Subversion Repositories f9daq

Compare Revisions

No changes between revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 30 → Rev 31

Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
File deleted
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
File deleted
File deleted
File deleted
0,0 → 1,279
[Project Header]
Version = 551
Platform Code = 4
Pathname = "/c/HOME/dino/l2d/sipmThreshold.prj"
CVI Dir = "/c/measurementstudio/cvi"
VXIplug&play Framework Dir = "/C/VXIpnp/winnt"
Number of Files = 9
Sort Type = "No Sort"
Target Type = "Executable"
Build Configuration = "Debug"
Warn User If Debugging Release = 1
Flags = 17
Drag Bar Left = 354
Window Top = 512
Window Left = 688
Window Bottom = 1016
Window Right = 1432
[File 0001]
File Type = "User Interface Resource"
Path = "/c/HOME/dino/l2d/include/sipmThreshold_ui.uir"
Res Id = 1
Exclude = False
Disk Date = 3478361857
Project Flags = 0
Window Top = 94
Window Left = 42
Window Height = 903
Window Width = 1174
[File 0002]
File Type = "CSource"
Path = "/c/HOME/dino/l2d/src/sipmThreshold.c"
Res Id = 2
Exclude = False
Disk Date = 3478362979
Project Flags = 0
Compile Into Object File = False
Object Format = "Win32-MSVC"
ForceCompile_Debug = False
ForceCompile_Release = True
Window Top = 109
Window Left = 443
Window Height = 0
Window Width = 0
Source Window State = "1,349,349,349,0,29,30,0,0,108,0,0,0,0,0,55,364,0,406,23,"
Header Dependencies Line0001 = "1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,27,29,30,31,32,3"
Header Dependencies Line0002 = "3,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,55,56,57,58,"
[File 0003]
File Type = "Include"
Path = "/c/HOME/dino/l2d/include/sipmThreshold_ui.h"
Res Id = 3
Exclude = False
Disk Date = 3477041806
Project Flags = 0
Window Top = 324
Window Left = 162
Window Height = 0
Window Width = 0
Source Window State = "1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,85,0,0,0,0,0,33,0,0,0,0,"
[File 0004]
File Type = "Include"
Path = "/c/HOME/dino/l2d/include/camac.h"
Res Id = 4
Exclude = False
Disk Date = 3261990551
Project Flags = 0
Window Top = 0
Window Left = 0
Window Height = 0
Window Width = 0
Source Window State = "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"
[File 0005]
File Type = "Include"
Path = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/WIENVME_DLL/wienvme_dll.h"
Res Id = 5
Exclude = False
Disk Date = 3263048972
Project Flags = 0
Window Top = 0
Window Left = 0
Window Height = 0
Window Width = 0
Source Window State = "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"
[File 0006]
File Type = "Function Panel"
Path = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/MIKRO/MIKRO.fp"
Res Id = 6
Exclude = False
Disk Date = 3228636098
Project Flags = 0
Window Top = 0
Window Left = 0
Window Height = 0
Window Width = 0
[File 0007]
File Type = "Function Panel"
Path = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/CAENV673A/CAENV673A.fp"
Res Id = 7
Exclude = False
Disk Date = 3244091108
Project Flags = 0
Window Top = 0
Window Left = 0
Window Height = 0
Window Width = 0
[File 0008]
File Type = "Function Panel"
Path = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/WIENVME_DLL/wienvme_dll.fp"
Res Id = 8
Exclude = False
Disk Date = 3258260654
Project Flags = 0
Window Top = 0
Window Left = 0
Window Height = 0
Window Width = 0
[File 0009]
File Type = "Function Panel"
Path = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/CAENV462/CAENV462.fp"
Res Id = 9
Exclude = False
Disk Date = 3243838534
Project Flags = 0
Window Top = 0
Window Left = 0
Window Height = 0
Window Width = 0
[SCC Options]
Use global settings = True
SCC Provider = ""
SCC Project = ""
Local Path = ""
Auxiliary Path = ""
Perform Same Action For .h File As For .uir File = "Ask"
Comment = ""
Username = ""
Use Default Comment = False
Use Default Username = False
Do Not Include PRJ File in Actions = True
Suppress CVI Error Messages = False
[Compiler Options]
Default Calling Convention = "cdecl"
Max Number Of Errors = 10
Require Prototypes = True
Require Return Values = True
Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = False
Enable Unreachable Code Warning = False
Track Include File Dependencies = True
Prompt For Missing Includes = True
Stop On First Error File = False
Bring Up Err Win For Warnings = True
Show Build Dialog = False
O Option Compatible With 5.0 = False
