6,20 → 6,23 |
- |
*/ |
//#define USE_DAQ |
//#define USE_MIKRO |
#define USE_DAQ |
#define USE_MIKRO |
// Izberi ustrezni interface v meniju projektnega okna |
// Options->CompilerDefines (dodaj /DSISVME ali /DWIENVME) |
#ifdef USE_DAQ |
# define USE_CAMAC |
# include "camac.h" |
# ifdef SISVME |
# include "sisvme_dll.h" |
# endif |
//# ifdef SISVME |
//# include "sisvme_dll.h" |
//# endif |
# ifdef WIENVME |
# include "wienvme_dll.h" |
# endif |
# include "CAENV965.h" |
#endif |
36,12 → 39,12 |
#ifdef USE_DAQ |
//# define VTDC_ADDR 0x330000 |
# define VADC_ADDR 0x340000 |
# define VADC_ADDR 0x350000 |
//# define VTDC 0 |
# define VADC 1 |
//# define IO1_ADDR 0x100200 |
//# define NTDCP 20 |
# define NTDCJ 18 |
# define NTDCJ 20 |
# define NGL 23 |
#endif |
52,9 → 55,9 |
#define MAXCH 0x1000 |
#define MAX_THREADS 10 |
#define IWAIT 200 |
#define IWAIT 2000 |
# define NCH 8 |
# define NCH 2 |
static int p1h, pID, rID, tfID; |
static int ph_tdc, ph_adc; |
static int dtdc[NCH][2][MAXCH]; |
62,10 → 65,10 |
static int daq_on; |
static int poolHandle = 0; |
static int ntics,dummy; |
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F |
static int tdcmap[16]={ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99}; |
static int adcmap[16]={99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; |
static int ctdcmap[16]={ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99}; |
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F |
static int tdcmap[16]= { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99}; |
static int adcmap[16]= {99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; |
static int ctdcmap[16]= { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99}; |
/************************************************************/ |
void wait_loop(unsigned long iloop) |
72,24 → 75,22 |
{ |
int i; |
for (i=0;i<iloop;i++); |
for (i=0; i<iloop; i++); |
return; |
} |
int CVICALLBACK cb_timer (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, |
int eventData1, int eventData2) |
{ |
int eventData1, int eventData2) { |
QueueUserEvent (9000, p1h, P1_TIMER); |
return (0); |
} |
int update_plots (void) |
{ |
int update_plots (void) { |
int irange, ch; |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_PLCH, &ch); |
if (ph_tdc>0) DeleteGraphPlot (p1h, P1_TDC, ph_tdc, VAL_DELAYED_DRAW); |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_TDCHL, &irange); |
ph_tdc = PlotY (p1h, P1_TDC, &dtdc[ch][irange], MAXCH, VAL_INTEGER, |
102,285 → 103,305 |
return (0); |
} |
int CVICALLBACK daq_run(void *functionData) |
{ |
int i,j; |
int ndat,dtype,ch,rg,adc,cres; |
unsigned long a,b,ec1,ec2; |
unsigned long data[100]; |
unsigned short aa[NCH][4]; |
int CVICALLBACK daq_run(void *functionData) { |
int i,j; |
int ndat,dtype,ch,rg,adc,cres; |
unsigned long a,b,ec1,ec2; |
unsigned long data[100]; |
unsigned short aa[NCH][4]; |
int dsave,status,fmax,fcount,fev; |
char dfile[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN],dfile0[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN]; |
