 → 1,0
-triple i386-pc-win32 -fno-caret-diagnostics -fno-gnu-keywords -fms-extensions -mms-bitfields -fmath-errno -mdisable-fp-elim -Wno-microsoft -Wno-error=invalid-token-paste -Werror=gnu -Werror=pointer-arith -Wno-pointer-sign -Wno-unreachable-code -Wno-parentheses -Wno-unused-variable -Wuninitialized -Wno-div-by-zero -Wno-array-bounds -Wno-null-dereference -Wno-ignored-qualifiers -Wreturn-type -Wno-panel-handle -Wno-tautological-compare -Wno-empty-body -Wno-missing-braces -Wno-overlength-strings -Wno-cast-align -Wno-missing-noreturn -Wno-invalid-noreturn -Wno-shadow -Wno-switch -Wno-switch-enum -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-label -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-value -Wno-used-but-marked-unused -Wno-conversion -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-char-subscripts -Wno-declaration-after-statement -Wno-typecheck-convert -Wno-float-equal -Wno-vla -Wno-attributes -Wno-unknown-attributes -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-packed -Wno-padded -Wno-comment -Wno-format -Wno-implicit-int -Wno-implicit-function-declaration -Wno-builtin-implicit-decl -Wno-missing-declarations -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-trigraphs -Wno-multichar -Wno-long-long -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-ignored-pragmas -Wno-pragma-reset -Wno-pragma-on-off-switch -Wno-pragma-unused -Wno-end-of-directive -Wno-pragma-not-supported -Wno-unexpected-token -Wno-four-char-constants -Wno-discard-qual -Wno-sign-conversion -Wno-variadic-macros -Wno-macro-name -Wno-macro-poisoning -Wno-macro-redefined -Wno-builtin-macro-redefined -Wno-builtin-macro-undefined -Wno-unused-macros -Wno-gnu-designator -Wno-nonnull -Wno-constant-conversion -Wno-out-of-scope-declarations -Wno-static-non-static -Wno-constant-too-large -Wno-#warnings -Wno-undef -Wno-include-next -Wno-extra-tokens -Wno-line-number -Wno-weak -Wno-member-redeclare -Wno-expected-semi -Wno-too-many-args -Wno-literal-range -Wno-unknown-escape -Wno-shift -Wchar-init -Wno-braces-init -Wno-incomplete-field -Wno-tentative -Wno-ordered-comparison -Wno-pointer-compare -Wno-stack-memory -Wno-excess-elements -Wno-missing-terminating -Wno-illegal-storage -Wno-clang -Wno-backslash -Wno-decl-param -Wno-negative-to-unsigned -Wno-extern -Wno-constant-logical-operand -Wno-initializer-overrides -Wno-variadic-call-conv -Wno-main -Wno-omp-nested-parallel -Wno-omp-repeated-ordered -Wpointer-int-conv -Wint-conversion -Wpointer-conv -Wmissing-return-value -Winvalid-return -Wduplicate-decl-spec -Wpromoted-param -Wno-strict-prototypes -Wno-va-named-param -Wno-invalid-token-paste -fdiagnostics-show-option -cvi-debugging=standard -Werror=implicit-function-declaration -Wuninitialized-runtime -I "c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\toolslib\activex\word" -I "c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\toolslib\activex\excel" -I "c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\toolslib\custctrl" -I "c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\toolslib\custctrl\custsupp" -I "c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\toolslib\cvirtsup" -I "c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\toolslib\datasock" -I "c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\toolslib\daqUtil" -I "c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\toolslib\printing" -I "c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\toolslib\toolbox" -I "c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\toolslib\reportgen" -I "c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\toolslib\localui" -I "c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\instr" -I "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\CVI\toolslib\custctrl" -I "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\CVI\toolslib\custctrl\custsupp" -I "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\CVI\instr" -I "C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\CVI2013\instr" -I "c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\include" -I "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\CVI\include" -I "C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\CVI2013\include" -I "C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\CVI\include" -I "c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\include\ansi" -I "c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\include\clang\2.9" -I "C:\Program Files\IVI Foundation\IVI\Include" -I "C:\Program Files\IVI Foundation\VISA\winnt\include" -I "c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\sdk\include" -I c:\home\cvi\instr\K617 -I c:\home\cvi\instr\MIKRO -I c:\home\cvi\instr\PROLOGIX -I c:\home\cvi\instr\SP2155 -I c:\home\cvi\instr\uSMC -I "c:\Program Files\National Instruments\CVI2013\bin" -I "c:\ProgramData\National Instruments\CVI2013\bin" -I "c:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\CVI\Bin"
0,0 → 1,22
@set LIB=
@set FileNum=%1
@set SrcFileName=%1
@set ObjFileName=%1
@set DefProts=%1
@set OutFileName=%1
@set REST=%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
@rem c:\home\rokd\qe2d
@echo Compiling %FileNum% %SrcFileName%
@"c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\bin\clang\2.9\clang.exe" -cc1 -nostdinc -emit-obj -add-plugin cvi-emit-defprots -plugin-arg-cvi-emit-defprots %DefProts% %REST% -std=gnu89 -trigraphs @"CC_no_dep_options.txt" @"CC_options.txt" -D_CVI_="1302" -D_NI_i386_="1" -D_NI_mswin_="1" -D_NI_mswin32_="1" -D_CVI_DEBUG_="1" -D_CVI_EXE_="1" -D_LINK_CVIRTE_="1" -D_CVI_FDS_="1" -D_CVI_USE_FUNCS_FOR_VARS_="1" -D__DEFALIGN="8" -D_NI_VC_="220" -D_WIN32="1" -DWIN32="1" -D__WIN32__="1" -D_WINDOWS="1" -D__NT__="1" -D_M_IX86="400" -D__FLAT__="1" -D_PUSHPOP_SUPPORTED="1" -D_CVI_C99_EXTENSIONS_="0" -D_CVI_PROFILE_LEVEL_="0" -D_TARGET_FILE_VERSION_="\"\"" -D_TARGET_PRODUCT_VERSION_="\"\"" -D_OPENMP="200505" -D_CVI_CONFIGURATION_NAME_="\"Debug\"" -D_CVI_RTE_SHARED_="1" -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -o %ObjFileName% %SrcFileName% > %OutFileName% 2>&1
@if errorlevel 1 goto err
@echo Compile succeeded for %FileNum% %SrcFileName%
@exit 0
@echo Compile failed for %FileNum% %SrcFileName%
@exit 1
0,0 → 1,9
@"c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\bin\cvilink.exe" -cmd:link_options.txt -flags:0 -expiry:0 > Link.out 2>&1
@if errorlevel 1 goto err
@echo Link success
@echo Link complete
@exit 0
@echo Link complete
@echo Link failed
@exit 1
0,0 → 1,8
@echo "c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\sdk\bin\rc.exe" /d _CVI_ /i "c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\sdk\include" /fo %2 %1
@"c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\sdk\bin\rc.exe" /d _CVI_ /i "c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\sdk\include" /fo %2 %1 > Rc.out 2>&1
@if errorlevel 1 goto err
@echo RC complete
@exit 0
@echo RC failed
@exit 1
0,0 → 1,62
CCFLAGS = -g ;
HDRS = "c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\toolslib\\activex\\word"
"c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\toolslib\\activex\\excel"
"c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\toolslib\\custctrl"
"c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\toolslib\\custctrl\\custsupp"
"c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\toolslib\\cvirtsup"
"c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\toolslib\\datasock"
"c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\toolslib\\daqUtil"
"c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\toolslib\\printing"
"c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\toolslib\\toolbox"
"c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\toolslib\\reportgen"
"c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\toolslib\\localui"
"c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\instr"
"C:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\Shared\\CVI\\toolslib\\custctrl"
"C:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\Shared\\CVI\\toolslib\\custctrl\\custsupp"
"C:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\Shared\\CVI\\instr"
"C:\\ProgramData\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\instr"
"c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\include"
"C:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\Shared\\CVI\\include"
"C:\\ProgramData\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\include"
