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// ../bin/FBP2D FBP2D.par
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#include "PETProjDataMgr.h"
static struct PETProjDataMgr mgr;
void SetNPlanes(int n) {
void SetNBin(int n) {
void SetNAng(int n) {
void SetDebug(int n) {
void SetNumberOfChannels(int n) {
void SetRingDiameter( double x) {
mgr.m_RingDiameter = x;
void SetAxialDistance( double x) {
mgr.m_AxialDistance = x;
struct PETProjDataMgr *GetInstance() {
return &mgr;
int PETProjDataMgrInit() {
" cout << " -------------------------- \n"
" Arguments convention: \n"
" -a Axial FOV (mm), <theDist_axial=100.0> \n"
" -d Diameter Transaxial FOV (mm), <m_RingDiameter=300.0> \n"
" -i Type of the input file (by default: 0 = Arce_binary), <typeINfile=0> \n"
" \n"
" -m Maximum ring difference (by default: -1 = m_NOfPlanes), <m_MaxRingDifferenceiff> \n"
" -n Name of output file, <m_Filename> \n"
" -p Axial number of planes, <m_NOfPlanes> \n"
" -r Number of bins, \"distancias\", <m_NOfBins> \n"
// -s Span TO DO:span !!!!!
" -t Number of angular views, \"direcciones\", <m_NOfAngles> \n"
" -v Verbosity (by default: 0=silent, 3=debug), <verbos> \n"
" -x Maximum number of coincidences to be stored (by default: -1 = no limit), <Max_Coinci> \n"
" -o Output type (by default: 0 = mcc Interfile, 1 = STIR Interfile), <OutType> \n"
" \n"
" PET Reconstruction. CIEMAT 2009-11 \n"
" \n"
" -------------------------- \n";
mgr.m_AxialDistance = (9-1)*2.25; // Axial pixel dimension*NOfPlanes
mgr.m_RingDiameter = 100.0; // notranji premer peta
mgr.m_NOfPlanes = 9; // stevilo ravnin
mgr.m_NOfBins = 128; // stevilo binov v razdalji
mgr.m_nch = 128; // stevilo padov okoli in okoli
mgr.m_NOfAngles = fabs(mgr.m_nch)/2; // stevilo kotov = stevilo padov okoli in okoli /2
mgr.m_MaxRingDifference = -1;
//mgr.m_MaxRingDifference = 3; // najvecja razdalja med padi
// toDo: theSpan = int(GmParameterMgr::GetInstance()->GetNumericValue("PET:ProjData:Span",1));
mgr.m_OutFormat = 1; // 1.. projections 0 .. image
if (mgr.m_MaxRingDifference==-1) mgr.m_MaxRingDifference=mgr.m_NOfPlanes-1;
if (mgr.m_OutFormat==1) mgr.m_TotalAxialPlanes= (2*mgr.m_NOfPlanes-1 - mgr.m_MaxRingDifference)*mgr.m_MaxRingDifference + mgr.m_NOfPlanes; // total number of Axial planes (segments*planes) in STIR format
/*--- Initialize sino3D ---*/
mgr.m_projections = (SINO_TYPE ** *) malloc(mgr.m_NOfBins*sizeof(SINO_TYPE **));
for(int i=0; i<mgr.m_NOfBins; i++) {
mgr.m_projections[i] = (SINO_TYPE **) malloc(mgr.m_NOfAngles*sizeof(SINO_TYPE *));
for(int j=0; j<mgr.m_NOfAngles; j++) {
mgr.m_projections[i][j] = (SINO_TYPE *) malloc(mgr.m_TotalAxialPlanes *sizeof(SINO_TYPE)); /// ! If mgr.m_OutFormat==1 (STIR output):Matrix size depends on the MAX_Ring_Difference
for(int k=0; k<mgr.m_TotalAxialPlanes; k++) {
//OutputType = "pet";
return 0;
void SetProjection( int axialplane, int id) {
for(int i=0; i<mgr.m_NOfBins; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<mgr.m_NOfAngles; j++) {
// from Gate
double ComputeSinogramS(double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2) {
double s;
double denom = (Y1-Y2) * (Y1-Y2) + (X2-X1) * (X2-X1);
if (denom!=0.) {
denom = sqrt(denom);
s = ( X1 * (Y2-Y1) + Y1 * (X1-X2) ) / denom;
} else {
s = 0.;
double theta;
if ((X1-X2)!=0.) {
theta=atan((X1-X2) /(Y1-Y2));
} else {
if ((theta > 0.) && ((X1-X2) > 0.)) s = -s;
if ((theta < 0.) && ((X1-X2) < 0.)) s = -s;
if ( theta < 0.) {
theta = theta+3.1416;
s = -s;
return s;
void AddEvent( const HVector3 pos1 , const HVector3 pos2) {
int z1_i, z2_i;
//for discretization on the crystal: int x1_i, x2_i, y1_i, y2_i;
double z1_abs=pos1.x[2]+mgr.m_AxialDistance/2;
double z2_abs=pos2.x[2]+mgr.m_AxialDistance/2;
double a, b, phi, dis;
int phi_i, dis_i;
int ring_diff;
double _PI=2*asin(1);
z1_i=(int)(mgr.m_NOfPlanes* z1_abs/mgr.m_AxialDistance); //round --> mgr.m_NOfPlanes+1 ...
z2_i=(int)(mgr.m_NOfPlanes* z2_abs/mgr.m_AxialDistance);
// control; if z_i out of range: return
if ( (pos1.x[0]==pos2.x[0]) && (pos1.x[1]==pos2.x[1]) ) {
if( mgr.m_Debug ) {
printf( "AddEvent:WARNING! Event_1 == Event_2 ; x= %f y= %f z= %f\n", pos2.x[0], pos2.x[1], pos2.x[2] );
if ( (z1_i<0) || (z2_i<0) || (z1_i>= mgr.m_NOfPlanes) || (z2_i>= mgr.m_NOfPlanes) ) {
if( mgr.m_Debug ) {
printf("PETProjDataMgr::AddEvent:WARNING! Event out of bounds (Axial):");
printf( "x1= %f y1= %f z1= %f ", pos1.x[0], pos1.x[1], pos1.x[2] );
printf( "x2= %f y2= %f z2= %f \n", pos2.x[0], pos2.x[1], pos2.x[2] );
ring_diff = (int)fabs(z1_i-z2_i);
// max ring difference; control:
if (ring_diff > mgr.m_MaxRingDifference) {
if( mgr.m_Debug ) {
printf("PETProjDataMgr::AddEvent:WARNING! Event out of bounds (Max. Ring Diff.): %f>%f",ring_diff , mgr.m_MaxRingDifference );
printf( "x1= %f y1= %f z1= %f ", pos1.x[0], pos1.x[1], pos1.x[2] );
printf( "x2= %f y2= %f z2= %f \n", pos2.x[0], pos2.x[1], pos2.x[2] );
a=(double)(pos2.x[1]- pos1.x[1]);
b=(double)(pos2.x[0]- pos1.x[0]);
if (a==0.0) {
} else {
if (phi<0) phi = phi +_PI;
dis=pos1.x[0]*cos(phi) - pos1.x[1]*sin(phi);
//dis=ComputeSinogramS(pos1.x(), pos1.y(), pos2.x(), pos2.x());
// control; transaxial FOV
if ( fabs(dis) > mgr.m_RingDiameter*0.5 ) {
if( mgr.m_Debug ) {
printf("PETProjDataMgr::AddEvent:WARNING! Event out of bounds (Transaxial):" );
printf( "x1= %f y1= %f z1= %f ", pos1.x[0], pos1.x[1], pos1.x[2] );
printf( "x2= %f y2= %f z2= %f \n", pos2.x[0], pos2.x[1], pos2.x[2] );
dis = dis + mgr.m_RingDiameter*0.5;
// discret values:
phi_i=RoundRealToNearestInteger( (double)(mgr.m_NOfAngles-1)*phi/_PI );
dis_i=RoundRealToNearestInteger( (double)(mgr.m_NOfBins-1)*dis/(double)mgr.m_RingDiameter );
if ((phi_i>=mgr.m_NOfAngles) || (dis_i>=mgr.m_NOfBins)) return; // only possible "=" because 'round' check it..
// OLD: (SRRB included) sino3D[dis_i][phi_i][ (z1_i+z2_i)+ring_diff*(mgr.m_NOfPlanes-1) ]++;
int Zpos;
if (mgr.m_OutFormat==0) {
Zpos = (z1_i*mgr.m_NOfPlanes + z2_i);
} else {
if (z1_i>=z2_i) { // SIN Max Ring_Diff: Zpos= ( ((mgr.m_NOfPlanes-ring_diff)*(mgr.m_NOfPlanes-1-ring_diff))/2 + z2_i );
Zpos= ( ((2*mgr.m_NOfPlanes-1 - mgr.m_MaxRingDifference - ring_diff)*(mgr.m_MaxRingDifference - ring_diff))/2 + z2_i);
} else {
Zpos= ( (mgr.m_TotalAxialPlanes) - ((2*mgr.m_NOfPlanes-1 - mgr.m_MaxRingDifference - ring_diff +1)*(mgr.m_MaxRingDifference - ring_diff +1))/2 + z1_i );
mgr.m_projections[dis_i][phi_i][ Zpos ]++;
if( mgr.m_Debug >1) {
printf( "x1= %f y1= %f z1= %f ", pos1.x[0], pos1.x[1], pos1.x[2] );
printf( "x2= %f y2= %f z2= %f \n", pos2.x[0], pos2.x[1], pos2.x[2] );
printf("PETProjDataMgr::AddEvent: Sinogram pos.: distance(s)= %f angular view(phi)= %f Zpos= %f Segment (Ring diff.) =%f\n" , dis_i , phi_i, Zpos , ring_diff );
void PETProjDataMgrFree() {
int i,j;
if (mgr.m_projections){
for(i=0; i<mgr.m_NOfBins; i++) {
for(j=0; j<mgr.m_NOfAngles; j++) {
if (mgr.m_projections[i][j]) free(mgr.m_projections[i][j]);
mgr.m_projections[i][j]= NULL;
if (mgr.m_projections[i]) free(mgr.m_projections[i]);
mgr.m_projections[i]= NULL;
mgr.m_projections= NULL;
void WriteInterfile(const char * Filename ) {
char name_hv[512];
char name_v[512];
FILE *fp;
if (mgr.m_OutFormat==0) {
strcpy(name_hv, Filename);
strcpy(name_v, Filename);
strcat(name_hv, ".hv");
strcat(name_v, ".v");
fp = fopen(name_hv, "w");
fprintf (fp, "!INTERFILE := \n");
fprintf (fp, "name of data file := %s\n", name_v);
fprintf (fp, "!GENERAL DATA := \n");
fprintf (fp, "!GENERAL IMAGE DATA :=\n");
fprintf (fp, "!type of data := tomographic\n");
fprintf (fp, "!version of keys := 3.3\n");
fprintf (fp, "!data offset in bytes := 0\n");
fprintf (fp, "imagedata byte order := littleendian\n");
fprintf (fp, "!PET STUDY (General) :=\n");
fprintf (fp, "!PET data type := 3D-Sinogram\n");
fprintf (fp, "process status := Reconstructed\n");
fprintf (fp, "!number format := unsigned short\n");
fprintf (fp, "!number of bytes per pixel := 2\n");
fprintf (fp, "number of dimensions := 3\n");
fprintf (fp, "matrix axis label [1] := x\n");
fprintf (fp, "!matrix size [1] := %i\n",mgr.m_NOfBins);
fprintf (fp, "scaling factor (mm/pixel) [1] := %f\n",(float)(mgr.m_RingDiameter/(mgr.m_NOfBins-1.0)));
fprintf (fp, "matrix axis label [2] := y\n");
fprintf (fp, "!matrix size [2] := %i\n",mgr.m_NOfAngles);
fprintf (fp, "scaling factor (degree/pixel) [2] := %f\n",(float)(360./mgr.m_NOfAngles));
fprintf (fp, "matrix axis label [3] := z\n");
fprintf (fp, "!matrix size [3] := %i\n",mgr.m_NOfPlanes*mgr.m_NOfPlanes);
fprintf (fp, "scaling factor (mm/pixel) [3] := %f\n",(float)(mgr.m_AxialDistance/(mgr.m_NOfPlanes-1.0)));
fprintf (fp, "number of slices := %i\n",mgr.m_NOfPlanes*mgr.m_NOfPlanes);
fprintf (fp, "number of time frames := 1\n");
fprintf (fp, "image scaling factor[1] := 1\n");
fprintf (fp, "data offset in bytes[1] := 0\n");
fprintf (fp, "quantification units := 1\n");
fprintf (fp, "!END OF INTERFILE := \n");
} else {
strcpy(name_hv, Filename);
strcpy(name_v, Filename);
strcat(name_hv, ".hs"); // STIR extension: .hs .s
strcat(name_v, ".s");
fp =fopen(name_hv, "w");
fprintf (fp, "!INTERFILE := \n");
fprintf (fp, "name of data file := %s\n",name_v);
fprintf (fp, "!GENERAL DATA := \n");
fprintf (fp, "!GENERAL IMAGE DATA :=\n");
fprintf (fp, "!type of data := PET\n");
// fprintf (fp, "!version of keys := 3.3\n"); STIR format is not 3.3 (almost but not completely), ERROR in STIR if it is not removed
