Subversion Repositories f9daq

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Ignore whitespace Rev 257 → Rev 258

File deleted
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: RedPitaya/RedPitaya.h
--- RedPitaya/RedPitaya.h (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/RedPitaya.h (nonexistent)
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// Title: RedPitaya.h
-// Purpose: A short description of the interface.
-// Created on: 27. 01. 2017 at 13:29:33 by korpar.
-// Copyright: . All Rights Reserved.
-#ifndef __RedPitaya_H__
-#define __RedPitaya_H__
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
-// Include files
-#include "cvidef.h"
-// Constants
-// Types
-// External variables
-// Global functions
-int Declare_Your_Functions_Here (int x);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- }
-#endif /* ndef __RedPitaya_H__ */
Index: RedPitaya/plottdc.cxx
--- RedPitaya/plottdc.cxx (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/plottdc.cxx (nonexistent)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-void plottdc(char *filename) {
- FILE *fp =fopen(filename,"r");
- if (fp) {
- unsigned int hdr[10];
- int nb = fread(hdr,sizeof(unsigned int), 5, fp);
- int size = hdr[1]/sizeof(int);
- printf("FILE %s opened\nheader read nb=%d\ndata size %d\n", filename, nb ,size);
- //int *data = new unsigned int[size];
- float *data = new float[size];
- nb = fread(data, sizeof(float), size, fp);
- printf("FILE data elements %d\n", nb);
- fclose(fp);
- TFile *f = new TFile(TString(filename)+".root","RECREATE");
- TH1F *h = new TH1F("h","TDC;tdc(bin);N",size, -0.5, size-0.5);
- for (int i=0; i< size; i++ ) h->SetBinContent(i+1,data[i]);
- h->DrawCopy();
- f->Write();
- f->Close();
- }
Index: RedPitaya/RedPitaya.prj
--- RedPitaya/RedPitaya.prj (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/RedPitaya.prj (nonexistent)
@@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
-[Project Header]
-Version = 1302
-Pathname = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.prj"
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-CVI Shared Dir = "/C/Program Files (x86)/National Instruments/Shared/CVI"
-CVI Pub Local Dir = "/C/ProgramData/National Instruments/CVI2013"
-CVI Pub Global Dir = "/C/ProgramData/National Instruments/CVI"
-IVI Standard Root Dir = "/C/Program Files (x86)/IVI Foundation/IVI"
-VXIplug&play Framework Dir = "/C/Program Files (x86)/IVI Foundation/VISA/winnt"
-IVI Standard Root 64-bit Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/IVI"
-VXIplug&play Framework 64-bit Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/VISA/win64"
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-[File 0001]
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-Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya_ui.uir"
-Exclude = False
-Project Flags = 0
-Folder = "User Interface Files"
-Folder Id = 0
-[File 0002]
-File Type = "Include"
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-Path Rel To = "Project"
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-Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya_ui.h"
-Exclude = False
-Project Flags = 0
-Folder = "Include Files"
-Folder Id = 1
-[File 0003]
-File Type = "Unknown"
-Res Id = 3
-Path Is Rel = True
-Path Rel To = "Project"
-Path Rel Path = "plottdc.cxx"
-Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/plottdc.cxx"
-Exclude = False
-Project Flags = 0
-Folder = "Source Files"
-Folder Id = 2
-[File 0004]
-File Type = "CSource"
-Res Id = 4
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-Path Rel To = "Project"
-Path Rel Path = "RedPitaya.c"
-Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.c"
-Exclude = False
-Compile Into Object File = False
-Project Flags = 0
-Folder = "Source Files"
-Folder Id = 2
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-Show Warning IDs in Build Output = False
-Selected Warning Level = "Common"
-Warning List None = ""
-Warning List Common = ""
-Warning List Extended = ""
-Warning List All = ""
-Warning Mode = 0
-Enable Unreferenced Identifiers Warning = True
-Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = True
-Enable Unreachable Code Warning = True
-Enable Assignment In Conditional Warning = True
-Uninitialized Locals Compile Warning = "Aggressive"
-Require Return Values = True
-Enable C99 Extensions = True
-Enable OpenMP Extensions = False
-Stack Size = 250000
-Stack Reserve = 1048576
-Stack Commit = 4096
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-Image Base Address x64 = 4194304
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-Sign Certificate = ""
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-Sign URL = ""
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-Icon File = ""
-Application Title = ""
-Use IVI Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
-Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
-Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True
-Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy"
-Custom Directory to Copy DLL Is Rel = False
-Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
-Generate Source Documentation = "None"
-Runtime Support = "Full Runtime Support"
-Runtime Binding = "Shared"
-Embed Project .UIRs = False
-Generate Map File = False
-Embed Timestamp = True
-Create Console Application = False
-Using LoadExternalModule = False
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-Register ActiveX Server = False
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-Numeric Prod Version = "1,0,0,0"
-Comments = ""
-Comments Ex = ""
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-Company Name Ex = "%company"
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-File Description Ex = "%application (%rel_dbg %arch)"
-File Version = "1.0"
-File Version Ex = "%f1.%f2"
-Internal Name = "RedPitaya"
-Internal Name Ex = "%basename"
-Legal Copyright = "Copyright © 2017"
-Legal Copyright Ex = "Copyright © %company %Y"
-Legal Trademarks = ""
-Legal Trademarks Ex = ""
-Original Filename = "RedPitaya.exe"
-Original Filename Ex = "%filename"
-Private Build = ""
-Private Build Ex = ""
-Product Name = " RedPitaya"
-Product Name Ex = "%company %application"
-Product Version = "1.0"
-Product Version Ex = "%p1.%p2"
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-Type Lib FP File = ""
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-Optimization Level = "Optimize for speed (level 2)"
-Require Prototypes = True
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-Selected Warning Level = "Common"
-Warning List None = ""
-Warning List Common = ""
-Warning List Extended = ""
-Warning List All = ""
-Warning Mode = 0
-Enable Unreferenced Identifiers Warning = True
-Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = True
-Enable Unreachable Code Warning = True
-Enable Assignment In Conditional Warning = True
-Uninitialized Locals Compile Warning = "Aggressive"
-Require Return Values = True
-Enable C99 Extensions = True
-Enable OpenMP Extensions = False
-Stack Size = 250000
-Stack Reserve = 1048576
-Stack Commit = 4096
-Image Base Address = 4194304
-Image Base Address x64 = 4194304
-Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN"
-Sign = False
-Sign Store = ""
-Sign Certificate = ""
-Sign Timestamp URL = ""
-Sign URL = ""
-Manifest Embed = False
-Icon File Is Rel = False
-Icon File = ""
-Application Title = ""
-Use IVI Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
-Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
-Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True
-Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy"
-Custom Directory to Copy DLL Is Rel = False
-Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
-Generate Source Documentation = "None"
-Runtime Support = "Full Runtime Support"
-Runtime Binding = "Shared"
-Embed Project .UIRs = False
-Generate Map File = False
-Embed Timestamp = True
-Create Console Application = False
-Using LoadExternalModule = False
-DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
-Register ActiveX Server = False
-Add Type Lib To DLL = False
-Include Type Lib Help Links = False
-TLB Help Style = "HLP"
-Type Lib FP File Is Rel = False
-Type Lib FP File = ""
-[Default Build Config Debug64]
-Config Name = "Debug64"
-Is 64-Bit = True
-Is Release = False
-Default Calling Convention = "cdecl"
-Optimization Level = "Optimize for speed (level 2)"
-Require Prototypes = True
-Show Warning IDs in Build Output = False
-Selected Warning Level = "Common"
-Warning List None = ""
-Warning List Common = ""
-Warning List Extended = ""
-Warning List All = ""
-Warning Mode = 0
-Enable Unreferenced Identifiers Warning = True
-Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = True
-Enable Unreachable Code Warning = True
-Enable Assignment In Conditional Warning = True
-Uninitialized Locals Compile Warning = "Aggressive"
-Require Return Values = True
-Enable C99 Extensions = True
-Enable OpenMP Extensions = False
-Stack Size = 250000
-Stack Reserve = 1048576
-Stack Commit = 4096
-Image Base Address = 4194304
-Image Base Address x64 = 4194304
-Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN"
-Sign = False
-Sign Store = ""
-Sign Certificate = ""
-Sign Timestamp URL = ""
-Sign URL = ""
-Manifest Embed = False
-Icon File Is Rel = False
-Icon File = ""
-Application Title = ""
-Use IVI Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
-Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
-Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True
-Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy"
-Custom Directory to Copy DLL Is Rel = False
-Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
-Generate Source Documentation = "None"
-Runtime Support = "Full Runtime Support"
-Runtime Binding = "Shared"
-Embed Project .UIRs = False
-Generate Map File = False
-Embed Timestamp = True
-Create Console Application = False
-Using LoadExternalModule = False
-DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
-Register ActiveX Server = False
-Add Type Lib To DLL = False
-Include Type Lib Help Links = False
-TLB Help Style = "HLP"
-Type Lib FP File Is Rel = False
-Type Lib FP File = ""
-[Default Build Config Release64]
-Config Name = "Release64"
-Is 64-Bit = True
-Is Release = True
-Default Calling Convention = "cdecl"
-Optimization Level = "Optimize for speed (level 2)"
-Require Prototypes = True
-Show Warning IDs in Build Output = False
-Selected Warning Level = "Common"
-Warning List None = ""
-Warning List Common = ""
-Warning List Extended = ""
-Warning List All = ""
-Warning Mode = 0
-Enable Unreferenced Identifiers Warning = True
-Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = True
-Enable Unreachable Code Warning = True
-Enable Assignment In Conditional Warning = True
-Uninitialized Locals Compile Warning = "Aggressive"
-Require Return Values = True
-Enable C99 Extensions = True
-Enable OpenMP Extensions = False
-Stack Size = 250000
-Stack Reserve = 1048576
-Stack Commit = 4096
-Image Base Address = 4194304
-Image Base Address x64 = 4194304
-Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN"
-Sign = False
-Sign Store = ""
-Sign Certificate = ""
-Sign Timestamp URL = ""
-Sign URL = ""
-Manifest Embed = False
-Icon File Is Rel = False
-Icon File = ""
-Application Title = ""
-Use IVI Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
-Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
-Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True
-Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy"
-Custom Directory to Copy DLL Is Rel = False
-Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
-Generate Source Documentation = "None"
-Runtime Support = "Full Runtime Support"
-Runtime Binding = "Shared"
-Embed Project .UIRs = False
-Generate Map File = False
-Embed Timestamp = True
-Create Console Application = False
-Using LoadExternalModule = False
-DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
-Register ActiveX Server = False
-Add Type Lib To DLL = False
-Include Type Lib Help Links = False
-TLB Help Style = "HLP"
-Type Lib FP File Is Rel = False
-Type Lib FP File = ""
-[Compiler Options]
-Default Calling Convention = "cdecl"
-Require Prototypes = True
-Require Return Values = False
-Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = False
-Enable Unreachable Code Warning = False
-Enable Unreferenced Identifiers Warning = False
-Enable Assignment In Conditional Warning = False
-O Option Compatible With 5.0 = False
-Enable C99 Extensions = True
-Uninitialized Locals Compile Warning = "Disabled"
-Precompile Prefix Header = False
-Prefix Header File = ""
-[Run Options]
-Stack Size = 250000
-Stack Commit = 4096
-Image Base Address = 4194304
-Image Base Address x64 = 4194304
-[Compiler Defines]
-Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN"
-[Create Executable]
-Executable File_Debug Is Rel = True
-Executable File_Debug Rel To = "Project"
-Executable File_Debug Rel Path = "RedPitaya.exe"
-Executable File_Debug = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.exe"
-Executable File_Release Is Rel = True
-Executable File_Release Rel To = "Project"
-Executable File_Release Rel Path = "RedPitaya.exe"
-Executable File_Release = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.exe"
-Executable File_Debug64 Is Rel = True
-Executable File_Debug64 Rel To = "Project"
-Executable File_Debug64 Rel Path = "RedPitaya.exe"
-Executable File_Debug64 = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.exe"
-Executable File_Release64 Is Rel = True
-Executable File_Release64 Rel To = "Project"
-Executable File_Release64 Rel Path = "RedPitaya.exe"
-Executable File_Release64 = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.exe"
-Icon File Is Rel = False
-Icon File = ""
-Application Title = ""
-DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
-Use IVI Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
-Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
-Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True
-Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy"
-Custom Directory to Copy DLL Is Rel = False
-Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
-Generate Source Documentation = "None"
-Add Type Lib To DLL = False
-Include Type Lib Help Links = False
-TLB Help Style = "HLP"
-Type Lib FP File Is Rel = False
-Type Lib FP File = ""
-Type Lib Guid = ""
-Runtime Support = "Full Runtime Support"
-Instrument Driver Support Only = False
-Embed Project .UIRs = False
-Generate Map File = False
-[External Compiler Support]
-UIR Callbacks File Option = 0
-Using LoadExternalModule = False
-Create Project Symbols File = True
-UIR Callbacks Obj File Is Rel = False
-UIR Callbacks Obj File = ""
-Project Symbols H File Is Rel = False
-Project Symbols H File = ""
-Project Symbols Obj File Is Rel = False
-Project Symbols Obj File = ""
-[ActiveX Server Options]
-Specification File Is Rel = False
-Specification File = ""
-Source File Is Rel = False
-Source File = ""
-Include File Is Rel = False
-Include File = ""
-IDL File Is Rel = False
-IDL File = ""
-Register ActiveX Server = False
-[Signing Info]
-Sign = False
-Sign Debug Build = False
-Store = ""
-Certificate = ""
-Timestamp URL = ""
-URL = ""
-[Manifest Info]
-Embed = False
-tpcEnabled = 0
-tpcOverrideEnvironment = 0
-tpcEnabled x64 = 0
-tpcOverrideEnvironment x64 = 0
Index: RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.c
--- RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.c (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.c (nonexistent)
@@ -1,619 +0,0 @@
-#include "redpitaya_gui.h"
-#include <ansi_c.h>
-#include <tcpsupp.h>
-#include <utility.h>
-#include <cvirte.h>
-#include <userint.h>
-#include "redpitaya_gui.h"
-#include "H1D.h"
-#define NBEFORE 150
-#define MAXSAMPLES 16384
-#define MINTRGDELAY -8192
-static int panelHandle;
-static unsigned int chandle = 0;
-//static int tfID;
-int pfreq;
-static int plothandle[2]= {0,0};
-static int tdcplothandle[2]= {0,0};
-static int adcplothandle[2]= {0,0};
-int debug ;
-int initialized = 0;
-#define MAX_THREADS 10
-int nsamples=0;
-int adctype;
-float athreshold, twin0,twin1;
-float timebins[0XFFFF];
-FILE *foutput;
-int outwaveforms=0;
-static CmtThreadPoolHandle poolHandle = 0;
-int ctrl_c=0;
-int CVICALLBACK SocketCB (unsigned handle, int xType, int errCode, void *callbackData);
-static int export_data (int hid) {
- char filename[0xFF],rootcmd[0xFF];
- char fname[0xFF];
- int type=0;
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_EXPORTNAME,fname);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_FILETYPE,&type);
- FILE *fp;
- switch (type) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- sprintf(filename,"%s_%d.root",fname, hid);
- fp =fopen(filename,"wb");
- if (fp) {
- H1D_Write2File(hid,fp);
- fclose(fp);
- if (type) {
- sprintf(rootcmd ,"thisroot.bat && root.exe H1Dload.cxx(\\\"%s\\\")", filename);
- LaunchExecutable(rootcmd);
- }
- printf("Histogram %d exported to %s\n", hid, filename);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- sprintf(filename,"%s_%d.txt",fname, hid);
- fp=fopen(filename,"w");
- if (fp) {
- for (int i=0; i<H1D_GetNbinsX(hid); i++) fprintf(fp,"%g\t%g\n", H1D_GetXBinCenter(hid,i), H1D_GetBinContent(hid,i) );
- fclose(fp);
- printf("Histogram %d exported to %s\n", hid, filename);
- }
- break;
- }
- return (0);
-int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
- if (InitCVIRTE (0, argv, 0) == 0)
- return -1; /* out of memory */
- if ((panelHandle = LoadPanel (0, "redpitaya_gui.uir", PANEL)) < 0)
- return -1;
- SetStdioPort (CVI_STDIO_WINDOW);
- SetSleepPolicy(VAL_SLEEP_MORE);
- CmtNewThreadPool (MAX_THREADS, &poolHandle);
- //for (int i=0;i<1000;i++) H1D_Fill(1,i,i);
- //H1D_Draw(1,panelHandle,PANEL_ADC1,&adcplothandle[0]);
- printf("size of double = %d\n",sizeof(double));
- DisplayPanel (panelHandle);
- RunUserInterface ();
- DiscardPanel (panelHandle);
- CmtDiscardThreadPool (poolHandle);
- if (chandle!=0) DisconnectFromTCPServer (chandle);
- return 0;
-char strbuf[0xFF];
-int gLog=0;
-int printf(const char *format, ...) {
- va_list aptr;
- int ret;
- FILE *flog;
- va_start(aptr, format);
- ret = vsprintf(strbuf, format, aptr);
- va_end(aptr);
- SetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_STDIO,strbuf);
- if (gLog) {
- flog = fopen ("stdio.log", "a");
- fprintf (flog, "%s", strbuf);
- fclose (flog);
- }
- return(ret);
-int CVICALLBACK SetGraphLogYCB (int panel, int control, int event,
- void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
- int cid=0;
- int logy=0;
- switch (event)
- {
- GetCtrlVal(panel,control, &logy);
- switch (control){
- case PANEL_LOGY_1: cid = PANEL_TDC1; break;
- case PANEL_LOGY_2: cid = PANEL_ADC1; break;
- case PANEL_LOGY_3: cid = PANEL_TDC2; break;
- case PANEL_LOGY_4: cid = PANEL_ADC2; break;
- }
- if (logy) SetCtrlAttribute (panel, cid, ATTR_YMAP_MODE, VAL_LOG);
- else SetCtrlAttribute (panel, cid, ATTR_YMAP_MODE, VAL_LINEAR);
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-int CVICALLBACK SetGraphPropertiesCB (int panel, int control, int event,
- void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
- float min, max;
- int autoscale;
- switch (event)
- {
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MINX_5, &min);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MAXX_5, &max);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_AUTOY, &autoscale);
- if (autoscale)
- SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_GRAPH, VAL_LEFT_YAXIS, VAL_AUTOSCALE, min, max);
- else
- SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_GRAPH, VAL_LEFT_YAXIS, VAL_MANUAL, min, max);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MINX_6, &min);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MAXX_6, &max);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_AUTOX, &autoscale);
- if (autoscale)
- SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_GRAPH, VAL_BOTTOM_XAXIS, VAL_AUTOSCALE, min, max);
- else
- SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_GRAPH, VAL_BOTTOM_XAXIS, VAL_MANUAL, min, max);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MINX_7, &min);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MAXX_7, &max);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_AUTOY_2, &autoscale);
- if (autoscale)
- SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_TDC1, VAL_LEFT_YAXIS, VAL_AUTOSCALE, min, max);
- else
- SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_TDC1, VAL_LEFT_YAXIS, VAL_MANUAL, min, max);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MINX_8, &min);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MAXX_8, &max);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_AUTOY_3, &autoscale);
- if (autoscale)
- SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_ADC1, VAL_LEFT_YAXIS, VAL_AUTOSCALE, min, max);
- else
- SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_ADC1, VAL_LEFT_YAXIS, VAL_MANUAL, min, max);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MINX_9, &min);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MAXX_9, &max);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_AUTOY_4, &autoscale);
- if (autoscale)
- SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_TDC2, VAL_LEFT_YAXIS, VAL_AUTOSCALE, min, max);
- else
- SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_TDC2, VAL_LEFT_YAXIS, VAL_MANUAL, min, max);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MINX_10, &min);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MAXX_10, &max);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_AUTOY_5, &autoscale);
- if (autoscale)
- SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_ADC2, VAL_LEFT_YAXIS, VAL_AUTOSCALE, min, max);
- else
- SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_ADC2, VAL_LEFT_YAXIS, VAL_MANUAL, min, max);
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-int histoinit() {
- int nch;
- float min,max;
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_NCH_1, &nch);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MINX_1, &min);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MAXX_1, &max);
- H1D_Init(1, "ADC ch 1","Pulse height", nch, min, max );
- H1D_SetTitleX(1,"ADC (V)");
- H1D_SetTitleY(1,"N");
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_NCH_2, &nch);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MINX_2, &min);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MAXX_2, &max);
- H1D_Init(2, "ADC ch 2","Pulse height", nch, min, max );
- H1D_SetTitleX(2,"ADC (V)");
- H1D_SetTitleY(2,"N");
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_NCH_3, &nch);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MINX_3, &min);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MAXX_3, &max);
- H1D_Init(3, "TDC ch 1","TDC", nch, min, max );
- H1D_SetTitleX(3,"TDC (us)");
- H1D_SetTitleY(3,"N");
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_NCH_4, &nch);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MINX_4, &min);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MAXX_4, &max);
- H1D_Init(4, "TDC ch 2","TDC", nch, min, max );
- H1D_SetTitleX(4,"TDC (us)");
- H1D_SetTitleY(4,"N");
- SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_ADC1, ATTR_XNAME, H1D_GetTitleX(1) );
- SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_ADC1, ATTR_YNAME, H1D_GetTitleY(1) );
- SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_ADC2, ATTR_XNAME, H1D_GetTitleX(2) );
- SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_ADC2, ATTR_YNAME, H1D_GetTitleY(2) );
- SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_TDC1, ATTR_XNAME, H1D_GetTitleX(3) );
- SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_TDC1, ATTR_YNAME, H1D_GetTitleY(3) );
- SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_TDC2, ATTR_XNAME, H1D_GetTitleX(4) );
- SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_TDC2, ATTR_YNAME, H1D_GetTitleY(4) );
- SetGraphLogYCB( panelHandle, PANEL_LOGY_1, EVENT_COMMIT,NULL,0,0);
- SetGraphLogYCB( panelHandle, PANEL_LOGY_2, EVENT_COMMIT,NULL,0,0);
- SetGraphLogYCB( panelHandle, PANEL_LOGY_3, EVENT_COMMIT,NULL,0,0);
- SetGraphLogYCB( panelHandle, PANEL_LOGY_4, EVENT_COMMIT,NULL,0,0);
- SetGraphPropertiesCB( panelHandle, PANEL, EVENT_COMMIT,NULL,0,0);
- SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_GRAPH, ATTR_LABEL_TEXT , "sampling adc data");
- SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_GRAPH, ATTR_XNAME, "t(us)" );
- SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_GRAPH, ATTR_YNAME, "U(V)" );
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_TWIN0, &twin0);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_TWIN1, &twin1);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_ADCTYPE, &adctype);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_ITRGLEVEL , &athreshold);
- return 0;
-int analyse(int nb, unsigned char *cdata, int *info, int *ninfo) {
- int *ibuf = (int *)cdata;
- float *fbuf = (float *)cdata;
- float *finfo = (float *)info;
- int neve=0;
- int *data = (ibuf+3);
- int nr=0;
- static float adc = 10000;
- static float qdc = 0;
- *ninfo = 0;
- printf("Run HDR LEN=%d NEVE=%d dt=%f adc=%f qdc=%f\n", ibuf[0],ibuf[1],fbuf[2],adc,qdc);
- while (nr<nb) {
- int recid = *data++;
- int chmask = *data++;
- nr +=8;
- if (recid!=0x2) continue;
- for (int id=0; id<2; id++) {
- if ( !(chmask & (1 << id)) ) {
- if (neve % pfreq == 0)
- if (plothandle[id]) {
- DeleteGraphPlot (panelHandle, PANEL_GRAPH, plothandle[id], VAL_IMMEDIATE_DRAW);
- plothandle[id] = 0;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if ( id != *(data++) ) printf("Error\n");
- int nsamples = *(data++);
- if (nsamples<=0 || nsamples>16*1024) {
- printf("Error nsamples %d\n", nsamples);
- return -1;
- }
- float *fdata = (float *) data;
- if ( nsamples>0 && neve % pfreq == 0) {
- const int col[4]= {VAL_RED,VAL_GREEN,VAL_BLUE,VAL_WHITE};
- if (plothandle[id]) DeleteGraphPlot (panelHandle, PANEL_GRAPH, plothandle[id], VAL_IMMEDIATE_DRAW);
- plothandle[id] = PlotXY (panelHandle, PANEL_GRAPH, timebins, fdata, nsamples, VAL_FLOAT, VAL_FLOAT, VAL_FAT_LINE, VAL_NO_POINT, VAL_SOLID, 1, col[id]);
- H1D_Draw(1,panelHandle,PANEL_ADC1,&adcplothandle[0]);
- H1D_Draw(2,panelHandle,PANEL_ADC2,&adcplothandle[1]);
- H1D_Draw(3,panelHandle,PANEL_TDC1,&tdcplothandle[0]);
- H1D_Draw(4,panelHandle,PANEL_TDC2,&tdcplothandle[1]);
- if (debug) for (int k=0; k<10; k++) printf("%d %d (%f , %d)\n", id,k, timebins[k],data[k]);
- }
- nr+=8;
- adc=10000;
- qdc=0;
- int nqdc=0;
- int ntdc=0;
- for (int k=1; k<nsamples; k++) {
- float t =timebins[k];
- float tp=timebins[k-1];
- if (fdata[k] < adc) adc = fdata[k];
- if (t>twin0 && t<twin1 ) {
- nqdc++;
- qdc+=fdata[k];
- }
- if (fdata[k]< athreshold && fdata[k-1]> athreshold) {
- double t0= tp+(athreshold-fdata[k-1])/(fdata[k]-fdata[k-1])* (t-tp);
- H1D_Fill(3+id, t0,1);
- finfo[*ninfo+4+ntdc]=t0;
- ntdc++;
- }
- }
- if (nqdc) qdc/=nqdc;
- //printf("adc %f qdc %f\n", adc,qdc);
- info[*ninfo]=(ntdc+4)*sizeof(int); // len
- info[*ninfo+1]=id | 0xF0000000; // recid
- finfo[*ninfo+2]=adc;
- finfo[*ninfo+3]=qdc;
- *ninfo+= ntdc+4;
- if (adctype)
- H1D_Fill(1+id, -adc,1);
- else
- H1D_Fill(1+id, -qdc,1);
- nr+=4*nsamples;
- data+=nsamples;
- }
- recid = *data++;
- int event = *data++;
- nr+=8;
- neve++;
- if (debug) printf("recid %d event %d\n",recid, event );
- }
- return neve;
-const int maxlen = 100000000;
-unsigned char data[maxlen];
-int *idata = (int *) &data[0];
-int evinfo[maxlen];
-int CVICALLBACK SocketCB (unsigned handle, int xType, int errCode, void *callbackData) {
- int nb = 0 ;
- static int event = 0;
- static int ncalls = 0;
- static time_t t0, t1;
- time(&t0);
- switch (xType) {
- printf("TCP_DISCONNECT ErrorString %s\n",GetTCPErrorString(errCode));
- printf("TCP_DISCONNECT SystemErrorString %s\n",GetTCPSystemErrorString());
- chandle = 0;
- break;
- int hdr[2]= {0,0};
- nb = ClientTCPRead(handle,&hdr[0],8,1000);
- int size = hdr[1] - 8;
- if (size>maxlen) size=maxlen;
- nb = 0;
- while (nb < size) {
- int retval = ClientTCPRead(handle,&data[nb],size-nb,1000);
- if (retval<1) break;
- nb += retval;
- }
- if (debug) printf("Received RECID %d HDRLEN %d == read %d\n", hdr[0], size, nb);
- int ninfo=0;
- switch (hdr[0]) {
- case 0:
- data[nb]=0;
- printf("%s\n",data);
- break;
- case 1:// read
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_CEVE , &event);
- GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_NTOTAL , &ncalls);
- event += analyse(nb,data, evinfo, &ninfo);
- if (foutput) {
- if (outwaveforms) fwrite(data, 1, nb, foutput);
- fwrite(evinfo, 1, ninfo*sizeof(int), foutput);
- time(&t1);
- if ((t1-t0)>10000) {
- for (int i=0;i<4;i++) H1D_Write2File(1+i,foutput);
- time(&t0);
- }
- }
- SetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_CEVE , event);
- if (event>=ncalls) StartCB (panelHandle, PANEL_START, EVENT_COMMIT, NULL,1,0);
- break;
- default:
- printf("Unknown command = %d\n", hdr[0]);
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-int rpdecimation(int i){
- switch (i){
- case 1: return 0;
- case 8: return 1;
- case 64: return 2;
- case 1024: return 3;
- case 8192: return 4;
- case 65536: return 5;
- }
- return 0;
-int CVICALLBACK StartCB (int panel, int control, int event,
- void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
- char ip[0xFF];
- int hdr[0xFF];
- char filename[0xFF];
- unsigned short *sbuff = (unsigned short *)&hdr[5] ;
- unsigned char *cbuff = (unsigned char *)&sbuff[3] ;