"C:\\ProgramData\\National Instruments\\CVI\\include"
"c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\include\\ansi"
"c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\include\\clang\\2.9"
"C:\\Program Files\\IVI Foundation\\IVI\\Include"
"C:\\Program Files\\IVI Foundation\\VISA\\winnt\\include"
"c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\sdk\\include"
"c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin"
"c:\\ProgramData\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin"
"c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\Shared\\CVI\\Bin"
LOCATE on "qe2d.c" = "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d" ;
Object "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\uSMC.obj" : "c:\\home\\cvi\\instr\\uSMC\\uSMC.c" ;
FILENUM on "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\uSMC.obj" = 1 ;
DEFPROTS on "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\uSMC.obj" = "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\uSMC.obj.cvidefprots" ;
OUTFILE on "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\uSMC.obj" = "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\uSMC.obj.out" ;
PrjObjects += "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\uSMC.obj" ;
Object "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\K617.obj" : "c:\\home\\cvi\\instr\\K617\\K617.c" ;
FILENUM on "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\K617.obj" = 2 ;
DEFPROTS on "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\K617.obj" = "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\K617.obj.cvidefprots" ;
OUTFILE on "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\K617.obj" = "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\K617.obj.out" ;
PrjObjects += "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\K617.obj" ;
Object "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\prologix.obj" : "c:\\home\\cvi\\instr\\PROLOGIX\\prologix.c" ;
FILENUM on "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\prologix.obj" = 3 ;
DEFPROTS on "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\prologix.obj" = "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\prologix.obj.cvidefprots" ;
OUTFILE on "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\prologix.obj" = "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\prologix.obj.out" ;
PrjObjects += "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\prologix.obj" ;
Object "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\MIKRO.obj" : "c:\\home\\cvi\\instr\\MIKRO\\MIKRO.c" ;
FILENUM on "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\MIKRO.obj" = 4 ;
DEFPROTS on "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\MIKRO.obj" = "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\MIKRO.obj.cvidefprots" ;
OUTFILE on "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\MIKRO.obj" = "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\MIKRO.obj.out" ;
PrjObjects += "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\MIKRO.obj" ;
Object "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\SP2155.obj" : "c:\\home\\cvi\\instr\\SP2155\\SP2155.c" ;
FILENUM on "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\SP2155.obj" = 5 ;
DEFPROTS on "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\SP2155.obj" = "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\SP2155.obj.cvidefprots" ;
OUTFILE on "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\SP2155.obj" = "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\SP2155.obj.out" ;
PrjObjects += "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\SP2155.obj" ;
Depends all : $(PrjObjects) ;
0,0 → 1,48
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d.obj" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\sdk\\lib\\msvc\\advapi32.lib" ;
NoCare "c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\sdk\\lib\\msvc\\advapi32.lib" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\ProgramData\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\analysis.lib" ;
NoCare "c:\\ProgramData\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\analysis.lib" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\cviauto.lib" ;
NoCare "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\cviauto.lib" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\cviddc.lib" ;
NoCare "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\cviddc.lib" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\cvidotnet.lib" ;
NoCare "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\cvidotnet.lib" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\cvinetstreams.lib" ;
NoCare "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\cvinetstreams.lib" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\cvinetv.lib" ;
NoCare "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\cvinetv.lib" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\cvintwrk.lib" ;
NoCare "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\cvintwrk.lib" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\cvitdms.lib" ;
NoCare "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\cvitdms.lib" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\sdk\\lib\\msvc\\gdi32.lib" ;
NoCare "c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\sdk\\lib\\msvc\\gdi32.lib" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\gpib.lib" ;
NoCare "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\gpib.lib" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\Shared\\CVI\\Bin\\msvc\\ivi.lib" ;
NoCare "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\Shared\\CVI\\Bin\\msvc\\ivi.lib" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\K617.obj" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\sdk\\lib\\msvc\\kernel32.lib" ;
NoCare "c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\sdk\\lib\\msvc\\kernel32.lib" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\MIKRO.obj" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\nivxi.lib" ;
NoCare "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\nivxi.lib" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\omp.lib" ;
NoCare "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\bin\\msvc\\omp.lib" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\prologix.obj" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\SP2155.obj" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\toolslib\\toolbox\\msvc\\toolbox.obj" ;
NoCare "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI2013\\toolslib\\toolbox\\msvc\\toolbox.obj" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\sdk\\lib\\msvc\\user32.lib" ;
NoCare "c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\sdk\\lib\\msvc\\user32.lib" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\uSMC.obj" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\home\\cvi\\instr\\uSMC\\msvc\\USMCDLL.lib" ;
NoCare "c:\\home\\cvi\\instr\\uSMC\\msvc\\USMCDLL.lib" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\sdk\\lib\\msvc\\uuid.lib" ;
NoCare "c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\sdk\\lib\\msvc\\uuid.lib" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\Shared\\CVI\\Bin\\msvc\\visa.lib" ;
NoCare "c:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\Shared\\CVI\\Bin\\msvc\\visa.lib" ;
Depends "c:\\home\\rokd\\qe2d\\cvibuild.qe2d\\Debug\\qe2d_dbg.exe" : "c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\sdk\\lib\\msvc\\winmm.lib" ;
NoCare "c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\sdk\\lib\\msvc\\winmm.lib" ;
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,64
Prototype="void GpibError(char *msg);"
Prototype="void K617_open(int interface, int port, int primary_addr, int secondary_addr, int timeout);"
Prototype="void K617_clear();"
Prototype="void K617_send(char *cmd, int len);"
Prototype="int K617_receive(char *response, int maxbyt);"
Prototype="void K617_status();"
Prototype="void K617_data_format(int mode);"
Prototype="double K617_get(char *prefix, int *loc);"
Prototype="void K617_current_mode(int range);"
Prototype="void K617_zero_correct(int zcorrect);"
Prototype="void K617_trigger_mode(int mode);"
Prototype="void K617_reading_mode(int mode);"
Prototype="void K617_vsource_set(float value);"
Prototype="double K617_vsource_get();"
Prototype="void K617_vsource_operate(int operate);"
Prototype="void K617_close();"