// fprintf (fp, "!data offset in bytes := 0\n");
fprintf (fp, "imagedata byte order := littleendian\n");
fprintf (fp, "!PET STUDY (General) :=\n");
fprintf (fp, "!PET data type := Emission\n");
fprintf (fp, "applied corrections := {arc correction}\n"); // {none}\n");
// fprintf (fp, "process status := Reconstructed\n");
fprintf (fp, "!number format := unsigned integer\n");
fprintf (fp, "!number of bytes per pixel := 2\n");
fprintf (fp, "number of dimensions := 4\n");
fprintf (fp, "matrix axis label [4] := segment\n");
fprintf (fp, "!matrix size [4] := %i\n",mgr.m_MaxRingDifference*2 + 1);
// fprintf (fp, "scaling factor (mm/pixel) [1] := %f\n",(float)(d_FOV/(mgr.m_NOfBins-1)));
fprintf (fp, "matrix axis label [3] := axial coordinate\n");
fprintf (fp, "!matrix size [3] := { ");
if (mgr.m_MaxRingDifference==0) {
fprintf (fp, "%i}\n", mgr.m_NOfPlanes);
} else {
int m;
for(m=mgr.m_NOfPlanes-mgr.m_MaxRingDifference; m<=mgr.m_NOfPlanes; m++) fprintf (fp, "%i,", m);
for(m=mgr.m_NOfPlanes-1; m>mgr.m_NOfPlanes-mgr.m_MaxRingDifference; m--) fprintf (fp, "%i,", m);
fprintf (fp, "%i}\n", mgr.m_NOfPlanes-mgr.m_MaxRingDifference);
fprintf (fp, "matrix axis label [2] := view\n");
fprintf (fp, "!matrix size [2] := %i\n",mgr.m_NOfAngles);
fprintf (fp, "matrix axis label [1] := tangential coordinate\n");
fprintf (fp, "!matrix size [1] := %i\n",mgr.m_NOfBins);
fprintf (fp, "minimum ring difference per segment := {"); // TO DO : add SPAN (mgr.m_MaxRingDifferenceiff per seg. variable)
fprintf (fp, "%i", -mgr.m_MaxRingDifference);
int m;
for(m=-mgr.m_MaxRingDifference+1; m<=mgr.m_MaxRingDifference; m++) fprintf (fp, ",%i", m);
fprintf (fp, "}\n");
fprintf (fp, "maximum ring difference per segment := {"); // TO DO : add SPAN (mgr.m_MaxRingDifferenceiff per seg. variable)
fprintf (fp, "%i", -mgr.m_MaxRingDifference);
for(m=-mgr.m_MaxRingDifference+1; m<=mgr.m_MaxRingDifference; m++) fprintf (fp, ",%i", m);
fprintf (fp, "}\n");
fprintf (fp, "inner ring diameter (cm) := %f\n", mgr.m_RingDiameter/10); // STIR Required parameter, now assigned to FOV (not detectors)
fprintf (fp, "average depth of interaction (cm) := 0.0001\n");
fprintf (fp, "default bin size (cm) := %f\n",0.1*((float)mgr.m_RingDiameter/((float)mgr.m_NOfBins-1.0)) );
fprintf (fp, "number of rings := %i\n",mgr.m_NOfPlanes );
fprintf (fp, "distance between rings (cm) := %f\n", 0.1*((float)mgr.m_AxialDistance/(float)(mgr.m_NOfPlanes-1)) ); // Axial pixel dimension
fprintf (fp, "number of detectors per ring := %i\n",mgr.m_NOfAngles*2 );
// fprintf (fp, "number of slices := %i\n",mgr.m_NOfPlanes*mgr.m_NOfPlanes);
fprintf (fp, "number of time frames := 1\n");
fprintf (fp, "image scaling factor[1] := 1\n");
fprintf (fp, "data offset in bytes[1] := 0\n");
fprintf (fp, "quantification units := 1\n");
fprintf (fp, "!END OF INTERFILE := \n");
int mbsize = mgr.m_NOfBins*mgr.m_NOfAngles*mgr.m_TotalAxialPlanes*sizeof(SINO_TYPE);
mgr.m_Buffer = (SINO_TYPE *) malloc( mbsize );
long unsigned int cont=0;
int i,j,k;
for(k=0; k<mgr.m_TotalAxialPlanes; k++) {
for(j=0; j<mgr.m_NOfAngles; j++) {
for(i=0; i<mgr.m_NOfBins; i++) {
fp=fopen(name_v, "wb");
//printf(4096*sizeof(SINO_TYPE) );
int nb=fwrite(mgr.m_Buffer,1,mbsize, fp);
printf("PETProjDataMgr::WriteInterfile: File name: %s\n", Filename );
printf("PETProjDataMgr::WriteInterfile: Numer of bytes written: %d\n" , nb );
printf("PETProjDataMgr::WriteInterfile: Planes = %d bins = %d ang_views = %d\n", mgr.m_NOfPlanes, mgr.m_NOfBins, mgr.m_NOfAngles );
printf("PETProjDataMgr::WriteInterfile: Dimensions (mm): Transaxial FOV = %f ; Axial FOV = %f ; Transaxial_pix =%f ; Plane width = %f\n", mgr.m_RingDiameter , mgr.m_AxialDistance , mgr.m_RingDiameter/(mgr.m_NOfBins-1) , mgr.m_AxialDistance/(mgr.m_NOfPlanes-1) ); // Image Axial Pixel(ssrb) == 0.5*(Plane_Width);
printf("... " );
printf("PETProjDataMgr::WriteInterfile: Total Coinci: %d\n" , mgr.m_TotalCoincidences );
printf("PETProjDataMgr::WriteInterfile: Sino3D Coinci: %d\n" ,mgr.m_TotalProjectionCoincidences );
double Mag2(HVector3 x) {
return x.x[0]*x.x[0]+x.x[1]*x.x[1]+x.x[2]*x.x[2];
double Mag(HVector3 x) {
return sqrt(Mag2(x));
void SetPhi(HVector3 *r,double phi) {
void SetTheta(HVector3 *r,double phi) {
double Product(HVector3 a, HVector3 b) {
double c=0;
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) c += a.x[i] * b.x[i];
return c;
HVector3 Multiply(double a, HVector3 b) {
HVector3 c;
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) c.x[i]= a* b.x[i];
return c;
HVector3 Add(HVector3 a, HVector3 b) {
HVector3 c;
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) c.x[i]= a.x[i] + b.x[i];
return c;
HVector3 Subtract(HVector3 a, HVector3 b) {
HVector3 c;
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) c.x[i]= a.x[i] - b.x[i];
return c;
HVector3 Hits2Digits(const HVector3 r) {
if (!mgr.m_nch) return r;
float smear=0.5;
if (mgr.m_nch<0) smear=Random(0,1);
double angle = atan2(r.x[0],r.x[1]); // vrne kot med -pi in pi
double twopi=2*Pi();
if (angle<0) angle+=twopi;
angle= ((int)(angle/twopi*fabs(mgr.m_nch))+smear)*twopi/fabs(mgr.m_nch);
HVector3 x;
return x; // z coordinata ni cisto v redu
int FwdProject(double x,double y, double z, int nmax, int h) {
HVector3 r;
int h2d=1;
double tfac=mgr.m_RingDiameter*mgr.m_RingDiameter/4-Mag2(r);
double rfac= mgr.m_AxialDistance/mgr.m_RingDiameter;
for (int i=0; i<nmax; i++) {
double phi= Random(0,Pi());
HVector3 s;
double sign = (Random(0,1)>0.5)? 1 : 0;
double theta = acos(Random(0,rfac));
double t=Product(r,s);
HVector3 rx=Add(r,Multiply(-t,s));
double d=sqrt(t*t+tfac);
HVector3 r1= Add(rx,Multiply(d,s));
HVector3 r2= Add(rx,Multiply(-d,s));
HVector3 s1=Subtract(r2,r1);
double s1len= Mag(s1);
int niter=(int) (100*s1len/mgr.m_RingDiameter);
for (int j=0; j<niter; j++) {
if (h2d) H2D_Fill(h,r2.x[0],r2.x[1],1);
else H3D_Fill(h,r2.x[0],r2.x[1],r2.x[2],1);
return 0;
int FwdProject2d(int img, int h) {
for (int i=0; i<H2D_GetNbinsX(img); i++) {
double x_=H2D_GetXBinCenter( img, i+1 );
for (int j=0; j<H2D_GetNbinsY(img); j++) {
double y_=H2D_GetYBinCenter(img, j+1 );
double density= H2D_GetBinContent(img,i+1,j+1);
if (density>0) FwdProject(x_,y_,mgr.m_AxialDistance*(Random(-0.5,0.5)), density,h);
return 0;
int FwdProject3d(int img, int h) {
for (int i=0; i<H3D_GetNbinsX(img); i++) {
double x_=H3D_GetXBinCenter( img, i+1 );
for (int j=0; j<H3D_GetNbinsY(img); j++) {
double y_=H3D_GetYBinCenter(img, j+1 );
for (int k=0; k<H3D_GetNbinsZ(img); k++) {
double z_=H3D_GetZBinCenter( img, k+1 );
double density= H3D_GetBinContent(img, i+1,j+1,k+1);
if (density>0) FwdProject(x_,y_,z_, density,h);
return 0;
int Phantom(int kaj) {
int img = H2D_Init(1, "img","Original Image",100,-50,50,100,-50,50);
int i=0;
// izberi sliko 0: kroglice, 1: point source 2: central ball
switch (kaj) {
case 0:
for (i=0; i<H2D_GetNbinsX(img); i++) {
for (int j=0; j<H2D_GetNbinsY(img); j++) {
double x_=H2D_GetXBinCenter( img, i+1 );
double y_=H2D_GetYBinCenter( img, j+1 );
double density=1000;
if ((x_*x_+y_*y_)<6) H2D_SetBinContent(img, i+1,j+1,density);
if ((x_-25)*(x_-25)+y_*y_<12) H2D_SetBinContent(img,i+1,j+1,density);
if ((y_-25)*(y_-25)+x_*x_<2) H2D_SetBinContent(img,i+1,j+1,density);
case 2:
for (i=0; i<H2D_GetNbinsX(img); i++) {
for (int j=0; j<H2D_GetNbinsY(img); j++) {
double x_=H2D_GetXBinCenter( img, i+1 );
double y_=H2D_GetYBinCenter( img, j+1 );
double density=1000;
if ((x_*x_+y_*y_)<12.5) H2D_SetBinContent(img, i+1,j+1,density);
case 1:
H2D_Fill(img, 25,25,10000);
return img;
0,0 → 1,110
// ********************************************************************
// * License and Disclaimer *
// * *
// * The GAMOS software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
// * the GAMOS Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
// * conditions of the GAMOS Software License, included in the file *
// * LICENSE and available at .*
// * These include a list of copyright holders. *
// * *
// * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
// * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
// * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
// * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
// * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
// * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
// * *
// * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
// * technical work of the GAMOS collaboration. *
// * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or *
// * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its *
// * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your *
// * acceptance of all terms of the GAMOS Software license. *
// ********************************************************************
#ifndef PETProjDataMgr_h
#define PETProjDataMgr_h
ClassName: PETProjDataMgr
Author: M. Canadas, P. Arce
Changes: 01/11: creation
// Description
PET output (List-mode X Y Z) into projection data (sinograms).
Output data: Sinograms for PET image reconstruction. Interfile format, STIR compatible (.hs/.s),
STIR Software for Tomographic Image Reconstruction:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "H1D.h"
#include "H2D.h"
#include "H3D.h"
#include "daq.h"
typedef unsigned short SINO_TYPE; //!!NOTE: Check "Write_sino3D" (.hv file) if SINO_TYPE changes !!
