/cvi/apps/petdemo/PETProjDataMgr.c |
0,0 → 1,645 |
// |
// ../bin/FBP2D FBP2D.par |
// |
// ******************************************************************** |
// * License and Disclaimer * |
// * * |
// * The GAMOS software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * |
// * the GAMOS Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * |
// * conditions of the GAMOS Software License, included in the file * |
// * LICENSE and available at http://fismed.ciemat.es/GAMOS/license .* |
// * These include a list of copyright holders. * |
// * * |
// * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * |
// * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * |
// * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * |
// * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * |
// * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * |
// * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * |
// * * |
// * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * |
// * technical work of the GAMOS collaboration. * |
// * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * |
// * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * |
// * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * |
// * acceptance of all terms of the GAMOS Software license. * |
// ******************************************************************** |
// |
#include "PETProjDataMgr.h" |
static struct PETProjDataMgr mgr; |
void SetNPlanes(int n) { |
mgr.m_NOfPlanes=n; |
}; |
void SetNBin(int n) { |
mgr.m_NOfBins=n; |
}; |
void SetNAng(int n) { |
mgr.m_NOfAngles=n; |
}; |
void SetDebug(int n) { |
mgr.m_Debug=n; |
}; |
void SetNumberOfChannels(int n) { |
mgr.m_nch=n; |
}; |
void SetRingDiameter( double x) { |
mgr.m_RingDiameter = x; |
}; |
void SetAxialDistance( double x) { |
mgr.m_AxialDistance = x; |
}; |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
struct PETProjDataMgr *GetInstance() { |
return &mgr; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
int PETProjDataMgrInit() { |
/* |
" cout << " -------------------------- \n" |
" Arguments convention: \n" |
" -a Axial FOV (mm), <theDist_axial=100.0> \n" |
" -d Diameter Transaxial FOV (mm), <m_RingDiameter=300.0> \n" |
" -i Type of the input file (by default: 0 = Arce_binary), <typeINfile=0> \n" |
" \n" |
" -m Maximum ring difference (by default: -1 = m_NOfPlanes), <m_MaxRingDifferenceiff> \n" |
" -n Name of output file, <m_Filename> \n" |
" -p Axial number of planes, <m_NOfPlanes> \n" |
" -r Number of bins, \"distancias\", <m_NOfBins> \n" |
// -s Span TO DO:span !!!!! |
" -t Number of angular views, \"direcciones\", <m_NOfAngles> \n" |
" -v Verbosity (by default: 0=silent, 3=debug), <verbos> \n" |
" -x Maximum number of coincidences to be stored (by default: -1 = no limit), <Max_Coinci> \n" |
" -o Output type (by default: 0 = mcc Interfile, 1 = STIR Interfile), <OutType> \n" |
" \n" |
" PET Reconstruction. CIEMAT 2009-11 \n" |
" mario.canadas@ciemat.es \n" |
" -------------------------- \n"; |
*/ |
mgr.m_AxialDistance = (9-1)*2.25; // Axial pixel dimension*NOfPlanes |
mgr.m_RingDiameter = 100.0; // notranji premer peta |
mgr.m_NOfPlanes = 9; // stevilo ravnin |
mgr.m_NOfBins = 128; // stevilo binov v razdalji |
mgr.m_nch = 128; // stevilo padov okoli in okoli |
mgr.m_NOfAngles = fabs(mgr.m_nch)/2; // stevilo kotov = stevilo padov okoli in okoli /2 |
mgr.m_MaxRingDifference = -1; |
//mgr.m_MaxRingDifference = 3; // najvecja razdalja med padi |
// toDo: theSpan = int(GmParameterMgr::GetInstance()->GetNumericValue("PET:ProjData:Span",1)); |
mgr.m_OutFormat = 1; // 1.. projections 0 .. image |
mgr.m_Debug=1; |
if (mgr.m_MaxRingDifference==-1) mgr.m_MaxRingDifference=mgr.m_NOfPlanes-1; |
mgr.m_TotalAxialPlanes=mgr.m_NOfPlanes*mgr.m_NOfPlanes; |
if (mgr.m_OutFormat==1) mgr.m_TotalAxialPlanes= (2*mgr.m_NOfPlanes-1 - mgr.m_MaxRingDifference)*mgr.m_MaxRingDifference + mgr.m_NOfPlanes; // total number of Axial planes (segments*planes) in STIR format |
/*--- Initialize sino3D ---*/ |
mgr.m_projections = (SINO_TYPE ** *) malloc(mgr.m_NOfBins*sizeof(SINO_TYPE **)); |
for(int i=0; i<mgr.m_NOfBins; i++) { |
mgr.m_projections[i] = (SINO_TYPE **) malloc(mgr.m_NOfAngles*sizeof(SINO_TYPE *)); |
for(int j=0; j<mgr.m_NOfAngles; j++) { |
mgr.m_projections[i][j] = (SINO_TYPE *) malloc(mgr.m_TotalAxialPlanes *sizeof(SINO_TYPE)); /// ! If mgr.m_OutFormat==1 (STIR output):Matrix size depends on the MAX_Ring_Difference |
for(int k=0; k<mgr.m_TotalAxialPlanes; k++) { |
mgr.m_projections[i][j][k]=0; |
} |
} |
} |
mgr.m_TotalProjectionCoincidences=0; |
mgr.m_TotalCoincidences=0; |
//OutputType = "pet"; |
return 0; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
void SetProjection( int axialplane, int id) { |
for(int i=0; i<mgr.m_NOfBins; i++) { |
for(int j=0; j<mgr.m_NOfAngles; j++) { |
mgr.m_projections[i][j][axialplane]=H2D_GetBinContent(id,i+1,j+1); |
} |
} |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------------------------- |
// from Gate |
//------------------------------------------------------------ |
double ComputeSinogramS(double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2) { |
double s; |
double denom = (Y1-Y2) * (Y1-Y2) + (X2-X1) * (X2-X1); |
if (denom!=0.) { |
denom = sqrt(denom); |
s = ( X1 * (Y2-Y1) + Y1 * (X1-X2) ) / denom; |
} else { |
s = 0.; |
} |
double theta; |
if ((X1-X2)!=0.) { |
theta=atan((X1-X2) /(Y1-Y2)); |
} else { |
theta=3.1416/2.; |
} |
if ((theta > 0.) && ((X1-X2) > 0.)) s = -s; |
if ((theta < 0.) && ((X1-X2) < 0.)) s = -s; |
if ( theta < 0.) { |
theta = theta+3.1416; |
s = -s; |
} |
return s; |
} |
void AddEvent( const HVector3 pos1 , const HVector3 pos2) { |
int z1_i, z2_i; |
//for discretization on the crystal: int x1_i, x2_i, y1_i, y2_i; |
double z1_abs=pos1.x[2]+mgr.m_AxialDistance/2; |
double z2_abs=pos2.x[2]+mgr.m_AxialDistance/2; |
double a, b, phi, dis; |
int phi_i, dis_i; |
int ring_diff; |
double _PI=2*asin(1); |
mgr.m_TotalCoincidences++; |
z1_i=(int)(mgr.m_NOfPlanes* z1_abs/mgr.m_AxialDistance); //round --> mgr.m_NOfPlanes+1 ... |
z2_i=(int)(mgr.m_NOfPlanes* z2_abs/mgr.m_AxialDistance); |
// control; if z_i out of range: return |
if ( (pos1.x[0]==pos2.x[0]) && (pos1.x[1]==pos2.x[1]) ) { |
if( mgr.m_Debug ) { |
printf( "AddEvent:WARNING! Event_1 == Event_2 ; x= %f y= %f z= %f\n", pos2.x[0], pos2.x[1], pos2.x[2] ); |
} |
#endif |
return; |
} |
if ( (z1_i<0) || (z2_i<0) || (z1_i>= mgr.m_NOfPlanes) || (z2_i>= mgr.m_NOfPlanes) ) { |
if( mgr.m_Debug ) { |
printf("PETProjDataMgr::AddEvent:WARNING! Event out of bounds (Axial):"); |
printf( "x1= %f y1= %f z1= %f ", pos1.x[0], pos1.x[1], pos1.x[2] ); |
printf( "x2= %f y2= %f z2= %f \n", pos2.x[0], pos2.x[1], pos2.x[2] ); |
} |
#endif |
return; |
} |
ring_diff = (int)fabs(z1_i-z2_i); |
// max ring difference; control: |
if (ring_diff > mgr.m_MaxRingDifference) { |
if( mgr.m_Debug ) { |
printf("PETProjDataMgr::AddEvent:WARNING! Event out of bounds (Max. Ring Diff.): %f>%f",ring_diff , mgr.m_MaxRingDifference ); |
printf( "x1= %f y1= %f z1= %f ", pos1.x[0], pos1.x[1], pos1.x[2] ); |
printf( "x2= %f y2= %f z2= %f \n", pos2.x[0], pos2.x[1], pos2.x[2] ); |
} |
#endif |
return; |
} |
a=(double)(pos2.x[1]- pos1.x[1]); |
b=(double)(pos2.x[0]- pos1.x[0]); |
if (a==0.0) { |
phi=_PI*0.5; |
} else { |
phi=atan(b/a); |
} |
if (phi<0) phi = phi +_PI; |
dis=pos1.x[0]*cos(phi) - pos1.x[1]*sin(phi); |
//dis=ComputeSinogramS(pos1.x(), pos1.y(), pos2.x(), pos2.x()); |
// control; transaxial FOV |
if ( fabs(dis) > mgr.m_RingDiameter*0.5 ) { |
if( mgr.m_Debug ) { |
printf("PETProjDataMgr::AddEvent:WARNING! Event out of bounds (Transaxial):" ); |
printf( "x1= %f y1= %f z1= %f ", pos1.x[0], pos1.x[1], pos1.x[2] ); |
printf( "x2= %f y2= %f z2= %f \n", pos2.x[0], pos2.x[1], pos2.x[2] ); |
} |
#endif |
return; |
} |
dis = dis + mgr.m_RingDiameter*0.5; |
// discret values: |
phi_i=RoundRealToNearestInteger( (double)(mgr.m_NOfAngles-1)*phi/_PI ); |
dis_i=RoundRealToNearestInteger( (double)(mgr.m_NOfBins-1)*dis/(double)mgr.m_RingDiameter ); |
if ((phi_i>=mgr.m_NOfAngles) || (dis_i>=mgr.m_NOfBins)) return; // only possible "=" because 'round' check it.. |
// OLD: (SRRB included) sino3D[dis_i][phi_i][ (z1_i+z2_i)+ring_diff*(mgr.m_NOfPlanes-1) ]++; |
int Zpos; |
if (mgr.m_OutFormat==0) { |
Zpos = (z1_i*mgr.m_NOfPlanes + z2_i); |
} else { |
if (z1_i>=z2_i) { // SIN Max Ring_Diff: Zpos= ( ((mgr.m_NOfPlanes-ring_diff)*(mgr.m_NOfPlanes-1-ring_diff))/2 + z2_i ); |
Zpos= ( ((2*mgr.m_NOfPlanes-1 - mgr.m_MaxRingDifference - ring_diff)*(mgr.m_MaxRingDifference - ring_diff))/2 + z2_i); |
} else { |
Zpos= ( (mgr.m_TotalAxialPlanes) - ((2*mgr.m_NOfPlanes-1 - mgr.m_MaxRingDifference - ring_diff +1)*(mgr.m_MaxRingDifference - ring_diff +1))/2 + z1_i ); |
} |
} |
mgr.m_projections[dis_i][phi_i][ Zpos ]++; |
mgr.m_TotalProjectionCoincidences++; |
if( mgr.m_Debug >1) { |
printf("PETProjDataMgr::AddEvent:"); |
printf( "x1= %f y1= %f z1= %f ", pos1.x[0], pos1.x[1], pos1.x[2] ); |
printf( "x2= %f y2= %f z2= %f \n", pos2.x[0], pos2.x[1], pos2.x[2] ); |
printf("PETProjDataMgr::AddEvent: Sinogram pos.: distance(s)= %f angular view(phi)= %f Zpos= %f Segment (Ring diff.) =%f\n" , dis_i , phi_i, Zpos , ring_diff ); |
} |
#endif |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
void PETProjDataMgrFree() { |
int i,j; |
if (mgr.m_projections){ |
for(i=0; i<mgr.m_NOfBins; i++) { |
for(j=0; j<mgr.m_NOfAngles; j++) { |
if (mgr.m_projections[i][j]) free(mgr.m_projections[i][j]); |
mgr.m_projections[i][j]= NULL; |
} |
if (mgr.m_projections[i]) free(mgr.m_projections[i]); |
mgr.m_projections[i]= NULL; |
} |
free(mgr.m_projections); |
mgr.m_projections= NULL; |
} |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
void WriteInterfile(const char * Filename ) { |
char name_hv[512]; |
char name_v[512]; |
FILE *fp; |
if (mgr.m_OutFormat==0) { |
strcpy(name_hv, Filename); |
strcpy(name_v, Filename); |
strcat(name_hv, ".hv"); |
strcat(name_v, ".v"); |
fp = fopen(name_hv, "w"); |
fprintf (fp, "!INTERFILE := \n"); |
fprintf (fp, "name of data file := %s\n", name_v); |
fprintf (fp, "!GENERAL DATA := \n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!GENERAL IMAGE DATA :=\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!type of data := tomographic\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!version of keys := 3.3\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!data offset in bytes := 0\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "imagedata byte order := littleendian\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!PET STUDY (General) :=\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!PET data type := 3D-Sinogram\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "process status := Reconstructed\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!number format := unsigned short\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!number of bytes per pixel := 2\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "number of dimensions := 3\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "matrix axis label [1] := x\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!matrix size [1] := %i\n",mgr.m_NOfBins); |
fprintf (fp, "scaling factor (mm/pixel) [1] := %f\n",(float)(mgr.m_RingDiameter/(mgr.m_NOfBins-1.0))); |
fprintf (fp, "matrix axis label [2] := y\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!matrix size [2] := %i\n",mgr.m_NOfAngles); |
fprintf (fp, "scaling factor (degree/pixel) [2] := %f\n",(float)(360./mgr.m_NOfAngles)); |
fprintf (fp, "matrix axis label [3] := z\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!matrix size [3] := %i\n",mgr.m_NOfPlanes*mgr.m_NOfPlanes); |
fprintf (fp, "scaling factor (mm/pixel) [3] := %f\n",(float)(mgr.m_AxialDistance/(mgr.m_NOfPlanes-1.0))); |
fprintf (fp, "number of slices := %i\n",mgr.m_NOfPlanes*mgr.m_NOfPlanes); |
fprintf (fp, "number of time frames := 1\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "image scaling factor[1] := 1\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "data offset in bytes[1] := 0\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "quantification units := 1\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!END OF INTERFILE := \n"); |
fclose(fp); |
//(size_t)(mgr.m_NOfBins*mgr.m_NOfAngles*mgr.m_NOfPlanes*mgr.m_NOfPlanes); |
} else { |
strcpy(name_hv, Filename); |
strcpy(name_v, Filename); |
strcat(name_hv, ".hs"); // STIR extension: .hs .s |
strcat(name_v, ".s"); |
fp =fopen(name_hv, "w"); |
fprintf (fp, "!INTERFILE := \n"); |
fprintf (fp, "name of data file := %s\n",name_v); |
fprintf (fp, "!GENERAL DATA := \n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!GENERAL IMAGE DATA :=\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!type of data := PET\n"); |
// fprintf (fp, "!version of keys := 3.3\n"); STIR format is not 3.3 (almost but not completely), ERROR in STIR if it is not removed |
// fprintf (fp, "!data offset in bytes := 0\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "imagedata byte order := littleendian\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!PET STUDY (General) :=\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!PET data type := Emission\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "applied corrections := {arc correction}\n"); // {none}\n"); |
// fprintf (fp, "process status := Reconstructed\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!number format := unsigned integer\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!number of bytes per pixel := 2\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "number of dimensions := 4\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "matrix axis label [4] := segment\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!matrix size [4] := %i\n",mgr.m_MaxRingDifference*2 + 1); |
// fprintf (fp, "scaling factor (mm/pixel) [1] := %f\n",(float)(d_FOV/(mgr.m_NOfBins-1))); |
fprintf (fp, "matrix axis label [3] := axial coordinate\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!matrix size [3] := { "); |
if (mgr.m_MaxRingDifference==0) { |
fprintf (fp, "%i}\n", mgr.m_NOfPlanes); |
} else { |
int m; |
for(m=mgr.m_NOfPlanes-mgr.m_MaxRingDifference; m<=mgr.m_NOfPlanes; m++) fprintf (fp, "%i,", m); |
for(m=mgr.m_NOfPlanes-1; m>mgr.m_NOfPlanes-mgr.m_MaxRingDifference; m--) fprintf (fp, "%i,", m); |
fprintf (fp, "%i}\n", mgr.m_NOfPlanes-mgr.m_MaxRingDifference); |
} |
fprintf (fp, "matrix axis label [2] := view\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!matrix size [2] := %i\n",mgr.m_NOfAngles); |
fprintf (fp, "matrix axis label [1] := tangential coordinate\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!matrix size [1] := %i\n",mgr.m_NOfBins); |
fprintf (fp, "minimum ring difference per segment := {"); // TO DO : add SPAN (mgr.m_MaxRingDifferenceiff per seg. variable) |
fprintf (fp, "%i", -mgr.m_MaxRingDifference); |
int m; |
for(m=-mgr.m_MaxRingDifference+1; m<=mgr.m_MaxRingDifference; m++) fprintf (fp, ",%i", m); |
fprintf (fp, "}\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "maximum ring difference per segment := {"); // TO DO : add SPAN (mgr.m_MaxRingDifferenceiff per seg. variable) |