- int imask[2];
- unsigned char mask;
- unsigned char trigger;
- unsigned short nsamples;
- int delay;
- int nbefore;
- unsigned int decimation;
- unsigned short neve;
- int output;
- switch (event) {
- case EVENT_COMMIT: {
- GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_IP, ip);
- GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_TRIGGER, &trigger);
- GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_SAMPLES, &nsamples);
- GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_DECIMATION,&decimation);
- GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_NEVE , &neve);
- GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_CH0 , &imask[0] );
- GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_CH1 , &imask[1] );
- GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_PFREQ , &pfreq);
- GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_DEBUG , &debug);
- GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_NBEFORE , &nbefore);
- GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_ENABLEDOUTPUT, &output);
- GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_OUTWAVE, &outwaveforms);
- GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_FILENAME, filename);
- delay= MINTRGDELAY + nsamples - nbefore + 1;
- mask = 0;
- for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
- if (imask[i]) mask |= (1<<i);
- }
- double level =0;
- GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_TRGLEVEL , &level);
- switch (control) {
- int state;
- GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_CONNECT, &state);
- if (state) {
- ConnectToTCPServerEx (&chandle, 9930, ip, SocketCB, NULL, 0, TCP_ANY_LOCAL_PORT);
- } else {
- if (chandle!=0) DisconnectFromTCPServer (chandle);
- chandle = 0;
- }
- }
- break;
- case PANEL_START: {
- int state;
- GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_START, &state);
- if (state && eventData1==0) {
- histoinit();
- /* decimation n (=1,8,64...) : frequency = 125/n MHz*/
- for (int i=0; i<nsamples; i++) timebins[i]=(i-nbefore)* (float)decimation /125.;
- if (output) foutput = fopen(filename, "wb");
- printf("decimation %d\n", decimation);
- SetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_CEVE , 0);
- ctrl_c=0;
- hdr[0] = 0;
- hdr[1] = 7*sizeof(int);
- hdr[2] = delay;
- hdr[3] = rpdecimation(decimation);
- hdr[4] = level * 1000;
- sbuff[0] = neve;
- sbuff[1] = nsamples;
- sbuff[2] = 1000; //tout
- cbuff[0] = trigger;
- cbuff[1] = mask;
- ClientTCPWrite(chandle,&hdr[0],hdr[1],5000); // acquire
- } else {
- hdr[0] = 1;
- hdr[1] = 2*sizeof(int);
- ClientTCPWrite(chandle,&hdr[0],hdr[1],5000); // stop the transfer
- printf("INFO Stopping the acquisition\n");
- SetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_START, 0);
- if (foutput) fclose(foutput);
- foutput=NULL;
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- printf("Unknown command\n");
- break;
- }
- ProcessSystemEvents ();
- break;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-int CVICALLBACK ExitCB (int panel, int control, int event,
- void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
- switch (event) {
- QuitUserInterface(0);
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-int CVICALLBACK ExportCB (int panel, int control, int event,
- void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
- int hid=0;
- switch (event) {
- switch (control) {
- case PANEL_EXPORT_1:
- hid=1;
- break;
- case PANEL_EXPORT_2:
- hid=2;
- break;
- case PANEL_EXPORT_3:
- hid=3;
- break;
- case PANEL_EXPORT_4:
- hid=4;
- break;
- }
- export_data(hid);
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-int CVICALLBACK ResetCB (int panel, int control, int event,
- void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
- switch (event) {
- for (int i=1; i<=4; i++) H1D_Clear(i);
- break;
- }
- return 0;
Index: RedPitaya/soccli/H1Dload.cxx
--- RedPitaya/soccli/H1Dload.cxx (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/soccli/H1Dload.cxx (nonexistent)
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-#include <TH1D.h>
-#include <TStyle.h>
-#include <TPad.h>
-#include "mH1D.h"
-double H1DGetBinContent(H1D *h1d,int atx){
-if (!h1d) return 0;
-if (h1d->nx <= atx) return 0;
-if (atx < h1d->size ) return h1d->data[atx];
-return 0;
-int H1Dload(char *fname){
-FILE *fp= fopen(fname ,"rb");
-if (!fp) return -1;
-H1D *h = new H1D;
-int size=sizeof(H1D);
-int nb1 = fread(h,1, size,fp);
-if (size + h->size !=h->len ) printf("WRONG HEADER ! Check sizeof H2D on CVI\n");
-h->data = new double[size];
-int nb = fread(h->data,1, size,fp);
-printf("hdr nb=%d : sizeof(HDR)=%d +datasize=%d == len=%d\t",nb1,sizeof(H1D), h->size, h->len);
-printf("data nb=%d size=%d\n",nb,size);
-TH1D *h1d = new TH1D(h->name, h->title,
- h->nx, h->minx-0.5*h->stepx,h->minx+(h->nx-0.5)*h->stepx );
-printf("TH1D name='%s' title='%s' x='%s' y='%s'\nnx=%d min=%f max=%f \n",h->name, h->title,h->titlex, h->titley,
- h->nx, h->minx,h->minx+h->nx*h->stepx);
-for (int ix=0;ix<h->nx;ix++){
- double g=H1DGetBinContent(h,ix);
- h1d->SetBinContent(ix+1, g);
-// if (g>0) printf("i %d j %d v %g\n",ix+1,iy+1,g);
-char hname[100];
-return 0;
Index: RedPitaya/soccli/mH1D.h
--- RedPitaya/soccli/mH1D.h (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/soccli/mH1D.h (nonexistent)
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _H1D_H_
-#define _H1D_H_
-#ifdef _CVI_
-#include <cvidef.h>
-#include <ivi.h>
-#include <userint.h>
-#define _VI_FUNC /* */
-#include <stdio.h>
-/* 2d histogramming */
-#define H1D_ID 0x11
-#pragma pack(4)
-typedef struct {
- unsigned int id,len;
- unsigned int nx;
- int nentries;
- unsigned int size;
- double min;
- double max;
- double minx;
- double stepx;
- char name[20];
- char title[100];
- char titlex[40];
- char titley[40];
- double *data;
-} H1D;
-#pragma pack()
-double _VI_FUNC H1D_GetYBinCenter(int h2d,int ybin);
-double _VI_FUNC H1D_GetYBinCenter(int h2d,int xbin);
-int _VI_FUNC H1D_Clear(int h2d);
-int _VI_FUNC H1D_Print(int h2d);
-int _VI_FUNC H1D_Exist(int h2d);
-int _VI_FUNC H1D_GetBin(int h2d, double value);
-int _VI_FUNC H1D_Fill(int h2d,double x, double val);
-int _VI_FUNC H1D_FillBin(int h2d,int x, double val);
-int _VI_FUNC H1D_SetBinContent(int h2d,int x, double val);
-double _VI_FUNC H1D_GetBinContent(int h2d,int atx);
-int _VI_FUNC H1D_Init(int h2d,char *name, char *title,int nx, double minx, double maxx);
-int _VI_FUNC H1D_Write(int h2d,const char *fname,const char*opt);
-int _VI_FUNC H1D_Write2File(int h2d,FILE *fp);
-int _VI_FUNC H1D_SetTitle(int h2d,char *title);
-int _VI_FUNC H1D_SetTitleX(int h2d,char *title);
-int _VI_FUNC H1D_SetTitleY(int h2d,char *title);
-int _VI_FUNC H1D_SetName(int h2d,char *title);
-char * _VI_FUNC H1D_GetTitleX(int h1d);
-char * _VI_FUNC H1D_GetTitleY(int h1d);
-char * _VI_FUNC H1D_GetTitle(int h1d);
-int _VI_FUNC H1D_GetNbinsX(int h);
-double _VI_FUNC H1D_GetMinX(int h);
-double _VI_FUNC H1D_GetMaxX(int h);
-double _VI_FUNC H1D_GetStepX(int h);
-double _VI_FUNC H1D_GetMin(int h);
-double _VI_FUNC H1D_GetMax(int h);
-double * _VI_FUNC H1D_GetData(int h);
-int _VI_FUNC H1D_Draw(int histogram,int panel, int control, int *plothandle) ;
-#endif /* _H1D_H_ */
Index: RedPitaya/soccli/thisroot.bat
--- RedPitaya/soccli/thisroot.bat (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/soccli/thisroot.bat (nonexistent)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-set MPATH=%~dp0
-rem set MPATH=%CD%
-cd "\"
-FOR /D %%x in ("Program Files*") do (
- cd /D %%x
- if exist "Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Include" set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;%CD%%%x\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Include
- For /D %%G in ("Microsoft Visual Studio*") do set VC=%%x\%%G
- cd "\"
-echo call "%VC%\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86
-call "%VC%\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86
-cd "\"
-FOR /D %%G IN ("root*") DO SET ROOTSYS=c:\%%G
-echo Visual C Development environment
-echo nmake -f Makefile.win32
-cd /D "%MPATH%"
\ No newline at end of file
Index: RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.h
--- RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.h (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.h (nonexistent)
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// Title: soccli.h
-// Purpose: A short description of the interface.
-// Created on: 3/13/2017 at 12:32:38 PM by rok.
-// Copyright: . All Rights Reserved.
-#ifndef __soccli_H__
-#define __soccli_H__
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
-// Include files
-#include "cvidef.h"
-// Constants
-// Types
-// External variables
-// Global functions
-int Declare_Your_Functions_Here (int x);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- }
-#endif /* ndef __soccli_H__ */
Index: RedPitaya/soccli/redpitaya_gui.uir
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.prj
--- RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.prj (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.prj (nonexistent)
@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
-[Project Header]
-Version = 1302
-Pathname = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.prj"
-Project Label = "soccli"
-CVI Dir = "/c/program files (x86)/national instruments/cvi2013"
-CVI Shared Dir = "/C/Program Files (x86)/National Instruments/Shared/CVI"
-CVI Pub Local Dir = "/C/ProgramData/National Instruments/CVI2013"
-CVI Pub Global Dir = "/C/ProgramData/National Instruments/CVI"
-IVI Standard Root Dir = "/C/Program Files (x86)/IVI Foundation/IVI"
-VXIplug&play Framework Dir = "/C/Program Files (x86)/IVI Foundation/VISA/winnt"
-IVI Standard Root 64-bit Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/IVI"
-VXIplug&play Framework 64-bit Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/VISA/win64"
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-Target Type = "Executable"
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-Folder 0 = "Source Files"
-FolderEx 0 = "Source Files"
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-Folder 3 = "Instrument Files"
-FolderEx 3 = "Instrument Files"
-[File 0001]
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-Res Id = 1
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-Path Rel To = "Project"
-Path Rel Path = "soccli.c"
-Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.c"
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-Project Flags = 0
-Folder = "Source Files"
-Folder Id = 0
-[File 0002]
-File Type = "Include"
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-Path Rel To = "Project"
-Path Rel Path = "soccli.h"
-Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.h"
-Exclude = False
-Project Flags = 0
-Folder = "Include Files"
-Folder Id = 1
-[File 0003]
-File Type = "User Interface Resource"
-Res Id = 3
-Path Is Rel = True
-Path Rel To = "Project"
-Path Rel Path = "redpitaya_gui.uir"
-Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/redpitaya_gui.uir"
-Exclude = False
-Project Flags = 0
-Folder = "User Interface Files"
-Folder Id = 2
-[File 0004]
-File Type = "Function Panel"
-Res Id = 4
-Path Is Rel = True
-Path Rel To = "Project"
-Path Rel Path = "../../instr/HISTO/H1D.fp"
-Path = "/c/home/CVI/instr/HISTO/H1D.fp"
-Exclude = False
-Project Flags = 0
-Folder = "Instrument Files"
-Folder Id = 3
-[File 0005]
-File Type = "Unknown"
-Res Id = 5
-Path Is Rel = True
-Path Rel To = "Project"
-Path Rel Path = "plottdc.cxx"
-Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/plottdc.cxx"
-Exclude = False
-Project Flags = 0
-Folder = "Instrument Files"
-Folder Id = 3
-[Custom Build Configs]
-Num Custom Build Configs = 0
-[Default Build Config Debug]
-Config Name = "Debug"
-Is 64-Bit = False
-Is Release = False
-Default Calling Convention = "cdecl"
-Optimization Level = "Optimize for speed (level 2)"
-Require Prototypes = True
-Show Warning IDs in Build Output = False
-Selected Warning Level = "Common"
-Warning List None = ""
-Warning List Common = ""
-Warning List Extended = ""
-Warning List All = ""
-Warning Mode = 0
-Enable Unreferenced Identifiers Warning = True
-Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = True
-Enable Unreachable Code Warning = True
-Enable Assignment In Conditional Warning = True
-Uninitialized Locals Compile Warning = "Aggressive"
-Require Return Values = True
-Enable C99 Extensions = True
-Enable OpenMP Extensions = False
-Stack Size = 250000
-Stack Reserve = 1048576
-Stack Commit = 4096
-Image Base Address = 4194304
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-Legal Copyright Ex = "Copyright © %company %Y"
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-Warning List Common = ""
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-Sign URL = ""
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-Icon File = ""
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-Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
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-Prefix Header File = ""
-[Run Options]
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-Stack Commit = 4096
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-Image Base Address x64 = 4194304
-[Compiler Defines]
-Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN"
-[Create Executable]
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-Icon File = ""
-Application Title = ""
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-Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True
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-Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
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-Type Lib Guid = ""
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-Generate Map File = False
-[External Compiler Support]
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-UIR Callbacks Obj File = ""
-Project Symbols H File Is Rel = False
-Project Symbols H File = ""
-Project Symbols Obj File Is Rel = False
-Project Symbols Obj File = ""
-[ActiveX Server Options]
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-Specification File = ""
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-Include File = ""
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-[Manifest Info]
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Index: RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.cws
--- RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.cws (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.cws (nonexistent)
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-[Workspace Header]
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-File Type = "Include"
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-File Type = "Include"
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-[File 0011]
-Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/plottdc.cxx"
-File Type = "Unknown"
-Disk Date = 0
-In Projects = "1,"
-[File 0012]
-Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya_ui.h"
-File Type = "Include"
-Disk Date = 3574162675
-In Projects = "2,"
-Source Window State = "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"
-[File 0013]
-Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/plottdc.cxx"
-File Type = "Unknown"
-Disk Date = 3574162678
-In Projects = "2,"
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-Tab 0001 = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.c"
-Tab 0002 = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/redpitaya_gui.uir"
-Tab 0003 = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.c"
-Tab 0004 = "/c/home/CVI/instr/DRS/drs4.c"
-Tab 0005 = "/c/home/CVI/instr/HISTO/H1D.c"
-Tab 0006 = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya_ui.uir"
-Tab 0007 = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/mH1D.h"
-Tab 0008 = "/c/home/CVI/instr/HISTO/H1D.h"
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-Command Line Args = ""
-Working Directory = ""
-Environment Options = ""
-External Process Path = ""
-[Default Build Config 0001 Release]
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-Debugging Level = "Standard"
-Execution Trace = "Disabled"
-Command Line Args = ""
-Working Directory = ""
-Environment Options = ""
-External Process Path = ""
-[Default Build Config 0001 Debug64]
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-Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
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-Profile = "Disabled"
-Debugging Level = "Standard"
-Execution Trace = "Disabled"
-Command Line Args = ""
-Working Directory = ""
-Environment Options = ""
-External Process Path = ""
-[Default Build Config 0001 Release64]
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-Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
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-Profile = "Disabled"
-Debugging Level = "Standard"
-Execution Trace = "Disabled"
-Command Line Args = ""
-Working Directory = ""
-Environment Options = ""
-External Process Path = ""
-[Build Dependencies 0001]
-Number of Dependencies = 0
-[Build Options 0001]
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-Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
-Execution Trace = "Disabled"
-Profile = "Disabled"
-Debugging Level = "Standard"
-Break On Library Errors = True
-Break On First Chance Exceptions = False
-[Execution Target 0001]
-Execution Target Address = "Local desktop computer"
-Execution Target Port = 0
-Execution Target Type = 0
-[SCC Options 0001]
-Use global settings = True
-SCC Provider = ""
-SCC Project = ""
-Local Path = ""
-Auxiliary Path = ""
-Perform Same Action For .h File As For .uir File = "Ask"
-Perform Same Action For .cds File As For .prj File = "Ask"
-Username = ""
-Comment = ""
-Use Default Username = False
-Use Default Comment = False
-Suppress CVI Error Messages = False
-Always show confirmation dialog = True
-[DLL Debugging Support 0001]
-External Process Path = ""
-[Command Line Args 0001]
-Command Line Args = ""
-Working Directory = ""
-Environment Options = ""
-[Default Build Config 0002 Debug]
-Generate Browse Info = True
-Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
-Batch Build = False
-Profile = "Disabled"
-Debugging Level = "Standard"
-Execution Trace = "Disabled"
-Command Line Args = ""
-Working Directory = ""
-Environment Options = ""
-External Process Path = ""
-[Default Build Config 0002 Release]
-Generate Browse Info = True
-Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
-Batch Build = False
-Profile = "Disabled"
-Debugging Level = "Standard"
-Execution Trace = "Disabled"
-Command Line Args = ""
-Working Directory = ""
-Environment Options = ""
-External Process Path = ""
-[Default Build Config 0002 Debug64]
-Generate Browse Info = True
-Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
-Batch Build = False
-Profile = "Disabled"
-Debugging Level = "Standard"
-Execution Trace = "Disabled"
-Command Line Args = ""
-Working Directory = ""
-Environment Options = ""
-External Process Path = ""
-[Default Build Config 0002 Release64]
-Generate Browse Info = True
-Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
-Batch Build = False
-Profile = "Disabled"
-Debugging Level = "Standard"
-Execution Trace = "Disabled"
-Command Line Args = ""
-Working Directory = ""
-Environment Options = ""
-External Process Path = ""
-[Build Dependencies 0002]
-Number of Dependencies = 0
-[Build Options 0002]
-Generate Browse Info = True
-Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
-Execution Trace = "Disabled"
-Profile = "Disabled"
-Debugging Level = "Standard"
-Break On Library Errors = True
-Break On First Chance Exceptions = False
-[Execution Target 0002]
-Execution Target Address = "Local desktop computer"
-Execution Target Port = 0
-Execution Target Type = 0
-[SCC Options 0002]
-Use global settings = True
-SCC Provider = ""
-SCC Project = ""
-Local Path = ""
-Auxiliary Path = ""
-Perform Same Action For .h File As For .uir File = "Ask"
-Perform Same Action For .cds File As For .prj File = "Ask"
-Username = ""
-Comment = ""
-Use Default Username = False
-Use Default Comment = False
-Suppress CVI Error Messages = False
-Always show confirmation dialog = True
-[DLL Debugging Support 0002]
-External Process Path = ""
-[Command Line Args 0002]
-Command Line Args = ""
-Working Directory = ""
-Environment Options = ""
Index: RedPitaya/soccli/redpitaya_gui.h
--- RedPitaya/soccli/redpitaya_gui.h (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/soccli/redpitaya_gui.h (nonexistent)
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-/* LabWindows/CVI User Interface Resource (UIR) Include File */
-/* */
-/* WARNING: Do not add to, delete from, or otherwise modify the contents */
-/* of this include file. */
-#include <userint.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- /* Panels and Controls: */
-#define PANEL 1
-#define PANEL_EXPORT_4 2 /* control type: command, callback function: ExportCB */
-#define PANEL_EXPORT_2 3 /* control type: command, callback function: ExportCB */
-#define PANEL_EXPORT_1 4 /* control type: command, callback function: ExportCB */
-#define PANEL_EXPORT_3 5 /* control type: command, callback function: ExportCB */
-#define PANEL_HRESET 6 /* control type: command, callback function: ResetCB */
-#define PANEL_EXIT 7 /* control type: command, callback function: ExitCB */
-#define PANEL_IP 8 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_FILENAME 9 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_TIMER 10 /* control type: timer, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_TWIN1 11 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_TWIN0 12 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_ITRGLEVEL 13 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_TRGLEVEL 14 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_EXPORTNAME 15 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_FILETYPE 16 /* control type: ring, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_PFREQ 17 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_NBEFORE 18 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_SAMPLES 19 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_NTOTAL 20 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_NEVE 21 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_CEVE 22 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_ADC2 23 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_TDC2 24 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_ADC1 25 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_TDC1 26 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_DECIMATION 27 /* control type: ring, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_TRIGGER 28 /* control type: ring, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_OUTWAVE 29 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_ENABLEDOUTPUT 30 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_DEBUG 31 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_CH1 32 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_GRAPH 33 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_CH0 34 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_TEXTMSG 35 /* control type: textMsg, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_STDIO 36 /* control type: textBox, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_MAXX_3 37 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_MINX_3 38 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_NCH_3 39 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_MAXX_4 40 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_MINX_4 41 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_NCH_4 42 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_MAXX_2 43 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_MINX_2 44 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_NCH_2 45 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_MAXX_6 46 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
-#define PANEL_MINX_6 47 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
-#define PANEL_MAXX_10 48 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
-#define PANEL_MINX_10 49 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
-#define PANEL_MAXX_9 50 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
-#define PANEL_MINX_9 51 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
-#define PANEL_MAXX_8 52 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
-#define PANEL_MINX_8 53 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
-#define PANEL_MAXX_7 54 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
-#define PANEL_MINX_7 55 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
-#define PANEL_MAXX_5 56 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
-#define PANEL_MINX_5 57 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
-#define PANEL_AUTOY_5 58 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
-#define PANEL_MAXX_1 59 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_MINX_1 60 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_AUTOY_4 61 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
-#define PANEL_NCH_1 62 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_CONNECT 63 /* control type: textButton, callback function: StartCB */
-#define PANEL_AUTOY_3 64 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
-#define PANEL_AUTOY_2 65 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
-#define PANEL_START 66 /* control type: textButton, callback function: StartCB */
-#define PANEL_ADCTYPE 67 /* control type: binary, callback function: (none) */
-#define PANEL_AUTOY 68 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
-#define PANEL_LOGY_4 69 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: SetGraphLogYCB */
-#define PANEL_LOGY_3 70 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: SetGraphLogYCB */
-#define PANEL_LOGY_2 71 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: SetGraphLogYCB */
-#define PANEL_LOGY_1 72 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: SetGraphLogYCB */
-#define PANEL_AUTOX 73 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
- /* Control Arrays: */
- /* (no control arrays in the resource file) */
- /* Menu Bars, Menus, and Menu Items: */
- /* (no menu bars in the resource file) */
- /* Callback Prototypes: */
-int CVICALLBACK ExitCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
-int CVICALLBACK ExportCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
-int CVICALLBACK ResetCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
-int CVICALLBACK SetGraphLogYCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
-int CVICALLBACK SetGraphPropertiesCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
-int CVICALLBACK StartCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- }
Index: RedPitaya/soccli/
--- RedPitaya/soccli/ (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/soccli/ (nonexistent)
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-Client for the RedPitaya board
-Start the server on the RedPitaya First, then start the client
-rok@f9rok ~$ ssh root@rp-f04f77.local
-Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-xilinx armv7l)
- * Documentation:
- * Management:
- * Support:
-# Red Pitaya GNU/Linux Ecosystem
-# Version: 0.97
-# Build: 336
-# Branch:
-# Commit: 4506f6e20ad2d2c8a45184383302331b6bf4a501
-# U-Boot: "redpitaya-v2016.4"
-# Linux Kernel: "redpitaya-v2016.2"
-# Pro Applications: 40d8c17c18aac3ea6416257603c4c8dcd208d109 Applications (v0.96-RC3-134-g40d8c17)
-Last login: Wed Mar 22 09:47:35 2017 from fe80::117e:99ca:51f3:7af2%eth0
-root@rp-f04f77:~# cd sockserv/
-root@rp-f04f77:~/sockserv# ./
Index: RedPitaya/RedPitaya_ui.uir
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/assets/desktop.js
--- RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/assets/desktop.js (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/assets/desktop.js (nonexistent)
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-// Redpitaya desktop
-// Created by Alexey Kaygorodov
-(function(Desktop, $) {
- var applications = [];
- var groups = [{
- name: "System",
- description: "System tools for configuring your Red Pitaya",
- image: "../assets/images/system.png",
- applications: ["updater", "wifi", "licmngr"]
- }, {
- name: "Development",
- description: "Documentation, tutorials and a lot of interesting stuff",
- image: "../assets/images/development.png",
- applications: ["visualprogramming", "scpi", "tcpsocket", "tutorials", "fpga", "apis", "capps", "cmd", "hardwaredoc", "instructions", "github","activelearning"]
- }];
- var currentGroup = undefined;
- Desktop.init = function() {
- // Here's should be loading from custom user groups from Cookies
- }
- = function() {
- // Here's should be saveing from custom user groups from Cookies
- }
- Desktop.getCurrentGroup = function() {
- return currentGroup;
- }
- Desktop.setApplications = function(listOfapplications) {
- applications = [];
- $.extend(true, applications, listOfapplications);
- var url_arr = window.location.href.split("/");
- var url = url_arr[0] + '//' + url_arr[2] + '/';
- for (var i = 0; i < default_applications.length; i++) {
- if (default_applications[i].id == "marketplace")
- default_applications[i].url = url + 'bazaar'
- if (default_applications[i].url[0] == "/")
- default_applications[i].url = window.location.origin + default_applications[i].url;