[Run Options]
Stack Size = 500000
Debugging Level = "Standard"
Save Changes Before Running = "Ask"
Break On Library Errors = True
Break On First Chance Exceptions = False
Hide Windows = False
Break At First Statement = False
[Compiler Defines]
Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN /DWIENVME"
[Command Line Args]
Command Line Args = ""
[Include Paths]
Include Path 1 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/PCIVME_DLL"
Include Path 2 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/WIENVME_DLL"
Include Path 3 = "/c/HOME/dino/l2d/include"
[Included Headers]
Header 0058 = "/c/HOME/dino/l2d/include/sipmThreshold_ui.h"
Header 0055 = "/c/HOME/dino/l2d/include/camac.h"
Header 0029 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/WIENVME_DLL/wienvme_dll.h"
Header 0001 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/utility.h"
Header 0002 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/cvidef.h"
Header 0003 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/cvirte.h"
Header 0005 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi_c.h"
Header 0006 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/assert.h"
Header 0007 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/ctype.h"
Header 0008 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/errno.h"
Header 0009 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/float.h"
Header 0010 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/limits.h"
Header 0011 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/locale.h"
Header 0012 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/math.h"
Header 0013 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/setjmp.h"
Header 0014 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/signal.h"
Header 0015 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/stdarg.h"
Header 0016 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/stddef.h"
Header 0017 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/stdio.h"
Header 0018 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/stdlib.h"
Header 0019 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/string.h"
Header 0020 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/time.h"
Header 0021 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/MIKRO/MIKRO.h"
Header 0022 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ivi.h"
Header 0023 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/visa.h"
Header 0024 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/visatype.h"
Header 0025 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/vpptype.h"
Header 0027 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/CAENV673A/CAENV673A.h"
Header 0030 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/windows.h"
Header 0031 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/windef.h"
Header 0032 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winnt.h"
Header 0033 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/basetsd.h"
Header 0034 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/Guiddef.h"
Header 0035 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/pshpack4.h"
Header 0036 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/poppack.h"
Header 0037 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/pshpack2.h"
Header 0038 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/pshpack8.h"
Header 0039 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winbase.h"
Header 0040 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winerror.h"
Header 0041 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/wingdi.h"
Header 0042 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/pshpack1.h"
Header 0043 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winuser.h"
Header 0044 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/tvout.h"
Header 0045 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winnls.h"
Header 0046 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/wincon.h"
Header 0047 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winver.h"
Header 0048 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winreg.h"
Header 0049 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winnetwk.h"
Header 0050 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winsvc.h"
Header 0051 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/mcx.h"