fprintf (fp, "%i", -mgr.m_MaxRingDifference); |
for(m=-mgr.m_MaxRingDifference+1; m<=mgr.m_MaxRingDifference; m++) fprintf (fp, ",%i", m); |
fprintf (fp, "}\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "inner ring diameter (cm) := %f\n", mgr.m_RingDiameter/10); // STIR Required parameter, now assigned to FOV (not detectors) |
fprintf (fp, "average depth of interaction (cm) := 0.0001\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "default bin size (cm) := %f\n",0.1*((float)mgr.m_RingDiameter/((float)mgr.m_NOfBins-1.0)) ); |
fprintf (fp, "number of rings := %i\n",mgr.m_NOfPlanes ); |
fprintf (fp, "distance between rings (cm) := %f\n", 0.1*((float)mgr.m_AxialDistance/(float)(mgr.m_NOfPlanes-1)) ); // Axial pixel dimension |
fprintf (fp, "number of detectors per ring := %i\n",mgr.m_NOfAngles*2 ); |
// fprintf (fp, "number of slices := %i\n",mgr.m_NOfPlanes*mgr.m_NOfPlanes); |
fprintf (fp, "number of time frames := 1\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "image scaling factor[1] := 1\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "data offset in bytes[1] := 0\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "quantification units := 1\n"); |
fprintf (fp, "!END OF INTERFILE := \n"); |
fclose(fp); |
} |
int mbsize = mgr.m_NOfBins*mgr.m_NOfAngles*mgr.m_TotalAxialPlanes*sizeof(SINO_TYPE); |
mgr.m_Buffer = (SINO_TYPE *) malloc( mbsize ); |
long unsigned int cont=0; |
int i,j,k; |
for(k=0; k<mgr.m_TotalAxialPlanes; k++) { |
for(j=0; j<mgr.m_NOfAngles; j++) { |
for(i=0; i<mgr.m_NOfBins; i++) { |
mgr.m_Buffer[cont]=mgr.m_projections[i][j][k]; |
cont++; |
} |
} |
} |
fp=fopen(name_v, "wb"); |
//printf(4096*sizeof(SINO_TYPE) ); |
int nb=fwrite(mgr.m_Buffer,1,mbsize, fp); |
fclose(fp); |
printf("PETProjDataMgr::WriteInterfile: File name: %s\n", Filename ); |
printf("PETProjDataMgr::WriteInterfile: Numer of bytes written: %d\n" , nb ); |
printf("PETProjDataMgr::WriteInterfile: Planes = %d bins = %d ang_views = %d\n", mgr.m_NOfPlanes, mgr.m_NOfBins, mgr.m_NOfAngles ); |
printf("PETProjDataMgr::WriteInterfile: Dimensions (mm): Transaxial FOV = %f ; Axial FOV = %f ; Transaxial_pix =%f ; Plane width = %f\n", mgr.m_RingDiameter , mgr.m_AxialDistance , mgr.m_RingDiameter/(mgr.m_NOfBins-1) , mgr.m_AxialDistance/(mgr.m_NOfPlanes-1) ); // Image Axial Pixel(ssrb) == 0.5*(Plane_Width); |
printf("... " ); |
printf("PETProjDataMgr::WriteInterfile: Total Coinci: %d\n" , mgr.m_TotalCoincidences ); |
printf("PETProjDataMgr::WriteInterfile: Sino3D Coinci: %d\n" ,mgr.m_TotalProjectionCoincidences ); |
#endif |
} |
double Mag2(HVector3 x) { |
return x.x[0]*x.x[0]+x.x[1]*x.x[1]+x.x[2]*x.x[2]; |
} |
double Mag(HVector3 x) { |
return sqrt(Mag2(x)); |
} |
void SetPhi(HVector3 *r,double phi) { |
} |
void SetTheta(HVector3 *r,double phi) { |
} |
double Product(HVector3 a, HVector3 b) { |
double c=0; |
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) c += a.x[i] * b.x[i]; |
return c; |
} |
HVector3 Multiply(double a, HVector3 b) { |
HVector3 c; |
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) c.x[i]= a* b.x[i]; |
return c; |
} |
HVector3 Add(HVector3 a, HVector3 b) { |
HVector3 c; |
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) c.x[i]= a.x[i] + b.x[i]; |
return c; |
} |
HVector3 Subtract(HVector3 a, HVector3 b) { |
HVector3 c; |
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) c.x[i]= a.x[i] - b.x[i]; |
return c; |
} |
HVector3 Hits2Digits(const HVector3 r) { |
if (!mgr.m_nch) return r; |
float smear=0.5; |
if (mgr.m_nch<0) smear=Random(0,1); |
double angle = atan2(r.x[0],r.x[1]); // vrne kot med -pi in pi |
double twopi=2*Pi(); |
if (angle<0) angle+=twopi; |
angle= ((int)(angle/twopi*fabs(mgr.m_nch))+smear)*twopi/fabs(mgr.m_nch); |
//(mgr.m_rnd->Rndm()-0.5)*mgr.m_AxialDistance; |
HVector3 x; |
x.x[0]=sin(angle); |
x.x[1]=cos(angle); |
x.x[2]=0; |
return x; // z coordinata ni cisto v redu |
} |
int FwdProject(double x,double y, double z, int nmax, int h) { |
HVector3 r; |
r.x[0]=x; |
r.x[1]=y; |
r.x[2]=z; |
int h2d=1; |
double tfac=mgr.m_RingDiameter*mgr.m_RingDiameter/4-Mag2(r); |
double rfac= mgr.m_AxialDistance/mgr.m_RingDiameter; |
for (int i=0; i<nmax; i++) { |
double phi= Random(0,Pi()); |
HVector3 s; |
s.x[0]=1; |
s.x[1]=0; |
s.x[2]=0; |
SetPhi(&s,phi); |
double sign = (Random(0,1)>0.5)? 1 : 0; |
double theta = acos(Random(0,rfac)); |
theta+=sign*Pi(); |
SetTheta(&s,theta); |
double t=Product(r,s); |
HVector3 rx=Add(r,Multiply(-t,s)); |
double d=sqrt(t*t+tfac); |
HVector3 r1= Add(rx,Multiply(d,s)); |
HVector3 r2= Add(rx,Multiply(-d,s)); |
//r1=Hits2Digits(r1); |
//r2=Hits2Digits(r2); |
HVector3 s1=Subtract(r2,r1); |
double s1len= Mag(s1); |
int niter=(int) (100*s1len/mgr.m_RingDiameter); |
for (int j=0; j<niter; j++) { |
r2=Add(r1,Multiply(Random(0,1),s1)); |
if (h2d) H2D_Fill(h,r2.x[0],r2.x[1],1); |
else H3D_Fill(h,r2.x[0],r2.x[1],r2.x[2],1); |
} |
} |
return 0; |
} |
int FwdProject2d(int img, int h) { |
for (int i=0; i<H2D_GetNbinsX(img); i++) { |
double x_=H2D_GetXBinCenter( img, i+1 ); |
for (int j=0; j<H2D_GetNbinsY(img); j++) { |
double y_=H2D_GetYBinCenter(img, j+1 ); |
double density= H2D_GetBinContent(img,i+1,j+1); |
if (density>0) FwdProject(x_,y_,mgr.m_AxialDistance*(Random(-0.5,0.5)), density,h); |
} |
} |
return 0; |
} |
int FwdProject3d(int img, int h) { |
for (int i=0; i<H3D_GetNbinsX(img); i++) { |
double x_=H3D_GetXBinCenter( img, i+1 ); |
for (int j=0; j<H3D_GetNbinsY(img); j++) { |
double y_=H3D_GetYBinCenter(img, j+1 ); |
for (int k=0; k<H3D_GetNbinsZ(img); k++) { |
double z_=H3D_GetZBinCenter( img, k+1 ); |
double density= H3D_GetBinContent(img, i+1,j+1,k+1); |
if (density>0) FwdProject(x_,y_,z_, density,h); |
} |
} |
} |
return 0; |
} |
int Phantom(int kaj) { |
int img = H2D_Init(1, "img","Original Image",100,-50,50,100,-50,50); |
int i=0; |
// izberi sliko 0: kroglice, 1: point source 2: central ball |
switch (kaj) { |
case 0: |
for (i=0; i<H2D_GetNbinsX(img); i++) { |
for (int j=0; j<H2D_GetNbinsY(img); j++) { |
double x_=H2D_GetXBinCenter( img, i+1 ); |
double y_=H2D_GetYBinCenter( img, j+1 ); |
double density=1000; |
if ((x_*x_+y_*y_)<6) H2D_SetBinContent(img, i+1,j+1,density); |
density=500; |
if ((x_-25)*(x_-25)+y_*y_<12) H2D_SetBinContent(img,i+1,j+1,density); |
density=2000; |
if ((y_-25)*(y_-25)+x_*x_<2) H2D_SetBinContent(img,i+1,j+1,density); |
} |
} |
break; |
case 2: |
for (i=0; i<H2D_GetNbinsX(img); i++) { |
for (int j=0; j<H2D_GetNbinsY(img); j++) { |
double x_=H2D_GetXBinCenter( img, i+1 ); |
double y_=H2D_GetYBinCenter( img, j+1 ); |
double density=1000; |
if ((x_*x_+y_*y_)<12.5) H2D_SetBinContent(img, i+1,j+1,density); |
} |
} |
break; |
case 1: |
H2D_Fill(img, 25,25,10000); |
break; |
} |
return img; |
} |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/PETProjDataMgr.h |
0,0 → 1,110 |
// |
// ******************************************************************** |
// * License and Disclaimer * |
// * * |
// * The GAMOS software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * |
// * the GAMOS Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * |
// * conditions of the GAMOS Software License, included in the file * |
// * LICENSE and available at http://fismed.ciemat.es/GAMOS/license .* |
// * These include a list of copyright holders. * |
// * * |
// * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * |
// * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * |
// * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * |
// * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * |
// * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * |
// * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * |
// * * |
// * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * |
// * technical work of the GAMOS collaboration. * |
// * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * |
// * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * |
// * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * |
// * acceptance of all terms of the GAMOS Software license. * |
// ******************************************************************** |
// |
#ifndef PETProjDataMgr_h |
#define PETProjDataMgr_h |
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
ClassName: PETProjDataMgr |
Author: M. Canadas, P. Arce |
Changes: 01/11: creation |
------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Description |
PET output (List-mode X Y Z) into projection data (sinograms). |
Output data: Sinograms for PET image reconstruction. Interfile format, STIR compatible (.hs/.s), |
STIR Software for Tomographic Image Reconstruction: http://stir.sourceforge.net/main.htm |
-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <stdint.h> |
#include "H1D.h" |
#include "H2D.h" |
#include "H3D.h" |
#include "daq.h" |
typedef unsigned short SINO_TYPE; //!!NOTE: Check "Write_sino3D" (.hv file) if SINO_TYPE changes !! |
struct PETProjDataMgr { |
int m_Debug; |
double m_AxialDistance; |
double m_RingDiameter; |
int m_NOfPlanes; |
int m_NOfBins; |
int m_NOfAngles; |
int m_MaxRingDifference; |
int m_OutFormat; |
int m_nch; |
int m_TotalAxialPlanes; |
char m_Filename; |
//G4bool bDumpCout; |
SINO_TYPE ***m_projections; |
SINO_TYPE *m_Buffer; |
unsigned long int m_TotalCoincidences; |
unsigned long int m_TotalProjectionCoincidences; |
}; |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
int PETProjDataMgrInit(); |
void PETProjDataMgrFree(); |
void AddEvent(const HVector3 pos1, const HVector3 pos2); |
//void ReadFile(); |
//PETOutput ReadEvent( G4bool& bEof ); |
void SetProjection(int axialplane, int h2d); |
void WriteInterfile(const char *fname); |
void SetNPlanes(int n); |
void SetNBin(int n); |
void SetNAng(int n); |
void SetDebug(int n); |
void SetNumberOfChannels(int n); |
void SetRingDiameter( double x); |
void SetAxialDistance( double x); |
int Phantom(int kaj); |
int FwdProject2d(int img2d, int h2d); |
int FwdProject3d(int img3d, int h3d); |
int FwdProject(double x,double y, double z, int nmax, int h1d); |
HVector3 Hits2Digits(const HVector3 r); |
struct PETProjDataMgr* GetInstance(); |
#endif |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/analyse.c |
0,0 → 1,351 |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <stdint.h> |
#include "daq.h" |
#include "H1D.h" |
#include "H2D.h" |
#include "PETProjDataMgr.h" |
double gAdc[MAXCH]; // raw ADC ji |
float gNtdata[MAXCH*3]; |
int m_write=0; |
double gData[MAXCH]; // korigirani ADC ji |
float gSum[MAXPMT]; |
float gRawSum[MAXPMT]; |
float gMax[MAXPMT]; |
float gSumCluster[MAXPMT]; |
int gNabove[MAXPMT]; |
double GetEnergy(int ch, int adc) { |
return (adc-conf.apedestals[ch])/(conf.apeak[ch]-conf.apedestals[ch])*conf.peakscaling; |
} |
int GetGlobalPosition(int ipmt, double angle, float cx, float cy, float *gposition) { |
double phi = angle + conf.module[ipmt].phi; |
double r = conf.module[ipmt].r; |
double sinphi = sin(phi); |
double cosphi = cos(phi); |
gposition[0]= cosphi* r + sinphi * cx ; |
gposition[1]= sinphi* r - cosphi * cx ; |
gposition[2]= cy; |
//if (m_debug) printf( "[%d] phi=%f %f global ( %f , %f , %f )\n" ,ipmt, module[ipmt].phi,angle, rv.x(), rv.y(), rv.z()); |
return 0; |
} |
int GetRealPosition(int ipmt, float px,float py,float *cx,float *cy) { |
// iz CoG izracuna pozicijo na kristalu |
int binx = 0; //####m_crystalid[ipmt]->GetXaxis()->FindBin(px); |
int biny = 0; //####m_crystalid[ipmt]->GetYaxis()->FindBin(py); |
int crystalid = 0;//####m_crystalid[ipmt]->GetBinContent(binx,biny); |
*cx= ( crystalid % conf.nofcrystalsx - conf.nofcrystalsy/2. + 0.5 ) * conf.crystalpitchx; |
*cy= ( crystalid / conf.nofcrystalsx - conf.nofcrystalsx/2. + 0.5 ) * conf.crystalpitchy; |
// razmazi pozicijo po povrsini kristala |
double rndx = Random(-0.5,0.5)* conf.crystalpitchx; |
double rndy = Random(-0.5,0.5)* conf.crystalpitchy; |
*cx+= rndx; |
*cy+= rndy; |
return crystalid; |
} |
int HistogramsInit() { |
if (conf.write) { |
char varlist[1024], tmplist[1024]; |
sprintf( varlist,"sum0:sum1:sum2:sum3:nh0:nh1:nh2:nh3:c0:c1:c2:c3:px0:px1:px2:px3:py0:py1:py2:py3:rx0:rx1:rx2:rx3:ry0:ry1:ry2:ry3:max0:max1:max2:max3"); |
for (int i=0; i<MAXCH; i++) { |
sprintf(tmplist,"%s",varlist); |
sprintf(varlist,"%s:a%d",tmplist,i); |
} |
/* |
energija .. (adc -pedestal) * scaling |
sum0 .. sum3 vsota energij po vseh kanalih fotopomnozevalke |
nh0 .. nh4 stevilo zadetkov na fotopomnozevalki (adc nad thresholdom) |
c0 .. c4 vsota energij za kanale nad thresholdom |
px0 .. px4 x koordinata COG na fotopomnozevalki |
py0 .. py4 y koordinata COG na fotopomnozevalki |
max0 .. max3 maximalna energija na kanalu na fotopomnozevalki |
a0 .. a63 energija na i-tem kanalu |
*/ |
//gNtuple = new TNtuple("nt","Pet RAW data",varlist); |
printf ("#%s#\n",varlist); |
} |
m_Nhits = H2D_Init(301,"hnabove","Stevilo zadetkov nad nivojem diskriminacije",4,-0.5,3.5, 16,+0.5,16.5 ); // stevilo hitov nad thresholdom |
m_GlobalPosition =H2D_Init(302,"globalxy","Rekonstruirana koordinata zadetka",200,-80,80,200,-80,80); // reconstruirana koordinata v globalnem sistemu |
char hname[0xFF]; |
char hn[0xFF]; |
int i; |
for (i=0; i<MAXCH; i++) { |
sprintf(hname,"Raw ADC Ch. %d ;ADC;N",i); |
sprintf(hn,"ach%d",i); |
//m_Adc[i] = H1D_Init(i,hn,hname,4000,-0.5,3999.5); // osnovni adcji |
m_Adc[i] = H1D_Init(i,hn,hname,400,500-0.5,899.5); // osnovni adcji |
sprintf(hname,"cADC za dogodke z manj kot x hitov na pmtju Ch. %d ;ADC;N",i); |
sprintf(hn,"cutch%d",i); |
m_AdcCut[i] = H1D_Init(i+MAXCH, hn,hname,4000,-0.5,3999.5); // adcji za zadetke z manj kot 7 hiti na PMTju |
sprintf(hname,"cADC proti stevilu zadetkov na pmtju Ch. %d ;ADC;N",i); |
sprintf(hn,"singlech%d",i); |
m_Adc_vs_Nhits[i] = H2D_Init(i,hn,hname,200,0,4000, 17,-0.5,16.5); // adc proti stevilu zadetkov na PMTju |
sprintf(hname,"cADC proti vsoti kanalov na pmtju, Ch. %d ;ADC;ADCsum",i); |
sprintf(hn,"corrch%d",i); |
m_Adc_vs_Sum[i] = H2D_Init(i+MAXCH,hn,hname,200,0,4000, 200,0,12000 ); // raw adc proti vsoti kanalov na PMTju |
sprintf(hname,"Raw ADC proti vsoti kanalov na pmtju, Ch. %d ;ADC;ADCsum",i); |
sprintf(hn,"adcvssumch%d",i); |
m_Adc_vs_Sum_Uncorected[i] =H2D_Init(i+MAXCH*2,hn,hname,100,0,3500, 100,5000,12000 ); // adc proti vsoti kanalov na PMTju |
} |
for (i=0; i<MAXPMT; i++) { |
sprintf(hname,"Vsota cADC na PMTju %d ;ADC;N",i); |
sprintf(hn,"pmt%d",i); |
m_AdcSum[i] =H1D_Init(200+i,hn,hname,200,0,20000); // vsota adcjev na PMTju |
sprintf(hname,"Vsota cADC na PMTju za dogodke z manj kot x zadetki %d ;ADC;N",i); |
sprintf(hn,"clusterpmt%d",i); |
m_AdcSumCluster[i] = H1D_Init(216+i,hn,hname,200,0,20000); // vsota adcjev na pmtju, ki so nad threshholdom, za dogodke z manj kot 5 zadetki na PMTju |
sprintf(hname,"Center naboja CoG PMT %d ;x;y",i); |
sprintf(hn,"pmt1%d",i); |
m_CenterOfGravity[i] =H2D_Init(200+i,hn,hname,200,-1.25,4.25,200,-1.25,4.25); // center naboja na PMTju |
sprintf(hname,"Center naboja CoG za zadetke nad thresholdom PMT %d ;x;y",i); |
sprintf(hn,"pmt2%d",i); |
m_CenterOfGravityforChAboveThreshold[i] = H2D_Init(216+i,hn,hname,200,0,3,200,0,3); // center naboja za zadetke nad thresholdom |
