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Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
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/sipmScan/include/RTUtil.h |
30,7 → 30,7 |
void Update(); |
}; |
//########################################################################################## |
#include "src/RTUtil.cpp" |
#include "RTUtil.cpp" |
#endif |
/sipmScan/src/analysisBias.cpp |
38,14 → 38,12 |
#define POSREC_ID 3 |
#define EVTREC_ID 4 |
#define THRREC_ID 5 |
#define BIASREC_ID 6 |
typedef struct { |
unsigned int id,len; |
unsigned int fver,time; |
unsigned int nev,nch,ped,xy; |
unsigned int thLow, thUp, thStep; |
unsigned int biasLow, biasUp, biasStep; |
unsigned int nev,nch,ped,xy; |
int nx,x0,dx,ny,y0,dy; |
RUNREC *runrec; |
85,14 → 83,6 |
THRREC *thrrec; |
THRREC thr; |
typedef struct { |
unsigned int id; |
unsigned int len; |
unsigned int bias; |
BIASREC *biasrec; |
BIASREC bias; |
double padCenter[NCH][2]; |
int position(int, int, int); |
99,7 → 89,7 |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
int analysisBias(char* dfile0="test", int dbg=0, double tdcCut=5.0) |
int d2r(char* dfile0="test", int dbg=0, double tdcCut=5.0) |
{ |
const double c_tdcOffset = +2.5; // ns |
172,7 → 162,6 |
TH2F *h2d[NCH]; |
TH2F *h_threshold; |
TH2F *h_ch33; |
TH2F *h_bias; |
TNtuple *nt; |
258,7 → 247,6 |
printf("nx = %d, x0 = %d, dx = %d\n", run.nx, run.x0, run.dx); |
printf("ny = %d, y0 = %d, dy = %d\n", run.ny, run.y0, run.dy); |
printf("thLow = %d, thUp = %d, thStep = %d\n", run.thLow, run.thUp, run.thStep); |
printf("biasLow = %d, biasUp = %d, biasStep = %d\n", run.biasLow, run.biasUp, run.biasStep); |
} |
//create histograms |
271,7 → 259,6 |
if (h_correctedTDC) delete h_correctedTDC; |
h_correctedTDC = new TH2F("h_correctedTDC","Corrected TDC;t [ns];SiPM channel",33, -16.5*TDC_BIN,16.5*TDC_BIN,NCH,0,NCH); |
//TH1F* gsumV673A[NCH/16] = new TH1F(hn,hname,256,-0.5,255.5); |
h_bias = new TH2F("h_bias","",20, 71.0, 73.0, 33, -16.5*TDC_BIN, 16.5*TDC_BIN); |
for(int i=0; i<NCH; i++) { |
/* |
sprintf(hname, "htdcpos%d", i); |
406,7 → 393,6 |
hnhitsy[channel]->Fill((pos.yset - OFFSETY) * MIKRO_BIN); |
h2d[channel]->Fill((pos.xset - OFFSETX) * MIKRO_BIN, (pos.yset - OFFSETY) * MIKRO_BIN); |
//h_threshold->Fill(channel, thr.threshold); |
h_bias->Fill(bias.bias/1000.0, (time-tdcOffset[channel])); |
if (position(pos.xset-OFFSETX, pos.yset-OFFSETY, channel)) { |
h_ch33->Fill(pos.xset-OFFSETX, pos.yset-OFFSETY); |
h_threshold->Fill(channel, thr.threshold); |
465,14 → 451,6 |
thrrec->id, thrrec->len, thrrec->threshold); |
break; |
case BIASREC_ID: |
status = gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize)); |
biasrec = (BIASREC*) readbuf; |
bias = *biasrec; |
if (dbg) printf("BIASREC id = %d len = %d bias %d\n", |
bias.id, bias.len, bias.bias); |
break; |
case ENDREC_ID: |
gzread(dfp, (voidp)&readbuf[2], (rec_len-2*ulsize)); |
endrec = (ENDREC *) readbuf; |
/sipmScan/src/sipmBias.c |
14,7 → 14,6 |
# endif |
# include "CAENV673A.h" |
# include "CAENV462.h" |
#endif |
#ifdef USE_MIKRO |
31,10 → 30,8 |
#ifdef USE_DAQ |
# define USE_CAMAC |
# include "camac.h" |
# define NDAC 1 // CAEN C221 |
# define ASD8 0 // channels |
# define AMPDISSH 1 |
# define SIPM 2 |
# define NDAC 1 |
# define CAEN_V673A 0x22220000 // IJS |
//#define CAEN_V673A 0x10110000 // FMF |
# define CAEN_V462 0x100300 |
56,7 → 53,6 |
#define IWAIT 200 |
#define NCH 64 |
#define POWERSUPPLY 66 // Power supply voltage for SiPM bias |
static int p1h, pID, rID, tfID; |
static int ph_tdc, ph_adc; |
147,13 → 143,10 |
#define POSREC_ID 3 |
#define EVTREC_ID 4 |
#define THRREC_ID 5 |
#define BIASREC_ID 6 |
typedef struct { |
unsigned long id,len; |
unsigned long fver,time; |
unsigned long thLow, thUp, thStep; |
unsigned long biasLow, biasUp, biasStep; |
unsigned long nev,nch,ped,xy; |
long nx,x0,dx,ny,y0,dy; |
182,23 → 175,14 |
typedef struct { |
unsigned long id; |
unsigned long len; |
unsigned long thLow, thUp, thStep; |
unsigned long threshold; |
THRREC thrrec; |
typedef struct { |
unsigned long id; |
unsigned long len; |
unsigned long bias; |
BIASREC biasrec; |
double thresholdLow; |
double thresholdUp; |
double thresholdStep; |
double biasLow; |
double biasUp; |
double biasStep; |
#define BSIZE 20000 |
221,8 → 205,6 |
evtrec.len = sizeof(evtrec); |
thrrec.id = THRREC_ID; |
thrrec.len = sizeof(thrrec); |
biasrec.id = BIASREC_ID; |
biasrec.len = sizeof(biasrec); |
cres = 0; |
