/sipmScan/d2r.ini |
1,72 → 1,72 |
# ch pad_center_x pad_center_y tdc_offset # sipm2, tdc modified 20/3/14 pos added 20/2/14 |
0 75600 5040 142.5 |
1 55440 5040 142.1 |
2 75600 15120 142.1 |
3 55440 15120 141.6 |
4 45360 25200 142.2 |
5 65520 25200 141.9 |
6 45360 35280 143 |
7 65520 35280 141.3 |
# ch pad_center_x pad_center_y tdc_offset # sipm2, tdc modified 27/3/14 pos added 20/2/14 threshold scan |
0 75600 5040 143.5 |
1 55440 5040 143.5 |
2 75600 15120 143.5 |
3 55440 15120 143.5 |
4 45360 25200 143.5 |
5 65520 25200 143.5 |
6 45360 35280 143.5 |
7 65520 35280 143.5 |
8 75600 45360 141 |
9 55440 45360 140 |
10 75600 55440 140 |
11 55440 55440 140 |
12 45360 65520 140 |
13 65520 65520 140 |
14 45360 75600 140 |
15 65520 75600 140 |
8 75600 45360 143.5 |
9 55440 45360 142.5 |
10 75600 55440 142.5 |
11 55440 55440 142.5 |
12 45360 65520 142.5 |
13 65520 65520 142.5 |
14 45360 75600 142.5 |
15 65520 75600 142.5 |
16 65520 5040 142.7 |
17 45360 5040 142 |
18 65520 15120 142 |
19 45360 15120 142.1 |
20 55440 25200 142.1 |
21 75600 25200 141 |
22 55440 35280 142 |
23 75600 35280 142 |
16 65520 5040 144.5 |
17 45360 5040 144.5 |
18 65520 15120 144.5 |
19 45360 15120 144.5 |
20 55440 25200 144.5 |
21 75600 25200 144.5 |
22 55440 35280 144.5 |
23 75600 35280 143.5 |
24 65520 45360 142 |
25 45360 45360 141.5 |
26 65520 55440 141.8 |
27 45360 55440 141.9 |
28 55440 65520 141.3 |
29 75600 65520 141 |
30 55440 75600 141.7 |
31 75600 75600 145 |
24 65520 45360 143.5 |
25 45360 45360 143.5 |
26 65520 55440 143.5 |
27 45360 55440 143.5 |
28 55440 65520 143.5 |
29 75600 65520 143.5 |
30 55440 75600 143.5 |
31 75600 75600 146.5 |
32 5040 5040 141 |
33 25200 5040 141 |
34 5040 15120 141 |
35 25200 15120 141 |
36 35280 25200 141 |
37 15120 25200 141 |
38 35280 35280 141 |
39 15120 35280 140.1 |
32 5040 5040 143.5 |
33 25200 5040 143.5 |
34 5040 15120 143.5 |
35 25200 15120 143.5 |
36 35280 25200 143.5 |
37 15120 25200 143.5 |
38 35280 35280 144.5 |
39 15120 35280 144.5 |
40 5040 45360 142.8 |
41 25200 45360 142.7 |
42 5040 55440 143.7 |
43 25200 55440 142.7 |
44 35280 65520 142.7 |
45 15120 65520 142.4 |
46 35280 75600 142.1 |
47 15120 75600 141.9 |
40 5040 45360 144.5 |
41 25200 45360 144.5 |
42 5040 55440 144.5 |
43 25200 55440 144.5 |
44 35280 65520 144.5 |
45 15120 65520 144.5 |
46 35280 75600 144.5 |
47 15120 75600 144.5 |
48 15120 5040 143 |
49 35280 5040 140.9 |
50 15120 15120 142 |
51 35280 15120 141.5 |
52 25200 25200 140 |
53 5040 25200 141.3 |
54 25200 35280 142 |
55 5040 35280 141 |
48 15120 5040 144.5 |
49 35280 5040 144.5 |
50 15120 15120 144.5 |
51 35280 15120 144.5 |
52 25200 25200 143.5 |
53 5040 25200 142.5 |
54 25200 35280 142.5 |
55 5040 35280 142.5 |
56 15120 45360 140 |
57 35280 45360 140 |
58 15120 55440 140 |
59 35280 55440 140 |
60 25200 65520 140 |
61 5040 65520 140 |
62 25200 75600 140 |
63 5040 75600 140 |
56 15120 45360 142.5 |
57 35280 45360 142.5 |
58 15120 55440 142.5 |
59 35280 55440 142.5 |
60 25200 65520 142.5 |
61 5040 65520 142.5 |
62 25200 75600 142.5 |
63 5040 75600 142.5 |
/sipmScan/src/analysisThreshold.cpp |
1,523 → 1,472 |
////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Data to root conversion root script |
// |
// Contributors: Rok Pestotnik, Rok Dolenec, Dino Tahirovic |
// |
// 3/1/2014 TDC cut relative to tdc offset |
// |
#include "stdio.h" |
#include "TROOT.h" |
#include "TFile.h" |
#include "TNtuple.h" |
#include "TH1F.h" |
#include "TH2F.h" |
#include "TF1.h" |
#include "TMath.h" |
#include "TStyle.h" |
#include "TCanvas.h" |
#include "TLine.h" |
#include "zlib.h" |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
#define POSMARG 1000 |
#define READBUFFERLENGTH 10000 |
// data format |
#define MAXDATA 16 |
#define NCH 64 |
#define TDC_BIN 1.0416 // 1 TDC bin in ns |
#define MIKRO_BIN 0.49609/1000. //1 mikro step in mm; stage MM3MF |
#define OFFSETX 5100 // Right edge of SiPM+Lightguide |
#define OFFSETY 5200 // Lower edge of SiPM+Lightguide |
#define RUNREC_ID 1 |
#define ENDREC_ID 2 |
#define POSREC_ID 3 |
#define EVTREC_ID 4 |
#define THRREC_ID 5 |
typedef struct { |
unsigned int id,len; |
unsigned int fver,time; |
unsigned int nev,nch,ped,xy; |
unsigned int thLow, thUp, thStep; |
int nx,x0,dx,ny,y0,dy; |
RUNREC *runrec; |
RUNREC run; |
typedef struct { |
unsigned int id,len; |
unsigned int time; |
ENDREC *endrec; |
typedef struct { |
unsigned int id,len; |
unsigned int time; |
int ix; |
int x; |
int xset; |
int iy; |
int y; |
int yset; |
POSREC *posrec; |
POSREC pos; |
typedef struct { |
unsigned int id; |
unsigned int len; |
unsigned int nev; |
EVTREC *evtrec; |
typedef struct { |
unsigned int id; |
unsigned int len; |
unsigned int threshold; |
THRREC *thrrec; |
THRREC thr; |
double padCenter[NCH][2]; |
int position(int, int, int); |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
int d2r(char* dfile0="test", int dbg=0, double tdcCut=5.0) |
{ |
const double c_tdcOffset = +2.5; // ns |
printf(" Data to root conversion program\nUsage:\nd2r(input file name <without .dat>, debug on/off, TDC cut +-[ns])\n\n"); |
char fullname[256]; |
char sbuff[256]; |
FILE *fp; |
//Chanel information |
double tdcOffset[NCH]; |
sprintf(fullname, "d2r.ini"); |
if( (fp=fopen(fullname, "rt")) == NULL ) |
printf("Cannot open pad centers file %s !!!\n", fullname); |
else { |
printf("Opened pad centers file %s\n", fullname); |
char* result = fgets(sbuff,256, fp); |
if (dbg) printf("Read buffer %s\n", result); |
printf("%s", sbuff); |
for(int i=0; i<NCH; i++) { |
int channel; |
int message = fscanf(fp, "%d %lf %lf %lf\n", &channel, &padCenter[i][0], &padCenter[i][1], &tdcOffset[i]); |
if (dbg) printf("Read d2r.ini returned %d\n", message); |
} |
fclose(fp); |
} |
for(int i=0; i<NCH; i++) { |
tdcOffset[i] += c_tdcOffset; |
printf("%.2lf %.2lf %.2lf\n", padCenter[i][0], padCenter[i][1], tdcOffset[i]); |
} |
//TDC correction parameters |
/* |
double corpar[NCH][3]={ {-0.8, 25, 0}, |
{-0.8, 25, 0}, |
{-0.8, 25, 0}, |
{-0.8, 25, 0}, |
{-0.8, 25, 0}, |
{-0.8, 25, 0}, |
{-0.8, 25, 0}, |
{-0.8, 25, 0} }; |
sprintf(fullname, "data/%s_cor.txt", dfile0); |
if( (fp=fopen(fullname, "rt")) == NULL ) |
printf("Cannot open parameter file %s !!!\n", fullname); |
else { |
printf("Opened parameter file %s\n", fullname); |
for(int i=0; i<NCH; i++) { |
fscanf(fp, "%lf %lf %lf\n", &corpar[i][0], &corpar[i][1], &corpar[i][2]);*/ |
/*// check if parameters make sense |
if( (corpar[i][0] < (tdcmi-0.2*tdcmi)) || ((tdcma+0.2*tdcma) < corpar[i][0]) || |
(corpar[i][1] < 0) || (1e4*TDC_BIN < corpar[i][1]) || |
(1e4 < TMath::Abs(corpar[i][2])) ) { |
printf("Warning: parameters for ch%d out of limits -> using default!\n", i); |
corpar[i][0]=2200*TDC_BIN; corpar[i][1]=1000*TDC_BIN; corpar[i][2]=-100*TDC_BIN; |
}*/ |
/* } |
fclose(fp); |
}*/ |
//for(int i=0; i<NCH; i++) printf("%.2lf %.2lf %.2lf\n", corpar[i][0], corpar[i][1], corpar[i][2]); |
//histograms |
char hname[256]; |
//double tdc; |
TH2F *htdc; |
TH2F* h_correctedTDC; |
TH1F *hnhitsx[NCH], *hnhitsy[NCH]; |
TH2F *h2d[NCH]; |
TH2F *h_threshold; |
TH2F *h_ch33; |
TNtuple *nt; |
//data buffer |
unsigned int readbuf[READBUFFERLENGTH]; |
unsigned int buf[READBUFFERLENGTH]; |
//data file |
gzFile dfp; |
char dfile[256]; |
int ftype=0; |
int fcount=1; |
do { |
switch(ftype++) { |
case 0: |
sprintf(dfile, "./data/%s_file%02d.dat", dfile0, fcount); |
break; |
case 1: |
sprintf(dfile, "./data/%s_file%02d.dat.gz", dfile0, fcount); |
break; |
case 2: |
sprintf(dfile, "./data/%s_file%02d.gz", dfile0, fcount); |
break; |
default: |
printf(" Cannot find data file for %s !!!\n", dfile0); |
return -1; |
} |
dfp=gzopen(dfile,"rb"); |
} while(!dfp); |
printf("Opened data file %s\n", dfile); |
//opens ROOT file |
//TFile *rootfile; |
char fnameroot[256]; |
sprintf(fnameroot, "root/%s.root", dfile0); |
//rootfile = (TFile *) gROOT->FindObjectAny(dfile0); |
//if (rootfile!=NULL) {printf("!!!\n");rootfile->Close();} |
//rootfile = new TFile(fnameroot); |
//if(rootfile) rootfile->Close(); |
TFile* rootfile = new TFile(fnameroot,"RECREATE",dfile0); |
// ----------------------------------------------- |
// loop trough records |
unsigned int rec_id, rec_len; |
unsigned int ulsize = sizeof(unsigned int); |
//unsigned int ulsize = 4; |
if (dbg) printf("Size of unsigned int: %lu\n", sizeof(unsigned int)); |
int ceve=0; |
int end_of_file = 0; |
int ii; |
int nint; |
int nb; |
int nSteps; |
int status; |
while(1) { |
if(gzeof(dfp)) end_of_file = 1; |
gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf, 2*ulsize); |
rec_id=readbuf[0]; |
rec_len=readbuf[1]; |
if(dbg) printf("-----------------------------------------------\n"); |
if(dbg) printf("[%d] rec_id = %d | rec_len = %u\n", ceve, rec_id, rec_len); |
switch(rec_id) |
{ |
case RUNREC_ID: |
gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize)); |
runrec = (RUNREC*) readbuf; |
run = *runrec; |
if(dbg) { |
printf("RUNREC_ID\n"); |
printf("id = %d, len = %d, time = %d\n", run.id, run.len, run.time); |
printf("nev = %d, nch = %d\n", run.nev, run.nch); |
printf("nx = %d, x0 = %d, dx = %d\n", run.nx, run.x0, run.dx); |
printf("ny = %d, y0 = %d, dy = %d\n", run.ny, run.y0, run.dy); |