sprintf(hname,"Rekonstruirana koordinata PMT %d ;x(mm);y(mm)",i); |
sprintf(hn,"pmt3%d",i); |
m_ReconstructedPosition[i] = H2D_Init(232+i,hn,hname,200,-12,12,200,-12,12); // korigirana koordinata na pmtju |
sprintf(hname,"SumAdc PMT %d ;SumAdc(a.u.);crystal ID",i); |
sprintf(hn,"sumadc%d",i); |
m_SumAdc[i] =H2D_Init(248+i,hn,hname,200,0,12000,81,-0.5,80.5); // SumADC spekter za razlicne kristale |
} |
// store mapping |
//TH1I *hx= new TH1I("mapping", "ch mapping", 16, -0.5,15.5); |
//for (int j=0;j<16;j++) hx->Fill(j,m_geo->ch[j].idx); |
return 0; |
}; |
int HistogramsWrite(const char *fname){ |
FILE *fp = fopen(fname, "wb"); |
if (fp){ |
int i; |
for (i=0;i<H1DMAX;i++){ if (H1D_Exist(i)) H1D_Write2File(i, fp); } |
for (i=0;i<H2DMAX;i++){ if (H2D_Exist(i)) H2D_Write2File(i, fp); } |
for (i=0;i<H3DMAX;i++){ if (H3D_Exist(i)) H3D_Write2File(i, fp); } |
fclose(fp); |
} |
return 0; |
} |
int HistogramsFill() { |
int i=0, ipmt; |
for (i=0; i<MAXCH; i++) { // zanka cez vse elektronske kanale; |
float x=gData[i]; |
int ipmt= i/16; |
float s=gSum[ipmt]; |
// int idx= 2*(ipmt)+64; |
// const float fSlope1=2; |
// const float fSlope2=3; |
// if ( ((s-gSumPedestals[ipmt] ) > fSlope1*(x-gPedestals[i])) && ((s-gSumPedestals[ipmt] ) < fSlope2*(x-gPedestals[ipmt])) ) { |
if (gNabove[ipmt]<7) { |
H2D_Fill(m_Adc_vs_Sum[i],x,s,1); |
H2D_Fill(m_Adc_vs_Sum_Uncorected[i], gAdc[i],gRawSum[ipmt],1); |
H1D_Fill(m_AdcCut[i],x,1); |
} |
} |
HVector3 r_coincidence[2]; |
for (int k=0; k<2; k++) for (int i1=0; i1<3; i1++) r_coincidence[k].x[i1]=0; |
int f_coincidence[2]= {0,0}; |
for (ipmt=0; ipmt<4; ipmt++) { // zanka preko pmtjev |
int j2= (ipmt/2)*2+1-ipmt%2; // sosednja fotopomnozevalka |
float posx[2]= {0,0}; |
float posy[2]= {0,0}; |
float sum[2]= {0,0}; |
for (int ich=0; ich<16; ich++) { // zanka preko elektronskih kanalov na fotopomnozevalki |
int ch= ich+ipmt*16; |
if (gMax[ipmt]>conf.adcthreshold) { |
posx[0]+= gData[ch]*conf.channel[ich].ix; |
posy[0]+= gData[ch]*conf.channel[ich].iy; |
sum[0] += gData[ch]; |
if (gData[ch]> 0.1*gMax[ipmt]) { // pri racunanju pozicije upostevaj le kanale, ki imajo vrednost vecjo od ratio*maksimalna na tisti fotopomnozevalki ******** |
posx[1]+= gData[ch]*conf.channel[ich].ix; |
posy[1]+= gData[ch]*conf.channel[ich].iy; |
sum[1] += gData[ch]; |
} |
} |
} |
if (m_write) { |
gNtdata[12+ipmt]=posx[0]/sum[0]; |
gNtdata[16+ipmt]=posy[0]/sum[0]; |
gNtdata[20+ipmt]=(sum[1]>0)?posx[1]/sum[1]:-10; |
gNtdata[24+ipmt]=(sum[1]>0)?posy[1]/sum[1]:-10; |
gNtdata[28+ipmt]=sum[0]; |
} |
if (gMax[ipmt]>gMax[j2]) { // izberi fotopomnozevalko, ki ima vec zadetkov kot soseda TRG= (P1|P2) & (P3|P4) |
if ( sum[0] > 0 ) { |
float px=posx[0]/sum[0]; |
float py=posy[0]/sum[0]; |
H2D_Fill(m_CenterOfGravity[ipmt],px,py,1); |
float cx=0; //koordinata na pmtju |
float cy=0; |
int crystalID = GetRealPosition(ipmt,px,py,&cx,&cy); |
H2D_Fill(m_ReconstructedPosition[ipmt],cx,cy,1); |
H2D_Fill(m_SumAdc[ipmt],gSum[ipmt], crystalID,1 ); |
if (debug > 2) printf("ipmt=%d cx=%f cy=%f\n",ipmt,cx,cy); |
GetGlobalPosition(ipmt, conf.rotation, cx, cy,r_coincidence[ipmt/2].x) ; |
f_coincidence[ipmt/2] =1; |
H2D_Fill(m_GlobalPosition,r_coincidence[ipmt/2].x[0],r_coincidence[ipmt/2].x[1],1); |
} |
if ( sum[1] > 0 ) { |
float px=posx[1]/sum[1]; |
float py=posy[1]/sum[1]; |
// float px0=posx[0]/sum[0]; |
// float py0=posy[0]/sum[0]; |
// if (px0<0.25 || px0>2.75 || py0< 0.25 || py0> 2.75) |
// if (((py0>0.75 && py0<1.25) || (py0>1.75 && py0<2.25)) && (px0< 0.25 || px0>2.75 ) ) |
H2D_Fill(m_CenterOfGravityforChAboveThreshold[ipmt],px,py,1); |
} |
} |
} |
for (i=0; i<MAXCH; i++) if (gData[i]>conf.adcthreshold) { |
H2D_Fill(m_Adc_vs_Nhits[i],gData[i],gNabove[i/16],1); |
} |
for (i=0; i<MAXCH; i++) if (gData[i]>conf.adcthreshold && gNabove[i/16]<5 ) { |
gSumCluster[i/16]+=gData[i]; |
} |
for (ipmt=0; ipmt<4; ipmt++) { |
H1D_Fill(m_AdcSum[ipmt],gSum[ipmt],1); |
H1D_Fill(m_AdcSumCluster[ipmt],gSumCluster[ipmt],1); |
} |
for (i=0; i<4; i++) H1D_Fill(m_Nhits,i,gNabove[i]); |
if (m_write) { |
for (i=0; i<4; i++) { |
gNtdata[i]=gSum[i]; |
gNtdata[4+i]=gNabove[i]; |
gNtdata[8+i]=gSumCluster[i]; |
} |
for (i=0; i<MAXCH; i++) gNtdata[32+i]=gData[i]; |
//gNtuple->Fill(gNtdata); |
} |
// |
// coincidences |
// |
if (f_coincidence[0]&&f_coincidence[1]) { |
conf.coincidences++; |
if (debug > 1) { |
printf( "Coincidence ( %f , %f , %f ) ( %f , %f , %f )\n" , |
r_coincidence[0].x[0], r_coincidence[0].x[1], r_coincidence[0].x[2], |
r_coincidence[1].x[0], r_coincidence[1].x[1], r_coincidence[1].x[2] ); |
} |
AddEvent( r_coincidence[0] , r_coincidence[1]); |
} |
return 0; |
}; |
int analyse(int nb, uint32_t *buf) { |
int idx=1; |
int neve=buf[0]/2; |
//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
for (int nev=0; nev<neve; nev++) { |
int len=buf[idx]; |
int sb =buf[idx+1]; |
unsigned int *pbuf=&buf[idx+2]; |
if (sb!=0xffab) { |
printf("0x%04x!0xffab len=%d\n",sb,len); |
break; |
} |
// postavi na nic |
#define InitArrayWithAValue(arr,n,x) {for (int i=0;i<n;i++) arr[i]=x;} |
//------------------------------------------------------------ |
// postavi na nic |
InitArrayWithAValue( gSum , MAXPMT , 0); |
InitArrayWithAValue( gRawSum , MAXPMT , 0); |
InitArrayWithAValue( gMax , MAXPMT , 0); |
InitArrayWithAValue( gSumCluster, MAXPMT , 0); |
InitArrayWithAValue( gNabove , MAXPMT , 0); |
InitArrayWithAValue( gData , MAXCH, 0); |
InitArrayWithAValue( gAdc , MAXCH, 0); |
for (int i0=0; i0<len-2; i0+=2) { |
int data0 = pbuf[i0]; |
int data1 = pbuf[i0+1]; |
int geo = (data1 >> 11) & 0x1f; |
int ch = (data1&0x1f) | (geo<<5); |
int dtype = (data1>>9)&0x3; |
int adc = data0&0xfff; |
if (dtype == 0 & ch<MAXCH) { |
if (debug) printf("%d ADC %d %d\n", geo, ch, adc); |
if (ch<MAXCH) H1D_Fill(ch, adc,1); |
int ipmt = ch/16; |
gAdc[ch]=adc; |
gRawSum[ipmt]+=adc; |
gData[ch]=GetEnergy(ch,adc); |
gSum[ipmt]+=gData[ch]; |
if (gData[ch] >gMax[ipmt] ) gMax[ipmt]= gData[ch]; |
if (gData[ch] >conf.adcthreshold ) gNabove[ipmt]++; |
//#### m_Adc[ch]->Fill(adc); |
} |
};// for (int i0=0;i0<len-2;i0+=2) |
//------------------------------------------------------------ |
idx+=len+1; |
HistogramsFill(); |
if (m_write) { |
gNtdata[0]=0; |
for (int i=0; i<MAXCH; i++) gNtdata[i+1]=gAdc[i]; |
//####gNtuple->Fill(gNtdata); |
} |
} // for (int nev=0;nev<neve;nev++) |
return 0; |
} |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/config.ini |
0,0 → 1,20 |
[scintillator] |
nofcrystalsx=9 |
nofcrystalsy=9 |
crystalpitchx=2.25 |
crystalpitchy=2.25 |
[sensor] |
modules=ini/modules.map |
channels=ini/m16.map |
[calibration] |
sumpedestals=ini/sumpedestals.dat |
pedestals=ini/pedestals_new.dat |
photopeak=ini/fotovrh.dat |
channelcalibration=ini/calibration_all.root |
adcthreshold=300 |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/daq.h |
0,0 → 1,117 |
#ifndef _daq_h_ |
#define _daq_h_ |
#define MAXCH 64 |
#define MAXPMT 16 |
#define NSTEPS 4790 // en krog je 4790 korakov |
typedef struct { |
float x[3]; |
} HVector3; |
struct Module { |
double r; |
double phi; |
}; |
struct Channel { |
int ix; |
int iy; |
}; |
struct Config { |
int nofcrystalsx; |
int nofcrystalsy; |
double crystalpitchx; |
double crystalpitchy; |
char *modules; |
char *channels; |
char *sumpedestals; |
char *pedestals; |
char *photopeak; |
char *channelcalibration; |
int adcthreshold; |
double peakscaling; |
struct Module module[16]; |
struct Channel channel[16]; |
float apedestals[MAXCH]; |
float apeak[MAXCH]; |
float rotation; |
int write; |
int coincidences; // stevilo koincidenc |
} conf; |
#define NUM_CHANNELS 1 |
#define PEDESTAL 255 |
#define SCAN_TYPE 1 |
#define RUNREC_ID 1 |
#define ENDREC_ID 2 |
#define POSREC_ID 3 |
#define EVTREC_ID 4 |
typedef struct { |
unsigned int id,length; |
unsigned int fver,time; |
unsigned int num_events,num_channels,pedestal,xy; |
int nx,x0,dx,ny,y0,dy; |
typedef struct { |
unsigned int id,length; |
unsigned int time,dum; |
typedef struct { |
unsigned int id,length; |
unsigned int time; |
int num_iter_x,mikro_pos_x,set_pos_x; |
int num_iter_y,mikro_pos_y,set_pos_y; |
int debug; |
int fPedestal; |
int fThresholdEnable; |
int fStop; |
int fMode; |
int clear(); |
int end(); |
int event(unsigned int *, int,int *, int ); |
int init(); |
int vmconnect(); |
int vmdisconnect(); |
int vmacquire (int neve,FILE *fp, char *fpedname); |
int HistogramsInit(); |
int HistogramsFill(); |
int HistogramsWrite(const char *fname); |
int GetGlobalPosition(int ipmt, double angle, float cx, float cy, float *gposition); |
int analyse(int nb, uint32_t *data); |
//----------------- |
int m_Adc[MAXCH]; |
int m_AdcCut[MAXCH]; |
int m_Adc_vs_Nhits[MAXCH]; |
int m_Adc_vs_Sum[MAXCH]; |
int m_Adc_vs_Sum_Uncorected[MAXCH]; |
int m_Nhits; |
int m_AdcSum[MAXPMT]; |
int m_CenterOfGravity[MAXPMT]; |
int m_ReconstructedPosition[MAXPMT]; |
int m_CenterOfGravityforChAboveThreshold[MAXPMT]; |
int m_GlobalPosition; |
int m_AdcSumCluster[MAXPMT]; |
int m_MaxAdc[MAXPMT]; |
int m_SumAdc[MAXPMT]; |
//----------------- |
#endif |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/ini/calibration_all.root |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes: |
Added: svn:mime-type |
+application/octet-stream |
\ No newline at end of property |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/ini/config.xml |
0,0 → 1,24 |
<?xml version="1.0"?> |
<pet> |
<scintillator> |
<nofcrystalsx>9</nofcrystalsx> |
<nofcrystalsy>9</nofcrystalsy> |
<crystalpitchx>2.25</crystalpitchx> |
<crystalpitchy>2.25</crystalpitchy> |
</scintillator> |
<sensor> |
<modules>ini/modules.map</modules> |
<channels>ini/m16.map</channels> |
</sensor> |
<calibration> |
<sumpedestals>ini/sumpedestals.dat</sumpedestals> |
<pedestals>ini/pedestals_new.dat</pedestals> |
<photopeak>ini/fotovrh.dat</photopeak> |
<channelcalibration>ini/calibration_all.root</channelcalibration> |
<adcthreshold>300</adcthreshold> |
</calibration> |
</pet> |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/ini/fotovrh.dat |
0,0 → 1,64 |
0 3196.160841 |
1 1711.854801 |
2 1635.564402 |
3 1597.419203 |
4 1711.854801 |
5 1584.704136 |
6 1355.832941 |
7 1432.123339 |
8 1533.843871 |
9 1648.279469 |
10 1597.419203 |
11 1521.128804 |
12 1470.268539 |
13 1686.424668 |
14 1622.849336 |
15 1660.994535 |
16 2522.262320 |
17 2220.457458 |
18 2423.898521 |
19 2334.893056 |
20 2551.049185 |
21 2449.328654 |
22 2703.629982 |
23 2614.624517 |
24 2487.473853 |
25 2347.608122 |
26 2156.882126 |
27 2233.172524 |
28 2589.194384 |
29 2233.172524 |
30 1864.435598 |
31 1915.295864 |
32 2852.854047 |
33 1915.295864 |
34 1915.295864 |
35 2156.882126 |
36 1991.586262 |
37 1966.156129 |
38 1915.295864 |
39 1902.580797 |
40 1940.725996 |
41 1877.150664 |
42 1940.725996 |
43 1877.150664 |
44 1928.010930 |
45 1940.725996 |
46 1991.586262 |
47 1928.010930 |
48 2852.854047 |
49 2080.591727 |
50 1813.575332 |
51 1978.871196 |
52 2245.887591 |
53 2080.591727 |
54 1813.575332 |
55 1940.725996 |
56 1902.580797 |
57 1889.865731 |
58 1673.709601 |
59 1699.139734 |
60 1813.575332 |
61 1877.150664 |
62 1508.413738 |
63 1686.424668 |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/ini/m16.map |
0,0 → 1,17 |
15 0 0 |
14 0 1 |
13 1 0 |
12 1 1 |
11 0 3 |
10 0 2 |
9 1 3 |
8 1 2 |
7 2 3 |
6 2 2 |
5 3 3 |
4 3 2 |
3 2 0 |
2 2 1 |
1 3 0 |
0 3 1 |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/ini/m16_reverse.map |
0,0 → 1,17 |
0 0 0 |
1 0 1 |
2 1 0 |
3 1 1 |
4 0 3 |
5 0 2 |
6 1 3 |
7 1 2 |
8 2 3 |
9 2 2 |
10 3 3 |
11 3 2 |
12 2 0 |
13 2 1 |
14 3 0 |
15 3 1 |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/ini/modules.map |
0,0 → 1,5 |
#module ID (connector) r(mm) angle(deg) |
0 61 0 |
1 61 22.5 |
2 61 180 |
3 61 202.5 |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/ini/pedestals.dat |
0,0 → 1,64 |
0 339.764 |
1 356.526 |
2 328.481 |
3 283.352 |
4 307.915 |
5 365.996 |
6 316.9 |
7 316.175 |
8 348.054 |
9 338.349 |
10 385.901 |
11 342.318 |
12 353.552 |
13 348.903 |
14 340.133 |
15 335.819 |
16 337.356 |
17 334.646 |
18 322.328 |
19 320.371 |
20 304.205 |
21 347.213 |
22 336.6 |
23 325.069 |
24 351.203 |
25 347.073 |
26 307.865 |
27 285.498 |
28 332.387 |
29 325.668 |
30 352.567 |
31 343.887 |
32 360.176 |
33 328.103 |
34 337.231 |
35 324.995 |
36 294.699 |
37 354.216 |
38 304.069 |
39 369.572 |
40 375.065 |
41 347.03 |
42 341.669 |
43 311.298 |
44 338.887 |
45 322.734 |
46 388.779 |
47 320.116 |
48 323.118 |
49 350.691 |
50 344.091 |
51 334.575 |
52 349.252 |
53 351.313 |
54 338.096 |
55 330.029 |
56 348.157 |
57 304.036 |
58 300.07 |
59 304.476 |
60 307.644 |
61 296.693 |
62 327.384 |
63 345.163 |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/ini/pedestals_new.dat |
0,0 → 1,64 |
0 339.13 |
1 354.26 |
2 327.546 |
3 282.69 |
4 312.863 |
5 365.795 |
6 317.055 |
7 316.198 |
8 348.804 |
9 337.947 |
10 385.535 |
11 341.414 |
12 351.877 |
13 346.92 |
14 339.204 |
15 334.106 |
16 331.704 |
17 333.163 |
18 302.789 |
19 319.067 |
20 325.209 |
21 348.417 |
22 337.329 |
23 326.671 |
24 351.699 |
25 348.799 |
26 308.549 |
27 286.519 |
28 332.446 |
29 324.031 |
30 351.92 |
31 342.048 |
32 359.25 |
33 325.419 |
34 334.892 |
35 322.25 |
36 293.95 |
37 354.971 |
38 304.267 |
39 370.495 |
40 374.192 |
41 347.656 |
42 340.723 |
43 311.266 |
44 301.842 |
45 320.301 |
46 387.6 |
47 318.137 |
48 321.878 |
49 348.859 |
50 342.913 |
51 332.14 |
52 346.995 |
53 350.787 |
54 337.321 |
55 329.6 |
56 346.56 |
57 303.365 |
58 298.587 |
59 302.891 |
60 306.159 |
61 293.716 |
62 324.878 |
63 341.973 |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/ini/ph511.dat |
0,0 → 1,84 |
0 1700 |
1 1900 |
2 1680 |
3 1700 |
4 1870 |
5 1680 |
6 1430 |
7 1460 |
8 1680 |
9 1700 |
10 1713 |
11 1650 |
12 1630 |
13 1830 |
14 1750 |
15 1740 |
16 2440 |
17 2320 |
18 2640 |
19 2500 |
20 2790 |
21 2600 |
22 2900 |
23 2820 |
24 2660 |
25 2470 |
26 2310 |
27 2330 |
28 2817 |
29 2860 |
30 2140 |
31 2140 |
32 2120 |
33 2410 |
34 1990 |
35 2480 |
36 2200 |
37 2100 |
38 2040 |
39 2060 |
40 2090 |
41 1970 |
42 2032 |
43 1970 |
44 2054 |
45 2120 |
46 2076 |
47 1920 |
48 2206 |
49 2420 |
50 1930 |
51 2290 |
52 2400 |
53 2425 |
54 1950 |
55 2400 |
56 2076 |
57 2010 |
58 1792 |
59 1830 |
60 2000 |
61 2032 |
62 1640 |
63 1614 |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/ini/sumpedestals.dat |
0,0 → 1,4 |
0 5413.22 |
1 5264.29 |
2 5394.42 |
3 5261.11 |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/libxxusb.cpp |
0,0 → 1,1651 |
// libxxusb.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application. |
// |
#include <string.h> |
#include <malloc.h> |
#include "usb.h" |
#include "libxxusb.h" |
#include <time.h> |
// 03/09/06 Release 3.00 changes |
// 07/28/06 correction CAMAC write for F to be in range 16...23 |
// 10/09/06 correction CAMAC read for F to be in range <16 OR >23 |
// 10/16/06 CAMAC DGG corrected |
// 12/28/07 Open corrected for bug when calling register after opening |
/* |
******** xxusb_longstack_execute ************************ |
Executes stack array passed to the function and returns the data read from the VME bus |
Paramters: |
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function |
DataBuffer: pointer to the dual use buffer |