- applications.push(default_applications[i]);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < applications.length; i++) {
- applications[i].group = checkApplicationInGroup(applications[i].id);
- applications[i].is_group = false;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
- var gr = {
- id: "",
- name: groups[i].name,
- description: groups[i].description,
- url: "#",
- image: groups[i].image,
- check_online: false,
- licensable: false,
- callback: openGroup,
- type: 'run',
- group: "",
- is_group: true
- };
- applications.push(gr);
- }
- applications.unshift(backButton);
- Desktop.selectGroup();
- }
- var checkApplicationInGroup = function(app_id) {
- for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++)
- if (groups[i].applications.indexOf(app_id) != -1)
- return groups[i].name;
- return "";
- }
- var openGroup = function(key) {
- Desktop.selectGroup(applications[+key].name);
- }
- var onBackButton = function() {
- Desktop.selectGroup();
- }
- var placeElements = function() {
- var elemWidth = $('.app-item').outerWidth(true);
- var containerWidth = $('#list-container').width();
- var elemsInRow = Math.floor(containerWidth / elemWidth);
- elemsInRow = (elemsInRow == 0) ? 1 : elemsInRow;
- var elemHeight = $('.app-item').outerHeight(true);
- var containerHeight = $('#main-container').height();
- var elemsInCol = Math.floor(containerHeight / elemHeight);
- elemsInCol = (elemsInCol == 0) ? 1 : elemsInCol;
- $("ul.paging").quickPager({
- pageSize: elemsInRow * elemsInCol
- });
- }
- var refillList = function() {
- $('.app-item').unbind('click');
- $('.app-item').unbind('mouseenter');
- $('.app-item').unbind('mouseleave');
- $('#main-container').empty();
- $('#main-container').append('<ul class="paging" id="list-container"></ul>');
- $('#list-container').empty();
- for (var i = 0; i < applications.length; i++) {
- if ((currentGroup === undefined && (applications[i].group == "" || applications[i].group === undefined)) || applications[i].group == currentGroup || i==0) {
- var txt = '<li class="app-item" key="' + i + '" group="' + applications[i].group + '" style="display: none;">';
- txt += '<a href="#" class="app-link"><div class="img-container"><img class="app-icon" src="' + applications[i]['image'] + '"></div><span class="app-name">' + applications[i]['name'] + '</span></a>';
- txt += '</li>';
- $('#list-container').append(txt);
- }
- }
- $('.app-item').click(clickApp);
- $('.app-item').mouseenter(overApp);
- $('.app-item').mouseleave(leaveApp);
- }
- Desktop.selectGroup = function(group) {
- currentGroup = group;
- refillList();
- placeElements();
- if (currentGroup === undefined)
- $('.app-item[key=0]').hide();
- else
- $('.app-item[key=0]').show();
- }
- var clickApp = function(e) {
- var key = parseInt($(this).attr('key')) * 1;
- e.preventDefault();
- if (applications[key].check_online) {
- OnlineChecker.checkAsync(function() {
- if (!OnlineChecker.isOnline()) {
- if (applications[key].licensable) {
- $('#ignore_link').text('Ignore');
- $('#ignore_link').attr('href', applications[key].url);
- $('#lic_failed').show();
- } else {
- $('#ignore_link').text('Close');
- $('#ignore_link').attr('href', "#");
- $('#lic_failed').hide();
- }
- $('#ic_missing').modal('show');
- return;
- }
- if (applications[key].url != "")
- window.location = applications[key].url;
- if (applications[key].callback !== undefined)
- applications[key].callback(key);
- });
- } else {
- if (applications[key].url != "")
- window.location = applications[key].url;
- if (applications[key].callback !== undefined)
- applications[key].callback(key);
- }
- }
- var showFeedBack = function() {
- mail = "";
- subject = "Feedback Red Pitaya OS " + RedPitayaOS.getVersion();
- var body = "%0D%0A%0D%0A------------------------------------%0D%0A" + "DEBUG INFO, DO NOT EDIT!%0D%0A" + "------------------------------------%0D%0A%0D%0A";
- body += "Browser:" + "%0D%0A" + JSON.stringify({ parameters: $.browser }) + "%0D%0A";
- document.location.href = "mailto:" + mail + "?subject=" + subject + "&body=" + body;
- }
- var overApp = function(e) {
- var key = parseInt($(this).attr('key')) * 1;
- $('#description').html(applications[key].description);
- }
- var leaveApp = function(e) {
- $('#description').html("");
- }
- var onSwipe = function(ev) {
- if ($('.simplePagerNav').length == 0)
- return;
- var rel = 1;
- if (ev.direction == Hammer.DIRECTION_LEFT)
- rel = parseInt($('.active-dot').parent().attr('rel')) * 1 + 1;
- else if (ev.direction == Hammer.DIRECTION_RIGHT) {
- var crel = parseInt($('.active-dot').parent().attr('rel')) * 1;
- if (crel == 1) return;
- rel = crel - 1;
- }
- var obj = $('.simplePageNav' + rel).find('a');
- if (obj.length == 0)
- return;
- else;
- }
- var default_applications = [
- { id: "github", name: "Sources", description: "Access to open source code and programming instructions", url: "", image: "../assets/images/github.png", check_online: false, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
- { id: "applicationstore", name: "Red Pitaya Store", description: "Access to Red Pitaya official store", url: "", image: "../assets/images/shop.png", check_online: false, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
- { id: "marketplace", name: "Application marketplace", description: "Access to open source and contributed applications", url: "", image: "images/download_icon.png", check_online: true, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
- { id: "feedback", name: "Feedback", description: "Tell us what you like or dislike and what you would like to see improved", url: "", image: "../assets/images/feedback.png", check_online: true, licensable: false, callback: showFeedBack, type: 'run' },
- { id: "instructions", name: "Instructions", description: "Quick start instructions, user manuals, specifications, examples & more.", url: "", image: "../assets/images/instr.png", check_online: false, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
- { id: "tutorials", name: "Create own WEB application", description: "RedPitaya tutorials.", url: "", image: "../assets/images/tutors.png", check_online: false, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
- { id: "wifi", name: "Network manager", description: "Simple way to establish wireless connection with the Red Pitaya", url: "/network_manager/", image: "../network_manager/info/icon.png", check_online: false, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
- { id: "scpi", name: "SCPI server", description: "Remote access to all Red Pitaya inputs/outputs from MATLAB/LabVIEW/Scilab/Python", url: "/scpi_manager/", image: "../scpi_manager/info/icon.png", check_online: false, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
- { id: "tcpsocket", name: "TCP socket server", description: "Remote access to all Red Pitaya inputs/outputs through binary multievent socket", url: "/tcpsocket_manager/", image: "../tcpsocket_manager/info/icon.png", check_online: false, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
- { id: "updater", name: "Red Pitaya OS Update", description: "Red Pitaya ecosystem updater", url: "/updater/", image: "../assets/images/updater.png", check_online: false, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
- { id: "activelearning", name: "Active Learning", description: "Active Learning with Red Pitaya", url: "", image: "../assets/images/active-learning.png", check_online: false, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
- { id: "jupyter", name: "Jupyter server", description: "Jupyter notebook server for running Python applications in a browser tab", url: "/jupyter/", image: "../jupyter_manager/info/icon.png", check_online: false, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
- ];
- var backButton = {
- id: "back",
- name: "Back",
- description: "Return to the desktop",
- url: "#",
- image: "../assets/images/back_button.png",
- check_online: false,
- licensable: false,
- callback: onBackButton,
- type: 'run',
- group: "",
- is_group: false
- };
- $(window).resize(function($) {
- refillList();
- placeElements();
- Desktop.selectGroup();
- });
- $(document).load(function($) {
- Desktop.init();
- });
- $(document).ready(function($) {
- var myElement = document.getElementById('main-container');
- var mc = new Hammer(myElement);
- mc.on('swipe', onSwipe);
- $("#reboot").click(function(event) {
- $('#reboot_dialog').modal("show");
- });
- $("#reboot_confirm").click(function(event) {
- $.get('/reboot');
- setTimeout(function(){ window.close(); }, 1000);
- });
- });
-})(window.Desktop = window.Desktop || {}, jQuery);
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/nginx.conf
--- RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/nginx.conf (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/nginx.conf (nonexistent)
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
- location /get_tcpsocket_status {
- add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';
- add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true';
- add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS';
- add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'DNT,X-Mx-ReqToken,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type';
- default_type application/json;
- content_by_lua '
- local f = io.popen("systemctl is-active redpitaya_tcpsocket.service")
- local content = f:read("*all")
- f:close()
- ngx.say(content)
- ';
- }
- location /start_tcpsocket_manager {
- add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';
- add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true';
- add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS';
- add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'DNT,X-Mx-ReqToken,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type';
- default_type application/json;
- content_by_lua '
- local f = io.popen("systemctl start redpitaya_tcpsocket.service")
- f:close()
- ngx.say("OK")
- ';
- }
- location /stop_tcpsocket_manager {
- add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';
- add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true';
- add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS';
- add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'DNT,X-Mx-ReqToken,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type';
- default_type application/json;
- content_by_lua '
- local f = io.popen("systemctl stop redpitaya_tcpsocket.service")
- f:close()
- ngx.say("OK")
- ';
- }
- location /get_rpip {
- add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';
- add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true';
- add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS';
- add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'DNT,X-Mx-ReqToken,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type';
- default_type application/json;
- content_by_lua '
- local eth = io.popen("ip -4 addr list eth0")
- local wlan = io.popen("ip addr list wlan0wext")
- local eth_content = eth:read("*all")
- local wlan_content = wlan:read("*all")
- eth:close()
- wlan:close()
- ngx.say(eth_content..";"..wlan_content)
- ';
- }
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/css/style.css
--- RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/css/style.css (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/css/style.css (nonexistent)
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-html, body {
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-.clear:before, .clear:after {
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-.clear:after {
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-.modal {
-.left-content-tcpsocket > p {
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-.left-content-tcpsocket > ul > li {
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-.left-content-tcpsocket > ul > li:before
- content: "- ";
-input, #info div, #info span, .selectable {
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- -khtml-user-select: text;
- -moz-user-select: text;
- -ms-user-select: text;
- user-select: text;
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-area:hover {
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-.full-content {
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-.container-fluid {
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- padding-right: 0px;
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-.nav > li > a {
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-.navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > li > a {
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-.nav > li > a:hover {
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- border-left: 1px solid #999;
-.back-btn {
- height: 22px;
- float: left;
- margin: -6px 0px 0px 11px;
-.logo {
- margin: 5px 0px 0px 15px;
- float: left;
-.navbar-collapse collapse in {
- width: 100%;
- overflow: hidden;
-.navbar-brand {
- height: 40px;
-.close {
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- opacity: 1;
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-.modal-content {
- background-color: #343433;
- border: 1px solid #999;
- border-radius: 0px;
- outline: 0;
-#main {
- margin-right: 188px;
-.dialog {
- margin-right: 0px;
- display: none;
-.close:hover, .close:focus {
- color: #fff !important;
- text-decoration: none;
- cursor: pointer;
- opacity: 1;
-.btn {
- background-image: none;
- border: 0 solid transparent;
- white-space: nowrap;
- padding: 6px 12px;
- line-height: 1.42857143;
- border-radius: 0;
- width: 100%;
- background-color: transparent;
- text-shadow: 0px 0px;
- /* box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #777; */
- color:#cdcccc !important;
-.btn:hover, btn:active {
- color: #fff !important;
- background-image: none;
-.btn.focus {
- color: #777;
- border: 0px solid transparent;
-.btn:active, {
- background-image: none;
- background-color: #999;
- color: #111 !important;
-.left-tcpsocket {
- float:left;
- width:100%;
-.left-content-tcpsocket {
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-.right-tcpsocket {
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- width: 120px;
- margin-left: -120px;
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- width: 131px;
- text-align: center;
- list-style: none;
- height: 40px;
- padding-top:10px;
- border: 1px solid;
- background: gray;
- cursor: pointer;
-.example_button span {
- color: #337ab7;
-.run_buttons {
- display: inline-block;
- text-align: center;
- border: 1px solid;
- border-color: #cccccc;;
- background-color: #47b2d1;
- color: #000000;
- margin: 0 auto;
- margin-top: 15px;
- margin-bottom: 15px;
- font-size: 16pt;
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-.run_buttons:hover {
- background-color: #69d4d1;
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-.run_buttons a {
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Property changes:
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Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/index.html
--- RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/index.html (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/index.html (nonexistent)
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-<!-- $Id$
- *
- * Red Pitaya TCPSOCKET service manager
- *
- * Author: Dakus <>
- *
- * (c) Red Pitaya
- *
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- <div class="left-tcpsocket">
- <div class="left-content-tcpsocket" style="font-size: 18pt; color: gray;">
- <p>TCPSOCKET server application</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Enables remote control of Red Pitaya using multievent binary buffer</li>
- <li>Provides access to Red Pitaya waveform sampler (fast ADC).</li>
- <li>Supports WIFI or LAN remote interface</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="right-tcpsocket">
- <br>
- <br>
- <br>
- <img src="img/apps.png" width="200%">
- </div>
- <div>
- <div id="label-is-runnung" align=center style="font-size: 16pt; color: red;">
- TCPSOCKET server is not running, press RUN button to start it
- </div>
- <div id="label-is-not-runnung" align=center style="font-size: 16pt; color: green; display: none;">
- TCPSOCKET server is running... (IP="<span id="ip-addr"></span>", port="9930")
- </div>
- <div align="center">
- <ul class="">
- <li class="run_buttons" id="TCPSOCKET_RUN">
- <a href="#" id="a_run" style="">RUN</a>
- </li>
- <li class="run_buttons" id="TCPSOCKET_STOP" style="display:none;">
- <a href="#" id="a_stop">STOP</a>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <div align=center>
- Example about how to Control your Red Pitaya using MATLAB/Python/LabVIEW/Scilab.
- Are available on link below
- <div align="center">
- <ul class="">
- <li class="example_button" id="TCPSOCKET_EXAMPLES">
- <span>Examples</span>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div>
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- FPS:<span id="fps_view">0</span> Throughput:<span id="throughput_view">0</span> CPU Load:<span id="cpu_load">0</span>
- <br/> Memory total:<span id="totalmem_view">0</span> Free:<span id="freemem_view">0</span> Usage:<span id="usagemem_view">0</span>
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- <div class="modal-body" style="text-align: center; font-size: 18px;">
- <p>Please send us the report and help us to fix this issue</p>
- <p>Thank you!</p>
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Property changes:
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Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/info/info.json
--- RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/info/info.json (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/info/info.json (nonexistent)
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- "name": "TcpSocket",
- "version": "0.96-336",
- "revision": "4506f6e",
- "description": "Remote access and binary multievent transfer of waveforms"
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:executable
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Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/info/icon.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
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Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/img/apps.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
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Deleted: svn:mime-type
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Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/img/dummy.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
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## -1 +0,0 ##
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Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/js/help-tcpsocket.js
--- RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/js/help-tcpsocket.js (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/js/help-tcpsocket.js (nonexistent)
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-var helpListTCPSOCKET =
- idle: [
- {
- Text: "How to control your Red Pitaya remotely?",
- URL: "",
- Img: "pool"
- },
- {
- Text: "Red Pitaya's Forum",
- URL: "",
- Img: "star"
- }
- ],
- loaded: [
- {
- Text: "Description3",
- URL: "",
- Img: "star"
- },
- {
- Text: "Description4",
- URL: "",
- Img: "pool"
- }
- ]
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/js/analytics-main.js
--- RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/js/analytics-main.js (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/js/analytics-main.js (nonexistent)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// Redpitaya analytics system
-// Created by Alexey Kaygorodov
-(function($) {
- var startUsing = 0;
- $(document).ready(function($) {
- AnalyticsCore.init(function(){
- AnalyticsCore.sendExecTime('/tcpsocket_manager', 'tcpsocket_manager');
- AnalyticsCore.sendScreenView('/tcpsocket_manager', 'Redpitaya', 'Remote control');
- AnalyticsCore.sendSysInfo('/tcpsocket_manager');
- startUsing =;
- });
- });
- $(window).on('beforeunload', function(){
- $.cookie('tcpsocket_manager-run', - startUsing);
- });
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/js/manager.js
--- RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/js/manager.js (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/js/manager.js (nonexistent)
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
- * Red Pitaya TCPSOCKET service manager
- *
- * Author: Artem Kokos <>
- *
- * (c) Red Pitaya
- *
- */
-(function(TCPSOCKET, $, undefined) {
- TCPSOCKET.CheckServerStatus = function() {
- $.ajax({
- url: '/get_tcpsocket_status',
- type: 'GET',
- timeout: 1500
- })
- .fail(function(msg) {
- if (msg.responseText.split('\n')[0] == "active") {
- $('#TCPSOCKET_RUN').hide();
- $('#TCPSOCKET_STOP').css('display', 'block');
- $('#label-is-runnung').hide();
- $('#label-is-not-runnung').show();
- } else {
- $('#TCPSOCKET_STOP').hide();
- $('#TCPSOCKET_RUN').css('display', 'block');
- $('#label-is-not-runnung').hide();
- $('#label-is-runnung').show();
- }
- })
- }
- TCPSOCKET.StartServer = function() {
- $.ajax({
- url: '/start_tcpsocket_manager',
- type: 'GET',
- timeout: 1500
- })
- .fail(function(msg) {
- if (msg.responseText) {} else {}
- })
- }
- TCPSOCKET.StopServer = function() {
- $.ajax({
- url: '/stop_tcpsocket_manager',
- type: 'GET',
- timeout: 1500
- })
- .fail(function(msg) {
- if (msg.responseText) {} else {}
- })
- }
- TCPSOCKET.GetIP = function() {
- $.ajax({
- url: '/get_rpip',
- type: 'GET',
- }).fail(function(msg) {
- var res = msg.responseText.split(";");
- var ethIP = res[0].match(/inet\s+\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\/2[0-90]\b/);
- var wlanIP = res[1].match(/inet\s+\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\/2[0-90]\b/);
- if (ethIP != null){
- ethIP = ethIP[0].split(" ")[1].split("/")[0];
- $('#ip-addr').text(ethIP);
- }
- else if (wlanIP != null){
- wlanIP = wlanIP[0].split(" ")[1].split("/")[0];
- $('#ip-addr').text(wlanIP);
- }
- else $('#ip-addr').text("None");
- }).done(function(msg) {
- var res = msg.responseText.split(";");
- var ethIP = res[0].match(/inet\s+\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\/2[0-90]\b/);
- var wlanIP = res[1].match(/inet\s+\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\/2[0-90]\b/);
- if (ethIP != null){
- ethIP = ethIP[0].split(" ")[1].split("/")[0];
- $('#ip-addr').text(ethIP);
- }
- else if (wlanIP != null){
- wlanIP = wlanIP[0].split(" ")[1].split("/")[0];
- $('#ip-addr').text(wlanIP);
- }
- else $('#ip-addr').text("None");
- });
- }
-}(window.TCPSOCKET = window.TCPSOCKET || {}, jQuery));
-// Page onload event handler
-$(function() {
- // Init help
- Help.init(helpListTCPSOCKET);
- Help.setState("idle");
- TCPSOCKET.CheckServerStatus();
- setInterval(TCPSOCKET.GetIP, 1000);
- setInterval(TCPSOCKET.CheckServerStatus, 3000);
- $('#TCPSOCKET_RUN').click(TCPSOCKET.StartServer);
- $('#TCPSOCKET_STOP').click(TCPSOCKET.StopServer);
- $('#TCPSOCKET_EXAMPLES').click(function(){
- });
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/fpga.conf
--- RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/fpga.conf (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/fpga.conf (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/daq.c
--- RedPitaya/sockserv/daq.c (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/sockserv/daq.c (nonexistent)
@@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#ifdef MRP
-#include "redpitaya/rp.h"
-#include "calib.h"
-#include "fpga_osc.h"
-#define TRUE -1
-#define FALSE 0
-int timer_out; struct sigaction oact;
-int ctrl_c=0;
-void SigInt (int sig) {
- ctrl_c = 1;
-void timerast (signumber, code, context) int signumber, code; struct sigcontext context; {
- fprintf(stderr, "Timeout\n");
- timer_out = TRUE;
-void tmlnk (tout) int tout; {
- struct sigaction act;
- struct itimerval tdelay;
- act.sa_handler = timerast;
- sigemptyset (&act.sa_mask);
- act.sa_flags = 0;
- tdelay.it_value.tv_sec = tout / 100;
- tdelay.it_value.tv_usec = 10000 * (tout % 100);
- tdelay.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
- tdelay.it_interval.tv_usec = 0;
- if (sigaction (SIGALRM, &act, &oact) < 0)
- {
- perror ("sigaction(tmlnk)");
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- if (setitimer (ITIMER_REAL, &tdelay, NULL) < 0)
- {
- perror ("setitimer(tmlnk)");
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
-void tmulk () {
- struct itimerval tdelay;
- tdelay.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
- tdelay.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
- tdelay.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
- tdelay.it_interval.tv_usec = 0;
- if (setitimer (ITIMER_REAL, &tdelay, NULL) < 0)
- {
- perror ("setitimer(tmulk)");
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- if (sigaction (SIGALRM, &oact, NULL) < 0)
- {
- perror ("sigaction(tmulk)");
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
-#ifndef MRP
-rp_calib_params_t rp_calib_params; /** Pointer to externally defined calibration parameters. */ rp_calib_params_t *gen_calib_params = NULL;
-int daq_init (char * buff) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "Server: init\n");
- int * hdr = (int *) buff;
- int delay = hdr[0];
- int decimation = hdr[1];
- float threshold_voltage = hdr[2]/1000.;
- fprintf(stderr, "delay = %d\tdecimation = %d\tthreshold = %f\n", delay, decimation, threshold_voltage);
- rp_default_calib_params(&rp_calib_params);
- gen_calib_params = &rp_calib_params;
- if(rp_read_calib_params(gen_calib_params) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "rp_read_calib_params() failed, using default"
- " parameters\n");
- }
- // use this to acquire calibrated offset: int offset = gen_calib_params->fe_ch1_dc_offs;
-#ifdef MRP
- if(rp_Init() != RP_OK){
- fprintf(stderr, "Rp api init failed!\n");
- }
- rp_AcqReset();
- const int rpdecimation[6]={RP_DEC_1 ,RP_DEC_8 ,RP_DEC_64,
- RP_DEC_1024 ,RP_DEC_8192 ,RP_DEC_65536 };
- rp_AcqSetDecimation(rpdecimation[decimation%6]);
- const int c[2] = {RP_CH_1, RP_CH_2};
- rp_AcqSetTriggerLevel(c[0],threshold_voltage); //Trig level is set in Volts while in SCPI
- rp_AcqSetTriggerLevel(c[1],threshold_voltage);
- rp_AcqSetTriggerDelay(delay);
- return 0;
- // initialization
- int start = osc_fpga_init();
- if(start)
- {
- printf("osc_fpga_init didn't work, retval = %d",start);
- return -1;
- }
- // set acquisition parameters
- osc_fpga_set_trigger_delay(delay);
- g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->data_dec = decimation;
- osc_fpga_reset();
- g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->chb_thr = osc_fpga_cnv_v_to_cnt(threshold_voltage); //sets trigger voltage
- fprintf(stderr, "%s : %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return 0;
-int daq_end () {
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "Server: end\n");
-#ifdef MRP
- rp_Release();
- osc_fpga_exit();
- return 0;
-int daq_clear () {
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "Server: clear\n");
- return 0;
-int16_t chdata[16*1024];
-float * chfdata = (float *) chdata;
-int daq_run (const char *par, char ** data, int *maxlen)
- int *data_buf;
- int neve;
- unsigned short *sbuff = (unsigned short *) (par);
- unsigned short maxeve = sbuff[0];
- unsigned short nsamples = sbuff[1];
- unsigned short tout = sbuff[2];
- unsigned char trigger = par[6];
- unsigned char chmask = par[7];
- clock_t t,t0;
- neve = 0;
- t0=clock();
- int eventsize = 0;
- if (chmask & 0x1) eventsize += (nsamples+2);
- if (chmask & 0x2) eventsize += (nsamples+2);
- eventsize+=4;
- int required_size = eventsize * maxeve+3;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- time_t mtime;
- time(&mtime);
- fprintf (stderr, "daq_run:\tmaxeve %d\tnsamples=%d\ttimeout=%d\ttrigger=%d\tchmask=%d\t%s", maxeve ,nsamples,tout,trigger,chmask, ctime(&mtime)); //
- if (required_size > *maxlen ) {
- free (*data);
- *data = (char *) malloc(required_size *sizeof(int));
- fprintf(stderr, "New Buffer with size %d allocated. Old size %d\n", required_size, *maxlen);
- *maxlen = required_size;
- }
- int *ibuf = (int *) (*data);
- data_buf = ibuf + 3;
- const int sleeptime = 135*nsamples/16386; //135 us for 16386 samples and to fill the 16k ADC buffer/
- for (int ieve=0; ieve < maxeve; ieve++)
- {
-#ifdef MRP
-timer_out = FALSE;
-tmlnk (tout);
-rp_acq_trig_src_t source;
-do {
- rp_AcqGetTriggerSrc(&source);
- //printf("TRG %d src %d\n", trigger, source);
- if (timer_out || ctrl_c) break;
-} while (source == trigger);
-tmulk ();
- osc_fpga_arm_trigger();
- usleep(sleeptime);
- osc_fpga_set_trigger(trigger);
- while (g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->trig_source != 0){
- if (timer_out || ctrl_c) break;
- }
- // with this loop the program waits until the acquistion is completed before continue.
- int trig_ptr = g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->wr_ptr_trigger; // get pointer to mem. adress where trigger was met
- int * ch_signal[2];
- osc_fpga_get_sig_ptr(&ch_signal[0], &ch_signal[1]);
- *(data_buf++) = 0x2;
- *(data_buf++) = chmask;
- for (int id = 0;id<2;id++){
- if ( !(chmask & (1 << id)) ) continue;
- *(data_buf++) = id;
- *(data_buf++) = nsamples;
-#ifdef MRP
- const int c[2] = {RP_CH_1, RP_CH_2};
- unsigned int isamples = nsamples;
- rp_AcqGetLatestDataV(c[id], &isamples, (float *) data_buf );
- data_buf+=nsamples;
- const int BUF = 16*1024;
- const int offset = 0;
- if (trig_ptr > (BUF-nsamples)) // Enter logic to transition from end to beginning of cha_signal buffer.
