Subversion Repositories f9daq

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 330 → Rev 329

38,51 → 38,6
Blockly.Blocks['particle_combiner3'] = {
init: function() {
.appendField("Combine 3 particles");
.setCheck("particle list")
.appendField("Particle 1");
.setCheck("particle list")
.appendField("Particle 2");
.setCheck("particle list")
.appendField("Particle 3");
.appendField("Same particle lists?")
.appendField(new Blockly.FieldDropdown([["No", "0"], ["Yes", "1"]]), "sameparticles");
.appendField("Set identity to")
.appendField(new Blockly.FieldDropdown([["electron", "ELECTRON"], ["muon", "MUON"], ["pion", "PION"], ["kaon", "KAON"],
["proton", "PROTON"], ["photon", "PHOTON"], ["Phi meson", "PHI"], ["D meson", "D"],
["D* meson", "DSTAR"], ["J/Psi meson", "JPSI"],["B meson","B"], ["Lambda 0","LAMBDA0"]]), "simplepid");
.appendField("Min mass [GeV/c2] :")
.appendField(new Blockly.FieldNumber(0, 0, Infinity, 0.0001), "mass0");
.appendField("Max mass [GeV/c2] :")
.appendField(new Blockly.FieldNumber(0, 0, Infinity, 0.0001), "mass1");
this.setOutput(true, "particle list");
this.setTooltip('Combine three particles in the new particle by making combinations between particles in three input lists. If the input connector is empty, the full particle list will be used');
Blockly.Blocks['particle_selector'] = {
init: function() {
15,24 → 15,6
return [code, Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_NONE];
Blockly.JavaScript['particle_combiner3'] = function(block) {
var value_list1 = Blockly.JavaScript.valueToCode(block, 'list1', Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_ATOMIC);
if (value_list1.length==0) value_list1='""';
var value_list2 = Blockly.JavaScript.valueToCode(block, 'list2', Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_ATOMIC);
if (value_list2.length==0) value_list2='""';
var value_list3 = Blockly.JavaScript.valueToCode(block, 'list3', Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_ATOMIC);
if (value_list3.length==0) value_list3='""';
var dropdown_simplepid = block.getFieldValue('simplepid');
var dropdown_sameparticles = block.getFieldValue('sameparticles');
var number_mass0 = block.getFieldValue('mass0');
var number_mass1 = block.getFieldValue('mass1');
var histograms = Blockly.JavaScript.statementToCode(block, 'histogram');
var code = '{"combiner3":{"list1":' + value_list1 + ',"list2":' + value_list2 + ',"list3":' + value_list3 ;
code += ',"sameparticles":"'+ dropdown_sameparticles +'","pid":"' + dropdown_simplepid ;
code += '","m0":"' + number_mass0 + '","m1":"' + number_mass1 + '","histogram":[' + histograms + ']}}\n';
return [code, Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_NONE];
Blockly.JavaScript['particle_selector'] = function(block) {
var value_list1 = Blockly.JavaScript.valueToCode(block, 'list1', Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_ATOMIC);
if (value_list1.length==0) value_list1='""';
55,8 → 55,6
int selector(int pin, int charge, SIMPLEPID particlename, std::vector<int> hid, int pout );
int combiner(int id0 ,int id1 , int same, SIMPLEPID particlename, double min, double max, int hid, int id );
int combiner(int id0 ,int id1 , int same, SIMPLEPID particlename, double min, double max, std::vector<int>hid, int id );
int combiner3(int id0 ,int id1 , int id2, int same, SIMPLEPID particlename, double min, double max, int hid, int id );
int combiner3(int id0 ,int id1 , int id2, int same, SIMPLEPID particlename, double min, double max, std::vector<int>hid, int id );
int fix_mass(int id);
int Fill(std::vector<int> hid, BParticle *p);
void plist(int i);
142,11 → 140,6
return combiner(_p0,_p1,same,pid,min,max,a,_p2);
int Blab2::combiner3(int _p0, int _p1, int _p2, int same, SIMPLEPID pid, double min, double max, int hid, int _p3 ){
std::vector<int> a;
return combiner3(_p0,_p1,_p2, same,pid,min,max,a,_p3);
int Blab2::combiner(int _p0, int _p1,int same, SIMPLEPID pid, double min, double max, std::vector<int> hid, int _p2 ){
// Loop over all the particles in both lists.
if (_p0 < 0 ) _p0 =0;
178,40 → 171,6
int Blab2::combiner3(int _p0, int _p1,int _p2, int same, SIMPLEPID pid, double min, double max, std::vector<int> hid, int _p3 ){
// Loop over all the particles in both lists.
if (_p0 < 0 ) _p0 =0;
if (_p1 < 0 ) _p1 =0;
if (_p2 < 0 ) _p2 =0;
int nprt=0;
for(TIter next1(fList[_p0]);BParticle * p1 =(BParticle *) next1();) {
// the second loop
// in the case the second parti
for(TIter next2 = (_p0!=_p1 && same==0) ? TIter(fList[_p1]): TIter(next1) ; BParticle * p2 =(BParticle *) next2();) {
if (p1==p2) continue; // do not use the same particle in the combinations
for(TIter next3 = (_p1!=_p2 && same==0) ? TIter(fList[_p2]): TIter(next2) ; BParticle * p3 =(BParticle *) next3();) {
if (p2==p3) continue; // do not use the same particle in the combinations
BParticle p = *p1 + *p2 + *p3; // Combine two particles into a new particle
if (p.InMassRange(min, max)){
Fill(hid, &p);
p.SetPid(pid); // set PID to particlename to fix the particle mass
TClonesArray& list = *fList[_p3];
new (list[nprt++]) BParticle ( p ); // create a new entry in kslist list of particles
return _p3;
int Blab2::selector(int pin, int charge, SIMPLEPID type , int hid, int pout ){
std::vector<int> a;
return selector(pin,charge,type,a,pout);
247,7 → 247,7
$xpath = new DOMXpath($dom);
$nodelist = $xpath->query('//selector|//combiner|//combiner3');
$nodelist = $xpath->query('//selector|//combiner');
foreach ($nodelist as $plist) {
257,7 → 257,7
$nodelist = $xpath->query('//list|//list1|//list2|//list3');
$nodelist = $xpath->query('//list|//list1|//list2');
foreach ($nodelist as $plist) {
if( $plist->childNodes->length === 0){
20,10 → 20,5
<field name="mass0">0</field>
<field name="mass1">5</field>
<block type="particle_combiner3">
<field name="simplepid">ELECTRON</field>
<field name="mass0">0</field>
<field name="mass1">5</field>