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,48
Prototype="int MIKRO_Open(int port);"
Prototype="void MIKRO_Close();"
Prototype="int MIKRO_Cmd(int node, char *cmd);"
Prototype="int MIKRO_Set(int node, char *cmd, int val);"
Prototype="int MIKRO_Get(int node, char *cmd, int *val);"
Prototype="int MIKRO_GetStat(int node);"
Prototype="int MIKRO_Init(int node, int type);"
Prototype="int MIKRO_Reset(int node);"
Prototype="int MIKRO_ReferenceMove(int node);"
Prototype="int MIKRO_MoveFor(int node, int dist);"
Prototype="int MIKRO_MoveTo(int node, int dest);"
Prototype="int MIKRO_GetPosition(int node, int *pos);"
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,48
Prototype="void SP2155_Open(int port);"
Prototype="int SP2155_Cmd(char *cmd, double wait);"
Prototype="void SP2155_Echo(int mode);"
Prototype="int SP2155_GetWavelength();"
Prototype="void SP2155_SetWavelength(int wavel);"
Prototype="int SP2155_GetGrating();"
Prototype="void SP2155_SetGrating(int grating);"
Prototype="int SP2155_GetTurret();"
Prototype="void SP2155_SetTurret(int turret);"
Prototype="void SP2155_SetSpeed(int aperm);"
Prototype="void SP2155_Scan(int wavel);"
Prototype="void SP2155_Close();"
0,0 → 1,8
0,0 → 1,44
-more:c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\bin\msvc\cvistart.lib
-more:c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\bin\msvc\cvi.lib
-more:c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\sdk\lib\msvc\advapi32.lib
-more:c:\ProgramData\National Instruments\CVI2013\bin\msvc\analysis.lib
-more:c:\Program Files\National Instruments\CVI2013\bin\msvc\cviauto.lib
-more:c:\Program Files\National Instruments\CVI2013\bin\msvc\cviddc.lib
-more:c:\Program Files\National Instruments\CVI2013\bin\msvc\cvidotnet.lib
-more:c:\Program Files\National Instruments\CVI2013\bin\msvc\cvinetstreams.lib
-more:c:\Program Files\National Instruments\CVI2013\bin\msvc\cvinetv.lib
-more:c:\Program Files\National Instruments\CVI2013\bin\msvc\cvintwrk.lib
-more:c:\Program Files\National Instruments\CVI2013\bin\msvc\cvitdms.lib
-more:c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\sdk\lib\msvc\gdi32.lib
-more:c:\Program Files\National Instruments\CVI2013\bin\msvc\gpib.lib
-more:c:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\CVI\Bin\msvc\ivi.lib
-more:c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\sdk\lib\msvc\kernel32.lib
-more:c:\Program Files\National Instruments\CVI2013\bin\msvc\nivxi.lib
-more:c:\Program Files\National Instruments\CVI2013\bin\msvc\omp.lib
-more:c:\Program Files\National Instruments\CVI2013\toolslib\toolbox\msvc\toolbox.obj
-more:c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\sdk\lib\msvc\user32.lib
-more:c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\sdk\lib\msvc\uuid.lib
-more:c:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\CVI\Bin\msvc\visa.lib
-more:c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\sdk\lib\msvc\winmm.lib
0,0 → 1,13
EXE Symbol Module
Resource Module
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,20
Prototype="int PROLOGIX_Open(int port);"
Prototype="int PROLOGIX_Send(char *command);"
Prototype="int PROLOGIX_Receive(char *received, int length);"
Prototype="int PROLOGIX_SetAddr(int *primaryAddr, int *secondaryAddr);"
Prototype="void PROLOGIX_Close();"
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,24
Prototype="float getavg(int n);"
Prototype="int cb_timer(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);"
Prototype="int MDelay(double t);"
Prototype="int qescan();"
Prototype="int mcp_positions();"
Prototype="int WinMain(struct HINSTANCE__ *hInstance, struct HINSTANCE__ *hPrevInstance, char *lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow);"
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,37
#include "c:\program files\national instruments\cvi2013\sdk\include\winver.h"
2 ICON "c:\\program files\\national instruments\\cvi2013\\bin\\default.ico"
65535 "qe2d_dbg"
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "040904b0"
VALUE "CompanyName", "\0"
VALUE "FileDescription", "qe2d_dbg (Debug x86)\0"
VALUE "FileVersion", "1.0\0"
VALUE "InternalName", "qe2d_dbg\0"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright © 2017\0"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "qe2d_dbg.exe\0"
VALUE "ProductName", " qe2d_dbg\0"
VALUE "ProductVersion", "1.0\0"
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 0x4b0
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,84
Prototype="void PrintDState(struct USMC_State_st *State);"
Prototype="void PrintDStartParameters(int DPos, float Speed, const struct USMC_StartParameters_st *SP);"
Prototype="void PrintDParameters(struct USMC_Parameters_st *Parameters);"
Prototype="void PrintDMode(struct USMC_Mode_st *Mode);"
Prototype="void PrintEncState(struct USMC_EncoderState_st *EnState, struct USMC_Parameters_st *up);"
Prototype="void PrintError();"
Prototype="void uSMC_PrintDevices();"
Prototype="int uSMC_SetParameters(int node, int stageType);"
Prototype="int uSMC_RevertStartPosition(int node);"
Prototype="int uSMC_PowerOn(int node);"
Prototype="int uSMC_PowerOffSave(int node, int saveToFlash);"
Prototype="int uSMC_PowerOff(int node);"
Prototype="int uSMC_Open();"
Prototype="int uSMC_FindSerial(char *serial);"
Prototype="int uSMC_Reset(int node);"
Prototype="int uSMC_Init(int node, int type);"
Prototype="int uSMC_ReferenceMove(int node);"
Prototype="int uSMC_MoveFor(int node, int dist);"
Prototype="int uSMC_MoveTo(int node, int dest);"
Prototype="int uSMC_GetPosition(int node, int *pos);"
Prototype="void uSMC_Close();"
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,23
48000 110000
220000 85000
220000 92500
220000 100000
220000 107500
220000 115000
220000 122500
220000 130000
220000 137500
220000 145000
220000 152500
220000 160000
220000 167500
220000 175000
220000 182500
220000 190000
220000 197500
220000 205000
220000 212500
220000 220000
220000 227500
220000 235000
-1 -1
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,443
48000 110000
145000 85000
145000 92500
145000 100000
145000 107500
145000 115000
145000 122500
145000 130000
145000 137500
145000 145000
145000 152500
145000 160000
145000 167500
145000 175000
145000 182500
145000 190000
145000 197500
145000 205000
145000 212500
145000 220000
145000 227500
145000 235000
152500 85000
152500 92500
152500 100000
152500 107500
152500 115000
152500 122500
152500 130000
152500 137500
152500 145000
152500 152500
152500 160000
152500 167500
152500 175000
152500 182500
152500 190000
152500 197500
152500 205000
152500 212500
152500 220000
152500 227500
152500 235000
160000 85000
160000 92500
160000 100000
160000 107500
160000 115000
160000 122500
160000 130000
160000 137500
160000 145000
160000 152500
160000 160000
160000 167500
160000 175000
160000 182500
160000 190000
160000 197500
160000 205000
160000 212500
160000 220000
160000 227500
160000 235000
167500 85000
167500 92500
167500 100000
167500 107500
167500 115000
167500 122500
167500 130000
167500 137500
167500 145000
167500 152500
167500 160000
167500 167500
167500 175000
167500 182500
167500 190000
167500 197500
167500 205000
167500 212500
167500 220000
167500 227500
167500 235000
175000 85000
175000 92500
175000 100000
175000 107500
175000 115000
175000 122500
175000 130000
175000 137500
175000 145000
175000 152500
175000 160000
175000 167500
175000 175000
175000 182500
175000 190000
175000 197500
175000 205000
175000 212500
175000 220000
175000 227500
175000 235000
182500 85000
182500 92500
182500 100000
182500 107500
182500 115000
182500 122500
182500 130000
182500 137500
182500 145000
182500 152500
182500 160000
182500 167500
182500 175000
182500 182500
182500 190000
182500 197500
182500 205000
182500 212500
182500 220000
182500 227500
182500 235000
190000 85000
190000 92500
190000 100000
190000 107500
190000 115000
190000 122500
190000 130000
190000 137500
190000 145000
190000 152500
190000 160000
190000 167500
190000 175000
190000 182500
190000 190000
190000 197500
190000 205000
190000 212500
190000 220000
190000 227500
190000 235000
197500 85000
197500 92500
197500 100000
197500 107500
197500 115000
197500 122500
197500 130000
197500 137500
197500 145000
197500 152500
197500 160000
197500 167500
197500 175000
197500 182500
197500 190000
197500 197500
197500 205000
197500 212500
197500 220000
197500 227500
197500 235000
205000 85000
205000 92500
205000 100000
205000 107500
205000 115000
205000 122500
205000 130000