struct PETProjDataMgr {
int m_Debug;
double m_AxialDistance;
double m_RingDiameter;
int m_NOfPlanes;
int m_NOfBins;
int m_NOfAngles;
int m_MaxRingDifference;
int m_OutFormat;
int m_nch;
int m_TotalAxialPlanes;
char m_Filename;
//G4bool bDumpCout;
SINO_TYPE ***m_projections;
SINO_TYPE *m_Buffer;
unsigned long int m_TotalCoincidences;
unsigned long int m_TotalProjectionCoincidences;
int PETProjDataMgrInit();
void PETProjDataMgrFree();
void AddEvent(const HVector3 pos1, const HVector3 pos2);
//void ReadFile();
//PETOutput ReadEvent( G4bool& bEof );
void SetProjection(int axialplane, int h2d);
void WriteInterfile(const char *fname);
void SetNPlanes(int n);
void SetNBin(int n);
void SetNAng(int n);
void SetDebug(int n);
void SetNumberOfChannels(int n);
void SetRingDiameter( double x);
void SetAxialDistance( double x);
int Phantom(int kaj);
int FwdProject2d(int img2d, int h2d);
int FwdProject3d(int img3d, int h3d);
int FwdProject(double x,double y, double z, int nmax, int h1d);
HVector3 Hits2Digits(const HVector3 r);
struct PETProjDataMgr* GetInstance();
0,0 → 1,351
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "daq.h"
#include "H1D.h"
#include "H2D.h"
#include "PETProjDataMgr.h"
double gAdc[MAXCH]; // raw ADC ji
float gNtdata[MAXCH*3];
int m_write=0;
double gData[MAXCH]; // korigirani ADC ji
float gSum[MAXPMT];
float gRawSum[MAXPMT];
float gMax[MAXPMT];
float gSumCluster[MAXPMT];
int gNabove[MAXPMT];
double GetEnergy(int ch, int adc) {
return (adc-conf.apedestals[ch])/(conf.apeak[ch]-conf.apedestals[ch])*conf.peakscaling;
int GetGlobalPosition(int ipmt, double angle, float cx, float cy, float *gposition) {
double phi = angle + conf.module[ipmt].phi;
double r = conf.module[ipmt].r;
double sinphi = sin(phi);
double cosphi = cos(phi);
gposition[0]= cosphi* r + sinphi * cx ;
gposition[1]= sinphi* r - cosphi * cx ;
gposition[2]= cy;
//if (m_debug) printf( "[%d] phi=%f %f global ( %f , %f , %f )\n" ,ipmt, module[ipmt].phi,angle, rv.x(), rv.y(), rv.z());
return 0;
int GetRealPosition(int ipmt, float px,float py,float *cx,float *cy) {
// iz CoG izracuna pozicijo na kristalu
int binx = 0; //####m_crystalid[ipmt]->GetXaxis()->FindBin(px);
int biny = 0; //####m_crystalid[ipmt]->GetYaxis()->FindBin(py);
int crystalid = 0;//####m_crystalid[ipmt]->GetBinContent(binx,biny);
*cx= ( crystalid % conf.nofcrystalsx - conf.nofcrystalsy/2. + 0.5 ) * conf.crystalpitchx;
*cy= ( crystalid / conf.nofcrystalsx - conf.nofcrystalsx/2. + 0.5 ) * conf.crystalpitchy;
// razmazi pozicijo po povrsini kristala
double rndx = Random(-0.5,0.5)* conf.crystalpitchx;
double rndy = Random(-0.5,0.5)* conf.crystalpitchy;
*cx+= rndx;
*cy+= rndy;
return crystalid;
int HistogramsInit() {
if (conf.write) {
char varlist[1024], tmplist[1024];
sprintf( varlist,"sum0:sum1:sum2:sum3:nh0:nh1:nh2:nh3:c0:c1:c2:c3:px0:px1:px2:px3:py0:py1:py2:py3:rx0:rx1:rx2:rx3:ry0:ry1:ry2:ry3:max0:max1:max2:max3");
for (int i=0; i<MAXCH; i++) {
energija .. (adc -pedestal) * scaling
sum0 .. sum3 vsota energij po vseh kanalih fotopomnozevalke
nh0 .. nh4 stevilo zadetkov na fotopomnozevalki (adc nad thresholdom)
c0 .. c4 vsota energij za kanale nad thresholdom
px0 .. px4 x koordinata COG na fotopomnozevalki
py0 .. py4 y koordinata COG na fotopomnozevalki
max0 .. max3 maximalna energija na kanalu na fotopomnozevalki
a0 .. a63 energija na i-tem kanalu
//gNtuple = new TNtuple("nt","Pet RAW data",varlist);
printf ("#%s#\n",varlist);
m_Nhits = H2D_Init(301,"hnabove","Stevilo zadetkov nad nivojem diskriminacije",4,-0.5,3.5, 16,+0.5,16.5 ); // stevilo hitov nad thresholdom
m_GlobalPosition =H2D_Init(302,"globalxy","Rekonstruirana koordinata zadetka",200,-80,80,200,-80,80); // reconstruirana koordinata v globalnem sistemu
char hname[0xFF];
char hn[0xFF];
int i;
for (i=0; i<MAXCH; i++) {
sprintf(hname,"Raw ADC Ch. %d ;ADC;N",i);
//m_Adc[i] = H1D_Init(i,hn,hname,4000,-0.5,3999.5); // osnovni adcji
m_Adc[i] = H1D_Init(i,hn,hname,400,500-0.5,899.5); // osnovni adcji
sprintf(hname,"cADC za dogodke z manj kot x hitov na pmtju Ch. %d ;ADC;N",i);
m_AdcCut[i] = H1D_Init(i+MAXCH, hn,hname,4000,-0.5,3999.5); // adcji za zadetke z manj kot 7 hiti na PMTju
sprintf(hname,"cADC proti stevilu zadetkov na pmtju Ch. %d ;ADC;N",i);
m_Adc_vs_Nhits[i] = H2D_Init(i,hn,hname,200,0,4000, 17,-0.5,16.5); // adc proti stevilu zadetkov na PMTju
sprintf(hname,"cADC proti vsoti kanalov na pmtju, Ch. %d ;ADC;ADCsum",i);
m_Adc_vs_Sum[i] = H2D_Init(i+MAXCH,hn,hname,200,0,4000, 200,0,12000 ); // raw adc proti vsoti kanalov na PMTju
sprintf(hname,"Raw ADC proti vsoti kanalov na pmtju, Ch. %d ;ADC;ADCsum",i);
m_Adc_vs_Sum_Uncorected[i] =H2D_Init(i+MAXCH*2,hn,hname,100,0,3500, 100,5000,12000 ); // adc proti vsoti kanalov na PMTju
for (i=0; i<MAXPMT; i++) {
sprintf(hname,"Vsota cADC na PMTju %d ;ADC;N",i);
m_AdcSum[i] =H1D_Init(200+i,hn,hname,200,0,20000); // vsota adcjev na PMTju
sprintf(hname,"Vsota cADC na PMTju za dogodke z manj kot x zadetki %d ;ADC;N",i);
m_AdcSumCluster[i] = H1D_Init(216+i,hn,hname,200,0,20000); // vsota adcjev na pmtju, ki so nad threshholdom, za dogodke z manj kot 5 zadetki na PMTju
sprintf(hname,"Center naboja CoG PMT %d ;x;y",i);
m_CenterOfGravity[i] =H2D_Init(200+i,hn,hname,200,-1.25,4.25,200,-1.25,4.25); // center naboja na PMTju
sprintf(hname,"Center naboja CoG za zadetke nad thresholdom PMT %d ;x;y",i);
m_CenterOfGravityforChAboveThreshold[i] = H2D_Init(216+i,hn,hname,200,0,3,200,0,3); // center naboja za zadetke nad thresholdom
sprintf(hname,"Rekonstruirana koordinata PMT %d ;x(mm);y(mm)",i);
m_ReconstructedPosition[i] = H2D_Init(232+i,hn,hname,200,-12,12,200,-12,12); // korigirana koordinata na pmtju
sprintf(hname,"SumAdc PMT %d ;SumAdc(a.u.);crystal ID",i);
m_SumAdc[i] =H2D_Init(248+i,hn,hname,200,0,12000,81,-0.5,80.5); // SumADC spekter za razlicne kristale
// store mapping
//TH1I *hx= new TH1I("mapping", "ch mapping", 16, -0.5,15.5);
//for (int j=0;j<16;j++) hx->Fill(j,m_geo->ch[j].idx);
return 0;
int HistogramsWrite(const char *fname){
FILE *fp = fopen(fname, "wb");
if (fp){
int i;
for (i=0;i<H1DMAX;i++){ if (H1D_Exist(i)) H1D_Write2File(i, fp); }
for (i=0;i<H2DMAX;i++){ if (H2D_Exist(i)) H2D_Write2File(i, fp); }
for (i=0;i<H3DMAX;i++){ if (H3D_Exist(i)) H3D_Write2File(i, fp); }
return 0;
int HistogramsFill() {
int i=0, ipmt;
for (i=0; i<MAXCH; i++) { // zanka cez vse elektronske kanale;
float x=gData[i];
int ipmt= i/16;
float s=gSum[ipmt];
// int idx= 2*(ipmt)+64;
// const float fSlope1=2;
// const float fSlope2=3;
// if ( ((s-gSumPedestals[ipmt] ) > fSlope1*(x-gPedestals[i])) && ((s-gSumPedestals[ipmt] ) < fSlope2*(x-gPedestals[ipmt])) ) {
if (gNabove[ipmt]<7) {
H2D_Fill(m_Adc_vs_Sum_Uncorected[i], gAdc[i],gRawSum[ipmt],1);
HVector3 r_coincidence[2];
for (int k=0; k<2; k++) for (int i1=0; i1<3; i1++) r_coincidence[k].x[i1]=0;
int f_coincidence[2]= {0,0};
for (ipmt=0; ipmt<4; ipmt++) { // zanka preko pmtjev
int j2= (ipmt/2)*2+1-ipmt%2; // sosednja fotopomnozevalka
float posx[2]= {0,0};
float posy[2]= {0,0};
float sum[2]= {0,0};
for (int ich=0; ich<16; ich++) { // zanka preko elektronskih kanalov na fotopomnozevalki
int ch= ich+ipmt*16;
if (gMax[ipmt]>conf.adcthreshold) {
posx[0]+= gData[ch]*[ich].ix;
posy[0]+= gData[ch]*[ich].iy;
sum[0] += gData[ch];
if (gData[ch]> 0.1*gMax[ipmt]) { // pri racunanju pozicije upostevaj le kanale, ki imajo vrednost vecjo od ratio*maksimalna na tisti fotopomnozevalki ********
posx[1]+= gData[ch]*[ich].ix;
posy[1]+= gData[ch]*[ich].iy;
sum[1] += gData[ch];
if (m_write) {
if (gMax[ipmt]>gMax[j2]) { // izberi fotopomnozevalko, ki ima vec zadetkov kot soseda TRG= (P1|P2) & (P3|P4)
if ( sum[0] > 0 ) {
float px=posx[0]/sum[0];
float py=posy[0]/sum[0];
float cx=0; //koordinata na pmtju
float cy=0;
int crystalID = GetRealPosition(ipmt,px,py,&cx,&cy);
H2D_Fill(m_SumAdc[ipmt],gSum[ipmt], crystalID,1 );
if (debug > 2) printf("ipmt=%d cx=%f cy=%f\n",ipmt,cx,cy);
GetGlobalPosition(ipmt, conf.rotation, cx, cy,r_coincidence[ipmt/2].x) ;
f_coincidence[ipmt/2] =1;
if ( sum[1] > 0 ) {
float px=posx[1]/sum[1];
float py=posy[1]/sum[1];
// float px0=posx[0]/sum[0];
// float py0=posy[0]/sum[0];
// if (px0<0.25 || px0>2.75 || py0< 0.25 || py0> 2.75)
// if (((py0>0.75 && py0<1.25) || (py0>1.75 && py0<2.25)) && (px0< 0.25 || px0>2.75 ) )
for (i=0; i<MAXCH; i++) if (gData[i]>conf.adcthreshold) {
for (i=0; i<MAXCH; i++) if (gData[i]>conf.adcthreshold && gNabove[i/16]<5 ) {
for (ipmt=0; ipmt<4; ipmt++) {
for (i=0; i<4; i++) H1D_Fill(m_Nhits,i,gNabove[i]);
if (m_write) {
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
for (i=0; i<MAXCH; i++) gNtdata[32+i]=gData[i];
// coincidences
if (f_coincidence[0]&&f_coincidence[1]) {
if (debug > 1) {
printf( "Coincidence ( %f , %f , %f ) ( %f , %f , %f )\n" ,
r_coincidence[0].x[0], r_coincidence[0].x[1], r_coincidence[0].x[2],
r_coincidence[1].x[0], r_coincidence[1].x[1], r_coincidence[1].x[2] );
AddEvent( r_coincidence[0] , r_coincidence[1]);
return 0;
int analyse(int nb, uint32_t *buf) {
int idx=1;
int neve=buf[0]/2;
for (int nev=0; nev<neve; nev++) {
int len=buf[idx];
int sb =buf[idx+1];
unsigned int *pbuf=&buf[idx+2];
if (sb!=0xffab) {
printf("0x%04x!0xffab len=%d\n",sb,len);
// postavi na nic
#define InitArrayWithAValue(arr,n,x) {for (int i=0;i<n;i++) arr[i]=x;}
// postavi na nic
InitArrayWithAValue( gSum , MAXPMT , 0);
InitArrayWithAValue( gRawSum , MAXPMT , 0);
InitArrayWithAValue( gMax , MAXPMT , 0);
InitArrayWithAValue( gSumCluster, MAXPMT , 0);
InitArrayWithAValue( gNabove , MAXPMT , 0);
InitArrayWithAValue( gData , MAXCH, 0);
InitArrayWithAValue( gAdc , MAXCH, 0);
for (int i0=0; i0<len-2; i0+=2) {
int data0 = pbuf[i0];
int data1 = pbuf[i0+1];
int geo = (data1 >> 11) & 0x1f;
int ch = (data1&0x1f) | (geo<<5);
int dtype = (data1>>9)&0x3;
int adc = data0&0xfff;
if (dtype == 0 & ch<MAXCH) {
if (debug) printf("%d ADC %d %d\n", geo, ch, adc);
if (ch<MAXCH) H1D_Fill(ch, adc,1);
int ipmt = ch/16;
if (gData[ch] >gMax[ipmt] ) gMax[ipmt]= gData[ch];
if (gData[ch] >conf.adcthreshold ) gNabove[ipmt]++;
//#### m_Adc[ch]->Fill(adc);
};// for (int i0=0;i0<len-2;i0+=2)
if (m_write) {
for (int i=0; i<MAXCH; i++) gNtdata[i+1]=gAdc[i];
} // for (int nev=0;nev<neve;nev++)
return 0;
0,0 → 1,20
0,0 → 1,117
#ifndef _daq_h_
#define _daq_h_
#define MAXCH 64
#define MAXPMT 16
#define NSTEPS 4790 // en krog je 4790 korakov
typedef struct {
float x[3];
} HVector3;
struct Module {
double r;
double phi;
struct Channel {
int ix;
int iy;
struct Config {
int nofcrystalsx;
int nofcrystalsy;
double crystalpitchx;
double crystalpitchy;
char *modules;
char *channels;
char *sumpedestals;
char *pedestals;
char *photopeak;
char *channelcalibration;
int adcthreshold;
double peakscaling;
struct Module module[16];
struct Channel channel[16];
float apedestals[MAXCH];
float apeak[MAXCH];
float rotation;
int write;
int coincidences; // stevilo koincidenc
} conf;
#define NUM_CHANNELS 1
#define PEDESTAL 255
#define SCAN_TYPE 1
#define RUNREC_ID 1
#define ENDREC_ID 2
#define POSREC_ID 3
#define EVTREC_ID 4
typedef struct {
unsigned int id,length;
unsigned int fver,time;
unsigned int num_events,num_channels,pedestal,xy;
int nx,x0,dx,ny,y0,dy;
typedef struct {
unsigned int id,length;
unsigned int time,dum;
typedef struct {
unsigned int id,length;
unsigned int time;
int num_iter_x,mikro_pos_x,set_pos_x;
int num_iter_y,mikro_pos_y,set_pos_y;
int debug;
int fPedestal;
int fThresholdEnable;
int fStop;
int fMode;
int clear();
int end();
int event(unsigned int *, int,int *, int );
int init();
int vmconnect();
int vmdisconnect();
int vmacquire (int neve,FILE *fp, char *fpedname);
int HistogramsInit();
int HistogramsFill();
int HistogramsWrite(const char *fname);
int GetGlobalPosition(int ipmt, double angle, float cx, float cy, float *gposition);
int analyse(int nb, uint32_t *data);