Header 0052 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/imm.h"
Header 0053 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/CAENV462/CAENV462.h"
Header 0056 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/userint.h"
Header 0057 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/analysis.h"
Header 0004 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/formatio.h"
Header 0026 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/rs232.h"
Header 0028 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/CAENV673A/CAENV673A_DEF.h"
Header 0054 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/CAENV462/CAENV462_DEF.h"
Max Header Number = 58
[Create Executable]
Executable File_Debug = "/c/HOME/dino/l2d/sipmThr_dbg.exe"
Target Creation Date_Debug = 3478365487
Force Creation of Target_Debug = False
Executable File_Release = "/c/HOME/dino/l2d/l2d.exe"
Target Creation Date_Release = 0
Force Creation of Target_Release = True
Icon File = ""
Application Title = ""
DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
DLL Import Library Choice = "Gen Lib For Current Mode"
Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True
Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy"
Add Type Lib To DLL = False
Include Type Lib Help Links = False
Type Lib FP File = ""
Type Lib Guid = ""
Uses DataSocket = 0
Uses NIReports = 0
Uses DCom95 = 0
Instrument Driver Support Only = False
[External Compiler Support]
UIR Callbacks File Option = 0
Using LoadExternalModule = False
Create Project Symbols File = True
UIR Callbacks Obj File = ""
Project Symbols H File = ""
Project Symbols Obj File = ""
[DLL Debugging Support]
External Process Path = ""
0,0 → 1,82
/* LabWindows/CVI User Interface Resource (UIR) Include File */
/* Copyright (c) National Instruments 2014. All Rights Reserved. */
/* */
/* WARNING: Do not add to, delete from, or otherwise modify the contents */
/* of this include file. */
#include <userint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Panels and Controls: */
#define P1 1
#define P1_AMPDISSHTHR 2
#define P1_ASD8THR 3
#define P1_EXIT 4
#define P1_ADC 5
#define P1_TDC 6
#define P1_RESET 7
#define P1_CEVE 8
#define P1_NMIN 9
#define P1_NEVE 10
#define P1_FRAC 11
#define P1_TDCMIN 12
#define P1_PEDESTAL 13
#define P1_ADCHLSAVE 14
#define P1_ADCHL 15
#define P1_ADCLOG 16
#define P1_TDCLOG 17
#define P1_TDCHL 18
#define P1_DAQ 19
#define P1_SUPR 20
#define P1_DSAVE 21
#define P1_DFILE 22
#define P1_IY 23
#define P1_Z 24
#define P1_Y 25
#define P1_YMIN 26
#define P1_IX 27
#define P1_YSTEP 28
#define P1_X 29
#define P1_NY 30
#define P1_ZSET 31
#define P1_XMIN 32
#define P1_XSTEP 33
#define P1_NX 34
#define P1_MGET 35
#define P1_REREAD 36
#define P1_HO 37
#define P1_PLCH 38
#define P1_NEWF 39
#define P1_REFON 40
#define P1_REFRESH 41
#define P1_DEBUG 42
#define P1_SAMPDISSHTHR 43
#define P1_SASD8THR 44
#define P1_TIMER 45 /* callback function: cb_timer */
#define P1_DECORATION 46
#define P1_TEXTMSG 47
#define P1_TEXTMSG_2 48
#define P1_TEXTMSG_3 49
#define P1_TEXTMSG_4 50
#define P1_TEXTMSG_5 51
/* Menu Bars, Menus, and Menu Items: */
/* (no menu bars in the resource file) */
/* Callback Prototypes: */
int CVICALLBACK cb_timer(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
#ifdef __cplusplus
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,84
/* LabWindows/CVI User Interface Resource (UIR) Include File */
/* Copyright (c) National Instruments 2014. All Rights Reserved. */
/* */
/* WARNING: Do not add to, delete from, or otherwise modify the contents */
/* of this include file. */
#include <userint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Panels and Controls: */
#define P1 1
#define P1_AMPDISSHTHR 2
#define P1_EXIT 3
#define P1_ADC 4
#define P1_TDC 5
#define P1_RESET 6
#define P1_CEVE 7
#define P1_NMIN 8
#define P1_NEVE 9
#define P1_FRAC 10
#define P1_TDCMIN 11
#define P1_PEDESTAL 12
#define P1_ADCHLSAVE 13
#define P1_ADCHL 14
#define P1_ADCLOG 15
#define P1_TDCLOG 16
#define P1_TDCHL 17
#define P1_DAQ 18
#define P1_SUPR 19
#define P1_DSAVE 20
#define P1_DFILE 21
#define P1_IY 22
#define P1_Z 23
#define P1_Y 24
#define P1_YMIN 25
#define P1_IX 26
#define P1_YSTEP 27
#define P1_X 28
#define P1_NY 29
#define P1_ZSET 30
#define P1_XMIN 31
#define P1_XSTEP 32
#define P1_NX 33
#define P1_MGET 34
