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/cvi/instr/uSMC/8SMC1-USBhF User Manual.pdf
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// USMCDLL.h - header file with declorations of USMCDLL.dll functions and used structures
// -SD
// Note::C++
// Use functions with reference arguments as in sample
// Note.C
// Use functions with address of operator in invoke expression: func(var1, &struct);
// (For Rev. 24) Will work correctly with firmware version 24.03 or better
#pragma once
#include <windows.h>
// Please use the USMCDLL.lib to easely import functions from dll with "dllimport" (In Microsoft Visual Studio)
#define USMCDLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define USMCDLL_API __declspec(dllimport)
// Structure representing connected devices
typedef struct USMC_Devices_st{
DWORD NOD; // Number of the devices ready to work
char **Serial; // Array of 16 byte ASCII strings
char **Version; // Array of 4 byte ASCII strings
} USMC_Devices; // Structure representing connected devices
// Structure representing some of divice parameters
typedef struct USMC_Parameters_st{
float AccelT; // Acceleration time (in ms)
float DecelT; // Deceleration time (in ms)
float PTimeout; // Time (in ms) after which current will be reduced to 60% of normal
float BTimeout1; // Time (in ms) after which speed of step motor rotation will be equal to the one specified at
// BTO1P field (see below). (This parameter is used when controlling step motor using buttons)
float BTimeout2; //
float BTimeout3; //
float BTimeout4; //
float BTimeoutR; // Time (in ms) after which reset command will be performed
float BTimeoutD; // This field is reserved for future use
float MinP; // Speed (steps/sec) while performing reset operation. (This parameter is used when controlling
// step motor using buttons)
float BTO1P; // Speed (steps/sec) after BTIMEOUT 1 time have passed. (This parameter is used when controlling
// step motor using buttons)
float BTO2P; //
float BTO3P; //
float BTO4P; //
WORD MaxLoft; // Value in full steps that will be used performing backlash operation
DWORD StartPos; // Current Position Saved to FLASH (see Test MicroSMC.cpp)
WORD RTDelta; // Revolution distance – number of full steps per one full revolution
WORD RTMinError; // Number of full steps missed to raise the error flag
float MaxTemp; // Maximum allowed temperature (Celsius)
BYTE SynOUTP; // Duration of the output synchronization pulse
float LoftPeriod; // Speed of the last phase of the backlash operation.
float EncMult; // Should be <Encoder Steps per Evolution> / <SM Steps per Evolution> and should be integer multiplied by 0.25
BYTE Reserved[16]; // <Unused> File padding
} USMC_Parameters;
// Structure representing start function parameters
typedef struct USMC_StartParameters_st{
BYTE SDivisor; // Step is divided by this factor (1,2,4,8)
BOOL DefDir; // Direction for backlash operation (relative)
BOOL LoftEn; // Enable automatic backlash operation (works if slow start/stop mode is off)
BOOL SlStart; // If TRUE slow start/stop mode enabled.
BOOL WSyncIN; // If TRUE controller will wait for input synchronization signal to start
BOOL SyncOUTR; // If TRUE output synchronization counter will be reset
BOOL ForceLoft; // If TRUE and destination position is equal to the current position backlash operation will be performed.
BYTE Reserved[4]; // <Unused> File padding
} USMC_StartParameters;
// Structure representing some of divice parameters
typedef struct USMC_Mode_st{
BOOL PMode; // Turn off buttons (TRUE - buttons disabled)
BOOL PReg; // Current reduction regime (TRUE - regime is on)
BOOL ResetD; // Turn power off and make a whole step (TRUE - apply)
BOOL EMReset; // Quick power off
BOOL Tr1T; // Trailer 1 TRUE state (TRUE : +3/+5Â; FALSE : 0Â)
BOOL Tr2T; // Trailer 2 TRUE state (TRUE : +3/+5Â; FALSE : 0Â)
BOOL RotTrT; // Rotary Transducer TRUE state (TRUE : +3/+5Â; FALSE : 0Â)
BOOL TrSwap; // If TRUE, Trailers are treated to be swapped
BOOL Tr1En; // If TRUE Trailer 1 Operation Enabled
BOOL Tr2En; // If TRUE Trailer 2 Operation Enabled
BOOL RotTeEn; // If TRUE Rotary Transducer Operation Enabled
BOOL RotTrOp; // Rotary Transducer Operation Select (stop on error for TRUE)
BOOL Butt1T; // Button 1 TRUE state (TRUE : +3/+5Â; FALSE : 0Â)
BOOL Butt2T; // Button 2 TRUE state (TRUE : +3/+5Â; FALSE : 0Â)
BOOL ResetRT; // Reset Rotary Transducer Check Positions (need one full revolution before it can detect error)
BOOL SyncOUTEn; // If TRUE output syncronization enabled
BOOL SyncOUTR; // If TRUE output synchronization counter will be reset
BOOL SyncINOp; // Synchronization input mode:
// True - Step motor will move one time to the destination position
// False - Step motor will move multiple times by steps equal to the value destination position
DWORD SyncCount; // Number of steps after which synchronization output sygnal occures
BOOL SyncInvert; // Set to TRUE to invert output synchronization signal
BOOL EncoderEn; // Enable Encoder on pins {SYNCIN,ROTTR} - disables Synchronization input and Rotary Transducer
BOOL EncoderInv; // Invert Encoder Counter Direction
BOOL ResBEnc; // Reset <Encoder Position> and <SM Position in Encoder units> to 0
BOOL ResEnc; // Reset <SM Position in Encoder units> to <Encoder Position>
BYTE Reserved[8]; // <Unused> File padding
} USMC_Mode;
// Structure representing divice state
typedef struct USMC_State_st{
int CurPos; // Current position (in microsteps)
float Temp; // Current temperature of the driver
BYTE SDivisor; // Step is divided by this factor
BOOL Loft; // Indicates backlash status
BOOL FullPower; // If TRUE then full power.
BOOL CW_CCW; // Current direction. Relatively!
BOOL Power; // If TRUE then Step Motor is ON.
BOOL FullSpeed; // If TRUE then full speed. Valid in "Slow Start" mode only.
BOOL AReset; // TRUE After Device reset, FALSE after "Set Position".
BOOL RUN; // Indicates if step motor is rotating
BOOL SyncIN; // Logical state directly from input synchronization PIN
BOOL SyncOUT; // Logical state directly from output synchronization PIN
BOOL RotTr; // Indicates current rotary transducer press state
BOOL RotTrErr; // Indicates rotary transducer error flag
BOOL EmReset; // Indicates state of emergency disable button (local control)
BOOL Trailer1; // Indicates trailer 1 logical state.