259,7 → 241,7 |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_FRAC, &frac); |
} |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_SASD8THR, &thresholdLow); |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_STHRLOW, &thresholdLow); |
runrec.thLow = thresholdLow*1000; // mV |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_STHRUP, &thresholdUp); |
runrec.thUp = thresholdUp*1000; // mV |
266,12 → 248,6 |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_STEP, &thresholdStep); |
runrec.thStep = thresholdStep*1000; // mV |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_SBIAS, &biasLow); |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_SBIASUP, &biasUp); |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_SBIASSTEP, &biasStep); |
runrec.biasLow = biasLow*1000; |
runrec.biasUp = biasUp*1000; |
runrec.biasStep = biasStep*1000; |
#ifdef USE_DAQ |
V673A_map(0,CAEN_V673A,0); |
293,20 → 269,11 |
Uniform (1, fseed, &fracg); |
} |
// Set SiPM bias voltage |
//SetDac(SIPM, 1.0); |
biasrec.bias = runrec.biasLow; |
while (biasrec.bias <= runrec.biasUp) { |
SetDac(SIPM, biasrec.bias/1000.0 - POWERSUPPLY); |
SetCtrlVal(p1h, P1_SBIAS, biasrec.bias/1000.0); |
status = fwrite(&biasrec, 1, biasrec.len, fp); |
if (print) printf("BIASREC status %d len %d bias %d\n", status, biasrec.len, biasrec.bias); |
// Set ASD threshold voltage |
thrrec.threshold = (unsigned long) ceil(thresholdLow*1000); // threshold in mV |
while (thrrec.threshold <= thresholdUp*1000) { |
SetDac(ASD8, thrrec.threshold/1000.0); |
SetCtrlVal(p1h, P1_SASD8THR, thrrec.threshold/1000.0); |
SetDac(0, thrrec.threshold/1000.0); |
SetCtrlVal(p1h, P1_STHRLOW, thrrec.threshold/1000.0); |
//wait_loop(100000); |
status = fwrite(&thrrec, 1, thrrec.len, fp); |
if (print) printf("THRREC status %d len %d threshold %d\n", status, thrrec.len, thrrec.threshold); |
492,12 → 459,7 |
if (!daq_on) break; |
thrrec.threshold += thresholdStep*1000; |
} // threhsold loop |
if (!daq_on) break; |
biasrec.bias += runrec.biasStep; |
} // bias loop |
SetDac(SIPM, 0); // safety |
//if (dsave) { |
time (&endrec.time); |
status = fwrite (&endrec, 1, endrec.len, fp); |
585,7 → 547,6 |
QueueUserEvent (1000, p1h, P1_RESET); |
//QueueUserEvent (1000, p1h, P1_ASD8THR); |
QueueUserEvent (1000, p1h, P1_AMPDISSHTHR); |
QueueUserEvent (1000, p1h, P1_BIAS); |
do { |
GetUserEvent (1, &pID, &rID); |
switch (rID) { |
689,27 → 650,19 |
SetCtrlAttribute (p1h, P1_ADC, ATTR_YMAP_MODE, status); |
update_plots(); |
break; |
case P1_ASD8THR: |
/*case P1_ASD8THR: |
{ |
double value; |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_SASD8THR, &value); |
SetDac(ASD8, value); |
SetDac(0, value); |
} |
break; |
case P1_BIAS: |
{ |
double value; |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_SBIAS, &value); |
value -= POWERSUPPLY; |
SetDac(SIPM, value); |
} |
break; |
break;*/ |
{ |
double value; |
GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_SAMPDISSHTHR, &value); |
SetDac(AMPDISSH, value); |
SetDac(1, value); |
} |
break; |
/sipmScan/src/analysisScan.cpp |
496,7 → 496,7 |
int position(int x, int y, int channel) |
{ |
int flag = 0; |
if ( (x > (padCenter[channel][0] - 5040)) && (x < (padCenter[channel][0] + 5040)) && |
(y > (padCenter[channel][1] - 5040)) && (y < (padCenter[channel][1] + 5040)) ) flag = 1; |
if ( (x > (padCenter[channel][0] - 5000)) && (x < (padCenter[channel][0] + 5000)) && |
(y > (padCenter[channel][1] - 5000)) && (y < (padCenter[channel][1] + 5000)) ) flag = 1; |
return flag; |
} |
/sipmScan/sipmThreshold.prj |
33,7 → 33,7 |
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241,11 → 224,29 |
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Header 0048 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winreg.h" |
Header 0049 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winnetwk.h" |
Header 0051 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/mcx.h" |
Max Header Number = 59 |
[Create Executable] |
Executable File_Debug = "/c/HOME/dino/sipmScan/sipmThr_dbg.exe" |
Target Creation Date_Debug = 3479113436 |
Target Creation Date_Debug = 3479104583 |
Force Creation of Target_Debug = False |
Executable File_Release = "/c/HOME/dino/sipmScan/sipmThr.exe" |
Target Creation Date_Release = 0 |
/sipmScan/examples/plotThresholdScan.C |
11,7 → 11,7 |
#include "TSpectrum.h" |
#include "stdio.h" |
#include "include/RTUtil.h" |
#include "RTUtil.h" |
double getNoise(TH2F*, int, int); |