when calling , DataBuffer contains (unsigned short) stack data, with first word serving |
as a placeholder |
upon successful return, DataBuffer contains (unsigned short) VME data |
lDataLen: The number of bytes to be fetched from VME bus - not less than the actual number |
expected, or the function will return -5 code. For stack consisting only of write operations, |
lDataLen may be set to 1. |
timeout: The time in ms that should be spent tryimg to write data. |
Returns: |
When Successful, the number of bytes read from xxusb. |
Upon failure, a negative number |
Note: |
The function must pass a pointer to an array of unsigned integer stack data, in which the first word |
is left empty to serve as a placeholder. |
The function is intended for executing long stacks, up to 4 MBytes long, both "write" and "read" |
oriented, such as using multi-block transfer operations. |
Structure upon call: |
DataBuffer(0) = 0(don't care place holder) |
DataBuffer(1) = (unsigned short)StackLength bits 0-15 |
DataBuffer(2) = (unsigned short)StackLength bits 16-20 |
DataBuffer(3 - StackLength +2) (unsigned short) stack data |
StackLength represents the number of words following DataBuffer(1) word, thus the total number |
of words is StackLength+2 |
Structure upon return: |
DataBuffer(0 - (ReturnValue/2-1)) - (unsigned short)array of returned data when ReturnValue>0 |
*/ |
int xxusb_longstack_execute(usb_dev_handle *hDev, void *DataBuffer, int lDataLen, int timeout) |
{ |
int ret; |
char *cbuf; |
unsigned short *usbuf; |
int bufsize; |
cbuf = (char *)DataBuffer; |
usbuf = (unsigned short *)DataBuffer; |
cbuf[0]=12; |
cbuf[1]=0; |
bufsize = 2*(usbuf[1]+0x10000*usbuf[2])+4; |
ret=usb_bulk_write(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT, cbuf, bufsize, timeout); |
if (ret>0) |
ret=usb_bulk_read(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_IN, cbuf, lDataLen, timeout); |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** xxusb_bulk_read ************************ |
Reads the content of the usbfifo whenever "FIFO full" flag is set, |
otherwise times out. |
Paramters: |
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function |
DataBuffer: pointer to an array to store data that is read from the VME bus; |
the array may be declared as byte, unsigned short, or unsigned long |
lDatalen: The number of bytes to read from xxusb |
timeout: The time in ms that should be spent waiting for data. |
Returns: |
When Successful, the number of bytes read from xxusb. |
Upon failure, a negative number |
Note: |
Depending upon the actual need, the function may be used to return the data in a form |
of an array of bytes, unsigned short integers (16 bits), or unsigned long integers (32 bits). |
The latter option of passing a pointer to an array of unsigned long integers is meaningful when |
xxusb data buffering option is used (bit 7=128 of the global register) that requires data |
32-bit data alignment. |
*/ |
int xxusb_bulk_read(usb_dev_handle *hDev, void *DataBuffer, int lDataLen, int timeout) |
{ |
int ret; |
char *cbuf; |
cbuf = (char *)DataBuffer; |
ret = usb_bulk_read(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_IN, cbuf, lDataLen, timeout); |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** xxusb_bulk_write ************************ |
Writes the content of an array of bytes, unsigned short integers, or unsigned long integers |
to the USB port fifo; times out when the USB fifo is full (e.g., when xxusb is busy). |
Paramters: |
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function |
DataBuffer: pointer to an array storing the data to be sent; |
the array may be declared as byte, unsigned short, or unsigned long |
lDatalen: The number of bytes to to send to xxusb |
timeout: The time in ms that should be spent waiting for data. |
Returns: |
When Successful, the number of bytes passed to xxusb. |
Upon failure, a negative number |
Note: |
Depending upon the actual need, the function may be used to pass to xxusb the data in a form |
of an array of bytes, unsigned short integers (16 bits), or unsigned long integers (32 bits). |
*/ |
int xxusb_bulk_write(usb_dev_handle *hDev, void *DataBuffer, int lDataLen, int timeout) |
{ |
int ret; |
char *cbuf; |
cbuf = (char *)DataBuffer; |
ret = usb_bulk_write(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT, cbuf, lDataLen, timeout); |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** xxusb_usbfifo_read ************************ |
Reads data stored in the xxusb fifo and packs them in an array of long integers. |
Paramters: |
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function |
DataBuffer: pointer to an array of long to store data that is read |
the data occupy only the least significant 16 bits of the 32-bit data words |
lDatalen: The number of bytes to read from the xxusb |
timeout: The time in ms that should be spent waiting for data. |
Returns: |
When Successful, the number of bytes read from xxusb. |
Upon failure, a negative number |
Note: |
The function is not economical as it wastes half of the space required for storing |
the data received. Also, it is relatively slow, as it performs extensive data repacking. |
It is recommended to use xxusb_bulk_read with a pointer to an array of unsigned short |
integers. |
*/ |
int xxusb_usbfifo_read(usb_dev_handle *hDev, int *DataBuffer, int lDataLen, int timeout) |
{ |
int ret; |
char *cbuf; |
unsigned short *usbuf; |
int i; |
cbuf = (char *)DataBuffer; |
usbuf = (unsigned short *)DataBuffer; |
ret = usb_bulk_read(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_IN, cbuf, lDataLen, timeout); |
if (ret > 0) |
for (i=ret/2-1; i >= 0; i=i-1) |
{ |
usbuf[i*2]=usbuf[i]; |
usbuf[i*2+1]=0; |
} |
return ret; |
} |
//******************************************************// |
//******************* GENERAL XX_USB *******************// |
//******************************************************// |
// The following are functions used for both VM_USB & CC_USB |
/* |
******** xxusb_register_write ************************ |
Writes Data to the xxusb register selected by RedAddr. For |
acceptable values for RegData and RegAddr see the manual |
the module you are using. |
Parameters: |
hdev: usb device handle returned from open device |
RegAddr: The internal address if the xxusb |
RegData: The Data to be written to the register |
Returns: |
Number of bytes sent to xxusb if successful |
0 if the register is write only |
Negative numbers if the call fails |
*/ |
short xxusb_register_write(usb_dev_handle *hDev, short RegAddr, long RegData) |
{ |
long RegD; |
char buf[8]={5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; |
int ret; |
int lDataLen; |
int timeout; |
if ((RegAddr==0) || (RegAddr==12) || (RegAddr==15)) |
return 0; |
buf[2]=(char)(RegAddr & 15); |
buf[4]=(char)(RegData & 255); |
RegD = RegData >> 8; |
buf[5]=(char)(RegD & 255); |
RegD = RegD >>8; |
if (RegAddr==8) |
{ |
buf[6]=(char)(RegD & 255); |
lDataLen=8; |
} |
else |
lDataLen=6; |
timeout=10; |
ret=xxusb_bulk_write(hDev, buf, lDataLen, timeout); |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** xxusb_stack_write ************************ |
Writes a stack of VME/CAMAC calls to the VM_USB/CC_USB |
to be executed upon trigger. |
Parameters: |
hdev: usb device handle returned from an open function |
StackAddr: internal register to which the stack should be written |
lpStackData: Pointer to an array holding the stack |
Returns: |
The number of Bytes written to the xxusb when successful |
A negative number upon failure |
*/ |
short xxusb_stack_write(usb_dev_handle *hDev, short StackAddr, long *intbuf) |
{ |
int timeout; |
short ret; |
short lDataLen; |
char buf[2000]; |
short i; |
int bufsize; |
buf[0]=(char)((StackAddr & 51) + 4); |
buf[1]=0; |
lDataLen=(short)(intbuf[0] & 0xFFF); |
buf[2]=(char)(lDataLen & 255); |
lDataLen = lDataLen >> 8; |
buf[3] = (char)(lDataLen & 255); |
bufsize=intbuf[0]*2+4; |
if (intbuf[0]==0) |
return 0; |
for (i=1; i <= intbuf[0]; i++) |
{ |
buf[2+2*i] = (char)(intbuf[i] & 255); |
buf[3+2*i] = (char)((intbuf[i] >>8) & 255); |
} |
timeout=50; |
ret=usb_bulk_write(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT, buf, bufsize, timeout); |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** xxusb_stack_execute ********************** |
Writes, executes and returns the value of a DAQ stack. |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function |
intbuf: Pointer to an array holding the values stack. Upon return |
Pointer value is the Data returned from the stack. |
Returns: |
When successful, the number of Bytes read from xxusb |
Upon Failure, a negative number. |
*/ |
short xxusb_stack_execute(usb_dev_handle *hDev, long *intbuf) |
{ |
int timeout; |
short ret; |
short lDataLen; |
char buf[26700]; |
short i; |
int bufsize; |
int ii = 0; |
buf[0]=12; |
buf[1]=0; |
lDataLen=(short)(intbuf[0] & 0xFFF); |
buf[2]=(char)(lDataLen & 255); |
lDataLen = lDataLen >> 8; |
buf[3] = (char)(lDataLen & 15); |
bufsize=intbuf[0]*2+4; |
if (intbuf[0]==0) |
return 0; |
for (i=1; i <= intbuf[0]; i++) |
{ |
buf[2+2*i] = (char)(intbuf[i] & 255); |
buf[3+2*i] = (char)((intbuf[i] >>8) & 255); |
} |
timeout=2000; |
ret=usb_bulk_write(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT, buf, bufsize, timeout); |
if (ret>0) |
{ |
lDataLen=26700; |
timeout=6000; |
ret=usb_bulk_read(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_IN, buf, lDataLen, timeout); |
if (ret>0) |
for (i=0; i < ret; i=i+2) |
intbuf[ii++]=(UCHAR)(buf[i]) +(UCHAR)( buf[i+1])*256; |
} |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** xxusb_stack_read ************************ |
Reads the current DAQ stack stored by xxusb |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB device handle returned by an open function |
StackAddr: Indicates which stack to read, primary or secondary |
intbuf: Pointer to a array where the stack can be stored |
Returns: |
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short xxusb_stack_read(usb_dev_handle *hDev, short StackAddr, long *intbuf) |
{ |
int timeout; |
short ret; |
short lDataLen; |
short bufsize; |
char buf[1600]; |
int i; |
buf[0]=(char)(StackAddr & 51); |
buf[1]=0; |
lDataLen = 2; |
timeout=100; |
ret=usb_bulk_write(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT, buf, lDataLen, timeout); |
if (ret < 0) |
return ret; |
else |
bufsize=1600; |
int ii=0; |
{ |
ret=usb_bulk_read(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_IN, buf, bufsize, timeout); |
if (ret>0) |
for (i=0; i < ret; i=i+2) |
intbuf[ii++]=(UCHAR)(buf[i]) + (UCHAR)(buf[i+1])*256; |
return ret; |
} |
} |
/* |
******** xxusb_register_read ************************ |
Reads the current contents of an internal xxusb register |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function |
RegAddr: The internal address of the register from which to read |
RegData: Pointer to a long to hold the data. |
Returns: |
When Successful, the number of bytes read from xxusb. |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short xxusb_register_read(usb_dev_handle *hDev, short RegAddr, long *RegData) |
{ |
//long RegD; |
int timeout; |
char buf[4]={1,0,0,0}; |
int ret; |
int lDataLen; |
buf[2]=(char)(RegAddr & 15); |
timeout=10; |
lDataLen=4; |
ret=xxusb_bulk_write(hDev, buf, lDataLen, timeout); |
if (ret < 0) |
return (short)ret; |
else |
{ |
lDataLen=8; |
timeout=100; |
ret=xxusb_bulk_read(hDev, buf, lDataLen, timeout); |
if (ret<0) |
return (short)ret; |
else |
{ |
*RegData=(UCHAR)(buf[0])+256*(UCHAR)(buf[1]); |
if (ret==4) |
*RegData=*RegData+0x10000*(UCHAR)(buf[2]); |
return (short)ret; |
} |
} |
} |
/* |
******** xxusb_reset_toggle ************************ |
Toggles the reset state of the FPGA while the xxusb in programming mode |
Parameters |
hdev: US B device handle returned from an open function |
Returns: |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short xxusb_reset_toggle(usb_dev_handle *hDev) |
{ |
short ret; |
char buf[2] = {(char)255,(char)255}; |
int lDataLen=2; |
int timeout=1000; |
ret = usb_bulk_write(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT, buf,lDataLen, timeout); |
return (short)ret; |
} |
/* |
******** xxusb_devices_find ************************ |
Determines the number and parameters of all xxusb devices attched to |
the computer. |
Parameters: |
xxdev: pointer to an array on which the device parameters are stored |
Returns: |
Upon success, returns the number of devices found |
Upon Failure returns a negative number |
*/ |
short xxusb_devices_find(xxusb_device_type *xxdev) |
{ |
short DevFound = 0; |
usb_dev_handle *udev; |
struct usb_bus *bus; |
struct usb_device *dev; |
struct usb_bus *usb_busses; |
char string[256]; |
short ret; |
usb_init(); |
usb_find_busses(); |
usb_busses=usb_get_busses(); |
usb_find_devices(); |
for (bus=usb_busses; bus; bus = bus->next) |
{ |
for (dev = bus->devices; dev; dev= dev->next) |
{ |
if (dev->descriptor.idVendor==XXUSB_WIENER_VENDOR_ID) |
{ |
udev = usb_open(dev); |
if (udev) |
{ |
ret = usb_get_string_simple(udev, dev->descriptor.iSerialNumber, string, sizeof(string)); |
if (ret >0 ) |
{ |
xxdev[DevFound].usbdev=dev; |
strcpy(xxdev[DevFound].SerialString, string); |
DevFound++; |
} |
usb_close(udev); |
} |
else return -1; |
} |
} |
} |
return DevFound; |
} |
/* |
******** xxusb_device_close ************************ |
Closes an xxusb device |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function |
Returns: 1 |
*/ |
short xxusb_device_close(usb_dev_handle *hDev) |
{ |
short ret; |
ret=usb_release_interface(hDev,0); |
usb_close(hDev); |
return 1; |
} |
/* |
******** xxusb_device_open ************************ |
Opens an xxusb device found by xxusb_device_find |
Parameters: |
dev: a usb device |
Returns: |
A USB device handle |
*/ |
usb_dev_handle* xxusb_device_open(struct usb_device *dev) |
{ |
short ret; |
long val; |
int count =0; |
usb_dev_handle *udev; |
udev = usb_open(dev); |
ret = usb_set_configuration(udev,1); |
ret = usb_claim_interface(udev,0); |
// RESET USB (added 10/16/06 Andreas Ruben) |
ret=xxusb_register_write(udev, 10, 0x04); |
// Loop to find known state (added 12/28/07 TH / AR) |
ret =-1; |
while ((ret <0) && (count <10)) |
{ |
xxusb_register_read(udev, 0, &val); |
count++; |
} |
return udev; |
} |
/* |
******** xxusb_flash_program ************************ |
--Untested and therefore uncommented-- |
*/ |
short xxusb_flash_program(usb_dev_handle *hDev, char *config, short nsect) |
{ |
int i=0; |
int k=0; |
short ret=0; |
time_t t1,t2; |
char *pconfig; |
char *pbuf; |
pconfig=config; |
char buf[518] ={(char)0xAA,(char)0xAA,(char)0x55,(char)0x55,(char)0xA0,(char)0xA0}; |
while (*pconfig++ != -1); |
for (i=0; i<nsect; i++) |
{ |
pbuf=buf+6; |
for (k=0; k<256; k++) |
{ |
*(pbuf++)=*(pconfig); |
*(pbuf++)=*(pconfig++); |
} |
ret = usb_bulk_write(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT, buf, 518, 2000); |
if (ret<0) |
return ret; |
t1=clock()+(time_t)(0.03*CLOCKS_PER_SEC); |
while (t1>clock()); |
t2=clock(); |
} |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** xxusb_flashblock_program ************************ |