int m_Adc[MAXCH];
int m_AdcCut[MAXCH];
int m_Adc_vs_Nhits[MAXCH];
int m_Adc_vs_Sum[MAXCH];
int m_Adc_vs_Sum_Uncorected[MAXCH];
int m_Nhits;
int m_AdcSum[MAXPMT];
int m_CenterOfGravity[MAXPMT];
int m_ReconstructedPosition[MAXPMT];
int m_CenterOfGravityforChAboveThreshold[MAXPMT];
int m_GlobalPosition;
int m_AdcSumCluster[MAXPMT];
int m_MaxAdc[MAXPMT];
int m_SumAdc[MAXPMT];
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,24
<?xml version="1.0"?>
0,0 → 1,64
0 3196.160841
1 1711.854801
2 1635.564402
3 1597.419203
4 1711.854801
5 1584.704136
6 1355.832941
7 1432.123339
8 1533.843871
9 1648.279469
10 1597.419203
11 1521.128804
12 1470.268539
13 1686.424668
14 1622.849336
15 1660.994535
16 2522.262320
17 2220.457458
18 2423.898521
19 2334.893056
20 2551.049185
21 2449.328654
22 2703.629982
23 2614.624517
24 2487.473853
25 2347.608122
26 2156.882126
27 2233.172524
28 2589.194384
29 2233.172524
30 1864.435598
31 1915.295864
32 2852.854047
33 1915.295864
34 1915.295864
35 2156.882126
36 1991.586262
37 1966.156129
38 1915.295864
39 1902.580797
40 1940.725996
41 1877.150664
42 1940.725996
43 1877.150664
44 1928.010930
45 1940.725996
46 1991.586262
47 1928.010930
48 2852.854047
49 2080.591727
50 1813.575332
51 1978.871196
52 2245.887591
53 2080.591727
54 1813.575332
55 1940.725996
56 1902.580797
57 1889.865731
58 1673.709601
59 1699.139734
60 1813.575332
61 1877.150664
62 1508.413738
63 1686.424668
0,0 → 1,17
15 0 0
14 0 1
13 1 0
12 1 1
11 0 3
10 0 2
9 1 3
8 1 2
7 2 3
6 2 2
5 3 3
4 3 2
3 2 0
2 2 1
1 3 0
0 3 1
0,0 → 1,17
0 0 0
1 0 1
2 1 0
3 1 1
4 0 3
5 0 2
6 1 3
7 1 2
8 2 3
9 2 2
10 3 3
11 3 2
12 2 0
13 2 1
14 3 0
15 3 1
0,0 → 1,5
#module ID (connector) r(mm) angle(deg)
0 61 0
1 61 22.5
2 61 180
3 61 202.5
0,0 → 1,64
0 339.764
1 356.526
2 328.481
3 283.352
4 307.915
5 365.996
6 316.9
7 316.175
8 348.054
9 338.349
10 385.901
11 342.318
12 353.552
13 348.903
14 340.133
15 335.819
16 337.356
17 334.646
18 322.328
19 320.371
20 304.205
21 347.213
22 336.6
23 325.069
24 351.203
25 347.073
26 307.865
27 285.498
28 332.387
29 325.668
30 352.567
31 343.887
32 360.176
33 328.103
34 337.231
35 324.995
36 294.699
37 354.216
38 304.069
39 369.572
40 375.065
41 347.03
42 341.669
43 311.298
44 338.887
45 322.734
46 388.779
47 320.116
48 323.118
49 350.691
50 344.091
51 334.575
52 349.252
53 351.313
54 338.096
55 330.029
56 348.157
57 304.036
58 300.07
59 304.476
60 307.644
61 296.693
62 327.384
63 345.163
0,0 → 1,64
0 339.13
1 354.26
2 327.546
3 282.69
4 312.863
5 365.795
6 317.055
7 316.198
8 348.804
9 337.947
10 385.535
11 341.414
12 351.877
13 346.92
14 339.204
15 334.106
16 331.704
17 333.163
18 302.789
19 319.067
20 325.209
21 348.417
22 337.329
23 326.671
24 351.699
25 348.799
26 308.549
27 286.519
28 332.446
29 324.031
30 351.92
31 342.048
32 359.25
33 325.419
34 334.892
35 322.25
36 293.95
37 354.971
38 304.267
39 370.495
40 374.192
41 347.656
42 340.723
43 311.266
44 301.842
45 320.301
46 387.6
47 318.137
48 321.878
49 348.859
50 342.913
51 332.14
52 346.995
53 350.787
54 337.321
55 329.6
56 346.56
57 303.365
58 298.587
59 302.891
60 306.159
61 293.716
62 324.878
63 341.973
0,0 → 1,84
0 1700
1 1900
2 1680
3 1700
4 1870
5 1680
6 1430
7 1460
8 1680
9 1700
10 1713
11 1650
12 1630
13 1830
14 1750
15 1740
16 2440
17 2320
18 2640
19 2500
20 2790
21 2600
22 2900
23 2820
24 2660
25 2470
26 2310
27 2330
28 2817
29 2860
30 2140
31 2140
32 2120
33 2410
34 1990
35 2480
36 2200
37 2100
38 2040
39 2060
40 2090
41 1970
42 2032
43 1970
44 2054
45 2120
46 2076
47 1920
48 2206
49 2420
50 1930
51 2290
52 2400
53 2425
54 1950
55 2400
56 2076
57 2010
58 1792
59 1830
60 2000
61 2032
62 1640
63 1614
0,0 → 1,4
0 5413.22
1 5264.29
2 5394.42
3 5261.11
0,0 → 1,1651
// libxxusb.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application.
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "usb.h"
#include "libxxusb.h"
#include <time.h>
// 03/09/06 Release 3.00 changes
// 07/28/06 correction CAMAC write for F to be in range 16...23
// 10/09/06 correction CAMAC read for F to be in range <16 OR >23
// 10/16/06 CAMAC DGG corrected
// 12/28/07 Open corrected for bug when calling register after opening
******** xxusb_longstack_execute ************************
Executes stack array passed to the function and returns the data read from the VME bus
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function
DataBuffer: pointer to the dual use buffer
when calling , DataBuffer contains (unsigned short) stack data, with first word serving
as a placeholder
upon successful return, DataBuffer contains (unsigned short) VME data
lDataLen: The number of bytes to be fetched from VME bus - not less than the actual number
expected, or the function will return -5 code. For stack consisting only of write operations,
lDataLen may be set to 1.
timeout: The time in ms that should be spent tryimg to write data.
When Successful, the number of bytes read from xxusb.
Upon failure, a negative number
The function must pass a pointer to an array of unsigned integer stack data, in which the first word
is left empty to serve as a placeholder.
The function is intended for executing long stacks, up to 4 MBytes long, both "write" and "read"
oriented, such as using multi-block transfer operations.
Structure upon call:
DataBuffer(0) = 0(don't care place holder)
DataBuffer(1) = (unsigned short)StackLength bits 0-15
DataBuffer(2) = (unsigned short)StackLength bits 16-20
DataBuffer(3 - StackLength +2) (unsigned short) stack data
StackLength represents the number of words following DataBuffer(1) word, thus the total number
of words is StackLength+2
Structure upon return:
DataBuffer(0 - (ReturnValue/2-1)) - (unsigned short)array of returned data when ReturnValue>0
int xxusb_longstack_execute(usb_dev_handle *hDev, void *DataBuffer, int lDataLen, int timeout)
int ret;
char *cbuf;
unsigned short *usbuf;
int bufsize;
cbuf = (char *)DataBuffer;
usbuf = (unsigned short *)DataBuffer;
bufsize = 2*(usbuf[1]+0x10000*usbuf[2])+4;
ret=usb_bulk_write(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT, cbuf, bufsize, timeout);
if (ret>0)
ret=usb_bulk_read(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_IN, cbuf, lDataLen, timeout);
return ret;
******** xxusb_bulk_read ************************
Reads the content of the usbfifo whenever "FIFO full" flag is set,
otherwise times out.
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function
DataBuffer: pointer to an array to store data that is read from the VME bus;
the array may be declared as byte, unsigned short, or unsigned long
lDatalen: The number of bytes to read from xxusb
timeout: The time in ms that should be spent waiting for data.
When Successful, the number of bytes read from xxusb.
Upon failure, a negative number
Depending upon the actual need, the function may be used to return the data in a form
of an array of bytes, unsigned short integers (16 bits), or unsigned long integers (32 bits).
The latter option of passing a pointer to an array of unsigned long integers is meaningful when
xxusb data buffering option is used (bit 7=128 of the global register) that requires data
32-bit data alignment.
int xxusb_bulk_read(usb_dev_handle *hDev, void *DataBuffer, int lDataLen, int timeout)
int ret;
char *cbuf;
cbuf = (char *)DataBuffer;
ret = usb_bulk_read(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_IN, cbuf, lDataLen, timeout);
return ret;
******** xxusb_bulk_write ************************
Writes the content of an array of bytes, unsigned short integers, or unsigned long integers
to the USB port fifo; times out when the USB fifo is full (e.g., when xxusb is busy).
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function
DataBuffer: pointer to an array storing the data to be sent;
the array may be declared as byte, unsigned short, or unsigned long
lDatalen: The number of bytes to to send to xxusb
timeout: The time in ms that should be spent waiting for data.
When Successful, the number of bytes passed to xxusb.
Upon failure, a negative number
Depending upon the actual need, the function may be used to pass to xxusb the data in a form
of an array of bytes, unsigned short integers (16 bits), or unsigned long integers (32 bits).
int xxusb_bulk_write(usb_dev_handle *hDev, void *DataBuffer, int lDataLen, int timeout)
int ret;
char *cbuf;
cbuf = (char *)DataBuffer;
ret = usb_bulk_write(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT, cbuf, lDataLen, timeout);
return ret;
******** xxusb_usbfifo_read ************************
Reads data stored in the xxusb fifo and packs them in an array of long integers.
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function
DataBuffer: pointer to an array of long to store data that is read
the data occupy only the least significant 16 bits of the 32-bit data words
lDatalen: The number of bytes to read from the xxusb
timeout: The time in ms that should be spent waiting for data.
When Successful, the number of bytes read from xxusb.
Upon failure, a negative number
The function is not economical as it wastes half of the space required for storing
the data received. Also, it is relatively slow, as it performs extensive data repacking.
It is recommended to use xxusb_bulk_read with a pointer to an array of unsigned short
int xxusb_usbfifo_read(usb_dev_handle *hDev, int *DataBuffer, int lDataLen, int timeout)
int ret;
char *cbuf;
unsigned short *usbuf;
int i;
cbuf = (char *)DataBuffer;
usbuf = (unsigned short *)DataBuffer;
ret = usb_bulk_read(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_IN, cbuf, lDataLen, timeout);
if (ret > 0)
for (i=ret/2-1; i >= 0; i=i-1)
return ret;
//******************* GENERAL XX_USB *******************//
// The following are functions used for both VM_USB & CC_USB
******** xxusb_register_write ************************
Writes Data to the xxusb register selected by RedAddr. For
acceptable values for RegData and RegAddr see the manual
the module you are using.
hdev: usb device handle returned from open device
RegAddr: The internal address if the xxusb
RegData: The Data to be written to the register
Number of bytes sent to xxusb if successful
0 if the register is write only
Negative numbers if the call fails
short xxusb_register_write(usb_dev_handle *hDev, short RegAddr, long RegData)
long RegD;
char buf[8]={5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
int ret;
int lDataLen;
int timeout;
if ((RegAddr==0) || (RegAddr==12) || (RegAddr==15))
return 0;
buf[2]=(char)(RegAddr & 15);
buf[4]=(char)(RegData & 255);
RegD = RegData >> 8;
buf[5]=(char)(RegD & 255);
RegD = RegD >>8;
if (RegAddr==8)
buf[6]=(char)(RegD & 255);
ret=xxusb_bulk_write(hDev, buf, lDataLen, timeout);
return ret;
******** xxusb_stack_write ************************
Writes a stack of VME/CAMAC calls to the VM_USB/CC_USB
to be executed upon trigger.
hdev: usb device handle returned from an open function
StackAddr: internal register to which the stack should be written
lpStackData: Pointer to an array holding the stack
The number of Bytes written to the xxusb when successful
A negative number upon failure
short xxusb_stack_write(usb_dev_handle *hDev, short StackAddr, long *intbuf)
int timeout;
short ret;
short lDataLen;
char buf[2000];
short i;
int bufsize;
buf[0]=(char)((StackAddr & 51) + 4);
lDataLen=(short)(intbuf[0] & 0xFFF);
buf[2]=(char)(lDataLen & 255);
lDataLen = lDataLen >> 8;
buf[3] = (char)(lDataLen & 255);
if (intbuf[0]==0)
return 0;
for (i=1; i <= intbuf[0]; i++)
buf[2+2*i] = (char)(intbuf[i] & 255);
buf[3+2*i] = (char)((intbuf[i] >>8) & 255);
ret=usb_bulk_write(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT, buf, bufsize, timeout);
return ret;
******** xxusb_stack_execute **********************
Writes, executes and returns the value of a DAQ stack.