- {
- for (int i=trig_ptr;i<BUF;i++) *(data_buf++) = ch_signal[id][i]-offset;
- for (int i=0;i<nsamples-(BUF-trig_ptr);i++) *(data_buf++) = ch_signal[id][i]-offset;
- }
- else // Enter simple logic to send sampleSize from trigger point
- {
- for (int i=0;i<nsamples;i++) *(data_buf++) = ch_signal[id][trig_ptr + i]-offset;
- }
- }
- *(data_buf++) = 0x3;
- *(data_buf++) = neve;
- neve++;
- if (ieve+1 % 500 == 0) fprintf(stderr, "Event %d\n", ieve);
- if (timer_out) break;
- }
- int *len = ibuf;
- int *nev = ibuf + 1;
- float *dt = (float *)(ibuf + 2);
- *len = (data_buf-len)*sizeof(int);
- *nev = neve;
- t = clock();
- *dt = t-t0;
- *dt /= CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
- return *len;
-#define MAXLEN 0XFFFF
-struct RUNHDR {
- unsigned short neve;
- unsigned short nsamples;
- unsigned short tout;
- unsigned char trigger;
- unsigned char mask;
- int nloops ;
- int data [MAXLEN];
-} ;
-struct INIHDR {
- int delay ;
- int decimation;
- int threshold;
-int daq_help(char *fname, struct INIHDR * i, struct RUNHDR *r, int verbosity){
- printf("-o filename ... output filename %s\n", fname);
- printf("-v verbose ... verbosity %d\n", verbosity);
- printf("-b decimation ... decimation %d\n", i->decimation);
- printf("-i timeout ... interrupt timeout %d\n", r->tout);
- printf("-s nsamples ... number of samples %d\n", r->nsamples);
- printf("-d delay ... delay %d\n", i->delay);
- printf("-t trigger ... trigger type %d\n", r->trigger);
- printf("-l level ... trigger level %f\n", i->threshold*0.001);
- printf("-m mask ... channel mask %d\n", r->mask );
- printf("-n neve ... number of events per call %d\n", r->neve);
- printf("-r nloops ... number of calls %d\n", r->nloops);
- return 0;
-int daq_main( int argc , char ** argv) {
- // intercept routine
- if (signal (SIGINT, SigInt) == SIG_ERR) {
- perror ("sigignore");
- }
- char filename[0xFF]="";
-struct INIHDR inihdr = {
- .decimation = 1,
- .threshold = 100,
- .delay = 1024
-struct RUNHDR runhdr;
- runhdr.neve =10000;
- runhdr.nsamples = 1024;
- runhdr.tout = 1000;
- runhdr.trigger = 1;
- runhdr.mask = 0x1;
- runhdr.nloops = 1;
- int verbose = 0;
- int argdata = 0;
- if (argc <2) {
- daq_help(filename, &inihdr, &runhdr, verbose);
- exit(-1);
- }
- opterr = 0;
- int c;
- while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "o:v:b:i:s:d:t:l:m:n:r:h")) != -1)
- switch (c) {
- case 'o':
- sprintf(filename,"%s", optarg );
- break; // output
- case 'v':
- verbose = strtoul (optarg,NULL,0);
- break; // verbosity
- case 'b':
- inihdr.decimation = strtoul (optarg,NULL,0);
- break;
- case 'i':
- runhdr.tout = strtoul (optarg,NULL,0);
- break;
- case 's':
- runhdr.nsamples = strtoul (optarg,NULL,0);
- break;
- case 'd':
- inihdr.delay = strtoul (optarg,NULL,0);
- break;
- case 't':
- runhdr.trigger = strtoul (optarg,NULL,0);
- break;
- case 'm':
- runhdr.mask = strtoul (optarg,NULL,0);
- break;
- case 'n':
- runhdr.neve = atoi (optarg);
- break;
- case 'r':
- runhdr.nloops = atoi (optarg);
- break;
- case 'l':
- inihdr.threshold = (int) (1000*atof (optarg));
- break;
- case 'h':
- daq_help(filename, &inihdr, &runhdr, verbose);
- break;
- case '?':
- if (optopt == 'c')
- fprintf (stderr, "Option -%c requires an argument.\n", optopt);
- else if (isprint (optopt))
- fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt);
- else
- fprintf (stderr,
- "Unknown option character `\\x%x'.\n",
- optopt);
- return 1;
- default:
- abort ();
- }
- for (int i=optind; i<argc; i++) argdata = strtoul (argv[i],NULL,0);
- if (verbose) daq_help(filename, &inihdr, &runhdr, verbose);
- printf("argdata %d nloops %d\n",argdata,runhdr.nloops);
- daq_init((char *)&inihdr);
- FILE *fp=NULL;
- if (strlen(filename)>0) fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
- int maxlen = MAXLEN;
- char *data = (char *) malloc(maxlen * sizeof(int));
- time_t t,tstart;
- time(&tstart);
- for (int i=0;i< runhdr.nloops;i++){
- int nb =daq_run((const char*) &runhdr, &data, &maxlen);
- if (ctrl_c) break;
- time(&t);
- fprintf(stderr, "Loop %d dt=%d s\n", i, (int)(t-tstart));
- if (fp) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Writing %d to %s", nb, filename);
- fwrite(data, 1, nb, fp);
- }
- }
- time(&t);
- fprintf(stderr, "Total events %d in %d s\n", runhdr.nloops*runhdr.neve, (int)(t-tstart));
- if (fp) fclose(fp);
- if (data!=NULL) free(data);
- return 0;
Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/fpga_osc.h
--- RedPitaya/sockserv/fpga_osc.h (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/sockserv/fpga_osc.h (nonexistent)
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
- * $Id: fpga_osc.h 881 2013-12-16 05:37:34Z rp_jmenart $
- *
- * @brief Red Pitaya Oscilloscope FPGA controller.
- *
- * @Author Jure Menart <>
- *
- * (c) Red Pitaya
- *
- * This part of code is written in C programming language.
- * Please visit
- * for more details on the language used herein.
- */
-#ifndef __FPGA_OSC_H
-#define __FPGA_OSC_H
-#include <stdint.h>
-/** @defgroup fpga_osc_h fpga_osc_h
- * @{
- */
-/** Base OSC FPGA address */
-#define OSC_FPGA_BASE_ADDR 0x40100000
-/** Base OSC FPGA core size */
-#define OSC_FPGA_BASE_SIZE 0x30000
-/** OSC FPGA input signal buffer length */
-#define OSC_FPGA_SIG_LEN (16*1024)
-/** OSC FPGA ARM bit in configuration register */
-/** OSC FPGA reset bit in configuration register */
-/** OSC FPGA trigger source register mask */
-#define OSC_FPGA_TRIG_SRC_MASK 0x00000007
-/** OSC FPGA Channel A threshold register mask */
-#define OSC_FPGA_CHA_THR_MASK 0x00003fff
-/** OSC FPGA Channel B threshold register mask */
-#define OSC_FPGA_CHB_THR_MASK 0x00003fff
-/** OSC FPGA trigger delay register register mask */
-#define OSC_FPGA_TRIG_DLY_MASK 0xffffffff
-/** OSC FPGA data decimation mask */
-#define OSC_FPGA_DATA_DEC_MASK 0x0001ffff
-/** OSC FPGA Channel A input signal buffer offset */
-#define OSC_FPGA_CHA_OFFSET 0x10000
-/** OSC FPGA Channel B input signal buffer offset */
-#define OSC_FPGA_CHB_OFFSET 0x20000
-/** @brief OSC FPGA registry structure.
- *
- * This structure is direct image of physical FPGA memory. When accessing it all
- * reads/writes are performed directly from/to FPGA OSC core.
- */
-typedef struct osc_fpga_reg_mem_s {
- /** @brief Offset 0x00 - configuration register
- *
- * Configuration register (offset 0x00):
- * bit [0] - arm_trigger
- * bit [1] - rst_wr_state_machine
- * bits [31:2] - reserved
- */
- uint32_t conf;
- /** @brief Offset 0x04 - trigger source register
- *
- * Trigger source register (offset 0x04):
- * bits [ 2 : 0] - trigger source:
- * 1 - trig immediately
- * 2 - ChA positive edge
- * 3 - ChA negative edge
- * 4 - ChB positive edge
- * 5 - ChB negative edge
- * 6 - External trigger 0
- * 7 - External trigger 1
- * bits [31 : 3] -reserved
- */
- uint32_t trig_source;
- /** @brief Offset 0x08 - Channel A threshold register
- *
- * Channel A threshold register (offset 0x08):
- * bits [13: 0] - ChA threshold
- * bits [31:14] - reserved
- */
- uint32_t cha_thr;
- /** @brief Offset 0x0C - Channel B threshold register
- *
- * Channel B threshold register (offset 0x0C):
- * bits [13: 0] - ChB threshold
- * bits [31:14] - reserved
- */
- uint32_t chb_thr;
- /** @brief Offset 0x10 - After trigger delay register
- *
- * After trigger delay register (offset 0x10)
- * bits [31: 0] - trigger delay
- * 32 bit number - how many decimated samples should be stored into a buffer.
- * (max 16k samples)
- */
- uint32_t trigger_delay;
- /** @brief Offset 0x14 - Data decimation register
- *
- * Data decimation register (offset 0x14):
- * bits [16: 0] - decimation factor, legal values:
- * 1, 8, 64, 1024, 8192 65536
- * If other values are written data is undefined
- * bits [31:17] - reserved
- */
- uint32_t data_dec;
- /** @brief Offset 0x18 - Current write pointer register
- *
- * Current write pointer register (offset 0x18), read only:
- * bits [13: 0] - current write pointer
- * bits [31:14] - reserved
- */
- uint32_t wr_ptr_cur;
- /** @brief Offset 0x1C - Trigger write pointer register
- *
- * Trigger write pointer register (offset 0x1C), read only:
- * bits [13: 0] - trigger pointer (pointer where trigger was detected)
- * bits [31:14] - reserved
- */
- uint32_t wr_ptr_trigger;
- /** @brief ChA & ChB hysteresis - both of the format:
- * bits [13: 0] - hysteresis threshold
- * bits [31:14] - reserved
- */
- uint32_t cha_hystersis;
- uint32_t chb_hystersis;
- /** @brief
- * bits [0] - enable signal average at decimation
- * bits [31:1] - reserved
- */
- uint32_t other;
- uint32_t reseved;
- /** @brief ChA Equalization filter
- * bits [17:0] - AA coefficient (pole)
- * bits [31:18] - reserved
- */
- uint32_t cha_filt_aa;
- /** @brief ChA Equalization filter
- * bits [24:0] - BB coefficient (zero)
- * bits [31:25] - reserved
- */
- uint32_t cha_filt_bb;
- /** @brief ChA Equalization filter
- * bits [24:0] - KK coefficient (gain)
- * bits [31:25] - reserved
- */
- uint32_t cha_filt_kk;
- /** @brief ChA Equalization filter
- * bits [24:0] - PP coefficient (pole)
- * bits [31:25] - reserved
- */
- uint32_t cha_filt_pp;
- /** @brief ChB Equalization filter
- * bits [17:0] - AA coefficient (pole)
- * bits [31:18] - reserved
- */
- uint32_t chb_filt_aa;
- /** @brief ChB Equalization filter
- * bits [24:0] - BB coefficient (zero)
- * bits [31:25] - reserved
- */
- uint32_t chb_filt_bb;
- /** @brief ChB Equalization filter
- * bits [24:0] - KK coefficient (gain)
- * bits [31:25] - reserved
- */
- uint32_t chb_filt_kk;
- /** @brief ChB Equalization filter
- * bits [24:0] - PP coefficient (pole)
- * bits [31:25] - reserved
- */
- uint32_t chb_filt_pp;
- /* ChA & ChB data - 14 LSB bits valid starts from 0x10000 and
- * 0x20000 and are each 16k samples long */
-} osc_fpga_reg_mem_t;
-/** @} */
-// TODO: Move to a shared folder and share with scope & spectrum.
-/** Equalization & shaping filter coefficients */
-typedef struct {
- uint32_t aa;
- uint32_t bb;
- uint32_t pp;
- uint32_t kk;
-} ecu_shape_filter_t;
-int osc_fpga_init(void);
-int osc_fpga_exit(void);
-void get_equ_shape_filter(ecu_shape_filter_t *filt, uint32_t equal,
- uint32_t shaping, uint32_t gain);
-int osc_fpga_update_params(int trig_imm, int trig_source, int trig_edge,
- float trig_delay, float trig_level, int time_range,
- int equal, int shaping, int gain1, int gain2);
-int osc_fpga_reset(void);
-int osc_fpga_arm_trigger(void);
-int osc_fpga_set_trigger(uint32_t trig_source);
-int osc_fpga_set_trigger_delay(uint32_t trig_delay);
-/* Returns 0 if no trigger, 1 if trigger */
-int osc_fpga_triggered(void);
-/* Returns pointer to the ChA and ChB signals (of length OSC_FPGA_SIG_LEN) */
-int osc_fpga_get_sig_ptr(int **cha_signal, int **chb_signal);
-/* Returns signal pointers from the FPGA */
-int osc_fpga_get_wr_ptr(int *wr_ptr_curr, int *wr_ptr_trig);
-/* Returnes signal content */
-/* various constants */
-extern const float c_osc_fpga_smpl_freq;
-extern const float c_osc_fpga_smpl_period;
-/* helper conversion functions */
-/* Convert correct value for FPGA trigger source from trig_immediately,
- * trig_source and trig_edge from application params.
- */
-int osc_fpga_cnv_trig_source(int trig_imm, int trig_source, int trig_edge);
-/* Converts time_range parameter (0-5) to decimation factor */
-int osc_fpga_cnv_time_range_to_dec(int time_range);
-/* Converts time in [s] to ADC samples (depends on decimation) */
-int osc_fpga_cnv_time_to_smpls(float time, int dec_factor);
-/* Converts voltage in [V] to ADC counts */
-int osc_fpga_cnv_v_to_cnt(float voltage);
-/* Converts ADC ounts to [V] */
-float osc_fpga_cnv_cnt_to_v(int cnts);
-/* Debug - dump to stderr current parameter settings (leave out data) */
-void osc_fpga_dump_regs(void);
-/* debugging - will be removed */
-extern osc_fpga_reg_mem_t *g_osc_fpga_reg_mem;
-extern int g_osc_fpga_mem_fd;
-int __osc_fpga_cleanup_mem(void);
-#endif /* __FPGA_OSC_H*/
Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/
--- RedPitaya/sockserv/ (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/sockserv/ (nonexistent)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/redpitaya/lib/
-cat /opt/redpitaya/fpga/fpga_0.94.bit > /dev/xdevcfg
Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/daq.h
--- RedPitaya/sockserv/daq.h (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/sockserv/daq.h (nonexistent)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef DAQ_H
-#define DAQ_H
-int daq_init (char * buff);
-int daq_clear ();
-int daq_end ();
-int daq_run (const char *par, char ** buff, int *maxlen);
-int daq_main (int argc, char **argv);
Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/version.h
--- RedPitaya/sockserv/version.h (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/sockserv/version.h (nonexistent)
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- * $Id: $
- *
- * @brief Red Pitaya simple version strings. To be embedded in binaries
- * at build time for SW traceability.
- *
- * @Author Ales Bardorfer <>
- *
- * (c) Red Pitaya
- *
- * This part of code is written in C programming language.
- * Please visit
- * for more details on the language used herein.
- */
-#ifndef VERSION_H
-#define VERSION_H
-#define XSTR(s) STR(s)
-#define STR(s) #s
-#ifndef VERSION
-#define VERSION_STR "0.00-0000"
-#ifndef REVISION
-#define REVISION_STR "unknown"
-#endif /* VERSION_H */
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:executable
Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/calib.c
--- RedPitaya/sockserv/calib.c (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/sockserv/calib.c (nonexistent)
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
- * $Id: calib.c 881 2013-12-16 05:37:34Z rp_jmenart $
- *
- * @brief Red Pitaya Oscilloscope Calibration Module.
- *
- * @Author Jure Menart <>
- *
- * (c) Red Pitaya
- *
- * This part of code is written in C programming language.
- * Please visit
- * for more details on the language used herein.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "calib.h"
-const char eeprom_device[]="/sys/bus/i2c/devices/0-0050/eeprom";
-const int eeprom_calib_off=0x0008;
- * @brief Read calibration parameters from EEPROM device.
- *
- * Function reads calibration parameters from EEPROM device and stores them to the
- * specified buffer. Communication to the EEPROM device is taken place through
- * appropriate system driver accessed through the file system device
- * /sys/bus/i2c/devices/0-0050/eeprom.
- *
- * @param[out] calib_params Pointer to destination buffer.
- * @retval 0 Success
- * @retval -1 Failure, error message is put on stderr device
- *
- */
-int rp_read_calib_params(rp_calib_params_t *calib_params)
- FILE *fp;
- size_t size;
- /* sanity check */
- if(calib_params == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "rp_read_calib_params(): input structure "
- "not initialized\n");
- return -1;
- }
- /* open eeprom device */
- fp=fopen(eeprom_device, "r");
- if(fp == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "rp_read_calib_params(): Can not open EEPROM device: "
- " %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- /* ...and seek to the appropriate storage offset */
- if(fseek(fp, eeprom_calib_off, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
- fclose(fp);
- fprintf(stderr, "rp_read_calib_params(): fseek() failed: %s\n",
- strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- /* read data from eeprom component and store it to the specified buffer */
- size=fread(calib_params, sizeof(char), sizeof(rp_calib_params_t), fp);
- if(size != sizeof(rp_calib_params_t)) {
- fclose(fp);
- fprintf(stderr, "rp_read_calib_params(): fread() failed, "
- "returned bytes: %d (should be :%d)\n", size,
- sizeof(rp_calib_params_t));
- return -1;
- }
- fclose(fp);
- return 0;
- * Initialize calibration parameters to default values.
- *
- * @param[out] calib_params Pointer to target buffer to be initialized.
- * @retval 0 Success, could never fail.
- */
-int rp_default_calib_params(rp_calib_params_t *calib_params)
- calib_params->fe_ch1_fs_g_hi = 28101971; /* 0.6543 [V] */
- calib_params->fe_ch2_fs_g_hi = 28101971; /* 0.6543 [V] */
- calib_params->fe_ch1_fs_g_lo = 625682246; /* 14.56 [V] */
- calib_params->fe_ch2_fs_g_lo = 625682246; /* 14.56 [V] */
- calib_params->fe_ch1_dc_offs = 585;
- calib_params->fe_ch2_dc_offs = 585;
- calib_params->be_ch1_fs = 42949673; /* 1 [V] */
- calib_params->be_ch2_fs = 42949673; /* 1 [V] */
- calib_params->be_ch1_dc_offs = 0x3eac;
- calib_params->be_ch2_dc_offs = 0x3eac;
- return 0;
Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/etc/systemd/system/redpitaya_tcpsocket.service
--- RedPitaya/sockserv/etc/systemd/system/redpitaya_tcpsocket.service (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/sockserv/etc/systemd/system/redpitaya_tcpsocket.service (nonexistent)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-Description=TCP socket server for binary transfers of waveforms on Red Pitaya
-# TODO: it should be possible to use EnvironmentFile, but it is not working properly
-# complains about failing library path, or something else
-Environment=LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/redpitaya/lib PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/opt/redpitaya/sbin:/opt/redpitaya/bin
-ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c "cat /opt/redpitaya/fpga/fpga_0.94.bit > /dev/xdevcfg"
-#ExecStart =/opt/redpitaya/bin/socket-server
-ExecStart =/root/sockserv/sockserv
-ExecStop =/bin/kill -15 $MAINPID
Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/Makefile
--- RedPitaya/sockserv/Makefile (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/sockserv/Makefile (nonexistent)
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Makefile 1249 2014-02-22 20:21:40Z ales.bardorfer $
-# (c) Red Pitaya
-# Trigger
-# Trigger project source file.
-# make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- clean all
-# on PC and move to Red Pitaya:
-# scp trig root@
-# This project file is written for GNU/Make software. For more details please
-# visit:
-# GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) tools are used for the compilation and linkage.
-# For the details about the usage and building please visit:
-# Versioning system
-VERSION ?= 0.00-0000
-REVISION ?= devbuild
-# List of compiled object files (not yet linked to executable)
-OBJS = sockserv.o fpga_osc.o calib.o daq.o
-# List of raw source files (all object files, renamed from .o to .c)
-SRCS = $(subst .o,.c, $(OBJS)))
-# Executable name
-# GCC compiling & linking flags
-CFLAGS += -g -std=gnu99 -Wall -Werror
-CFLAGS += -I/opt/redpitaya/include
-CFLAGS += -L/opt/redpitaya/lib
-#LDLIBS = -lm -lpthread -lrp
-# Red Pitaya common SW directory
-# Additional libraries which needs to be dynamically linked to the executable
-# -lm - System math library (used by cos(), sin(), sqrt(), ... functions)
-LIBS=-lm -lpthread -lrp
-# Main GCC executable (used for compiling and linking)
-# Installation directory
-# Makefile is composed of so called 'targets'. They give basic structure what
-# needs to be execued during various stages of the building/removing/installing
-# of software package.
-# Simple Makefile targets have the following structure:
-# <name>: <dependencies>
-# <command1>
-# <command2>
-# ...
-# The target <name> is completed in the following order:
-# - list od <dependencies> finished
-# - all <commands> in the body of targets are executed succsesfully
-# Main Makefile target 'all' - it iterates over all targets listed in $(TARGET)
-# variable.
-all: $(TARGET)
-# Target with compilation rules to compile object from source files.
-# It applies to all files ending with .o. During partial building only new object
-# files are created for the source files (.c) which have newer timestamp then
-# objects (.o) files.
-%.o: %.c version.h
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
-# Makefile target with rules how to link executable for each target from $(TARGET)
-# list.
- $(CC) -o $@ $^ $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
-# Version header for traceability
- cp $(SHARED)/include/redpitaya/version.h .
-# Clean target - when called it cleans all object files and executables.
- rm -f $(TARGET) *.o
-# Install target - creates 'bin/' sub-directory in $(INSTALL_DIR) and copies all
-# executables to that location.
- mkdir -p $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin
- cp $(TARGET) $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin
- mkdir -p $(INSTALL_DIR)/src/utils/$(TARGET)
- -rm -f $(TARGET) *.o
- cp -r * $(INSTALL_DIR)/src/utils/$(TARGET)/
- -rm `find $(INSTALL_DIR)/src/tools/$(TARGET)/ -iname .svn` -rf
Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/calib.h
--- RedPitaya/sockserv/calib.h (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/sockserv/calib.h (nonexistent)
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- * $Id: calib.h 881 2013-12-16 05:37:34Z rp_jmenart $
- *
- * @brief Red Pitaya Oscilloscope Calibration Module.
- *
- * @Author Jure Menart <>
- *
- * (c) Red Pitaya
- *
- * This part of code is written in C programming language.
- * Please visit
- * for more details on the language used herein.
- */
-#ifndef __CALIB_H
-#define __CALIB_H
-#include <stdint.h>
-/** @defgroup calib_h Calibration
- * @{
- */
-/** Calibration parameters, stored in eeprom device
- */
-typedef struct rp_osc_calib_params_s {
- uint32_t fe_ch1_fs_g_hi; /**< High gain front end full scale voltage, channel 1 */
- uint32_t fe_ch2_fs_g_hi; /**< High gain front end full scale voltage, channel 2 */
- uint32_t fe_ch1_fs_g_lo; /**< Low gain front end full scale voltage, channel 1 */
- uint32_t fe_ch2_fs_g_lo; /**< Low gain front end full scale voltage, channel 2 */
- int32_t fe_ch1_dc_offs; /**< Front end DC offset, channel 1 */
- int32_t fe_ch2_dc_offs; /**< Front end DC offset, channel 2 */
- uint32_t be_ch1_fs; /**< Back end full scale voltage, channel 1 */
- uint32_t be_ch2_fs; /**< Back end full scale voltage, channel 2 */
- int32_t be_ch1_dc_offs; /**< Back end DC offset, channel 1 */
- int32_t be_ch2_dc_offs; /**< Back end DC offset, on channel 2 */
-} rp_calib_params_t;
-/** @} */
-int rp_read_calib_params(rp_calib_params_t *calib_params);
-int rp_default_calib_params(rp_calib_params_t *calib_params);
-#endif //__CALIB_H
Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/sockserv.c
--- RedPitaya/sockserv/sockserv.c (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/sockserv/sockserv.c (nonexistent)
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
- C socket server example, handles multiple clients using threads */
-#include<string.h> //strlen
-#include<stdlib.h> //strlen
-#include<arpa/inet.h> //inet_addr
-#include "daq.h"
-#define PORT 9930
-//the thread function
-void *connection_handler(void *);
-int is_connected = 0;
-int ncalls=0;
-extern int ctrl_c;
-int writesock(int sock, int id , char *msg, int len ){
- int hdr[2];
- hdr[0]= id;
- hdr[1]= len + 8;
- write(sock , hdr , 8);
- return write(sock , msg , len);
-int main(int argc , char *argv[]) {
- int socket_desc , client_sock , c , *new_sock=NULL;
- struct sockaddr_in server , client;
- if (argc >1) return daq_main(argc, argv);
- //Create socket
- socket_desc = socket(AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , 0);
- if (socket_desc == -1)
- {
- printf("Could not create socket");
- }
- puts("Socket created");
- //Prepare the sockaddr_in structure
- server.sin_family = AF_INET;
- server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
- server.sin_port = htons( PORT );
- //Bind
- if( bind(socket_desc,(struct sockaddr *)&server , sizeof(server)) < 0)
- {
- //print the error message
- perror("bind failed. Error");
- return 1;
- }
- puts("bind done");
- //Listen
- listen(socket_desc , 3);
- //Accept and incoming connection
- puts("Waiting for incoming connections...");
- c = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
- //Accept and incoming connection
- puts("Waiting for incoming connections...");
- c = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
- while( (client_sock = accept(socket_desc, (struct sockaddr *)&client, (socklen_t*)&c)) )
- {
- puts("Connection accepted");
- pthread_t sniffer_thread;
- if (is_connected){
- char message[0xFF]="Only one client can connect. Disconnect it first!";
- perror(message);
- writesock(client_sock , 0, message , strlen(message));
- close (client_sock);
- continue;
- }
- new_sock = (int *) malloc(1);
- *new_sock = client_sock;
- if( pthread_create( &sniffer_thread , NULL , connection_handler , (void*) new_sock) < 0)
- {
- perror("could not create thread");
- return 1;
- }
- //Now join the thread , so that we dont terminate before the thread
- //pthread_join( sniffer_thread , NULL);
- puts("Handler assigned");
- }
- if (client_sock < 0)
- {
- perror("accept failed");
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-void *daq_handler(void *rdata){
- pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL);
- //Get the socket descriptor
- int sock = *(int*)rdata;
- int *idata = (int *)rdata;
- char * settings = (char *) (idata+2);
- daq_init(settings);
- settings +=12;
- int bufsize = 0;
- char * data = NULL;
- //for(int i =0;i<5;i++) printf("%d %d\n",i, idata[i]);
- while (1){
- int nb = daq_run ( settings, &data, &bufsize );
- int error = 0;
- socklen_t len = sizeof (error);
- int retval = getsockopt (sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len);
- if (retval!=0 || error!=0) break;
- writesock(sock , 1, data , nb );
- if (ctrl_c) break;
- //break;
- }
- if (data!=NULL) free(data);
- fprintf(stderr, "Exiting thread %d\n", sock ) ;
- return NULL;
- * This will handle connection for each client
- * */
-void *connection_handler(void *socket_desc) {
- //Get the socket descriptor
- int sock = *(int*)socket_desc;
- int read_size;
- char *message , client_message[2000];
- is_connected = 1;
- //Send some messages to the client
- message = "Info from connection handler\n";
- writesock(sock , 0, message , strlen(message));
- //Receive a message from client
- pthread_t daq_thread = 0;
- while( (read_size = recv(sock , client_message , 2000 , 0)) > 0 )
- {
- //Send the message back to client
- int * hdr = (int *) client_message;
- printf("Received %d bytes RECID = %d LEN %d\n",read_size, hdr[0], hdr[1]);
- switch (hdr[0]){
- case 0:
- ctrl_c = 0;
- hdr[0]= sock;
- if( pthread_create( &daq_thread , NULL , daq_handler , (void*) &client_message) < 0)
- {
- perror("could not create daq thread");
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- ctrl_c = 1;
- sleep(1);
- if (daq_thread) {
- pthread_cancel(daq_thread);
- daq_thread = 0;
- }
- break;
- default: break;
- }
- }
- if(read_size == 0)
- {
- puts("Client disconnected");
- fflush(stdout);
- }
- else if(read_size == -1)
- {
- perror("recv failed");
- }
- if (daq_thread) {
- pthread_cancel(daq_thread);
- daq_thread = 0;
- }
- //Free the socket pointer
- free(socket_desc);
- socket_desc = 0;
- is_connected = 0;
- return 0;
Index: RedPitaya/sockserv/fpga_osc.c
--- RedPitaya/sockserv/fpga_osc.c (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/sockserv/fpga_osc.c (nonexistent)
@@ -1,564 +0,0 @@
- * $Id: fpga_osc.c 881 2013-12-16 05:37:34Z rp_jmenart $
- *
- * @brief Red Pitaya Oscilloscope FPGA controller.