int supr0,tdcmin,fseed,esave; |
float frac; |
double fracg; |
int dsave,status,fmax,fcount,fev; |
char dfile[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN],dfile0[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN]; |
int supr0,tdcmin,fseed,esave; |
float frac; |
double fracg; |
FILE *fp; |
FILE *fp=NULL; |
#define RUNREC_ID 1 |
#define ENDREC_ID 2 |
#define POSREC_ID 3 |
#define EVTREC_ID 4 |
typedef struct { |
typedef struct { |
unsigned long id,len; |
unsigned long fver,time; |
unsigned long nev,nch,ped,xy; |
long nx,x0,dx,ny,y0,dy; |
RUNREC runrec; |
typedef struct { |
RUNREC runrec; |
typedef struct { |
unsigned long id,len; |
unsigned long time; |
ENDREC endrec; |
typedef struct { |
ENDREC endrec; |
typedef struct { |
unsigned long id,len; |
unsigned long time; |
long ix,x,xset,iy,y,yset; |
POSREC posrec; |
POSREC posrec; |
typedef struct { |
typedef struct { |
unsigned long id,len; |
unsigned long nev; |
unsigned short data[NCH*2]; |
EVTREC evtrec; |
runrec.id = RUNREC_ID; |
runrec.len = sizeof(runrec); |
runrec.fver = 0x10000; |
runrec.nch = NCH; |
runrec.xy = 1; |
endrec.id = ENDREC_ID; |
endrec.len = sizeof(endrec); |
posrec.id = POSREC_ID; |
posrec.len = sizeof(posrec); |
evtrec.id = EVTREC_ID; |
evtrec.len = sizeof(evtrec); |
cres = 0; |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NEVE, &runrec.nev); |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_PEDESTAL, &runrec.ped); |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NX, &runrec.nx); |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_XSTEP, &runrec.dx); |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_XMIN, &runrec.x0); |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NY, &runrec.ny); |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_YSTEP, &runrec.dy); |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_YMIN, &runrec.y0); |
EVTREC evtrec; |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_DSAVE, &dsave); |
if (dsave) { |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_DFILE, dfile0); |
fev=0; |
fcount=1; |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NEWF, &fmax); |
} |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_SUPR, &supr0); |
if (supr0) { |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_TDCMIN, &tdcmin); |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_FRAC, &frac); |
} |
runrec.id = RUNREC_ID; |
runrec.len = sizeof(runrec); |
runrec.fver = 0x10000; |
runrec.nch = NCH; |
runrec.xy = 1; |
endrec.id = ENDREC_ID; |
endrec.len = sizeof(endrec); |
posrec.id = POSREC_ID; |
posrec.len = sizeof(posrec); |
evtrec.id = EVTREC_ID; |
evtrec.len = sizeof(evtrec); |
cres = 0; |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NEVE, &runrec.nev); |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_PEDESTAL, &runrec.ped); |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NX, &runrec.nx); |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_XSTEP, &runrec.dx); |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_XMIN, &runrec.x0); |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NY, &runrec.ny); |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_YSTEP, &runrec.dy); |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_YMIN, &runrec.y0); |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_DSAVE, &dsave); |