#define P1_REREAD 35
#define P1_HO 36
#define P1_PLCH 37
#define P1_NEWF 38
#define P1_REFON 39
#define P1_REFRESH 40
#define P1_DEBUG 41
#define P1_SAMPDISSHTHR 42
#define P1_STHRLOW 43
#define P1_STHRUP 44
#define P1_STEP 45
#define P1_TIMER 46 /* callback function: cb_timer */
#define P1_DECORATION 47
#define P1_TEXTMSG 48
#define P1_TEXTMSG_2 49
#define P1_TEXTMSG_3 50
#define P1_TEXTMSG_4 51
#define P1_TEXTMSG_5 52
#define P1_TEXTMSG_6 53
/* Menu Bars, Menus, and Menu Items: */
/* (no menu bars in the resource file) */
/* Callback Prototypes: */
int CVICALLBACK cb_timer(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
#ifdef __cplusplus
0,0 → 1,38
#ifndef __RTUtil__
#define __RTUtil__
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TPad.h"
#include "TPaveLabel.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TDatime.h"
// nastavi nastavitve izrisa, klicem z RTSetStyle(gStyle)
void RTSetStyle(TStyle *style);
// poenostavi delo s TCanvas
class RTCanvas
TCanvas *can;
TPad *pad;
TPaveLabel *title, *date;
RTCanvas(char *w_title, char *c_title, int x_min, int y_min, int x_size, int y_size);
void Divide(int nx, int ny);
void Divide(int np);
TPad* cd(int i);
void SaveAs(const char *filename);
void Update();
#include "RTUtil.cpp"
0,0 → 1,14
#define BCNAF(B,C,N,A,F) 0x800000+(B)*0x80000+(C)*0x10000+(N)*0x800+(A)*0x80+(F)*0x4
#define NAF(N,A,F) 0x810002+(N)*0x800+(A)*0x80+(F)*0x4
#define BRF(F) 0x80E802+(F)*0x4
#define CSSA_R(N,A,F,DATA) VME_A24D16_R((NAF((N),(A),(F))),(DATA))
#define CSSA_W(N,A,F,DATA) VME_A24D16_W((NAF((N),(A),(F))),(DATA))
#define CSR(DATA) VME_A24D16_R((BRF(0)),(DATA))
#define BZ(DATA) VME_A24D16_W((BRF(9)),(DATA))
#define CCCZ(DATA) CSSA_R(28,8,26,(DATA))
#define CCCC(DATA) CSSA_R(28,9,26,(DATA))
#define CSET_I(DATA) CSSA_R(30,9,26,(DATA))
#define CREM_I(DATA) CSSA_R(30,9,24,(DATA))
0,0 → 1,72
# ch pad_center_x pad_center_y tdc_offset # sipm2, tdc modified 20/3/14 pos added 20/2/14
0 75600 5040 142.5
1 55440 5040 142.1
2 75600 15120 142.1
3 55440 15120 141.6
4 45360 25200 142.2
5 65520 25200 141.9
6 45360 35280 143
7 65520 35280 141.3
8 75600 45360 141
9 55440 45360 140
10 75600 55440 140
11 55440 55440 140
12 45360 65520 140
13 65520 65520 140
14 45360 75600 140
15 65520 75600 140
16 65520 5040 142.7
17 45360 5040 142
18 65520 15120 142
19 45360 15120 142.1
20 55440 25200 142.1
21 75600 25200 141
22 55440 35280 142
23 75600 35280 142
24 65520 45360 142
25 45360 45360 141.5
26 65520 55440 141.8
27 45360 55440 141.9
28 55440 65520 141.3
29 75600 65520 141
30 55440 75600 141.7
31 75600 75600 145
32 5040 5040 141
33 25200 5040 141
34 5040 15120 141
35 25200 15120 141
36 35280 25200 141
37 15120 25200 141
38 35280 35280 141
39 15120 35280 140.1
40 5040 45360 142.8
41 25200 45360 142.7
42 5040 55440 143.7
43 25200 55440 142.7
44 35280 65520 142.7
45 15120 65520 142.4
46 35280 75600 142.1
47 15120 75600 141.9
48 15120 5040 143
49 35280 5040 140.9
50 15120 15120 142
51 35280 15120 141.5
52 25200 25200 140
53 5040 25200 141.3
54 25200 35280 142
55 5040 35280 141
56 15120 45360 140
57 35280 45360 140
58 15120 55440 140
59 35280 55440 140
60 25200 65520 140
61 5040 65520 140
62 25200 75600 140
63 5040 75600 140
0,0 → 1,267
[Project Header]
Version = 551
Platform Code = 4
Pathname = "/c/HOME/dino/l2d/sipmScan.prj"
CVI Dir = "/c/measurementstudio/cvi"
VXIplug&play Framework Dir = "/C/VXIpnp/winnt"
Number of Files = 8
Sort Type = "No Sort"
Target Type = "Executable"
Build Configuration = "Debug"
Warn User If Debugging Release = 1
Flags = 17
Drag Bar Left = 354
Window Top = 474
Window Left = 602
Window Bottom = 978
Window Right = 1346
[File 0001]
File Type = "Include"
Path = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/WIENVME_DLL/wienvme_dll.h"
Res Id = 1
Exclude = False
Disk Date = 3263048972
Project Flags = 0
Window Top = 0
Window Left = 0
Window Height = 0
Window Width = 0
Source Window State = "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"
[File 0002]
File Type = "Function Panel"
Path = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/MIKRO/MIKRO.fp"
Res Id = 2
Exclude = False
Disk Date = 3228636098
Project Flags = 0
Window Top = 0
Window Left = 0
Window Height = 0
Window Width = 0
[File 0003]
File Type = "Include"
Path = "/c/HOME/dino/l2d/include/sipmScan_ui.h"
Res Id = 3
Exclude = False
Disk Date = 3474463671
Project Flags = 0