printf("thLow = %d, thUp = %d, thStep = %d\n", run.thLow, run.thUp, run.thStep); |
} |
//create histograms |
nt = new TNtuple("nt", "nt", "ch:x:y:tdc"); |
sprintf(hname, "htdc"); |
htdc = (TH2F*) gROOT->FindObject(hname); |
if (htdc) delete htdc; |
htdc = new TH2F("htdc","Raw TDC;TDC channel;SiPM channel",512,0,512,NCH,0,NCH); |
h_correctedTDC = (TH2F*) gROOT->FindObject("h_correctedTDC"); |
if (h_correctedTDC) delete h_correctedTDC; |
h_correctedTDC = new TH2F("h_correctedTDC","Corrected TDC;t [ns];SiPM channel",33, -16.5*TDC_BIN,16.5*TDC_BIN,NCH,0,NCH); |
//TH1F* gsumV673A[NCH/16] = new TH1F(hn,hname,256,-0.5,255.5); |
for(int i=0; i<NCH; i++) { |
/* |
sprintf(hname, "htdcpos%d", i); |
htdcpos[i] = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject(hname); |
if(htdcpos[i]) delete htdcpos[i]; |
htdcpos[i] = new TH1F(hname, hname, 512, 0, 512*TDC_BIN); |
sprintf(hname, "htdc%d", i); |
htdc[i] = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject(hname); |
if(htdc[i]) delete htdc[i]; |
htdc[i] = new TH1F(hname, hname, 512, 0*TDC_BIN, 512*TDC_BIN); |
*/ |
sprintf(hname, "hnhitsx%d", i); |
hnhitsx[i] = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject(hname); |
if(hnhitsx[i]) delete hnhitsx[i]; |
hnhitsx[i] = new TH1F(hname, hname, run.nx, |
(run.x0 - OFFSETX - 0.5*run.dx)*MIKRO_BIN, |
(run.x0 - OFFSETX + (run.nx-0.5)*run.dx)*MIKRO_BIN); |
sprintf(hname, "hnhitsy%d", i); |
hnhitsy[i] = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject(hname); |
if(hnhitsy[i]) delete hnhitsy[i]; |
//hnhitsy[i] = new TH1F(hname, hname, run.ny, (run.y0-0.5*run.dy)*MIKRO_BIN, (run.y0+(run.ny-0.5)*run.dy)*MIKRO_BIN); |
hnhitsy[i] = new TH1F(hname, hname, run.ny, |
(run.y0 - 0.5*run.dy - OFFSETY)*MIKRO_BIN, |
(run.y0 + (run.ny-0.5)*run.dy - OFFSETY)*MIKRO_BIN); |
//hnhitsy[i] = new TH1F(hname, hname, 100, 0,100); |
sprintf(hname, "h2d%d", i); |
h2d[i] = (TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject(hname); |
if(h2d[i]) delete h2d[i]; |
h2d[i] = new TH2F(hname, hname, run.nx, |
(run.x0 - OFFSETX - 0.5*run.dx)*MIKRO_BIN, |
(run.x0 - OFFSETX + (run.nx-0.5)*run.dx)*MIKRO_BIN, |
run.ny, |
(run.y0 - OFFSETY - 0.5*run.dy)*MIKRO_BIN, |
(run.y0 - OFFSETY + (run.ny-0.5)*run.dy)*MIKRO_BIN); |
} |
if (h_threshold) delete h_threshold; |
nSteps = (run.thUp - run.thLow)/double(run.thStep) + 1; |
if (dbg) printf("nSteps %d\n", nSteps); |
h_threshold = new TH2F("h_threshold","Threshold scan;SiPM ch;Threshold[mV]",64,-0.5,63.5, |
nSteps, |
run.thLow - 0.5*run.thStep, |
run.thUp + 0.5*run.thStep); |
//h_threshold = new TH2F("h_threshold","Threshold scan;SiPM ch;Threshold[mV]",64,-0.5,63.5, |
// 101,995,2005); |
if (h_ch33) delete h_ch33; |
h_ch33 = new TH2F("h_ch33","ch. 33;x;y",100,20000,30000,100,0,10000); |
break; |
case POSREC_ID: |
gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize)); |
posrec = (POSREC *) readbuf; |
pos=*posrec; |
if(dbg) { |
printf("POSREC_ID\n"); |
printf("id = %d, len = %d, time = %d\n", posrec->id, posrec->len, posrec->time); |
printf("ix = %d, x = %d, xset = %d\n", posrec->ix, posrec->x, posrec->xset); |
printf("iy = %d, y = %d, yset = %d\n", posrec->iy, posrec->y, posrec->yset); |
} else printf(" [%d,%d] %d, %d\n", pos.ix, pos.iy, pos.xset, pos.yset); |
break; |
case EVTREC_ID: |
gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], ulsize); // last field of event record |
evtrec = (EVTREC *) readbuf; |
//evtrec->nev = buf[0]; |
//if (rec_len < 0 || rec_len > 10000) { |
if (rec_len > READBUFFERLENGTH) { |
printf("Len %u\n", rec_len); |
return(0); |
} |
nb = rec_len - 3*ulsize; // no. of bytes to read |
gzread(dfp, (voidp)&buf, nb); |
if(dbg) { |
printf("EVTREC_ID\n"); |
printf("id = %d, len = %d, nev = %d\n", evtrec->id, evtrec->len, evtrec->nev); |
//for(int datai = 0; datai < NCH; datai++) printf("%u ", evtrec->data[datai]); |
//printf("\n"); |
//for(int datai = NCH; datai < NCH+NCH; datai++) printf("%u ", evtrec->data[datai]); |
//printf("\n"); |
break; |
} |
nint = nb / ulsize; // no. of subrecords |
if (dbg) printf("No. of subrecords %d \n", nint); |
ii=0; |
while (ii<nint){ |
int recid = buf[ii++]; |
int len = buf[ii++]; |
if (dbg) printf("Buffer pointer %d\n", ii); |
unsigned int *dbuf = (unsigned int *)&buf[ii]; |
//if (n%1000==0) |
if (dbg) printf("%d 0x%03x Len=%d\n",evtrec->nev,recid,len); |
//unsigned short edge; |
//int nhits; |
if (recid==0x140 || recid==0x141) { |
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { |
int data = dbuf[i] & 0xFFFF ; |
int edge_type = (dbuf[i]>>16)&0x1 ; |
int overflow = (dbuf[i]>>17)&0x1 ; |
int tdc_num = (dbuf[i]>>25)&0x1 ; |
int channel = ((dbuf[i]>>18)&0x1F) | tdc_num<<5 ; |
int ev_dat = (dbuf[i]>>23)&0x1 ; |
int last_dat = (dbuf[i]>>30)&0x1 ; |
int nval_dat = (dbuf[i]>>31)&0x1 ; |
if (dbg){ |
if (ev_dat) printf("Event %d\n",data); |
else printf("ch=%d edge=%d ev=%d data=%d last=%d nval=%d\n", |
channel, edge_type,ev_dat,data,last_dat,nval_dat); |
} |
if (!ev_dat){ |
if (!edge_type && !overflow) { |
htdc->Fill(data, channel); |
if(dbg) printf("ch: %d tdc: %d\n", channel, data); |
if (dbg) nt->Fill(channel, pos.ix, pos.iy, data); |
double tdcmin=tdcOffset[channel] - tdcCut; |
double tdcmax=tdcOffset[channel] + tdcCut; |
double time = data*TDC_BIN; |
if(time >= tdcmin && time <= tdcmax) { |
h_correctedTDC->Fill((time - tdcOffset[channel]), channel); |
hnhitsx[channel]->Fill((pos.xset - OFFSETX) * MIKRO_BIN); |
hnhitsy[channel]->Fill((pos.yset - OFFSETY) * MIKRO_BIN); |
h2d[channel]->Fill((pos.xset - OFFSETX) * MIKRO_BIN, (pos.yset - OFFSETY) * MIKRO_BIN); |
//h_threshold->Fill(channel, thr.threshold); |
if (position(pos.xset-OFFSETX, pos.yset-OFFSETY, channel)) { |
h_ch33->Fill(pos.xset-OFFSETX, pos.yset-OFFSETY); |
h_threshold->Fill(channel, thr.threshold); |
} |
} |
//gV673A->Fill(data,channel); |
//gsumV673A[channel/16]->Fill(data); |
} |
} |
if (last_dat) break; |
} |
} // if (recid== 0x140 || recid== 0x141) |
ii += len; |
} //while |
// events ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// fill histograms |
/* |
for(int i=0; i<NCH; i++) { |
//tdc=((double)evtrec->data[i])*TDC_BIN - tdcoffset[i]; |
//adc=(double)evtrec->data[i+NCH]-adcoffset[i]; |
if (gNtWrite) nt->Fill(i,pos.ix,pos.iy,tdc); |
//if( (qdcmi < adc) && (adc < qdcma) ) { |
htdc[i]->Fill(tdc); |
//} |
//hadc[i]->Fill(adc); |
//hcor[i]->Fill(adc,tdc); |
//if(adc > corpar[i][2]) |
//hctdc[i]->Fill( tdc - (corpar[i][0] + corpar[i][1]/TMath::Sqrt(adc - corpar[i][2])) ); |
if( (abs(padcenter[i][0] - pos.xset) < POSMARG) && (abs(padcenter[i][1] - pos.yset) < POSMARG) ) { |
htdcpos[i]->Fill(tdc); |
//hadcpos[i]->Fill(adc); |
//hcorpos[i]->Fill(adc,tdc); |
//if(adc > corpar[i][2]) |
//hctdcpos[i]->Fill( tdc - (corpar[i][0] + corpar[i][1]/TMath::Sqrt(adc - corpar[i][2])) ); |
} |
if((tdcmi < tdc) && (tdc < tdcma)) { |
//hadc_cut[i]->Fill(adc); |
hnhitsx[i]->Fill((pos.xset - OFFSETX) * MIKRO_BIN); |
hnhitsy[i]->Fill((pos.yset - OFFSETY) * MIKRO_BIN); |
h2d[i]->Fill((pos.xset - OFFSETX) * MIKRO_BIN, (pos.yset - OFFSETY) * MIKRO_BIN); |
//if(i==4) adc1=adc; |
//if(i==5) adc2=adc; |
} |
} */ |
break; |
case THRREC_ID: |
status = gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize)); |
thrrec = (THRREC*) readbuf; |
thr = *thrrec; |
if (dbg) printf("THRREC id = %d len = %d threshold %d\n", |
thrrec->id, thrrec->len, thrrec->threshold); |
break; |
case ENDREC_ID: |
gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize)); |
endrec = (ENDREC *) readbuf; |
if(dbg) { |
printf("ENDREC_ID\n"); |
printf("id = %d, len = %d, time = %d\n", endrec->id, endrec->len, endrec->time); |
} else printf(" ENDREC\n"); |
fcount++; |
switch(ftype-1) { |
case 0: |
sprintf(dfile, "./data/%s_file%02d.dat", dfile0, fcount); |
break; |
case 1: |
sprintf(dfile, "./data/%s_file%02d.dat.gz", dfile0, fcount); |
break; |
case 2: |
sprintf(dfile, "./data/%s_file%02d.gz", dfile0, fcount); |
break; |
} |
if(dfp) gzclose(dfp); |
dfp=gzopen(dfile,"rb"); |
if(!dfp) { |
printf(" Cannot open data file: %s ---> Exiting\n", dfile); |
end_of_file = 1; |
} else { |
printf(" Opened data file: %s\n", dfile); |
end_of_file = 0; |
} |
break; |
default: |
printf("switch(rec_id): default !!!\n"); |
end_of_file = 1; |
break; |
} |
ceve++; |
if( (ceve%50000) == 0) printf(" Current event = %d\n", ceve); |
//if(dbg) if( ceve>dbg ) break; |
if(end_of_file) break; |
} |
if(dfp) { |
gzclose(dfp); |
delete dfp; |
} |
if(dbg) return 1; |
if(rootfile) { |
nt->Write(); |
rootfile->Write(); |
printf("Saved to %s\n", fnameroot); |
rootfile->Close(); |
delete rootfile; |
} |
return 1; |
} |
int position(int x, int y, int channel) |
{ |
int flag = 0; |
if ( (x > (padCenter[channel][0] - 5000)) && (x < (padCenter[channel][0] + 5000)) && |
(y > (padCenter[channel][1] - 5000)) && (y < (padCenter[channel][1] + 5000)) ) flag = 1; |
return flag; |
} |
////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Data to root conversion root script |
// |
// Contributors: Rok Pestotnik, Rok Dolenec, Dino Tahirovic |
// |
// 3/1/2014 TDC cut relative to tdc offset |
// 5/3/2014 TH3F h_correctedTDC; commented 'delete' commands |
// 12/3/2014 declarations of all histos before while{} |