if (dsave) { |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_DFILE, dfile0); |
fev=0; |
fcount=1; |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NEWF, &fmax); |
} |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_SUPR, &supr0); |
if (supr0) { |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_TDCMIN, &tdcmin); |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_FRAC, &frac); |
} |
#ifdef USE_DAQ |
// V965_map (VTDC, VTDC_ADDR, 1); |
// V965_init (VTDC, pedestal); |
// V965_map (VTDC, VTDC_ADDR, 1); |
// V965_init (VTDC, pedestal); |
V965_map (VADC, VADC_ADDR, 1); |
V965_init (VADC, runrec.ped); |
V965_map (VADC, VADC_ADDR, 1); |
V965_init (VADC, runrec.ped); |
# ifdef USE_CAMAC |
BZ(&cres); |
CCCZ(&cres); |
CCCC(&cres); |
CREM_I(&cres); |
CSSA_R(NGL,0,25,&cres); |
Delay(0.01); |
BZ(&cres); |
CCCZ(&cres); |
CCCC(&cres); |
CREM_I(&cres); |
CSSA_R(NGL,0,25,&cres); |
Delay(0.01); |
# ifdef NTDCJ |
CSSA_R(NTDCJ,0,9,&cres); |
printf("CSSA_R(NTDCJ,0,9,&cres)=0x%0x\n", cres); |
CSSA_R(NTDCJ,0,26,&cres); |
printf("CSSA_R(NTDCJ,0,26,&cres)=0x%0x\n", cres); |
CSSA_R(NTDCJ,0,9,&cres); |
printf("CSSA_R(NTDCJ,0,9,&cres)=0x%0x\n", cres); |
CSSA_R(NTDCJ,0,26,&cres); |
printf("CSSA_R(NTDCJ,0,26,&cres)=0x%0x\n", cres); |
# endif |
# ifdef NTDCP |
CSSA_R(NTDCP,0,9,&cres); |
CSSA_R(NTDCP,0,11,&cres); |
CSSA_R(NTDCP,0,26,&cres); |
printf("CSSA_R(NTDCP,0,26,&cres)=0x%0x\n", cres); |
CSSA_R(NTDCP,0,9,&cres); |
CSSA_R(NTDCP,0,11,&cres); |
CSSA_R(NTDCP,0,26,&cres); |
printf("CSSA_R(NTDCP,0,26,&cres)=0x%0x\n", cres); |
# endif |
# endif |
#endif |
if (dsave) { |
sprintf(dfile,"%s_file%02d.dat",dfile0,fcount); |
fp = fopen (dfile, "wb"); |
time (&runrec.time); |
status = fwrite (&runrec, 1, runrec.len, fp); |
} |
if (supr0) { |
fseed = runrec.time & 0x7fffffff; |
Uniform (1, fseed, &fracg); |
} |
if (dsave) { |
sprintf(dfile,"%s_file%02d.dat",dfile0,fcount); |
fp = fopen (dfile, "wb"); |
time (&runrec.time); |
status = fwrite (&runrec, 1, runrec.len, fp); |
if (supr0) { |
fseed = runrec.time & 0x7fffffff; |
Uniform (1, fseed, &fracg); |
} |
} |
for (posrec.ix=0;posrec.ix<runrec.nx;posrec.ix++) { |
posrec.xset=runrec.x0+posrec.ix*runrec.dx; |
for (posrec.ix=0; posrec.ix<runrec.nx; posrec.ix++) { |
posrec.xset=runrec.x0+posrec.ix*runrec.dx; |
#ifdef USE_MIKRO |
// printf("MIKRO_MoveTo (1, x);%d\n",x); |
MIKRO_MoveTo (1, posrec.xset); |
// printf("->MIKRO_MoveTo (1, x);%d\n",x); |
// printf("MIKRO_MoveTo (1, x);%d\n",x); |
MIKRO_MoveTo (1, posrec.xset); |
// printf("->MIKRO_MoveTo (1, x);%d\n",x); |
#endif |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_X, posrec.xset); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_IX, posrec.ix); |