BOOL Trailer2; // Indicates trailer 2 logical state.
float Voltage; // Input power source voltage (6-39V) -=24 version 0nly=-
BYTE Reserved[8]; // <Unused> File padding
} USMC_State;
// New For Firmware Version (0x2410)
typedef struct USMC_EncoderState_st{
int EncoderPos; // Current position measured by encoder
int ECurPos; // Current position (in Encoder Steps) - Synchronized with request call
BYTE Reserved[8]; // <Unused> File padding
} USMC_EncoderState;
// ~New For Firmware Version (0x2410)
typedef struct USMC_Info_st{
char serial[17];
DWORD dwVersion;
char DevName[32];
int CurPos, DestPos;
float Speed;
BOOL ErrState;
BYTE Reserved[16]; // <Unused> File padding
} USMC_Info;
#ifdef __cplusplus // C++
extern "C" {
// The USMC_Init function initializes driver and returns devices information
USMCDLL_API DWORD USMC_Init( USMC_Devices &Str); // OUT - Array of structures describing all divices (may be NULL) MUST NOT be deleted
// The USMC_GetState function returns structure representing current state of device
USMCDLL_API DWORD USMC_GetState( DWORD Device, // IN - Device number
USMC_State &Str // OUT - Structure representing divice state
// The USMC_SaveParametersToFlash function saves current parameters of controller in static memory
// so thay can be loaded at start up time
USMCDLL_API DWORD USMC_SaveParametersToFlash( DWORD Device // IN - Device number
// The USMC_SetCurrentPosition function sets current position of controller
USMCDLL_API DWORD USMC_SetCurrentPosition( DWORD Device, // IN - Device number
int Position // IN - New position
// The USMC_GetMode function returns USMC_Mode structure last sent to device
USMCDLL_API DWORD USMC_GetMode( DWORD Device, // IN - Device number
USMC_Mode &Str // OUT - Structure representing some of divice parameters
// The USMC_SetMode function sets some of device parameters
USMCDLL_API DWORD USMC_SetMode( DWORD Device, // IN - Device number
USMC_Mode &Str // IN/OUT Structure representing some of divice parameters
// The USMC_GetParameters function returns USMC_Parameters structure last sent to device
USMCDLL_API DWORD USMC_GetParameters( DWORD Device, // IN - Device number
USMC_Parameters &Str // OUT - Structure representing some of divice parameters
// The USMC_SetParameters function sets some of divice parameters
USMCDLL_API DWORD USMC_SetParameters( DWORD Device, // IN - Device number
USMC_Parameters &Str // IN/OUT Structure representing some of divice parameters
// The USMC_GetStartParameters function returns USMC_StartParameters structure last sent to device
USMCDLL_API DWORD USMC_GetStartParameters( DWORD Device, // IN - Device number
USMC_StartParameters &Str // OUT - Structure representing start function parameters
// The USMC_Start function sets start parameters and starts motion
USMCDLL_API DWORD USMC_Start( DWORD Device, // IN - Device number
int DestPos, // IN - Destination position
float &Speed, // IN/OUT - Speed of rotation
USMC_StartParameters &Str // IN/OUT - Structure representing start function parameters
// The USMC_Stop function stops device
USMCDLL_API DWORD USMC_Stop( DWORD Device // IN - Device number
// The USMC_GetLastErr function return string representing last error
USMCDLL_API void USMC_GetLastErr( char *str, // OUT - String buffer
size_t len // IN - Lenght of that string buffer in bytes
// The USMC_GetDllVersion function returnes version values of USMCDLL.dll
USMCDLL_API void USMC_GetDllVersion( DWORD &dwHighVersion, // OUT - High Version Value
DWORD &dwLowVersion); // OUT - Low Version Value
// The USMC_Close function closes virtual driver window "microsmc.exe"
// The USMC_RestoreCurPos function checks AReset bit and if it is TRUE
// restores previous CurPos value
USMCDLL_API DWORD USMC_RestoreCurPos(DWORD Device // IN - Device number
// New For Firmware Version (0x2410)
// The USMC_GetEncoderState function returns structure representing current position of encoder
USMCDLL_API DWORD USMC_GetEncoderState( DWORD Device, // IN - Device number
USMC_EncoderState &Str // IN/OUT Structure containing encoder state
// ~New For Firmware Version (0x2410)
} // extern "C"
#else // C
DWORD USMC_Init( USMC_Devices *Str );
DWORD USMC_GetState( DWORD Device, USMC_State *Str );
DWORD USMC_SaveParametersToFlash( DWORD Device );
DWORD USMC_SetCurrentPosition( DWORD Device, int Position );
DWORD USMC_GetMode( DWORD Device, USMC_Mode *Str );
DWORD USMC_SetMode( DWORD Device, USMC_Mode *Str );
DWORD USMC_GetParameters( DWORD Device, USMC_Parameters *Str );
DWORD USMC_SetParameters( DWORD Device, USMC_Parameters *Str );
DWORD USMC_GetStartParameters( DWORD Device, USMC_StartParameters *Str );
DWORD USMC_Start( DWORD Device, int DestPos, float *Speed, USMC_StartParameters *Str);
DWORD USMC_Stop( DWORD Device );
void USMC_GetLastErr( char *str, size_t len );
DWORD USMC_Close( void );
DWORD USMC_GetEncoderState( DWORD Device, USMC_EncoderState *Str);
#endif // C/C++
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,761
#include "uSMC.h"
#ifdef uSMC_MAIN
//# include "uSMC_ui.h"
#endif /* uSMC_MAIN */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef _WINDOWS
# include "libusmc.h"
# include <getopt.h>
# define Delay(x) usleep((int)(x*1000000))
# include "USMCDLL.H"
# include <utility.h>
# include <ansi_c.h>
# define ERR(s, c) if(opterr) fprintf(stderr,"%s %c\n",s,c);
int opterr = 1;
int optind = 1;
int optopt;
char *optarg;
int getopt(int argc, char **argv, char *opts){
static int sp = 1;
int c;
char *cp;
if(sp == 1)
if(optind >= argc ||
argv[optind][0] != '-' || argv[optind][1] == '\0')
else if(strcmp(argv[optind], "--") == NULL) {
optopt = c = argv[optind][sp];
if(c == ':' || (cp=strchr(opts, c)) == NULL) {
ERR(": illegal option -- ", c);
if(argv[optind][++sp] == '\0') {
sp = 1;
if(*++cp == ':') {
if(argv[optind][sp+1] != '\0')
optarg = &argv[optind++][sp+1];
else if(++optind >= argc) {
ERR(": option requires an argument -- ", c);
sp = 1;
} else
optarg = argv[optind++];
sp = 1;
} else {
if(argv[optind][++sp] == '\0') {
sp = 1;
optarg = NULL;
#endif /* _WINDOWS */
// Function that prints information about device state to console
void PrintDState(USMC_State *State) {
printf( "The state is:\n" );
printf( "- Current Position in microsteps - %d\n", State->CurPos );
printf( "- Temperature - %.2f\xf8\x43\n", State->Temp );
printf( "- Step Divisor - %d\n", State->SDivisor);
printf( "- Loft State - %s\n", State->Loft?"Indefinite":"Fixed" );
printf( "- Power - %s\n", State->Power?(State->FullPower?"Full":"Half"):"Off" );
printf( "- Step Motor is Running in %s Direction %s\n",
State->CW_CCW?"CCW":"CW", ((State->SDivisor==1) && State->FullSpeed)?"at Full Speed":"" );
printf( "- Step Motor is Not Running\n" );
printf( "- Device %s\n", State->AReset?"is After Reset":"Position Already Set" );
printf( "- Input Synchronization Logical Pin State - %s\n", State->SyncIN?"TRUE":"FALSE" );
printf( "- Output Synchronization Logical Pin State - %s\n", State->SyncOUT?"TRUE":"FALSE" );
printf( "- Rotary Transducer Logical Pin State - %s\n", State->RotTr?"TRUE":"FALSE" );
printf( "- Rotary Transducer Error Flag - %s\n", State->RotTrErr?"Error":"Clear" );
printf( "- Emergency Disable Button - %s\n", State->EmReset?"Pushed":"Unpushed" );
printf( "- Trailer 1 Press State - %s\n", State->Trailer1?"Pushed":"Unpushed" );
printf( "- Trailer 2 Press State - %s\n", State->Trailer2?"Pushed":"Unpushed" );
if( State->Voltage == 0.0f )
printf( "- Input Voltage - Low\n");
printf( "- Input Voltage - %.1fV\n", State->Voltage);
// Function that prints information about device start parameters to console
void PrintDStartParameters(int DPos, float Speed, const USMC_StartParameters *SP ) {
printf( "Destination position - %d\n", DPos);
printf( "Speed - %.2ftacts/s\n", Speed );
printf( "Steps Divisor - %d\n", SP->SDivisor );