#include "stdio.h" |
#include "TROOT.h" |
#include "TFile.h" |
#include "TNtuple.h" |
#include "TH1F.h" |
#include "TH2F.h" |
#include "TH3F.h" |
#include "TF1.h" |
#include "TMath.h" |
#include "TStyle.h" |
#include "TCanvas.h" |
#include "TLine.h" |
#include "zlib.h" |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
#define POSMARG 1000 |
#define READBUFFERLENGTH 10000 |
// data format |
#define MAXDATA 16 |
#define NCH 64 |
#define TDC_BIN 1.0416 // 1 TDC bin in ns |
#define MIKRO_BIN 0.49609/1000. //1 mikro step in mm; stage MM3MF |
#define OFFSETX 5200 // Right edge of SiPM+Lightguide |
#define OFFSETY 5400 // Lower edge of SiPM+Lightguide |
#define RUNREC_ID 1 |
#define ENDREC_ID 2 |
#define POSREC_ID 3 |
#define EVTREC_ID 4 |
#define THRREC_ID 5 |
typedef struct { |
unsigned int id,len; |
unsigned int fver,time; |
unsigned int nev,nch,ped,xy; |
unsigned int thLow, thUp, thStep; |
int nx,x0,dx,ny,y0,dy; |
RUNREC *runrec; |
RUNREC run; |
typedef struct { |
unsigned int id,len; |
unsigned int time; |
ENDREC *endrec; |
typedef struct { |
unsigned int id,len; |
unsigned int time; |
int ix; |
int x; |
int xset; |
int iy; |
int y; |
int yset; |
POSREC *posrec; |
POSREC pos; |
typedef struct { |
unsigned int id; |
unsigned int len; |
unsigned int nev; |
EVTREC *evtrec; |
typedef struct { |
unsigned int id; |
unsigned int len; |
unsigned int threshold; |
THRREC *thrrec; |
THRREC thr; |
double padCenter[NCH][2]; |
int position(int, int, int); |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
int d2r(char* dfile0="test", int dbg=0, double tdcCut=5.0) |
{ |
const double c_tdcOffset = 1; // ns |
printf(" Data to root conversion program\nUsage:\nd2r(input file name <without.dat>, debug on/off, TDC cut +-[ns])\n\n"); |
char fullname[256]; |
char sbuff[256]; |
FILE *fp; |
//Chanel information |
double tdcOffset[NCH]; |
sprintf(fullname, "d2r.ini"); |
if( (fp=fopen(fullname, "rt")) == NULL ) |
printf("Cannot open pad centers file %s !!!\n", fullname); |
else { |
printf("Opened pad centers file %s\n", fullname); |
char* result = fgets(sbuff,256, fp); |
if (dbg) printf("Read buffer %s\n", result); |
printf("%s", sbuff); |
for(int i=0; i<NCH; i++) { |
int channel; |
int message = fscanf(fp, "%d %lf %lf %lf\n", &channel, &padCenter[i][0], &padCenter[i][1], &tdcOffset[i]); |
if (dbg) printf("Read d2r.ini returned %d\n", message); |
} |
fclose(fp); |
} |
for(int i=0; i<NCH; i++) { |
tdcOffset[i] += c_tdcOffset; |
printf("%.2lf %.2lf %.2lf\n", padCenter[i][0], padCenter[i][1], tdcOffset[i]); |
} |
//data buffer |
unsigned int readbuf[READBUFFERLENGTH]; |
unsigned int buf[READBUFFERLENGTH]; |
//data file |
gzFile dfp; |
char dfile[256]; |
int ftype=0; |
int fcount=1; |
do { |
switch(ftype++) { |
case 0: |
sprintf(dfile, "./data/%s_file%02d.dat", dfile0, fcount); |
break; |
case 1: |
sprintf(dfile, "./data/%s_file%02d.dat.gz", dfile0, fcount); |
break; |
case 2: |
sprintf(dfile, "./data/%s_file%02d.gz", dfile0, fcount); |
break; |
default: |
printf(" Cannot find data file for %s !!!\n", dfile0); |
return -1; |
} |
dfp=gzopen(dfile,"rb"); |
} while(!dfp); |
printf("Opened data file %s\n", dfile); |
//opens ROOT file |
char fnameroot[256]; |
sprintf(fnameroot, "root/%s.root", dfile0); |
TFile rootfile(fnameroot,"RECREATE",dfile0); |
if (rootfile.IsZombie()) { |
std::cout << "Error opening file" << std::endl; |
exit(-1); |
} |
if (rootfile.IsOpen()) std::cout << "ROOT file opened for writing." << std::endl; |
// ----------------------------------------------- |
// loop trough records |
unsigned int rec_id, rec_len; |
unsigned int ulsize = sizeof(unsigned int); |
//unsigned int ulsize = 4; |
if (dbg) printf("Size of unsigned int: %lu\n", sizeof(unsigned int)); |
int ceve=0; |
int end_of_file = 0; |
int ii; |
int nint; |
int nb; |
int status; |
char hname[256]; |
TH2F* htdc = new TH2F("htdc",";TDC channel;SiPM channel",512,-0.5,511.5,NCH,-0.5,NCH-0.5); |
TH3F* h_correctedTDC = new TH3F("h_correctedTDC",";SiPM channel; ASD threshold [V]; t [ns]", |
NCH, -0.5, NCH-0.5, |
101, 1.0, 2.0, |
33, -16.5*TDC_BIN, 16.5*TDC_BIN); |
TH1F* hnhitsx[NCH]; // move to 2d with (channel, position) |
TH1F* hnhitsy[NCH]; //-||- |
TH2F* h2d[NCH]; //-||- |
TH2F* h_threshold = new TH2F("h_threshold",";SiPM ch;Threshold[V]", |
64,-0.5,63.5, |
101, 1.0, 2.0); |
TH2F* h_ch33 = new TH2F("h_ch33","ch. 33;x;y",100,20000,30000,100,0,10000); |
TNtuple* nt = new TNtuple("nt", "nt", "ch:x:y:tdc"); |
while(1) { |
if(gzeof(dfp)) end_of_file = 1; |
gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf, 2*ulsize); |
rec_id=readbuf[0]; |
rec_len=readbuf[1]; |
if(dbg) printf("-----------------------------------------------\n"); |
if(dbg) printf("[%d] rec_id = %d | rec_len = %u\n", ceve, rec_id, rec_len); |
double nSteps = 0; |
switch(rec_id) |
{ |
case RUNREC_ID: |
if (dbg) printf("RUNREC\n"); |
gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize)); |
runrec = (RUNREC *) readbuf; |
run=*runrec; |
if(dbg) { |
printf("RUNREC_ID\n"); |
printf("id = %d, len = %d, time = %d\n", run.id, run.len, run.time); |
printf("nev = %d, nch = %d\n", run.nev, run.nch); |
printf("nx = %d, x0 = %d, dx = %d\n", run.nx, run.x0, run.dx); |
printf("ny = %d, y0 = %d, dy = %d\n", run.ny, run.y0, run.dy); |
printf("thLow = %d, thUp = %d, thStep = %d\n", run.thLow, run.thUp, run.thStep); |
} |
//create histograms |
//nt = (TNtuple*) gROOT->FindObject("nt"); |
//if (nt) delete nt; |
//sprintf(hname, "htdc"); |
//htdc = (TH2F*) gROOT->FindObject(hname); |
//if (htdc) delete htdc; |
//htdc = new TH2F("htdc",";TDC channel;SiPM channel",512,0,512,NCH,0,NCH); |
h_correctedTDC = (TH3F*) gROOT->FindObject("h_correctedTDC"); |
if (h_correctedTDC) delete h_correctedTDC; |
nSteps = (run.thUp - run.thLow)/double(run.thStep) + 1; |
if (dbg) printf("nSteps %d\n", nSteps); |
h_correctedTDC = new TH3F("h_correctedTDC",";SiPM channel; ASD threshold [V]; t [ns]", |
NCH, |
-0.5, |
NCH-0.5, |
nSteps, |
(run.thLow - 0.5*run.thStep)/1000.0, |
(run.thUp + 0.5*run.thStep)/1000.0, |
2*tdcCut*TDC_BIN, |
-tdcCut*TDC_BIN, |
tdcCut*TDC_BIN); |
//TH1F* gsumV673A[NCH/16] = new TH1F(hn,hname,256,-0.5,255.5); |
for(int i=0; i<NCH; i++) { |
/* |
sprintf(hname, "htdcpos%d", i); |
htdcpos[i] = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject(hname); |
if(htdcpos[i]) delete htdcpos[i]; |
htdcpos[i] = new TH1F(hname, hname, 512, 0, 512*TDC_BIN); |
sprintf(hname, "htdc%d", i); |
htdc[i] = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject(hname); |
if(htdc[i]) delete htdc[i]; |
htdc[i] = new TH1F(hname, hname, 512, 0*TDC_BIN, 512*TDC_BIN); |
*/ |
sprintf(hname, "hnhitsx%d", i); |
hnhitsx[i] = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject(hname); |
if(hnhitsx[i]) delete hnhitsx[i]; |
hnhitsx[i] = new TH1F(hname, hname, run.nx, |
(run.x0 - OFFSETX - 0.5*run.dx)*MIKRO_BIN, |
(run.x0 - OFFSETX + (run.nx-0.5)*run.dx)*MIKRO_BIN); |
sprintf(hname, "hnhitsy%d", i); |
hnhitsy[i] = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject(hname); |
if(hnhitsy[i]) delete hnhitsy[i]; |
//hnhitsy[i] = new TH1F(hname, hname, run.ny, (run.y0-0.5*run.dy)*MIKRO_BIN, (run.y0+(run.ny-0.5)*run.dy)*MIKRO_BIN); |
hnhitsy[i] = new TH1F(hname, hname, run.ny, |
(run.y0 - 0.5*run.dy - OFFSETY)*MIKRO_BIN, |
(run.y0 + (run.ny-0.5)*run.dy - OFFSETY)*MIKRO_BIN); |
//hnhitsy[i] = new TH1F(hname, hname, 100, 0,100); |
sprintf(hname, "h2d%d", i); |
h2d[i] = (TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject(hname); |
if(h2d[i]) delete h2d[i]; |
h2d[i] = new TH2F(hname, hname, run.nx, |
(run.x0 - OFFSETX - 0.5*run.dx)*MIKRO_BIN, |
(run.x0 - OFFSETX + (run.nx-0.5)*run.dx)*MIKRO_BIN, |
run.ny, |
(run.y0 - OFFSETY - 0.5*run.dy)*MIKRO_BIN, |
(run.y0 - OFFSETY + (run.ny-0.5)*run.dy)*MIKRO_BIN); |
} |
if (h_threshold) delete h_threshold; |
h_threshold = new TH2F("h_threshold",";SiPM ch;Threshold[V]",64,-0.5,63.5, |
nSteps, |
(run.thLow - 0.5*run.thStep)/1000.0, |
(run.thUp + 0.5*run.thStep)/1000.0); |
//h_threshold = new TH2F("h_threshold","Threshold scan;SiPM ch;Threshold[mV]",64,-0.5,63.5, |
// 101,995,2005); |
if (h_ch33) delete h_ch33; |
h_ch33 = new TH2F("h_ch33","ch. 33;x;y",100,20000,30000,100,0,10000); |
if (dbg) printf("RUNREC: all histos created.\n"); |
break; |
case POSREC_ID: |
if (dbg) printf("POSREC\n"); |
gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize)); |
posrec = (POSREC *) readbuf; |
pos=*posrec; |
if(dbg) { |
printf("POSREC_ID\n"); |
printf("id = %d, len = %d, time = %d\n", posrec->id, posrec->len, posrec->time); |
printf("ix = %d, x = %d, xset = %d\n", posrec->ix, posrec->x, posrec->xset); |
printf("iy = %d, y = %d, yset = %d\n", posrec->iy, posrec->y, posrec->yset); |
} else printf(" [%d,%d] %d, %d\n", pos.ix, pos.iy, pos.xset, pos.yset); |
break; |
case EVTREC_ID: |
gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], ulsize); // last field of event record |
evtrec = (EVTREC *) readbuf; |
//evtrec->nev = buf[0]; |
//if (rec_len < 0 || rec_len > 10000) { |
if (rec_len > READBUFFERLENGTH) { |
printf("Len %u\n", rec_len); |
return(1); |
} |
nb = rec_len - 3*ulsize; // no. of bytes to read |
gzread(dfp, (voidp)&buf, nb); |
if(dbg) { |
printf("EVTREC_ID\n"); |