for (posrec.iy=0;posrec.iy<runrec.ny;posrec.iy++) { |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_X, posrec.xset); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_IX, posrec.ix); |
for (posrec.iy=0; posrec.iy<runrec.ny; posrec.iy++) { |
posrec.yset=runrec.y0+posrec.iy*runrec.dy; |
posrec.yset=runrec.y0+posrec.iy*runrec.dy; |
#ifdef USE_MIKRO |
// printf("MIKRO_MoveTo (2, y);%d\n",y); |
MIKRO_MoveTo (2, posrec.yset); |
// printf("->MIKRO_MoveTo (2, y);%d\n",y); |
// printf("MIKRO_MoveTo (2, y);%d\n",y); |
MIKRO_MoveTo (2, posrec.yset); |
// printf("->MIKRO_MoveTo (2, y);%d\n",y); |
#endif |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_Y, posrec.yset); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_IY, posrec.iy); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_Y, posrec.yset); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_IY, posrec.iy); |
if (dsave) { |
time (&posrec.time); |
status = fwrite (&posrec, 1, posrec.len, fp); |
} |
if (dsave) { |
time (&posrec.time); |
status = fwrite (&posrec, 1, posrec.len, fp); |
} |
// clear the plots |
for (j=0;j<NCH;j++) { |
for (i=0;i<MAXCH;i++){ |
dtdc[j][0][i]=0; |
dtdc[j][1][i]=0; |
dadc[j][0][i]=0; |
dadc[j][1][i]=0; |
} |
for (j=0; j<NCH; j++) { |
for (i=0; i<MAXCH; i++) { |
dtdc[j][0][i]=0; |
dtdc[j][1][i]=0; |
dadc[j][0][i]=0; |
dadc[j][1][i]=0; |
} |
} |
evtrec.nev=1; |
do { |
for (j=0;j<NCH;j++) |
for (i=0;i<4;i++) |
aa[j][i]=0; |
// if((neve%1000)==0) printf("Events %ld\n",neve); |
evtrec.nev=1; |
do { |
for (j=0; j<NCH; j++) |
for (i=0; i<4; i++) |
aa[j][i]=0; |
// if((neve%1000)==0) printf("Events %ld\n",neve); |
#ifdef USE_DAQ |
ndat = 0; |
ndat = 0; |
// a = 0x0001; |
// VME_A24D16_W(IO1_ADDR + 0x000008, &a); //poslje laserski sunek |
ntics=0; |
ntics=0; |
# ifdef USE_CAMAC |
CSSA_R(NGL,0,10,&cres); |
CSSA_R(NGL,0,10,&cres); |
// do { |
// wait_loop(IWAIT); |
// Delay(0.1); |
# ifdef NTDCJ |
// CSSA_R(NTDCJ,0,8,&cres); |
// CSSA_R(NTDCJ,0,8,&cres); |
# endif |
# ifdef NTDCP |
// CSSA_R(NTDCP,0,8,&cres); |
// CSSA_R(NTDCP,0,8,&cres); |
# endif |
// if (!(cres&0x8000)) printf("CSSA_R(NTDCJ,0,8,&cres)=0x%0x\n", cres) ; |
// if (!(cres&0x8000)) printf("CSSA_R(NTDCJ,0,8,&cres)=0x%0x\n", cres) ; |
// } while ((!(cres&0x8000))&&(ntics<2)&&daq_on); |
# endif |
// wait_loop(2000); |
while((!(V965_status(VADC)&0x1))&&(ntics<2)&&daq_on); |
if (!daq_on) break; |
if (ntics>=2) { |
while((!(V965_status(VADC)&0x1))&&(ntics<2)&&daq_on); |
if (!daq_on) break; |
if (ntics>=2) { |
ndat=V965_read (VADC, &data[0]); |
continue; |
} else { |
# ifdef USE_CAMAC |
# ifdef NTDCJ |
wait_loop(20000); |
// ntics=0; |
// do { |
// wait_loop(IWAIT); |
CSSA_R(NTDCJ,0,8,&cres); |
// if (!(cres&0x8000)) printf("CSSA_R(NTDCJ,0,8,&cres)=0x%0x\n", cres) ; |
// } while ((!(cres&0x8000))&&(ntics<2)&&daq_on); |
// if (!daq_on) break; |
// if (ntics>=2) { |
if (!(cres&0x8000)) { |
CSSA_R(NGL,0,25,&cres); |
ndat=V965_read (VADC, &data[0]); |
CSSA_R(NTDCJ,0,9,&cres); |
CSSA_R(NTDCJ,0,26,&cres); |
continue; |
} |
wait_loop(2000); |