205000 137500
205000 145000
205000 152500
205000 160000
205000 167500
205000 175000
205000 182500
205000 190000
205000 197500
205000 205000
205000 212500
205000 220000
205000 227500
205000 235000
212500 85000
212500 92500
212500 100000
212500 107500
212500 115000
212500 122500
212500 130000
212500 137500
212500 145000
212500 152500
212500 160000
212500 167500
212500 175000
212500 182500
212500 190000
212500 197500
212500 205000
212500 212500
212500 220000
212500 227500
212500 235000
220000 85000
220000 92500
220000 100000
220000 107500
220000 115000
220000 122500
220000 130000
220000 137500
220000 145000
220000 152500
220000 160000
220000 167500
220000 175000
220000 182500
220000 190000
220000 197500
220000 205000
220000 212500
220000 220000
220000 227500
220000 235000
227500 85000
227500 92500
227500 100000
227500 107500
227500 115000
227500 122500
227500 130000
227500 137500
227500 145000
227500 152500
227500 160000
227500 167500
227500 175000
227500 182500
227500 190000
227500 197500
227500 205000
227500 212500
227500 220000
227500 227500
227500 235000
235000 85000
235000 92500
235000 100000
235000 107500
235000 115000
235000 122500
235000 130000
235000 137500
235000 145000
235000 152500
235000 160000
235000 167500
235000 175000
235000 182500
235000 190000
235000 197500
235000 205000
235000 212500
235000 220000
235000 227500
235000 235000
242500 85000
242500 92500
242500 100000
242500 107500
242500 115000
242500 122500
242500 130000
242500 137500
242500 145000
242500 152500
242500 160000
242500 167500
242500 175000
242500 182500
242500 190000
242500 197500
242500 205000
242500 212500
242500 220000
242500 227500
242500 235000
250000 85000
250000 92500
250000 100000
250000 107500
250000 115000
250000 122500
250000 130000
250000 137500
250000 145000
250000 152500
250000 160000
250000 167500
250000 175000
250000 182500
250000 190000
250000 197500
250000 205000
250000 212500
250000 220000
250000 227500
250000 235000
257500 85000
257500 92500
257500 100000
257500 107500
257500 115000
257500 122500
257500 130000
257500 137500
257500 145000
257500 152500
257500 160000
257500 167500
257500 175000
257500 182500
257500 190000
257500 197500
257500 205000
257500 212500
257500 220000
257500 227500
257500 235000
265000 85000
265000 92500
265000 100000
265000 107500
265000 115000
265000 122500
265000 130000
265000 137500
265000 145000
265000 152500
265000 160000
265000 167500
265000 175000
265000 182500
265000 190000
265000 197500
265000 205000
265000 212500
265000 220000
265000 227500
265000 235000
272500 85000
272500 92500
272500 100000
272500 107500
272500 115000
272500 122500
272500 130000
272500 137500
272500 145000
272500 152500
272500 160000
272500 167500
272500 175000
272500 182500
272500 190000
272500 197500
272500 205000
272500 212500
272500 220000
272500 227500
272500 235000
280000 85000
280000 92500
280000 100000
280000 107500
280000 115000
280000 122500
280000 130000
280000 137500
280000 145000
280000 152500
280000 160000
280000 167500
280000 175000
280000 182500
280000 190000
280000 197500
280000 205000
280000 212500
280000 220000
280000 227500
280000 235000
287500 85000
287500 92500
287500 100000
287500 107500
287500 115000
287500 122500
287500 130000
287500 137500
287500 145000
287500 152500
287500 160000
287500 167500
287500 175000
287500 182500
287500 190000
287500 197500
287500 205000
287500 212500
287500 220000
287500 227500
287500 235000
295000 85000
295000 92500
295000 100000
295000 107500
295000 115000
295000 122500
295000 130000
295000 137500
295000 145000
295000 152500
295000 160000
295000 167500
295000 175000
295000 182500
295000 190000
295000 197500
295000 205000
295000 212500
295000 220000
295000 227500
295000 235000
-1 -1
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,146
30000 124000
8500 102500
8500 106409
8500 110318
8500 114227
8500 118136
8500 122045
8500 125954
8500 129863
8500 133772
8500 137681
8500 141590
8500 145500
12409 102500
12409 106409
12409 110318
12409 114227
12409 118136
12409 122045
12409 125954
12409 129863
12409 133772
12409 137681
12409 141590
12409 145500
16318 102500
16318 106409
16318 110318
16318 114227
16318 118136
16318 122045
16318 125954
16318 129863
16318 133772
16318 137681
16318 141590
16318 145500
20227 102500
20227 106409
20227 110318
20227 114227
20227 118136
20227 122045
20227 125954
20227 129863
20227 133772
20227 137681
20227 141590
20227 145500
24136 102500
24136 106409
24136 110318
24136 114227
24136 118136
24136 122045
24136 125954
24136 129863
24136 133772
24136 137681
24136 141590
24136 145500
28045 102500
28045 106409
28045 110318
28045 114227
28045 118136
28045 122045
28045 125954
28045 129863
28045 133772
28045 137681
28045 141590
28045 145500
31954 102500
31954 106409
31954 110318
31954 114227
31954 118136
31954 122045
31954 125954
31954 129863
31954 133772
31954 137681
31954 141590
31954 145500
35863 102500
35863 106409
35863 110318
35863 114227
35863 118136
35863 122045
35863 125954
35863 129863
35863 133772
35863 137681
35863 141590
35863 145500
39772 102500
39772 106409
39772 110318
39772 114227
39772 118136
39772 122045
39772 125954
39772 129863
39772 133772
39772 137681
39772 141590
39772 145500
43681 102500
43681 106409
43681 110318
43681 114227
43681 118136
43681 122045
43681 125954
43681 129863
43681 133772
43681 137681
43681 141590
43681 145500
47590 102500
47590 106409
47590 110318
47590 114227
47590 118136
47590 122045
47590 125954
47590 129863
47590 133772
47590 137681
47590 141590
47590 145500
51500 102500
51500 106409
51500 110318
51500 114227
51500 118136
51500 122045
51500 125954
51500 129863
51500 133772
51500 137681
51500 141590
51500 145500
-1 -1
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,146
48000 110000
26500 88500
26500 92409
26500 96318
26500 100227
26500 104136
26500 108045
26500 111954
26500 115863
26500 119772
26500 123681
26500 127590
26500 131500
30409 88500
30409 92409
30409 96318
30409 100227
30409 104136
30409 108045
30409 111954
30409 115863
30409 119772
30409 123681
30409 127590
30409 131500
34318 88500
34318 92409
34318 96318
34318 100227
34318 104136
34318 108045
34318 111954
34318 115863
34318 119772
34318 123681
34318 127590
34318 131500
38227 88500
38227 92409
38227 96318
38227 100227
38227 104136
38227 108045
38227 111954
38227 115863
38227 119772
38227 123681
38227 127590
38227 131500
42136 88500
42136 92409
42136 96318
42136 100227
42136 104136
42136 108045
42136 111954
42136 115863
42136 119772
42136 123681
42136 127590
42136 131500
46045 88500
46045 92409
46045 96318
46045 100227
46045 104136
46045 108045
46045 111954
46045 115863
46045 119772
46045 123681
46045 127590
46045 131500
49954 88500
49954 92409
49954 96318
49954 100227
49954 104136
49954 108045
49954 111954
49954 115863
49954 119772
49954 123681
49954 127590
49954 131500
53863 88500
53863 92409
53863 96318
53863 100227
53863 104136
53863 108045
53863 111954
53863 115863
53863 119772
53863 123681
53863 127590
53863 131500
57772 88500
57772 92409
57772 96318
57772 100227
57772 104136
57772 108045
57772 111954
57772 115863
57772 119772
57772 123681
57772 127590
57772 131500
61681 88500
61681 92409
61681 96318
61681 100227
61681 104136
61681 108045
61681 111954
61681 115863
61681 119772
61681 123681
61681 127590
61681 131500
65590 88500
65590 92409
65590 96318
65590 100227
65590 104136
65590 108045
65590 111954
65590 115863
65590 119772
65590 123681
65590 127590
65590 131500
69500 88500
69500 92409
69500 96318
69500 100227
69500 104136
69500 108045
69500 111954
69500 115863
69500 119772
69500 123681
69500 127590
69500 131500
-1 -1
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,23
48000 110000
48000 88500
48000 90650
48000 92800
48000 94950
48000 97100
48000 99250
48000 101400
48000 103550
48000 105700
48000 107850
48000 110000
48000 112150
48000 114300
48000 116450
48000 118600
48000 120750
48000 122900
48000 125050
48000 127200
48000 129350
48000 131500
-1 -1
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,76
3500 0.16651385
3600 0.15362182
3700 0.144777999
3800 0.15336802
3900 0.173599546
4000 0.199639477
4100 0.228038427
4200 0.25685647
4300 0.284622511
4400 0.309999189
4500 0.336176898
4600 0.358520801
4700 0.379913899
4800 0.400415618
4900 0.420080533
5000 0.438958851
5100 0.457096843
5200 0.474537219
5300 0.493659085
5400 0.509776443
5500 0.525307716
5600 0.5402843
5700 0.55473539
5800 0.568688167
5900 0.582167968
6000 0.595198442
6100 0.609834469
6200 0.621998372