printf("id = %d, len = %d, nev = %d\n", evtrec->id, evtrec->len, evtrec->nev); |
//for(int datai = 0; datai < NCH; datai++) printf("%u ", evtrec->data[datai]); |
//printf("\n"); |
//for(int datai = NCH; datai < NCH+NCH; datai++) printf("%u ", evtrec->data[datai]); |
//printf("\n"); |
break; |
} |
nint = nb / ulsize; // no. of subrecords |
if (dbg) printf("No. of subrecords %d \n", nint); |
ii=0; |
while (ii<nint){ |
int recid = buf[ii++]; |
int len = buf[ii++]; |
if (dbg) printf("Buffer pointer %d\n", ii); |
unsigned int *dbuf = (unsigned int *)&buf[ii]; |
//if (n%1000==0) |
if (dbg) printf("%d 0x%03x Len=%d\n",evtrec->nev,recid,len); |
//unsigned short edge; |
//int nhits; |
if (recid==0x140 || recid==0x141) { |
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { |
int data = dbuf[i] & 0xFFFF ; |
int edge_type = (dbuf[i]>>16)&0x1 ; |
int overflow = (dbuf[i]>>17)&0x1 ; |
int tdc_num = (dbuf[i]>>25)&0x1 ; |
int channel = ((dbuf[i]>>18)&0x1F) | tdc_num<<5 ; |
int ev_dat = (dbuf[i]>>23)&0x1 ; |
int last_dat = (dbuf[i]>>30)&0x1 ; |
int nval_dat = (dbuf[i]>>31)&0x1 ; |
if (dbg){ |
if (ev_dat) printf("Event %d\n",data); |
else printf("ch=%d edge=%d ev=%d data=%d last=%d nval=%d\n", |
channel, edge_type,ev_dat,data,last_dat,nval_dat); |
} |
if (!ev_dat){ |
if (!edge_type && !overflow) { |
htdc->Fill(data, channel); |
if (dbg) printf("ch: %d tdc: %d\n", channel, data); |
if (dbg) nt->Fill(channel, pos.ix, pos.iy, data); |
double tdcmin = tdcOffset[channel] - tdcCut; |
double tdcmax = tdcOffset[channel] + tdcCut; |
double time = data*TDC_BIN - tdcOffset[channel]; |
if(time >= -tdcCut and time <= tdcCut) { |
h_correctedTDC->Fill(channel, thr.threshold/1000.0, time); |
hnhitsx[channel]->Fill((pos.xset - OFFSETX) * MIKRO_BIN); |
hnhitsy[channel]->Fill((pos.yset - OFFSETY) * MIKRO_BIN); |
h2d[channel]->Fill((pos.xset - OFFSETX) * MIKRO_BIN, (pos.yset - OFFSETY) * MIKRO_BIN); |
if (position(pos.xset-OFFSETX, pos.yset-OFFSETY, channel)) { |
h_ch33->Fill(pos.xset-OFFSETX, pos.yset-OFFSETY); |
h_threshold->Fill(channel, thr.threshold/1000.0); |
} |
} |
//gV673A->Fill(data,channel); |
//gsumV673A[channel/16]->Fill(data); |
} |
} |
if (last_dat) break; |
} |
} // if (recid== 0x140 || recid== 0x141) |
ii += len; |
} //while |
break; |
case THRREC_ID: |
status = gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize)); |
thrrec = (THRREC*) readbuf; |
thr = *thrrec; |
if (dbg) printf("THRREC id = %d len = %d threshold %d\n", |
thrrec->id, thrrec->len, thrrec->threshold); |
break; |
case ENDREC_ID: |
gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize)); |
endrec = (ENDREC *) readbuf; |
if(dbg) { |
printf("ENDREC_ID\n"); |
printf("id = %d, len = %d, time = %d\n", endrec->id, endrec->len, endrec->time); |
} else printf(" ENDREC\n"); |
fcount++; |
switch(ftype-1) { |
case 0: |
sprintf(dfile, "./data/%s_file%02d.dat", dfile0, fcount); |
break; |
case 1: |
sprintf(dfile, "./data/%s_file%02d.dat.gz", dfile0, fcount); |
break; |
case 2: |
sprintf(dfile, "./data/%s_file%02d.gz", dfile0, fcount); |
break; |
} |
if(dfp) gzclose(dfp); |
dfp=gzopen(dfile,"rb"); |
if(!dfp) { |
printf(" Cannot open data file: %s ---> Exiting\n", dfile); |
end_of_file = 1; |
} else { |
printf(" Opened data file: %s\n", dfile); |
end_of_file = 0; |
} |
break; |
default: |
printf("switch(rec_id): default !!!\n"); |
end_of_file = 1; |
break; |
} |
ceve++; |
if ( (ceve%50000) == 0) printf(" Current event = %d\n", ceve); |
//if(dbg) if( ceve>dbg ) break; |
if (end_of_file) break; |
} |
if(dfp) { |
gzclose(dfp); |
//delete dfp; |
} |
//if(dbg) return 0; |
if(rootfile.IsOpen()) { |
nt->Write(); |
rootfile.Write(); |
printf("Saved to %s\n", fnameroot); |
rootfile.Close(); |
//delete rootfile; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
int position(int x, int y, int channel) |
{ |
int flag = 0; |
if ( (x > (padCenter[channel][0] - 5000)) and (x < (padCenter[channel][0] + 5000)) and |
(y > (padCenter[channel][1] - 5000)) and (y < (padCenter[channel][1] + 5000)) ) flag = 1; |
return flag; |
} |
/sipmScan/src/analysisScan.cpp |
31,7 → 31,7 |
#define TDC_BIN 1.0416 // 1 TDC bin in ns |
#define MIKRO_BIN 0.49609/1000. //1 mikro step in mm; stage MM3MF |
#define OFFSETX 5200 // Right edge of SiPM+Lightguide |
#define OFFSETY 4800 // Lower edge of SiPM+Lightguide |
#define OFFSETY 5300 // Lower edge of SiPM+Lightguide |
#define RUNREC_ID 1 |
#define ENDREC_ID 2 |
371,11 → 371,11 |
if(time >= tdcmin && time <= tdcmax) { |
h_correctedTDC->Fill((time - tdcOffset[channel]), channel); |
hnhitsx[channel]->Fill((pos.xset - OFFSETX) * MIKRO_BIN); |
hnhitsy[channel]->Fill((pos.yset - OFFSETY) * MIKRO_BIN); |
h2d[channel]->Fill((pos.xset - OFFSETX) * MIKRO_BIN, (pos.yset - OFFSETY) * MIKRO_BIN); |
hnhitsy[channel]->Fill((pos.yset - OFFSETY) * MIKRO_BIN); |
//h_threshold->Fill(channel, thr.threshold); |
//if (position(pos.xset-OFFSETX, pos.yset-OFFSETY, channel)) { |
//} |
if (position(pos.xset-OFFSETX, pos.yset-OFFSETY, channel)) { |
h2d[channel]->Fill((pos.xset - OFFSETX) * MIKRO_BIN, (pos.yset - OFFSETY) * MIKRO_BIN); |
} |
} |
//gV673A->Fill(data,channel); |
//gsumV673A[channel/16]->Fill(data); |
/sipmScan/examples/thresholdScan.C |
0,0 → 1,513 |
#include "TROOT.h" |
#include "TFile.h" |
#include "TBenchmark.h" |
#include "TH1F.h" |
#include "TH2F.h" |
#include "TH3F.h" |
#include "TCanvas.h" |
#include "TStyle.h" |
#include "TPad.h" |
#include "TF1.h" |
#include "TGraph.h" |
#include "TSpectrum.h" |
#include "stdio.h" |
#include "include/RTUtil.h" |
double getNoise(TH2F*, int, int); |
int thresholdScan(char filename[256] = "test", char plopt[256]="th", int chXstart=0, int chXend=7, int chYstart=0, int chYend=7, bool debug = false) |
{ |
const int c_nChannels = 64; |
const double c_xOffset = 1; // mm |
const double c_yOffset = 0.7; |
int map[8][8]={{32,34,53,55,40,42,61,63}, |
{48,50,37,39,56,58,45,47}, |
{33,35,52,54,41,43,60,62}, |
{49,51,36,38,57,59,44,46}, |
{17,19,4,6,25,27,12,14}, |
{1,3,20,22,9,11,28,30}, |
{16,18,5,7,24,26,13,15}, |
{0,2,21,23,8,10,29,31} |
}; |
RTSetStyle(gStyle); |
// open the file with histograms |
char fnameroot[256]; |
TFile* rootfile; |
sprintf(fnameroot, "root/%s.root", filename); |
rootfile = (TFile *) gROOT->FindObject(filename); |
if(rootfile==NULL) rootfile = new TFile(fnameroot); |
if(rootfile==NULL) { |
printf("Cannot open root file %s!!!\n",fnameroot); |
return(0); |
} |
if (strstr(plopt, "th") != NULL) { |
TCanvas* canvas1 = new TCanvas("canvas1","",800,800); |
canvas1->cd(); |
//gPad->SetLogz(); |
//canvas1->SetLogz(); |
TH2F* h_threshold = (TH2F*) rootfile->Get("h_threshold"); |
h_threshold->SetTitleOffset(1.5,"y"); |
//h_threshold->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,1000); |
h_threshold->SetContour(20); |
h_threshold->Draw("colz"); |
TCanvas* canvas2 = new TCanvas("canvas2","",1600,800); |
canvas2->Divide(2); |
TH1D* h_projection1 = h_threshold->ProjectionY("Ch 37",38,38); |
canvas2->cd(1); |
//h_projection1->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,1000); |
//gPad->SetLogy(); |
h_projection1->Draw(); |
TH1D* h_projection2 = h_threshold->ProjectionY("Ch 38",39,39); |
canvas2->cd(2); |
//gPad->SetLogy(); |
h_projection2->Draw(); |
} |
if(strstr(plopt, "tdc") != NULL) { |
TCanvas *canvas21 = new TCanvas("canvas21","canvas21",1600,800); |
TH3F* h0 = (TH3F*) rootfile->Get("h_correctedTDC"); |
Int_t binsX = h0->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); |
Int_t minX = h0->GetXaxis()->GetFirst(); |
Int_t maxX = h0->GetXaxis()->GetLast()+1; |
Int_t binsY = h0->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); |
Int_t minY = h0->GetYaxis()->GetFirst(); |
Int_t maxY = h0->GetYaxis()->GetLast()+1; |
Int_t binsZ = h0->GetZaxis()->GetNbins(); |
Int_t minZ = h0->GetZaxis()->GetFirst(); |
Int_t maxZ = h0->GetZaxis()->GetLast()+1; |
Double_t xLowUser = h0->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(minX); |
Double_t xUpUser = h0->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(maxX); |
Double_t yLowUser = h0->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(minY); |
Double_t yUpUser = h0->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(maxY); |
canvas21->Divide(2); |
//h0->Draw(); |
canvas21->cd(1); |
//h0->Project3D("xy")->Draw("colz"); |
//canvas21->cd(2); |
//h0->Project3D("yz")->Draw("colz"); |
//canvas21->cd(3); |
TH2D* h_correctedTDC = (TH2D*) h0->Project3D("xz"); |
//h0->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(-5,5); |
//h0->Project3D("xzo")->Draw("colz"); |
h_correctedTDC->SetTitle("; t [ns]; Channel"); |
h_correctedTDC->Draw("colz"); |
/* |
TH1F* tdc1 = new TH1F("tdc1",";TDC [ns];Events",binsZ, minZ, maxZ); |
//for(int j=minY; j<maxY; j++) { |
for(int k=minZ; k<maxZ; k++) { |
double signal = h0->GetBinContent(1,1,k); |
tdc1->Fill(k,signal); |
//} |
} |
tdc1->Draw(); |
*/ |
TH2D* h_timeWalk = (TH2D*) h0->Project3D("zy"); |
canvas21->cd(2); |
h_timeWalk->SetTitle(";Threshold [V]; t [ns]"); |
h_timeWalk->Draw("colz"); |
} |
if(strstr(plopt,"16") != NULL) |
{ |
TH2F* h_threshold = (TH2F*) rootfile->Get("h_threshold"); |
TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas("canvas","",1600,1600); |