/* |
ndat=V965_read (VTDC, &data[0]); |
for (i=0; i<ndat; i++) { |
dtype=(data[i]>>25)&0x3; |
if (dtype==0) { |
ch=tdcmap[(data[i]>>17)&0xf]; |
if (ch<NCH) { |
rg=(data[i]>>16)&0x1; |
adc=data[i]&0xfff; |
aa[ch][rg]=adc; |
dtdc[ch][rg][adc]+=1; |
} |
} |
} |
*/ |
for (i=0; i<NCH; i++) { |
# endif |
# endif |
} |
/* |
ndat=V965_read (VTDC, &data[0]); |
for (i=0; i<ndat; i++) { |
dtype=(data[i]>>25)&0x3; |
if (dtype==0) { |
ch=tdcmap[(data[i]>>17)&0xf]; |
if (ch<NCH) { |
rg=(data[i]>>16)&0x1; |
adc=data[i]&0xfff; |
aa[ch][rg]=adc; |
dtdc[ch][rg][adc]+=1; |
} |
} |
} |
*/ |
for (i=0; i<NCH; i++) { |
wait_loop(IWAIT); |
# ifdef USE_CAMAC |
# ifdef NTDCJ |
CSSA_R(NTDCJ,ctdcmap[i],0,&adc); |
CSSA_R(NTDCJ,ctdcmap[i],0,&adc); |
# endif |
# ifdef NTDCP |
CSSA_R(NTDCP,ctdcmap[i],0,&adc); |
CSSA_R(NTDCP,ctdcmap[i],0,&adc); |
# endif |
# endif |
// printf("TDC=0x%04X\n",adc); |
adc=adc&0xfff; |
aa[i][0]=adc; |
dtdc[i][0][adc]+=1; |
// printf("TDC=0x%04X\n",adc); |
// adc=adc&0xfff; |
if (adc&0x1000) adc=0xfff; else adc&=0xfff; |
aa[i][0]=adc; |
dtdc[i][0][adc]+=1; |
} |
ndat=V965_read (VADC, &data[0]); |
for (i=0; i<ndat; i++) { |
dtype=(data[i]>>25)&0x3; |
if (dtype==0) { |
ch=adcmap[(data[i]>>17)&0xf]; |
if (ch<NCH) { |
rg=(data[i]>>16)&0x1; |
adc=data[i]&0xfff; |
aa[ch][rg+2]=adc; |
dadc[ch][rg][adc]+=1; |
} |
} |
} |
ndat=V965_read (VADC, &data[0]); |
for (i=0; i<ndat; i++) { |
dtype=(data[i]>>25)&0x3; |
if (dtype==0) { |
ch=adcmap[(data[i]>>17)&0xf]; |
if (ch<NCH) { |
rg=(data[i]>>16)&0x1; |
adc=data[i]&0xfff; |
aa[ch][rg+2]=adc; |
dadc[ch][rg][adc]+=1; |
} |
} |
} |
# ifdef USE_CAMAC |
wait_loop(IWAIT); |
wait_loop(IWAIT); |
# ifdef NTDCJ |
CSSA_R(NTDCJ,0,9,&cres); |
CSSA_R(NTDCJ,0,9,&cres); |
# endif |
# ifdef NTDCP |
CSSA_R(NTDCP,0,9,&cres); |
CSSA_R(NTDCP,0,26,&cres); |
// printf("2 CSSA_R(NTDCP,0,26,&cres)=0x%0x\n", cres); |
# endif |
CSSA_R(NTDCP,0,9,&cres); |
CSSA_R(NTDCP,0,26,&cres); |
// printf("2 CSSA_R(NTDCP,0,26,&cres)=0x%0x\n", cres); |
# endif |
// Delay(0.001); |
// wait_loop(IWAIT); |
// CSSA_R(NGL,0,10,&cres); |
# endif |
#else /* generate test data */ |
if (!daq_on) break; |
for (i=0;i<NCH;i++) { |
adc=100+evtrec.nev%200; |
dtdc[i][1][adc]+=1; |
dadc[i][1][adc]+=1; |
aa[i][0]=adc; |
aa[i][2]=adc; |
adc=200+evtrec.nev%400; |
dtdc[i][0][adc]+=1; |
dadc[i][0][adc]+=1; |
aa[i][1]=adc; |
aa[i][3]=adc; |
} |
if (!daq_on) break; |
for (i=0; i<NCH; i++) { |
adc=100+evtrec.nev%200; |
dtdc[i][1][adc]+=1; |
dadc[i][1][adc]+=1; |
aa[i][0]=adc; |
aa[i][2]=adc; |
adc=200+evtrec.nev%400; |
dtdc[i][0][adc]+=1; |
dadc[i][0][adc]+=1; |
aa[i][1]=adc; |
aa[i][3]=adc; |
} |
#endif |
esave=dsave; |
if (supr0 && esave) { |
if (supr0 && esave) { |
Uniform (1, -1, &fracg); |
if (fracg > frac) { |
esave=0; |
for (i=0;i<NCH;i++) { |
for (i=0; i<NCH; i++) { |
if ((aa[i][0] >= tdcmin) && (aa[i][0] < 4000)) esave=1; |
} |
} |
387,51 → 408,50 |
} |
if (esave) { |
// time (&evtrec.time); |
for (i=0;i<NCH;i++) { |
for (i=0; i<NCH; i++) { |
evtrec.data[i] = aa[i][0]; |
evtrec.data[i+NCH] = aa[i][2]; |