--Untested and therefore uncommented-- |
*/ |
short xxusb_flashblock_program(usb_dev_handle *hDev, UCHAR *config) |
{ |
int k=0; |
short ret=0; |
UCHAR *pconfig; |
char *pbuf; |
pconfig=config; |
char buf[518] ={(char)0xAA,(char)0xAA,(char)0x55,(char)0x55,(char)0xA0,(char)0xA0}; |
pbuf=buf+6; |
for (k=0; k<256; k++) |
{ |
*(pbuf++)=(UCHAR)(*(pconfig)); |
*(pbuf++)=(UCHAR)(*(pconfig++)); |
} |
ret = usb_bulk_write(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT, buf, 518, 2000); |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** xxusb_serial_open ************************ |
Opens a xxusb device whose serial number is given |
Parameters: |
SerialString: a char string that gives the serial number of |
the device you wish to open. It takes the form: |
VM0009 - for a vm_usb with serial number 9 or |
CC0009 - for a cc_usb with serial number 9 |
Returns: |
A USB device handle |
*/ |
usb_dev_handle* xxusb_serial_open(char *SerialString) |
{ |
short DevFound = 0; |
usb_dev_handle *udev = NULL; |
struct usb_bus *bus; |
struct usb_device *dev; |
struct usb_bus *usb_busses; |
char string[7]; |
short ret; |
// usb_set_debug(4); |
usb_init(); |
usb_find_busses(); |
usb_busses=usb_get_busses(); |
usb_find_devices(); |
for (bus=usb_busses; bus; bus = bus->next) |
{ |
for (dev = bus->devices; dev; dev= dev->next) |
{ |
if (dev->descriptor.idVendor==XXUSB_WIENER_VENDOR_ID) |
{ |
udev = xxusb_device_open(dev); |
if (udev) |
{ |
ret = usb_get_string_simple(udev, dev->descriptor.iSerialNumber, string, sizeof(string)); |
if (ret >0 ) |
{ |
if (strcmp(string,SerialString)==0) |
return udev; |
} |
usb_close(udev); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
udev = NULL; |
return udev; |
} |
//******************************************************// |
//****************** EZ_VME Functions ******************// |
//******************************************************// |
// The following are functions used to perform simple |
// VME Functions with the VM_USB |
/* |
******** VME_write_32 ************************ |
Writes a 32 bit data word to the VME bus |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function |
Address_Modifier: VME address modifier for the VME call |
VME_Address: Address to write the data to |
Data: 32 bit data word to be written to VME_Address |
Returns: |
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short VME_write_32(usb_dev_handle *hdev, short Address_Modifier, long VME_Address, long Data) |
{ |
long intbuf[1000]; |
short ret; |
intbuf[0]=7; |
intbuf[1]=0; |
intbuf[2]=Address_Modifier; |
intbuf[3]=0; |
intbuf[4]=(VME_Address & 0xffff); |
intbuf[5]=((VME_Address >>16) & 0xffff); |
intbuf[6]=(Data & 0xffff); |
intbuf[7]=((Data >> 16) & 0xffff); |
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf); |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** VME_read_32 ************************ |
Reads a 32 bit data word from a VME address |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function |
Address_Modifier: VME address modifier for the VME call |
VME_Address: Address to read the data from |
Data: 32 bit data word read from VME_Address |
Returns: |
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short VME_read_32(usb_dev_handle *hdev, short Address_Modifier, long VME_Address, long *Data) |
{ |
long intbuf[1000]; |
short ret; |
intbuf[0]=5; |
intbuf[1]=0; |
intbuf[2]=Address_Modifier +0x100; |
intbuf[3]=0; |
intbuf[4]=(VME_Address & 0xffff); |
intbuf[5]=((VME_Address >>16) & 0xffff); |
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf); |
*Data=intbuf[0] + (intbuf[1] * 0x10000); |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** VME_write_16 ************************ |
Writes a 16 bit data word to the VME bus |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function |
Address_Modifier: VME address modifier for the VME call |
VME_Address: Address to write the data to |
Data: word to be written to VME_Address |
Returns: |
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short VME_write_16(usb_dev_handle *hdev, short Address_Modifier, long VME_Address, long Data) |
{ |
long intbuf[1000]; |
short ret; |
intbuf[0]=7; |
intbuf[1]=0; |
intbuf[2]=Address_Modifier; |
intbuf[3]=0; |
intbuf[4]=(VME_Address & 0xffff)+ 0x01; |
intbuf[5]=((VME_Address >>16) & 0xffff); |
intbuf[6]=(Data & 0xffff); |
intbuf[7]=0; |
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf); |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** VME_read_16 ************************ |
Reads a 16 bit data word from a VME address |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function |
Address_Modifier: VME address modifier for the VME call |
VME_Address: Address to read the data from |
Data: word read from VME_Address |
Returns: |
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short VME_read_16(usb_dev_handle *hdev,short Address_Modifier, long VME_Address, long *Data) |
{ |
long intbuf[1000]; |
short ret; |
intbuf[0]=5; |
intbuf[1]=0; |
intbuf[2]=Address_Modifier +0x100; |
intbuf[3]=0; |
intbuf[4]=(VME_Address & 0xffff)+ 0x01; |
intbuf[5]=((VME_Address >>16) & 0xffff); |
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf); |
*Data=intbuf[0]; |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** VME_BLT_read_32 ************************ |
Performs block transfer of 32 bit words from a VME address |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function |
Address_Modifier: VME address modifier for the VME call |
count: number of data words to read |
VME_Address: Address to read the data from |
Data: pointer to an array to hold the data words |
Returns: |
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short VME_BLT_read_32(usb_dev_handle *hdev, short Adress_Modifier, int count, long VME_Address, long Data[]) |
{ |
long intbuf[1000]; |
short ret; |
int i=0; |
if (count > 255) return -1; |
intbuf[0]=5; |
intbuf[1]=0; |
intbuf[2]=Adress_Modifier +0x100; |
intbuf[3]=(count << 8); |
intbuf[4]=(VME_Address & 0xffff); |
intbuf[5]=((VME_Address >>16) & 0xffff); |
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf); |
int j=0; |
for (i=0;i<(2*count);i=i+2) |
{ |
Data[j]=intbuf[i] + (intbuf[i+1] * 0x10000); |
j++; |
} |
return ret; |
} |
//******************************************************// |
//****************** VM_USB Registers ******************// |
//******************************************************// |
// The following are functions used to set the registers |
// in the VM_USB |
/* |
******** VME_register_write ************************ |
Writes to the vmusb registers that are accessible through |
VME style calls |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function |
VME_Address: The VME Address of the internal register |
Data: Data to be written to VME_Address |
Returns: |
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short VME_register_write(usb_dev_handle *hdev, long VME_Address, long Data) |
{ |
long intbuf[1000]; |
short ret; |
intbuf[0]=7; |
intbuf[1]=0; |
intbuf[2]=0x1000; |
intbuf[3]=0; |
intbuf[4]=(VME_Address & 0xffff); |
intbuf[5]=((VME_Address >>16) & 0xffff); |
intbuf[6]=(Data & 0xffff); |
intbuf[7]=((Data >> 16) & 0xffff); |
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf); |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** VME_register_read ************************ |
Reads from the vmusb registers that are accessible trough VME style calls |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function |
VME_Address: The VME Address of the internal register |
Data: Data read from VME_Address |
Returns: |
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short VME_register_read(usb_dev_handle *hdev, long VME_Address, long *Data) |
{ |
long intbuf[1000]; |
short ret; |
intbuf[0]=5; |
intbuf[1]=0; |
intbuf[2]=0x1100; |
intbuf[3]=0; |
intbuf[4]=(VME_Address & 0xffff); |
intbuf[5]=((VME_Address >>16) & 0xffff); |
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf); |
*Data=intbuf[0] + (intbuf[1] * 0x10000); |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** VME_LED_settings ************************ |
Sets the vmusb LED's |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function |
LED: The number which corresponds to an LED values are: |
0 - for Top YELLOW LED |
1 - for RED LED |
2 - for GREEN LED |
3 - for Bottom YELLOW LED |
code: The LED aource selector code, valid values for each LED |
are listed in the manual |
invert: to invert the LED lighting |
latch: sets LED latch bit |
Returns: |
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short VME_LED_settings(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int LED, int code, int invert, int latch) |
{ |
short ret; |
// long internal; |
long Data; |
if( (LED <0) ||(LED > 3) || (code < 0) || (code > 7)) return -1; |
VME_register_read(hdev,0xc,&Data); |
if(LED == 0) |
{ |
Data = Data & 0xFFFFFF00; |
Data = Data | code; |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x18; |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0) Data = Data | 0x08; |
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x10; |
} |
if(LED == 1) |
{ |
Data = Data & 0xFFFF00FF; |
Data = Data | (code * 0x0100); |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x1800; |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0) Data = Data | 0x0800; |
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x1000; |
} |
if(LED == 2) |
{ |
Data = Data & 0xFF00FFFF; |
Data = Data | (code * 0x10000); |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x180000; |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0) Data = Data | 0x080000; |
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x100000; |
} |
if(LED == 3) |
{ |
Data = Data & 0x00FFFFFF; |
Data = Data | (code * 0x10000); |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x18000000; |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0) Data = Data | 0x08000000; |
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x10000000; |
} |
ret = VME_register_write(hdev, 0xc, Data); |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** VME_DGG ************************ |
Sets the parameters for Gate & Delay channel A of vmusb |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function |
channel: Which DGG channel to use Valid Values are: |
0 - For DGG A |
1 - For DGG B |
trigger: Determines what triggers the start of the DGG Valid values are: |
0 - Channel disabled |
1 - NIM input 1 |
2 - NIM input 2 |
3 - Event Trigger |
4 - End of Event |
5 - USB Trigger |
6 - Pulser |
output: Determines which NIM output to use for the channel, Vaild values are: |
0 - for NIM O1 |
1 - for NIM O2 |
delay: 32 bit word consisting of |
lower 16 bits: Delay_fine in steps of 12.5ns between trigger and start of gate |
upper 16 bits: Delay_coarse in steps of 81.7us between trigger and start of gate |
gate: the time the gate should stay open in steps of 12.5ns |
invert: is 1 if you wish to invert the DGG channel output |
latch: is 1 if you wish to run the DGG channel latched |
Returns: |
Returns 1 when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short VME_DGG(usb_dev_handle *hdev, unsigned short channel, unsigned short trigger, unsigned short output, |
long delay, unsigned short gate, unsigned short invert, unsigned short latch) |
{ |
long Data, DGData, Delay_ext; |
long internal; |
short ret; |
ret = VME_register_read(hdev, 0x10, &Data); |
// check and correct values |
if(ret<=0) return -1; |
if(channel >1) channel =1; |
if(invert >1) invert =1; |
if(latch >1) latch =1; |
if(output >1) output =1; |
if(trigger >6) trigger =0; |
// define Delay and Gate data |
DGData = gate * 0x10000; |
DGData += (unsigned short) delay; |
// Set channel, output, invert, latch |
if (output == 0) |
{ |
Data = Data & 0xFFFFFF00; |
Data += 0x04 + channel +0x08*invert + 0x10*latch; |
} |
if (output == 1) |
{ |
Data = Data & 0xFFFF00FF; |
Data += (0x04 + channel +0x08*invert + 0x10*latch)*0x100; |
} |
// Set trigger, delay, gate |
if(channel ==0) // CHANNEL DGG_A |
{ |
internal = (trigger * 0x1000000) ; |
Data= Data & 0xF0FFFFFF; |
Data += internal; |
ret = VME_register_write(hdev,0x10,Data); |
if(ret<=0) return -1; |
ret=VME_register_write(hdev,0x14,DGData); |
if(ret<=0) return -1; |
// Set coarse delay in DGG_Extended register |
ret = VME_register_read(hdev,0x38,&Data); |
Delay_ext= (Data & 0xffff0000); |
Delay_ext+= ((delay/0x10000) & 0xffff); |
ret = VME_register_write(hdev,0x38,Delay_ext); |
} |
if( channel ==1) // CHANNEL DGG_B |
{ |
internal = (trigger * 0x10000000) ; |
Data= Data & 0x0FFFFFFF; |
Data += internal; |
ret = VME_register_write(hdev,0x10,Data); |
if(ret<=0) return -1; |
ret=VME_register_write(hdev,0x18,DGData); |
if(ret<=0) return -1; |
// Set coarse delay in DGG_Extended register |
ret = VME_register_read(hdev,0x38,&Data); |
Delay_ext= (Data & 0x0000ffff); |
Delay_ext+= (delay & 0xffff0000); |
ret = VME_register_write(hdev,0x38,Delay_ext); |
} |
return 1; |
} |
/* |
******** VME_Output_settings ************************ |
Sets the vmusb NIM output register |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function |
Channel: The number which corresponds to an output: |
1 - for Output 1 |
2 - for Output 2 |
code: The Output selector code, valid values |
are listed in the manual |
invert: to invert the output |
latch: sets latch bit |
Returns: |
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short VME_Output_settings(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int Channel, int code, int invert, int latch) |
{ |
short ret; |
// long internal; |
long Data; |
if( (Channel <1) ||(Channel > 2) || (code < 0) || (code > 7)) return -1; |
VME_register_read(hdev,0x10,&Data); |
if(Channel == 1) |
{ |
Data = Data & 0xFFFF00; |
Data = Data | code; |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x18; |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0) Data = Data | 0x08; |
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x10; |
} |
if(Channel == 2) |
{ |
Data = Data & 0xFF00FF; |
Data = Data | (code * 0x0100); |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x1800; |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0) Data = Data | 0x0800; |
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x1000; |
} |
ret = VME_register_write(hdev, 0x10, Data); |
return ret; |
} |
//******************************************************// |
//****************** CC_USB Registers ******************// |
//******************************************************// |
// The following are functions used to set the registers |
// in the CAMAC_USB |
/* |
******** CAMAC_register_write ***************** |
Performs a CAMAC write to CC_USB register |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function |
A: CAMAC Subaddress |
F: CAMAC Function |
Data: data to be written |
Returns: |
Number of bytes written to xxusb when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short CAMAC_register_write(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int A, long Data) |
{ |
int F = 16; |
int N = 25; |
long intbuf[4]; |
int ret; |
intbuf[0]=1; |
intbuf[1]=(long)(F+A*32+N*512 + 0x4000); |