6300 0.635744368
6400 0.647123306
6500 0.660059811
6600 0.670725517
6700 0.682923585
6800 0.692939363
6900 0.704461924
7000 0.713883846
7100 0.723040361
7200 0.731942528
7300 0.740600801
7400 0.749025066
7500 0.755571355
7600 0.763576949
7700 0.769764219
7800 0.775792841
7900 0.78166884
8000 0.787397939
8100 0.792985579
8200 0.796924743
8300 0.800768988
8400 0.804521704
8500 0.80818612
8600 0.811765317
8700 0.81383695
8800 0.815861501
8900 0.819233811
9000 0.819775632
9100 0.821668179
9200 0.822171761
9300 0.823997843
9400 0.823146781
9500 0.822313637
9600 0.820206186
9700 0.814307147
9800 0.804732587
9900 0.787836322
10000 0.762598004
10100 0.7218991
10200 0.666194335
10300 0.593513009
10400 0.506729443
10500 0.413332251
10600 0.319357655
10700 0.247999351
10800 0.197480965
10900 0.155852803
11000 0.120617866
0,0 → 1,36
3000 1.494e-12 2.03731e-12 19.01 25.9233
3100 2.38067e-12 3.60732e-12 18.46 27.9717
3200 2.96733e-12 6.02067e-12 18.07 36.6637
3300 4.814e-12 9.39732e-12 17.72 34.5909
3400 6.42067e-12 1.34573e-11 17.54 36.7628
3500 9.59733e-12 1.9574e-11 17.4 35.4877
3600 1.20807e-11 2.53473e-11 17.26 36.2145
3700 1.46407e-11 3.05873e-11 17.12 35.7672
3800 1.89407e-11 3.9674e-11 17.23 36.0908
3900 2.64307e-11 5.3594e-11 16.63 33.721
4000 3.47073e-11 7.01173e-11 16.24 32.8088
4100 4.41773e-11 8.78273e-11 15.88 31.5704
4200 5.33707e-11 1.06077e-10 15.27 30.35
4300 6.3134e-11 1.24971e-10 14.58 28.8604
4400 7.29173e-11 1.44551e-10 13.88 27.5156
4500 8.3004e-11 1.62571e-10 13.02 25.5008
4600 9.2724e-11 1.76557e-10 12.31 23.4397
4700 1.03264e-10 1.91194e-10 11.57 21.4219
4800 1.15857e-10 2.12091e-10 10.87 19.8988
4900 1.25024e-10 2.26841e-10 10.29 18.6699
5000 1.32181e-10 2.38694e-10 9.68 17.4803
5100 1.38334e-10 2.29851e-10 9.1 15.1202
5200 1.44581e-10 1.92624e-10 8.59 11.4444
5300 1.50304e-10 1.63564e-10 8.12 8.83635
5400 1.55291e-10 1.47404e-10 7.59 7.20453
5500 1.59387e-10 1.35497e-10 7.2 6.12082
5600 1.62277e-10 1.23847e-10 6.8 5.18964
5700 1.63841e-10 1.11047e-10 6.36 4.31066
5800 1.65431e-10 9.6454e-11 5.97 3.4808
5900 1.64894e-10 8.09873e-11 5.62 2.76025
6000 1.63471e-10 6.55107e-11 5.34 2.14
6100 1.59831e-10 5.0794e-11 5.03 1.59853
6200 1.60004e-10 3.7424e-11 4.76 1.11334
6300 1.55271e-10 2.6284e-11 4.48 0.758368
6400 1.50237e-10 1.79007e-11 4.21 0.501618
6500 1.45201e-10 1.2134e-11 3.97 0.331761
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,122
30000 124000
130000 115000
130000 130000
130000 145000
130000 160000
130000 175000
130000 190000
130000 205000
130000 220000
130000 235000
130000 250000
130000 265000
145000 115000
145000 130000
145000 145000
145000 160000
145000 175000
145000 190000
145000 205000
145000 220000
145000 235000
145000 250000
145000 265000
160000 115000
160000 130000
160000 145000
160000 160000
160000 175000
160000 190000
160000 205000
160000 220000
160000 235000
160000 250000
160000 265000
175000 115000
175000 130000
175000 145000
175000 160000
175000 175000
175000 190000
175000 205000
175000 220000
175000 235000
175000 250000
175000 265000
190000 115000
190000 130000
190000 145000
190000 160000
190000 175000
190000 190000
190000 205000
190000 220000
190000 235000
190000 250000
190000 265000
205000 115000
205000 130000
205000 145000
205000 160000
205000 175000
205000 190000
205000 205000
205000 220000
205000 235000
205000 250000
205000 265000
220000 115000
220000 130000
220000 145000
220000 160000
220000 175000
220000 190000
220000 205000
220000 220000
220000 235000
220000 250000
220000 265000
235000 115000
235000 130000
235000 145000
235000 160000
235000 175000
235000 190000
235000 205000
235000 220000
235000 235000
235000 250000
235000 265000
250000 115000
250000 130000
250000 145000
250000 160000
250000 175000
250000 190000
250000 205000
250000 220000
250000 235000
250000 250000
250000 265000
265000 115000
265000 130000
265000 145000
265000 160000
265000 175000
265000 190000
265000 205000
265000 220000
265000 235000
265000 250000
265000 265000
280000 115000
280000 130000
280000 145000
280000 160000
280000 175000
280000 190000
280000 205000
280000 220000
280000 235000
280000 250000
280000 265000
0,0 → 1,58
void plot(char *fname="photopentode_000")
const int wl_n = 36;
const double wl_min = 3000;
const double wl_max = 6500;
const int nx = 10;
const int ny = 10;
int nrows = (nx+1)*(ny+1);
char sbuff[256];
sprintf(sbuff, "%s.dat", fname);
FILE *fp=fopen(sbuff,"r");
if (!fp) {
printf("Error opening input file!\n");
return -1;
int nb;
int hdr[10];
int hdrp[10];
float *fhdr=(float *) hdrp;
float sdata[5];
while(!feof(fp)) {
for(int j=1;j<nrows;j++) {
if (nb!=5) break;
printf("[%d] hdr[0]=%u [1]=%u [2]=%u [3]=%u [4]=%u\n",j, hdr[0],hdr[1],hdr[2],hdr[3],hdr[4]);
switch (hdr[0]) {
case 3:{
//~ printf("x=%u y=%u | i0=%g i1=%g t=%u\n",hdrp[0],hdrp[1],fhdr[2],fhdr[3],hdrp[4]);
//~ hdr[3]=hdrp[0];
//~ hdr[4]=hdrp[1];
//~ noise->SetPoint(icount++,hdrp[4],-fhdr[3]);
for (int i=0;i<wl_n;i++) {
//~ // j=pointXY, i=wl
//~ sdata[0]=wl[0][i];
//~ sdata[1]=tok[0][i];
//~ sdata[2]=tok[j][i];
//~ sdata[3]=qe[0][i];
//~ sdata[4]=qe[j][i];
//~ printf("sdata[0]=%f [1]=%g [2]=%g [3]=%f [4]=%f\n", sdata[0], sdata[1], sdata[2], sdata[3], sdata[4]);
printf(" [%d] sdata[0]=%f [3]=%f [4]=%f\n", i, sdata[0], sdata[3], sdata[4]);
}//switch (hdr[0])
}//for(int j=0;j<nrows;j++)
0,0 → 1,21
int positions() {
FILE *fp=fopen("positions.txt","w");
int i=0,j=0;
int nx=20;
int ny=20;
int minx=145000;
int maxx=295000;
int miny=85000;
int maxy=235000;
//~ fprintf(fp,"30000 124000\n");
fprintf(fp,"48000 110000\n");
for (i=0; i<nx+1; i++) for (j=0; j<ny+1; j++)
fprintf(fp,"%d %d\n",minx+i*(maxx-minx)/nx, miny+j*(maxy-miny)/ny);
fprintf(fp,"-1 -1\n");
return 0;
0,0 → 1,6
30000 124000
167500 152500
167500 227500
242500 152500
242500 227500
-1 -1
0,0 → 1,736
#include <ansi_c.h>
/* Program qe2d.c za testiranje povrsinske obcutljivosti
Avtor: Samo Korpar
1.00 28.9.2009
#include <utility.h>
#include <userint.h>
#include "K617.h"
#include <cvirte.h>
#include "qe2d_ui.h"
#define uSMC_USB
#ifdef uSMC_USB
# include "uSMC.h"
# define uSMC_SERIAL_X "0000000000004925"
# define uSMC_SERIAL_Y "0000000000006030"
# define uSMC_SERIAL_Z "0000000000002894"
const char serials[3][16]= {uSMC_SERIAL_X,uSMC_SERIAL_Y,uSMC_SERIAL_Z};
#endif /* uSMC_USB */
//#define MIKRO_COM 6
#ifdef MIKRO_COM
# include "MIKRO.h"
#endif /* MIKRO_COM */
#define SP2155_PORT 4
#ifdef SP2155_PORT
# include "SP2155.h"
#endif /* SP2155_PORT */
#define K617_ADDR 3
#define MAXXY 1000
#define MAXWL 1000
const int PosCtrl[3]= {P1_X,P1_Y,P1_Z};
const int ncurroff=10;
const int ncurrmes=3;
static int node[3];
static int CurPos[3]= {0,0,0};
static int p1h,pID,rID,tfID,plh[MAXXY],plqeh[MAXXY];
static int wl[MAXXY][MAXWL];
static float tok[MAXXY][MAXWL],qe[MAXXY][MAXWL],tokoff[MAXXY];
//static float
float getavg(int n) {
int i;
float tok;
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
tok+=K617_get(NULL, NULL);
return (tok/(float)n);
int CVICALLBACK cb_timer (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData,
int eventData1, int eventData2) {
QueueUserEvent (9000, p1h, P1_TIMER);
return (0);
int MDelay(double t) {
while (0.5<t) {
GetUserEvent (0, &pID, &rID);
switch (rID) {
case P1_STOP:
return 1;
return 0;
int qescan() {
int i;
int npos,nref;
float wait;
int icwl;
double rcurr;
SetCtrlAttribute (p1h, P1_TIMER, ATTR_ENABLED, 0);
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_POSITION, &npos);
#ifdef MIKRO_COM
for (i=0; i<2; i++) {
#endif /* MIKRO_COM */
#ifdef uSMC_USB
for (i=0; i<2; i++) {
uSMC_GetPosition (node[i],&CurPos[i]);
#endif /* uSMC_USB */
#ifdef SP2155_PORT
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_GLED, 1);
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_GLED, 0);
#endif /* SP2155_PORT */
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_WAIT0, &wait);
if (MDelay(wait*60.)) return 1;
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_WAIT, &wait);
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_BGRCUR1,tokoff[npos]);
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NREF, &nref);
for (i=0; i<nref; i++) {
#ifdef SP2155_PORT
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_GLED, 1);
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_GLED, 0);
#endif /* SP2155_PORT */
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_CWL, icwl);
if (MDelay(wait)) return 1;
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_CURR, rcurr);