if(SP->SDivisor == 1) {
printf( "Slow start/stop mode - %s\n", SP->SlStart?"Enabled":"Disabled" );
} else if(SP->LoftEn) {
printf( "Automatic backlash operation - Enabled\n" );
printf( "Automatic backlash operation direction - %s\n", SP->DefDir?"CCW":"CW" );
printf( "Force automatic backlash operation - %s\n", SP->ForceLoft?"TRUE":"FALSE" );
} else {
printf( "Automatic backlash operation - Disabled\n" );
printf( "Controller will wait for input synchronization signal to start\n" );
printf( "Input synchronization signal ignored \n" );
printf( "Output synchronization counter will %sbe reset\n", SP->SyncOUTR?"":"not " );
// Function that prints information about device parameters to console
void PrintDParameters(USMC_Parameters *Parameters) {
printf( "The parameters are:\n" );
printf( "Full acceleration time - %.0f ms\n", (double) Parameters->AccelT );
printf( "Full deceleration time - %.0f ms\n", (double) Parameters->DecelT );
printf( "Power reduction timeout - %.0f ms\n", (double) Parameters->PTimeout );
printf( "Button speedup timeout 1 - %.0f ms\n", (double) Parameters->BTimeout1 );
printf( "Button speed after timeout 1 - %.2f steps/s\n", (double) Parameters->BTO1P );
printf( "Button speedup timeout 2 - %.0f ms\n", (double) Parameters->BTimeout2 );
printf( "Button speed after timeout 2 - %.2f steps/s\n", (double) Parameters->BTO2P );
printf( "Button speedup timeout 3 - %.0f ms\n", (double) Parameters->BTimeout3 );
printf( "Button speed after timeout 3 - %.2f steps/s\n", (double) Parameters->BTO3P );
printf( "Button speedup timeout 4 - %.0f ms\n", (double) Parameters->BTimeout4 );
printf( "Button speed after timeout 4 - %.2f steps/s\n", (double) Parameters->BTO4P );
printf( "Button reset timeout - %.0f ms\n", (double) Parameters->BTimeoutR );
printf( "Button reset operation speed - %.2f steps/s\n", (double) Parameters->MinP );
printf( "Backlash operation distance - %d steps\n", (int)Parameters->MaxLoft );
printf( "Revolution distance - %d steps\n", (int)Parameters->RTDelta );
printf( "Minimal revolution distance error - %d steps\n", (int)Parameters->RTMinError );
printf( "Power off temperature - %.2f\xf8\x43\n", (double)Parameters->MaxTemp );
printf( "Duration of the output synchronization pulse - ");
if(Parameters->SynOUTP == 0)
printf( "minimal\n");
printf( "%.1f * [Tact Period]\n", Parameters->SynOUTP - 0.5);
printf( "Speed of the last phase of the backlash operation - ");
if(Parameters->LoftPeriod == 0.0f)
printf( "normal\n" );
printf( "%.2f steps/s\n", (double)Parameters->LoftPeriod );
printf( "<Angular Encoder Step> Equals <Angular Step Motor Step>/<%.2f>\n", Parameters->EncMult);
// Function that prints information about device "mode" parameters to console
void PrintDMode(USMC_Mode *Mode) {
printf( "Mode parameters:\n" );
printf( "Buttons - ");
if(Mode->PMode) {
printf( "Disabled\n" );
} else {
printf( "Enabled\nButton 1 TRUE state - %s\n", Mode->Butt1T?"+3/+5 V":"0 V(GND)" );
printf( "Button 2 TRUE state - %s\n", Mode->Butt2T?"+3/+5 V":"0 V(GND)" );
printf( "Current reduction regime - %s\n", Mode->PReg?"Used":"Not Used" );
printf( "Power - %s\n", Mode->EMReset?"Emerjency Off":"Off" );
printf( "Power - On\n" );
if(Mode->Tr1En || Mode->Tr2En)
printf( "Trailers are - %s\n", Mode->TrSwap?"Swapped":"Direct" );
printf( "Trailer 1 - ");
printf( "Enabled\nTrailer 1 TRUE state - %s\n", Mode->Tr1T?"+3/+5 V":"0 V(GND)" );
printf( "Disabled\n");
printf( "Trailer 2 - ");
printf( "Enabled\nTrailer 2 TRUE state - %s\n", Mode->Tr2T?"+3/+5 V":"0 V(GND)" );
printf( "Disabled\n");
if(Mode->EncoderEn) {
printf( "Encoder - Enabled\n");
printf( "Encoder Position Counter is %s\n", Mode->EncoderInv?"Inverted":"Direct");
printf( "Rotary Transducer and Input Syncronisation are\n"
" Disabled Because of Encoder\n");
} else {
printf( "Encoder - Disabled\n");
printf( "Rotary Transducer - ");
if(Mode->RotTeEn) {
printf( "Enabled\nRotary Transducer TRUE state - %s\n", Mode->RotTrT?"+3/+5 V":"0 V(GND)" );
printf( "Rotary Transducer Operation - %s\n", Mode->RotTrOp?"Stop on error":"Check and ignore error" );
printf( "Reset Rotary Transducer Check Positions - %s\n", Mode->ResetRT?"Initiated":"No, why?");
} else {
printf("Synchronization input mode:\n");
printf("Step motor will move one time to the destination position\n");
printf("Step motor will move multiple times by [destination position]\n");
printf( "Output Syncronization - ");
if(Mode->SyncOUTEn) {
printf( "Enabled\nReset Output Synchronization Counter - %s\n", Mode->SyncOUTR?"Initiated":"No, why?" );
printf( "Number of steps after which synchronization output sygnal occures - %u\n", Mode->SyncCount );
} else {
printf("Synchronization Output is ");
// Function that prints Encoder state information
void PrintEncState(USMC_EncoderState *EnState, USMC_Parameters *up) {
|Type |Name |Description
|Int |EncoderPos |Current position measured by encoder
|Int |ECurPos |Current position (in Encoder Steps) - Synchronized with request call
printf( "The encoder state is:\n" );
printf( "- Current Position in microsteps - %.2f\n", EnState->ECurPos/up->EncMult );
printf( "- Encoder Position in microsteps - %.2f\n\n", EnState->EncoderPos/up->EncMult );
printf( "- Current Position in \"Half of Encoder Step\"s - %d\n", EnState->ECurPos );
printf( "- Encoder Position in \"Half of Encoder Step\"s - %d\n", EnState->EncoderPos );
// Function that prints last error information
void PrintError(void) {
char er[101];
er[100] = '\0';
static int ierr;
static float Speed=15000.0f;
#define MAXNODES 4
static USMC_Devices Devices;
static USMC_StartParameters DStartPar[MAXNODES];
static USMC_Parameters DPar[MAXNODES];
static USMC_State DState[MAXNODES];
static USMC_EncoderState DEncState[MAXNODES];
static USMC_Mode DMode[MAXNODES];
#define ERRLEN 128
static char errstr[ERRLEN];
void uSMC_PrintDevices(void) {
|Type |Name |Description
|DWORD |NOD |Number of devices connected to computer
|char ** |Serial |Array of pointers to 16–byte ASCII strings of length – NOD
|char ** |Version |Array of pointers to 4–byte ASCII strings of length – NOD
int i;
for (i=0; i<Devices.NOD; i++) {
printf("Device - %d,\tSerial Number - %.16s,\tVersion - %.4s\n",i+1,Devices.Serial[i],Devices.Version[i]);
int uSMC_SetParameters(int node, int stageType) {
|Type |Name |Description
|float |AccelT |Acceleration time (in ms)
|float |DecelT |Deceleration time (in ms)
|float |PTimeout |Time (in ms) after which current will be reduced to 60% of normal
|float |BTimeout1 |Time (in ms) after which speed of step motor rotation will be equal to the one specified at
| | |BTO1P field in this structure
|float |BTimeout2 |Time (in ms) after which speed of step motor rotation will be equal to the one specified at
| | |BTO2P field in this structure
|float |BTimeout3 |Time (in ms) after which speed of step motor rotation will be equal to the one specified at
| | |BTO3P field in this structure
|float |BTimeout4 |Time (in ms) after which speed of step motor rotation will be equal to the one specified at
| | |BTO4P field in this structure
|float |BTimeoutR |Time (in ms) after which reset command will be performed (see 5.4.7 at page 53)
|float |BTimeoutD |This field is reserved for future use
|float |MinP |Speed (steps/sec) while performing reset operation
|float |BTO1P |Speed (steps/sec) after BTIMEOUT1 time has passed (see 5.4.8 at page 54)
|float |BTO2P |Speed (steps/sec) after BTIMEOUT2 time has passed (see 5.4.8 at page 54)
|float |BTO3P |Speed (steps/sec) after BTIMEOUT3 time has passed (see 5.4.8 at page 54)
|float |BTO4P |Speed (steps/sec) after BTIMEOUT4 time has passed (see 5.4.8 at page 54)
|WORD |MaxLoft |Value in full steps that will be used performing backlash operation
|DWORD |StartPos |Current Position saved to FLASH. Refer to test.cpp for implementing this functionality.