Window Top = 122
Window Left = 54
Window Height = 0
Window Width = 0
Source Window State = "1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,120,0,0,0,0,0,49,0,0,0,0,"
[File 0004]
File Type = "CSource"
Path = "/c/HOME/dino/l2d/src/sipmScan.c"
Res Id = 4
Exclude = False
Disk Date = 3478946031
Project Flags = 0
Compile Into Object File = False
Object Format = "Win32-MSVC"
ForceCompile_Debug = False
ForceCompile_Release = True
Window Top = 92
Window Left = 38
Window Height = 0
Window Width = 0
Source Window State = "1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,125,0,0,0,0,0,52,0,0,32,16,"
Header Dependencies Line0001 = "1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,27,29,30,31,32,3"
Header Dependencies Line0002 = "3,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,55,56,58,59,"
[File 0005]
File Type = "User Interface Resource"
Path = "/c/HOME/dino/l2d/include/sipmScan_ui.uir"
Res Id = 5
Exclude = False
Disk Date = 3478365379
Project Flags = 0
Window Top = 152
Window Left = 70
Window Height = 823
Window Width = 1248
[File 0006]
File Type = "Function Panel"
Path = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/CAENV673A/CAENV673A.fp"
Res Id = 6
Exclude = False
Disk Date = 3244091108
Project Flags = 0
Window Top = 0
Window Left = 0
Window Height = 0
Window Width = 0
[File 0007]
File Type = "Function Panel"
Path = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/WIENVME_DLL/wienvme_dll.fp"
Res Id = 7
Exclude = False
Disk Date = 3258260654
Project Flags = 0
Window Top = 0
Window Left = 0
Window Height = 0
Window Width = 0
[File 0008]
File Type = "Function Panel"
Path = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/CAENV462/CAENV462.fp"
Res Id = 8
Exclude = False
Disk Date = 3243838534
Project Flags = 0
Window Top = 0
Window Left = 0
Window Height = 0
Window Width = 0
[SCC Options]
Use global settings = True
SCC Provider = ""
SCC Project = ""
Local Path = ""
Auxiliary Path = ""
Perform Same Action For .h File As For .uir File = "Ask"
Comment = ""
Username = ""
Use Default Comment = False
Use Default Username = False
Do Not Include PRJ File in Actions = True
Suppress CVI Error Messages = False
[Compiler Options]
Default Calling Convention = "cdecl"
Max Number Of Errors = 10
Require Prototypes = True
Require Return Values = True
Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = False
Enable Unreachable Code Warning = False
Track Include File Dependencies = True
Prompt For Missing Includes = True
Stop On First Error File = False
Bring Up Err Win For Warnings = True
Show Build Dialog = False
O Option Compatible With 5.0 = False
[Run Options]
Stack Size = 500000
Debugging Level = "Standard"
Save Changes Before Running = "Ask"
Break On Library Errors = True
Break On First Chance Exceptions = False
Hide Windows = False
Break At First Statement = False
[Compiler Defines]
Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN /DWIENVME"
[Command Line Args]
Command Line Args = ""
[Include Paths]
Include Path 1 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/PCIVME_DLL"
Include Path 2 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/WIENVME_DLL"
Include Path 3 = "/c/HOME/dino/l2d/include"
[Included Headers]
Header 0029 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/WIENVME_DLL/wienvme_dll.h"
Header 0001 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/utility.h"
Header 0002 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/cvidef.h"
Header 0003 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/cvirte.h"
Header 0005 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi_c.h"
Header 0006 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/assert.h"
Header 0007 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/ctype.h"
Header 0008 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/errno.h"
Header 0009 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/float.h"
Header 0010 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/limits.h"
Header 0011 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/locale.h"
Header 0012 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/math.h"
Header 0013 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/setjmp.h"
Header 0014 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/signal.h"
Header 0015 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/stdarg.h"