if (plh[npos]) DeleteGraphPlot (p1h, P1_GSAMPLE, plh[npos], VAL_IMMEDIATE_DRAW);
plh[npos] = PlotXY (p1h, P1_GSAMPLE, wl[npos], tok[npos], nref, VAL_INTEGER, VAL_FLOAT,
for (i=0; i<nref; i++)
if (tok[0][i]>1e-12)
if (plqeh[npos]) DeleteGraphPlot (p1h, P1_GQE, plqeh[npos], VAL_IMMEDIATE_DRAW);
plqeh[npos] = PlotXY (p1h, P1_GQE, wl[npos], qe[npos], nref, VAL_INTEGER,
SetCtrlAttribute (p1h, P1_TIMER, ATTR_ENABLED, 1);
#ifdef MIKRO_COM
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_STAGELED, 1);
for (i=0; i<2; i++) {
MIKRO_GetPosition (node[i],&CurPos[i]);
SetCtrlVal (p1h,PosCtrl[i],CurPos[i]);
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_STAGELED, 0);
#endif /* MIKRO_COM */
#ifdef uSMC_USB
for (i=0; i<2; i++) {
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_STAGELED, 0);
#endif /* uSMC_USB */
return 0;
int mcp_positions() {
FILE *fp=fopen("mcp_positions.txt","w");
int i=0,j=0;
int nx=10;
int ny=10;
int minx=130000;
int maxx=280000;
int miny=115000;
int maxy=265000;
fprintf(fp,"30000 124000\n");
for (i=0; i<nx+1; i++) for (j=0; j<ny+1; j++)
fprintf(fp,"%d %d\n",minx+i*(maxx-minx)/nx, miny+j*(maxy-miny)/ny);
return 0;
int __stdcall WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {
int i,j,iret,nb;
int npos,nref,nrows;
int igr,iwl0,idwl,inwl,ilwl,icwl;
int scan_on;
int irange,vsource;
float vout,wait;
double rcurr;
int hdr[10];
float *fhdr;
float sdata[5];
// char cpref[100];
char pfile[300];
FILE *fp;
fhdr=(float *)&hdr[0];
if (InitCVIRTE (hInstance, 0, 0) == 0) return -1; /* out of memory */
for (i=0; i<MAXXY; i++) {
for (j=0; j<MAXWL; j++) {
#ifdef MIKRO_COM
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
#endif /* MIKRO_COM */
#ifdef uSMC_USB
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
#endif /* uSMC_USB */
#ifdef SP2155_PORT
SP2155_Open (SP2155_PORT);
#endif /* SP2155_PORT */
if ((p1h = LoadPanel (0, "qe2d_ui.uir", P1)) < 0) return -1;
DisplayPanel (p1h);
#ifdef SP2155_PORT
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_GRATING, igr);
icwl = SP2155_GetWavelength ();
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_CWL, icwl);
#endif /* SP2155_PORT */
QueueUserEvent (1000, p1h, P1_VOUT);
QueueUserEvent (1000, p1h, P1_VSOURCE);
QueueUserEvent (1000, p1h, P1_TIMER);
QueueUserEvent (1000, p1h, P1_WL0);
QueueUserEvent (1000, p1h, P1_POSITION);
fp = fopen ("refqe.txt", "r");
while(1) {
iret=fscanf (fp, " %d %f", &wl[0][nref], &qe[0][nref]);
if (iret==2) nref++;
else break;
fclose (fp);
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NREF, nref);
plqeh[0] = PlotXY (p1h, P1_GQE, wl[0], qe[0], nref, VAL_INTEGER,
#ifdef MIKRO_COM
SetCtrlVal(p1h, P1_STAGELED,1);
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
#endif /* MIKRO_COM */
#ifdef uSMC_USB
SetCtrlVal(p1h, P1_STAGELED,1);
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
SetCtrlVal(p1h, P1_STAGELED,0);
#endif /* uSMC_USB */
do {
GetUserEvent (1, &pID, &rID);
switch (rID) {
case P1_TIMER:
rcurr=K617_get(NULL, NULL);
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_CURR, rcurr);
K617_status ();
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_VSOURCE, K617Stat.vsource_operate);
case P1_GRATING:
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_GRATING, &igr);
#ifdef SP2155_PORT
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_GLED, 1);
SP2155_SetGrating (igr);
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_GLED, 0);
#endif /* SP2155_PORT */
MessagePopup ("Reminder", "1.Switch the light source!\n2.Adjust the slit!\n3.Load the range file!");
case P1_WL0:
case P1_DWL:
case P1_NWL:
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_WL0, &iwl0);
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_DWL, &idwl);
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NWL, &inwl);
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_LWL, ilwl);
case P1_CWL:
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_CWL, &icwl);
#ifdef SP2155_PORT
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_GLED, 1);
SP2155_SetWavelength (icwl);
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_GLED, 0);
#endif /* SP2155_PORT */
case P1_SCAN:
SetCtrlAttribute (p1h, P1_TIMER, ATTR_ENABLED, 0);
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_WL0, &iwl0);
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_DWL, &idwl);
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NWL, &inwl);
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_WAIT, &wait);
for (i=0; i<inwl; i++) {
#ifdef SP2155_PORT
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_GLED, 1);
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_GLED, 0);
#endif /* SP2155_PORT */
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_CWL, icwl);
rcurr=K617_get(NULL, NULL);
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_CURR, rcurr);
if (plh[1]) DeleteGraphPlot (p1h, P1_GSAMPLE, plh[1], VAL_IMMEDIATE_DRAW);
plh[1] = PlotXY (p1h, P1_GSAMPLE, wl[1], tok[1], inwl, VAL_INTEGER, VAL_FLOAT,
SetCtrlAttribute (p1h, P1_TIMER, ATTR_ENABLED, 1);
iret = FileSelectPopup ("", "*.dat", ".dat",
"Izberi binarno datoteko za meritve",
VAL_SELECT_BUTTON, 0, 0, 1, 1, pfile);
if (iret==1) {
fp = fopen (pfile, "rb");
//printf("[%d] %d %d %d %d %d\n",nb, hdr[0], hdr[1], hdr[2], hdr[3],hdr[4]);
switch (hdr[0]) {
case 3: {
//printf("x=%u y=%u | i0=%g i1=%g t=%u\t",hdr[5],hdr[6],fhdr[7],fhdr[8],hdr[9]);
case 2:
case 1:
if (hdr[0]==3) nref--;
//printf("%d [%d] x=%d y=%d\n",hdr[2],nref, hdr[3],hdr[4]);
for (i=0; i<nref; i++) {
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NREF, nref);
if (plqeh[0]) DeleteGraphPlot (p1h, P1_GQE, plqeh[0], VAL_IMMEDIATE_DRAW);
plqeh[0] = PlotXY (p1h, P1_GQE, wl[0], qe[0], nref, VAL_INTEGER,
if (plh[0]) DeleteGraphPlot (p1h, P1_GREF, plh[0], VAL_IMMEDIATE_DRAW);
plh[0] = PlotXY (p1h, P1_GREF, wl[0], tok[0], nref, VAL_INTEGER, VAL_FLOAT,
case P1_REFSCAN:
MessagePopup ("Reminder", "Switch the cable to measure the reference PMT current!");
SetCtrlAttribute (p1h, P1_TIMER, ATTR_ENABLED, 0);
#ifdef MIKRO_COM
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_STAGELED, 1);
for (i=0; i<2; i++) {
MIKRO_GetPosition (node[i],&CurPos[i]);
SetCtrlVal (p1h, PosCtrl[i],CurPos[i]);
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_STAGELED, 0);
#endif /* MIKRO_COM */
#ifdef uSMC_USB
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_STAGELED, 1);
for (i=0; i<2; i++) {
uSMC_GetPosition (node[i],&CurPos[i]);
SetCtrlVal (p1h, PosCtrl[i],CurPos[i]);
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_STAGELED, 0);
#endif /* uSMC_USB */
#ifdef SP2155_PORT
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_GLED, 1);
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_GLED, 0);
#endif /* SP2155_PORT */
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_WAIT0, &wait);
if (MDelay(wait*60.)) break;
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_WAIT, &wait);
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_BGRCUR0,tokoff[0]);
for (i=0; i<nref; i++) {
#ifdef SP2155_PORT
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_GLED, 1);
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_GLED, 0);
#endif /* SP2155_PORT */
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_CWL, icwl);
if (MDelay(wait)) break;
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_CURR, rcurr);
if (plh[0]) DeleteGraphPlot (p1h, P1_GREF, plh[0], VAL_IMMEDIATE_DRAW);
plh[0] = PlotXY (p1h, P1_GREF, wl[0], tok[0], nref, VAL_INTEGER, VAL_FLOAT,
SetCtrlAttribute (p1h, P1_TIMER, ATTR_ENABLED, 1);
case P1_QESCAN:
MessagePopup ("Reminder", "Switch the cable to measure the sample detector current!");
// moved the delay into qescan()
//GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_WAIT0, &wait);
//if (MDelay(wait*60)) break;
// reset plots for new scan
for (i=1; i<MAXXY; i++) {
if(plqeh[i]) SetPlotAttribute (p1h, P1_GQE, plqeh[i], ATTR_TRACE_COLOR, VAL_LT_GRAY);
if(plh[i]) SetPlotAttribute (p1h, P1_GSAMPLE, plh[i], ATTR_TRACE_COLOR, VAL_LT_GRAY);
if(plqeh[0]) DeleteGraphPlot (p1h, P1_GQE, plqeh[0], VAL_IMMEDIATE_DRAW);
plqeh[0] = PlotXY (p1h, P1_GQE, wl[0], qe[0], nref, VAL_INTEGER,
RefreshGraph (p1h, P1_GQE);
RefreshGraph (p1h, P1_GSAMPLE);
MessagePopup ("Reminder", "Switch the cable to measure the sample detector current!");
iret=FileSelectPopup ("", "*.dat", ".dat",
"Izberi binarno datoteko za meritve",
VAL_SAVE_BUTTON, 0, 0, 1, 1, pfile);
if (iret==1||(iret==2)) {
// moved the delay into qescan()
//GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_WAIT0, &wait);
//if (MDelay(wait*60)) break;
// reset plots for new scan
/*DeleteGraphPlot (p1h, P1_GQE, -1, VAL_IMMEDIATE_DRAW);
plqeh[0] = PlotXY (p1h, P1_GQE, wl[0], qe[0], nref, VAL_INTEGER,
DeleteGraphPlot (p1h, P1_GSAMPLE, -1, VAL_IMMEDIATE_DRAW);
for (i=0; i<MAXXY; i++) {
for (i=1; i<MAXXY; i++) {
if(plqeh[i]) SetPlotAttribute (p1h, P1_GQE, plqeh[i], ATTR_TRACE_COLOR, VAL_LT_GRAY);
if(plh[i]) SetPlotAttribute (p1h, P1_GSAMPLE, plh[i], ATTR_TRACE_COLOR, VAL_LT_GRAY);
if(plqeh[0]) DeleteGraphPlot (p1h, P1_GQE, plqeh[0], VAL_IMMEDIATE_DRAW);
plqeh[0] = PlotXY (p1h, P1_GQE, wl[0], qe[0], nref, VAL_INTEGER,
RefreshGraph (p1h, P1_GQE);
RefreshGraph (p1h, P1_GSAMPLE);
fp = fopen (pfile, "wb");
GetNumTableRows(p1h, P1_POINTS, &nrows);
for (j=1; j<nrows; j++) {
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_POSITION, j);
SetTableSelection (p1h, P1_POINTS, MakeRect(j+1,1,1,2));
GetTableCellVal (p1h, P1_POINTS, MakePoint (1,j+1), &CurPos[0]);
GetTableCellVal (p1h, P1_POINTS, MakePoint (2,j+1), &CurPos[1]);
if (CurPos[0] <= 0 && CurPos[1]<= 0) {
j=nrows ;
if (iret) break;
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_X, &CurPos[0]);
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_Y, &CurPos[1]);
hdr[0]=3;//recid 1,2= hdr len=5, 3=hdr len=10
GetTableCellVal (p1h, P1_POINTS, MakePoint (1,j+1), &CurPos[0]);
GetTableCellVal (p1h, P1_POINTS, MakePoint (2,j+1), &CurPos[1]);
//printf("--> %d %d %d %d %d\n", hdr[0],hdr[1],hdr[2],hdr[3],hdr[4]);
fwrite (hdr, sizeof(int), 10, fp);
for (i=0; i<nref; i++) {
fwrite (sdata, sizeof(float), 5, fp);
fclose (fp);
case P1_HO:
// if (!daq_on) {
SetWaitCursor (1);
#ifdef MIKRO_COM
for (i=0; i<3; i++) MIKRO_ReferenceMove(node[i]);
#endif /* MIKRO_COM */
#ifdef uSMC_USB
for (i=0; i<3; i++)uSMC_ReferenceMove(node[i]);
#endif /* uSMC_USB */
SetWaitCursor (0);
// }
case P1_GOXY:
#ifdef MIKRO_COM
for (i=0; i<2; i++) {
MIKRO_GetPosition (node[i],&CurPos[i]);
SetCtrlVal (p1h,PosCtrl[i],CurPos[i]);
#endif /* MIKRO_COM */
#ifdef uSMC_USB
for (i=0; i<2; i++) {
uSMC_GetPosition (node[i],&CurPos[i]);
SetCtrlVal (p1h,PosCtrl[i],CurPos[i]);
#endif /* uSMC_USB */
case P1_ZC:
case P1_VOUT:
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_VOUT, &vout);
K617_vsource_set (vout);
case P1_VSOURCE:
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_VSOURCE, &vsource);
K617_vsource_operate (vsource);
case P1_RANGE_R:
iret = FileSelectPopup ("", "*.txt", ".txt",
"Izberi datoteko s pozicijami",
VAL_LOAD_BUTTON, 0, 0, 1, 0, pfile);
if (iret==1) {
fp = fopen (pfile, "r");
while(1) {
iret=fscanf (fp, " %d %d", &CurPos[0], &CurPos[1]);
if (iret==2) {
SetTableCellVal (p1h, P1_POINTS, MakePoint (1,i), CurPos[0]);
SetTableCellVal (p1h, P1_POINTS, MakePoint (2,i), CurPos[1]);
} else
fclose (fp);
iret=FileSelectPopup ("", "*.txt", ".txt",
"Izberi datoteko s pozicijami",
VAL_SAVE_BUTTON, 0, 0, 1, 1, pfile);
if ((iret==1)||(iret==2)) {
GetNumTableRows(p1h, P1_POINTS, &i);
for (j=0; j<i;) {
GetTableCellVal (p1h, P1_POINTS, MakePoint (1,j), &CurPos[0]);
GetTableCellVal (p1h, P1_POINTS, MakePoint (2,j), &CurPos[1]);
fprintf(fp,"%d %d\n", CurPos[0], CurPos[1]);
fclose (fp);
case P1_SAVEQE:
iret=FileSelectPopup ("", "*.txt", ".txt",
"Izberi datoteko za meritve",
VAL_SAVE_BUTTON, 0, 0, 1, 1, pfile);
if (iret==1||(iret==2)) {
fp = fopen (pfile, "w");
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_POSITION, &npos);
for (i=0; i<nref; i++)
fprintf(fp,"%d %g %g %g %g\n",
fclose (fp);
SetTableSelection (p1h, P1_POINTS, MakeRect(npos+1,1,1,2));
case P1_READQE:
iret = FileSelectPopup ("", "*.txt", ".txt",
"Izberi referencni QE",
VAL_LOAD_BUTTON, 0, 0, 1, 0, pfile);
if (iret==1) {
fp = fopen (pfile, "r");
while(1) {
iret=fscanf (fp, " %d %f", &wl[0][nref], &qe[0][nref]);
if (iret==2) nref++;
else break;
fclose (fp);
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NREF, nref);
if (plqeh[0]) DeleteGraphPlot (p1h, P1_GQE, plqeh[0], VAL_IMMEDIATE_DRAW);
plqeh[0] = PlotXY (p1h, P1_GQE, wl[0], qe[0], nref, VAL_INTEGER,
case P1_GLED:
case P1_ZSET:
#ifdef MIKRO_COM
MIKRO_GetPosition (node[2],&CurPos[2]);
SetCtrlVal (p1h,PosCtrl[2],CurPos[2]);
#endif /* MIKRO_COM */
#ifdef uSMC_USB
uSMC_GetPosition (node[2],&CurPos[2]);
SetCtrlVal (p1h,PosCtrl[2],CurPos[2]);
#endif /* uSMC_USB */
} while ((rID != P1_EXIT)||scan_on);
DiscardPanel (p1h);
K617_trigger_mode (0);
K617_close ();
#ifdef SP2155_PORT
SP2155_Close ();
#endif /* SP2155_PORT */
#ifdef MIKRO_COM
MIKRO_Close ();
#endif /* MIKRO_COM */
#ifdef uSMC_USB
for (i=0; i<3; i++) uSMC_PowerOff(node[i]);
#endif /* uSMC_USB */
return 0;
0,0 → 1,610
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[File 0008]
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[Compiler Options]
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O Option Compatible With 5.0 = False
Enable C99 Extensions = False
Uninitialized Locals Compile Warning = "Aggressive"
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Prefix Header File = ""
[Run Options]
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Image Base Address x64 = 4194304
[Compiler Defines]
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Executable File_Release64 = "/c/home/rokd/qe2d/qe2d.exe"
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Icon File = ""
Application Title = ""
DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
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Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
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Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy"
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Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
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Add Type Lib To DLL = False
Include Type Lib Help Links = False
TLB Help Style = "HLP"
Type Lib FP File Is Rel = False
Type Lib FP File = ""
Type Lib Guid = ""
Runtime Support = "Full Runtime Support"
Instrument Driver Support Only = False
Embed Project .UIRs = False
Generate Map File = False
[External Compiler Support]
UIR Callbacks File Option = 0
Using LoadExternalModule = False
Create Project Symbols File = True
UIR Callbacks Obj File Is Rel = False
UIR Callbacks Obj File = ""
Project Symbols H File Is Rel = False
Project Symbols H File = ""
Project Symbols Obj File Is Rel = False
Project Symbols Obj File = ""
[ActiveX Server Options]
Specification File Is Rel = False
Specification File = ""
Source File Is Rel = False
Source File = ""
Include File Is Rel = False
Include File = ""
IDL File Is Rel = False
IDL File = ""
Register ActiveX Server = False
[Signing Info]
Sign = False
Sign Debug Build = False
Store = ""
Certificate = ""
Timestamp URL = ""
URL = ""
[Manifest Info]
Embed = False
tpcEnabled = 0
tpcOverrideEnvironment = 0
tpcEnabled x64 = 0
tpcOverrideEnvironment x64 = 0
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,81
/* LabWindows/CVI User Interface Resource (UIR) Include File */
/* */
/* WARNING: Do not add to, delete from, or otherwise modify the contents */
/* of this include file. */
#include <userint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Panels and Controls: */
#define P1 1