| | |Should be set to 0 for correct reloading of current position in SMCVieW program
|WORD |RTDelta |Revolution distance – number of full steps per one full revolution
|WORD |RTMinError |Number of full steps missed to raise the error flag
|float |MaxTemp |Maximum allowed temperature (centigrade degrees)
|BYTE |SynOUTP |Duration of the output synchronization pulse ( see 5.4.13 at page 58)
|float |LoftPeriod |Speed (steps/sec) of the last phase of the backlash operation
|float |EncMult |Encoder step multiplier. Should be <Encoder Steps per Revolution> / <SM Steps per Revolution>
| | |and should be integer multiplied by 0.25
int saveToFlash;
int Dev;
if (ierr=USMC_GetParameters(Dev,&DPar[Dev])) return ierr;
switch (stageType) {
case -1:
// DPar[Dev].StartPos = 0;
case 1:
// Linear stage
DPar[Dev].AccelT = 200.0f;
DPar[Dev].DecelT = 200.0f;
DPar[Dev].PTimeout = 1.0f;
DPar[Dev].BTimeout1 = 500.0f;
DPar[Dev].BTimeout2 = 500.0f;
DPar[Dev].BTimeout3 = 500.0f;
DPar[Dev].BTimeout4 = 500.0f;
DPar[Dev].BTimeoutR = 500.0f;
DPar[Dev].MinP = 60.0f;
DPar[Dev].BTO1P = 10.0f;
DPar[Dev].BTO2P = 20.0f;
DPar[Dev].BTO3P = 30.0f;
DPar[Dev].BTO4P = 60.0f;
DPar[Dev].MaxLoft = 32;
DPar[Dev].RTDelta = 200;
DPar[Dev].RTMinError = 15;
DPar[Dev].MaxTemp = 70.0f;
DPar[Dev].SynOUTP = 1;
DPar[Dev].LoftPeriod = 50.0f;
DPar[Dev].EncMult = 1.0f;
case -2:
case 2:
// Rotation stage
DPar[Dev].MaxTemp = 70.0f;
DPar[Dev].AccelT = 200.0f;
DPar[Dev].DecelT = 200.0f;
DPar[Dev].BTimeout1 = 500.0f;
DPar[Dev].BTimeout2 = 500.0f;
DPar[Dev].BTimeout3 = 500.0f;
DPar[Dev].BTimeout4 = 500.0f;
DPar[Dev].BTO1P = 100.0f;
DPar[Dev].BTO2P = 200.0f;
DPar[Dev].BTO3P = 300.0f;
DPar[Dev].BTO4P = 600.0f;
DPar[Dev].MinP = 500.0f;
DPar[Dev].BTimeoutR = 500.0f;
DPar[Dev].LoftPeriod = 500.0f;
DPar[Dev].RTDelta = 200;
DPar[Dev].RTMinError = 15;
DPar[Dev].EncMult = 2.5f;
DPar[Dev].MaxLoft = 32;
DPar[Dev].PTimeout = 100.0f;
DPar[Dev].SynOUTP = 1;
if (ierr=USMC_SetParameters(Dev,&DPar[Dev])) return ierr;
if (saveToFlash) {
if(ierr=USMC_SaveParametersToFlash(Dev)) return ierr;
printf("\nThese Parameters were Saved to Flash");
return FALSE;
int uSMC_RevertStartPosition(int node) {
int Dev;
if (ierr=USMC_GetParameters(Dev,&DPar[Dev])) return ierr;
DPar[Dev].StartPos = 0;
if (ierr=USMC_SetParameters(Dev,&DPar[Dev])) return ierr;
if(ierr=USMC_SaveParametersToFlash(Dev)) return ierr;
printf("\nStart Position is Reset to 0\n");
return FALSE;
int _VI_FUNC uSMC_PowerOn (int node) {
int Dev;
if (ierr=USMC_GetMode(Dev,&DMode[Dev])) return ierr;
DMode[Dev].ResetD = FALSE;
if (ierr=USMC_SetMode(Dev,&DMode[Dev])) return ierr;
return FALSE;
int uSMC_PowerOffSave(int node,int saveToFlash) {
int Dev=node-1;
if (saveToFlash) {
if (ierr=USMC_GetParameters(Dev,&DPar[Dev])) return ierr;
if (ierr=USMC_GetMode(Dev,&DMode[Dev])) return ierr;
DMode[Dev].ResetD = TRUE;
if (ierr=USMC_SetMode(Dev,&DMode[Dev])) return ierr;
do {
if (ierr=USMC_GetState(Dev,&DState[Dev])) return ierr;
} while(DState[Dev].Power == TRUE);
if (saveToFlash) {
DPar[Dev].StartPos = DState[Dev].CurPos;
if (ierr=USMC_SetParameters(Dev,&DPar[Dev])) return ierr;
if (ierr=USMC_SaveParametersToFlash(Dev)) return ierr;
return FALSE;
int _VI_FUNC uSMC_PowerOff (int node) {
if (ierr=uSMC_PowerOffSave(node,0)) return ierr;
return FALSE;
int _VI_FUNC uSMC_Open (void) {
int i;
if (ierr=USMC_Init(&Devices)) return ierr;
return FALSE;
int _VI_FUNC uSMC_FindSerial (char serial[])
int i;
for (i=0; i<Devices.NOD; i++)
if (!strncmp (Devices.Serial[i], serial, 16)) return i;
return -1;
int _VI_FUNC uSMC_Reset (int node) {
return FALSE;
int _VI_FUNC uSMC_Init (int node, int type) {
|Type |Name |Masked|Saved|Description
|BOOL |PMode |– |YES |Turn off buttons (TRUE - buttons disabled)
|BOOL |PReg |– |YES |Current reduction regime (TRUE - regime is on)
|BOOL |ResetD |– |YES |Turn power off and make a whole step (TRUE - apply)
|BOOL |EMReset |– |– |Quick power off (see 5.4.6 at page 53)
|BOOL |Tr1T |– |YES |Limit switch 1 TRUE state (TRUE : +3/+5?; FALSE : 0?)
|BOOL |Tr2T |– |YES |Limit switch 2 TRUE state (TRUE : +3/+5?; FALSE : 0?)