Header 0016 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/stddef.h"
Header 0017 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/stdio.h"
Header 0018 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/stdlib.h"
Header 0019 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/string.h"
Header 0020 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/time.h"
Header 0021 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/MIKRO/MIKRO.h"
Header 0022 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ivi.h"
Header 0023 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/visa.h"
Header 0024 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/visatype.h"
Header 0025 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/vpptype.h"
Header 0027 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/CAENV673A/CAENV673A.h"
Header 0030 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/windows.h"
Header 0031 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/windef.h"
Header 0032 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winnt.h"
Header 0033 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/basetsd.h"
Header 0034 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/Guiddef.h"
Header 0035 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/pshpack4.h"
Header 0036 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/poppack.h"
Header 0037 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/pshpack2.h"
Header 0038 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/pshpack8.h"
Header 0039 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winbase.h"
Header 0040 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winerror.h"
Header 0041 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/wingdi.h"
Header 0042 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/pshpack1.h"
Header 0043 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winuser.h"
Header 0044 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/tvout.h"
Header 0045 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winnls.h"
Header 0046 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/wincon.h"
Header 0047 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winver.h"
Header 0048 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winreg.h"
Header 0049 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winnetwk.h"
Header 0050 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winsvc.h"
Header 0051 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/mcx.h"
Header 0052 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/imm.h"
Header 0053 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/CAENV462/CAENV462.h"
Header 0055 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/userint.h"
Header 0056 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/analysis.h"
Header 0057 = "/c/HOME/dino/l2d/camac.h"
Header 0004 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/formatio.h"
Header 0026 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/rs232.h"
Header 0028 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/CAENV673A/CAENV673A_DEF.h"
Header 0054 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/CAENV462/CAENV462_DEF.h"
Header 0059 = "/c/HOME/dino/l2d/include/sipmScan_ui.h"
Header 0058 = "/c/HOME/dino/l2d/include/camac.h"
Max Header Number = 59
[Create Executable]
Executable File_Debug = "/c/HOME/dino/l2d/sipmScan_dbg.exe"
Target Creation Date_Debug = 3478946033
Force Creation of Target_Debug = False
Executable File_Release = "/c/HOME/dino/l2d/l2d.exe"
Target Creation Date_Release = 0
Force Creation of Target_Release = True
Icon File = ""
Application Title = ""
DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
DLL Import Library Choice = "Gen Lib For Current Mode"
Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True
Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy"
Add Type Lib To DLL = False
Include Type Lib Help Links = False
Type Lib FP File = ""
Type Lib Guid = ""
Uses DataSocket = 0
Uses NIReports = 0
Uses DCom95 = 0
Instrument Driver Support Only = False
[External Compiler Support]
UIR Callbacks File Option = 0
Using LoadExternalModule = False
Create Project Symbols File = True
UIR Callbacks Obj File = ""
Project Symbols H File = ""
Project Symbols Obj File = ""
[DLL Debugging Support]
External Process Path = ""