#define P1_GRATING 2 /* control type: ring, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_NWL 3 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_DWL 4 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_CWL 5 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_LWL 6 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_WL0 7 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_STAGELED 8 /* control type: LED, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_GLED 9 /* control type: LED, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SCAN 10 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_ZC 11 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_EXIT 12 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_CURR 13 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_ZSETTO 14 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_Z 15 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_Y 16 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_X 17 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_ZSET 18 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_GOXY 19 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_READREFCURR 20 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_READQE 21 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_STOP 22 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SAVEQE 23 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_SAVEPOINTS 24 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_LOADPOINTS 25 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_HO 26 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_GSAMPLE 27 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_GREF 28 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_GQE 29 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_POINTS 30 /* control type: table, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_VSOURCE 31 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_BGRCUR1 32 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_BGRCUR0 33 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_VOUT 34 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_NREF 35 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_TOUT 36 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_WAIT0 37 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_WAIT 38 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_QESCANALL 39 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_QESCAN 40 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_REFSCAN 41 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_POSITION 42 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_RANGE_R 43 /* control type: ring, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_TIMER 44 /* control type: timer, callback function: cb_timer */
#define P1_DECORATION 45 /* control type: deco, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_DECORATION_2 46 /* control type: deco, callback function: (none) */
/* Control Arrays: */
/* (no control arrays in the resource file) */
/* Menu Bars, Menus, and Menu Items: */
/* (no menu bars in the resource file) */
/* Callback Prototypes: */
int CVICALLBACK cb_timer(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
#ifdef __cplusplus
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,241
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "TH1F.h"
#include "TH2F.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TGraph2D.h"
#include "TGraph.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
int qeplot(char *fname="2010_05_19_mcp9000596_d.dat",int nx=9, int ny=9,int wl=4000, const char *snc="9000596" ){
char rname[256];
FILE *fp=fopen(fname,"r");
if (!fp) return -1;
TFile *f=new TFile(rname,"RECREATE");
int hdr[5];
int hdrp[5];
float sdata[5];
float *fhdr=(float *) hdrp;
TGraph2D * gr2d=0;
TGraph * noised=0;
TH2F * h2d=0;
TH1F * h1d=0;
TGraph *noise= new TGraph();
const float fac=0.3595e-3;
TString sn(snc);
int nwl=46;
float minwl=200;
float maxwl=660;
TString swl;
swl.Form(" %d nm",int(wl/10.));
if (nx==1) {
noised=new TGraph();
h1d=new TH1F("h1d",(sn+swl+TString(";y [steps]")).Data(),ny,-0.5,ny-0.5);
h2d=new TH2F("h2d",(sn+swl+TString(";y [steps];wavelength [nm]")).Data(),ny,-0.5,ny-0.5,nwl,minwl-1,maxwl-1);
if (ny==1) {
noised=new TGraph();
h1d=new TH1F("h1d",(sn+swl+TString(";y [steps]")).Data(),nx,-0.5,nx-0.5);
h2d=new TH2F("h2d",(sn+swl+TString(";y [steps];wavelength [nm]")).Data(),nx,-0.5,nx-0.5,nwl,minwl-1,maxwl-1);
if (ny>1 && nx>1) {
gr2d=new TGraph2D(ny*nx);
h2d=new TH2F("h2d",(sn+swl+TString(";x [steps];y [steps]")).Data(),nx,-0.5,nx-0.5,ny,-0.5,ny-0.5);
int posk0=0;
int icount=0;
while (!feof(fp)){
int nb=fread(hdr,sizeof(int),5,fp);
// printf("[%d] %d %d %d %d %d\n",nb, hdr[0], hdr[1], hdr[2], hdr[3],hdr[4]);
if (nb!=5) break;
switch (hdr[0]){
case 3:{
int nb=fread(hdrp,sizeof(int),5,fp);
printf("x=%u y=%u | i0=%g i1=%g t=%u\t",hdrp[0],hdrp[1],fhdr[2],fhdr[3],hdrp[4]);
case 2:
case 1:{
int nref=hdr[1]/sizeof(int)/5-1;
if (hdr[0]==3) nref--;
printf("%d [%d] x=%d y=%d\n",hdr[2],nref, hdr[3],hdr[4]);
int posk=hdr[2]-1;
for (int i=0;i<nref;i++) {
if (ny>1 && nx>1) {
if (sdata[0]==wl){
// printf("%d x=%d y=%d z=%f\n",posk, hdr[3],hdr[4],sdata[4]);
if (hdr[3]==93933) hdr[3]=225001;
if (hdr[3]==154024) hdr[3]=285000;
if (hdr[3]==15350) hdr[3]=277501;
if (hdr[3]==282289) hdr[3]=270001;
} else {
if (sdata[0]==wl) {
if (hdr[4]==81679) hdr[4]= 126000;
if (nx==1) noised->SetPoint(posk0,hdr[4]*fac,sdata[4]);
if (ny==1) noised->SetPoint(posk0,hdr[3]*fac,sdata[4]);
//printf("%5.0f %g %g %g %g\n",sdata[0],sdata[1],sdata[2],sdata[3],sdata[4]);
if (h2d) h2d->Draw("colz");
if (h1d) h1d->Draw();
if (noise) {
TCanvas *c0 = new TCanvas("c0","dark noise vs time");
noise->SetNameTitle("noise",sn+TString(";time(s);dark current(A)"));
noise->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); // The X axis is a time axis
TString str;
if (nx==1) str+=TString("_y");
if (ny==1) str+=TString("_x");
if (ny>1 && nx>1) str+=TString("_xy");
if (noised && ( nx==1 || ny==1)) {
TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c","QE1d");
TString str;
if (nx==1) {
noised->SetNameTitle("noised",sn+swl+TString(";y [mm]"));
} else {
noised->SetNameTitle("noised",sn+swl+TString(";x [mm]"));
if (gr2d && nx>1 && ny>1) {
TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c","QE2d",0,0,600,600);
gr2d->SetNameTitle("gr2d",sn+swl+TString(";x [mm];y [mm]"));
TString str;
//delete f;
return 0;
TH2F *wlnormalize(TH2F *h,int n){
TH2F *hn=(TH2F *)h->Clone();
int nx=h->GetNbinsX();
int ny=h->GetNbinsY();
float max=0;
int nymax=1;
for (int i=1;i<ny+1;i++){
int nxy=h->GetBin(n,i);
float val=h->GetBinContent(nxy);
if (val>max){
printf("Maximum at %d %f\n", nymax,max);
for (int j=1;j<nx+1;j++){
int nxy0=h->GetBin(j,nymax);
float norm=h->GetBinContent(nxy0);
for (int i=1;i<ny+1;i++){
int nxy=h->GetBin(j,i);
float val=hn->GetBinContent(nxy);
if (norm) hn->SetBinContent(nxy,val/norm);
else hn->SetBinContent(nxy,val/norm);
return hn;
0,0 → 1,56
3500 16.651385
3600 15.362182
3700 14.4777999
3800 15.336802
3900 17.3599546
4000 19.9639477
4100 22.8038427
4200 25.685647
4300 28.4622511
4400 30.9999189
4500 33.6176898
4600 35.8520801
4700 37.9913899
4800 40.0415618
4900 42.0080533
5000 43.8958851
5100 45.7096843
5200 47.4537219
5300 49.3659085
5400 50.9776443
5500 52.5307716
5600 54.02843
5700 55.473539
5800 56.8688167
5900 58.2167968
6000 59.5198442
6100 60.9834469
6200 62.1998372
6300 63.5744368
6400 64.7123306
6500 66.0059811
6600 67.0725517
6700 68.2923585
6800 69.2939363
6900 70.4461924
7000 71.3883846
7100 72.3040361
7200 73.1942528
7300 74.0600801
7400 74.9025066
7500 75.5571355
7600 76.3576949
7700 76.9764219
7800 77.5792841
7900 78.166884
8000 78.7397939
8100 79.2985579
8200 79.6924743
8300 80.0768988
8400 80.4521704
8500 80.818612
8600 81.1765317
8700 81.383695
8800 81.5861501
8900 81.9233811
9000 81.9775632
0,0 → 1,71
2000 11.11
2100 13.37
2200 15.17
2300 16.75
2400 18.89
2500 19.89
2600 20.31
2700 20.14
2800 19.62
2900 19.29
3000 19.01
3100 18.46
3200 18.07
3300 17.72
3400 17.54
3500 17.40
3600 17.26
3700 17.12
3800 17.23
3900 16.63
4000 16.24
4100 15.88
4200 15.27
4300 14.58
4400 13.88
4500 13.02
4600 12.31
4700 11.57
4800 10.87
4900 10.29
5000 9.68
5100 9.10
5200 8.59
5300 8.12
5400 7.59
5500 7.20
5600 6.80
5700 6.36
5800 5.97
5900 5.62
6000 5.34
6100 5.03
6200 4.76
6300 4.48
6400 4.21
6500 3.97
6600 3.71
6700 3.48
6800 3.21
6900 2.98
7000 2.75
7100 2.53
7200 2.31
7300 2.08
7400 1.85
7500 1.62
7600 1.41
7700 1.21
7800 1.00
7900 0.82
8000 0.64
8100 0.49
8200 0.36
8300 0.25
8400 0.17
8500 0.11
8600 0.07
8700 0.05
8800 0.03
8900 0.02
9000 0.01
0,0 → 1,31
2000 11.11
2100 13.37
2200 15.17
2300 16.75
2400 18.89
2500 19.89
2600 20.31
2700 20.14
2800 19.62
2900 19.29
3000 19.01
3100 18.46
3200 18.07
3300 17.72
3400 17.54
3500 17.40
3600 17.26
3700 17.12
3800 17.23
3900 16.63
4000 16.24
4100 15.88
4200 15.27
4300 14.58
4400 13.88
4500 13.02
4600 12.31
4700 11.57
4800 10.87
4900 10.29
5000 9.68
0,0 → 1,36
3000 19.01
3100 18.46
3200 18.07
3300 17.72
3400 17.54
3500 17.40
3600 17.26
3700 17.12
3800 17.23
3900 16.63
4000 16.24
4100 15.88
4200 15.27
4300 14.58
4400 13.88
4500 13.02
4600 12.31
4700 11.57
4800 10.87
4900 10.29
5000 9.68
5100 9.10
5200 8.59
5300 8.12
5400 7.59
5500 7.20
5600 6.80
5700 6.36
5800 5.97
5900 5.62
6000 5.34
6100 5.03
6200 4.76
6300 4.48
6400 4.21
6500 3.97
0,0 → 1,0
3600 17.26
0,0 → 1,18
3300 17.72
3400 17.54
3500 17.40
3600 17.26
3700 17.12
3800 17.23
3900 16.63
4000 16.24
4100 15.88
4200 15.27
4300 14.58
4400 13.88
4500 13.02
4600 12.31
4700 11.57
4800 10.87
4900 10.29
5000 9.68