|BOOL |RotTrT |– |YES |Rotary Transducer TRUE state (TRUE : +3/+5?; FALSE : 0?)
|BOOL |TrSwap |– |YES |If TRUE, Limit switches are treated to be swapped
|BOOL |Tr1En |– |YES |If TRUE Limit switch 1 Operation Enabled
|BOOL |Tr2En |– |YES |If TRUE Limit switch 2 Operation Enabled
|BOOL |RotTeEn |– |YES |If TRUE Rotary Transducer Operation Enabled
|BOOL |RotTrOp |– |YES |Rotary Transducer Operation Select (stop on error if TRUE)
|BOOL |Butt1T |– |YES |Button 1 TRUE state (TRUE : +3/+5?; FALSE : 0?)
|BOOL |Butt2T |– |YES |Button 2 TRUE state (TRUE : +3/+5?; FALSE : 0?)
|BOOL |ResetRT |YES |– |Reset Rotary Transducer Check Positions (need one full revolution
| | | | |before it can detect error)
|BOOL |SyncOUTEn |– |YES |If TRUE output synchronization enabled
|BOOL |SyncOUTR |YES |– |If TRUE output synchronization counter will be reset
|BOOL |SyncINOp |– |YES |Synchronization input mode:
| | | | |- TRUE - Step motor will move one time to the DestPos
| | | | |- FALSE - Step motor will move multiple times by DestPos microsteps as distance
|DWORD |SyncCount |– |YES |Number of steps after which synchronization output signal occurs
|BOOL |SyncInvert |– |YES |Set this bit to TRUE to invert output synchronization polarity
|BOOL |EncoderEn |– |YES |Enable Encoder on pins {SYNCIN,ROTTR} - disables Synchronization input and Rotary Transducer
|BOOL |EncoderInv |– |YES |Invert Encoder Counter Direction BOOL ResBEnc YES – Reset <EncoderPos> and <ECurPos> to 0
|BOOL |ResEnc |YES |– |Reset <ECurPos> to <EncoderPos>
Masked –> These Boolean values will be automatically cleared by USMC_GetMode (to FALSE)
int Dev;
// if (ierr=uSMC_PowerOff(node)) return ierr;
if (ierr=uSMC_SetParameters(node,type)) return ierr;
switch (type) {
case -1:
case 1:
if (ierr=USMC_GetMode(Dev,&DMode[Dev])) return ierr;
DMode[Dev].Tr1T = FALSE;
DMode[Dev].Tr2T = FALSE;
DMode[Dev].Tr1En = TRUE;
DMode[Dev].Tr2En = TRUE;
DMode[Dev].TrSwap = FALSE;
DMode[Dev].EncoderEn = FALSE;
if (ierr=USMC_SetMode(Dev,&DMode[Dev])) return ierr;
if (ierr=uSMC_PowerOn(node)) return ierr;
return FALSE;
int _VI_FUNC uSMC_ReferenceMove (int node) {
int Dev;
float tmpSpeed;
if (ierr=USMC_GetMode(Dev,&DMode[Dev])) return ierr;
DMode[Dev].Tr1T = FALSE;
DMode[Dev].Tr2T = FALSE;
DMode[Dev].Tr1En = TRUE;
DMode[Dev].Tr2En = TRUE;
DMode[Dev].TrSwap = FALSE;
DMode[Dev].EncoderEn = FALSE;
if (ierr=USMC_SetMode(Dev,&DMode[Dev])) return ierr;
if (ierr=USMC_SetCurrentPosition(Dev,0)) return ierr;
if (ierr=uSMC_MoveTo(node,-500000)) return ierr;
if (ierr=uSMC_MoveFor(node,5000)) return ierr;
if (ierr=uSMC_MoveTo(node,-500000)) return ierr;
if (ierr=uSMC_MoveFor(node,5000)) return ierr;
if (ierr=USMC_SetCurrentPosition(Dev,0)) return ierr;
return FALSE;
int _VI_FUNC uSMC_MoveFor (int node, int dist) {
int CurPos;
if (ierr=uSMC_GetPosition(node,&CurPos)) return ierr;
if (ierr=uSMC_MoveTo(node,CurPos+dist)) return ierr;
return FALSE;
int _VI_FUNC uSMC_MoveTo (int node, int dest) {
|Type |Name |Description
|BYTE |SDivisor |Step is divided by this factor (1,2,4,8)
|BOOL |DefDir |Direction for backlash operation (relative) (see 5.4.15 at page 60)
|BOOL |LoftEn |Enable automatic backlash operation (works if slow start/stop mode is off)
|BOOL |SlStart |If TRUE slow start/stop mode enabled
|BOOL |WSyncIN |If TRUE controller will wait for input synchronization signal to start
|BOOL |SyncOUTR |If TRUE output synchronization counter will be reset
|BOOL |ForceLoft |If TRUE and destination position is equal to the current position
| | |backlash operation will be performed
int Dev;
time_t tcur,tprev;
if (ierr=USMC_GetStartParameters(Dev,&DStartPar[Dev])) return ierr;
if (ierr=USMC_Start(Dev,dest,&Speed,&DStartPar[Dev])) return ierr;
do {
if (ierr=USMC_GetState(Dev,&DState[Dev])) return ierr;
if (tcur > tprev) {
printf("%d CurPos %d L%d R%d Rot%d %s %s\n",node,
DState[Dev].CurPos,DState[Dev].Trailer1,DState[Dev].Trailer2, DState[Dev].RotTr,
DState[Dev].RUN?"Run":"Stopped",DState[Dev].Power?"On":"Off" );
tprev= tcur;
} while (DState[Dev].RUN);
return FALSE;
int _VI_FUNC uSMC_GetPosition (int node, int *pos) {
|Type |Name |Description
|int |CurPos
|float |Temp |Current temperature of the power driver
|BYTE |SDivisor |Step is divided by this factor
|BOOL |Loft |Indicates backlash status
|BOOL |FullPower |Full power if TRUE
|BOOL |CW_CCW |Current direction of rotation (relatively to some direction – dependent on
| | |step motor circuits connection and on its construction)
|BOOL |Power |If TRUE then Step Motor power is ON
|BOOL |FullSpeed |If TRUE then full speed. Valid in "Slow Start" mode only
|BOOL |AReset |TRUE After Device reset, FALSE after "Set Position"
|BOOL |RUN |TRUE if step motor is rotating
|BOOL |SyncIN |Logical state directly from input synchronization PIN (pulses treated as positive)
|BOOL |SyncOUT |Logical state directly from output synchronization PIN (pulses are positive)
|BOOL |RotTr |Indicates current rotary transducer logical press state
|BOOL |RotTrErr |Indicates rotary transducer error flag (reset by USMC_SetMode function with ResetRT bit – TRUE)
|BOOL |EmReset |Indicates state of emergency disable button (TRUE – Step motor power off)
|BOOL |Trailer1 |Indicates Limit switch 1 logical press state
|BOOL |Trailer2 |Indicates Limit switch 2 logical press state
|float |Voltage |Power supply voltage (Volts)
int Dev;
if (ierr=USMC_GetState(Dev,&DState[Dev])) return ierr;
return FALSE;
void _VI_FUNC uSMC_Close (void) {
#ifdef uSMC_MAIN
#define uSMC_SERIAL_X "0000000000004925"
#define uSMC_SERIAL_Y "0000000000006030"
#define uSMC_SERIAL_Z "0000000000002894"
# ifdef _WINDOWS
int __stdcall WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {
const char serials[3][16]={uSMC_SERIAL_X,uSMC_SERIAL_Y,uSMC_SERIAL_Z};
int i;
int DestPos[3],CurPos[3];
int nodes[3];
// float Speed=2000.0f;
if (InitCVIRTE (hInstance, 0, 0) == 0) return -1; /* out of memory */
for (i=0;i<3;i++) {