canvas->cd(); |
TVirtualPad *main = new TPad("main","main",0,0,1,1,10,1); |
main->Draw(); |
main->Divide(4,4); |
for(int i=chXstart; i<chXend; i++) { |
for(int j=chYstart; j<chYend; j++) { |
int channel = map[i][j]; |
TH1D* h_projection = h_threshold->ProjectionY("",channel+1,channel+1); |
int canvasPosition = i-chXend+4*(chYend-j)+1; |
printf(" %d ", canvasPosition); |
main->cd(canvasPosition); |
char name[128]; |
sprintf(name,"Channel %d",channel); |
h_projection->SetTitle(name); |
h_projection->DrawCopy(); |
} |
} |
printf("\n"); |
} |
if( strstr(plopt, "all") != NULL ) { |
TCanvas *canvas2 = new TCanvas("canvas2","Hits x;;",2000,2000); |
TCanvas *canvas3 = new TCanvas("canvas3","Hits y;;",2000,2000); |
canvas2->Divide(8,8); |
canvas3->Divide(8,8); |
TH1F* h_hitsx; |
TH1F* h_hitsy; |
for(int i=0; i<c_nChannels; i++) { |
canvas2->cd(i+1); |
char hname[128]; |
sprintf(hname, "hnhitsx%d", i); |
h_hitsx = (TH1F*)rootfile->Get(hname); |
h_hitsx->Draw(); |
canvas3->cd(i+1); |
sprintf(hname, "hnhitsy%d", i); |
h_hitsy = (TH1F*)rootfile->Get(hname); |
h_hitsy->Draw(); |
} |
} |
if( strstr(plopt, "x") != NULL ) { |
TCanvas *canvas10 = new TCanvas("canvas10","Ch x;;",500,500); |
TH1F* h_hitsx; |
canvas10->cd(); |
char hname[128]; |
sprintf(hname, "hnhitsx%d", chXstart); |
h_hitsx = (TH1F*)rootfile->Get(hname); |
h_hitsx->Draw("colz"); |
} |
if( strstr(plopt, "y") != NULL ) { |
TCanvas *canvas11 = new TCanvas("canvas11","Ch x;;",500,500); |
TH1F* h_hitsy; |
canvas11->cd(); |
char hname[128]; |
sprintf(hname, "hnhitsy%d", chXstart); |
h_hitsy = (TH1F*)rootfile->Get(hname); |
h_hitsy->Draw(); |
} |
if( strstr(plopt, "share") != NULL ) { |
/*TCanvas *canvas4 = new TCanvas("canvas1","canvas1",1000,1000); |
int nChannels = chYend-chYstart+1; |
int ncols = nChannels/2; |
printf("nch %d nch\\2 %d\n", nChannels, ncols); |
canvas4->Divide(2,ncols); |
TH1F* h_hitsy; |
for(int i=chYstart; i<=chYend; i++){ |
canvas4->cd(i-chYstart+1); |
char hname[128]; |
int chPosition = map[0][i]; |
sprintf(hname, "hnhitsy%d", chPosition); |
h_hitsy = (TH1F*)rootfile->Get(hname); |
h_hitsy->Draw(); |
}*/ |
TCanvas *canvas4 = new TCanvas("canvas4","canvas4",500,500); |
canvas4->cd(); |
for(int i=chXstart; i<=chXend; i++) { |
TH1F* h_hitsx; |
char hname[128]; |
int chPosition = map[i][chYstart]; |
sprintf(hname, "hnhitsx%d", chPosition); |
h_hitsx = (TH1F*)rootfile->Get(hname); |
h_hitsx->SetTitle("Scan X;x [mm]; Entries"); |
h_hitsx->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3); |
h_hitsx->SetStats(0); |
if (i == chXstart) |
h_hitsx->Draw(); |
else { |
h_hitsx->SetLineColor(i+1); |
h_hitsx->Draw("same"); |
} |
} |
//sprintf(fullname, "ps/%s_Yshare.eps", filename); |
//canvas4->SaveAs(fullname); |
TCanvas *canvas5 = new TCanvas("canvas5","canvas5",500,500); |
canvas5->cd(); |
for(int i=chYstart; i<=chYend; i++) { |
TH1F* h_hitsy; |
char hname[128]; |
int chPosition = map[chXstart][i]; |
sprintf(hname, "hnhitsy%d", chPosition); |
h_hitsy = (TH1F*)rootfile->Get(hname); |
h_hitsy->SetTitle("Scan Y;y [mm]; Entries"); |
h_hitsy->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3); |
h_hitsy->SetStats(0); |
if (i == chYstart) |
h_hitsy->Draw(); |
else { |
h_hitsy->SetLineColor(i+1); |
h_hitsy->Draw("same"); |
} |
} |
//sprintf(fullname, "ps/%s_Yshare.eps", filename); |
//canvas5->SaveAs(fullname); |
} |
/** Draws the signal from 8 channels in x-row |
* for one specific y bin, so the background and cross-talk |
* can be estimated. |
* Draws also a 2d scan of these channels. |
*/ |
if (strstr(plopt, "line") != NULL) { |
TCanvas* canvas6 = new TCanvas("canvas6","canvas6",500,500); |
canvas6->cd(0); |
gStyle->SetOptStat(0); |
TH2F* h0 = (TH2F*) rootfile->Get("h2d0"); |
Int_t binsX = h0->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); |
Int_t minX = h0->GetXaxis()->GetFirst(); |
Int_t maxX = h0->GetXaxis()->GetLast()+1; |
Int_t binsY = h0->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); |
Int_t minY = h0->GetYaxis()->GetFirst(); |
Int_t maxY = h0->GetYaxis()->GetLast()+1; |
Double_t xLowUser = h0->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(minX); |
Double_t xUpUser = h0->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(maxX); |
Double_t yLowUser = h0->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(minY); |
Double_t yUpUser = h0->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(maxY); |
if (debug) printf("xLow %f xUp %f\n",xLowUser,xUpUser); |
//! 1-dimension position in x vs. hits |
TH2F* h[8]; |
TH1F* h_line[8]; |
for(int j=0; j<8; j++) { |
h_line[j] = new TH1F("h_line", "h_line", binsX, xLowUser, xUpUser); |
} |
for(int j=chXstart; j<=chXend; j++) { |
int chPosition = map[j][chYstart]; |
char hname[128]; |
sprintf(hname, "h2d%d", chPosition); |
int histogram = j; |
h[histogram] = (TH2F *) rootfile->Get(hname); |
int noise = getNoise(h[histogram], 1, 160); |
for(int k=minX; k<=maxX; k++) { |
int l=chYstart*20+12; |
//for(int l=12; l<=16; l++) { |
double signal = h[histogram]->GetBinContent(k,l); |
//signal -= noise; |
//signal /= 5*10000.0; |
double eta = -log(1 - signal); |
double x = k*(xUpUser-xLowUser)/double(binsX); |
//double y = l*(yUpUser-yLowUser)/double(binsY); |
h_line[j]->Fill(x-c_xOffset, signal); |
//} |
} |
if (j == chXstart) { |
h_line[j]->SetTitle("SiPM#2 w/o noise subtraction;x[mm];Hits"); |
//h_line[j]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.05, 0.3); |
//h_line[j]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-50, 2500); |
h_line[j]->Draw(""); |
} |
else { |
h_line[j]->SetLineColor(j+1); |
h_line[j]->Draw("same"); |
} |
} |
//! 2d scan |
TCanvas* canvas61 = new TCanvas("canvas61","canvas61",8*200,300); |
canvas61->cd(); |
TH2F* h_corrected = new TH2F("h_corrected","h_corrected",binsX,xLowUser,xUpUser, binsY,yLowUser,yUpUser); |
for(int i=chXstart; i<=chXend; i++) { |
//int canvasPosition = nX*(i-chYstart)+(j-chXstart)+1; |
//int canvasPosition = nX*(chYend-i)+chXstart+1; |
//if (debug) printf("canvas %d\n",canvasPosition); |
int chPosition = map[i][chYstart]; |
char hname[128]; |
sprintf(hname, "h2d%d", chPosition); |
int histogram = i; |
h[histogram] = (TH2F *) rootfile->Get(hname); |
int noise = getNoise(h[histogram], 1, 100); |
for(int k=minX; k<=maxX; k++) { |
for(int l=minY; l<=maxY; l++) { |
int signal = h[histogram]->GetBinContent(k,l); // detected |
//p /= 10000.; |
//double p0 = 1.0 - p; // events with zero photons |
//double eta = (-log(p0) * p0 ) / (1-p0-0.00001); |
//double eta = -log(p0); |
//printf("p=%f p0=%f log(p0)=%f eta=%f\n",p,p0,log(p0),eta); |
//double signal = ((p - noise) > 0.1) ? (p-noise) : 0.1; |
double p = signal - noise; |
p /= 10000.0; |
double eta = -log(1 - p); |
double x = k*(xUpUser-xLowUser)/double(binsX); |
double y = l*(yUpUser-yLowUser)/double(binsY); |
h_corrected->Fill(x-c_xOffset, y-c_yOffset, eta); |
} |
} |
} |
h_corrected->SetTitle("SiPM#2 n_pe = - ln(P0);x[mm];y[mm]"); |
h_corrected->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.05,0.30); |
h_corrected->Draw("colz"); |
} |
/** Draws the sum of the channels |
* Each channel is a 2d plot |
* Intended for the study of 1 channel |
*/ |
if (strstr(plopt, "2d") != NULL) { |
int nX = chXend - chXstart + 1; |
int nY = chYend - chYstart + 1; |
TCanvas* canvas7 = new TCanvas("canvas7","canvas7", nX*400,nY*400); |
printf("nx %d ny %d\n",nX,nY); |
canvas7->Divide(nX,nY); |
for(int i=chYstart; i<=chYend; i++) { |
for(int j=chXstart; j<=chXend; j++) { |
//int canvasPosition = nX*(i-chYstart)+(j-chXstart)+1; |
int canvasPosition = nX*(chYend-i)+(j-chXstart)+1; |
if (debug) printf("canvas %d\n",canvasPosition); |
canvas7->cd(canvasPosition); |
char hname[128]; |
int chPosition = map[j][i]; |
sprintf(hname, "h2d%d", chPosition); |
TH2F* h_2d = (TH2F*)rootfile->Get(hname); |
h_2d->Draw("colz"); |
} //x |
} |
// Number of photoelectrons - Poissonian correction |
TCanvas* canvas8 = new TCanvas("canvas8","canvas8", 1000,1000); |
canvas8->cd(); |
gStyle->SetOptStat(0); |
char hname[128]; |
int chPosition = map[1][2]; |
sprintf(hname, "h2d%d", chPosition); |
TH2F* h_2d = (TH2F*)rootfile->Get(hname); |
Int_t binsX = h_2d->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); |
Int_t minX = h_2d->GetXaxis()->GetFirst(); |
Int_t maxX = h_2d->GetXaxis()->GetLast()+1; |
Int_t binsY = h_2d->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); |
Int_t minY = h_2d->GetYaxis()->GetFirst(); |
Int_t maxY = h_2d->GetYaxis()->GetLast()+1; |
Double_t xLowUser = h_2d->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(minX); |
Double_t xUpUser = h_2d->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(maxX); |
Double_t yLowUser = h_2d->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(minY); |
Double_t yUpUser = h_2d->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(maxY); |
if (debug) printf("xLow %f xUp %f\n",xLowUser,xUpUser); |
TH2F* h_corrected = new TH2F("h_corrected","h_corrected",binsX, xLowUser, xUpUser, binsY, yLowUser, yUpUser); |
double noise = getNoise(h_2d, 1, 89); |
if(debug) printf("Noise = %f\n", noise); |
for(int k=minX; k<=maxX; k++) { |
for(int j=minY; j<=maxY; j++) { |