} |
status = fwrite (&evtrec, 1, evtrec.len, fp); |
} |
if (!(evtrec.nev%1000)) SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_CEVE, evtrec.nev); |
} while (evtrec.nev++<runrec.nev); |
if (!daq_on) break; |
} |
if (!daq_on) break; |
} |
if (dsave) { |
time (&endrec.time); |
status = fwrite (&endrec, 1, endrec.len, fp); |
fclose(fp); |
} |
daq_on=0; |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_DAQ, daq_on); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_CEVE, evtrec.nev); |
status = fwrite (&evtrec, 1, evtrec.len, fp); |
} |
return 0; |
if (!(evtrec.nev%1000)) SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_CEVE, evtrec.nev); |
} while (evtrec.nev++<runrec.nev); |
if (!daq_on) break; |
} |
if (!daq_on) break; |
} |
if (dsave) { |
time (&endrec.time); |
status = fwrite (&endrec, 1, endrec.len, fp); |
fclose(fp); |
} |
daq_on=0; |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_DAQ, daq_on); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_CEVE, evtrec.nev); |
return 0; |
} |
int __stdcall WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, |
LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) |
{ |
LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { |
int i,j,status,refon; |
long int zpos; |
char dfile[300]; |
FILE *fp; |
typedef struct { |
unsigned long id,len; |
unsigned long fver,time; |
unsigned long nev,nch,ped,xy; |
long nx,x0,dx,ny,y0,dy; |
unsigned long id,len; |
unsigned long fver,time; |
unsigned long nev,nch,ped,xy; |
long nx,x0,dx,ny,y0,dy; |
RUNREC runrec; |
if (InitCVIRTE (hInstance, 0, 0) == 0) |
return -1; /* out of memory */ |
return -1; /* out of memory */ |
SetSleepPolicy(VAL_SLEEP_MORE); |
CmtNewThreadPool (MAX_THREADS, &poolHandle); |
450,77 → 470,77 |
MIKRO_Init (2,0); |
MIKRO_Init (3,0); |
#endif |
if ((p1h = LoadPanel (0, "l2d_ui.uir", P1)) < 0) return -1; |
DisplayPanel (p1h); |
SetCtrlAttribute (p1h, P1_PLCH, ATTR_MAX_VALUE, NCH-1); |
QueueUserEvent (1000, p1h, P1_RESET); |
do { |
GetUserEvent (1, &pID, &rID); |
switch (rID) { |
switch (rID) { |
case P1_TIMER: |
ntics+=1; |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_REFON, &refon); |
if (refon) update_plots(); |
break; |
if (refon) update_plots(); |
break; |
case P1_REFRESH: |
update_plots(); |
break; |
case P1_DAQ: |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_DAQ, &daq_on); |
if (daq_on) { |
CmtScheduleThreadPoolFunction (poolHandle, daq_run, (void *)&dummy, &tfID); |
} else { |
update_plots(); |
break; |
case P1_DAQ: |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_DAQ, &daq_on); |
if (daq_on) { |
CmtScheduleThreadPoolFunction (poolHandle, daq_run, (void *)&dummy, &tfID); |
} else { |
CmtWaitForThreadPoolFunctionCompletion (poolHandle, tfID, |
CmtReleaseThreadPoolFunctionID (poolHandle, tfID); |
} |
break; |
case P1_ZSET: |
if (!daq_on) { |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_ZSET, &zpos); |
CmtReleaseThreadPoolFunctionID (poolHandle, tfID); |
} |
break; |
case P1_ZSET: |