printf("nodes x,y,z: %2d, %2d, %2d\n",nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2]);
printf("Current position: %2d, %2d, %2d\n",CurPos[0],CurPos[1],CurPos[2]);
// uSMC_ReferenceMove(node);
for (i=0;i<3;i++) {
printf("Current position: %2d, %2d, %2d\n",CurPos[0],CurPos[1],CurPos[2]);
for (i=0;i<3;i++) uSMC_PowerOff(nodes[i]);
return 0;
# else
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
int i,j,k;
int node=0,opt,value=0;
int EOldPos=-1;
if ( USMC_Init ( &devices ) ) abort();
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "i:av:f:l:udn:m:s:v:g:h:r:p:")) != -1) {
switch (opt) {
case 'i':
usmc_Init (node, atoi(optarg));
case 'a':
for (i=0; i<devices.NOD; i++) {
printf("%d CurPos %d L%d R%d %s %s\t",i,
DState[i].RUN?"Run":"Stopped",DState[i].Power?"On":"Off" );
printf("node %d ECurPos 0x%0x %f EncoderPos =0x%04x %f\n",i,
DEncState[i].ECurPos, (((DEncState[i].ECurPos)>>5)&0x8FFFFF)/DPar[i].EncMult,
DEncState[i].EncoderPos,((DEncState[i].EncoderPos >> 5)&0x8FFFFF)/DPar[i].EncMult);
case 'l':
printf("usmc_MoveTo Loop\n");
for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
int xpos=i*1000+10000;
usmc_MoveTo (1, xpos);
for (j=0; j<5; j++) {
int ypos=j*1000+10000;
usmc_MoveTo (2, ypos);
for (k=0; k<50; k++) {
int zpos=k*1000+10000;
usmc_MoveTo (3, zpos);
printf("x=%d y=%d z=%d\n",xpos,ypos,zpos);
case 'n':
node = atoi(optarg);
case 's':
usmc_speed = atoi(optarg);
case 'p':
case 'm':
usmc_MoveTo (node, atoi(optarg));
printf("usmc_MoveTo node=%d pos=%d \n",node,atoi(optarg));
case 'v':
case 'f':
MIKRO_Set (node,optarg,value);
printf("MIKRO_Set node %d cmd=%s val=%d\n",node,optarg, value);
case 'g':
MIKRO_Get (node,optarg,&i);
printf("MIKRO_Get node %d cmd=%s val=%d\n",node,optarg, i);
case 'r':
printf("usmc_Reset node=%d mode=%d\n",node, atoi(optarg));
usmc_Reset (node, atoi(optarg));
case 'h':
printf("usmc_ReferenceMove node=%d mode=%d\n",node, atoi(optarg));
usmc_ReferenceMove (node, atoi(optarg));
case 'u':
usmc_RelMove(node, 1000);
case 'd':
usmc_RelMove(node, -1000);
default: /* '?' */
if (argc==1) help();
USMC_Close ();
return 0;
# endif /* _WINDOWS */
#endif /* _uSMC_MAIN */
0,0 → 1,301
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0,0 → 1,62
// Title: MIKRO.h
// Purpose: Header file for MVP stage driver.
// Created on: 29.11.2014 at 20:51:03 by Samo Korpar.
// Copyright: . All Rights Reserved.
#ifndef __uSMC_H__
#define __uSMC_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Include files
#include <cvidef.h>
#include <ivi.h>
// Constants
// Types
// External variables
// Global functions
int _VI_FUNC uSMC_Open (void);
int _VI_FUNC uSMC_FindSerial (char serial[]);
int _VI_FUNC uSMC_Reset (int node);
int _VI_FUNC uSMC_Init (int node, int type);
int _VI_FUNC uSMC_PowerOn (int node);
int _VI_FUNC uSMC_PowerOff (int node);
int _VI_FUNC uSMC_ReferenceMove (int node);
int _VI_FUNC uSMC_MoveFor (int node, int dist);
int _VI_FUNC uSMC_MoveTo (int node, int dest);
int _VI_FUNC uSMC_GetPosition (int node, int *pos);
void _VI_FUNC uSMC_Close (void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* ndef __uSMC_H__ */
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[External Compiler Support]
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Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,532
usmc_ctrl -a
usmc_ctrl -n 0 -i
usmc_ctrl -n 0 -p 1 -s 5000 -m 10000 - p 0
usmc_ctrl -n 0 -p 1 -h -p 0
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef _WINDOWS
# include "libusmc.h"
# include <getopt.h>
# define Delay(x) usleep((int)(x*1000000))
# include "USMCDLL.H"
# include <utility.h>
# include <ansi_c.h>
#define ERR(s, c) if(opterr) fprintf(stderr,"%s %c\n",s,c);
int opterr = 1;
int optind = 1;
int optopt;
char *optarg;
int getopt(int argc, char **argv, char *opts){
static int sp = 1;
int c;
char *cp;
if(sp == 1)
if(optind >= argc ||
argv[optind][0] != '-' || argv[optind][1] == '\0')
else if(strcmp(argv[optind], "--") == NULL) {
optopt = c = argv[optind][sp];
if(c == ':' || (cp=strchr(opts, c)) == NULL) {
ERR(": illegal option -- ", c);
if(argv[optind][++sp] == '\0') {
sp = 1;
if(*++cp == ':') {
if(argv[optind][sp+1] != '\0')
optarg = &argv[optind++][sp+1];
else if(++optind >= argc) {
ERR(": option requires an argument -- ", c);
sp = 1;
} else
optarg = argv[optind++];
sp = 1;
} else {
if(argv[optind][++sp] == '\0') {
sp = 1;
optarg = NULL;
#define MAXNODES 4
USMC_Devices devices;
USMC_StartParameters parstart[MAXNODES];
USMC_Parameters parameters[MAXNODES];
USMC_State parstate[MAXNODES];
USMC_EncoderState parencstate[MAXNODES];
#define ERRLEN 128
char errstr[ERRLEN];
// Function that prints information about device parameters to console
void print_parameters(USMC_Parameters *Parameters)
printf( "The parameters are:\n" );
printf( "Full acceleration time - %.0f ms\n", (double) Parameters->AccelT );
printf( "Full deceleration time - %.0f ms\n", (double) Parameters->DecelT );
printf( "Power reduction timeout - %.0f ms\n", (double) Parameters->PTimeout );
printf( "Button speedup timeout 1 - %.0f ms\n", (double) Parameters->BTimeout1 );
printf( "Button speed after timeout 1 - %.2f steps/s\n", (double) Parameters->BTO1P );
printf( "Button speedup timeout 2 - %.0f ms\n", (double) Parameters->BTimeout2 );
printf( "Button speed after timeout 2 - %.2f steps/s\n", (double) Parameters->BTO2P );
printf( "Button speedup timeout 3 - %.0f ms\n", (double) Parameters->BTimeout3 );
printf( "Button speed after timeout 3 - %.2f steps/s\n", (double) Parameters->BTO3P );
printf( "Button speedup timeout 4 - %.0f ms\n", (double) Parameters->BTimeout4 );
printf( "Button speed after timeout 4 - %.2f steps/s\n", (double) Parameters->BTO4P );
printf( "Button reset timeout - %.0f ms\n", (double) Parameters->BTimeoutR );
printf( "Button reset operation speed - %.2f steps/s\n", (double) Parameters->MinP );
printf( "Backlash operation distance - %d steps\n", (int)Parameters->MaxLoft );