double signal = h_2d->GetBinContent(k,j); // detected |
//double p = ((signal - noise) > 1) ? (signal-noise) : 1; |
double p = signal - noise; |
p /= 10000.; |
double p0 = 1.0 - p; // events with zero photons |
//double eta = (-log(p0) * p0 ) / (1-p0-0.00001); |
double eta = -log(p0); // constant of the poissonian statistics |
if (debug) printf("p=%f p0=%f log(p0)=%f eta=%f\n",p,p0,log(p0),eta); |
double x = k*(xUpUser-xLowUser)/double(binsX); |
double y = j*(yUpUser-yLowUser)/double(binsY); |
h_corrected->Fill(x+3,y+8, eta); |
} |
} |
h_corrected->SetTitle("n_pe = - ln P(0);x[mm];y[mm]"); |
h_corrected->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.05,0.3); |
h_corrected->Draw("colz"); |
// collection efficiency |
int nPoints =0; |
double efficiency=0; |
for (int i=18; i<=58; i++) { |
for (int j=19; j<=59; j++) { |
double signal = h_corrected->GetBinContent(i,j); |
if(debug) printf("signal %f\n",signal); |
efficiency += signal; |
nPoints++; |
} |
} |
printf("Signal sum = %f\n # of points = %d\n",efficiency,nPoints); |
} |
/** Draws the sum of channel signals |
* Each channel is a 2d ('h2d') histogram |
* Suitable for 8x8 chs scan |
*/ |
if( strstr(plopt, "sum") != NULL ) { |
int nX = chXend - chXstart + 1; |
int nY = chYend - chYstart + 1; |
TCanvas* canvas12 = new TCanvas("canvas12","c2",8*200, 8*200); |
canvas12->cd(); |
gStyle->SetOptStat(0); |
// final histogram parameters |
TH2F* h0 = (TH2F*) rootfile->Get("h2d0"); |
Int_t binsX = h0->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); |
Int_t minX = h0->GetXaxis()->GetFirst(); |
Int_t maxX = h0->GetXaxis()->GetLast()+1; |
Int_t binsY = h0->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); |
Int_t minY = h0->GetYaxis()->GetFirst(); |
Int_t maxY = h0->GetYaxis()->GetLast()+1; |
Double_t xLowUser = h0->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(minX); |
Double_t xUpUser = h0->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(maxX); |
Double_t yLowUser = h0->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(minY); |
Double_t yUpUser = h0->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(maxY); |
if (debug) printf("xLow %f xUp %f\n",xLowUser,xUpUser); |
TH2F* h_corrected = new TH2F("h_corrected","h_corrected",binsX,xLowUser,xUpUser, binsY,yLowUser,yUpUser); |
TH2F* h[9]; |
// 2d histogram noise subtraction and poisson scaling |
for(int i=chYstart; i<=chYend; i++) { |
for(int j=chXstart; j<=chXend; j++) { |
int chPosition = map[j][i]; |
char hname[128]; |
sprintf(hname, "h2d%d", chPosition); |
int histogram = nX*(i-chYstart)+(j-chXstart); |
h[histogram] = (TH2F *) rootfile->Get(hname); |
int noise = getNoise(h[histogram], 1, 170); |
if (debug) printf("noise: %d\n",noise); |
for(int k=minX; k<=maxX; k++) { |
for(int l=minY; l<=maxY; l++) { |
int signal = h[histogram]->GetBinContent(k,l); // detected |
//double p = ((signal - noise) > 0.1) ? (signal-noise) : 0.1; |
double p = signal - noise; |
p /= 10000.; |
double p0 = 1.0 - p; // events with zero photons |
//double eta = (-log(p0) * p0 ) / (1-p0-0.00001); |
double eta = -log(p0); |
//printf("p=%f p0=%f log(p0)=%f eta=%f\n",p,p0,log(p0),eta); |
double x = k*(xUpUser-xLowUser)/double(binsX); |
double y = l*(yUpUser-yLowUser)/double(binsY); |
h_corrected->Fill(x-c_xOffset, y-c_yOffset, signal); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
h_corrected->SetTitle("SiPM#2 n_p.e.;x[mm];y[mm]"); |
//h_corrected->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.05,.30); |
h_corrected->Draw("colz"); |
TCanvas* canvas13 = new TCanvas("canvas13","canvas13",600,300); |
canvas13->Divide(2); |
canvas13->cd(1); |
//h[16]->Draw("colz"); |
canvas13->cd(2); |
//h[8]->Draw("colz"); |
} |
return(0); |
} |
/** Function calculates the noise from one channel |
* it runs through the bins along x and returns the average value |
*/ |
double getNoise(TH2F* histogram, int yStart, int yEnd) |
{ |
double noise=0; |
int count=0; |
for(int j=yStart; j<yEnd; j++) { |
double value = histogram->GetBinContent(j,2); |
//if (noise < value) noise = value; |
noise += value; |
count++; |
} |
return (noise/double(count)); |
} |
/sipmScan/examples/threshold64.C |
0,0 → 1,43 |
{ |
int map[8][8]={{32,34,53,55,40,42,61,63}, |
{48,50,37,39,56,58,45,47}, |
{33,35,52,54,41,43,60,62}, |
{49,51,36,38,57,59,44,46}, |
{17,19,4,6,25,27,12,14}, |
{1,3,20,22,9,11,28,30}, |
{16,18,5,7,24,26,13,15}, |
{0,2,21,23,8,10,29,31} |
}; |
TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas("canvas","",1200,1200); |
canvas->cd(); |
//canvas->Divide(4,4); |
TVirtualPad *main = new TPad("main","main",0,0,1,1,10,1); |
main->Draw(); |
main->Divide(4,4); |
TH1F* h_thrProj[16]; |
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { |
for(int j=0; j<4; j++) { |
int channel = map[i][j]; |
printf("%d ", channel); |
TH1D* histogram = h_threshold->ProjectionY("",channel+1,channel+1); |
int nBins = histogram->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); |
char name[128]; |
int current = i*4+j; |
sprintf(name,"histo%d",current); |
//h_thrProj[i*4+j] = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject(name); |
if (h_thrProj[i*4+j]) delete h_thrProj[i*4+j]; |
h_thrProj[current] = new TH1F(name, name, nBins,0,nBins); |
for(int k=0; k< nBins; k++){ |
int signal = histogram->GetBinContent(k); |
h_thrProj[current]->Fill(k,signal); |
} |
int canvasPosition = i+4*(3-j)+1; |
main->cd(canvasPosition); |
//printf("%d \n", canvasPosition); |
h_thrProj[current]->Draw(); |
} |
} |
} |
/sipmScan/examples/sipm.C |
0,0 → 1,538 |
#include "TROOT.h" |
#include "TFile.h" |
#include "TBenchmark.h" |
#include "TH1F.h" |
#include "TH2F.h" |
#include "TCanvas.h" |
#include "TStyle.h" |
#include "TPad.h" |
#include "TF1.h" |
#include "TGraph.h" |
#include "TSpectrum.h" |
#include "stdio.h" |
#include "include/RTUtil.h" |
double getNoise(TH2F*, int, int); |
int sipm(char filename[256] = "test", char plopt[256]="all", int chXstart=0, int chXend=7, int chYstart=0, int chYend=7, bool debug = false) |
{ |
const int c_nChannels = 64; |
const double c_xOffset = 0; // mm |
const double c_yOffset = 0; |
int map[8][8]={{32,34,53,55,40,42,61,63}, |
{48,50,37,39,56,58,45,47}, |
{33,35,52,54,41,43,60,62}, |
{49,51,36,38,57,59,44,46}, |
{17,19,4,6,25,27,12,14}, |
{1,3,20,22,9,11,28,30}, |
{16,18,5,7,24,26,13,15}, |
{0,2,21,23,8,10,29,31} |
}; |
char fnameroot[256]; |
TFile* rootfile; |
sprintf(fnameroot, "root/%s.root", filename); |
rootfile = (TFile *) gROOT->FindObject(filename); |
if(rootfile==NULL) rootfile = new TFile(fnameroot); |
if(rootfile==NULL) { |
printf("Cannot open root file %s!!!\n",fnameroot); |
return(0); |
} |
// set draw style |
gStyle->SetOptStat("ne"); |
gStyle->SetPalette(1, 0); |
gStyle->SetPaperSize(TStyle::kA4); |
gStyle->SetStatBorderSize(1); |
gStyle->SetFrameBorderMode(0); |
gStyle->SetFrameFillColor(0); |
gStyle->SetCanvasBorderMode(0); |
gStyle->SetPadBorderMode(0); |
gStyle->SetPadColor(0); |
gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0); |
gStyle->SetStatColor(0); |
gStyle->SetOptFit(11); |
gStyle->SetOptStat(); |
gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.15); |
gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.12); |
//gStyle->SetTitleYOffset(1.4); |
if( strstr(plopt, "all") != NULL ) { |
TCanvas *canvas2 = new TCanvas("canvas2","Hits x;;",2000,2000); |
TCanvas *canvas3 = new TCanvas("canvas3","Hits y;;",2000,2000); |
canvas2->Divide(8,8); |
canvas3->Divide(8,8); |
TH1F* h_hitsx; |
TH1F* h_hitsy; |
for(int i=0; i<c_nChannels; i++) { |
canvas2->cd(i+1); |
char hname[128]; |
sprintf(hname, "hnhitsx%d", i); |
h_hitsx = (TH1F*)rootfile->Get(hname); |
h_hitsx->Draw(); |
canvas3->cd(i+1); |
sprintf(hname, "hnhitsy%d", i); |
h_hitsy = (TH1F*)rootfile->Get(hname); |
h_hitsy->Draw(); |
} |
} |
if( strstr(plopt, "x") != NULL ) { |
TCanvas *canvas10 = new TCanvas("canvas10","Ch x;;",500,500); |
TH1F* h_hitsx; |
canvas10->cd(); |
char hname[128]; |
sprintf(hname, "hnhitsx%d", chXstart); |
h_hitsx = (TH1F*)rootfile->Get(hname); |
h_hitsx->Draw(); |
} |
if( strstr(plopt, "y") != NULL ) { |
TCanvas *canvas11 = new TCanvas("canvas11","Ch x;;",500,500); |
TH1F* h_hitsy; |
canvas11->cd(); |
char hname[128]; |
sprintf(hname, "hnhitsy%d", chXstart); |
h_hitsy = (TH1F*)rootfile->Get(hname); |
h_hitsy->Draw(); |
} |
if( strstr(plopt, "share") != NULL ) { |
/*TCanvas *canvas4 = new TCanvas("canvas1","canvas1",1000,1000); |
int nChannels = chYend-chYstart+1; |
int ncols = nChannels/2; |
printf("nch %d nch\\2 %d\n", nChannels, ncols); |
canvas4->Divide(2,ncols); |
TH1F* h_hitsy; |
for(int i=chYstart; i<=chYend; i++){ |
canvas4->cd(i-chYstart+1); |
char hname[128]; |
int chPosition = map[0][i]; |
sprintf(hname, "hnhitsy%d", chPosition); |
h_hitsy = (TH1F*)rootfile->Get(hname); |
h_hitsy->Draw(); |
}*/ |
TCanvas *canvas4 = new TCanvas("canvas4","canvas4",500,500); |
canvas4->cd(); |
for(int i=chXstart; i<=chXend; i++) { |
TH1F* h_hitsx; |
char hname[128]; |
int chPosition = map[i][chYstart]; |
sprintf(hname, "hnhitsx%d", chPosition); |
h_hitsx = (TH1F*)rootfile->Get(hname); |
h_hitsx->SetTitle("Scan X;x [mm]; Entries"); |
h_hitsx->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3); |