intbuf[0]=3; |
intbuf[2]=(Data & 0xffff); |
intbuf[3]=((Data >>16) & 0xffff); |
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf); |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** CAMAC_register_read ************************ |
Performs a CAMAC read from CC_USB register |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function |
N: CAMAC Station Number |
A: CAMAC Subaddress |
F: CAMAC Function |
Q: The Q response from the CAMAC dataway |
X: The comment accepted response from CAMAC dataway |
Returns: |
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short CAMAC_register_read(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int A, long *Data) |
{ |
int F = 0; |
int N = 25; |
long intbuf[4]; |
int ret; |
intbuf[0]=1; |
intbuf[1]=(long)(F+A*32+N*512 + 0x4000); |
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf); |
*Data=intbuf[0] + (intbuf[1] * 0x10000); |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** CAMAC_DGG ************************ |
Sets the parameters for Gate & Delay channel A of CC_USB |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function |
channel: Which DGG channel to use Valid Values are: |
0 - For DGG A |
1 - For DGG B |
trigger: Determines what triggers the start of the DGG Valid values are: |
0 - Channel disabled |
1 - NIM input 1 |
2 - NIM input 2 |
3 - NIM input 2 |
4 - Event Trigger |
5 - End of Event |
6 - USB Trigger |
7 - Pulser |
output: Determines which NIM output to use for the channel, Vaild values are: |
1 - for NIM O1 |
2 - for NIM O2 |
3 - for NIM O3 |
delay: Delay in steps of 12.5ns between trigger and start of gate |
gate: the time the gate should stay open in steps of 12.5ns |
invert: is 1 if you wish to invert the DGG channel output |
latch: is 1 if you wish to run the DGG channel latched |
Returns: |
Returns 1 when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short CAMAC_DGG(usb_dev_handle *hdev, short channel, short trigger, short output, |
int delay, int gate, short invert, short latch) |
{ |
// short channel_ID; |
long Data; |
long internal; |
short ret; |
long Delay_ext; |
ret = CAMAC_register_read(hdev,5,&Data); |
//Set trigger |
if((output < 1 ) || (output >3) || (channel < 0 ) || (channel > 1)) |
return -1; |
if(output ==1) |
{ |
if(channel ==0) |
{ |
internal = 0x03; |
} else { |
internal = 0x04; |
} |
} |
if(output ==2) |
{ |
if(channel ==0) |
{ |
internal = 0x04; |
} else { |
internal = 0x05; |
} |
} |
if(output ==3) |
{ |
if(channel ==0) |
{ |
internal = 0x05; |
} else { |
internal = 0x06; |
} |
} |
// Set invert bit |
if(invert ==1) |
internal = internal | 0x10; |
else |
internal = internal & 0x0F; |
// Set Latch Bit |
if(latch==1) |
internal = internal | 0x20; |
else |
internal = internal & 0x1F; |
// Add new data to old |
if(output == 1) |
{ |
Data = Data & 0xFFFF00; |
Data = Data | internal; |
} |
if(output == 2) |
{ |
Data = Data & 0xFF00FF; |
Data = Data |(internal * 0x100); |
} |
if(output == 3) |
{ |
Data = Data & 0x00FFFF; |
Data = Data | (internal * 0x10000) ; |
} |
CAMAC_register_write(hdev, 5, Data); |
ret = CAMAC_register_read(hdev,6,&Data); |
//Set Trigger |
if(trigger <0 || trigger > 7) |
return -1; |
if(channel ==0) |
{ |
Data = Data & 0xFF00FFFF; |
internal = trigger * 0x10000; |
Data = Data | internal; |
} else { |
Data = Data & 0x00FFFFFF; |
internal = trigger * 0x1000000; |
Data = Data | internal; |
} |
ret = CAMAC_register_write(hdev, 6, Data); |
if(channel == 0) |
{ |
// Write Delay and Gate info |
ret = CAMAC_register_read(hdev,13,&Data); |
Delay_ext= (Data & 0xffff0000); |
Delay_ext+= ((delay/0x10000) & 0xffff); |
internal = gate * 0x10000; |
Data = internal + (delay & 0xffff); |
ret=CAMAC_register_write(hdev,7,Data); |
// Set coarse delay in DGG_Extended register |
ret=CAMAC_register_write(hdev,13,Delay_ext); |
} |
else |
{ |
ret=CAMAC_register_write(hdev,8,Data); |
ret = CAMAC_register_read(hdev,13,&Data); |
Delay_ext= (Data & 0x0000ffff); |
Delay_ext+= (delay & 0xffff0000); |
internal = gate * 0x10000; |
Data = internal + (delay & 0xffff); |
// Set coarse delay in DGG_Extended register |
ret=CAMAC_register_write(hdev,13,Delay_ext); |
} |
return 1; |
} |
/* |
******** CAMAC_LED_settings ************************ |
Writes a data word to the vmusb LED register |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function |
LED: The number which corresponds to an LED values are: |
1 - for RED LED |
2 - for GREEN LED |
3 - for Yellow LED |
code: The LED aource selector code, valid values for each LED |
are listed in the manual |
invert: to invert the LED lighting |
latch: sets LED latch bit |
Returns: |
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short CAMAC_LED_settings(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int LED, int code, int invert, int latch) |
{ |
short ret; |
// long internal; |
long Data; |
if( (LED <1) ||(LED > 3) || (code < 0) || (code > 7)) |
return -1; |
CAMAC_register_read(hdev,4,&Data); |
if(LED == 1) |
{ |
Data = Data & 0xFFFF00; |
Data = Data | code; |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1) |
Data = Data | 0x30; |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0) |
Data = Data | 0x10; |
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1) |
Data = Data | 0x20; |
} |
if(LED == 2) |
{ |
Data = Data & 0xFF00FF; |
Data = Data | (code * 0x0100); |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1) |
Data = Data | 0x3000; |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0) |
Data = Data | 0x1000; |
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1) |
Data = Data | 0x2000; |
} |
if(LED == 3) |
{ |
Data = Data & 0x00FFFF; |
Data = Data | (code * 0x10000); |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1) |
Data = Data | 0x300000; |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0) |
Data = Data | 0x100000; |
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1) |
Data = Data | 0x200000; |
} |
ret = CAMAC_register_write(hdev, 4, Data); |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** CAMAC_Output_settings ************************ |
Writes a data word to the vmusb LED register |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function |
Channel: The number which corresponds to an output: |
1 - for Output 1 |
2 - for Output 2 |
3 - for Output 3 |
code: The Output selector code, valid values |
are listed in the manual |
invert: to invert the output |
latch: sets latch bit |
Returns: |
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short CAMAC_Output_settings(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int Channel, int code, int invert, int latch) |
{ |
short ret; |
// long internal; |
long Data; |
if( (Channel <1) ||(Channel > 3) || (code < 0) || (code > 7)) |
return -1; |
CAMAC_register_read(hdev,5,&Data); |
if(Channel == 1) |
{ |
Data = Data & 0xFFFF00; |
Data = Data | code; |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1) |
Data = Data | 0x30; |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0) |
Data = Data | 0x10; |
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1) |
Data = Data | 0x20; |
} |
if(Channel == 2) |
{ |
Data = Data & 0xFF00FF; |
Data = Data | (code * 0x0100); |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1) |
Data = Data | 0x3000; |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0) |
Data = Data | 0x1000; |
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1) |
Data = Data | 0x2000; |
} |
if(Channel == 3) |
{ |
Data = Data & 0x00FFFF; |
Data = Data | (code * 0x10000); |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1) |
Data = Data | 0x300000; |
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0) |
Data = Data | 0x100000; |
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1) |
Data = Data | 0x200000; |
} |
ret = CAMAC_register_write(hdev, 5, Data); |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** CAMAC_write_LAM_mask ************************ |
Writes the data word to the LAM mask register |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function |
Data: LAM mask to write |
Returns: |
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short CAMAC_write_LAM_mask(usb_dev_handle *hdev, long Data) |
{ |
short ret; |
ret = CAMAC_register_write(hdev, 9, Data); |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** CAMAC_read_LAM_mask ************************ |
Writes the data word to the LAM mask register |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function |
Data: LAM mask to write |
Returns: |
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short CAMAC_read_LAM_mask(usb_dev_handle *hdev, long *Data) |
{ |
long intbuf[4]; |
int ret; |
int N = 25; |
int F = 0; |
int A = 9; |
// CAMAC direct read function |
intbuf[0]=1; |
intbuf[1]=(long)(F+A*32+N*512 + 0x4000); |
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf); |
*Data=intbuf[0] + (intbuf[1] & 255) * 0x10000; |
return ret; |
} |
//******************************************************// |
//**************** EZ_CAMAC Functions ******************// |
//******************************************************// |
// The following are functions used to perform simple |
// CAMAC Functions with the CC_USB |
/* |
******** CAMAC_write ************************ |
Performs a CAMAC write using NAF comments |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function |
N: CAMAC Station Number |
A: CAMAC Subaddress |
F: CAMAC Function (16...23) |
Q: The Q response from the CAMAC dataway |
X: The comment accepted response from CAMAC dataway |
Returns: |
Number of bytes written to xxusb when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short CAMAC_write(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int N, int A, int F, long Data, int *Q, int *X) |
{ |
long intbuf[4]; |
int ret; |
// CAMAC direct write function |
intbuf[0]=1; |
intbuf[1]=(long)(F+A*32+N*512 + 0x4000); |
if ((F > 15) && (F < 24)) |
{ |
intbuf[0]=3; |
intbuf[2]=(Data & 0xffff); |
intbuf[3]=((Data >>16) & 255); |
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf); |
*Q = (intbuf[0] & 1); |
*X = ((intbuf[0] >> 1) & 1); |
} |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** CAMAC_read ************************ |
Performs a CAMAC read using NAF comments |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function |
N: CAMAC Station Number |
A: CAMAC Subaddress |
F: CAMAC Function (F<16 or F>23) |
Q: The Q response from the CAMAC dataway |
X: The comment accepted response from CAMAC dataway |
Returns: |
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short CAMAC_read(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int N, int A, int F, long *Data, int *Q, int *X) |
{ |
long intbuf[4]; |
int ret; |
// CAMAC direct read function |
intbuf[0]=1; |
intbuf[1]=(long)(F+A*32+N*512 + 0x4000); |
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf); |
if ((F < 16) || (F >23)) |
{ |
*Data=intbuf[0] + (intbuf[1] & 255) * 0x10000; //24-bit word |
*Q = ((intbuf[1] >> 8) & 1); |
*X = ((intbuf[1] >> 9) & 1); |
} |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** CAMAC_Z ************************ |
Performs a CAMAC init |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function |
Returns: |
Number of bytes written to xxusb when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short CAMAC_Z(usb_dev_handle *hdev) |
{ |
long intbuf[4]; |
int ret; |
// CAMAC Z = N(28) A(8) F(29) |
intbuf[0]=1; |
intbuf[1]=(long)(29+8*32+28*512 + 0x4000); |
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf); |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** CAMAC_C ************************ |
Performs a CAMAC clear |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function |
Returns: |
Number of bytes written to xxusb when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short CAMAC_C(usb_dev_handle *hdev) |
{ |
long intbuf[4]; |
int ret; |
intbuf[0]=1; |
intbuf[1]=(long)(29+9*32+28*512 + 0x4000); |
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf); |
return ret; |
} |
/* |
******** CAMAC_I ************************ |
Set CAMAC inhibit |
Parameters: |
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function |
Returns: |
Number of bytes written to xxusb when successful |
Upon failure, a negative number |
*/ |
short CAMAC_I(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int inhibit) |
{ |
long intbuf[4]; |
int ret; |
intbuf[0]=1; |
if (inhibit) intbuf[1]=(long)(24+9*32+29*512 + 0x4000); |
else intbuf[1]=(long)(26+9*32+29*512 + 0x4000); |
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf); |
return ret; |
} |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/libxxusb.dll |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes: |
Added: svn:mime-type |
+application/octet-stream |
\ No newline at end of property |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/libxxusb.h |
0,0 → 1,111 |
#include <usb.h> |
#define XXUSB_WIENER_VENDOR_ID 0x16DC /* Wiener, Plein & Baus */ |
#define XXUSB_VMUSB_PRODUCT_ID 0x000B /* VM-USB */ |
#define XXUSB_CCUSB_PRODUCT_ID 0x0001 /* CC-USB */ |
#define XXUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT 2 /* Endpoint 2 Out*/ |
#define XXUSB_ENDPOINT_IN 0x86 /* Endpoint 6 In */ |
#define XXUSB_NAF_DIRECT 12 |
struct XXUSB_STACK |
{ |
long Data; |
short Hit; |
short APatt; |
short Num; |
short HitMask; |
}; |
{ |
short Crate; |
short F; |
short A; |
short N; |
long Data; |
short NoS2; |
short LongD; |
short HitPatt; |
short QStop; |
short LAMMode; |
short UseHit; |
short Repeat; |
short AddrScan; |
short FastCam; |
short NumMod; |
short AddrPatt; |
long HitMask[4]; |
long Num; |
}; |
struct xxusb_device_typ |
{ |
struct usb_device *usbdev; |
char SerialString[7]; |
}; |
typedef struct xxusb_device_typ xxusb_device_type; |
typedef unsigned char UCHAR; |
typedef struct usb_bus usb_busx; |
int xxusb_longstack_execute(usb_dev_handle *hDev, void *DataBuffer, int lDataLen, int timeout); |
int xxusb_bulk_read(usb_dev_handle *hDev, void *DataBuffer, int lDataLen, int timeout); |
int xxusb_bulk_write(usb_dev_handle *hDev, void *DataBuffer, int lDataLen, int timeout); |
int xxusb_usbfifo_read(usb_dev_handle *hDev, int *DataBuffer, int lDataLen, int timeout); |
short xxusb_register_read(usb_dev_handle *hDev, short RegAddr, long *RegData); |
short xxusb_stack_read(usb_dev_handle *hDev, short StackAddr, long *StackData); |
short xxusb_stack_write(usb_dev_handle *hDev, short StackAddr, long *StackData); |
short xxusb_stack_execute(usb_dev_handle *hDev, long *StackData); |
short xxusb_register_write(usb_dev_handle *hDev, short RegAddr, long RegData); |
short xxusb_reset_toggle(usb_dev_handle *hDev); |
short xxusb_devices_find(xxusb_device_type *xxusbDev); |
short xxusb_device_close(usb_dev_handle *hDev); |
usb_dev_handle* xxusb_device_open(struct usb_device *dev); |
short xxusb_flash_program(usb_dev_handle *hDev, char *config, short nsect); |
short xxusb_flashblock_program(usb_dev_handle *hDev, UCHAR *config); |
usb_dev_handle* xxusb_serial_open(char *SerialString); |
short VME_register_write(usb_dev_handle *hdev, long VME_Address, long Data); |
short VME_register_read(usb_dev_handle *hdev, long VME_Address, long *Data); |