printf( "Revolution distance - %d steps\n", (int)Parameters->RTDelta );
printf( "Minimal revolution distance error - %d steps\n", (int)Parameters->RTMinError );
printf( "Power off temperature - %.2f\xf8\x43\n", (double)Parameters->MaxTemp );
printf( "Duration of the output synchronization pulse - ");
if(Parameters->SynOUTP == 0)
printf( "minimal\n");
printf( "%.1f * [Tact Period]\n", Parameters->SynOUTP - 0.5);
printf( "Speed of the last phase of the backlash operation - ");
if(Parameters->LoftPeriod == 0.0f)
printf( "normal\n" );
printf( "%.2f steps/s\n", (double)Parameters->LoftPeriod );
printf( "<Angular Encoder Step> Equals <Angular Step Motor Step>/<%.2f>\n", Parameters->EncMult);
// Function that prints information about device start parameters to console
void print_start_params ( const USMC_StartParameters sp ){
printf ( "* Steps Divisor - %d\n", sp.SDivisor );
if ( sp.SDivisor == 1 )
printf ( "* Slow start/stop mode - %s\n", sp.SlStart ? "Enabled" : "Disabled" );
else if ( sp.LoftEn ) {
printf ( "* Automatic backlash operation - Enabled\n" );
printf ( "* Automatic backlash operation direction - %s\n", sp.DefDir ? "CCW" : "CW" );
printf ( "* Force automatic backlash operation - %s\n", sp.ForceLoft ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" );
} else {
printf ( "* Automatic backlash operation - Disabled\n" );
if ( sp.WSyncIN )
printf ( "* Controller will wait for input synchronization signal to start\n" );
printf ( "* Input synchronization signal ignored \n" );
printf ( "* Output synchronization counter will %sbe reset\n", sp.SyncOUTR ? "" : "not " );
// Function that prints information about device state to console
void print_state(USMC_State *State)
printf( " The state is:\n" );
printf( "- Current Position in microsteps - %d\n", State->CurPos );
printf( "- Temperature - %.2f\xf8\x43\n", State->Temp );
printf( "- Step Divisor - %d\n", State->SDivisor);
printf( "- Loft State - %s\n", State->Loft?"Indefinite":"Fixed" );
printf( "- Power - %s\n", State->Power?(State->FullPower?"Full":"Half"):"Off" );
printf( "- Step Motor is Running in %s Direction %s\n",
State->CW_CCW?"CCW":"CW", ((State->SDivisor==1) && State->FullSpeed)?"at Full Speed":"" );
printf( "- Step Motor is Not Running\n" );
printf( "- Device %s\n", State->AReset?"is After Reset":"Position Already Set" );
printf( "- Input Synchronization Logical Pin State - %s\n", State->SyncIN?"TRUE":"FALSE" );
printf( "- Output Synchronization Logical Pin State - %s\n", State->SyncOUT?"TRUE":"FALSE" );
printf( "- Rotary Transducer Logical Pin State - %s\n", State->RotTr?"TRUE":"FALSE" );
printf( "- Rotary Transducer Error Flag - %s\n", State->RotTrErr?"Error":"Clear" );
printf( "- Emergency Disable Button - %s\n", State->EmReset?"Pushed":"Unpushed" );
printf( "- Trailer 1 Press State - %s\n", State->Trailer1?"Pushed":"Unpushed" );
printf( "- Trailer 2 Press State - %s\n", State->Trailer2?"Pushed":"Unpushed" );
if( State->Voltage == 0.0f )
printf( "- Input Voltage - Low\n");
printf( "- Input Voltage - %.1fV\n", State->Voltage);
void print_enc_state ( USMC_EncoderState enc_state )
printf ( "# The encoder state is:\n" );
printf ( "# Current Position in \"Half of Encoder Step\"s - %d\n", enc_state.ECurPos );
printf ( "# Encoder Position in \"Half of Encoder Step\"s - %d\n", enc_state.EncoderPos );
// Function that prints information about connected devices to console
void printdevices(USMC_Devices DVS)
for( i = 0; i < DVS.NOD; i++)
printf("Device - %d,\tSerial Number - %.16s,\tVersion - %.4s\n",i,DVS.Serial[i],DVS.Version[i]);
int usmc_Set_Parameters(int Dev, int mode)
USMC_Mode umode;
if( USMC_GetParameters(Dev, &parameters[Dev]) )
return TRUE;
switch (mode) {
case 1:
// Linear stage
parameters[Dev].MaxTemp = 70.0f;
parameters[Dev].AccelT = 200.0f;
parameters[Dev].DecelT = 200.0f;
parameters[Dev].BTimeout1 = 500.0f;
parameters[Dev].BTimeout2 = 500.0f;
parameters[Dev].BTimeout3 = 500.0f;
parameters[Dev].BTimeout4 = 500.0f;
parameters[Dev].BTO1P = 10.0f;
parameters[Dev].BTO2P = 20.0f;
parameters[Dev].BTO3P = 30.0f;
parameters[Dev].BTO4P = 60.0f;
parameters[Dev].MinP = 60.0f;
parameters[Dev].BTimeoutR = 500.0f;
parameters[Dev].LoftPeriod = 50.0f;
parameters[Dev].RTDelta = 20;
parameters[Dev].RTMinError = 15;
parameters[Dev].EncMult = 2.5f;
parameters[Dev].MaxLoft = 32;
parameters[Dev].PTimeout = 100.0f;
parameters[Dev].SynOUTP = 1;
case 0:
// Rotation stage
parameters[Dev].MaxTemp = 70.0f;
parameters[Dev].AccelT = 200.0f;
parameters[Dev].DecelT = 200.0f;
parameters[Dev].BTimeout1 = 500.0f;
parameters[Dev].BTimeout2 = 500.0f;
parameters[Dev].BTimeout3 = 500.0f;
parameters[Dev].BTimeout4 = 500.0f;
parameters[Dev].BTO1P = 100.0f;
parameters[Dev].BTO2P = 200.0f;
parameters[Dev].BTO3P = 300.0f;
parameters[Dev].BTO4P = 600.0f;
parameters[Dev].MinP = 500.0f;
parameters[Dev].BTimeoutR = 500.0f;
parameters[Dev].LoftPeriod = 500.0f;
parameters[Dev].RTDelta = 200;
parameters[Dev].RTMinError = 15;
parameters[Dev].EncMult = 2.5f;
parameters[Dev].MaxLoft = 32;
parameters[Dev].PTimeout = 100.0f;
parameters[Dev].SynOUTP = 1;
if( USMC_SetParameters( Dev, &parameters[Dev] ) )
return TRUE;
if( USMC_SaveParametersToFlash( Dev ) )
return TRUE;
if (mode){
if ( USMC_GetMode ( Dev, &umode ) ) return FALSE;
umode.TrSwap = 0;
if ( USMC_SetMode ( Dev, &umode ) ) return FALSE;
printf ( "Now, TrSwap is %d \n", umode.TrSwap );
print_parameters( &parameters[Dev] );
printf("\nThese Parameters are Saved to Flash");
return FALSE;
int usmc_Init(int node, int mode){
printf("\nNode %d\n",node);
USMC_GetLastErr(errstr,ERRLEN); if (strlen(errstr)) printf("i1 %s\n",errstr);
USMC_GetLastErr(errstr,ERRLEN); if (strlen(errstr)) printf("i2 %s\n",errstr);
USMC_GetLastErr(errstr,ERRLEN); if (strlen(errstr)) printf("i3 %s\n",errstr);
print_enc_state ( parencstate[node]);
print_start_params (parstart[node] );
usmc_Set_Parameters(node, mode);