- *
- * @Author Jure Menart <>
- *
- * (c) Red Pitaya
- *
- * This part of code is written in C programming language.
- * Please visit
- * for more details on the language used herein.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include "fpga_osc.h"
- *
- * This module initializes and provides for other SW modules the access to the
- * FPGA OSC module. The oscilloscope memory space is divided to three parts:
- * - registers (control and status)
- * - input signal buffer (Channel A)
- * - input signal buffer (Channel B)
- *
- * This module maps physical address of the oscilloscope core to the logical
- * address, which can be used in the GNU/Linux user-space. To achieve this,
- * OSC_FPGA_BASE_ADDR from CPU memory space is translated automatically to
- * logical address with the function mmap(). After all the initialization is done,
- * other modules can use this module to controll oscilloscope FPGA core. Before
- * any functions or functionality from this module can be used it needs to be
- * initialized with osc_fpga_init() function. When this module is no longer
- * needed osc_fpga_exit() must be called.
- *
- * FPGA oscilloscope state machine in various modes. Basic principle is that
- * SW sets the machine, 'arm' the writting machine (FPGA writes from ADC to
- * input buffer memory) and then set the triggers. FPGA machine is continue
- * writting to the buffers until the trigger is detected plus the amount set
- * in trigger delay register. For more detauled description see the FPGA OSC
- * registers description.
- *
- * Nice example how to use this module can be seen in worker.c module.
- */
-/* internal structures */
-/** The FPGA register structure (defined in fpga_osc.h) */
-osc_fpga_reg_mem_t *g_osc_fpga_reg_mem = NULL;
-/** The FPGA input signal buffer pointer for channel A */
-uint32_t *g_osc_fpga_cha_mem = NULL;
-/** The FPGA input signal buffer pointer for channel B */
-uint32_t *g_osc_fpga_chb_mem = NULL;
-/** The memory file descriptor used to mmap() the FPGA space */
-int g_osc_fpga_mem_fd = -1;
-/* Constants */
-/** ADC number of bits */
-const int c_osc_fpga_adc_bits = 14;
-/** @brief Max and min voltage on ADCs.
- * Symetrical - Max Voltage = +14, Min voltage = -1 * c_osc_fpga_max_v
- */
-const float c_osc_fpga_adc_max_v = +14;
-/** Sampling frequency = 125Mspmpls (non-decimated) */
-const float c_osc_fpga_smpl_freq = 125e6;
-/** Sampling period (non-decimated) - 8 [ns] */
-const float c_osc_fpga_smpl_period = (1. / 125e6);
- * @brief Internal function used to clean up memory.
- *
- * This function un-maps FPGA register and signal buffers, closes memory file
- * descriptor and cleans all memory allocated by this module.
- *
- * @retval 0 Success
- * @retval -1 Error happened during cleanup.
- */
-int __osc_fpga_cleanup_mem(void)
- /* If register structure is NULL we do not need to un-map and clean up */
- if(g_osc_fpga_reg_mem) {
- if(munmap(g_osc_fpga_reg_mem, OSC_FPGA_BASE_SIZE) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "munmap() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- g_osc_fpga_reg_mem = NULL;
- if(g_osc_fpga_cha_mem)
- g_osc_fpga_cha_mem = NULL;
- if(g_osc_fpga_chb_mem)
- g_osc_fpga_chb_mem = NULL;
- }
- if(g_osc_fpga_mem_fd >= 0) {
- close(g_osc_fpga_mem_fd);
- g_osc_fpga_mem_fd = -1;
- }
- return 0;
- * @brief Maps FPGA memory space and prepares register and buffer variables.
- *
- * This function opens memory device (/dev/mem) and maps physical memory address
- * OSC_FPGA_BASE_ADDR (of length OSC_FPGA_BASE_SIZE) to logical addresses. It
- * initializes the pointers g_osc_fpga_reg_mem, g_osc_fpga_cha_mem and
- * g_osc_fpga_chb_mem to point to FPGA OSC.
- * If function failes FPGA variables must not be used.
- *
- * @retval 0 Success
- * @retval -1 Failure, error is printed to standard error output.
- */
-int osc_fpga_init(void)
- /* Page variables used to calculate correct mapping addresses */
- void *page_ptr;
- long page_addr, page_off, page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
- /* If module was already initialized once, clean all internals. */
- if(__osc_fpga_cleanup_mem() < 0)
- return -1;
- /* Open /dev/mem to access directly system memory */
- g_osc_fpga_mem_fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR | O_SYNC);
- if(g_osc_fpga_mem_fd < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "open(/dev/mem) failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- /* Calculate correct page address and offset from OSC_FPGA_BASE_ADDR and
- */
- page_addr = OSC_FPGA_BASE_ADDR & (~(page_size-1));
- page_off = OSC_FPGA_BASE_ADDR - page_addr;
- /* Map FPGA memory space to page_ptr. */
- MAP_SHARED, g_osc_fpga_mem_fd, page_addr);
- if((void *)page_ptr == MAP_FAILED) {
- fprintf(stderr, "mmap() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- __osc_fpga_cleanup_mem();
- return -1;
- }
- /* Set FPGA OSC module pointers to correct values. */
- g_osc_fpga_reg_mem = page_ptr + page_off;
- g_osc_fpga_cha_mem = (uint32_t *)g_osc_fpga_reg_mem +
- (OSC_FPGA_CHA_OFFSET / sizeof(uint32_t));
- g_osc_fpga_chb_mem = (uint32_t *)g_osc_fpga_reg_mem +
- (OSC_FPGA_CHB_OFFSET / sizeof(uint32_t));
- return 0;
- * @brief Cleans up FPGA OSC module internals.
- *
- * This function closes the memory file descriptor, unmap the FPGA memory space
- * and cleans also all other internal things from FPGA OSC module.
- * @retval 0 Sucess
- * @retval -1 Failure
- */
-int osc_fpga_exit(void)
- return __osc_fpga_cleanup_mem();
-// TODO: Move to a shared folder and share with scope & spectrum.
- * @brief Provides equalization & shaping filter coefficients.
- *
- *
- * This function provides equalization & shaping filter coefficients, based on
- * the type of use and gain settings.
- *
- * @param [in] equal Enable(1)/disable(0) equalization filter.
- * @param [in] shaping Enable(1)/disable(0) shaping filter.
- * @param [in] gain Gain setting (0 = LV, 1 = HV).
- * @param [out] filt Filter coefficients.
- */
-void get_equ_shape_filter(ecu_shape_filter_t *filt, uint32_t equal,
- uint32_t shaping, uint32_t gain)
- /* Equalization filter */
- if (equal) {
- if (gain == 0) {
- /* High gain = LV */
- filt->aa = 0x7D93;
- filt->bb = 0x437C7;
- } else {
- /* Low gain = HV */
- filt->aa = 0x4C5F;
- filt->bb = 0x2F38B;
- }
- } else {
- filt->aa = 0;
- filt->bb = 0;
- }
- /* Shaping filter */
- if (shaping) {
- filt->pp = 0x2666;
- filt->kk = 0xd9999a;
- } else {
- filt->pp = 0;
- filt->kk = 0xffffff;
- }
- * @brief Updates triggering parameters in FPGA registers.
- *
- * This function updates trigger related parameters in FPGA registers.
- *
- * @param [in] trig_imm Trigger immediately - if set to 1, FPGA state machine
- * will trigger immediately and other trigger parameters
- * will be ignored.
- * @param [in] trig_source Trigger source, as defined in rp_main_params.
- * @param [in] trig_edge Trigger edge, as defined in rp_main_params.
- * @param [in] trig_delay Trigger delay in [s].
- * @param [in] trig_level Trigger level in [V].
- * @param [in] time_range Time range, as defined in rp_main_params.
- * @param [in] equal Enable(1)/disable(0) equalization filter.
- * @param [in] shaping Enable(1)/disable(0) shaping filter.
- * @param [in] gain1 Gain setting for Channel1 (0 = LV, 1 = HV).
- * @param [in] gain2 Gain setting for Channel2 (0 = LV, 1 = HV).
- *
- *
- * @retval 0 Success
- * @retval -1 Failure
- *
- * @see rp_main_params
- */
-int osc_fpga_update_params(int trig_imm, int trig_source, int trig_edge,
- float trig_delay, float trig_level, int time_range,
- int equal, int shaping, int gain1, int gain2)
- int fpga_trig_source = osc_fpga_cnv_trig_source(trig_imm, trig_source,
- trig_edge);
- int fpga_dec_factor = osc_fpga_cnv_time_range_to_dec(time_range);
- int fpga_delay;
- float after_trigger; /* how much after trigger FPGA should write */
- int fpga_trig_thr = osc_fpga_cnv_v_to_cnt(trig_level);
- /* Equalization filter coefficients */
- ecu_shape_filter_t cha_filt;
- ecu_shape_filter_t chb_filt;
- get_equ_shape_filter(&cha_filt, equal, shaping, gain1);
- get_equ_shape_filter(&chb_filt, equal, shaping, gain2);
- if((fpga_trig_source < 0) || (fpga_dec_factor < 0)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "osc_fpga_update_params() failed\n");
- return -1;
- }
- /* Pre-trigger - we need to limit after trigger acquisition so we can
- * readout historic (pre-trigger) values */
- if (trig_imm)
- after_trigger=OSC_FPGA_SIG_LEN* c_osc_fpga_smpl_period * fpga_dec_factor;
- else
- after_trigger =
- ((OSC_FPGA_SIG_LEN-7) * c_osc_fpga_smpl_period * fpga_dec_factor) +
- trig_delay;
- if(after_trigger < 0)
- after_trigger = 0;
- fpga_delay = osc_fpga_cnv_time_to_smpls(after_trigger, fpga_dec_factor);
- /* Trig source is written after ARM */
- /* g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->trig_source = fpga_trig_source;*/
- if(trig_source == 0)
- g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->cha_thr = fpga_trig_thr;
- else
- g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->chb_thr = fpga_trig_thr;
- g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->data_dec = fpga_dec_factor;
- g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->trigger_delay = (uint32_t)fpga_delay;
- /* Update equalization filter with desired coefficients. */
- g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->cha_filt_aa = cha_filt.aa;
- g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->cha_filt_bb =;
- g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->cha_filt_pp = cha_filt.pp;
- g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->cha_filt_kk = cha_filt.kk;
- g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->chb_filt_aa = chb_filt.aa;
- g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->chb_filt_bb =;
- g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->chb_filt_pp = chb_filt.pp;
- g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->chb_filt_kk = chb_filt.kk;
- return 0;
-/** @brief OSC FPGA reset
- *
- * Triggers internal oscilloscope FPGA state machine reset.
- *
- * @retval 0 Always returns 0.
- */
-int osc_fpga_reset(void)
- g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->conf |= OSC_FPGA_CONF_RST_BIT;
- return 0;
-/** @brief OSC FPGA ARM
- *
- * ARM internal oscilloscope FPGA state machine to start writting input buffers.
- * @retval 0 Always returns 0.
- */
-int osc_fpga_arm_trigger(void)
- g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->conf |= OSC_FPGA_CONF_ARM_BIT;
- return 0;
-/** @brief Sets the trigger source in OSC FPGA register.
- *
- * Sets the trigger source in oscilloscope FPGA register.
- *
- * @param [in] trig_source Trigger source, as defined in FPGA register
- * description.
- */
-int osc_fpga_set_trigger(uint32_t trig_source)
- g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->trig_source = trig_source;
- return 0;
-/** @brief Sets the trigger delay in OSC FPGA register.
- *
- * Sets the trigger delay in oscilloscope FPGA register.
- *
- * @param [in] trig_delay Trigger delay, as defined in FPGA register
- * description.
- *
- * @retval 0 Always returns 0.
- */
-int osc_fpga_set_trigger_delay(uint32_t trig_delay)
- g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->trigger_delay = trig_delay;
- return 0;
-/** @brief Checks if FPGA detected trigger.
- *
- * This function checks if trigger was detected by the FPGA.
- *
- * @retval 0 Trigger not detected.
- * @retval 1 Trigger detected.
- */
-int osc_fpga_triggered(void)
- return ((g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->trig_source & OSC_FPGA_TRIG_SRC_MASK)==0);
-/** @brief Returns memory pointers for both input signal buffers.
- *
- * This function returns pointers for input signal buffers for both channels.
- *
- * @param [out] cha_signal Output pointer for Channel A buffer
- * @param [out] cha_signal Output pointer for Channel B buffer
- *
- * @retval 0 Always returns 0.
- */
-int osc_fpga_get_sig_ptr(int **cha_signal, int **chb_signal)
- *cha_signal = (int *)g_osc_fpga_cha_mem;
- *chb_signal = (int *)g_osc_fpga_chb_mem;
- return 0;
-/** @brief Returns values for current and trigger write FPGA pointers.
- *
- * This functions returns values for current and trigger write pointers. They
- * are an address of the input signal buffer and are the same for both channels.
- *
- * @param [out] wr_ptr_curr Current FPGA input buffer address.
- * @param [out] wr_ptr_trig Trigger FPGA input buffer address.
- *
- * @retval 0 Always returns 0.
- */
-int osc_fpga_get_wr_ptr(int *wr_ptr_curr, int *wr_ptr_trig)
- if(wr_ptr_curr)
- *wr_ptr_curr = g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->wr_ptr_cur;
- if(wr_ptr_trig)
- *wr_ptr_trig = g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->wr_ptr_trigger;
- return 0;
-/** @brief Convert trigger parameters to FPGA trigger source value.
- *
- * This function takes as an argument trigger parameters and converts it to
- * trigger source value used by the FPGA trigger source reigster.
- *
- * @param [in] trig_imm Trigger immediately, if set to 1 other trigger parameters
- * are ignored.
- * @param [in] trig_source Trigger source as defined in rp_main_params
- * @param [in] trig_edge Trigger edge as defined in rp_main_params
- *
- * @retval -1 Error
- * @retval otherwise Trigger source FPGA value
- */
-int osc_fpga_cnv_trig_source(int trig_imm, int trig_source, int trig_edge)
- int fpga_trig_source = 0;
- /* Trigger immediately */
- if(trig_imm)
- return 1;
- switch(trig_source) {
- case 0: /* ChA*/
- if(trig_edge == 0)
- fpga_trig_source = 2;
- else
- fpga_trig_source = 3;
- break;
- case 1: /* ChB*/
- if(trig_edge == 0)
- fpga_trig_source = 4;
- else
- fpga_trig_source = 5;
- break;
- case 2: /* External */
- if(trig_edge == 0)
- fpga_trig_source = 6;
- else
- fpga_trig_source = 7;
- break;
- default:
- /* Error */
- return -1;
- }
- return fpga_trig_source;
-/** @brief Converts time range to decimation value.
- *
- * This function converts time range value defined by rp_main_params to
- * decimation factor value.
- *
- * @param [in] time_range Time range, integer between 0 and 5, as defined by
- * rp_main_params.
- *
- * @retval -1 Error
- *
- * @retval otherwise Decimation factor.
-int osc_fpga_cnv_time_range_to_dec(int time_range)
- /* Input: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 translates to:
- * Output: 1x, 8x, 64x, 1kx, 8kx, 65kx */
- switch(time_range) {
- case 0:
- return 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- return 8;
- break;
- case 2:
- return 64;
- break;
- case 3:
- return 1024;
- break;
- case 4:
- return 8*1024;
- break;
- case 5:
- return 64*1024;
- break;
- default:
- return -1;
- }
- return -1;
-/** @brief Converts time to number of samples.
- *
- * This function converts time in [s], based on current decimation factor to
- * number of samples at ADC sampling frequency.
- *
- * @param [in] time Time in [s]
- * @param [in] dec_factor Decimation factor
- *
- * @retval Number of ADC samples define dby input parameters.
- */
-int osc_fpga_cnv_time_to_smpls(float time, int dec_factor)
- /* Calculate sampling period (including decimation) */
- float smpl_p = (c_osc_fpga_smpl_period * dec_factor);
- int fpga_smpls = (int)round(time / smpl_p);
- return fpga_smpls;
-/** @brief Converts voltage to ADC counts.
- *
- * This function converts voltage in [V] to ADC counts.
- *
- * @param [in] voltage Voltage in [V]
- *
- * @retval adc_cnts ADC counts
- */
-int osc_fpga_cnv_v_to_cnt(float voltage)
- int adc_cnts = 0;
- if((voltage > c_osc_fpga_adc_max_v) || (voltage < -c_osc_fpga_adc_max_v))
- return -1;
- adc_cnts = (int)round(voltage * (float)((int)(1<<c_osc_fpga_adc_bits)) /
- (2*c_osc_fpga_adc_max_v));
- /* Clip highest value (+14 is calculated in int32_t to 0x2000, but we have
- * only 14 bits
- */
- if((voltage > 0) && (adc_cnts & (1<<(c_osc_fpga_adc_bits-1))))
- adc_cnts = (1<<(c_osc_fpga_adc_bits-1))-1;
- else
- adc_cnts = adc_cnts & ((1<<(c_osc_fpga_adc_bits))-1);
- return adc_cnts;
-/** @brief Converts ADC counts to voltage
- *
- * This function converts ADC counts to voltage (in [V])
- *
- * @param [in] cnts ADC counts
- *
- * @retval voltage Voltage in [V]
- */
-float osc_fpga_cnv_cnt_to_v(int cnts)
- int m;
- if(cnts & (1<<(c_osc_fpga_adc_bits-1))) {
- /* negative number */
- m = -1 *((cnts ^ ((1<<c_osc_fpga_adc_bits)-1)) + 1);
- } else {
- m = cnts;
- /* positive number */
- }
- return m;
Index: RedPitaya/jupyter/signal_tdcadc_stream.ipynb
--- RedPitaya/jupyter/signal_tdcadc_stream.ipynb (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/jupyter/signal_tdcadc_stream.ipynb (nonexistent)
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
- "cells": [
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {
- "deletable": true,
- "editable": true
- },
- "source": [
- "# On trigger signal acquisition\n",
- "\n",
- "## Description\n",
- "\n",
- "This example shows how to acquire 16k samples of signal on fast analog inputs.\n",
- "Signal will be acquired when the internal trigger condition is meet.\n",
- "Time length of the acquired signal depends on the time scale of a buffer\n",
- "that can be set with a decimation factor.\n",
- "\n",
- "TODO: describe some calculations\n",
- "\n",
- "## Required hardware\n",
- "\n",
- "- Red Pitaya\n",
- "- Signal (function) generator\n",
- "\n",
- "![wiring diagram](img/generate_continous_signal_on_fast_analog_output.png)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {
- "deletable": true,
- "editable": true
- },
- "source": [
- "The `rp` object is an instance of the `redpitaya` class.\n",
- "When the object is initialized, the FPGA bitstream is loaded and\n",
- "memory mapped FPGA registers are mapped into software.\n",
- "Repeating FPGA bitstream loading will cause all registers to reset,\n",
- "while mapping the memory space multiple times will cause segmentation faults.\n",
- "So untill this issues are handled by the driver\n",
- "a `redpitaya` instance should be created only once."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false,
- "deletable": true,
- "editable": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "from redpitaya import redpitaya\n",
- "rp = redpitaya()"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false,
- "deletable": true,
- "editable": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# generator configuration\n",
- "#rp.GenReset()\n",
- "#rp.GenFreq(0, 100000.0)\n",
- "#rp.GenAmp(0, 1.0)\n",
- "#rp.GenWaveform(0, rp.WAVEFORM_SINE)\n",
- "#rp.GenOutEnable(0)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false,
- "deletable": true,
- "editable": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# acquisition configuration\n",
- "size = rp.AcqGetBufSize()\n",
- "print(size)\n",
- "rp.AcqReset()\n",
- "rp.AcqSetDecimationFactor(1)\n",
- "rp.AcqSetTriggerLevel(0, -0.05)\n",
- "#rp.AcqSetPostTriggerDelay(size//2) # place trigger in the middle of the buffer\n",
- "#rp.AcqSetPostTriggerDelay(size//2)\n",
- "rp.AcqSetPostTriggerDelay(0)\n",
- "\n",
- "size = 1024\n",
- "channels = (0,1)\n",
- "\n",
- "# start acquisition process\n",
- "rp.AcqStart()\n",
- "# set trigger source to start acquisition\n",
- "rp.AcqSetTriggerSrc(rp.TRIG_SRC_CHA_PE)\n",
- "# wait in a loop for trigger state to chage from TRIG_STATE_WAITING\n",
- "while rp.AcqGetTriggerSrc():\n",
- " pass\n",
- "print('triggered')\n",
- "\n",
- "# read data from FPGA FIFO into memory and display it\n",
- "buff = [rp.AcqGetOldestDataV(ch, size) for ch in channels];"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false,
- "deletable": true,
- "editable": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "import time\n",
- "import numpy as np\n",
- "\n",
- "from import push_notebook, show, output_notebook\n",
- "from bokeh.models import HoverTool, Range1d\n",
- "from bokeh.plotting import figure\n",
- "from bokeh.plotting import show, output_file, vplot\n",
- "from bokeh.resources import INLINE \n",
- "from bokeh.models import Column\n",
- "output_notebook(resources=INLINE)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false,
- "deletable": true,
- "editable": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "def hfill(histogram, datum, weight=1):\n",
- " for idx, b in enumerate(histogram[1]):\n",
- " if idx > 0:\n",
- " if (datum < b and datum >= histogram[1][0]) or (datum <= b and idx == len(histogram[1]) - 1):\n",
- " histogram[0][idx - 1] += int(weight)\n",
- " break\n",
- " \n",
- "def h1d(title, titlex, titley, nbins, xmin,xmax):\n",
- " h = np.histogram([], bins=nbins, range= (xmin,xmax))\n",
- " p = figure(title=title,tools=\"save\", background_fill_color=\"#E8DDCB\")\n",
- " p.quad(top=h[0], bottom=0, left=h[1][:-1], right=h[1][1:])\n",
- " p.xaxis.axis_label = 'p.h.(ADC)'\n",
- " p.yaxis.axis_label = 'N'\n",
- " return [h,p]"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false,
- "deletable": true,
- "editable": true,
- "scrolled": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "hadc = np.histogram([], bins=40, range= (0,0.5))\n",
- "p1 = figure(title=\"ADC distribution\",tools=\"save\", background_fill_color=\"#E8DDCB\")\n",
- "p1.quad(top=hadc[0], bottom=0, left=hadc[1][:-1], right=hadc[1][1:], fill_color=\"#036564\", line_color=\"#033649\")\n",
- "p1.xaxis.axis_label = 'p.h.(ADC)'\n",
- "p1.yaxis.axis_label = 'N'\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "htdc = np.histogram([], bins=100, range= (0,size))\n",
- "p2 = figure(title=\"TDC distribution\",tools=\"save\", background_fill_color=\"#E8DDCB\")\n",
- "p2.quad(top=htdc[0], bottom=0, left=htdc[1][:-1], right=htdc[1][1:], fill_color=\"#036564\", line_color=\"#033649\")\n",
- "p2.xaxis.axis_label = 'p.h.(ADC)'\n",
- "p2.yaxis.axis_label = 'N'\n",
- "\n",
- "#print(hist)\n",
- "#for event in [ 1,2,3,4,4,5,6,32,4,10]:\n",
- "# hfill(hist,event)\n",
- "\n",
- "#adcplot = show(p1, notebook_handle=True)\n",
- "N = size\n",
- "x = np.arange(N) / rp.FS\n",
- "\n",
- "colors = ('red', 'blue')\n",
- "hover = HoverTool(mode = 'vline', tooltips=[(\"T\", \"@x\"), (\"V\", \"@y\")])\n",
- "tools = \"pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,crosshair,save\"\n",
- "p = figure(plot_height=500, plot_width=900, title=\"oscilloscope\", toolbar_location=\"above\", tools=(tools, hover))\n",
- "p.xaxis.axis_label='time [s]'\n",
- "p.yaxis.axis_label='voltage [V]'\n",
- "p.y_range=Range1d(-0.1, 0.1)\n",
- "r = [p.line(x, buff[i], line_width=1, line_alpha=0.7, color=colors[i]) for i in channels]\n",
- "\n",
- "target = show( Column(p, p1, p2), notebook_handle=True)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false,
- "deletable": true,
- "editable": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "size = 1024\n",
- "channels = (0,1)\n",
- "\n",
- "rp.AcqReset()\n",
- "rp.AcqSetDecimationFactor(1)\n",
- "threshold = -0.05\n",
- "rp.AcqSetTriggerLevel(0, threshold)\n",
- "rp.AcqSetPostTriggerDelay(size-80)\n",
- "\n",
- "neve = 0\n",
- "while True:\n",
- " rp.AcqStart()\n",
- " rp.AcqSetTriggerSrc(rp.TRIG_SRC_CHA_NE) \n",
- " while (rp.AcqSetTriggerSrc(rp.TRIG_SRC_CHA_NE)): pass\n",
- " buff = [rp.AcqGetLatestDataV(ch, size) for ch in channels];\n",
- "\n",
- " adcdata = np.absolute(np.amin(buff[0]))\n",
- " signal = np.array(buff[0])\n",
- " tdcdata = np.where(signal < threshold)[0] # get item\n",
- "# print (adcdata, tdcdata)\n",
- " hfill(hadc,adcdata)\n",
- " \n",
- " for a in tdcdata:\n",
- " if a - tdcdata[0] > 5:\n",
- " hfill(htdc,a-tdcdata[0])\n",
- " break \n",
- " neve+=1\n",
- " for i in channels:\n",
- " r[i]['y'] = buff[i]\n",
- "# push updates to the plot continuously using the handle (intererrupt the notebook kernel to stop)\n",
- " if (neve%10 == 0):\n",
- " push_notebook(handle=target)\n",
- "# time.sleep(0.05)"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "metadata": {
- "kernelspec": {
- "display_name": "Python 3",
- "language": "python",
- "name": "python3"
- },
- "language_info": {
- "codemirror_mode": {
- "name": "ipython",
- "version": 3
- },
- "file_extension": ".py",
- "mimetype": "text/x-python",
- "name": "python",
- "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
- "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
- "version": "3.5.2"
- }
- },
- "nbformat": 4,
- "nbformat_minor": 2
Index: RedPitaya/RedPitaya.c
--- RedPitaya/RedPitaya.c (revision 257)
+++ RedPitaya/RedPitaya.c (nonexistent)
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-// Title: RedPitaya.c
-// Purpose: A short description of the implementation.