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function
intbuf: Pointer to an array holding the values stack. Upon return
Pointer value is the Data returned from the stack.
When successful, the number of Bytes read from xxusb
Upon Failure, a negative number.
short xxusb_stack_execute(usb_dev_handle *hDev, long *intbuf)
int timeout;
short ret;
short lDataLen;
char buf[26700];
short i;
int bufsize;
int ii = 0;
lDataLen=(short)(intbuf[0] & 0xFFF);
buf[2]=(char)(lDataLen & 255);
lDataLen = lDataLen >> 8;
buf[3] = (char)(lDataLen & 15);
if (intbuf[0]==0)
return 0;
for (i=1; i <= intbuf[0]; i++)
buf[2+2*i] = (char)(intbuf[i] & 255);
buf[3+2*i] = (char)((intbuf[i] >>8) & 255);
ret=usb_bulk_write(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT, buf, bufsize, timeout);
if (ret>0)
ret=usb_bulk_read(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_IN, buf, lDataLen, timeout);
if (ret>0)
for (i=0; i < ret; i=i+2)
intbuf[ii++]=(UCHAR)(buf[i]) +(UCHAR)( buf[i+1])*256;
return ret;
******** xxusb_stack_read ************************
Reads the current DAQ stack stored by xxusb
hdev: USB device handle returned by an open function
StackAddr: Indicates which stack to read, primary or secondary
intbuf: Pointer to a array where the stack can be stored
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short xxusb_stack_read(usb_dev_handle *hDev, short StackAddr, long *intbuf)
int timeout;
short ret;
short lDataLen;
short bufsize;
char buf[1600];
int i;
buf[0]=(char)(StackAddr & 51);
lDataLen = 2;
ret=usb_bulk_write(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT, buf, lDataLen, timeout);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
int ii=0;
ret=usb_bulk_read(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_IN, buf, bufsize, timeout);
if (ret>0)
for (i=0; i < ret; i=i+2)
intbuf[ii++]=(UCHAR)(buf[i]) + (UCHAR)(buf[i+1])*256;
return ret;
******** xxusb_register_read ************************
Reads the current contents of an internal xxusb register
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function
RegAddr: The internal address of the register from which to read
RegData: Pointer to a long to hold the data.
When Successful, the number of bytes read from xxusb.
Upon failure, a negative number
short xxusb_register_read(usb_dev_handle *hDev, short RegAddr, long *RegData)
//long RegD;
int timeout;
char buf[4]={1,0,0,0};
int ret;
int lDataLen;
buf[2]=(char)(RegAddr & 15);
ret=xxusb_bulk_write(hDev, buf, lDataLen, timeout);
if (ret < 0)
return (short)ret;
ret=xxusb_bulk_read(hDev, buf, lDataLen, timeout);
if (ret<0)
return (short)ret;
if (ret==4)
return (short)ret;
******** xxusb_reset_toggle ************************
Toggles the reset state of the FPGA while the xxusb in programming mode
hdev: US B device handle returned from an open function
Upon failure, a negative number
short xxusb_reset_toggle(usb_dev_handle *hDev)
short ret;
char buf[2] = {(char)255,(char)255};
int lDataLen=2;
int timeout=1000;
ret = usb_bulk_write(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT, buf,lDataLen, timeout);
return (short)ret;
******** xxusb_devices_find ************************
Determines the number and parameters of all xxusb devices attched to
the computer.
xxdev: pointer to an array on which the device parameters are stored
Upon success, returns the number of devices found
Upon Failure returns a negative number
short xxusb_devices_find(xxusb_device_type *xxdev)
short DevFound = 0;
usb_dev_handle *udev;
struct usb_bus *bus;
struct usb_device *dev;
struct usb_bus *usb_busses;
char string[256];
short ret;
for (bus=usb_busses; bus; bus = bus->next)
for (dev = bus->devices; dev; dev= dev->next)
if (dev->descriptor.idVendor==XXUSB_WIENER_VENDOR_ID)
udev = usb_open(dev);
if (udev)
ret = usb_get_string_simple(udev, dev->descriptor.iSerialNumber, string, sizeof(string));
if (ret >0 )
strcpy(xxdev[DevFound].SerialString, string);
else return -1;
return DevFound;
******** xxusb_device_close ************************
Closes an xxusb device
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function
Returns: 1
short xxusb_device_close(usb_dev_handle *hDev)
short ret;
return 1;
******** xxusb_device_open ************************
Opens an xxusb device found by xxusb_device_find
dev: a usb device
A USB device handle
usb_dev_handle* xxusb_device_open(struct usb_device *dev)
short ret;
long val;
int count =0;
usb_dev_handle *udev;
udev = usb_open(dev);
ret = usb_set_configuration(udev,1);
ret = usb_claim_interface(udev,0);
// RESET USB (added 10/16/06 Andreas Ruben)
ret=xxusb_register_write(udev, 10, 0x04);
// Loop to find known state (added 12/28/07 TH / AR)
ret =-1;
while ((ret <0) && (count <10))
xxusb_register_read(udev, 0, &val);
return udev;
******** xxusb_flash_program ************************
--Untested and therefore uncommented--
short xxusb_flash_program(usb_dev_handle *hDev, char *config, short nsect)
int i=0;
int k=0;
short ret=0;
time_t t1,t2;
char *pconfig;
char *pbuf;
char buf[518] ={(char)0xAA,(char)0xAA,(char)0x55,(char)0x55,(char)0xA0,(char)0xA0};
while (*pconfig++ != -1);
for (i=0; i<nsect; i++)
for (k=0; k<256; k++)
ret = usb_bulk_write(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT, buf, 518, 2000);
if (ret<0)
return ret;
while (t1>clock());
return ret;
******** xxusb_flashblock_program ************************
--Untested and therefore uncommented--
short xxusb_flashblock_program(usb_dev_handle *hDev, UCHAR *config)
int k=0;
short ret=0;
UCHAR *pconfig;
char *pbuf;
char buf[518] ={(char)0xAA,(char)0xAA,(char)0x55,(char)0x55,(char)0xA0,(char)0xA0};
for (k=0; k<256; k++)
ret = usb_bulk_write(hDev, XXUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT, buf, 518, 2000);
return ret;
******** xxusb_serial_open ************************
Opens a xxusb device whose serial number is given
SerialString: a char string that gives the serial number of
the device you wish to open. It takes the form:
VM0009 - for a vm_usb with serial number 9 or
CC0009 - for a cc_usb with serial number 9
A USB device handle
usb_dev_handle* xxusb_serial_open(char *SerialString)
short DevFound = 0;
usb_dev_handle *udev = NULL;
struct usb_bus *bus;
struct usb_device *dev;
struct usb_bus *usb_busses;
char string[7];
short ret;
// usb_set_debug(4);
for (bus=usb_busses; bus; bus = bus->next)
for (dev = bus->devices; dev; dev= dev->next)
if (dev->descriptor.idVendor==XXUSB_WIENER_VENDOR_ID)
udev = xxusb_device_open(dev);
if (udev)
ret = usb_get_string_simple(udev, dev->descriptor.iSerialNumber, string, sizeof(string));
if (ret >0 )
if (strcmp(string,SerialString)==0)
return udev;
udev = NULL;
return udev;
//****************** EZ_VME Functions ******************//
// The following are functions used to perform simple
// VME Functions with the VM_USB
******** VME_write_32 ************************
Writes a 32 bit data word to the VME bus
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function
Address_Modifier: VME address modifier for the VME call
VME_Address: Address to write the data to
Data: 32 bit data word to be written to VME_Address
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short VME_write_32(usb_dev_handle *hdev, short Address_Modifier, long VME_Address, long Data)
long intbuf[1000];
short ret;
intbuf[4]=(VME_Address & 0xffff);
intbuf[5]=((VME_Address >>16) & 0xffff);
intbuf[6]=(Data & 0xffff);
intbuf[7]=((Data >> 16) & 0xffff);
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf);
return ret;
******** VME_read_32 ************************
Reads a 32 bit data word from a VME address
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function
Address_Modifier: VME address modifier for the VME call
VME_Address: Address to read the data from
Data: 32 bit data word read from VME_Address
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short VME_read_32(usb_dev_handle *hdev, short Address_Modifier, long VME_Address, long *Data)
long intbuf[1000];
short ret;
intbuf[2]=Address_Modifier +0x100;
intbuf[4]=(VME_Address & 0xffff);
intbuf[5]=((VME_Address >>16) & 0xffff);
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf);
*Data=intbuf[0] + (intbuf[1] * 0x10000);
return ret;
******** VME_write_16 ************************
Writes a 16 bit data word to the VME bus
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function
Address_Modifier: VME address modifier for the VME call
VME_Address: Address to write the data to
Data: word to be written to VME_Address
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short VME_write_16(usb_dev_handle *hdev, short Address_Modifier, long VME_Address, long Data)
long intbuf[1000];
short ret;
intbuf[4]=(VME_Address & 0xffff)+ 0x01;
intbuf[5]=((VME_Address >>16) & 0xffff);
intbuf[6]=(Data & 0xffff);
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf);
return ret;
******** VME_read_16 ************************
Reads a 16 bit data word from a VME address
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function
Address_Modifier: VME address modifier for the VME call
VME_Address: Address to read the data from
Data: word read from VME_Address
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short VME_read_16(usb_dev_handle *hdev,short Address_Modifier, long VME_Address, long *Data)
long intbuf[1000];
short ret;
intbuf[2]=Address_Modifier +0x100;
intbuf[4]=(VME_Address & 0xffff)+ 0x01;
intbuf[5]=((VME_Address >>16) & 0xffff);
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf);
return ret;
******** VME_BLT_read_32 ************************
Performs block transfer of 32 bit words from a VME address
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function
Address_Modifier: VME address modifier for the VME call
count: number of data words to read
VME_Address: Address to read the data from
Data: pointer to an array to hold the data words
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short VME_BLT_read_32(usb_dev_handle *hdev, short Adress_Modifier, int count, long VME_Address, long Data[])
long intbuf[1000];
short ret;
int i=0;
if (count > 255) return -1;
intbuf[2]=Adress_Modifier +0x100;
intbuf[3]=(count << 8);
intbuf[4]=(VME_Address & 0xffff);
intbuf[5]=((VME_Address >>16) & 0xffff);
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf);
int j=0;
for (i=0;i<(2*count);i=i+2)
Data[j]=intbuf[i] + (intbuf[i+1] * 0x10000);
return ret;
//****************** VM_USB Registers ******************//
// The following are functions used to set the registers
// in the VM_USB
******** VME_register_write ************************
Writes to the vmusb registers that are accessible through
VME style calls
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function
VME_Address: The VME Address of the internal register
Data: Data to be written to VME_Address
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short VME_register_write(usb_dev_handle *hdev, long VME_Address, long Data)
long intbuf[1000];
short ret;
intbuf[4]=(VME_Address & 0xffff);
intbuf[5]=((VME_Address >>16) & 0xffff);
intbuf[6]=(Data & 0xffff);
intbuf[7]=((Data >> 16) & 0xffff);
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf);
return ret;
******** VME_register_read ************************
Reads from the vmusb registers that are accessible trough VME style calls
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function
VME_Address: The VME Address of the internal register
Data: Data read from VME_Address
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short VME_register_read(usb_dev_handle *hdev, long VME_Address, long *Data)
long intbuf[1000];
short ret;
intbuf[4]=(VME_Address & 0xffff);
intbuf[5]=((VME_Address >>16) & 0xffff);
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf);
*Data=intbuf[0] + (intbuf[1] * 0x10000);
return ret;
******** VME_LED_settings ************************
Sets the vmusb LED's
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function
LED: The number which corresponds to an LED values are:
0 - for Top YELLOW LED
1 - for RED LED
2 - for GREEN LED
3 - for Bottom YELLOW LED
code: The LED aource selector code, valid values for each LED
are listed in the manual
invert: to invert the LED lighting
latch: sets LED latch bit
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short VME_LED_settings(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int LED, int code, int invert, int latch)
short ret;
// long internal;
long Data;
if( (LED <0) ||(LED > 3) || (code < 0) || (code > 7)) return -1;
if(LED == 0)
Data = Data & 0xFFFFFF00;
Data = Data | code;
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x18;
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0) Data = Data | 0x08;
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x10;
if(LED == 1)
Data = Data & 0xFFFF00FF;
Data = Data | (code * 0x0100);
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x1800;
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0) Data = Data | 0x0800;
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x1000;
if(LED == 2)
Data = Data & 0xFF00FFFF;
Data = Data | (code * 0x10000);
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x180000;
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0) Data = Data | 0x080000;
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x100000;