return 0;
float usmc_speed=10000;
int usmc_Move(int node, int pos, BOOL absrel){
time_t tcur=0, tprev=-1;
USMC_GetLastErr(errstr,ERRLEN); if (strlen(errstr)) printf("x1 %s\n",errstr);
print_start_params ( parstart[node] );
USMC_Start(node,pos,&usmc_speed, &parstart[node]);
USMC_GetLastErr(errstr,ERRLEN); if (strlen(errstr)) printf("x2 %s speed %f\n",errstr,usmc_speed);
do {
USMC_GetLastErr(errstr,ERRLEN); // if (strlen(errstr)) printf("x3 %s\n",errstr);
tcur= time(NULL);
if (tcur != tprev){
printf("%d CurPos %d L%d R%d Rot%d %s %s\n",node,
parstate[node].CurPos,parstate[node].Trailer1,parstate[node].Trailer2, parstate[node].RotTr,
parstate[node].RUN?"Run":"Stopped",parstate[node].Power?"On":"Off" );
tprev= tcur;
} while ( parstate[node].RUN == 1 );
printf("***** %d CurPos %d L%d R%d %s %s\n",node,
parstate[node].RUN?"Run":"Stopped",parstate[node].Power?"On":"Off" );
printf("node %d ECurPos 0x%0x %f EncoderPos =0x%04x %f\n",node,
parencstate[node].ECurPos, (((parencstate[node].ECurPos)>>5)&0x8FFFFF)/parameters[node].EncMult,
parencstate[node].EncoderPos,((parencstate[node].EncoderPos >> 5)&0x8FFFFF)/parameters[node].EncMult);
return 0;
void usmc_PowerOnOff ( int cur_dev, int smpower ){
USMC_Mode mode;
if ( USMC_GetMode ( cur_dev, &mode ) ) return;
mode.ResetD = !smpower;
if ( USMC_SetMode ( cur_dev, &mode ) ) return;
printf ( "Now, Power of the node %d is %s\n", cur_dev, mode.ResetD ? "Off" : "On" );
int usmc_RelMove(int node, int pos){
return usmc_Move(node,pos, TRUE);
int usmc_MoveTo(int node, int pos){
return usmc_Move(node,pos, FALSE);
int Revert_Start_Position_to_0(int node)
USMC_Parameters Prms;
// Initialize structures (in case this function runs first)
if( USMC_GetParameters(node, &Prms) )
return TRUE;
Prms.StartPos = 0;
if( USMC_SetParameters( node, &Prms ) )
return TRUE;
// Then of Course You Need to SaveToFlash
if( USMC_SaveParametersToFlash( node ) )
return TRUE;
printf("\nStart Position is Reset to 0\n");
printf("\nPress any key to exit");
return FALSE;
int usmc_Reset(int node, int mode){
USMC_SetCurrentPosition(node, 0);
return 0;
int usmc_ReferenceMove(int node, int mode){
int pos = 1000000;
int dir=1;
if (mode) dir = -1;
usmc_MoveTo(node, parstate[node].CurPos -2 *pos * dir);
pos = 5000;
if (mode) pos=500;
usmc_MoveTo(node, parstate[node].CurPos + pos * dir);
usmc_speed /=5;
usmc_MoveTo(node, parstate[node].CurPos -2 *pos * dir);
pos = 2000;
if (mode) pos=200;
usmc_MoveTo(node, parstate[node].CurPos + pos *dir);
usmc_speed /= 10;
usmc_MoveTo(node, parstate[node].CurPos -2 *pos * dir);
USMC_SetCurrentPosition(node, 0);
return 0;
int help(){
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: mikro [-i node][-n node] [-u up] [-d down] [-r node] [-h node] [-a] [-g] [-m pos]\n");
fprintf(stderr," Options:\n");
fprintf(stderr," -n node -i mode .. initialize node\n");
fprintf(stderr," -n node -h .. homing procedure for node\n");
fprintf(stderr," -n node -p 1 .. power on\n");
fprintf(stderr," -n node -p 0 .. power off\n");
fprintf(stderr," -n node -r mode .. reset node\n");
fprintf(stderr," -n node -u .. move node for +1000\n");
fprintf(stderr," -n node -d .. move node for -1000\n");
fprintf(stderr," -a .. current status of the nodes\n");
fprintf(stderr," -n node -v value -f cmd .. set value of the cmd on the node\n");
fprintf(stderr," -n node -g cmd .. get value of the cmd on the node\n");
fprintf(stderr," -n node -m position -s speed .. move node to position at speed (default 10000)\n");
fprintf(stderr," -l delaysec .. loop test with the delay delaysec\n");
return 0;
#ifndef _WINDOWS
int main (int argc, char ** argv){
int i,j,k;
int node=0,opt,value=0;
int EOldPos=-1;
if ( USMC_Init ( &devices ) ) abort();
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "i:av:f:l:udn:m:s:v:g:h:r:p:")) != -1) {
switch (opt) {
case 'i':
usmc_Init (node, atoi(optarg));
case 'a':
for (i=0;i<devices.NOD;i++){
printf("%d CurPos %d L%d R%d %s %s\t",i,
parstate[i].RUN?"Run":"Stopped",parstate[i].Power?"On":"Off" );
printf("node %d ECurPos 0x%0x %f EncoderPos =0x%04x %f\n",i,
parencstate[i].ECurPos, (((parencstate[i].ECurPos)>>5)&0x8FFFFF)/parameters[i].EncMult,
parencstate[i].EncoderPos,((parencstate[i].EncoderPos >> 5)&0x8FFFFF)/parameters[i].EncMult);
case 'l':
printf("usmc_MoveTo Loop\n");
for (i=0;i<5;i++){
int xpos=i*1000+10000;
usmc_MoveTo (1, xpos);
for (j=0;j<5;j++){
int ypos=j*1000+10000;
usmc_MoveTo (2, ypos);
for (k=0;k<50;k++){
int zpos=k*1000+10000;
usmc_MoveTo (3, zpos);
printf("x=%d y=%d z=%d\n",xpos,ypos,zpos);
case 'n':
node = atoi(optarg);
case 's':
usmc_speed = atoi(optarg);
case 'p':
case 'm':
usmc_MoveTo (node, atoi(optarg));
printf("usmc_MoveTo node=%d pos=%d \n",node,atoi(optarg));
case 'v':
case 'f':
MIKRO_Set (node,optarg,value);
printf("MIKRO_Set node %d cmd=%s val=%d\n",node,optarg, value);
case 'g':
MIKRO_Get (node,optarg,&i);
printf("MIKRO_Get node %d cmd=%s val=%d\n",node,optarg, i);
case 'r':
printf("usmc_Reset node=%d mode=%d\n",node, atoi(optarg));
usmc_Reset (node, atoi(optarg));
case 'h':
printf("usmc_ReferenceMove node=%d mode=%d\n",node, atoi(optarg));
usmc_ReferenceMove (node, atoi(optarg));
case 'u':
usmc_RelMove(node, 1000);
case 'd':
usmc_RelMove(node, -1000);
default: /* '?' */
if (argc==1) help();
USMC_Close ();
#ifdef _WINDOWS
return 0;
0,0 → 1,20
#ifndef usmcctrl_h
#define usmcctrl_h
#define MAXNODES 4
USMC_Devices devices;
USMC_StartParameters parstart[MAXNODES];
USMC_Parameters parameters[MAXNODES];
USMC_State parstate[MAXNODES];
USMC_EncoderState parencstate[MAXNODES];
int usmc_Set_Parameters(int Dev, int mode);
int usmc_Init(int node, int mode);
int usmc_Move(int node, int pos, BOOL absrel);
void usmc_PowerOnOff ( int cur_dev, int smpower );
int usmc_RelMove(int node, int pos);
int usmc_MoveTo(int node, int pos);
int Revert_Start_Position_to_0(int node);
int usmc_Reset(int node, int mode);
int usmc_ReferenceMove(int node, int mode);