Subversion Repositories f9daq

Compare Revisions

No changes between revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 291 → Rev 292

1,6 → 1,6
[Workspace Header]
Version = 1302
Pathname = "/c/Users/rok/Documents/rok/lab/gamma_camera/AitSipmDAQ/Ait.cws"
Pathname = "/c/home/rok/AitSipmDAQ/Ait.cws"
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12,12 → 12,14
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[File 0001]
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Disk Date = 3604311472
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58,7 → 60,7
[File 0002]
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Disk Date = 3604311472
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68,7 → 70,7
[File 0003]
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Disk Date = 3604311472
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78,121 → 80,158
[File 0004]
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Disk Date = 3604311476
In Projects = "1,"
[File 0005]
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Path = "/c/home/cvi/instr/uSMC/uSMC.fp"
File Type = "Function Panel"
Disk Date = 3604311473
In Projects = "1,"
[File 0006]
Path = "/c/home/rok/AitSipmDAQ/AitInterface.c"
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[File 0006]
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[File 0007]
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[File 0009]
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Disk Date = 3604311472
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[File 0010]
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[File 0011]
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Disk Date = 3604311474
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[File 0012]
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Disk Date = 3604311472
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[File 0013]
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Disk Date = 3604765737
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[File 0012]
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Disk Date = 3568719878
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[File 0013]
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[File 0015]
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[File 0016]
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File Type = "Library"
Disk Date = 3568719878
Disk Date = 3570693835
In Projects = "1,"
[File 0014]
Path = "/c/Users/rok/Documents/rok/lab/gamma_camera/AitSipmDAQ/AitInterface.h"
[File 0017]
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Disk Date = 3570693835
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[File 0015]
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File Type = "Library"
Disk Date = 3604311472
In Projects = "1,"
[File 0019]
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Tab 0002 = "/c/home/cvi/instr/HISTO/H2D.c"
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Tab 0004 = "/c/home/cvi/instr/HISTO/H1D.h"
Tab 0005 = "/c/home/cvi/instr/HISTO/H2D.h"
Tab 0006 = "/c/home/rok/AitSipmDAQ/AitInterface.c"
Tab 0007 = "/c/home/rok/AitSipmDAQ/AitMduManager.h"
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Tab 0010 = "/c/home/rokd/qe2d/qe2d.c"
Tab 0011 = "/c/home/rok/AitSipmDAQ/XYSCAN.uir"
[Default Build Config 0001 Debug]
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1,6 → 1,6
[Project Header]
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CVI Pub Local Dir = "/C/ProgramData/National Instruments/CVI2013"
9,7 → 9,7
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VXIplug&play Framework 64-bit Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/VISA/win64"
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35,7 → 35,7
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42,12 → 42,24
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Path = "/c/home/rok/AitSipmDAQ/AitGui.c"
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54,13 → 66,13
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[File 0004]
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Path = "/c/home/rok/AitSipmDAQ/AitInterface.c"
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67,36 → 79,48
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[File 0005]
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Path = "/c/home/cvi/instr/uSMC/msvc/USMCDLL.lib"
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Path = "/c/home/rok/AitSipmDAQ/AitInterface.h"
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[File 0006]
[File 0008]
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Path Rel Path = "../../CVI/instr/HISTO/H1D.fp"
Path = "/c/home/CVI/instr/HISTO/H1D.fp"
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103,12 → 127,12
Folder = "Instrument Files"
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[File 0007]
[File 0009]
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Path = "/c/home/CVI/instr/HISTO/H2D.fp"