if(LED == 3)
Data = Data & 0x00FFFFFF;
Data = Data | (code * 0x10000);
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x18000000;
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0) Data = Data | 0x08000000;
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x10000000;
ret = VME_register_write(hdev, 0xc, Data);
return ret;
******** VME_DGG ************************
Sets the parameters for Gate & Delay channel A of vmusb
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function
channel: Which DGG channel to use Valid Values are:
0 - For DGG A
1 - For DGG B
trigger: Determines what triggers the start of the DGG Valid values are:
0 - Channel disabled
1 - NIM input 1
2 - NIM input 2
3 - Event Trigger
4 - End of Event
5 - USB Trigger
6 - Pulser
output: Determines which NIM output to use for the channel, Vaild values are:
0 - for NIM O1
1 - for NIM O2
delay: 32 bit word consisting of
lower 16 bits: Delay_fine in steps of 12.5ns between trigger and start of gate
upper 16 bits: Delay_coarse in steps of 81.7us between trigger and start of gate
gate: the time the gate should stay open in steps of 12.5ns
invert: is 1 if you wish to invert the DGG channel output
latch: is 1 if you wish to run the DGG channel latched
Returns 1 when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short VME_DGG(usb_dev_handle *hdev, unsigned short channel, unsigned short trigger, unsigned short output,
long delay, unsigned short gate, unsigned short invert, unsigned short latch)
long Data, DGData, Delay_ext;
long internal;
short ret;
ret = VME_register_read(hdev, 0x10, &Data);
// check and correct values
if(ret<=0) return -1;
if(channel >1) channel =1;
if(invert >1) invert =1;
if(latch >1) latch =1;
if(output >1) output =1;
if(trigger >6) trigger =0;
// define Delay and Gate data
DGData = gate * 0x10000;
DGData += (unsigned short) delay;
// Set channel, output, invert, latch
if (output == 0)
Data = Data & 0xFFFFFF00;
Data += 0x04 + channel +0x08*invert + 0x10*latch;
if (output == 1)
Data = Data & 0xFFFF00FF;
Data += (0x04 + channel +0x08*invert + 0x10*latch)*0x100;
// Set trigger, delay, gate
if(channel ==0) // CHANNEL DGG_A
internal = (trigger * 0x1000000) ;
Data= Data & 0xF0FFFFFF;
Data += internal;
ret = VME_register_write(hdev,0x10,Data);
if(ret<=0) return -1;
if(ret<=0) return -1;
// Set coarse delay in DGG_Extended register
ret = VME_register_read(hdev,0x38,&Data);
Delay_ext= (Data & 0xffff0000);
Delay_ext+= ((delay/0x10000) & 0xffff);
ret = VME_register_write(hdev,0x38,Delay_ext);
if( channel ==1) // CHANNEL DGG_B
internal = (trigger * 0x10000000) ;
Data= Data & 0x0FFFFFFF;
Data += internal;
ret = VME_register_write(hdev,0x10,Data);
if(ret<=0) return -1;
if(ret<=0) return -1;
// Set coarse delay in DGG_Extended register
ret = VME_register_read(hdev,0x38,&Data);
Delay_ext= (Data & 0x0000ffff);
Delay_ext+= (delay & 0xffff0000);
ret = VME_register_write(hdev,0x38,Delay_ext);
return 1;
******** VME_Output_settings ************************
Sets the vmusb NIM output register
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function
Channel: The number which corresponds to an output:
1 - for Output 1
2 - for Output 2
code: The Output selector code, valid values
are listed in the manual
invert: to invert the output
latch: sets latch bit
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short VME_Output_settings(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int Channel, int code, int invert, int latch)
short ret;
// long internal;
long Data;
if( (Channel <1) ||(Channel > 2) || (code < 0) || (code > 7)) return -1;
if(Channel == 1)
Data = Data & 0xFFFF00;
Data = Data | code;
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x18;
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0) Data = Data | 0x08;
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x10;
if(Channel == 2)
Data = Data & 0xFF00FF;
Data = Data | (code * 0x0100);
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x1800;
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0) Data = Data | 0x0800;
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1) Data = Data | 0x1000;
ret = VME_register_write(hdev, 0x10, Data);
return ret;
//****************** CC_USB Registers ******************//
// The following are functions used to set the registers
// in the CAMAC_USB
******** CAMAC_register_write *****************
Performs a CAMAC write to CC_USB register
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function
A: CAMAC Subaddress
F: CAMAC Function
Data: data to be written
Number of bytes written to xxusb when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short CAMAC_register_write(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int A, long Data)
int F = 16;
int N = 25;
long intbuf[4];
int ret;
intbuf[1]=(long)(F+A*32+N*512 + 0x4000);
intbuf[2]=(Data & 0xffff);
intbuf[3]=((Data >>16) & 0xffff);
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf);
return ret;
******** CAMAC_register_read ************************
Performs a CAMAC read from CC_USB register
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function
N: CAMAC Station Number
A: CAMAC Subaddress
F: CAMAC Function
Q: The Q response from the CAMAC dataway
X: The comment accepted response from CAMAC dataway
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short CAMAC_register_read(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int A, long *Data)
int F = 0;
int N = 25;
long intbuf[4];
int ret;
intbuf[1]=(long)(F+A*32+N*512 + 0x4000);
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf);
*Data=intbuf[0] + (intbuf[1] * 0x10000);
return ret;
******** CAMAC_DGG ************************
Sets the parameters for Gate & Delay channel A of CC_USB
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function
channel: Which DGG channel to use Valid Values are:
0 - For DGG A
1 - For DGG B
trigger: Determines what triggers the start of the DGG Valid values are:
0 - Channel disabled
1 - NIM input 1
2 - NIM input 2
3 - NIM input 2
4 - Event Trigger
5 - End of Event
6 - USB Trigger
7 - Pulser
output: Determines which NIM output to use for the channel, Vaild values are:
1 - for NIM O1
2 - for NIM O2
3 - for NIM O3
delay: Delay in steps of 12.5ns between trigger and start of gate
gate: the time the gate should stay open in steps of 12.5ns
invert: is 1 if you wish to invert the DGG channel output
latch: is 1 if you wish to run the DGG channel latched
Returns 1 when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short CAMAC_DGG(usb_dev_handle *hdev, short channel, short trigger, short output,
int delay, int gate, short invert, short latch)
// short channel_ID;
long Data;
long internal;
short ret;
long Delay_ext;
ret = CAMAC_register_read(hdev,5,&Data);
//Set trigger
if((output < 1 ) || (output >3) || (channel < 0 ) || (channel > 1))
return -1;
if(output ==1)
if(channel ==0)
internal = 0x03;
} else {
internal = 0x04;
if(output ==2)
if(channel ==0)
internal = 0x04;
} else {
internal = 0x05;
if(output ==3)
if(channel ==0)
internal = 0x05;
} else {
internal = 0x06;
// Set invert bit
if(invert ==1)
internal = internal | 0x10;
internal = internal & 0x0F;
// Set Latch Bit
internal = internal | 0x20;
internal = internal & 0x1F;
// Add new data to old
if(output == 1)
Data = Data & 0xFFFF00;
Data = Data | internal;
if(output == 2)
Data = Data & 0xFF00FF;
Data = Data |(internal * 0x100);
if(output == 3)
Data = Data & 0x00FFFF;
Data = Data | (internal * 0x10000) ;
CAMAC_register_write(hdev, 5, Data);
ret = CAMAC_register_read(hdev,6,&Data);
//Set Trigger
if(trigger <0 || trigger > 7)
return -1;
if(channel ==0)
Data = Data & 0xFF00FFFF;
internal = trigger * 0x10000;
Data = Data | internal;
} else {
Data = Data & 0x00FFFFFF;
internal = trigger * 0x1000000;
Data = Data | internal;
ret = CAMAC_register_write(hdev, 6, Data);
if(channel == 0)
// Write Delay and Gate info
ret = CAMAC_register_read(hdev,13,&Data);
Delay_ext= (Data & 0xffff0000);
Delay_ext+= ((delay/0x10000) & 0xffff);
internal = gate * 0x10000;
Data = internal + (delay & 0xffff);
// Set coarse delay in DGG_Extended register
ret = CAMAC_register_read(hdev,13,&Data);
Delay_ext= (Data & 0x0000ffff);
Delay_ext+= (delay & 0xffff0000);
internal = gate * 0x10000;
Data = internal + (delay & 0xffff);
// Set coarse delay in DGG_Extended register
return 1;
******** CAMAC_LED_settings ************************
Writes a data word to the vmusb LED register
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function
LED: The number which corresponds to an LED values are:
1 - for RED LED
2 - for GREEN LED
3 - for Yellow LED
code: The LED aource selector code, valid values for each LED
are listed in the manual
invert: to invert the LED lighting
latch: sets LED latch bit
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short CAMAC_LED_settings(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int LED, int code, int invert, int latch)
short ret;
// long internal;
long Data;
if( (LED <1) ||(LED > 3) || (code < 0) || (code > 7))
return -1;
if(LED == 1)
Data = Data & 0xFFFF00;
Data = Data | code;
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1)
Data = Data | 0x30;
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0)
Data = Data | 0x10;
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1)
Data = Data | 0x20;
if(LED == 2)
Data = Data & 0xFF00FF;
Data = Data | (code * 0x0100);
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1)
Data = Data | 0x3000;
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0)
Data = Data | 0x1000;
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1)
Data = Data | 0x2000;
if(LED == 3)
Data = Data & 0x00FFFF;
Data = Data | (code * 0x10000);
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1)
Data = Data | 0x300000;
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0)
Data = Data | 0x100000;
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1)
Data = Data | 0x200000;
ret = CAMAC_register_write(hdev, 4, Data);
return ret;
******** CAMAC_Output_settings ************************
Writes a data word to the vmusb LED register
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function
Channel: The number which corresponds to an output:
1 - for Output 1
2 - for Output 2
3 - for Output 3
code: The Output selector code, valid values
are listed in the manual
invert: to invert the output
latch: sets latch bit
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short CAMAC_Output_settings(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int Channel, int code, int invert, int latch)
short ret;
// long internal;
long Data;
if( (Channel <1) ||(Channel > 3) || (code < 0) || (code > 7))
return -1;
if(Channel == 1)
Data = Data & 0xFFFF00;
Data = Data | code;
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1)
Data = Data | 0x30;
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0)
Data = Data | 0x10;
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1)
Data = Data | 0x20;
if(Channel == 2)
Data = Data & 0xFF00FF;
Data = Data | (code * 0x0100);
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1)
Data = Data | 0x3000;
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0)
Data = Data | 0x1000;
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1)
Data = Data | 0x2000;
if(Channel == 3)
Data = Data & 0x00FFFF;
Data = Data | (code * 0x10000);
if (invert == 1 && latch == 1)
Data = Data | 0x300000;
if (invert == 1 && latch == 0)
Data = Data | 0x100000;
if (invert == 0 && latch == 1)
Data = Data | 0x200000;
ret = CAMAC_register_write(hdev, 5, Data);
return ret;
******** CAMAC_write_LAM_mask ************************
Writes the data word to the LAM mask register
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function
Data: LAM mask to write
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short CAMAC_write_LAM_mask(usb_dev_handle *hdev, long Data)
short ret;
ret = CAMAC_register_write(hdev, 9, Data);
return ret;
******** CAMAC_read_LAM_mask ************************
Writes the data word to the LAM mask register
hdev: USB devcie handle returned from an open function
Data: LAM mask to write
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short CAMAC_read_LAM_mask(usb_dev_handle *hdev, long *Data)
long intbuf[4];
int ret;
int N = 25;
int F = 0;
int A = 9;
// CAMAC direct read function
intbuf[1]=(long)(F+A*32+N*512 + 0x4000);
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf);
*Data=intbuf[0] + (intbuf[1] & 255) * 0x10000;
return ret;
//**************** EZ_CAMAC Functions ******************//
// The following are functions used to perform simple
// CAMAC Functions with the CC_USB
******** CAMAC_write ************************
Performs a CAMAC write using NAF comments
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function
N: CAMAC Station Number
A: CAMAC Subaddress
F: CAMAC Function (16...23)
Q: The Q response from the CAMAC dataway
X: The comment accepted response from CAMAC dataway
Number of bytes written to xxusb when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short CAMAC_write(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int N, int A, int F, long Data, int *Q, int *X)
long intbuf[4];
int ret;
// CAMAC direct write function
