/cvi/RedPitaya/soccli/H1Dload.cxx |
28,7 → 28,7 |
int nb = fread(h->data,1, size,fp); |
printf("hdr nb=%d : sizeof(HDR)=%d +datasize=%d == len=%d\t",nb1,sizeof(H1D), h->size, h->len); |
printf("data nb=%d size=%d\n",nb,size); |
fclose(fp); |
TH1D *h1d = new TH1D(h->name, h->title, |
h->nx, h->minx-0.5*h->stepx,h->minx+(h->nx-0.5)*h->stepx ); |
h1d->SetTitle(h->title); |
58,5 → 58,6 |
sprintf(hname,"%s.pdf",fname); |
gPad->SaveAs(hname); |
h1d->FitPanel(); |
gPad->SaveAs(fname); |
return 0; |
} |
/cvi/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.c |
452,7 → 452,8 |
hdr[0] = 1; |
hdr[1] = 2*sizeof(int); |
ClientTCPWrite(chandle,&hdr[0],hdr[1],5000); // stop the transfer |
printf("INFO Stopping the acquisition\n"); |
SetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_START, 0); |
if (foutput) fclose(foutput); |
foutput=NULL; |
} |
/cvi/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.cws |
75,12 → 75,13 |
[File 0003] |
Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.c" |
File Type = "CSource" |
Disk Date = 3574184081 |
Disk Date = 3574185297 |
In Projects = "1," |
Window Top = 33 |
Window Left = 10 |
Window Z-Order = 1 |
Source Window State = "0,421,421,421,72,79,79,0,0,130,29,417,0,437,41,2,145,0,446,0,349,595,1,9601," |
Source Window State = "1,430,430,430,10,49,10,0,0,130,29,433,0,455,13,2,145,0,147,0,349,595,1,9601," |
Breakpoint 0001 = "148,0,enabled," |
[File 0004] |
Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/redpitaya_gui.uir" |