Subversion Repositories f9daq

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Ignore whitespace Rev 171 → Rev 172

84,6 → 84,8
SetToolTipText("Move the movement table to its predetermined initial position (home).");
SetToolTipText("Reset, initialize and home all controllers for the movement table. Only use,\nif there is a problem with moving the table. If further problems\noccur, check under \"Movement table\" in the \"Help\" file.");
SetToolTipText("Emergency stop of all three linear motors. Use if you know the motor is about to hit something.");
SetToolTipText("Incidence angle of the laser onto the sample (in units set by \"Rotation units\" in the\n\"Settings pane\"). 0 degrees corresponds to perpendicular laser light onto the surface.");
101,6 → 103,8
SetToolTipText("Move the rotation sample holder to angle 0 deg.");
SetToolTipText("Reposition to 0 deg, reset and initialize controller for the rotation sample holder.\nOnly use, if there is a problem with moving the table. If further problems\noccur, check under \"Movement table\" in the \"Help\" file.");
SetToolTipText("Emergency stop of the rotation samble holder. Use if you know the motor is about to hit something.");
SetToolTipText("Number of events to obtain before stopping data acquisition.");
113,6 → 117,8
SetToolTipText("Start a new measurement. Stopping a measurement before finishing is\nonly possible for single measurements (not for scans).");
/* measProgress->widgetTE->
SetToolTipText("Estimated time for the current measurement to end.\nIf the system has a heavy load, the time will be higher.");*/
// Analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Histogram file selection pane
252,3 → 258,39
SetToolTipText("Open the currently visible plot in the \"Histogram\"\nwindow in a new tab to enable further editing.");
// posUnitsPlot->widgetTB[0]->SetToolTipText("Open the currently visible plot in the \"Histogram\"\nwindow in a new tab to enable further editing.");
void TGAppMainFrame::ToolTipSetSurfaceScan()
SetToolTipText("Position value to cut on left side of the surface scan.");
SetToolTipText("Position value to cut on right side of the surface scan.");
SetToolTipText("Position value to cut on the bottom of the surface scan.");
SetToolTipText("Position value to cut on the top of the surface scan.");
SetToolTipText("Set the step size of X axis to be used for integration.");
SetToolTipText("Set the step size of Y axis to be used for integration.");
SetToolTipText("Update the surface scan to the current cut settings.");
SetToolTipText("Start integration of the surface scan using the interpolation step size.");
void TGAppMainFrame::ToolTipSetRelativePDE()
SetToolTipText("The offset for the running average estimation.");
SetToolTipText("Set how many points to use for running average. If set to 0, running average will not be plotted.");
void TGAppMainFrame::ToolTipSetTempAnalysis()
SetToolTipText("Export the above plot and decide where to save it.");
SetToolTipText("Close the temporary analysis tab.");