intbuf[1]=(long)(F+A*32+N*512 + 0x4000);
if ((F > 15) && (F < 24))
intbuf[2]=(Data & 0xffff);
intbuf[3]=((Data >>16) & 255);
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf);
*Q = (intbuf[0] & 1);
*X = ((intbuf[0] >> 1) & 1);
return ret;
******** CAMAC_read ************************
Performs a CAMAC read using NAF comments
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function
N: CAMAC Station Number
A: CAMAC Subaddress
F: CAMAC Function (F<16 or F>23)
Q: The Q response from the CAMAC dataway
X: The comment accepted response from CAMAC dataway
Number of bytes read from xxusb when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short CAMAC_read(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int N, int A, int F, long *Data, int *Q, int *X)
long intbuf[4];
int ret;
// CAMAC direct read function
intbuf[1]=(long)(F+A*32+N*512 + 0x4000);
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf);
if ((F < 16) || (F >23))
*Data=intbuf[0] + (intbuf[1] & 255) * 0x10000; //24-bit word
*Q = ((intbuf[1] >> 8) & 1);
*X = ((intbuf[1] >> 9) & 1);
return ret;
******** CAMAC_Z ************************
Performs a CAMAC init
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function
Number of bytes written to xxusb when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short CAMAC_Z(usb_dev_handle *hdev)
long intbuf[4];
int ret;
// CAMAC Z = N(28) A(8) F(29)
intbuf[1]=(long)(29+8*32+28*512 + 0x4000);
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf);
return ret;
******** CAMAC_C ************************
Performs a CAMAC clear
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function
Number of bytes written to xxusb when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short CAMAC_C(usb_dev_handle *hdev)
long intbuf[4];
int ret;
intbuf[1]=(long)(29+9*32+28*512 + 0x4000);
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf);
return ret;
******** CAMAC_I ************************
Set CAMAC inhibit
hdev: USB device handle returned from an open function
Number of bytes written to xxusb when successful
Upon failure, a negative number
short CAMAC_I(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int inhibit)
long intbuf[4];
int ret;
if (inhibit) intbuf[1]=(long)(24+9*32+29*512 + 0x4000);
else intbuf[1]=(long)(26+9*32+29*512 + 0x4000);
ret = xxusb_stack_execute(hdev, intbuf);
return ret;
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,111
#include <usb.h>
#define XXUSB_WIENER_VENDOR_ID 0x16DC /* Wiener, Plein & Baus */
#define XXUSB_VMUSB_PRODUCT_ID 0x000B /* VM-USB */
#define XXUSB_CCUSB_PRODUCT_ID 0x0001 /* CC-USB */
#define XXUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT 2 /* Endpoint 2 Out*/
#define XXUSB_ENDPOINT_IN 0x86 /* Endpoint 6 In */
long Data;
short Hit;
short APatt;
short Num;
short HitMask;
short Crate;
short F;
short A;
short N;
long Data;
short NoS2;
short LongD;
short HitPatt;
short QStop;
short LAMMode;
short UseHit;
short Repeat;
short AddrScan;
short FastCam;
short NumMod;
short AddrPatt;
long HitMask[4];
long Num;
struct xxusb_device_typ
struct usb_device *usbdev;
char SerialString[7];
typedef struct xxusb_device_typ xxusb_device_type;
typedef unsigned char UCHAR;
typedef struct usb_bus usb_busx;
int xxusb_longstack_execute(usb_dev_handle *hDev, void *DataBuffer, int lDataLen, int timeout);
int xxusb_bulk_read(usb_dev_handle *hDev, void *DataBuffer, int lDataLen, int timeout);
int xxusb_bulk_write(usb_dev_handle *hDev, void *DataBuffer, int lDataLen, int timeout);
int xxusb_usbfifo_read(usb_dev_handle *hDev, int *DataBuffer, int lDataLen, int timeout);
short xxusb_register_read(usb_dev_handle *hDev, short RegAddr, long *RegData);
short xxusb_stack_read(usb_dev_handle *hDev, short StackAddr, long *StackData);
short xxusb_stack_write(usb_dev_handle *hDev, short StackAddr, long *StackData);
short xxusb_stack_execute(usb_dev_handle *hDev, long *StackData);
short xxusb_register_write(usb_dev_handle *hDev, short RegAddr, long RegData);
short xxusb_reset_toggle(usb_dev_handle *hDev);
short xxusb_devices_find(xxusb_device_type *xxusbDev);
short xxusb_device_close(usb_dev_handle *hDev);
usb_dev_handle* xxusb_device_open(struct usb_device *dev);
short xxusb_flash_program(usb_dev_handle *hDev, char *config, short nsect);
short xxusb_flashblock_program(usb_dev_handle *hDev, UCHAR *config);
usb_dev_handle* xxusb_serial_open(char *SerialString);
short VME_register_write(usb_dev_handle *hdev, long VME_Address, long Data);
short VME_register_read(usb_dev_handle *hdev, long VME_Address, long *Data);
short VME_LED_settings(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int LED, int code, int invert, int latch);
short VME_DGG(usb_dev_handle *hdev, unsigned short channel, unsigned short trigger,unsigned short output, long delay, unsigned short gate, unsigned short invert, unsigned short latch);
short VME_Output_settings(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int Channel, int code, int invert, int latch);
short VME_read_16(usb_dev_handle *hdev,short Address_Modifier, long VME_Address, long *Data);
short VME_read_32(usb_dev_handle *hdev, short Address_Modifier, long VME_Address, long *Data);
short VME_BLT_read_32(usb_dev_handle *hdev, short Address_Modifier, int count, long VME_Address, long Data[]);
short VME_write_16(usb_dev_handle *hdev, short Address_Modifier, long VME_Address, long Data);
short VME_write_32(usb_dev_handle *hdev, short Address_Modifier, long VME_Address, long Data);
short CAMAC_DGG(usb_dev_handle *hdev, short channel, short trigger, short output, int delay, int gate, short invert, short latch);
short CAMAC_register_read(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int A, long *Data);
short CAMAC_register_write(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int A, long Data);
short CAMAC_LED_settings(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int LED, int code, int invert, int latch);
short CAMAC_Output_settings(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int Channel, int code, int invert, int latch);
short CAMAC_read_LAM_mask(usb_dev_handle *hdev, long *Data);
short CAMAC_write_LAM_mask(usb_dev_handle *hdev, long Data);
short CAMAC_write(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int N, int A, int F, long Data, int *Q, int *X);
short CAMAC_read(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int N, int A, int F, long *Data, int *Q, int *X);
short CAMAC_Z(usb_dev_handle *hdev);
short CAMAC_C(usb_dev_handle *hdev);
short CAMAC_I(usb_dev_handle *hdev, int inhibit);
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,511
#include "H2D.h"
#include "H1D.h"
#include "inifile.h"
#include <utility.h>
#include <ansi_c.h>
#include <cvirte.h>
#include <userint.h>
#include "petdemo_uir.h"
#include "daq.h"
#include "PETProjDataMgr.h"
#include <math.h>
#define uSMC_USB
#ifdef uSMC_USB
# include "uSMC.h"
# define uSMC_SERIAL "0000000000005660"
const char serials[3][16]= {uSMC_SERIAL};
#endif /* uSMC_USB */
static int node;
static int CurPos = 0;
int p1;
#define MAX_THREADS 10
static CmtThreadPoolHandle poolHandle = 0;
int ctrl_c=0;
int daq_on=0;
int gadcchannel;
static int tfID;
static int controlID;
static int plothandle[0xFF];
char strbuf[0xFF];
int gLog=0;
int printf(const char *format, ...) {
va_list aptr;
int ret;
FILE *flog;
va_start(aptr, format);
ret = vsprintf(strbuf, format, aptr);
if (gLog) {
flog = fopen ("stdio.log", "a");
fprintf (flog, "%s", strbuf);
fclose (flog);
void CVICALLBACK EndOfThread ( CmtThreadPoolHandle poolhandle,
CmtThreadFunctionID functionID, unsigned int event,
int value, void *callbackData ) {
printf("End of Thread \n");
return ;
int __stdcall WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {
if (InitCVIRTE (hInstance, 0, 0) == 0)
return -1; /* out of memory */
if ((p1 = LoadPanel (0, "petdemo_uir.uir", P1)) < 0)
return -1;
CmtNewThreadPool (MAX_THREADS, &poolHandle);
#ifdef uSMC_USB
SetCtrlVal(p1, P1_STAGELED,1);
SetCtrlVal(p1, P1_STAGELED,0);
#endif /* uSMC_USB */
DisplayPanel (p1);
RunUserInterface ();
DiscardPanel (p1);
CmtDiscardThreadPool (poolHandle);
#ifdef uSMC_USB
#endif /* uSMC_USB */
return 0;
int addheader(FILE *fp, int type, int *data) {
time_t t;
switch(type) {
case RUNREC_ID: {
RUNREC runrec; // start header: appears once at the start of the file = RUNREC_ID;
runrec.length = sizeof(runrec);
runrec.fver = 0x10000;
runrec.num_events = data[6];
runrec.num_channels = NUM_CHANNELS;
runrec.pedestal = PEDESTAL;
runrec.xy = SCAN_TYPE; // 0 -> single data scan :: 1 -> XY position scan
runrec.nx = data[0];
runrec.x0 = data[1];
runrec.dx = data[2];
runrec.ny = data[3];
runrec.y0 = data[4];
runrec.dy = data[5];
printf("Writing header to file\n");
printf("RECID = %u\n",;
printf("Length = %u\n",runrec.length);
printf("File version = %u\n",runrec.fver);
printf("Time = %u\n",runrec.time);
printf("Number of events per step = %u\n",runrec.num_events);
printf("Number of channels measured = %u\n",runrec.num_channels);
printf("Pedestal = %u\n",runrec.pedestal);
printf("Scan type = %u :: 0 -> single data scan :: 1 -> XY position scan\n",runrec.xy);
printf("Number of steps in X = %d\n",runrec.nx);
printf("Start position X = %d\n",runrec.x0);
printf("Step size direction X = %d\n",runrec.dx);
printf("Number of steps in Y = %d\n",runrec.ny);
printf("Start position Y = %d\n",runrec.y0);
printf("Step size direction Y = %d\n",runrec.dy);
if (fp) fwrite(&runrec, runrec.length,1,fp);
case ENDREC_ID: {
ENDREC endrec; // end header: appears once at the end of the file = ENDREC_ID;
endrec.length = sizeof(endrec);
printf("Writing header to file\n");
printf("RECID = %u\n",;
printf("Length = %u\n",endrec.length);
printf("Time = %u\n",endrec.time);
if (fp) fwrite(&endrec, endrec.length,1,fp);
case POSREC_ID: {
POSREC posrec; // position header: appears at every change of position = POSREC_ID;
posrec.length = sizeof(posrec);
posrec.time = t;
posrec.num_iter_x = data[0];
posrec.mikro_pos_x = data[1];
posrec.set_pos_x = data[2];
posrec.num_iter_y = data[3];
posrec.mikro_pos_y = data[4];
posrec.set_pos_y = data[5];
printf("Writing header to file\n");
printf("RECID = %u\n",;
printf("Length = %u\n",posrec.length);
printf("Time = %u\n",posrec.time);
printf("Iteration X = %d\n",posrec.num_iter_x);
printf("MIKRO Position X = %d\n",posrec.mikro_pos_x);
printf("Set position X = %d\n",posrec.set_pos_x);
printf("Iteration Y = %d\n",posrec.num_iter_y);
printf("MIKRO Position Y = %d\n",posrec.mikro_pos_y);
printf("Set position Y = %d\n",posrec.set_pos_y);
if (fp) fwrite(&posrec, posrec.length,1,fp);
return 0;
int CVICALLBACK ExitCB (int panel, int control, int event,
void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
switch (event) {
QuitUserInterface (0);
return 0;
int Fi2Pos(float x) {
// x in degrees
return (int) (x/360*NSTEPS);
int mdaq_init(const char *fname){
IniText iniText;
char pathName[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN];
char dirName[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN];
/* set up the pathName for the .ini file */
GetProjectDir (dirName);
MakePathname (dirName, fname, pathName);
/* create object for holding the value/tag pairs */
iniText = Ini_New (TRUE); /* TRUE for automatic sorting */
/* read in the tag/value pairs */
Ini_ReadFromFile (iniText, pathName);
/* create the in–memory tag/value pairs */
Ini_GetInt (iniText, "scintillator", "nofcrystalsx", &conf.nofcrystalsx);
Ini_GetInt (iniText, "scintillator", "nofcrystalsy", &conf.nofcrystalsy);
Ini_GetDouble (iniText, "scintillator", "crystalpitchx", &conf.crystalpitchx);
Ini_GetDouble (iniText, "scintillator", "crystalpitchy", &conf.crystalpitchy);
Ini_GetStringCopy (iniText, "sensor", "modules", &conf.modules);
Ini_GetStringCopy (iniText, "sensor", "channels", &conf.channels);
Ini_GetStringCopy (iniText, "calibration", "sumpedestals", &conf.sumpedestals);
Ini_GetStringCopy (iniText, "calibration", "pedestals", &conf.pedestals);
Ini_GetStringCopy (iniText, "calibration", "photopeak", &conf.photopeak);
Ini_GetStringCopy (iniText, "calibration", "channelcalibration", &conf.channelcalibration);
Ini_GetInt (iniText, "calibration", "adcthreshold", &conf.adcthreshold);
/* dispose of the in–memory tag/value pairs */
Ini_Dispose (iniText);
return 0;
void ReadModuleMap(const char *fname){
int id;
float r,phi;
char line[400];
const int ndim=400;
FILE *fp=fopen(fname,"r");
if (!fp) return;
while (fgets(line,ndim,fp)!=NULL) {
if (id<16) {
if (debug) printf("%s %d %f %f\n",fname,id, r, phi);
void ReadChannelMap(const char *fname){
int id;
int ix, iy;
char line[400];
const int ndim=400;
FILE *fp=fopen(fname,"r");
if (!fp) return;
while (fgets(line,ndim,fp)!=NULL) {
if (id<16) {[id].ix=ix;[id].iy=iy;
if (debug) printf("%s %d %d %d\n",fname,id, ix, iy);
int readfile(const char *fname, float *x, int nmax, int defaultvalue){
int id;
float ix;
char line[400];
const int ndim=400;
FILE *fp=fopen(fname,"r");
for (int i=0;i<nmax;i++){
if (!fp) return -1;
while (fgets(line,ndim,fp)!=NULL) {
if (id<nmax) x[id]=ix;
if (debug) printf("%s %d %f\n",fname,id, ix);
return 0;
int Geometry(const char *fnameconfig){
printf( "Reading ...%s\n " ,conf.channelcalibration );
m_calibration = new TFile(m_calibrationrootName);