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115,12 → 139,12
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[File 0008]
[File 0010]
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Path Rel Path = "../../CVI/instr/HISTO/H3D.fp"
Path = "/c/home/CVI/instr/HISTO/H3D.fp"
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127,12 → 151,12
Folder = "Instrument Files"
Folder Id = 4
[File 0009]
[File 0011]
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Path Rel To = "Project"
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Path Rel Path = "../../CVI/instr/MIKRO/MIKRO.fp"
Path = "/c/home/CVI/instr/MIKRO/MIKRO.fp"
Exclude = False
Project Flags = 0
139,6 → 163,18
Folder = "Instrument Files"
Folder Id = 4
[File 0012]
File Type = "Function Panel"
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Path Rel To = "Project"
Path Rel Path = "../../cvi/instr/uSMC/uSMC.fp"
Path = "/c/home/cvi/instr/uSMC/uSMC.fp"
Exclude = False
Project Flags = 0
Folder = "Instrument Files"
Folder Id = 4
[Custom Build Configs]
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207,7 → 243,7
File Version Ex = "%f1.%f2"
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Internal Name Ex = "%basename"
Legal Copyright = "Copyright © 2017"
Legal Copyright = "Copyright © 2018"
Legal Copyright Ex = "Copyright © %company %Y"
Legal Trademarks = ""
Legal Trademarks Ex = ""
431,19 → 467,19
Executable File_Debug Is Rel = True
Executable File_Debug Rel To = "Project"
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Executable File_Debug = "/c/home/rok/AitSipmDAQ/Ait.exe"
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Executable File_Release = "/c/home/rok/AitSipmDAQ/Ait.exe"
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Executable File_Debug64 = "/c/home/rok/AitSipmDAQ/Ait.exe"
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Executable File_Release64 Rel Path = "Ait.exe"
Executable File_Release64 = "/c/Users/rok/Documents/rok/lab/gamma_camera/AitSipmDAQ/Ait.exe"
Executable File_Release64 = "/c/home/rok/AitSipmDAQ/Ait.exe"
Icon File Is Rel = False
Icon File = ""
Application Title = ""
12,7 → 12,7
#include "H2D.h"
#include "H3D.h"
static int node[3];
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef unsigned int uint;
24,6 → 24,15
#include "MIKRO.h"
#define uSMC_USB
#ifdef uSMC_USB
# include "uSMC.h"
# define uSMC_SERIAL_X "0000000000004925"
# define uSMC_SERIAL_Y "0000000000006030"
# define uSMC_SERIAL_Z "0000000000002894"
const char serials[3][16]= {uSMC_SERIAL_X,uSMC_SERIAL_Y,uSMC_SERIAL_Z};
#endif /* uSMC_USB */
static int daq_on;
static int plothandle[4]= {0,0,0, 0};
static int tfID;
459,7 → 468,14
SetCtrlVal (xyscan, SCAN_YP, n[1]);
#ifdef uSMC_USB
SetCtrlVal (xyscan, SCAN_YP, n[1]);
for (int i=0; i<nx[0]; i++) {
SetCtrlVal (xyscan, SCAN_IX, i);
ix[0]= x0[0]+i*dx[0];
467,8 → 483,13
SetCtrlVal (xyscan, SCAN_XP, n[0]);
#ifdef uSMC_USB
SetCtrlVal (xyscan, SCAN_XP, n[0]);
if (enabledoutput) {
fp = fopen(filename,"ab");
if (fp) {
486,7 → 507,7
int newfile=0;
if (!daq_on) break;
499,7 → 520,7
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
short port;
if (InitCVIRTE (0, argv, 0) == 0)
return -1; /* out of memory */
if ((ait = LoadPanel (0, "AitGui.uir", AIT)) < 0)
515,11 → 536,19
#ifdef MIKRO
short port;
GetCtrlVal(xyscan, SCAN_PORT, &port);
if (MIKRO_Open (port)) MessagePopup ("Error", "Mikro Port Not found !\n Change in the GUI") ;
#ifdef uSMC_USB
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
#endif /* uSMC_USB */
RunUserInterface ();
527,6 → 556,10
#ifdef MIKRO
MIKRO_Close ();
#ifdef uSMC_USB
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) uSMC_PowerOff(node[i]);
#endif /* uSMC_USB */
DiscardPanel (ait);
DiscardPanel (xyscan);
return 0;
718,7 → 751,17
if (axis == 2) SetCtrlVal (panel, SCAN_YP, n);
#endif // MIKRO
#ifdef uSMC_USB
int n=0;
uSMC_MoveFor(node[axis-1], direction*step );
if (axis == 1) SetCtrlVal (panel, SCAN_XP, n);
if (axis == 2) SetCtrlVal (panel, SCAN_YP, n);
#endif // MIKRO
738,8 → 781,12
#ifdef MIKRO
#ifdef uSMC_USB
SetCtrlVal (panel, SCAN_XP, n2);
757,6 → 804,10
#ifdef uSMC_USB
SetCtrlVal (panel, SCAN_YP, n2);
766,16 → 817,21
int CVICALLBACK GetCurrentPositionCB (int panel, int control, int event,
void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
int n[2];
switch (event) {
#ifdef MIKRO
int n[2];
SetCtrlVal (panel, SCAN_XP, n[0]);
SetCtrlVal (panel, SCAN_YP, n[1]);
#ifdef uSMC_USB
SetCtrlVal (panel, SCAN_XP, n[0]);
SetCtrlVal (panel, SCAN_YP, n[1]);
791,6 → 847,12
GetCurrentPositionCB(panel, control, event, NULL, 0, 0);
#ifdef uSMC_USB
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) uSMC_ReferenceMove(node[i]);
GetCurrentPositionCB(panel, control, event, NULL, 0, 0);
#endif /* uSMC_USB */
return 0;
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Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
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