short VME_LED_settings(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int LED, int code, int invert, int latch); |
short VME_DGG(usb_dev_handle *hdev, unsigned short channel, unsigned short trigger,unsigned short output, long delay, unsigned short gate, unsigned short invert, unsigned short latch); |
short VME_Output_settings(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int Channel, int code, int invert, int latch); |
short VME_read_16(usb_dev_handle *hdev,short Address_Modifier, long VME_Address, long *Data); |
short VME_read_32(usb_dev_handle *hdev, short Address_Modifier, long VME_Address, long *Data); |
short VME_BLT_read_32(usb_dev_handle *hdev, short Address_Modifier, int count, long VME_Address, long Data[]); |
short VME_write_16(usb_dev_handle *hdev, short Address_Modifier, long VME_Address, long Data); |
short VME_write_32(usb_dev_handle *hdev, short Address_Modifier, long VME_Address, long Data); |
short CAMAC_DGG(usb_dev_handle *hdev, short channel, short trigger, short output, int delay, int gate, short invert, short latch); |
short CAMAC_register_read(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int A, long *Data); |
short CAMAC_register_write(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int A, long Data); |
short CAMAC_LED_settings(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int LED, int code, int invert, int latch); |
short CAMAC_Output_settings(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int Channel, int code, int invert, int latch); |
short CAMAC_read_LAM_mask(usb_dev_handle *hdev, long *Data); |
short CAMAC_write_LAM_mask(usb_dev_handle *hdev, long Data); |
short CAMAC_write(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int N, int A, int F, long Data, int *Q, int *X); |
short CAMAC_read(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int N, int A, int F, long *Data, int *Q, int *X); |
short CAMAC_Z(usb_dev_handle *hdev); |
short CAMAC_C(usb_dev_handle *hdev); |
short CAMAC_I(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int inhibit); |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/libxxusb.lib |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes: |
Added: svn:mime-type |
+application/octet-stream |
\ No newline at end of property |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/petdemo.c |
0,0 → 1,511 |
#include "H2D.h" |
#include "H1D.h" |
#include "inifile.h" |
#include <utility.h> |
#include <ansi_c.h> |
#include <cvirte.h> |
#include <userint.h> |
#include "petdemo_uir.h" |
#include "daq.h" |
#include "PETProjDataMgr.h" |
#include <math.h> |
#define uSMC_USB |
#ifdef uSMC_USB |
# include "uSMC.h" |
# define uSMC_SERIAL "0000000000005660" |
const char serials[3][16]= {uSMC_SERIAL}; |
#endif /* uSMC_USB */ |
static int node; |
static int CurPos = 0; |
int p1; |
#define MAX_THREADS 10 |
static CmtThreadPoolHandle poolHandle = 0; |
int ctrl_c=0; |
int daq_on=0; |
int gadcchannel; |
static int tfID; |
static int controlID; |
static int plothandle[0xFF]; |
char strbuf[0xFF]; |
int gLog=0; |
int printf(const char *format, ...) { |
va_list aptr; |
int ret; |
FILE *flog; |
va_start(aptr, format); |
ret = vsprintf(strbuf, format, aptr); |
va_end(aptr); |
SetCtrlVal(p1,P1_STDIO,strbuf); |
if (gLog) { |
flog = fopen ("stdio.log", "a"); |
fprintf (flog, "%s", strbuf); |
fclose (flog); |
} |
return(ret); |
} |
void CVICALLBACK EndOfThread ( CmtThreadPoolHandle poolhandle, |
CmtThreadFunctionID functionID, unsigned int event, |
int value, void *callbackData ) { |
daq_on=0; |
//SetDimming(0); |
printf("End of Thread \n"); |
return ; |
} |
int __stdcall WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, |
LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { |
if (InitCVIRTE (hInstance, 0, 0) == 0) |
return -1; /* out of memory */ |
if ((p1 = LoadPanel (0, "petdemo_uir.uir", P1)) < 0) |
return -1; |
SetStdioPort (CVI_STDIO_WINDOW); |
SetSleepPolicy(VAL_SLEEP_MORE); |
CmtNewThreadPool (MAX_THREADS, &poolHandle); |
#ifdef uSMC_USB |
uSMC_Open(); |
node=uSMC_FindSerial(serials)+1; |
uSMC_Init(node,1); |
SetCtrlVal(p1, P1_STAGELED,1); |
uSMC_GetPosition(node,&CurPos); |
SetCtrlVal(p1,P1_CPOSITION,CurPos); |
SetCtrlVal(p1, P1_STAGELED,0); |
#endif /* uSMC_USB */ |
DisplayPanel (p1); |
RunUserInterface (); |
DiscardPanel (p1); |
CmtDiscardThreadPool (poolHandle); |
#ifdef uSMC_USB |
uSMC_PowerOff(node); |
uSMC_Close(); |
#endif /* uSMC_USB */ |
return 0; |
} |
int addheader(FILE *fp, int type, int *data) { |
time_t t; |
switch(type) { |
case RUNREC_ID: { |
RUNREC runrec; // start header: appears once at the start of the file |
runrec.id = RUNREC_ID; |
runrec.length = sizeof(runrec); |
runrec.fver = 0x10000; |
time(&t); |
runrec.time=t; |
runrec.num_events = data[6]; |
runrec.num_channels = NUM_CHANNELS; |
runrec.pedestal = PEDESTAL; |
runrec.xy = SCAN_TYPE; // 0 -> single data scan :: 1 -> XY position scan |
runrec.nx = data[0]; |
runrec.x0 = data[1]; |
runrec.dx = data[2]; |
runrec.ny = data[3]; |
runrec.y0 = data[4]; |
runrec.dy = data[5]; |
printf("Writing header to file\n"); |
printf("RECID = %u\n",runrec.id); |
printf("Length = %u\n",runrec.length); |
printf("File version = %u\n",runrec.fver); |
printf("Time = %u\n",runrec.time); |
printf("Number of events per step = %u\n",runrec.num_events); |
printf("Number of channels measured = %u\n",runrec.num_channels); |
printf("Pedestal = %u\n",runrec.pedestal); |
printf("Scan type = %u :: 0 -> single data scan :: 1 -> XY position scan\n",runrec.xy); |
printf("Number of steps in X = %d\n",runrec.nx); |
printf("Start position X = %d\n",runrec.x0); |
printf("Step size direction X = %d\n",runrec.dx); |
printf("Number of steps in Y = %d\n",runrec.ny); |
printf("Start position Y = %d\n",runrec.y0); |
printf("Step size direction Y = %d\n",runrec.dy); |
if (fp) fwrite(&runrec, runrec.length,1,fp); |
} |
break; |
case ENDREC_ID: { |
ENDREC endrec; // end header: appears once at the end of the file |
endrec.id = ENDREC_ID; |
endrec.length = sizeof(endrec); |
time(&t); |
endrec.time=t; |
printf("Writing header to file\n"); |
printf("RECID = %u\n",endrec.id); |
printf("Length = %u\n",endrec.length); |
printf("Time = %u\n",endrec.time); |
if (fp) fwrite(&endrec, endrec.length,1,fp); |
break; |
} |
case POSREC_ID: { |
POSREC posrec; // position header: appears at every change of position |
posrec.id = POSREC_ID; |
posrec.length = sizeof(posrec); |
time(&t); |
posrec.time = t; |
posrec.num_iter_x = data[0]; |
posrec.mikro_pos_x = data[1]; |
posrec.set_pos_x = data[2]; |
posrec.num_iter_y = data[3]; |
posrec.mikro_pos_y = data[4]; |
posrec.set_pos_y = data[5]; |
printf("Writing header to file\n"); |
printf("RECID = %u\n",posrec.id); |
printf("Length = %u\n",posrec.length); |
printf("Time = %u\n",posrec.time); |
printf("Iteration X = %d\n",posrec.num_iter_x); |
printf("MIKRO Position X = %d\n",posrec.mikro_pos_x); |
printf("Set position X = %d\n",posrec.set_pos_x); |
printf("Iteration Y = %d\n",posrec.num_iter_y); |
printf("MIKRO Position Y = %d\n",posrec.mikro_pos_y); |
printf("Set position Y = %d\n",posrec.set_pos_y); |
if (fp) fwrite(&posrec, posrec.length,1,fp); |
break; |
} |
} |
return 0; |
} |
int CVICALLBACK ExitCB (int panel, int control, int event, |
void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { |
switch (event) { |
QuitUserInterface (0); |
break; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
int Fi2Pos(float x) { |
// x in degrees |
return (int) (x/360*NSTEPS); |
} |
int mdaq_init(const char *fname){ |
IniText iniText; |
char pathName[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN]; |
char dirName[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN]; |
/* set up the pathName for the .ini file */ |
GetProjectDir (dirName); |
MakePathname (dirName, fname, pathName); |
/* create object for holding the value/tag pairs */ |
iniText = Ini_New (TRUE); /* TRUE for automatic sorting */ |
/* read in the tag/value pairs */ |
Ini_ReadFromFile (iniText, pathName); |
/* create the in–memory tag/value pairs */ |
Ini_GetInt (iniText, "scintillator", "nofcrystalsx", &conf.nofcrystalsx); |
Ini_GetInt (iniText, "scintillator", "nofcrystalsy", &conf.nofcrystalsy); |
Ini_GetDouble (iniText, "scintillator", "crystalpitchx", &conf.crystalpitchx); |
Ini_GetDouble (iniText, "scintillator", "crystalpitchy", &conf.crystalpitchy); |
Ini_GetStringCopy (iniText, "sensor", "modules", &conf.modules); |
Ini_GetStringCopy (iniText, "sensor", "channels", &conf.channels); |
Ini_GetStringCopy (iniText, "calibration", "sumpedestals", &conf.sumpedestals); |
Ini_GetStringCopy (iniText, "calibration", "pedestals", &conf.pedestals); |
Ini_GetStringCopy (iniText, "calibration", "photopeak", &conf.photopeak); |
Ini_GetStringCopy (iniText, "calibration", "channelcalibration", &conf.channelcalibration); |
Ini_GetInt (iniText, "calibration", "adcthreshold", &conf.adcthreshold); |
/* dispose of the in–memory tag/value pairs */ |
Ini_Dispose (iniText); |
return 0; |
} |
void ReadModuleMap(const char *fname){ |
int id; |
float r,phi; |
char line[400]; |
const int ndim=400; |
FILE *fp=fopen(fname,"r"); |
if (!fp) return; |
while (fgets(line,ndim,fp)!=NULL) { |
sscanf(line,"%d%f%f",&id,&r,&phi); |
if (id<16) { |
conf.module[id].r=r; |
conf.module[id].phi=phi*Pi()/180.; |
if (debug) printf("%s %d %f %f\n",fname,id, r, phi); |
} |
} |
fclose(fp); |
} |
void ReadChannelMap(const char *fname){ |
int id; |
int ix, iy; |
char line[400]; |
const int ndim=400; |
FILE *fp=fopen(fname,"r"); |
if (!fp) return; |
while (fgets(line,ndim,fp)!=NULL) { |
sscanf(line,"%d%d%d",&id,&ix,&iy); |
if (id<16) { |
conf.channel[id].ix=ix; |
conf.channel[id].iy=iy; |
if (debug) printf("%s %d %d %d\n",fname,id, ix, iy); |
} |
} |
fclose(fp); |
} |
int readfile(const char *fname, float *x, int nmax, int defaultvalue){ |
int id; |
float ix; |
char line[400]; |
const int ndim=400; |
FILE *fp=fopen(fname,"r"); |
for (int i=0;i<nmax;i++){ |
x[i]=defaultvalue; |
} |
if (!fp) return -1; |
while (fgets(line,ndim,fp)!=NULL) { |
sscanf(line,"%d%f",&id,&ix); |
if (id<nmax) x[id]=ix; |
if (debug) printf("%s %d %f\n",fname,id, ix); |
} |
fclose(fp); |
return 0; |
} |
int Geometry(const char *fnameconfig){ |
mdaq_init(fnameconfig); |
ReadModuleMap(conf.modules); |
ReadChannelMap(conf.channels); |
printf( "Reading ...%s\n " ,conf.channelcalibration ); |
/* |
m_calibration = new TFile(m_calibrationrootName); |
for (int i=0; i<4;i++) { |
char hn[256]; |
sprintf(hn,"pmt1%d_calib",i); |
m_crystalid[i]= (TH1I *) m_calibration->Get(hn); |
m_crystalid[i]->ls(); |
} |
*/ |
conf.peakscaling=3000; |
readfile(conf.pedestals,conf.apedestals,4*16, 0); |
readfile(conf.photopeak,conf.apeak,4*16, conf.peakscaling); |
return 0; |
}; |
int CVICALLBACK mdaq(void *functionData) { |
double dfi, fi0; |
unsigned int nsteps; |
char filename[0xFF]; |
char fname[0xFF]; |
int daqtime; |
daq_on = 1; |
ctrl_c=0; |
GetCtrlVal(p1,P1_DFI, &dfi); |
GetCtrlVal(p1,P1_FI0, &fi0); |
GetCtrlVal(p1,P1_NFI, &nsteps); |
GetCtrlVal(p1,P1_DAQTIME, &daqtime); |
GetCtrlVal(p1,P1_FILENAME, filename); |
GetCtrlVal(p1,P1_DEBUG, &debug); |
sprintf(fname,"%s.dat", filename); |
Geometry("config.ini"); |
HistogramsInit(); |
PETProjDataMgrFree(); |
PETProjDataMgrInit(); |
SetDebug(debug); |
SetRingDiameter(2*conf.module[0].r); |
FILE *fp = fopen(fname, "wb"); |
int runhdr[7]= {nsteps, Fi2Pos(fi0), Fi2Pos(dfi), 1,0,1, -daqtime}; |
addheader(fp,RUNREC_ID, runhdr ); |
vmconnect(); |
for (int i=0; i<nsteps; i++) { |
double fi=fi0+dfi*i; |
conf.rotation = fi*Pi()/180; |
#ifdef uSMC_USB |
SetCtrlVal(p1,P1_STAGELED,1); |
int SetPos = Fi2Pos(fi); |
uSMC_MoveTo(node,SetPos); |
uSMC_GetPosition (node,&CurPos); |
SetCtrlVal(p1,P1_CPOSITION,CurPos); |
SetCtrlVal(p1,P1_STAGELED,0); |
if (ctrl_c) break; |
int poshdr[6]= {i, CurPos, SetPos, 0,0,0}; |
addheader(fp, POSREC_ID, poshdr ); |
vmacquire(-daqtime,fp, NULL); |
#endif /* uSMC_USB */ |
SetCtrlVal(p1,P1_CEVE,i); |
printf("Step =%d angle =%f\n", i, fi); |
} |
addheader(fp, ENDREC_ID, NULL); |
fclose(fp); |
daq_on = 1; |
WriteInterfile(filename); |
sprintf(fname,"%s.sroot", filename); |
HistogramsWrite(fname); |
vmdisconnect(); |
return 0; |
} |
int CVICALLBACK StartCB (int panel, int control, int event, |
void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { |
ThreadFunctionPtr mythread = NULL; |
switch (event) { |
controlID=0; |
if (panel == p1 && control == P1_START) { |
mythread = mdaq; |
controlID= control; |
} |
if (mythread!=NULL) { |
printf("New Thread panel=%d button=%d\n", panel, control); |
// SetDimming(1); |
if (!daq_on) CmtScheduleThreadPoolFunctionAdv (poolHandle, mythread, &controlID, |
EndOfThread, |
&tfID); |
} |
break; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
int CVICALLBACK StopCB (int panel, int control, int event, |
void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { |
switch (event) { |
ctrl_c=1; |
break; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
int CVICALLBACK DebugCB (int panel, int control, int event, |
void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { |
switch (event) { |
GetCtrlVal(p1,P1_DEBUG, &debug); |
break; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
int CVICALLBACK RedrawCB (int panel, int control, int event, |
void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) { |
int pmtid; |
switch (event) { |
GetCtrlVal(p1,P1_CH, &gadcchannel); |
pmtid = gadcchannel/16; |
if (H1D_Exist(m_Adc[gadcchannel])) H1D_Draw(m_Adc[gadcchannel], p1,P1_GADC, &plothandle[0]); |
if (H2D_Exist( m_CenterOfGravity[pmtid])) H2D_Draw(m_CenterOfGravity[pmtid], p1,P1_GXY, &plothandle[1]); |
if (H1D_Exist(m_AdcSum[pmtid])) H1D_Draw(m_AdcSum[pmtid], p1,P1_GSUMADC, &plothandle[2]); |
break; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
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[Run Options] |
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[Compiler Defines] |
Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN" |
[Include Paths] |
Include Path 1 Is Rel = True |
Include Path 1 Rel To = "Project" |
Include Path 1 Rel Path = "../../instr/CAENV965" |
Include Path 1 = "/c/home/cvi/instr/CAENV965" |
Include Path 2 Is Rel = True |
Include Path 2 Rel To = "Project" |
Include Path 2 Rel Path = "../../instr/WUSBVME_DLL" |
Include Path 2 = "/c/home/cvi/instr/WUSBVME_DLL" |
[Create Executable] |
Executable File_Debug Is Rel = True |
Executable File_Debug Rel To = "Project" |
Executable File_Debug Rel Path = "petdemo.exe" |
Executable File_Debug = "/c/home/cvi/apps/petdemo/petdemo.exe" |
Executable File_Release Is Rel = True |
Executable File_Release Rel To = "Project" |
Executable File_Release Rel Path = "petdemo.exe" |
Executable File_Release = "/c/home/cvi/apps/petdemo/petdemo.exe" |
Executable File_Debug64 Is Rel = True |
Executable File_Debug64 Rel To = "Project" |
Executable File_Debug64 Rel Path = "petdemo.exe" |
Executable File_Debug64 = "/c/home/cvi/apps/petdemo/petdemo.exe" |
Executable File_Release64 Is Rel = True |
Executable File_Release64 Rel To = "Project" |
Executable File_Release64 Rel Path = "petdemo.exe" |