h_hitsx->SetStats(0); |
if (i == chXstart) |
h_hitsx->Draw(); |
else { |
h_hitsx->SetLineColor(i+1); |
h_hitsx->Draw("same"); |
} |
} |
//sprintf(fullname, "ps/%s_Yshare.eps", filename); |
//canvas4->SaveAs(fullname); |
TCanvas *canvas5 = new TCanvas("canvas5","canvas5",500,500); |
canvas5->cd(); |
for(int i=chYstart; i<=chYend; i++) { |
TH1F* h_hitsy; |
char hname[128]; |
int chPosition = map[chXstart][i]; |
sprintf(hname, "hnhitsy%d", chPosition); |
h_hitsy = (TH1F*)rootfile->Get(hname); |
h_hitsy->SetTitle("Scan Y;y [mm]; Entries"); |
h_hitsy->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3); |
h_hitsy->SetStats(0); |
if (i == chYstart) |
h_hitsy->Draw(); |
else { |
h_hitsy->SetLineColor(i+1); |
h_hitsy->Draw("same"); |
} |
} |
//sprintf(fullname, "ps/%s_Yshare.eps", filename); |
//canvas5->SaveAs(fullname); |
} |
/** Draw one channel in x and y |
* Without and with the noise subtraction |
*/ |
if (strstr(plopt, "noise") != NULL) { |
TCanvas *canvas51 = new TCanvas("canvas51","canvas51",500,500); |
canvas51->cd(); |
// Get the filled histogram from scan |
TH1F* h_x; |
char name[32]; |
sprintf(name, "hnhitsx%d", chXstart); |
h_x = (TH1F*)rootfile->Get(name); |
h_x->DrawCopy(); |
TH1F* h_y; |
sprintf(name, "hnhitsy%d", chXstart); |
h_y = (TH1F*)rootfile->Get(name); |
// Create and fill corrected histogram |
Int_t binsX = h_x->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); |
if(debug) printf("nBins: %d\n", binsX); |
//Double_t xLowUser = h_x->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1); |
//Double_t xUpUser = h_x->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(binsX); |
Double_t xLowUser = h_x->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); |
Double_t xUpUser = h_x->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); |
TH1F* h_xCorrected = new TH1F("h_xCorrected",";;",binsX, xLowUser, xUpUser); |
if (debug) printf("xLow %f xUp %f\n",xLowUser,xUpUser); |
double noise = h_x->GetBinContent(2); |
for (int jk = 0; jk < binsX; jk++) { |
double signal = h_x->GetBinContent(jk+1); |
signal -= noise; |
double x = h_x->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(jk+1); |
h_xCorrected->Fill(x, signal); |
} |
h_xCorrected->SetLineColor(2); |
h_xCorrected->DrawCopy("same"); |
//Create and fill corrected histogram |
Int_t binsY = h_y->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); |
Double_t yLowUser = h_y->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); |
Double_t yUpUser = h_y->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); |
TH1F* h_yCorrected = new TH1F("h_yCorrected",";;",binsY, yLowUser, yUpUser); |
noise = h_y->GetBinContent(2); |
for (int jk = 0; jk < binsY; jk++) { |
double signal = h_y->GetBinContent(jk+1); |
signal -= noise; |
double x = h_y->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(jk+1); |
h_yCorrected->Fill(x, signal); |
} |
TCanvas *canvas52 = new TCanvas("canvas52","canvas52",500,500); |
canvas52->cd(); |
h_y->DrawCopy(); |
h_yCorrected->SetLineColor(2); |
h_yCorrected->DrawCopy("same"); |
} |
/** Draws the signal from 8 channels in x-row |
* for one specific y bin, so the background and cross-talk |
* can be estimated. |
* Draws also a 2d scan of these channels. |
*/ |
if (strstr(plopt, "line") != NULL) { |
TCanvas* canvas6 = new TCanvas("canvas6","canvas6",500,500); |
canvas6->cd(0); |
gStyle->SetOptStat(0); |
TH2F* h0 = (TH2F*) rootfile->Get("h2d0"); |
Int_t binsX = h0->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); |
Int_t minX = h0->GetXaxis()->GetFirst(); |
Int_t maxX = h0->GetXaxis()->GetLast()+1; |
Int_t binsY = h0->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); |
Int_t minY = h0->GetYaxis()->GetFirst(); |
Int_t maxY = h0->GetYaxis()->GetLast()+1; |
Double_t xLowUser = h0->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(minX); |
Double_t xUpUser = h0->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(maxX); |
Double_t yLowUser = h0->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(minY); |
Double_t yUpUser = h0->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(maxY); |
if (debug) printf("xLow %f xUp %f\n",xLowUser,xUpUser); |
//! 1-dimension position in x vs. hits |
TH2F* h[8]; |
TH1F* h_line[8]; |
for(int j=0; j<8; j++) { |
h_line[j] = new TH1F("h_line", "h_line", binsX, xLowUser, xUpUser); |
} |
for(int j=chXstart; j<=chXend; j++) { |
int chPosition = map[j][chYstart]; |
char hname[128]; |
sprintf(hname, "h2d%d", chPosition); |
int histogram = j; |
h[histogram] = (TH2F *) rootfile->Get(hname); |
int noise = getNoise(h[histogram], 1, 160); |
for(int k=minX; k<=maxX; k++) { |
int l=chYstart*20+12; |
//for(int l=12; l<=16; l++) { |
double signal = h[histogram]->GetBinContent(k,l); |
//signal -= noise; |
//signal /= 5*10000.0; |
double eta = -log(1 - signal); |
double x = xLowUser + k*(xUpUser-xLowUser)/double(binsX); |
//double y = l*(yUpUser-yLowUser)/double(binsY); |
h_line[j]->Fill(x-c_xOffset, signal); |
//} |
} |
if (j == chXstart) { |
h_line[j]->SetTitle("SiPM#2 w/o noise subtraction;x[mm];Hits"); |
//h_line[j]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.05, 0.3); |
//h_line[j]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-50, 2500); |
h_line[j]->Draw(""); |
} |
else { |
h_line[j]->SetLineColor(j+1); |
h_line[j]->Draw("same"); |
} |
} |
//! 2d scan |
TCanvas* canvas61 = new TCanvas("canvas61","canvas61",8*200,300); |
canvas61->cd(); |
TH2F* h_corrected = new TH2F("h_corrected","h_corrected",binsX,xLowUser,xUpUser, binsY,yLowUser,yUpUser); |
for(int i=chXstart; i<=chXend; i++) { |
//int canvasPosition = nX*(i-chYstart)+(j-chXstart)+1; |
//int canvasPosition = nX*(chYend-i)+chXstart+1; |
//if (debug) printf("canvas %d\n",canvasPosition); |
int chPosition = map[i][chYstart]; |
char hname[128]; |
sprintf(hname, "h2d%d", chPosition); |
int histogram = i; |
h[histogram] = (TH2F *) rootfile->Get(hname); |
int noise = getNoise(h[histogram], 1, 100); |
for(int k=minX; k<=maxX; k++) { |
for(int l=minY; l<=maxY; l++) { |
int signal = h[histogram]->GetBinContent(k,l); // detected |
//p /= 10000.; |
//double p0 = 1.0 - p; // events with zero photons |
//double eta = (-log(p0) * p0 ) / (1-p0-0.00001); |
//double eta = -log(p0); |
//printf("p=%f p0=%f log(p0)=%f eta=%f\n",p,p0,log(p0),eta); |
//double signal = ((p - noise) > 0.1) ? (p-noise) : 0.1; |
double p = signal - noise; |
p /= 10000.0; |
double eta = -log(1 - p); |
//double x = k*(xUpUser-xLowUser)/double(binsX); |
//double y = l*(yUpUser-yLowUser)/double(binsY); |
double x = h[histogram]->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(k); |
double y = h[histogram]->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(l); |
h_corrected->Fill(x-c_xOffset, y-c_yOffset, eta); |
} |
} |
} |
h_corrected->SetTitle("SiPM#2 n_pe = - ln(P0);x[mm];y[mm]"); |
h_corrected->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.05,0.30); |
h_corrected->Draw("colz"); |
} |
/** Draws the sum of the channels |
* Each channel is a 2d plot |
* Intended for the study of 1 channel |
* |
* Input: scanned channel coordinates (x,y) |
*/ |
if (strstr(plopt, "2d") != NULL) { |
int nX = 3; |
int nY = 3; |
TCanvas* canvas7 = new TCanvas("canvas7","canvas7", nX*400,nY*400); |
printf("nx %d ny %d\n",nX,nY); |
canvas7->Divide(nX,nY); |
for(int i=chXend-1; i<=chXend+1; i++) { |
for(int j=chXstart-1; j<=chXstart+1; j++) { |
//int canvasPosition = nX*(i-chYstart)+(j-chXstart)+1; |
int canvasPosition = nX*(chXend+1-i) + (j-chXstart+1) +1; |
if (debug) printf("canvas %d\n",canvasPosition); |
canvas7->cd(canvasPosition); |
char hname[128]; |
int chPosition = map[j][i]; |
sprintf(hname, "h2d%d", chPosition); |
TH2F* h_2d = (TH2F*)rootfile->Get(hname); |
h_2d->Draw("colz"); |
} //x |
} |
// Number of photoelectrons - Poissonian correction |
TCanvas* canvas8 = new TCanvas("canvas8","canvas8", 1000,1000); |
canvas8->cd(); |
gStyle->SetOptStat(0); |
char hname[128]; |
int chPosition = map[chXstart][chXend]; |
sprintf(hname, "h2d%d", chPosition); |
TH2F* h_2d = (TH2F*)rootfile->Get(hname); |
Int_t binsX = h_2d->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); |
Int_t minX = h_2d->GetXaxis()->GetFirst(); |
Int_t maxX = h_2d->GetXaxis()->GetLast()+1; |
Int_t binsY = h_2d->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); |
Int_t minY = h_2d->GetYaxis()->GetFirst(); |
Int_t maxY = h_2d->GetYaxis()->GetLast()+1; |
Double_t xLowUser = h_2d->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); |
Double_t xUpUser = h_2d->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); |
Double_t yLowUser = h_2d->GetYaxis()->GetXmin(); |
Double_t yUpUser = h_2d->GetYaxis()->GetXmax(); |
if (debug) printf("xLow %f xUp %f\n",xLowUser,xUpUser); |
TH2F* h_corrected = new TH2F("h_corrected","h_corrected",binsX, xLowUser, xUpUser, binsY, yLowUser, yUpUser); |
//TH2F* h_corrected = new TH2F("h_corrected","h_corrected",binsX, minX, maxX, binsY, minY, maxY); |
double noise = getNoise(h_2d, 1, 70); |
if(debug) printf("Noise = %f\n", noise); |
for(int k=minX; k<=maxX; k++) { |
for(int j=minY; j<=maxY; j++) { |
double signal = h_2d->GetBinContent(k,j); // detected |
//double p = ((signal - noise) > 1) ? (signal-noise) : 1; |