-// Created on: 27. 01. 2017 at 13:29:33 by Samo Korpar.
-// Copyright: . All Rights Reserved.
-// Include files
-//#include "RedPitaya.h"
-#include "RedPitaya_ui.h"
-#include <userint.h>
-#include <ansi_c.h>
-#include <utility.h>
-#include <visa.h>
-#include <cvirte.h>
-// Constants
-#define MAX_THREADS 10
-#define NSAMPLES 2048
-#define NBEFORE 80
-#define NGROUP 32
-#define MAXSAMPLES 16384
-#define MINTRGDELAY -8192
-#define MAXTDCCH 0x80
-// Types
-// Static global variables
-static int daq_on = 0;
-static int ntics;
-static int poolHandle = 0;
-static int p1h, pID, rID, tfID;
-static int ph_tdc, ph_wf;
-static int dtdc[MAXTDCCH];
-static int debugOut = 0;
-static time_t t0;
-static ViStatus istat;
-static ViSession RedPHandle,RMHandle;
-// Static functions
-static int update_plots (void) {
- if (ph_tdc>0) DeleteGraphPlot (p1h, P1_TDC_G, ph_tdc, VAL_DELAYED_DRAW);
- ph_tdc = PlotY (p1h, P1_TDC_G, &dtdc[0], MAXTDCCH, VAL_INTEGER,
- return (0);
-static int export_data (void) {
- char filename[0xFF],rootcmd[0xFF];
- int type=0;
- int neve;
- GetCtrlVal(p1h,P1_FILENAME_EN,filename);
- GetCtrlVal(p1h,P1_FILETYPE,&type);
- unsigned int hdr[10];
- time_t t;
- hdr[0] = 0x1;
- hdr[1] = sizeof(int) * MAXTDCCH;
- hdr[2] = t0;
- GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_CEVE_N, &neve);
- hdr[3] = neve;
- hdr[4] = (unsigned int)( time(&t)-t0);
- FILE *fp;
- switch (type) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- fp =fopen(filename,"wb");
- if (fp) {
- fwrite(hdr,sizeof(unsigned int),5,fp);
- fwrite(dtdc,sizeof(int),MAXTDCCH,fp);
- fclose(fp);
- if (type) {
- sprintf(rootcmd ,"root.exe plottdc.cxx(\\\"%s\\\")", filename);
- LaunchExecutable(rootcmd);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- fp=fopen(filename,"w");
- if (fp) {
- for (int i=0; i<MAXTDCCH; i++) fprintf(fp,"%d\n", dtdc[i]);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- break;
- }
- return (0);
-static int CVICALLBACK daq_run(void *functionData) {
- int trgdly,neve,ieve,ndata;
- float data[10000];
- char datac[100000];
- char *ctoken_p;
- char response[80];
- time_t t;
- response[0] = 0;
- t0 = time(&t);
- if (RedPHandle) {
- istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:RST\r\n");
- istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:AVG OFF\r\n");
- istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:DEC 1\r\n");
- istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:TRIG:LEV -0.03\r\n");
- istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:TRIG:DLY %0d\r\n", trgdly);
- istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:START\r\n");
- Delay(0.01);
- istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:TRIG CH1_NE\r\n");
-// istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:TRIG NOW\r\n");
- }
- GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NEVE_N, &neve);
- ieve=0;
- do {
- while (VI_TRUE) {
- if (RedPHandle) istat = viQueryf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:TRIG:STAT?\r\n", "%s",response);
- if (response[0]=='T') break;
- if (!daq_on) break;
- }
- if (!daq_on) break;
- if (RedPHandle) {
- istat = viQueryf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:SOUR1:DATA:LAT:N? %0d\r\n", "%s", NSAMPLES, datac);
- istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:START\r\n");
- Delay(0.001);
- istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:TRIG CH1_NE\r\n");
-// istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:TRIG NOW\r\n");
-// Delay(0.01);
- }
- ndata=0;
- ctoken_p = strtok (datac, "{,}\r");
- while (ctoken_p) {
- sscanf(ctoken_p,"%f",&data[ndata]);
- if ((ndata)&&(data[ndata]<-0.015)&&(data[ndata-1]>=-0.015)) dtdc[ndata/NGROUP]++;
- ctoken_p = strtok (NULL, "{,}\r");
- ndata++;
- }
- ph_wf = PlotY (p1h, P1_WF_G, data, ndata, VAL_FLOAT, VAL_THIN_LINE, VAL_NO_POINT, VAL_SOLID, 1, VAL_BLUE);
- SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_CEVE_N, ++ieve);
- if (debugOut) {
- sprintf(response,"%d, %d",ieve,ndata);
- istat = InsertTextBoxLine (p1h, P1_IO_TB, -1, response);
- debugOut=0;
- }
- } while (ieve<neve);
- daq_on=0;
- SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_DAQ_S, daq_on);
- SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_CEVE_N, ieve);
- return 0;
-// Global variables
-// Global functions
-/// HIFN What does your function do?
-/// HIPAR x/What inputs does your function expect?
-/// HIRET What does your function return?
-int CVICALLBACK cb_timer (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData,
- int eventData1, int eventData2) {
- QueueUserEvent (9000, p1h, P1_TIMER_T);
- return (0);
-int CVICALLBACK debug_pressed (int panel, int control, int event,
- void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
- switch (event) {
- debugOut=1;
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-int __stdcall WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
- LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {
- int i,refon,dummy;
- char response[80];
- if (InitCVIRTE (hInstance, 0, 0) == 0)
- return -1; /* out of memory */
- SetSleepPolicy(VAL_SLEEP_MORE);
- CmtNewThreadPool (MAX_THREADS, &poolHandle);
- SetStdioWindowOptions (1000, 0, 0);
- SetStdioWindowSize (150, 600);
- SetStdioWindowPosition (825, 20);
- istat = viOpenDefaultRM (&RMHandle);
- if (RMHandle) istat = viOpen (RMHandle, "TCPIP0::", VI_NULL, VI_NULL, &RedPHandle);
- if (RedPHandle){
- istat = viSetAttribute (RedPHandle, VI_ATTR_TCPIP_KEEPALIVE, VI_TRUE);
- istat = viSetAttribute (RedPHandle, VI_ATTR_TCPIP_NODELAY, VI_TRUE);
- istat = viSetAttribute (RedPHandle, VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR, '\n');
- istat = viSetAttribute (RedPHandle, VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR_EN, VI_TRUE);
- istat = viSetAttribute (RedPHandle, VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE, 1000);
- }
- if ((p1h = LoadPanel (0, "RedPitaya_ui.uir", P1)) < 0) return -1;
- DisplayPanel (p1h);
- istat = SetCtrlAttribute (p1h, P1_WF_G, ATTR_DATA_MODE, VAL_DISCARD);
- if (RedPHandle) istat = viQueryf (RedPHandle, "*IDN?\r\n", "%s",response);
- else sprintf(response,"Connection to RedPitaya is missing");
- istat = InsertTextBoxLine (p1h, P1_IO_TB, -1,response);
- istat = ProcessDrawEvents ();
- QueueUserEvent (1000, p1h, P1_RESET_PB);
- do {
- GetUserEvent (1, &pID, &rID);
- switch (rID) {
- case P1_TIMER_T:
- ntics+=1;
- GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_REFON_CB, &refon);
- if (refon) update_plots();
- break;
- case P1_REFRESH_PB:
- update_plots();
- break;
- case P1_DAQ_S:
- GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_DAQ_S, &daq_on);
- if (daq_on) {
- CmtScheduleThreadPoolFunction (poolHandle, daq_run, (void *)&dummy, &tfID);
- } else {
- CmtWaitForThreadPoolFunctionCompletion (poolHandle, tfID,
- CmtReleaseThreadPoolFunctionID (poolHandle, tfID);
- }
- break;
- case P1_RESET_PB:
- for (i=0; i<MAXTDCCH; i++) {
- dtdc[i]=0;
- }
- update_plots();
- case P1_CLEAR_PB:
- DeleteGraphPlot (p1h, P1_WF_G, -1, VAL_IMMEDIATE_DRAW);
- break;
- case P1_EXPORT_PB:
- export_data();
- break;
- case P1_TDCLOG_S:
- GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_TDCLOG_S, &istat);
- SetCtrlAttribute (p1h, P1_TDC_G, ATTR_YMAP_MODE, istat);
- update_plots();
- break;
- default:
- Delay(1.);
- }
- } while ((rID != P1_EXIT_PB)||daq_on);
- CmtDiscardThreadPool (poolHandle);
- DiscardPanel (p1h);
- if (RedPHandle) istat = viClose (RedPHandle);
- if (RMHandle) istat = viClose (RMHandle);
- return 0;
Index: apps/RedPitaya/soccli/redpitaya_gui.h
--- apps/RedPitaya/soccli/redpitaya_gui.h (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/soccli/redpitaya_gui.h (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+/* LabWindows/CVI User Interface Resource (UIR) Include File */
+/* */
+/* WARNING: Do not add to, delete from, or otherwise modify the contents */
+/* of this include file. */
+#include <userint.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ /* Panels and Controls: */
+#define PANEL 1
+#define PANEL_EXPORT_4 2 /* control type: command, callback function: ExportCB */
+#define PANEL_EXPORT_2 3 /* control type: command, callback function: ExportCB */
+#define PANEL_EXPORT_1 4 /* control type: command, callback function: ExportCB */
+#define PANEL_EXPORT_3 5 /* control type: command, callback function: ExportCB */
+#define PANEL_HRESET 6 /* control type: command, callback function: ResetCB */
+#define PANEL_EXIT 7 /* control type: command, callback function: ExitCB */
+#define PANEL_IP 8 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_FILENAME 9 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_TIMER 10 /* control type: timer, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_TWIN1 11 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_TWIN0 12 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_ITRGLEVEL 13 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_TRGLEVEL 14 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_EXPORTNAME 15 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_FILETYPE 16 /* control type: ring, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_PFREQ 17 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_NBEFORE 18 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_SAMPLES 19 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_NTOTAL 20 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_NEVE 21 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_CEVE 22 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_ADC2 23 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_TDC2 24 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_ADC1 25 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_TDC1 26 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_DECIMATION 27 /* control type: ring, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_TRIGGER 28 /* control type: ring, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_OUTWAVE 29 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_ENABLEDOUTPUT 30 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_DEBUG 31 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_CH1 32 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_GRAPH 33 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_CH0 34 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_TEXTMSG 35 /* control type: textMsg, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_STDIO 36 /* control type: textBox, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_MAXX_3 37 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_MINX_3 38 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_NCH_3 39 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_MAXX_4 40 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_MINX_4 41 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_NCH_4 42 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_MAXX_2 43 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_MINX_2 44 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_NCH_2 45 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_MAXX_6 46 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
+#define PANEL_MINX_6 47 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
+#define PANEL_MAXX_10 48 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
+#define PANEL_MINX_10 49 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
+#define PANEL_MAXX_9 50 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
+#define PANEL_MINX_9 51 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
+#define PANEL_MAXX_8 52 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
+#define PANEL_MINX_8 53 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
+#define PANEL_MAXX_7 54 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
+#define PANEL_MINX_7 55 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
+#define PANEL_MAXX_5 56 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
+#define PANEL_MINX_5 57 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
+#define PANEL_AUTOY_5 58 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
+#define PANEL_MAXX_1 59 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_MINX_1 60 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_AUTOY_4 61 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
+#define PANEL_NCH_1 62 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_CONNECT 63 /* control type: textButton, callback function: StartCB */
+#define PANEL_AUTOY_3 64 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
+#define PANEL_AUTOY_2 65 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
+#define PANEL_START 66 /* control type: textButton, callback function: StartCB */
+#define PANEL_ADCTYPE 67 /* control type: binary, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_AUTOY 68 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
+#define PANEL_LOGY_4 69 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: SetGraphLogYCB */
+#define PANEL_LOGY_3 70 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: SetGraphLogYCB */
+#define PANEL_LOGY_2 71 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: SetGraphLogYCB */
+#define PANEL_LOGY_1 72 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: SetGraphLogYCB */
+#define PANEL_AUTOX 73 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: SetGraphPropertiesCB */
+ /* Control Arrays: */
+ /* (no control arrays in the resource file) */
+ /* Menu Bars, Menus, and Menu Items: */
+ /* (no menu bars in the resource file) */
+ /* Callback Prototypes: */
+int CVICALLBACK ExitCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
+int CVICALLBACK ExportCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
+int CVICALLBACK ResetCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
+int CVICALLBACK SetGraphLogYCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
+int CVICALLBACK SetGraphPropertiesCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
+int CVICALLBACK StartCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
Index: apps/RedPitaya/soccli/redpitaya_gui.uir
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: apps/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.c
--- apps/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.c (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.c (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
+#include "redpitaya_gui.h"
+#include <ansi_c.h>
+#include <tcpsupp.h>
+#include <utility.h>
+#include <cvirte.h>
+#include <userint.h>
+#include "redpitaya_gui.h"
+#include "H1D.h"
+#define NBEFORE 150
+#define MAXSAMPLES 16384
+#define MINTRGDELAY -8192
+static int panelHandle;
+static unsigned int chandle = 0;
+//static int tfID;
+int pfreq;
+static int plothandle[2]= {0,0};
+static int tdcplothandle[2]= {0,0};
+static int adcplothandle[2]= {0,0};
+int debug ;
+int initialized = 0;
+#define MAX_THREADS 10
+int nsamples=0;
+int adctype;
+float athreshold, twin0,twin1;
+float timebins[0XFFFF];
+FILE *foutput;
+int outwaveforms=0;
+static CmtThreadPoolHandle poolHandle = 0;
+int ctrl_c=0;
+int CVICALLBACK SocketCB (unsigned handle, int xType, int errCode, void *callbackData);
+static int export_data (int hid) {
+ char filename[0xFF],rootcmd[0xFF];
+ char fname[0xFF];
+ int type=0;
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_EXPORTNAME,fname);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_FILETYPE,&type);
+ FILE *fp;
+ switch (type) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ sprintf(filename,"%s_%d.root",fname, hid);
+ fp =fopen(filename,"wb");
+ if (fp) {
+ H1D_Write2File(hid,fp);
+ fclose(fp);
+ if (type) {
+ sprintf(rootcmd ,"thisroot.bat && root.exe H1Dload.cxx(\\\"%s\\\")", filename);
+ LaunchExecutable(rootcmd);
+ }
+ printf("Histogram %d exported to %s\n", hid, filename);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ sprintf(filename,"%s_%d.txt",fname, hid);
+ fp=fopen(filename,"w");
+ if (fp) {
+ for (int i=0; i<H1D_GetNbinsX(hid); i++) fprintf(fp,"%g\t%g\n", H1D_GetXBinCenter(hid,i), H1D_GetBinContent(hid,i) );
+ fclose(fp);
+ printf("Histogram %d exported to %s\n", hid, filename);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return (0);
+int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ if (InitCVIRTE (0, argv, 0) == 0)
+ return -1; /* out of memory */
+ if ((panelHandle = LoadPanel (0, "redpitaya_gui.uir", PANEL)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ SetStdioPort (CVI_STDIO_WINDOW);
+ SetSleepPolicy(VAL_SLEEP_MORE);
+ CmtNewThreadPool (MAX_THREADS, &poolHandle);
+ //for (int i=0;i<1000;i++) H1D_Fill(1,i,i);
+ //H1D_Draw(1,panelHandle,PANEL_ADC1,&adcplothandle[0]);
+ printf("size of double = %d\n",sizeof(double));
+ DisplayPanel (panelHandle);
+ RunUserInterface ();
+ DiscardPanel (panelHandle);
+ CmtDiscardThreadPool (poolHandle);
+ if (chandle!=0) DisconnectFromTCPServer (chandle);
+ return 0;
+char strbuf[0xFF];
+int gLog=0;
+int printf(const char *format, ...) {
+ va_list aptr;
+ int ret;
+ FILE *flog;
+ va_start(aptr, format);
+ ret = vsprintf(strbuf, format, aptr);
+ va_end(aptr);
+ SetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_STDIO,strbuf);
+ if (gLog) {
+ flog = fopen ("stdio.log", "a");
+ fprintf (flog, "%s", strbuf);
+ fclose (flog);
+ }
+ return(ret);
+int CVICALLBACK SetGraphLogYCB (int panel, int control, int event,
+ void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
+ int cid=0;
+ int logy=0;
+ switch (event)
+ {
+ GetCtrlVal(panel,control, &logy);
+ switch (control){
+ case PANEL_LOGY_1: cid = PANEL_TDC1; break;
+ case PANEL_LOGY_2: cid = PANEL_ADC1; break;
+ case PANEL_LOGY_3: cid = PANEL_TDC2; break;
+ case PANEL_LOGY_4: cid = PANEL_ADC2; break;
+ }
+ if (logy) SetCtrlAttribute (panel, cid, ATTR_YMAP_MODE, VAL_LOG);
+ else SetCtrlAttribute (panel, cid, ATTR_YMAP_MODE, VAL_LINEAR);
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int CVICALLBACK SetGraphPropertiesCB (int panel, int control, int event,
+ void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
+ float min, max;
+ int autoscale;
+ switch (event)
+ {
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MINX_5, &min);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MAXX_5, &max);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_AUTOY, &autoscale);
+ if (autoscale)
+ SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_GRAPH, VAL_LEFT_YAXIS, VAL_AUTOSCALE, min, max);
+ else
+ SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_GRAPH, VAL_LEFT_YAXIS, VAL_MANUAL, min, max);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MINX_6, &min);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MAXX_6, &max);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_AUTOX, &autoscale);
+ if (autoscale)
+ SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_GRAPH, VAL_BOTTOM_XAXIS, VAL_AUTOSCALE, min, max);
+ else
+ SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_GRAPH, VAL_BOTTOM_XAXIS, VAL_MANUAL, min, max);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MINX_7, &min);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MAXX_7, &max);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_AUTOY_2, &autoscale);
+ if (autoscale)
+ SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_TDC1, VAL_LEFT_YAXIS, VAL_AUTOSCALE, min, max);
+ else
+ SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_TDC1, VAL_LEFT_YAXIS, VAL_MANUAL, min, max);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MINX_8, &min);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MAXX_8, &max);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_AUTOY_3, &autoscale);
+ if (autoscale)
+ SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_ADC1, VAL_LEFT_YAXIS, VAL_AUTOSCALE, min, max);
+ else
+ SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_ADC1, VAL_LEFT_YAXIS, VAL_MANUAL, min, max);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MINX_9, &min);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MAXX_9, &max);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_AUTOY_4, &autoscale);
+ if (autoscale)
+ SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_TDC2, VAL_LEFT_YAXIS, VAL_AUTOSCALE, min, max);
+ else
+ SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_TDC2, VAL_LEFT_YAXIS, VAL_MANUAL, min, max);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MINX_10, &min);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MAXX_10, &max);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_AUTOY_5, &autoscale);
+ if (autoscale)
+ SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_ADC2, VAL_LEFT_YAXIS, VAL_AUTOSCALE, min, max);
+ else
+ SetAxisScalingMode (panelHandle, PANEL_ADC2, VAL_LEFT_YAXIS, VAL_MANUAL, min, max);
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int histoinit() {
+ int nch;
+ float min,max;
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_NCH_1, &nch);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MINX_1, &min);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MAXX_1, &max);
+ H1D_Init(1, "ADC ch 1","Pulse height", nch, min, max );
+ H1D_SetTitleX(1,"ADC (V)");
+ H1D_SetTitleY(1,"N");
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_NCH_2, &nch);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MINX_2, &min);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MAXX_2, &max);
+ H1D_Init(2, "ADC ch 2","Pulse height", nch, min, max );
+ H1D_SetTitleX(2,"ADC (V)");
+ H1D_SetTitleY(2,"N");
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_NCH_3, &nch);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MINX_3, &min);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MAXX_3, &max);
+ H1D_Init(3, "TDC ch 1","TDC", nch, min, max );
+ H1D_SetTitleX(3,"TDC (us)");
+ H1D_SetTitleY(3,"N");
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_NCH_4, &nch);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MINX_4, &min);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_MAXX_4, &max);
+ H1D_Init(4, "TDC ch 2","TDC", nch, min, max );
+ H1D_SetTitleX(4,"TDC (us)");
+ H1D_SetTitleY(4,"N");
+ SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_ADC1, ATTR_XNAME, H1D_GetTitleX(1) );
+ SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_ADC1, ATTR_YNAME, H1D_GetTitleY(1) );
+ SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_ADC2, ATTR_XNAME, H1D_GetTitleX(2) );
+ SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_ADC2, ATTR_YNAME, H1D_GetTitleY(2) );
+ SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_TDC1, ATTR_XNAME, H1D_GetTitleX(3) );
+ SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_TDC1, ATTR_YNAME, H1D_GetTitleY(3) );
+ SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_TDC2, ATTR_XNAME, H1D_GetTitleX(4) );
+ SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_TDC2, ATTR_YNAME, H1D_GetTitleY(4) );
+ SetGraphLogYCB( panelHandle, PANEL_LOGY_1, EVENT_COMMIT,NULL,0,0);
+ SetGraphLogYCB( panelHandle, PANEL_LOGY_2, EVENT_COMMIT,NULL,0,0);
+ SetGraphLogYCB( panelHandle, PANEL_LOGY_3, EVENT_COMMIT,NULL,0,0);
+ SetGraphLogYCB( panelHandle, PANEL_LOGY_4, EVENT_COMMIT,NULL,0,0);
+ SetGraphPropertiesCB( panelHandle, PANEL, EVENT_COMMIT,NULL,0,0);
+ SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_GRAPH, ATTR_LABEL_TEXT , "sampling adc data");
+ SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_GRAPH, ATTR_XNAME, "t(us)" );
+ SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_GRAPH, ATTR_YNAME, "U(V)" );
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_TWIN0, &twin0);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_TWIN1, &twin1);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_ADCTYPE, &adctype);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_ITRGLEVEL , &athreshold);
+ return 0;
+int analyse(int nb, unsigned char *cdata, int *info, int *ninfo) {
+ int *ibuf = (int *)cdata;
+ float *fbuf = (float *)cdata;
+ float *finfo = (float *)info;
+ int neve=0;
+ int *data = (ibuf+3);
+ int nr=0;
+ static float adc = 10000;
+ static float qdc = 0;
+ *ninfo = 0;
+ printf("Run HDR LEN=%d NEVE=%d dt=%f adc=%f qdc=%f\n", ibuf[0],ibuf[1],fbuf[2],adc,qdc);
+ while (nr<nb) {
+ int recid = *data++;
+ int chmask = *data++;
+ nr +=8;
+ if (recid!=0x2) continue;
+ for (int id=0; id<2; id++) {
+ if ( !(chmask & (1 << id)) ) {
+ if (neve % pfreq == 0)
+ if (plothandle[id]) {
+ DeleteGraphPlot (panelHandle, PANEL_GRAPH, plothandle[id], VAL_IMMEDIATE_DRAW);
+ plothandle[id] = 0;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( id != *(data++) ) printf("Error\n");
+ int nsamples = *(data++);
+ if (nsamples<=0 || nsamples>16*1024) {
+ printf("Error nsamples %d\n", nsamples);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ float *fdata = (float *) data;
+ if ( nsamples>0 && neve % pfreq == 0) {
+ const int col[4]= {VAL_RED,VAL_GREEN,VAL_BLUE,VAL_WHITE};
+ if (plothandle[id]) DeleteGraphPlot (panelHandle, PANEL_GRAPH, plothandle[id], VAL_IMMEDIATE_DRAW);
+ plothandle[id] = PlotXY (panelHandle, PANEL_GRAPH, timebins, fdata, nsamples, VAL_FLOAT, VAL_FLOAT, VAL_FAT_LINE, VAL_NO_POINT, VAL_SOLID, 1, col[id]);
+ H1D_Draw(1,panelHandle,PANEL_ADC1,&adcplothandle[0]);
+ H1D_Draw(2,panelHandle,PANEL_ADC2,&adcplothandle[1]);
+ H1D_Draw(3,panelHandle,PANEL_TDC1,&tdcplothandle[0]);
+ H1D_Draw(4,panelHandle,PANEL_TDC2,&tdcplothandle[1]);
+ if (debug) for (int k=0; k<10; k++) printf("%d %d (%f , %d)\n", id,k, timebins[k],data[k]);
+ }
+ nr+=8;
+ adc=10000;
+ qdc=0;
+ int nqdc=0;
+ int ntdc=0;
+ for (int k=1; k<nsamples; k++) {
+ float t =timebins[k];
+ float tp=timebins[k-1];
+ if (fdata[k] < adc) adc = fdata[k];
+ if (t>twin0 && t<twin1 ) {
+ nqdc++;
+ qdc+=fdata[k];
+ }
+ if (fdata[k]< athreshold && fdata[k-1]> athreshold) {
+ double t0= tp+(athreshold-fdata[k-1])/(fdata[k]-fdata[k-1])* (t-tp);
+ H1D_Fill(3+id, t0,1);
+ finfo[*ninfo+4+ntdc]=t0;
+ ntdc++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (nqdc) qdc/=nqdc;
+ //printf("adc %f qdc %f\n", adc,qdc);
+ info[*ninfo]=(ntdc+4)*sizeof(int); // len
+ info[*ninfo+1]=id | 0xF0000000; // recid
+ finfo[*ninfo+2]=adc;
+ finfo[*ninfo+3]=qdc;
+ *ninfo+= ntdc+4;
+ if (adctype)
+ H1D_Fill(1+id, -adc,1);
+ else
+ H1D_Fill(1+id, -qdc,1);
+ nr+=4*nsamples;
+ data+=nsamples;
+ }
+ recid = *data++;
+ int event = *data++;
+ nr+=8;
+ neve++;
+ if (debug) printf("recid %d event %d\n",recid, event );
+ }
+ return neve;
+const int maxlen = 100000000;
+unsigned char data[maxlen];
+int *idata = (int *) &data[0];
+int evinfo[maxlen];
+int CVICALLBACK SocketCB (unsigned handle, int xType, int errCode, void *callbackData) {
+ int nb = 0 ;
+ static int event = 0;
+ static int ncalls = 0;
+ static time_t t0, t1;
+ time(&t0);
+ switch (xType) {
+ printf("TCP_DISCONNECT ErrorString %s\n",GetTCPErrorString(errCode));
+ printf("TCP_DISCONNECT SystemErrorString %s\n",GetTCPSystemErrorString());
+ chandle = 0;
+ break;
+ int hdr[2]= {0,0};
+ nb = ClientTCPRead(handle,&hdr[0],8,1000);
+ int size = hdr[1] - 8;
+ if (size>maxlen) size=maxlen;
+ nb = 0;
+ while (nb < size) {
+ int retval = ClientTCPRead(handle,&data[nb],size-nb,1000);
+ if (retval<1) break;
+ nb += retval;
+ }
+ if (debug) printf("Received RECID %d HDRLEN %d == read %d\n", hdr[0], size, nb);
+ int ninfo=0;
+ switch (hdr[0]) {
+ case 0:
+ data[nb]=0;
+ printf("%s\n",data);
+ break;
+ case 1:// read
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_CEVE , &event);
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_NTOTAL , &ncalls);
+ event += analyse(nb,data, evinfo, &ninfo);
+ if (foutput) {
+ if (outwaveforms) fwrite(data, 1, nb, foutput);
+ fwrite(evinfo, 1, ninfo*sizeof(int), foutput);
+ time(&t1);
+ if ((t1-t0)>10000) {
+ for (int i=0;i<4;i++) H1D_Write2File(1+i,foutput);
+ time(&t0);
+ }
+ }
+ SetCtrlVal(panelHandle,PANEL_CEVE , event);
+ if (event>=ncalls) StartCB (panelHandle, PANEL_START, EVENT_COMMIT, NULL,1,0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("Unknown command = %d\n", hdr[0]);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int rpdecimation(int i){
+ switch (i){
+ case 1: return 0;
+ case 8: return 1;
+ case 64: return 2;
+ case 1024: return 3;
+ case 8192: return 4;
+ case 65536: return 5;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int CVICALLBACK StartCB (int panel, int control, int event,
+ void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
+ char ip[0xFF];
+ int hdr[0xFF];
+ char filename[0xFF];
+ unsigned short *sbuff = (unsigned short *)&hdr[5] ;
+ unsigned char *cbuff = (unsigned char *)&sbuff[3] ;
+ int imask[2];
+ unsigned char mask;
+ unsigned char trigger;
+ unsigned short nsamples;
+ int delay;
+ int nbefore;
+ unsigned int decimation;
+ unsigned short neve;
+ int output;
+ switch (event) {
+ case EVENT_COMMIT: {
+ GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_IP, ip);
+ GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_TRIGGER, &trigger);
+ GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_SAMPLES, &nsamples);
+ GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_DECIMATION,&decimation);
+ GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_NEVE , &neve);
+ GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_CH0 , &imask[0] );
+ GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_CH1 , &imask[1] );
+ GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_PFREQ , &pfreq);
+ GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_DEBUG , &debug);
+ GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_NBEFORE , &nbefore);
+ GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_ENABLEDOUTPUT, &output);
+ GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_OUTWAVE, &outwaveforms);
+ GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_FILENAME, filename);
+ delay= MINTRGDELAY + nsamples - nbefore + 1;
+ mask = 0;
+ for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
+ if (imask[i]) mask |= (1<<i);
+ }
+ double level =0;
+ GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_TRGLEVEL , &level);
+ switch (control) {
+ int state;
+ GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_CONNECT, &state);
+ if (state) {
+ ConnectToTCPServerEx (&chandle, 9930, ip, SocketCB, NULL, 0, TCP_ANY_LOCAL_PORT);
+ } else {
+ if (chandle!=0) DisconnectFromTCPServer (chandle);
+ chandle = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case PANEL_START: {
+ int state;
+ GetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_START, &state);
+ if (state && eventData1==0) {
+ histoinit();
+ /* decimation n (=1,8,64...) : frequency = 125/n MHz*/
+ for (int i=0; i<nsamples; i++) timebins[i]=(i-nbefore)* (float)decimation /125.;
+ if (output) foutput = fopen(filename, "wb");
+ printf("decimation %d\n", decimation);
+ SetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_CEVE , 0);
+ ctrl_c=0;
+ hdr[0] = 0;
+ hdr[1] = 7*sizeof(int);
+ hdr[2] = delay;
+ hdr[3] = rpdecimation(decimation);
+ hdr[4] = level * 1000;
+ sbuff[0] = neve;
+ sbuff[1] = nsamples;
+ sbuff[2] = 1000; //tout
+ cbuff[0] = trigger;
+ cbuff[1] = mask;
+ ClientTCPWrite(chandle,&hdr[0],hdr[1],5000); // acquire
+ } else {
+ hdr[0] = 1;
+ hdr[1] = 2*sizeof(int);
+ ClientTCPWrite(chandle,&hdr[0],hdr[1],5000); // stop the transfer
+ printf("INFO Stopping the acquisition\n");
+ SetCtrlVal(panel,PANEL_START, 0);
+ if (foutput) fclose(foutput);
+ foutput=NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ printf("Unknown command\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ ProcessSystemEvents ();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int CVICALLBACK ExitCB (int panel, int control, int event,
+ void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
+ switch (event) {
+ QuitUserInterface(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int CVICALLBACK ExportCB (int panel, int control, int event,
+ void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
+ int hid=0;
+ switch (event) {
+ switch (control) {
+ case PANEL_EXPORT_1:
+ hid=1;
+ break;
+ case PANEL_EXPORT_2:
+ hid=2;
+ break;
+ case PANEL_EXPORT_3:
+ hid=3;
+ break;
+ case PANEL_EXPORT_4:
+ hid=4;
+ break;
+ }
+ export_data(hid);
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int CVICALLBACK ResetCB (int panel, int control, int event,
+ void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
+ switch (event) {
+ for (int i=1; i<=4; i++) H1D_Clear(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
Index: apps/RedPitaya/soccli/H1Dload.cxx
--- apps/RedPitaya/soccli/H1Dload.cxx (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/soccli/H1Dload.cxx (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#include <TH1D.h>
+#include <TStyle.h>
+#include <TPad.h>
+#include "mH1D.h"
+double H1DGetBinContent(H1D *h1d,int atx){
+if (!h1d) return 0;
+if (h1d->nx <= atx) return 0;
+if (atx < h1d->size ) return h1d->data[atx];
+return 0;
+int H1Dload(char *fname){
+FILE *fp= fopen(fname ,"rb");
+if (!fp) return -1;
+H1D *h = new H1D;
+int size=sizeof(H1D);
+int nb1 = fread(h,1, size,fp);
+if (size + h->size !=h->len ) printf("WRONG HEADER ! Check sizeof H2D on CVI\n");
+h->data = new double[size];
+int nb = fread(h->data,1, size,fp);
+printf("hdr nb=%d : sizeof(HDR)=%d +datasize=%d == len=%d\t",nb1,sizeof(H1D), h->size, h->len);
+printf("data nb=%d size=%d\n",nb,size);
+TH1D *h1d = new TH1D(h->name, h->title,
+ h->nx, h->minx-0.5*h->stepx,h->minx+(h->nx-0.5)*h->stepx );
+printf("TH1D name='%s' title='%s' x='%s' y='%s'\nnx=%d min=%f max=%f \n",h->name, h->title,h->titlex, h->titley,
+ h->nx, h->minx,h->minx+h->nx*h->stepx);
+for (int ix=0;ix<h->nx;ix++){
+ double g=H1DGetBinContent(h,ix);
+ h1d->SetBinContent(ix+1, g);
+// if (g>0) printf("i %d j %d v %g\n",ix+1,iy+1,g);
+char hname[100];
+return 0;
Index: apps/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.cws
--- apps/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.cws (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.cws (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+[Workspace Header]
+Version = 1302
+Pathname = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.cws"
+CVI Dir = "/c/program files/national instruments/cvi2013"
+CVI Shared Dir = "/C/Program Files/National Instruments/Shared/CVI"
+CVI Pub Local Dir = "/C/ProgramData/National Instruments/CVI2013"
+CVI Pub Global Dir = "/C/ProgramData/National Instruments/CVI"
+IVI Standard Root Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/IVI"
+IVI Standard Root 64-bit Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/IVI"
+VXIplug&play Framework Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/VISA/winnt"
+VXIplug&play Framework 64-bit Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/VISA/win64"
+Number of Projects = 2
+Active Project = 1
+Project 0001 = "soccli.prj"
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+Batch Build Debug = False
+[Project Header 0002]
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+Warn User If Debugging Release = 1
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+Batch Build Debug = False
+[File 0001]
+Path = "/c/home/CVI/instr/HISTO/H1D.fp"
+File Type = "Function Panel"
+Disk Date = 3568705022
+In Projects = "1,"
+[File 0002]
+Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.c"
+File Type = "CSource"
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+[File 0003]
+Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.c"
+File Type = "CSource"
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+[File 0004]
+Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/redpitaya_gui.uir"
+File Type = "User Interface Resource"
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+[File 0005]
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+[File 0006]
+Path = "/c/home/CVI/instr/HISTO/H1D.c"
+File Type = "CSource"
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+Source Window State = "1,153,153,153,26,31,31,0,3,80,0,0,0,0,0,23,138,0,153,26,323,683,1,0,"
+[File 0007]
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+File Type = "CSource"
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+Source Window State = "1,542,542,542,8,54,8,0,3,80,0,0,0,0,0,18,528,0,542,54,258,683,1,0,"
+[File 0008]
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+File Type = "Include"
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+Source Window State = "1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,80,0,0,0,0,0,23,0,0,25,56,323,683,1,0,"
+[File 0009]
+Path = "/c/home/CVI/instr/HISTO/H1D.h"
+File Type = "Include"
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+[File 0010]
+Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.h"
+File Type = "Include"
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+Source Window State = "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"
+[File 0011]
+Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/plottdc.cxx"
+File Type = "Unknown"
+Disk Date = 0
+In Projects = "1,"
+[File 0012]
+Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya_ui.h"
+File Type = "Include"
+Disk Date = 3574162675
+In Projects = "2,"
+Source Window State = "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"
+[File 0013]
+Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/plottdc.cxx"
+File Type = "Unknown"
+Disk Date = 3574162678
+In Projects = "2,"
+[Tab Order]
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+Tab 0002 = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/redpitaya_gui.uir"
+Tab 0003 = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.c"
+Tab 0004 = "/c/home/CVI/instr/DRS/drs4.c"
+Tab 0005 = "/c/home/CVI/instr/HISTO/H1D.c"
+Tab 0006 = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya_ui.uir"
+Tab 0007 = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/mH1D.h"
+Tab 0008 = "/c/home/CVI/instr/HISTO/H1D.h"
+[Default Build Config 0001 Debug]
+Generate Browse Info = True
+Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
+Batch Build = False
+Profile = "Disabled"
+Debugging Level = "Standard"
+Execution Trace = "Disabled"
+Command Line Args = ""
+Working Directory = ""
+Environment Options = ""
+External Process Path = ""
+[Default Build Config 0001 Release]
+Generate Browse Info = True
+Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
+Batch Build = False
+Profile = "Disabled"
+Debugging Level = "Standard"
+Execution Trace = "Disabled"
+Command Line Args = ""
+Working Directory = ""
+Environment Options = ""
+External Process Path = ""
+[Default Build Config 0001 Debug64]
+Generate Browse Info = True
+Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
+Batch Build = False
+Profile = "Disabled"
+Debugging Level = "Standard"
+Execution Trace = "Disabled"
+Command Line Args = ""
+Working Directory = ""
+Environment Options = ""
+External Process Path = ""
+[Default Build Config 0001 Release64]
+Generate Browse Info = True
+Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
+Batch Build = False
+Profile = "Disabled"
+Debugging Level = "Standard"
+Execution Trace = "Disabled"
+Command Line Args = ""
+Working Directory = ""
+Environment Options = ""
+External Process Path = ""
+[Build Dependencies 0001]
+Number of Dependencies = 0
+[Build Options 0001]
+Generate Browse Info = True
+Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
+Execution Trace = "Disabled"
+Profile = "Disabled"
+Debugging Level = "Standard"
+Break On Library Errors = True
+Break On First Chance Exceptions = False
+[Execution Target 0001]
+Execution Target Address = "Local desktop computer"
+Execution Target Port = 0
+Execution Target Type = 0
+[SCC Options 0001]
+Use global settings = True
+SCC Provider = ""
+SCC Project = ""
+Local Path = ""
+Auxiliary Path = ""
+Perform Same Action For .h File As For .uir File = "Ask"
+Perform Same Action For .cds File As For .prj File = "Ask"
+Username = ""
+Comment = ""
+Use Default Username = False
+Use Default Comment = False
+Suppress CVI Error Messages = False
+Always show confirmation dialog = True
+[DLL Debugging Support 0001]
+External Process Path = ""
+[Command Line Args 0001]
+Command Line Args = ""
+Working Directory = ""
+Environment Options = ""
+[Default Build Config 0002 Debug]
+Generate Browse Info = True
+Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
+Batch Build = False
+Profile = "Disabled"
+Debugging Level = "Standard"
+Execution Trace = "Disabled"
+Command Line Args = ""
+Working Directory = ""
+Environment Options = ""
+External Process Path = ""
+[Default Build Config 0002 Release]
+Generate Browse Info = True
+Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
+Batch Build = False
+Profile = "Disabled"
+Debugging Level = "Standard"
+Execution Trace = "Disabled"
+Command Line Args = ""
+Working Directory = ""
+Environment Options = ""
+External Process Path = ""
+[Default Build Config 0002 Debug64]
+Generate Browse Info = True
+Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
+Batch Build = False
+Profile = "Disabled"
+Debugging Level = "Standard"
+Execution Trace = "Disabled"
+Command Line Args = ""
+Working Directory = ""
+Environment Options = ""
+External Process Path = ""
+[Default Build Config 0002 Release64]
+Generate Browse Info = True
+Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
+Batch Build = False
+Profile = "Disabled"
+Debugging Level = "Standard"
+Execution Trace = "Disabled"
+Command Line Args = ""
+Working Directory = ""
+Environment Options = ""
+External Process Path = ""
+[Build Dependencies 0002]
+Number of Dependencies = 0
+[Build Options 0002]
+Generate Browse Info = True
+Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
+Execution Trace = "Disabled"
+Profile = "Disabled"
+Debugging Level = "Standard"
+Break On Library Errors = True
+Break On First Chance Exceptions = False
+[Execution Target 0002]
+Execution Target Address = "Local desktop computer"
+Execution Target Port = 0
+Execution Target Type = 0
+[SCC Options 0002]
+Use global settings = True
+SCC Provider = ""
+SCC Project = ""
+Local Path = ""
+Auxiliary Path = ""
+Perform Same Action For .h File As For .uir File = "Ask"
+Perform Same Action For .cds File As For .prj File = "Ask"
+Username = ""
+Comment = ""
+Use Default Username = False
+Use Default Comment = False
+Suppress CVI Error Messages = False
+Always show confirmation dialog = True
+[DLL Debugging Support 0002]
+External Process Path = ""
+[Command Line Args 0002]
+Command Line Args = ""
+Working Directory = ""
+Environment Options = ""
Index: apps/RedPitaya/soccli/
--- apps/RedPitaya/soccli/ (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/soccli/ (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Client for the RedPitaya board
+Start the server on the RedPitaya First, then start the client
+rok@f9rok ~$ ssh root@rp-f04f77.local
+Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-xilinx armv7l)
+ * Documentation:
+ * Management:
+ * Support:
+# Red Pitaya GNU/Linux Ecosystem
+# Version: 0.97
+# Build: 336
+# Branch:
+# Commit: 4506f6e20ad2d2c8a45184383302331b6bf4a501
+# U-Boot: "redpitaya-v2016.4"
+# Linux Kernel: "redpitaya-v2016.2"
+# Pro Applications: 40d8c17c18aac3ea6416257603c4c8dcd208d109 Applications (v0.96-RC3-134-g40d8c17)
+Last login: Wed Mar 22 09:47:35 2017 from fe80::117e:99ca:51f3:7af2%eth0
+root@rp-f04f77:~# cd sockserv/
+root@rp-f04f77:~/sockserv# ./
Index: apps/RedPitaya/soccli/mH1D.h
--- apps/RedPitaya/soccli/mH1D.h (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/soccli/mH1D.h (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#ifndef _H1D_H_
+#define _H1D_H_
+#ifdef _CVI_
+#include <cvidef.h>
+#include <ivi.h>
+#include <userint.h>
+#define _VI_FUNC /* */
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* 2d histogramming */
+#define H1D_ID 0x11
+#pragma pack(4)
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int id,len;
+ unsigned int nx;
+ int nentries;
+ unsigned int size;
+ double min;
+ double max;
+ double minx;
+ double stepx;
+ char name[20];
+ char title[100];
+ char titlex[40];
+ char titley[40];
+ double *data;
+} H1D;
+#pragma pack()
+double _VI_FUNC H1D_GetYBinCenter(int h2d,int ybin);
+double _VI_FUNC H1D_GetYBinCenter(int h2d,int xbin);
+int _VI_FUNC H1D_Clear(int h2d);
+int _VI_FUNC H1D_Print(int h2d);
+int _VI_FUNC H1D_Exist(int h2d);
+int _VI_FUNC H1D_GetBin(int h2d, double value);
+int _VI_FUNC H1D_Fill(int h2d,double x, double val);
+int _VI_FUNC H1D_FillBin(int h2d,int x, double val);
+int _VI_FUNC H1D_SetBinContent(int h2d,int x, double val);
+double _VI_FUNC H1D_GetBinContent(int h2d,int atx);
+int _VI_FUNC H1D_Init(int h2d,char *name, char *title,int nx, double minx, double maxx);
+int _VI_FUNC H1D_Write(int h2d,const char *fname,const char*opt);
+int _VI_FUNC H1D_Write2File(int h2d,FILE *fp);
+int _VI_FUNC H1D_SetTitle(int h2d,char *title);
+int _VI_FUNC H1D_SetTitleX(int h2d,char *title);
+int _VI_FUNC H1D_SetTitleY(int h2d,char *title);
+int _VI_FUNC H1D_SetName(int h2d,char *title);
+char * _VI_FUNC H1D_GetTitleX(int h1d);
+char * _VI_FUNC H1D_GetTitleY(int h1d);
+char * _VI_FUNC H1D_GetTitle(int h1d);
+int _VI_FUNC H1D_GetNbinsX(int h);
+double _VI_FUNC H1D_GetMinX(int h);
+double _VI_FUNC H1D_GetMaxX(int h);
+double _VI_FUNC H1D_GetStepX(int h);
+double _VI_FUNC H1D_GetMin(int h);
+double _VI_FUNC H1D_GetMax(int h);
+double * _VI_FUNC H1D_GetData(int h);
+int _VI_FUNC H1D_Draw(int histogram,int panel, int control, int *plothandle) ;
+#endif /* _H1D_H_ */
Index: apps/RedPitaya/soccli/thisroot.bat
--- apps/RedPitaya/soccli/thisroot.bat (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/soccli/thisroot.bat (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+@echo off
+set MPATH=%~dp0
+rem set MPATH=%CD%
+cd "\"
+FOR /D %%x in ("Program Files*") do (
+ cd /D %%x
+ if exist "Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Include" set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;%CD%%%x\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Include
+ For /D %%G in ("Microsoft Visual Studio*") do set VC=%%x\%%G
+ cd "\"
+echo call "%VC%\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86
+call "%VC%\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86
+cd "\"
+FOR /D %%G IN ("root*") DO SET ROOTSYS=c:\%%G
+echo Visual C Development environment
+echo nmake -f Makefile.win32
+cd /D "%MPATH%"
\ No newline at end of file
Index: apps/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.prj
--- apps/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.prj (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.prj (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+[Project Header]
+Version = 1302
+Pathname = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.prj"
+Project Label = "soccli"
+CVI Dir = "/c/program files (x86)/national instruments/cvi2013"
+CVI Shared Dir = "/C/Program Files (x86)/National Instruments/Shared/CVI"
+CVI Pub Local Dir = "/C/ProgramData/National Instruments/CVI2013"
+CVI Pub Global Dir = "/C/ProgramData/National Instruments/CVI"
+IVI Standard Root Dir = "/C/Program Files (x86)/IVI Foundation/IVI"
+VXIplug&play Framework Dir = "/C/Program Files (x86)/IVI Foundation/VISA/winnt"
+IVI Standard Root 64-bit Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/IVI"
+VXIplug&play Framework 64-bit Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/VISA/win64"
+Number of Files = 5
+Target Type = "Executable"
+Flags = 2064
+Copied From Locked InstrDrv Directory = False
+Copied from VXIPNP Directory = False
+Locked InstrDrv Name = ""
+Don't Display Deploy InstrDrv Dialog = False
+Library Files Folder Not Added Yet = True
+Folder 0 = "Source Files"
+FolderEx 0 = "Source Files"
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+FolderEx 3 = "Instrument Files"
+[File 0001]
+File Type = "CSource"
+Res Id = 1
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+Path Rel To = "Project"
+Path Rel Path = "soccli.c"
+Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.c"
+Exclude = False
+Compile Into Object File = False
+Project Flags = 0
+Folder = "Source Files"
+Folder Id = 0
+[File 0002]
+File Type = "Include"
+Res Id = 2
+Path Is Rel = True
+Path Rel To = "Project"
+Path Rel Path = "soccli.h"
+Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.h"
+Exclude = False
+Project Flags = 0
+Folder = "Include Files"
+Folder Id = 1
+[File 0003]
+File Type = "User Interface Resource"
+Res Id = 3
+Path Is Rel = True
+Path Rel To = "Project"
+Path Rel Path = "redpitaya_gui.uir"
+Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/redpitaya_gui.uir"
+Exclude = False
+Project Flags = 0
+Folder = "User Interface Files"
+Folder Id = 2
+[File 0004]
+File Type = "Function Panel"
+Res Id = 4
+Path Is Rel = True
+Path Rel To = "Project"
+Path Rel Path = "../../instr/HISTO/H1D.fp"
+Path = "/c/home/CVI/instr/HISTO/H1D.fp"
+Exclude = False
+Project Flags = 0
+Folder = "Instrument Files"
+Folder Id = 3
+[File 0005]
+File Type = "Unknown"
+Res Id = 5
+Path Is Rel = True
+Path Rel To = "Project"
+Path Rel Path = "plottdc.cxx"
+Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/plottdc.cxx"
+Exclude = False
+Project Flags = 0
+Folder = "Instrument Files"
+Folder Id = 3
+[Custom Build Configs]
+Num Custom Build Configs = 0
+[Default Build Config Debug]
+Config Name = "Debug"
+Is 64-Bit = False
+Is Release = False
+Default Calling Convention = "cdecl"
+Optimization Level = "Optimize for speed (level 2)"
+Require Prototypes = True
+Show Warning IDs in Build Output = False
+Selected Warning Level = "Common"
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+Warning List Common = ""
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+Enable OpenMP Extensions = False
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+Sign URL = ""
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+Icon File Is Rel = False
+Icon File = ""
+Application Title = ""
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+Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
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+Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
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+Embed Project .UIRs = False
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+Embed Timestamp = True
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+File Description Ex = "%application (%rel_dbg %arch)"
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+File Version Ex = "%f1.%f2"
+Internal Name = "soccli"
+Internal Name Ex = "%basename"
+Legal Copyright = "Copyright © 2017"
+Legal Copyright Ex = "Copyright © %company %Y"
+Legal Trademarks = ""
+Legal Trademarks Ex = ""
+Original Filename = "soccli.exe"
+Original Filename Ex = "%filename"
+Private Build = ""
+Private Build Ex = ""
+Product Name = " soccli"
+Product Name Ex = "%company %application"
+Product Version = "1.0"
+Product Version Ex = "%p1.%p2"
+Special Build = ""
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+Type Lib FP File = ""
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+Config Name = "Release"
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+Is Release = True
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+Optimization Level = "Optimize for speed (level 2)"
+Require Prototypes = True
+Show Warning IDs in Build Output = False
+Selected Warning Level = "Common"
+Warning List None = ""
+Warning List Common = ""
+Warning List Extended = ""
+Warning List All = ""
+Warning Mode = 0
+Enable Unreferenced Identifiers Warning = True
+Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = True
+Enable Unreachable Code Warning = True
+Enable Assignment In Conditional Warning = True
+Uninitialized Locals Compile Warning = "Aggressive"
+Require Return Values = True
+Enable C99 Extensions = True
+Enable OpenMP Extensions = False
+Stack Size = 250000
+Stack Reserve = 1048576
+Stack Commit = 4096
+Image Base Address = 4194304
+Image Base Address x64 = 4194304
+Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN"
+Sign = False
+Sign Store = ""
+Sign Certificate = ""
+Sign Timestamp URL = ""
+Sign URL = ""
+Manifest Embed = False
+Icon File Is Rel = False
+Icon File = ""
+Application Title = ""
+Use IVI Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True
+Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy"
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL Is Rel = False
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
+Generate Source Documentation = "None"
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+Embed Project .UIRs = False
+Generate Map File = False
+Embed Timestamp = True
+Create Console Application = False
+Using LoadExternalModule = False
+DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
+Register ActiveX Server = False
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+Include Type Lib Help Links = False
+TLB Help Style = "HLP"
+Type Lib FP File Is Rel = False
+Type Lib FP File = ""
+[Default Build Config Debug64]
+Config Name = "Debug64"
+Is 64-Bit = True
+Is Release = False
+Default Calling Convention = "cdecl"
+Optimization Level = "Optimize for speed (level 2)"
+Require Prototypes = True
+Show Warning IDs in Build Output = False
+Selected Warning Level = "Common"
+Warning List None = ""
+Warning List Common = ""
+Warning List Extended = ""
+Warning List All = ""
+Warning Mode = 0
+Enable Unreferenced Identifiers Warning = True
+Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = True
+Enable Unreachable Code Warning = True
+Enable Assignment In Conditional Warning = True
+Uninitialized Locals Compile Warning = "Aggressive"
+Require Return Values = True
+Enable C99 Extensions = True
+Enable OpenMP Extensions = False
+Stack Size = 250000
+Stack Reserve = 1048576
+Stack Commit = 4096
+Image Base Address = 4194304
+Image Base Address x64 = 4194304
+Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN"
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+Sign Store = ""
+Sign Certificate = ""
+Sign Timestamp URL = ""
+Sign URL = ""
+Manifest Embed = False
+Icon File Is Rel = False
+Icon File = ""
+Application Title = ""
+Use IVI Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True
+Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy"
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL Is Rel = False
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
+Generate Source Documentation = "None"
+Runtime Support = "Full Runtime Support"
+Runtime Binding = "Shared"
+Embed Project .UIRs = False
+Generate Map File = False
+Embed Timestamp = True
+Create Console Application = False
+Using LoadExternalModule = False
+DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
+Register ActiveX Server = False
+Add Type Lib To DLL = False
+Include Type Lib Help Links = False
+TLB Help Style = "HLP"
+Type Lib FP File Is Rel = False
+Type Lib FP File = ""
+[Default Build Config Release64]
+Config Name = "Release64"
+Is 64-Bit = True
+Is Release = True
+Default Calling Convention = "cdecl"
+Optimization Level = "Optimize for speed (level 2)"
+Require Prototypes = True
+Show Warning IDs in Build Output = False
+Selected Warning Level = "Common"
+Warning List None = ""
+Warning List Common = ""
+Warning List Extended = ""
+Warning List All = ""
+Warning Mode = 0
+Enable Unreferenced Identifiers Warning = True
+Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = True
+Enable Unreachable Code Warning = True
+Enable Assignment In Conditional Warning = True
+Uninitialized Locals Compile Warning = "Aggressive"
+Require Return Values = True
+Enable C99 Extensions = True
+Enable OpenMP Extensions = False
+Stack Size = 250000
+Stack Reserve = 1048576
+Stack Commit = 4096
+Image Base Address = 4194304
+Image Base Address x64 = 4194304
+Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN"
+Sign = False
+Sign Store = ""
+Sign Certificate = ""
+Sign Timestamp URL = ""
+Sign URL = ""
+Manifest Embed = False
+Icon File Is Rel = False
+Icon File = ""
+Application Title = ""
+Use IVI Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True
+Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy"
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL Is Rel = False
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
+Generate Source Documentation = "None"
+Runtime Support = "Full Runtime Support"
+Runtime Binding = "Shared"
+Embed Project .UIRs = False
+Generate Map File = False
+Embed Timestamp = True
+Create Console Application = False
+Using LoadExternalModule = False
+DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
+Register ActiveX Server = False
+Add Type Lib To DLL = False
+Include Type Lib Help Links = False
+TLB Help Style = "HLP"
+Type Lib FP File Is Rel = False
+Type Lib FP File = ""
+[Compiler Options]
+Default Calling Convention = "cdecl"
+Require Prototypes = True
+Require Return Values = True
+Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = True
+Enable Unreachable Code Warning = True
+Enable Unreferenced Identifiers Warning = True
+Enable Assignment In Conditional Warning = True
+O Option Compatible With 5.0 = False
+Enable C99 Extensions = True
+Uninitialized Locals Compile Warning = "Aggressive"
+Precompile Prefix Header = False
+Prefix Header File = ""
+[Run Options]
+Stack Size = 250000
+Stack Commit = 4096
+Image Base Address = 4194304
+Image Base Address x64 = 4194304
+[Compiler Defines]
+Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN"
+[Create Executable]
+Executable File_Debug Is Rel = True
+Executable File_Debug Rel To = "Project"
+Executable File_Debug Rel Path = "soccli.exe"
+Executable File_Debug = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.exe"
+Executable File_Release Is Rel = True
+Executable File_Release Rel To = "Project"
+Executable File_Release Rel Path = "soccli.exe"
+Executable File_Release = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.exe"
+Executable File_Debug64 Is Rel = True
+Executable File_Debug64 Rel To = "Project"
+Executable File_Debug64 Rel Path = "soccli.exe"
+Executable File_Debug64 = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.exe"
+Executable File_Release64 Is Rel = True
+Executable File_Release64 Rel To = "Project"
+Executable File_Release64 Rel Path = "soccli.exe"
+Executable File_Release64 = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.exe"
+Icon File Is Rel = False
+Icon File = ""
+Application Title = ""
+DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
+Use IVI Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True
+Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy"
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL Is Rel = False
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
+Generate Source Documentation = "None"
+Add Type Lib To DLL = False
+Include Type Lib Help Links = False
+TLB Help Style = "HLP"
+Type Lib FP File Is Rel = False
+Type Lib FP File = ""
+Type Lib Guid = ""
+Runtime Support = "Full Runtime Support"
+Instrument Driver Support Only = False
+Embed Project .UIRs = False
+Generate Map File = False
+[External Compiler Support]
+UIR Callbacks File Option = 0
+Using LoadExternalModule = False
+Create Project Symbols File = True
+UIR Callbacks Obj File Is Rel = False
+UIR Callbacks Obj File = ""
+Project Symbols H File Is Rel = False
+Project Symbols H File = ""
+Project Symbols Obj File Is Rel = False
+Project Symbols Obj File = ""
+[ActiveX Server Options]
+Specification File Is Rel = False
+Specification File = ""
+Source File Is Rel = False
+Source File = ""
+Include File Is Rel = False
+Include File = ""
+IDL File Is Rel = False
+IDL File = ""
+Register ActiveX Server = False
+[Signing Info]
+Sign = False
+Sign Debug Build = False
+Store = ""
+Certificate = ""
+Timestamp URL = ""
+URL = ""
+[Manifest Info]
+Embed = False
+tpcEnabled = 0
+tpcOverrideEnvironment = 0
+tpcEnabled x64 = 0
+tpcOverrideEnvironment x64 = 0
Index: apps/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.h
--- apps/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.h (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/soccli/soccli.h (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// Title: soccli.h
+// Purpose: A short description of the interface.
