Subversion Repositories f9daq

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 261 → Rev 262

83,12 → 83,11
Res Id = 5
Path Is Rel = True
Path Rel To = "Project"
Path Rel Path = "plottdc.cxx"
Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/plottdc.cxx"
Path Rel Path = "H1Dload.cxx"
Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/H1Dload.cxx"
Exclude = False
Project Flags = 0
Folder = "Instrument Files"
Folder Id = 3
Folder = "Not In A Folder"
[Custom Build Configs]
Num Custom Build Configs = 0
231,6 → 230,32
Using LoadExternalModule = False
DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
Register ActiveX Server = False
Numeric File Version = "1,0,0,0"
Numeric Prod Version = "1,0,0,0"
Comments = ""
Comments Ex = ""
Company Name = ""
Company Name Ex = "%company"
File Description = "soccli (Release x86)"
File Description Ex = "%application (%rel_dbg %arch)"
File Version = "1.0"
File Version Ex = "%f1.%f2"
Internal Name = "soccli"
Internal Name Ex = "%basename"
Legal Copyright = "Copyright © 2017"
Legal Copyright Ex = "Copyright © %company %Y"
Legal Trademarks = ""
Legal Trademarks Ex = ""
Original Filename = "soccli.exe"
Original Filename Ex = "%filename"
Private Build = ""
Private Build Ex = ""
Product Name = " soccli"
Product Name Ex = "%company %application"
Product Version = "1.0"
Product Version Ex = "%p1.%p2"
Special Build = ""
Special Build Ex = ""
Add Type Lib To DLL = False
Include Type Lib Help Links = False
TLB Help Style = "HLP"
398,6 → 423,32
Icon File Is Rel = False
Icon File = ""
Application Title = ""
Numeric File Version = "1,0,0,0"
Numeric Prod Version = "1,0,0,0"
Comments = ""
Comments Ex = ""
Company Name = ""
Company Name Ex = "%company"
File Description = "soccli (Release x86)"
File Description Ex = "%application (%rel_dbg %arch)"
File Version = "1.0"
File Version Ex = "%f1.%f2"
Internal Name = "soccli"
Internal Name Ex = "%basename"
Legal Copyright = "Copyright © 2017"
Legal Copyright Ex = "Copyright © %company %Y"
Legal Trademarks = ""
Legal Trademarks Ex = ""
Original Filename = "soccli.exe"
Original Filename Ex = "%filename"
Private Build = ""
Private Build Ex = ""
Product Name = " soccli"
Product Name Ex = "%company %application"
Product Version = "1.0"
Product Version Ex = "%p1.%p2"
Special Build = ""
Special Build Ex = ""
DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
Use IVI Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False