double p = signal - noise; |
p /= 10000.; |
double p0 = 1.0 - p; // events with zero photons |
//double eta = (-log(p0) * p0 ) / (1-p0-0.00001); |
double eta = -log(p0); // constant of the poissonian statistics |
if (debug) printf("p=%f p0=%f log(p0)=%f eta=%f\n",p,p0,log(p0),eta); |
//double x = xLowUser + k*(xUpUser - xLowUser) / double(binsX); |
double x = h_2d->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(k); |
//double y = yLowUser + j*(yUpUser-yLowUser)/double(binsY); |
double y = h_2d->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(j); |
if (debug) printf("x=%f y=%f\n", x, y); |
h_corrected->Fill(x + c_xOffset, y + c_yOffset, eta); |
} |
} |
//h_corrected->SetTitle("n_pe = - ln P(0);x[mm];y[mm]"); |
h_corrected->SetTitle(";x[mm];y[mm]"); |
h_corrected->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.01,0.5); |
h_corrected->SetContour(50); |
h_corrected->Draw("colz"); |
// collection efficiency |
int nPoints =0; |
double efficiency=0; |
for (int i=18; i<=58; i++) { |
for (int j=19; j<=59; j++) { |
double signal = h_corrected->GetBinContent(i,j); |
if(debug) printf("signal %f\n",signal); |
efficiency += signal; |
nPoints++; |
} |
} |
printf("Signal sum = %f\n # of points = %d\n",efficiency,nPoints); |
} |
/** Draws the sum of channel signals |
* Each channel is a 2d ('h2d') histogram |
* Suitable for 8x8 chs scan |
*/ |
if( strstr(plopt, "sum") != NULL ) { |
int nX = chXend - chXstart + 1; |
int nY = chYend - chYstart + 1; |
TCanvas* canvas12 = new TCanvas("canvas12","c2",8*200, 8*200); |
canvas12->cd(); |
gStyle->SetOptStat(0); |
// final histogram parameters |
TH2F* h0 = (TH2F*) rootfile->Get("h2d0"); |
Int_t binsX = h0->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); |
Int_t minX = h0->GetXaxis()->GetFirst(); |
Int_t maxX = h0->GetXaxis()->GetLast()+1; |
Int_t binsY = h0->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); |
Int_t minY = h0->GetYaxis()->GetFirst(); |
Int_t maxY = h0->GetYaxis()->GetLast()+1; |
Double_t xLowUser = h0->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(minX); |
Double_t xUpUser = h0->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(maxX); |
Double_t yLowUser = h0->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(minY); |
Double_t yUpUser = h0->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(maxY); |
if (debug) printf("xLow %f xUp %f\n",xLowUser,xUpUser); |
TH2F* h_corrected = new TH2F("h_corrected","h_corrected",binsX,xLowUser,xUpUser, binsY,yLowUser,yUpUser); |
TH2F* h[nX*nY]; |
// 2d histogram noise subtraction and poisson scaling |
for(int i=chYstart; i<=chYend; i++) { |
for(int j=chXstart; j<=chXend; j++) { |
int chPosition = map[j][i]; |
char hname[128]; |
sprintf(hname, "h2d%d", chPosition); |
int histogram = nX*(i-chYstart)+(j-chXstart); |
h[histogram] = (TH2F *) rootfile->Get(hname); |
int noise = getNoise(h[histogram], 1, 170); |
if (debug) printf("noise: %d\n",noise); |
for(int k=minX; k<=maxX; k++) { |
for(int l=minY; l<=maxY; l++) { |
int signal = h[histogram]->GetBinContent(k,l); // detected |
//double p = ((signal - noise) > 0.1) ? (signal-noise) : 0.1; |
double p = signal - noise; |
p /= 10000.; |
double p0 = 1.0 - p; // events with zero photons |
//double eta = (-log(p0) * p0 ) / (1-p0-0.00001); |
double eta = -log(p0); |
//printf("p=%f p0=%f log(p0)=%f eta=%f\n",p,p0,log(p0),eta); |
double x = k*(xUpUser-xLowUser)/double(binsX); |
double y = l*(yUpUser-yLowUser)/double(binsY); |
h_corrected->Fill(x-c_xOffset, y-c_yOffset, eta); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
h_corrected->SetTitle("SiPM#2 n_p.e.;x[mm];y[mm]"); |
h_corrected->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.05,.30); |
h_corrected->Draw("colz"); |
TCanvas* canvas13 = new TCanvas("canvas13","canvas13",600,300); |
canvas13->Divide(2); |
canvas13->cd(1); |
h[16]->Draw("colz"); |
canvas13->cd(2); |
h[8]->Draw("colz"); |
} |
/** Draws the beam profile and fits it with error function |
* on some background function |
*/ |
if (strstr(plopt, "beam") != NULL) { |
TCanvas* canvas9 = new TCanvas("canvas9","canvas9", 500,500); |
canvas9->cd(); |
char hname[128]; |
sprintf(hname, "hnhitsx%d", 36); |
TH1F* h_laser = (TH1F*)rootfile->Get(hname); |
h_laser->Draw(); |
h_laser->SetStats(1); |
TF1* err = new TF1("err","[0]+[1]*TMath::Erf((x-[2])/[3])",17.02,17.30); |
err->SetParameter(0,2500); |
err->SetParameter(1, h_laser->GetMaximum()); |
err->SetParameter(2, h_laser->GetBinCenter(h_laser->GetMaximumBin())); |
err->SetParameter(3, 0.001); |
h_laser->Fit(err,"qr"); |
h_laser->Fit(err,"lr"); |
double sigma = err->GetParameter(3); |
printf("sigma = %2.0f um, FWHM = %2.0f um\n", sigma*1000, 2.35*sigma*1000); |
} |
if (strstr(plopt, "map") != NULL) { |
TCanvas* canvas1 = new TCanvas("canvas1","canvas1",1000,1000); |
canvas1->cd(); |
TH2I* h_map = new TH2I("h_map","h_map",8,-0.5,7.5,8,-0.5,7.5); |
for (int i=7; i>=0; i--) { |
//for (int j=7; j>=0; j--) printf("(%d, %d) ", j,i); |
for (int j=7; j>=0; j--) { |
printf("%2d (%d %d)\n", map[j][i], j*10080+5040, i*10080+5040); |
h_map->Fill(j,i, map[j][i]); |
} |
printf("\n"); |
} |
gStyle->SetOptStat(0); |
h_map->Draw("text"); |
} |
return(0); |
} |
/** Function calculates the noise from one channel |
* it runs through the bins along x and returns the average value |
*/ |
double getNoise(TH2F* histogram, int yStart, int yEnd) |
{ |
double noise=0; |
int count=0; |
for(int j=yStart; j<yEnd; j++) { |
double value = histogram->GetBinContent(j,2); |
//if (noise < value) noise = value; |
noise += value; |
count++; |
} |
return (noise/double(count)); |
} |
/sipmScan/examples/tdc.C |
0,0 → 1,109 |
#include "TROOT.h" |
#include "TFile.h" |
#include "TBenchmark.h" |
#include "TH1F.h" |
#include "TH2F.h" |
#include "TCanvas.h" |
#include "TStyle.h" |
#include "TPad.h" |
#include "TF1.h" |
#include "TGraph.h" |
#include "TSpectrum.h" |
#include "stdio.h" |
#include "include/RTUtil.h" |
int tdc(char filename[256] = "test", int chX=0, int chY=0, double rangeLeft=-16, double rangeRight=16, bool debug = false) |
{ |
//const int c_nChannels = 64; |
//const double c_xOffset = 2.2; // mm |
//const double c_yOffset = 2.3; |
int map[8][8]={{32,34,53,55,40,42,61,63}, |
{48,50,37,39,56,58,45,47}, |
{33,35,52,54,41,43,60,62}, |
{49,51,36,38,57,59,44,46}, |
{17,19,4,6,25,27,12,14}, |
{1,3,20,22,9,11,28,30}, |
{16,18,5,7,24,26,13,15}, |
{0,2,21,23,8,10,29,31} |
}; |
char fnameroot[256]; |
TFile* rootfile; |
sprintf(fnameroot, "root/%s.root", filename); |
rootfile = (TFile *) gROOT->FindObject(filename); |
if(rootfile==NULL) rootfile = new TFile(fnameroot); |
if(rootfile==NULL) { |
printf("Cannot open root file %s!!!\n",fnameroot); |
return(0); |
} |
// set draw style |
gStyle->SetPalette(1, 0); |
gStyle->SetPaperSize(TStyle::kA4); |
gStyle->SetStatBorderSize(1); |
gStyle->SetFrameBorderMode(0); |
gStyle->SetFrameFillColor(0); |
gStyle->SetCanvasBorderMode(0); |
gStyle->SetPadBorderMode(0); |
gStyle->SetPadColor(0); |
gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0); |
gStyle->SetStatColor(0); |
gStyle->SetOptFit(11); |
gStyle->SetOptStat(0); |
gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.15); |
gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.12); |
//gStyle->SetTitleYOffset(1.4); |
TCanvas* canvas1 = new TCanvas("canvas1","canvas1",1000,1000); |
TH2F* htdc = (TH2F*) rootfile->Get("htdc"); |
canvas1->cd(); |
htdc->Draw("colz"); |
TH2F* h_correctedTDC = (TH2F*) rootfile->Get("h_correctedTDC"); |
TCanvas* canvas2 = new TCanvas("canvas2","canvas2",800,800); |
canvas2->cd(); |
h_correctedTDC->Draw("colz"); |
/* |
canvas2->cd(2); |
int binY = map[chX][chY]; |
TH1D* channelY = h_correctedTDC->ProjectionX("",binY+1,binY+1); |
//channelY->SetStats(0); |
char title[256]; |
sprintf(title,"Channel %d;t [ns];Events", binY); |
channelY->SetTitle(title); |
channelY->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.7); |
//TAxis* xAxis = h_correctedTDC->GetXaxis(); |
//int range = xAxis->GetBinUpEdge(xAxis->GetLast()+1); |
//channelY->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-range, range); |
channelY->Draw(); |
TF1* f_gaus1 = new TF1("f_gaus1","[0] + gaus(1)", rangeLeft,rangeRight); |
TF1* f_gaus2 = new TF1("f_gaus2","[0] + gaus(1) + gaus(4)",-8,8); |
f_gaus1->SetParNames("Linear","Norm","#mu","#sigma"); |
f_gaus2->SetParNames("Linear","Norm1","Mean1","Sigma1","Norm2","Mean2","Sigma2"); |
Int_t n = channelY->GetMaximum(); |
Float_t mean = channelY->GetBinCenter(channelY->GetMaximumBin()); |
f_gaus1->SetParameters(channelY->GetMinimum(), n, mean, 2.0); |
channelY->Fit(f_gaus1,"0"); |
channelY->Fit(f_gaus1,"r"); |
*/ |
//Fit in range +- 3 sigma |
//channelY->Fit(f_gaus1,"r","", f_gaus1->GetParameter(2)-3*f_gaus1->GetParameter(3), |
// f_gaus1->GetParameter(2)+3*f_gaus1->GetParameter(3)); |
//f_gaus2->SetParameters(-1, n, mean-0.1, 0.01, |
// n, mean+0.1, 0.1); |
//channelY->Fit(f_gaus2,"0"); |
//channelY->Fit(f_gaus2,"rl"); |
// set range to +- 3 sigma |
//channelY->Fit(f_gaus,"lr","",f_gaus->GetParameter(2)-3*f_gaus->GetParameter(3), |
// f_gaus->GetParameter(2)+3*f_gaus->GetParameter(3)); |
return (0); |
} |