Executable File_Release64 = "/c/home/cvi/apps/petdemo/petdemo.exe" |
Icon File Is Rel = False |
Icon File = "" |
Application Title = "" |
DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols" |
Use IVI Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False |
Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False |
Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True |
Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy" |
Custom Directory to Copy DLL Is Rel = False |
Custom Directory to Copy DLL = "" |
Generate Source Documentation = "None" |
Add Type Lib To DLL = False |
Include Type Lib Help Links = False |
TLB Help Style = "HLP" |
Type Lib FP File Is Rel = False |
Type Lib FP File = "" |
Type Lib Guid = "" |
Runtime Support = "Full Runtime Support" |
Instrument Driver Support Only = False |
Embed Project .UIRs = False |
Generate Map File = False |
[External Compiler Support] |
UIR Callbacks File Option = 0 |
Using LoadExternalModule = False |
Create Project Symbols File = True |
UIR Callbacks Obj File Is Rel = False |
UIR Callbacks Obj File = "" |
Project Symbols H File Is Rel = False |
Project Symbols H File = "" |
Project Symbols Obj File Is Rel = False |
Project Symbols Obj File = "" |
[ActiveX Server Options] |
Specification File Is Rel = False |
Specification File = "" |
Source File Is Rel = False |
Source File = "" |
Include File Is Rel = False |
Include File = "" |
IDL File Is Rel = False |
IDL File = "" |
Register ActiveX Server = False |
[Signing Info] |
Sign = False |
Sign Debug Build = False |
Store = "" |
Certificate = "" |
Timestamp URL = "" |
URL = "" |
[Manifest Info] |
Embed = False |
[tpcSection] |
tpcEnabled = 0 |
tpcOverrideEnvironment = 0 |
tpcEnabled x64 = 0 |
tpcOverrideEnvironment x64 = 0 |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/petdemo_uir.h |
0,0 → 1,61 |
/**************************************************************************/ |
/* LabWindows/CVI User Interface Resource (UIR) Include File */ |
/* */ |
/* WARNING: Do not add to, delete from, or otherwise modify the contents */ |
/* of this include file. */ |
/**************************************************************************/ |
#include <userint.h> |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
extern "C" { |
#endif |
/* Panels and Controls: */ |
#define P1 1 |
#define P1_EXIT 2 /* control type: command, callback function: ExitCB */ |
#define P1_STOP 3 /* control type: command, callback function: StopCB */ |
#define P1_START 4 /* control type: command, callback function: StartCB */ |
#define P1_CPOSITION 5 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_NFI 6 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_DFI 7 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_FI0 8 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_CEVE 9 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_DAQTIME 10 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_GXY 11 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_GSUMADC 12 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_GADC 13 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_GSINOGRAM 14 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_PROGRESS 15 /* control type: slide, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_STAGELED 16 /* control type: LED, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_STDIO 17 /* control type: textBox, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_FILENAME 18 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */ |
#define P1_DEBUG 19 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: DebugCB */ |
#define P1_CH 20 /* control type: numeric, callback function: RedrawCB */ |
#define P1_TIMER 21 /* control type: timer, callback function: RedrawCB */ |
#define P1_DAQRATE 22 /* control type: strip, callback function: (none) */ |
/* Control Arrays: */ |
/* (no control arrays in the resource file) */ |
/* Menu Bars, Menus, and Menu Items: */ |
/* (no menu bars in the resource file) */ |
/* Callback Prototypes: */ |
int CVICALLBACK DebugCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2); |
int CVICALLBACK ExitCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2); |
int CVICALLBACK RedrawCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2); |
int CVICALLBACK StartCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2); |
int CVICALLBACK StopCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2); |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
} |
#endif |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/petdemo_uir.uir |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes: |
Added: svn:mime-type |
+application/octet-stream |
\ No newline at end of property |
/cvi/apps/petdemo/vmusb.c |
0,0 → 1,433 |
//#define XXDLL |
//#include "vme.h" |
typedef unsigned short ADDRESS_MODIFIER; |
#define Std_NoPriv_Data (ADDRESS_MODIFIER)0x39 |
#include "wusbvme_dll.h" |
#include "toolbox.h" |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <errno.h> |
#include <ctype.h> |
#include <time.h> |
#include <signal.h> |
#include "CAENV965_DEF.h" |
#include "petdemo_uir.h" |
#include "daq.h" |
extern int p1; |
extern int ctrl_c; |
#define VERSION 1.0 |
#define TIMEOUT 3 |
int *fThreshold = NULL; |
/* VME modules */ |
#define CAEN_V792 0x340000 // IJS V792 |
#define CAEN_V792_1 0x530000 // FMF1 V792 |
#define CAEN_V792_2 0x630000 // FMF2 V792 |
#define CAEN_V965 0x350000 // IJS V965 |
int addr[3]= {CAEN_V792,CAEN_V792_1,CAEN_V965 }; |
const int nadc=2; |
#define BUFF_L 2048 |
static int stackwrite[10000]; |
static int stackdata[10000],stackdump[27000]; |
/************************************************/ |
int weight_while(int num) { |
int i, tmp; |
for ( i =0; i <num; i++ ) tmp = 0; |
return 0; |
} |
#define WWHILE weight_while(0) |
#define TRUE 1 |
#define FALSE 0 |
int timer_out; |
void timerast (int signumber) { |
timer_out = TRUE; |
fprintf(stderr,"TIMEOUT !!!\n"); |
} |
void tmlnk (int tout) { |
} |
void tmulk () { |
} |
int fexist( char *path) { |
if(!path || !*path) return 0; |
ssize_t fileSize; |
int res = FileExists (path, &fileSize); |
if (res>0) { |
return 1; |
} else { |
return 0; |
} |
} |
int init() { |
xxusb_register_write(WUSB_udev,1,0x0); // Stop DAQ mode |
while (xxusb_usbfifo_read(WUSB_udev,(int *) stackdump,BUFF_L,100)>0); |
int rate=1000; |
int freq=80000000/rate-40; // 80 MHz |
if (freq<72) freq=72; |
// Set DGG channel A as a pulser, output on O1, |
// with delay =500 x 12.5ns, |
// and width = 500 x 12.5ns, |
// not latching or inverting |
// VME_DGG(udev,0,6,0,24000,6000,0,0); |
VME_DGG(WUSB_udev,0,6,0,freq,40,0,0); |
// Set DGG channel B to trigger on NIM1, output on O2, |
// with delay =200 x 12.5ns, |
// and width = 200 x 12.5ns, |
// not latching or inverting |
VME_DGG(WUSB_udev,1,1,1,0,10,0,1); |
printf("CAEN V965 Pedestal set to %d\n", fPedestal); |
// INIT stackdata |
int fPedestal=255; |
WIENER_VMUSB_StackInit(); |
for (int i=0; i<nadc; i++) { |
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16( addr[i] + CAENV965_CRN , 0x0); |
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16( addr[i] + CAENV965_GEO , i); |
WIENER_VMUSB_StackReadA24D16(addr[i] + CAENV965_GEO); |
for (int j=0; j<32; j++) { |
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16(addr[i] + CAENV965_THM + 0x02*j, fThreshold[j+i*32]); // threshold/kill for 32 channels |
} |
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16( addr[i] + CAENV965_BS1, 0x80 ); // soft reset |
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16( addr[i] + CAENV965_BC1, 0x80 ); // soft reset |
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16( addr[i] + CAENV965_PED, fPedestal ); // pedestal |
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16( addr[i] + CAENV965_BS2,0x5000); |
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16( addr[i] + CAENV965_BS2,0x4); // clear module |
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16( addr[i] + CAENV965_BC2,0x4); |
} |
WIENER_VMUSB_StackMarker(0xFAFC); |
//WIENER_VMUSB_StackPrint(); |
VME_LED_settings(WUSB_udev, 0,0,0,0); // Set Yellow LED to light with with USB out buffer not empty |
VME_LED_settings(WUSB_udev, 1,1,0,0); // Set Red LED to light with NIM1 |
VME_LED_settings(WUSB_udev,2,0,0,0); // Set Green LED to light when stack is not empty |
unsigned int vmereg; |
VME_register_read(WUSB_udev,0x00,&vmereg); |
printf("VMUSB Firmware ID -> 0x%08X\n",vmereg); |
VME_register_read(WUSB_udev,0x04,&vmereg); |
printf("VMUSB Global Mode -> 0x%08X\n",vmereg); |
vmereg=(vmereg&0xF000)|0x0004; |
VME_register_write(WUSB_udev,0x04,vmereg); |
VME_register_write(WUSB_udev,0x08,0x00000080); |
VME_register_write(WUSB_udev,0x28,0x0); |
VME_register_write(WUSB_udev,0x2C,0x0); |
VME_register_write(WUSB_udev,0x30,0x0); |
VME_register_write(WUSB_udev,0x34,0x0); |
VME_register_write(WUSB_udev,0x3C,0x000); |
int nb = WIENER_VMUSB_StackGetUint32(10000,stackdata); |
int ret= xxusb_stack_execute(WUSB_udev,(uint32_t *)stackdata); |
printf("Init::%d ret=%d\n",nb,ret); |
if (ret>0) for (int k=0; k<ret/2; k++) printf ("stackdata=0x%08X\n",stackdata[k]); |
WIENER_VMUSB_StackClear(); |
WIENER_VMUSB_StackMarker(0xFFAB); |
for (int j=0; j<36; j++) WIENER_VMUSB_StackReadA24D32(addr[0] + CAENV965_OB); |
WIENER_VMUSB_StackMarker(0xFAFB); |
for (int k0=0; k0<nadc; k0++) { |
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16(addr[k0] + CAENV965_BS2,0x4); // clear module |
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16(addr[k0] + CAENV965_BC2,0x4); |
} |
int nb0= WIENER_VMUSB_StackGetUint32(10000,&stackwrite[0]); |
if (nb0>768) { |
fprintf(stderr,"nb0=%d > 768 error xxusb_stack_write\n", nb0); |
exit(-1); |
} |
nb =xxusb_stack_write(WUSB_udev,0x2,(uint32_t *) stackwrite); |
nb0=xxusb_stack_read(WUSB_udev,0x2,(uint32_t *) stackdata); |
for (int k1=0; k1<stackwrite[0]+1; k1++) { |
if (stackdata[k1]!=stackwrite[k1]) printf("%d %d init err %x %x\n",nb,nb0, |
stackwrite[k1], stackdata[k1]); |
} |
if (fMode==2) xxusb_register_write(WUSB_udev,1,0x1); // Start DAQ mode |
printf("daq::init() \n"); |
return 0; |
} |
int vmconnect() { |
printf("daq::connect()\n"); |
return 0; |
} |
int vmdisconnect() { |
/* zakljuci */ |
printf("daq::disconnect()\n"); |
return 0; |
} |
int clear() { |
return 0; |
} |
int module_header(int recid,uint32_t *data,int len) { |
data[0] = recid; |
data[1] = (len >0)? len : 0 ; |
return data[1]+2; |
} |
int event(unsigned int *data, int maxn, int *ctr, int print) { |
int tout=200; /* 1/100 of a second */ |
const int lsize=sizeof(uint32_t); |
ctr[0]++; |
ctr[1]++; |
int count=0; |
switch (fMode) { |
case 0: { // normal calls |
unsigned short clr= 0x4; |
unsigned int status=0; |
uint32_t mdata; |
for (int i=0; i<nadc; i++) { |
// wait for trg |
tmlnk (tout); |
do WIENER_VMUSB_VME_A24D16_R( addr[i] + CAENV965_SR1, &status); |
while ( (status&0x1)==0 && timer_out==0 && ctrl_c==0 ); |
tmulk(); |
// readout data |
if (timer_out) return 0; |
if (ctrl_c) return 0; |
int len=0; |
do { |
WIENER_VMUSB_VME_A24D32_R(addr[i] + CAENV965_OB, &mdata); |
mdata=data[count++]; |
len++; |
} while ( (mdata & 0x4000000)==0 && timer_out==0) ; // bit 26 EOB or not valid datum |
// clear |
WIENER_VMUSB_VME_A24D16_W( addr[i] + CAENV965_BS2, &clr); |
WIENER_VMUSB_VME_A24D16_W( addr[i] + CAENV965_BC2, &clr); |
if (count+2<maxn) { |
if (print) printf("V965 %3d\n",len); |
count+=module_header(0x130+i,&data[count],len); |
ctr[2]++; |
ctr[3]+=len; |
} |
timer_out=0; |
} |
} |
break; |
case 1: { // stack execute |
WIENER_VMUSB_StackGetUint32(10000,(int *)data); |
int ret=xxusb_stack_execute(WUSB_udev,(uint32_t *) data); //The first element of the array is the number of bytes. |
if (ret< 0 ) { |
printf ("xxusb_stack_execute error err=%d\n",ret); \ |
count = 0; |
} else count= ret/lsize; |
} |
break; |
case 2: { // stack load |
int ret=xxusb_usbfifo_read(WUSB_udev,(int *) data,BUFF_L,100); |
if (ret< 0 ) { |
if (ret!=-110) { |
printf ("xxusb_usbfifo_read error err=%d\n",ret); |
end(); |
init(); |
} |
count = 0; |
} else { |
if (debug) { |
for (int i=0; i<100; i++) { |
printf ("%4d fifodata=0x%08X\n",i, data[i]); |
if (data[i]==0xFAFB) break; |
} |
/* |
0 fifodata=0x0000000D |
1 fifodata=0x00000049 |
2 fifodata=0x0000FFAB |
3 fifodata=0x00002000 |
4 fifodata=0x00000200 |
5 fifodata=0x00004141 |
6 fifodata=0x00000000 |
7 fifodata=0x00004057 |
70 fifodata=0x00000400 |
71 fifodata=0x00000035 |
72 fifodata=0x00000600 |
73 fifodata=0x00000035 |
74 fifodata=0x0000FAFB |
*/ |
} |
static double t0=0; |
static int nc =0; |
nc += data[0]; |
if (print) { |
//printf("##------------------ret=%d data[0]=%d\n",ret,(int)data[0]); |
double t1 = Timer(); |
double dt = t1-t0; |
t0 = t1; |
float rate = (dt>0)?nc/dt:0; |
//printf("--------ret=%d data[0]=%f nc=%d dt=%f\n",ret,rate,nc,dt); |
PlotStripChart (p1, P1_DAQRATE, &rate, 1, 0, 0,VAL_FLOAT); |
nc =0; |
} |
count= ret/lsize; |
ctr[2]+=data[0]; |
ctr[3]+=count; |
} |
} |
break; |
} |
return count*lsize; |
} |
int end() { |
xxusb_register_write(WUSB_udev,1,0x0); // Stop DAQ mode |
while (xxusb_usbfifo_read(WUSB_udev,(int *) stackdata,BUFF_L,30)>0); |
printf("daq::end()\n"); |
return 0; |
} |
int vmacquire (int neve,FILE *fp, char *fpedname) { |
// neve .... negative argument time ( in s )limited event loop |
if (fThreshold== NULL) fThreshold = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int)*128); |
// print welcome message |
time_t t, told; |
double tstart, tstop; |
time(&t); |
fThresholdEnable=0; |
#define BSIZE 10000 |
uint32_t data[10000]; |
fMode = 2; |
fPedestal=255; |
for (int ki=0; ki<128; ki++) { |
if (ki<72) fThreshold[ki]=0; |
else fThreshold[ki]=0x1<<8; // samo 4 kanali na zadnjem modulu so enablani |
} |
fThresholdEnable=0; |
fStop=0; |
if (fpedname !=NULL) { |
FILE *fped=fopen(fpedname,"r"); |
int j=0; |
int ndim=400; |
char line[ndim]; |
int val=0; |
while (fgets(line,ndim,fped)!=NULL) { |
sscanf(line,"%d",&val); |
fThreshold[j++]=val; |
} |
fThresholdEnable=1; |
fclose(fped); |
} |
init(); |
int hdr[4]= {2}; // recid |
int i=0; |
int ntotal=0; |
int counters[30]= {0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; |
char names[10][20]= {"TRG","CAEN V965"}; |
time(&t); |
tstart=Timer(); |
told =t; |
tstop=tstart+360000; |
if (neve<-1) { |
tstop=tstart-neve; |
neve=-1; |
} |
for (i=0; i!=neve && !ctrl_c && Timer()<tstop; i++) { |
time(&t); |
if (t!=told ) printf("%d in %2.2f min daq::event() %s\n",i, (double)(Timer()-tstart)/60., ctime(&t)); |
int nb=event(data,BSIZE, counters,t!=told); |
analyse(nb, data); |
if (nb>0) { |
// zapis v datoteko |
hdr[1]=nb+4*sizeof(int); |
hdr[2]=time(NULL); |
hdr[3]=i; |
fwrite(hdr, 1, sizeof(int)*4, fp); //gzip |
ntotal += fwrite(data,1, nb, fp); |
told=t; |
} else i--; |
} |
end(); |
printf("Number of Events: %d\n",i); |
if (ctrl_c) printf("User Program termination CTRL-C\n"); |
if (Timer()>tstop ) printf("Timeout termination tstart# t>tstop: %d# %d >%d\n",(int)t, (int)tstart, (int) tstop); |
printf("%d bytes written to file\nCounts:\n", (int) (ntotal*sizeof(int))); |
for (i=0; i<2; i++) printf("%s\t%d\t%d\n",names[i],counters[2*i],counters[2*i+1]) ; |
return 0; |
} |