for (int i=0; i<4;i++) {
char hn[256];
m_crystalid[i]= (TH1I *) m_calibration->Get(hn);
readfile(conf.pedestals,conf.apedestals,4*16, 0);
readfile(conf.photopeak,conf.apeak,4*16, conf.peakscaling);
return 0;
int CVICALLBACK mdaq(void *functionData) {
double dfi, fi0;
unsigned int nsteps;
char filename[0xFF];
char fname[0xFF];
int daqtime;
daq_on = 1;
GetCtrlVal(p1,P1_DFI, &dfi);
GetCtrlVal(p1,P1_FI0, &fi0);
GetCtrlVal(p1,P1_NFI, &nsteps);
GetCtrlVal(p1,P1_DAQTIME, &daqtime);
GetCtrlVal(p1,P1_FILENAME, filename);
GetCtrlVal(p1,P1_DEBUG, &debug);
sprintf(fname,"%s.dat", filename);
FILE *fp = fopen(fname, "wb");
int runhdr[7]= {nsteps, Fi2Pos(fi0), Fi2Pos(dfi), 1,0,1, -daqtime};
addheader(fp,RUNREC_ID, runhdr );
for (int i=0; i<nsteps; i++) {
double fi=fi0+dfi*i;
conf.rotation = fi*Pi()/180;
#ifdef uSMC_USB
int SetPos = Fi2Pos(fi);
uSMC_GetPosition (node,&CurPos);
if (ctrl_c) break;
int poshdr[6]= {i, CurPos, SetPos, 0,0,0};
addheader(fp, POSREC_ID, poshdr );
vmacquire(-daqtime,fp, NULL);
#endif /* uSMC_USB */
printf("Step =%d angle =%f\n", i, fi);
addheader(fp, ENDREC_ID, NULL);
daq_on = 1;
sprintf(fname,"%s.sroot", filename);
return 0;
int CVICALLBACK StartCB (int panel, int control, int event,
void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
ThreadFunctionPtr mythread = NULL;
switch (event) {
if (panel == p1 && control == P1_START) {
mythread = mdaq;
controlID= control;
if (mythread!=NULL) {
printf("New Thread panel=%d button=%d\n", panel, control);
// SetDimming(1);
if (!daq_on) CmtScheduleThreadPoolFunctionAdv (poolHandle, mythread, &controlID,
return 0;
int CVICALLBACK StopCB (int panel, int control, int event,
void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
switch (event) {
return 0;
int CVICALLBACK DebugCB (int panel, int control, int event,
void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
switch (event) {
GetCtrlVal(p1,P1_DEBUG, &debug);
return 0;
int CVICALLBACK RedrawCB (int panel, int control, int event,
void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
int pmtid;
switch (event) {
GetCtrlVal(p1,P1_CH, &gadcchannel);
pmtid = gadcchannel/16;
if (H1D_Exist(m_Adc[gadcchannel])) H1D_Draw(m_Adc[gadcchannel], p1,P1_GADC, &plothandle[0]);
if (H2D_Exist( m_CenterOfGravity[pmtid])) H2D_Draw(m_CenterOfGravity[pmtid], p1,P1_GXY, &plothandle[1]);
if (H1D_Exist(m_AdcSum[pmtid])) H1D_Draw(m_AdcSum[pmtid], p1,P1_GSUMADC, &plothandle[2]);
return 0;
0,0 → 1,617
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0,0 → 1,61
/* LabWindows/CVI User Interface Resource (UIR) Include File */
/* */
/* WARNING: Do not add to, delete from, or otherwise modify the contents */
/* of this include file. */
#include <userint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Panels and Controls: */
#define P1 1
#define P1_EXIT 2 /* control type: command, callback function: ExitCB */
#define P1_STOP 3 /* control type: command, callback function: StopCB */
#define P1_START 4 /* control type: command, callback function: StartCB */
#define P1_CPOSITION 5 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_NFI 6 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_DFI 7 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_FI0 8 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_CEVE 9 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_DAQTIME 10 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_GXY 11 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_GSUMADC 12 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_GADC 13 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_GSINOGRAM 14 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_PROGRESS 15 /* control type: slide, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_STAGELED 16 /* control type: LED, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_STDIO 17 /* control type: textBox, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_FILENAME 18 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
#define P1_DEBUG 19 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: DebugCB */
#define P1_CH 20 /* control type: numeric, callback function: RedrawCB */
#define P1_TIMER 21 /* control type: timer, callback function: RedrawCB */
#define P1_DAQRATE 22 /* control type: strip, callback function: (none) */
/* Control Arrays: */
/* (no control arrays in the resource file) */
/* Menu Bars, Menus, and Menu Items: */
/* (no menu bars in the resource file) */
/* Callback Prototypes: */
int CVICALLBACK DebugCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK ExitCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK RedrawCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK StartCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
int CVICALLBACK StopCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
#ifdef __cplusplus
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,433
//#define XXDLL
//#include "vme.h"
typedef unsigned short ADDRESS_MODIFIER;
#define Std_NoPriv_Data (ADDRESS_MODIFIER)0x39
#include "wusbvme_dll.h"
#include "toolbox.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "CAENV965_DEF.h"
#include "petdemo_uir.h"
#include "daq.h"
extern int p1;
extern int ctrl_c;
#define VERSION 1.0
#define TIMEOUT 3
int *fThreshold = NULL;
/* VME modules */
#define CAEN_V792 0x340000 // IJS V792
#define CAEN_V792_1 0x530000 // FMF1 V792
#define CAEN_V792_2 0x630000 // FMF2 V792
#define CAEN_V965 0x350000 // IJS V965
int addr[3]= {CAEN_V792,CAEN_V792_1,CAEN_V965 };
const int nadc=2;
#define BUFF_L 2048
static int stackwrite[10000];
static int stackdata[10000],stackdump[27000];
int weight_while(int num) {
int i, tmp;
for ( i =0; i <num; i++ ) tmp = 0;
return 0;
#define WWHILE weight_while(0)
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
int timer_out;
void timerast (int signumber) {
timer_out = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr,"TIMEOUT !!!\n");
void tmlnk (int tout) {
void tmulk () {
int fexist( char *path) {
if(!path || !*path) return 0;
ssize_t fileSize;
int res = FileExists (path, &fileSize);
if (res>0) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
int init() {
xxusb_register_write(WUSB_udev,1,0x0); // Stop DAQ mode
while (xxusb_usbfifo_read(WUSB_udev,(int *) stackdump,BUFF_L,100)>0);
int rate=1000;
int freq=80000000/rate-40; // 80 MHz
if (freq<72) freq=72;
// Set DGG channel A as a pulser, output on O1,
// with delay =500 x 12.5ns,
// and width = 500 x 12.5ns,
// not latching or inverting
// VME_DGG(udev,0,6,0,24000,6000,0,0);
// Set DGG channel B to trigger on NIM1, output on O2,
// with delay =200 x 12.5ns,
// and width = 200 x 12.5ns,
// not latching or inverting
printf("CAEN V965 Pedestal set to %d\n", fPedestal);
// INIT stackdata
int fPedestal=255;
for (int i=0; i<nadc; i++) {
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16( addr[i] + CAENV965_CRN , 0x0);
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16( addr[i] + CAENV965_GEO , i);
WIENER_VMUSB_StackReadA24D16(addr[i] + CAENV965_GEO);
for (int j=0; j<32; j++) {
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16(addr[i] + CAENV965_THM + 0x02*j, fThreshold[j+i*32]); // threshold/kill for 32 channels
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16( addr[i] + CAENV965_BS1, 0x80 ); // soft reset
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16( addr[i] + CAENV965_BC1, 0x80 ); // soft reset
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16( addr[i] + CAENV965_PED, fPedestal ); // pedestal
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16( addr[i] + CAENV965_BS2,0x5000);
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16( addr[i] + CAENV965_BS2,0x4); // clear module
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16( addr[i] + CAENV965_BC2,0x4);
VME_LED_settings(WUSB_udev, 0,0,0,0); // Set Yellow LED to light with with USB out buffer not empty
VME_LED_settings(WUSB_udev, 1,1,0,0); // Set Red LED to light with NIM1
VME_LED_settings(WUSB_udev,2,0,0,0); // Set Green LED to light when stack is not empty
unsigned int vmereg;
printf("VMUSB Firmware ID -> 0x%08X\n",vmereg);
printf("VMUSB Global Mode -> 0x%08X\n",vmereg);
int nb = WIENER_VMUSB_StackGetUint32(10000,stackdata);
int ret= xxusb_stack_execute(WUSB_udev,(uint32_t *)stackdata);
printf("Init::%d ret=%d\n",nb,ret);
if (ret>0) for (int k=0; k<ret/2; k++) printf ("stackdata=0x%08X\n",stackdata[k]);
for (int j=0; j<36; j++) WIENER_VMUSB_StackReadA24D32(addr[0] + CAENV965_OB);
for (int k0=0; k0<nadc; k0++) {
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16(addr[k0] + CAENV965_BS2,0x4); // clear module
WIENER_VMUSB_StackWriteA24D16(addr[k0] + CAENV965_BC2,0x4);
int nb0= WIENER_VMUSB_StackGetUint32(10000,&stackwrite[0]);
if (nb0>768) {
fprintf(stderr,"nb0=%d > 768 error xxusb_stack_write\n", nb0);
nb =xxusb_stack_write(WUSB_udev,0x2,(uint32_t *) stackwrite);
nb0=xxusb_stack_read(WUSB_udev,0x2,(uint32_t *) stackdata);
for (int k1=0; k1<stackwrite[0]+1; k1++) {
if (stackdata[k1]!=stackwrite[k1]) printf("%d %d init err %x %x\n",nb,nb0,
stackwrite[k1], stackdata[k1]);
if (fMode==2) xxusb_register_write(WUSB_udev,1,0x1); // Start DAQ mode
printf("daq::init() \n");
return 0;
int vmconnect() {
return 0;
int vmdisconnect() {
/* zakljuci */
return 0;
int clear() {
return 0;
int module_header(int recid,uint32_t *data,int len) {
data[0] = recid;
data[1] = (len >0)? len : 0 ;
return data[1]+2;
int event(unsigned int *data, int maxn, int *ctr, int print) {
int tout=200; /* 1/100 of a second */
const int lsize=sizeof(uint32_t);
int count=0;
switch (fMode) {
case 0: { // normal calls
unsigned short clr= 0x4;
unsigned int status=0;
uint32_t mdata;
for (int i=0; i<nadc; i++) {
// wait for trg
tmlnk (tout);
do WIENER_VMUSB_VME_A24D16_R( addr[i] + CAENV965_SR1, &status);
while ( (status&0x1)==0 && timer_out==0 && ctrl_c==0 );
// readout data
if (timer_out) return 0;
if (ctrl_c) return 0;
int len=0;
do {
WIENER_VMUSB_VME_A24D32_R(addr[i] + CAENV965_OB, &mdata);
} while ( (mdata & 0x4000000)==0 && timer_out==0) ; // bit 26 EOB or not valid datum
// clear
WIENER_VMUSB_VME_A24D16_W( addr[i] + CAENV965_BS2, &clr);
WIENER_VMUSB_VME_A24D16_W( addr[i] + CAENV965_BC2, &clr);
if (count+2<maxn) {
if (print) printf("V965 %3d\n",len);
case 1: { // stack execute
WIENER_VMUSB_StackGetUint32(10000,(int *)data);
int ret=xxusb_stack_execute(WUSB_udev,(uint32_t *) data); //The first element of the array is the number of bytes.
if (ret< 0 ) {
printf ("xxusb_stack_execute error err=%d\n",ret); \
count = 0;
} else count= ret/lsize;
case 2: { // stack load
int ret=xxusb_usbfifo_read(WUSB_udev,(int *) data,BUFF_L,100);
if (ret< 0 ) {
if (ret!=-110) {
printf ("xxusb_usbfifo_read error err=%d\n",ret);
count = 0;
} else {
if (debug) {
for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
printf ("%4d fifodata=0x%08X\n",i, data[i]);
if (data[i]==0xFAFB) break;
0 fifodata=0x0000000D
1 fifodata=0x00000049
2 fifodata=0x0000FFAB
3 fifodata=0x00002000
4 fifodata=0x00000200
5 fifodata=0x00004141
6 fifodata=0x00000000
7 fifodata=0x00004057
70 fifodata=0x00000400
71 fifodata=0x00000035
72 fifodata=0x00000600
73 fifodata=0x00000035
74 fifodata=0x0000FAFB
static double t0=0;
static int nc =0;
nc += data[0];
if (print) {
//printf("##------------------ret=%d data[0]=%d\n",ret,(int)data[0]);
double t1 = Timer();
double dt = t1-t0;
t0 = t1;
float rate = (dt>0)?nc/dt:0;
//printf("--------ret=%d data[0]=%f nc=%d dt=%f\n",ret,rate,nc,dt);
PlotStripChart (p1, P1_DAQRATE, &rate, 1, 0, 0,VAL_FLOAT);
nc =0;
count= ret/lsize;
return count*lsize;
int end() {
xxusb_register_write(WUSB_udev,1,0x0); // Stop DAQ mode
while (xxusb_usbfifo_read(WUSB_udev,(int *) stackdata,BUFF_L,30)>0);
return 0;
int vmacquire (int neve,FILE *fp, char *fpedname) {
// neve .... negative argument time ( in s )limited event loop
if (fThreshold== NULL) fThreshold = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int)*128);
// print welcome message
time_t t, told;
double tstart, tstop;
#define BSIZE 10000
uint32_t data[10000];
fMode = 2;
for (int ki=0; ki<128; ki++) {
if (ki<72) fThreshold[ki]=0;
else fThreshold[ki]=0x1<<8; // samo 4 kanali na zadnjem modulu so enablani
if (fpedname !=NULL) {
FILE *fped=fopen(fpedname,"r");
int j=0;
int ndim=400;
char line[ndim];
int val=0;
while (fgets(line,ndim,fped)!=NULL) {
int hdr[4]= {2}; // recid
int i=0;
int ntotal=0;
int counters[30]= {0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
char names[10][20]= {"TRG","CAEN V965"};
told =t;
if (neve<-1) {
for (i=0; i!=neve && !ctrl_c && Timer()<tstop; i++) {
if (t!=told ) printf("%d in %2.2f min daq::event() %s\n",i, (double)(Timer()-tstart)/60., ctime(&t));
int nb=event(data,BSIZE, counters,t!=told);
analyse(nb, data);
if (nb>0) {
// zapis v datoteko
fwrite(hdr, 1, sizeof(int)*4, fp); //gzip
ntotal += fwrite(data,1, nb, fp);
} else i--;
printf("Number of Events: %d\n",i);
if (ctrl_c) printf("User Program termination CTRL-C\n");
if (Timer()>tstop ) printf("Timeout termination tstart# t>tstop: %d# %d >%d\n",(int)t, (int)tstart, (int) tstop);
printf("%d bytes written to file\nCounts:\n", (int) (ntotal*sizeof(int)));
for (i=0; i<2; i++) printf("%s\t%d\t%d\n",names[i],counters[2*i],counters[2*i+1]) ;
return 0;