if (!daq_on) { |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_ZSET, &zpos); |
#ifdef USE_MIKRO |
MIKRO_MoveTo (3, zpos); |
#endif |
} |
break; |
case P1_REREAD: |
if (!daq_on) { |
break; |
case P1_REREAD: |
if (!daq_on) { |
status = FileSelectPopup ("", "*.dat", ".dat", |
"Izberi datoteko s podatki", |
VAL_LOAD_BUTTON, 0, 0, 1, 0, dfile); |
if (status==1) { |
fp = fopen (dfile, "rb"); |
status = fread (&runrec, 1, sizeof(runrec), fp); |
fclose(fp); |
if (runrec.id==1) { |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NX, runrec.nx); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_XSTEP, runrec.dx); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_XMIN, runrec.x0); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NY, runrec.ny); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_YSTEP, runrec.dy); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_YMIN, runrec.y0); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NEVE, runrec.nev); |
status = fread (&runrec, 1, sizeof(runrec), fp); |
fclose(fp); |
if (runrec.id==1) { |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NX, runrec.nx); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_XSTEP, runrec.dx); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_XMIN, runrec.x0); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NY, runrec.ny); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_YSTEP, runrec.dy); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_YMIN, runrec.y0); |
SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NEVE, runrec.nev); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
break; |
case P1_HO: |
if (!daq_on) { |
SetWaitCursor (1); |
break; |
case P1_HO: |
if (!daq_on) { |
SetWaitCursor (1); |
#ifdef USE_MIKRO |
MIKRO_ReferenceMove (1); |
MIKRO_ReferenceMove (2); |
MIKRO_ReferenceMove (3); |
MIKRO_ReferenceMove (1); |
MIKRO_ReferenceMove (2); |
MIKRO_ReferenceMove (3); |
#endif |
SetWaitCursor (0); |
} |
break; |
case P1_RESET: |
for (j=0;j<NCH;j++) { |
for (i=0;i<MAXCH;i++){ |
SetWaitCursor (0); |
} |
break; |
case P1_RESET: |
for (j=0; j<NCH; j++) { |
for (i=0; i<MAXCH; i++) { |
dtdc[j][0][i]=0; |
dtdc[j][1][i]=0; |
dadc[j][0][i]=0; |
527,22 → 547,22 |
dadc[j][1][i]=0; |
} |
} |
update_plots(); |
break; |
case P1_TDCLOG: |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_TDCLOG, &status); |
update_plots(); |
break; |
case P1_TDCLOG: |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_TDCLOG, &status); |
SetCtrlAttribute (p1h, P1_TDC, ATTR_YMAP_MODE, status); |
update_plots(); |
break; |
case P1_ADCLOG: |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_ADCLOG, &status); |
update_plots(); |
break; |
case P1_ADCLOG: |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_ADCLOG, &status); |
SetCtrlAttribute (p1h, P1_ADC, ATTR_YMAP_MODE, status); |
update_plots(); |
break; |
} |
update_plots(); |
break; |
} |
} while ((rID != P1_EXIT)||daq_on); |
CmtDiscardThreadPool (poolHandle); |
DiscardPanel (p1h); |
552,7 → 572,7 |
#ifdef USE_DAQ |
#endif |
#endif |
return 0; |
} |