Subversion Repositories f9daq

Compare Revisions

No changes between revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 1 → Rev 2

0,0 → 1,4
0 6000
1 5264.29
2 5394.42
3 5261.11
0,0 → 1,17
15 0 0
14 0 1
13 1 0
12 1 1
11 0 3
10 0 2
9 1 3
8 1 2
7 2 3
6 2 2
5 3 3
4 3 2
3 2 0
2 2 1
1 3 0
0 3 1
0,0 → 1,4
0 5413.22
1 5264.29
2 5394.42
3 5261.11
0,0 → 1,5
#module ID (connector) r(mm) angle(deg)
0 61 0
1 61 22.5
2 61 180
3 61 202.5
0,0 → 1,64
0 570
1 570
2 570
3 570
4 570
5 570
6 570
7 570
8 570
9 570
10 570
11 570
12 570
13 570
14 570
15 570
16 331.704
17 333.163
18 302.789
19 319.067
20 325.209
21 348.417
22 337.329
23 326.671
24 351.699
25 348.799
26 308.549
27 286.519
28 332.446
29 324.031
30 351.92
31 342.048
32 359.25
33 325.419
34 334.892
35 322.25
36 293.95
37 354.971
38 304.267
39 370.495
40 374.192
41 347.656
42 340.723
43 311.266
44 301.842
45 320.301
46 387.6
47 318.137
48 321.878
49 348.859
50 342.913
51 332.14
52 346.995
53 350.787
54 337.321
55 329.6
56 346.56
57 303.365
58 298.587
59 302.891
60 306.159
61 293.716
62 324.878
63 341.973
0,0 → 1,64
0 339.764
1 356.526
2 328.481
3 283.352
4 307.915
5 365.996
6 316.9
7 316.175
8 348.054
9 338.349
10 385.901
11 342.318
12 353.552
13 348.903
14 340.133
15 335.819
16 337.356
17 334.646
18 322.328
19 320.371
20 304.205
21 347.213
22 336.6
23 325.069
24 351.203
25 347.073
26 307.865
27 285.498
28 332.387
29 325.668
30 352.567
31 343.887
32 360.176
33 328.103
34 337.231
35 324.995
36 294.699
37 354.216
38 304.069
39 369.572
40 375.065
41 347.03
42 341.669
43 311.298
44 338.887
45 322.734
46 388.779
47 320.116
48 323.118
49 350.691
50 344.091
51 334.575
52 349.252
53 351.313
54 338.096
55 330.029
56 348.157
57 304.036
58 300.07
59 304.476
60 307.644
61 296.693
62 327.384
63 345.163
0,0 → 1,64
0 3196.160841
1 1711.854801
2 1635.564402
3 1597.419203
4 1711.854801
5 1584.704136
6 1355.832941
7 1432.123339
8 1533.843871
9 1648.279469
10 1597.419203
11 1521.128804
12 1470.268539
13 1686.424668
14 1622.849336
15 1660.994535
16 2522.262320
17 2220.457458
18 2423.898521
19 2334.893056
20 2551.049185
21 2449.328654
22 2703.629982
23 2614.624517
24 2487.473853
25 2347.608122
26 2156.882126
27 2233.172524
28 2589.194384
29 2233.172524
30 1864.435598
31 1915.295864
32 2852.854047
33 1915.295864
34 1915.295864
35 2156.882126
36 1991.586262
37 1966.156129
38 1915.295864
39 1902.580797
40 1940.725996
41 1877.150664
42 1940.725996
43 1877.150664
44 1928.010930
45 1940.725996
46 1991.586262
47 1928.010930
48 2852.854047
49 2080.591727
50 1813.575332
51 1978.871196
52 2245.887591
53 2080.591727
54 1813.575332
55 1940.725996
56 1902.580797
57 1889.865731
58 1673.709601
59 1699.139734
60 1813.575332
61 1877.150664
62 1508.413738
63 1686.424668
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0,0 → 1,64
0 339.13
1 354.26
2 327.546
3 282.69
4 312.863
5 365.795
6 317.055
7 316.198
8 348.804
9 337.947
10 385.535
11 341.414
12 351.877
13 346.92
14 339.204
15 334.106
16 331.704
17 333.163
18 302.789
19 319.067
20 325.209
21 348.417
22 337.329
23 326.671
24 351.699
25 348.799
26 308.549
27 286.519
28 332.446
29 324.031
30 351.92
31 342.048
32 359.25
33 325.419
34 334.892
35 322.25
36 293.95
37 354.971
38 304.267
39 370.495
40 374.192
41 347.656
42 340.723
43 311.266
44 301.842
45 320.301
46 387.6
47 318.137
48 321.878
49 348.859
50 342.913
51 332.14
52 346.995
53 350.787
54 337.321
55 329.6
56 346.56
57 303.365
58 298.587
59 302.891
60 306.159
61 293.716
62 324.878
63 341.973
0,0 → 1,84
0 1700
1 1900
2 1680
3 1700
4 1870
5 1680
6 1430
7 1460
8 1680
9 1700
10 1713
11 1650
12 1630
13 1830
14 1750
15 1740
16 2440
17 2320
18 2640
19 2500
20 2790
21 2600
22 2900
23 2820
24 2660
25 2470
26 2310
27 2330
28 2817
29 2860
30 2140
31 2140
32 2120
33 2410
34 1990
35 2480
36 2200
37 2100
38 2040
39 2060
40 2090
41 1970
42 2032
43 1970
44 2054
45 2120
46 2076
47 1920
48 2206
49 2420
50 1930
51 2290
52 2400
53 2425
54 1950
55 2400
56 2076
57 2010
58 1792
59 1830
60 2000
61 2032
62 1640
63 1614
0,0 → 1,17
0 0 0
1 0 1
2 1 0
3 1 1
4 0 3
5 0 2
6 1 3
7 1 2
8 2 3
9 2 2
10 3 3
11 3 2
12 2 0
13 2 1
14 3 0
15 3 1
0,0 → 1,56
ROOTINC=$(shell root-config --incdir )
ROOTLIB=$(shell root-config --libs )
ROOTGLIBS=$(shell root-config --libs --glibs )
LIBS=$(ROOTLIB) -L./ -lm
XMLCFLAGS =$(shell xml2-config --cflags )
XMLLIBS =$(shell xml2-config --libs )
SRC = .
INC1 = -I. -I../lib -I/usr/include
CFLAGS = $(DBG) $(INC1) -Wall -g
TARGET = petreco
FILES = $(SRC)/readdata.C $(SRC)/PETProjDataMgr.C
LIBFILE = libfmfpetreco.a
OBJ_FILES = $(SRC)/readdata.o
$(CXX) $(INC) -DMAIN $(FILES) $(CFLAGS) -o $(TARGET) $(LIBS) -lstdc++
$(CXX) $(INC) -c $<
ar r $(LIBFILE) $@
$(CXX) -c $<
ar r $(LIBFILE) $@
xpath2: $(SRC)/xpath2.c
$(CXX) -o xpath2 `xml2-config --cflags` $(SRC)/xpath2.c `xml2-config --libs`
tar czvf fmfpet.tgz Makefile README $(SRC)/*.C $(SRC)/*.h $(SRC)/*.c $(SRC)/*.cxx $(SRC)/*.sh *.xml *.dat *.map *.root