22,8 → 22,10 |
class Blab2 { |
public: |
UInt_t fNeve; |
UInt_t fNfirst; |
int fData; |
TH1F *fH[100]; |
UInt_t fHtype[100]; |
TClonesArray *fList[100]; |
Blab2(); |
35,6 → 37,7 |
int selector(int pin, int charge, SIMPLEPID particlename, int hid, int pout ); |
int combiner(int id0 ,int id1 , SIMPLEPID particlename, double min, double max, int hid, int id ); |
int fix_mass(int id); |
int Fill(int hid, BParticle *p); |
void plist(int i); |
43,15 → 46,38 |
ClassImp(Blab2) |
Blab2::Blab2():fNeve(0), fData(0){ |
Blab2::Blab2():fNfirst(0), fNeve(0), fData(0){ |
Process(); |
}; |
void Blab2::h1d(const char *varname, const char *name, int nbins, double min, double max, int id ){ |
fH[id]= new TH1F(TString::Format("h%d",id), name, nbins, min, max); |
TString svar(varname); |
TString axis[3]={"mass (GeV/c2)","momentum (GeV/c)","energy (GeV)"}; |
fHtype[id] = 0; |
if (svar.Contains("GetMass" )) fHtype[id]=0; |
if (svar.Contains("GetMomentum")) fHtype[id]=1; |
if (svar.Contains("GetEnergy" )) fHtype[id]=2; |
fH[id]= new TH1F(TString::Format("h%d",id), TString::Format("%s;%s;N",name,axis[fHtype[id]].Data()), nbins, min, max); |
} |
int Blab2::Fill(int hid, BParticle *p){ |
if (hid>=0 && fH[hid]) { |
float val; |
switch (fHtype[hid]){ |
case 0: val = p->GetMass(); break; |
case 1: val = p->GetMomentum(); break; |
case 2: val = p->e(); break; |
default : val = 0 ; break; |
} |
fH[hid]->Fill(val); |
} |
return 0; |
} |
int Blab2::combiner(int _p0, int _p1,SIMPLEPID pid, double min, double max, int hid, int _p2 ){ |
// Loop over all the particles in both lists. |
if (_p0 < 0 ) _p0 =0; |
72,7 → 98,7 |
p.SetPid(pid); |
TClonesArray& list = *fList[_p2]; |
new (list[nprt++]) BParticle ( p ); // create a new entry in kslist list of particles |
if (hid>=0 && fH[hid]) fH[hid]->Fill(p.GetMass()); |
Fill(hid, &p); |
} |
} |
85,15 → 111,14 |
int Blab2::selector(int pin, int charge, SIMPLEPID type , int hid, int pout ){ |
if (pin < 0 ) pin =0; |
fList[pout]->Clear(); |
int nprt=0; |
for(TIter next(fList[pin]); BParticle * p =(BParticle *) next();) { |
if (p->charge()== charge && p->pid()== type ) { |
if (p->charge()== charge && ( p->pid()== type || type == ALL )) { |
TClonesArray& list = *fList[pout]; |
new (list[nprt++]) BParticle ( *p ); |
if (hid>=0 && fH[hid]) fH[hid]->Fill(p->GetMass()); |
Fill(hid, p); |
} |
} |
return pout; |
128,6 → 153,7 |
void Blab2::Process(){ |
for (int i=0;i<100;i++) fH[i]=NULL; |
for (int i=0;i<100;i++) fHtype[i]=0; |
for (int i=0;i<100;i++) fList[i]=NULL; |
Init(); |
138,18 → 164,32 |
BEvent * mevent = new BEvent(); // Create a "BEvent" object where data from the file will be loaded |
TBranch * branch = t-> GetBranch( "BEvent"); // Obtain a branch for "BEvent" in the tree |
branch-> SetAddress(&mevent); // Register created "BEvent" object to the branch |
TH1F *fHnprt= new TH1F("h100", "Number of particles in the event;N particles;N events", 50, -0.5, 49.5); |
TH1F *fHid= new TH1F("h101", "Particle type;ID;N particles", 6, -0, 6); |
const char *names[6]={"PHOTON", "ELECTRON", "PION", "MUON", "KAON", "PROTON"}; |
for (int i=1;i<=6;i++) fHid->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i,names[i-1]); |
send_message(0, TString::Format("Number of Entries in the file %lld\n", t->GetEntries() ),0); |
TStopwatch timer; |
timer.Start(); |
int i=0; |
int cNeve=TMath::Min(fNeve, (UInt_t) t-> GetEntries()); |
int i =TMath::Min(fNfirst, (UInt_t) t-> GetEntries()); |
int cNeve=TMath::Min(fNfirst+fNeve, (UInt_t) t-> GetEntries()); |
while (i<cNeve){ |
t-> GetEntry(i); // Read the content of the event from the file |
fList[0]= mevent->GetParticleList(); |
event(); |
if (i%10000==0) send_message(2, TString::Format("Event %d\n",i), (100*i)/cNeve); |
int nprt=0; |
for(TIter next(fList[0]); BParticle * p =(BParticle *) next();) { |
nprt++; |
fHid->Fill(p->pid()); |
} |
fHnprt->Fill(nprt); |
mevent-> Clear(); // Clear the memory. |
for (int k=0;k<100;k++) if (fList[k]!=0) fList[k]->Clear(); |
i++; |
157,7 → 197,8 |
send_message(2, TString::Format("Number of events processed %d\n", i ),100); |
for (int i=0;i<100;i++) if (fH[i]!=0) send_message(1,TBufferJSON::ConvertToJSON(fH[i]),100 ); |
send_message(1,TBufferJSON::ConvertToJSON(fHnprt),100 ); |
send_message(1,TBufferJSON::ConvertToJSON(fHid),100 ); |
TDatime d; |
timer.Stop(); |
send_message(3, TString::Format("'%s', %d, %f, %f", d.AsSQLString(),i, timer.RealTime(), timer.CpuTime() ),100); |