+// Created on: 3/13/2017 at 12:32:38 PM by rok.
+// Copyright: . All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef __soccli_H__
+#define __soccli_H__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+// Include files
+#include "cvidef.h"
+// Constants
+// Types
+// External variables
+// Global functions
+int Declare_Your_Functions_Here (int x);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+#endif /* ndef __soccli_H__ */
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/daq.c
--- apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/daq.c (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/daq.c (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#ifdef MRP
+#include "redpitaya/rp.h"
+#include "calib.h"
+#include "fpga_osc.h"
+#define TRUE -1
+#define FALSE 0
+int timer_out; struct sigaction oact;
+int ctrl_c=0;
+void SigInt (int sig) {
+ ctrl_c = 1;
+void timerast (signumber, code, context) int signumber, code; struct sigcontext context; {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Timeout\n");
+ timer_out = TRUE;
+void tmlnk (tout) int tout; {
+ struct sigaction act;
+ struct itimerval tdelay;
+ act.sa_handler = timerast;
+ sigemptyset (&act.sa_mask);
+ act.sa_flags = 0;
+ tdelay.it_value.tv_sec = tout / 100;
+ tdelay.it_value.tv_usec = 10000 * (tout % 100);
+ tdelay.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
+ tdelay.it_interval.tv_usec = 0;
+ if (sigaction (SIGALRM, &act, &oact) < 0)
+ {
+ perror ("sigaction(tmlnk)");
+ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ if (setitimer (ITIMER_REAL, &tdelay, NULL) < 0)
+ {
+ perror ("setitimer(tmlnk)");
+ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+void tmulk () {
+ struct itimerval tdelay;
+ tdelay.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
+ tdelay.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
+ tdelay.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
+ tdelay.it_interval.tv_usec = 0;
+ if (setitimer (ITIMER_REAL, &tdelay, NULL) < 0)
+ {
+ perror ("setitimer(tmulk)");
+ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ if (sigaction (SIGALRM, &oact, NULL) < 0)
+ {
+ perror ("sigaction(tmulk)");
+ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+#ifndef MRP
+rp_calib_params_t rp_calib_params; /** Pointer to externally defined calibration parameters. */ rp_calib_params_t *gen_calib_params = NULL;
+int daq_init (char * buff) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf (stderr, "Server: init\n");
+ int * hdr = (int *) buff;
+ int delay = hdr[0];
+ int decimation = hdr[1];
+ float threshold_voltage = hdr[2]/1000.;
+ fprintf(stderr, "delay = %d\tdecimation = %d\tthreshold = %f\n", delay, decimation, threshold_voltage);
+ rp_default_calib_params(&rp_calib_params);
+ gen_calib_params = &rp_calib_params;
+ if(rp_read_calib_params(gen_calib_params) < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "rp_read_calib_params() failed, using default"
+ " parameters\n");
+ }
+ // use this to acquire calibrated offset: int offset = gen_calib_params->fe_ch1_dc_offs;
+#ifdef MRP
+ if(rp_Init() != RP_OK){
+ fprintf(stderr, "Rp api init failed!\n");
+ }
+ rp_AcqReset();
+ const int rpdecimation[6]={RP_DEC_1 ,RP_DEC_8 ,RP_DEC_64,
+ RP_DEC_1024 ,RP_DEC_8192 ,RP_DEC_65536 };
+ rp_AcqSetDecimation(rpdecimation[decimation%6]);
+ const int c[2] = {RP_CH_1, RP_CH_2};
+ rp_AcqSetTriggerLevel(c[0],threshold_voltage); //Trig level is set in Volts while in SCPI
+ rp_AcqSetTriggerLevel(c[1],threshold_voltage);
+ rp_AcqSetTriggerDelay(delay);
+ return 0;
+ // initialization
+ int start = osc_fpga_init();
+ if(start)
+ {
+ printf("osc_fpga_init didn't work, retval = %d",start);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // set acquisition parameters
+ osc_fpga_set_trigger_delay(delay);
+ g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->data_dec = decimation;
+ osc_fpga_reset();
+ g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->chb_thr = osc_fpga_cnv_v_to_cnt(threshold_voltage); //sets trigger voltage
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s : %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ return 0;
+int daq_end () {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf (stderr, "Server: end\n");
+#ifdef MRP
+ rp_Release();
+ osc_fpga_exit();
+ return 0;
+int daq_clear () {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf (stderr, "Server: clear\n");
+ return 0;
+int16_t chdata[16*1024];
+float * chfdata = (float *) chdata;
+int daq_run (const char *par, char ** data, int *maxlen)
+ int *data_buf;
+ int neve;
+ unsigned short *sbuff = (unsigned short *) (par);
+ unsigned short maxeve = sbuff[0];
+ unsigned short nsamples = sbuff[1];
+ unsigned short tout = sbuff[2];
+ unsigned char trigger = par[6];
+ unsigned char chmask = par[7];
+ clock_t t,t0;
+ neve = 0;
+ t0=clock();
+ int eventsize = 0;
+ if (chmask & 0x1) eventsize += (nsamples+2);
+ if (chmask & 0x2) eventsize += (nsamples+2);
+ eventsize+=4;
+ int required_size = eventsize * maxeve+3;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ time_t mtime;
+ time(&mtime);
+ fprintf (stderr, "daq_run:\tmaxeve %d\tnsamples=%d\ttimeout=%d\ttrigger=%d\tchmask=%d\t%s", maxeve ,nsamples,tout,trigger,chmask, ctime(&mtime)); //
+ if (required_size > *maxlen ) {
+ free (*data);
+ *data = (char *) malloc(required_size *sizeof(int));
+ fprintf(stderr, "New Buffer with size %d allocated. Old size %d\n", required_size, *maxlen);
+ *maxlen = required_size;
+ }
+ int *ibuf = (int *) (*data);
+ data_buf = ibuf + 3;
+ const int sleeptime = 135*nsamples/16386; //135 us for 16386 samples and to fill the 16k ADC buffer/
+ for (int ieve=0; ieve < maxeve; ieve++)
+ {
+#ifdef MRP
+timer_out = FALSE;
+tmlnk (tout);
+rp_acq_trig_src_t source;
+do {
+ rp_AcqGetTriggerSrc(&source);
+ //printf("TRG %d src %d\n", trigger, source);
+ if (timer_out || ctrl_c) break;
+} while (source == trigger);
+tmulk ();
+ osc_fpga_arm_trigger();
+ usleep(sleeptime);
+ osc_fpga_set_trigger(trigger);
+ while (g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->trig_source != 0){
+ if (timer_out || ctrl_c) break;
+ }
+ // with this loop the program waits until the acquistion is completed before continue.
+ int trig_ptr = g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->wr_ptr_trigger; // get pointer to mem. adress where trigger was met
+ int * ch_signal[2];
+ osc_fpga_get_sig_ptr(&ch_signal[0], &ch_signal[1]);
+ *(data_buf++) = 0x2;
+ *(data_buf++) = chmask;
+ for (int id = 0;id<2;id++){
+ if ( !(chmask & (1 << id)) ) continue;
+ *(data_buf++) = id;
+ *(data_buf++) = nsamples;
+#ifdef MRP
+ const int c[2] = {RP_CH_1, RP_CH_2};
+ unsigned int isamples = nsamples;
+ rp_AcqGetLatestDataV(c[id], &isamples, (float *) data_buf );
+ data_buf+=nsamples;
+ const int BUF = 16*1024;
+ const int offset = 0;
+ if (trig_ptr > (BUF-nsamples)) // Enter logic to transition from end to beginning of cha_signal buffer.
+ {
+ for (int i=trig_ptr;i<BUF;i++) *(data_buf++) = ch_signal[id][i]-offset;
+ for (int i=0;i<nsamples-(BUF-trig_ptr);i++) *(data_buf++) = ch_signal[id][i]-offset;
+ }
+ else // Enter simple logic to send sampleSize from trigger point
+ {
+ for (int i=0;i<nsamples;i++) *(data_buf++) = ch_signal[id][trig_ptr + i]-offset;
+ }
+ }
+ *(data_buf++) = 0x3;
+ *(data_buf++) = neve;
+ neve++;
+ if (ieve+1 % 500 == 0) fprintf(stderr, "Event %d\n", ieve);
+ if (timer_out) break;
+ }
+ int *len = ibuf;
+ int *nev = ibuf + 1;
+ float *dt = (float *)(ibuf + 2);
+ *len = (data_buf-len)*sizeof(int);
+ *nev = neve;
+ t = clock();
+ *dt = t-t0;
+ *dt /= CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+ return *len;
+#define MAXLEN 0XFFFF
+struct RUNHDR {
+ unsigned short neve;
+ unsigned short nsamples;
+ unsigned short tout;
+ unsigned char trigger;
+ unsigned char mask;
+ int nloops ;
+ int data [MAXLEN];
+} ;
+struct INIHDR {
+ int delay ;
+ int decimation;
+ int threshold;
+int daq_help(char *fname, struct INIHDR * i, struct RUNHDR *r, int verbosity){
+ printf("-o filename ... output filename %s\n", fname);
+ printf("-v verbose ... verbosity %d\n", verbosity);
+ printf("-b decimation ... decimation %d\n", i->decimation);
+ printf("-i timeout ... interrupt timeout %d\n", r->tout);
+ printf("-s nsamples ... number of samples %d\n", r->nsamples);
+ printf("-d delay ... delay %d\n", i->delay);
+ printf("-t trigger ... trigger type %d\n", r->trigger);
+ printf("-l level ... trigger level %f\n", i->threshold*0.001);
+ printf("-m mask ... channel mask %d\n", r->mask );
+ printf("-n neve ... number of events per call %d\n", r->neve);
+ printf("-r nloops ... number of calls %d\n", r->nloops);
+ return 0;
+int daq_main( int argc , char ** argv) {
+ // intercept routine
+ if (signal (SIGINT, SigInt) == SIG_ERR) {
+ perror ("sigignore");
+ }
+ char filename[0xFF]="";
+struct INIHDR inihdr = {
+ .decimation = 1,
+ .threshold = 100,
+ .delay = 1024
+struct RUNHDR runhdr;
+ runhdr.neve =10000;
+ runhdr.nsamples = 1024;
+ runhdr.tout = 1000;
+ runhdr.trigger = 1;
+ runhdr.mask = 0x1;
+ runhdr.nloops = 1;
+ int verbose = 0;
+ int argdata = 0;
+ if (argc <2) {
+ daq_help(filename, &inihdr, &runhdr, verbose);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ opterr = 0;
+ int c;
+ while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "o:v:b:i:s:d:t:l:m:n:r:h")) != -1)
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'o':
+ sprintf(filename,"%s", optarg );
+ break; // output
+ case 'v':
+ verbose = strtoul (optarg,NULL,0);
+ break; // verbosity
+ case 'b':
+ inihdr.decimation = strtoul (optarg,NULL,0);
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ runhdr.tout = strtoul (optarg,NULL,0);
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ runhdr.nsamples = strtoul (optarg,NULL,0);
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ inihdr.delay = strtoul (optarg,NULL,0);
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ runhdr.trigger = strtoul (optarg,NULL,0);
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ runhdr.mask = strtoul (optarg,NULL,0);
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ runhdr.neve = atoi (optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ runhdr.nloops = atoi (optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ inihdr.threshold = (int) (1000*atof (optarg));
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ daq_help(filename, &inihdr, &runhdr, verbose);
+ break;
+ case '?':
+ if (optopt == 'c')
+ fprintf (stderr, "Option -%c requires an argument.\n", optopt);
+ else if (isprint (optopt))
+ fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt);
+ else
+ fprintf (stderr,
+ "Unknown option character `\\x%x'.\n",
+ optopt);
+ return 1;
+ default:
+ abort ();
+ }
+ for (int i=optind; i<argc; i++) argdata = strtoul (argv[i],NULL,0);
+ if (verbose) daq_help(filename, &inihdr, &runhdr, verbose);
+ printf("argdata %d nloops %d\n",argdata,runhdr.nloops);
+ daq_init((char *)&inihdr);
+ FILE *fp=NULL;
+ if (strlen(filename)>0) fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
+ int maxlen = MAXLEN;
+ char *data = (char *) malloc(maxlen * sizeof(int));
+ time_t t,tstart;
+ time(&tstart);
+ for (int i=0;i< runhdr.nloops;i++){
+ int nb =daq_run((const char*) &runhdr, &data, &maxlen);
+ if (ctrl_c) break;
+ time(&t);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Loop %d dt=%d s\n", i, (int)(t-tstart));
+ if (fp) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Writing %d to %s", nb, filename);
+ fwrite(data, 1, nb, fp);
+ }
+ }
+ time(&t);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Total events %d in %d s\n", runhdr.nloops*runhdr.neve, (int)(t-tstart));
+ if (fp) fclose(fp);
+ if (data!=NULL) free(data);
+ return 0;
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/etc/systemd/system/redpitaya_tcpsocket.service
--- apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/etc/systemd/system/redpitaya_tcpsocket.service (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/etc/systemd/system/redpitaya_tcpsocket.service (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Description=TCP socket server for binary transfers of waveforms on Red Pitaya
+# TODO: it should be possible to use EnvironmentFile, but it is not working properly
+# complains about failing library path, or something else
+Environment=LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/redpitaya/lib PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/opt/redpitaya/sbin:/opt/redpitaya/bin
+ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c "cat /opt/redpitaya/fpga/fpga_0.94.bit > /dev/xdevcfg"
+#ExecStart =/opt/redpitaya/bin/socket-server
+ExecStart =/root/sockserv/sockserv
+ExecStop =/bin/kill -15 $MAINPID
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/assets/desktop.js
--- apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/assets/desktop.js (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/assets/desktop.js (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+// Redpitaya desktop
+// Created by Alexey Kaygorodov
+(function(Desktop, $) {
+ var applications = [];
+ var groups = [{
+ name: "System",
+ description: "System tools for configuring your Red Pitaya",
+ image: "../assets/images/system.png",
+ applications: ["updater", "wifi", "licmngr"]
+ }, {
+ name: "Development",
+ description: "Documentation, tutorials and a lot of interesting stuff",
+ image: "../assets/images/development.png",
+ applications: ["visualprogramming", "scpi", "tcpsocket", "tutorials", "fpga", "apis", "capps", "cmd", "hardwaredoc", "instructions", "github","activelearning"]
+ }];
+ var currentGroup = undefined;
+ Desktop.init = function() {
+ // Here's should be loading from custom user groups from Cookies
+ }
+ = function() {
+ // Here's should be saveing from custom user groups from Cookies
+ }
+ Desktop.getCurrentGroup = function() {
+ return currentGroup;
+ }
+ Desktop.setApplications = function(listOfapplications) {
+ applications = [];
+ $.extend(true, applications, listOfapplications);
+ var url_arr = window.location.href.split("/");
+ var url = url_arr[0] + '//' + url_arr[2] + '/';
+ for (var i = 0; i < default_applications.length; i++) {
+ if (default_applications[i].id == "marketplace")
+ default_applications[i].url = url + 'bazaar'
+ if (default_applications[i].url[0] == "/")
+ default_applications[i].url = window.location.origin + default_applications[i].url;
+ applications.push(default_applications[i]);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < applications.length; i++) {
+ applications[i].group = checkApplicationInGroup(applications[i].id);
+ applications[i].is_group = false;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
+ var gr = {
+ id: "",
+ name: groups[i].name,
+ description: groups[i].description,
+ url: "#",
+ image: groups[i].image,
+ check_online: false,
+ licensable: false,
+ callback: openGroup,
+ type: 'run',
+ group: "",
+ is_group: true
+ };
+ applications.push(gr);
+ }
+ applications.unshift(backButton);
+ Desktop.selectGroup();
+ }
+ var checkApplicationInGroup = function(app_id) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++)
+ if (groups[i].applications.indexOf(app_id) != -1)
+ return groups[i].name;
+ return "";
+ }
+ var openGroup = function(key) {
+ Desktop.selectGroup(applications[+key].name);
+ }
+ var onBackButton = function() {
+ Desktop.selectGroup();
+ }
+ var placeElements = function() {
+ var elemWidth = $('.app-item').outerWidth(true);
+ var containerWidth = $('#list-container').width();
+ var elemsInRow = Math.floor(containerWidth / elemWidth);
+ elemsInRow = (elemsInRow == 0) ? 1 : elemsInRow;
+ var elemHeight = $('.app-item').outerHeight(true);
+ var containerHeight = $('#main-container').height();
+ var elemsInCol = Math.floor(containerHeight / elemHeight);
+ elemsInCol = (elemsInCol == 0) ? 1 : elemsInCol;
+ $("ul.paging").quickPager({
+ pageSize: elemsInRow * elemsInCol
+ });
+ }
+ var refillList = function() {
+ $('.app-item').unbind('click');
+ $('.app-item').unbind('mouseenter');
+ $('.app-item').unbind('mouseleave');
+ $('#main-container').empty();
+ $('#main-container').append('<ul class="paging" id="list-container"></ul>');
+ $('#list-container').empty();
+ for (var i = 0; i < applications.length; i++) {
+ if ((currentGroup === undefined && (applications[i].group == "" || applications[i].group === undefined)) || applications[i].group == currentGroup || i==0) {
+ var txt = '<li class="app-item" key="' + i + '" group="' + applications[i].group + '" style="display: none;">';
+ txt += '<a href="#" class="app-link"><div class="img-container"><img class="app-icon" src="' + applications[i]['image'] + '"></div><span class="app-name">' + applications[i]['name'] + '</span></a>';
+ txt += '</li>';
+ $('#list-container').append(txt);
+ }
+ }
+ $('.app-item').click(clickApp);
+ $('.app-item').mouseenter(overApp);
+ $('.app-item').mouseleave(leaveApp);
+ }
+ Desktop.selectGroup = function(group) {
+ currentGroup = group;
+ refillList();
+ placeElements();
+ if (currentGroup === undefined)
+ $('.app-item[key=0]').hide();
+ else
+ $('.app-item[key=0]').show();
+ }
+ var clickApp = function(e) {
+ var key = parseInt($(this).attr('key')) * 1;
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if (applications[key].check_online) {
+ OnlineChecker.checkAsync(function() {
+ if (!OnlineChecker.isOnline()) {
+ if (applications[key].licensable) {
+ $('#ignore_link').text('Ignore');
+ $('#ignore_link').attr('href', applications[key].url);
+ $('#lic_failed').show();
+ } else {
+ $('#ignore_link').text('Close');
+ $('#ignore_link').attr('href', "#");
+ $('#lic_failed').hide();
+ }
+ $('#ic_missing').modal('show');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (applications[key].url != "")
+ window.location = applications[key].url;
+ if (applications[key].callback !== undefined)
+ applications[key].callback(key);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (applications[key].url != "")
+ window.location = applications[key].url;
+ if (applications[key].callback !== undefined)
+ applications[key].callback(key);
+ }
+ }
+ var showFeedBack = function() {
+ mail = "";
+ subject = "Feedback Red Pitaya OS " + RedPitayaOS.getVersion();
+ var body = "%0D%0A%0D%0A------------------------------------%0D%0A" + "DEBUG INFO, DO NOT EDIT!%0D%0A" + "------------------------------------%0D%0A%0D%0A";
+ body += "Browser:" + "%0D%0A" + JSON.stringify({ parameters: $.browser }) + "%0D%0A";
+ document.location.href = "mailto:" + mail + "?subject=" + subject + "&body=" + body;
+ }
+ var overApp = function(e) {
+ var key = parseInt($(this).attr('key')) * 1;
+ $('#description').html(applications[key].description);
+ }
+ var leaveApp = function(e) {
+ $('#description').html("");
+ }
+ var onSwipe = function(ev) {
+ if ($('.simplePagerNav').length == 0)
+ return;
+ var rel = 1;
+ if (ev.direction == Hammer.DIRECTION_LEFT)
+ rel = parseInt($('.active-dot').parent().attr('rel')) * 1 + 1;
+ else if (ev.direction == Hammer.DIRECTION_RIGHT) {
+ var crel = parseInt($('.active-dot').parent().attr('rel')) * 1;
+ if (crel == 1) return;
+ rel = crel - 1;
+ }
+ var obj = $('.simplePageNav' + rel).find('a');
+ if (obj.length == 0)
+ return;
+ else;
+ }
+ var default_applications = [
+ { id: "github", name: "Sources", description: "Access to open source code and programming instructions", url: "", image: "../assets/images/github.png", check_online: false, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
+ { id: "applicationstore", name: "Red Pitaya Store", description: "Access to Red Pitaya official store", url: "", image: "../assets/images/shop.png", check_online: false, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
+ { id: "marketplace", name: "Application marketplace", description: "Access to open source and contributed applications", url: "", image: "images/download_icon.png", check_online: true, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
+ { id: "feedback", name: "Feedback", description: "Tell us what you like or dislike and what you would like to see improved", url: "", image: "../assets/images/feedback.png", check_online: true, licensable: false, callback: showFeedBack, type: 'run' },
+ { id: "instructions", name: "Instructions", description: "Quick start instructions, user manuals, specifications, examples & more.", url: "", image: "../assets/images/instr.png", check_online: false, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
+ { id: "tutorials", name: "Create own WEB application", description: "RedPitaya tutorials.", url: "", image: "../assets/images/tutors.png", check_online: false, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
+ { id: "wifi", name: "Network manager", description: "Simple way to establish wireless connection with the Red Pitaya", url: "/network_manager/", image: "../network_manager/info/icon.png", check_online: false, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
+ { id: "scpi", name: "SCPI server", description: "Remote access to all Red Pitaya inputs/outputs from MATLAB/LabVIEW/Scilab/Python", url: "/scpi_manager/", image: "../scpi_manager/info/icon.png", check_online: false, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
+ { id: "tcpsocket", name: "TCP socket server", description: "Remote access to all Red Pitaya inputs/outputs through binary multievent socket", url: "/tcpsocket_manager/", image: "../tcpsocket_manager/info/icon.png", check_online: false, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
+ { id: "updater", name: "Red Pitaya OS Update", description: "Red Pitaya ecosystem updater", url: "/updater/", image: "../assets/images/updater.png", check_online: false, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
+ { id: "activelearning", name: "Active Learning", description: "Active Learning with Red Pitaya", url: "", image: "../assets/images/active-learning.png", check_online: false, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
+ { id: "jupyter", name: "Jupyter server", description: "Jupyter notebook server for running Python applications in a browser tab", url: "/jupyter/", image: "../jupyter_manager/info/icon.png", check_online: false, licensable: false, callback: undefined, type: 'run' },
+ ];
+ var backButton = {
+ id: "back",
+ name: "Back",
+ description: "Return to the desktop",
+ url: "#",
+ image: "../assets/images/back_button.png",
+ check_online: false,
+ licensable: false,
+ callback: onBackButton,
+ type: 'run',
+ group: "",
+ is_group: false
+ };
+ $(window).resize(function($) {
+ refillList();
+ placeElements();
+ Desktop.selectGroup();
+ });
+ $(document).load(function($) {
+ Desktop.init();
+ });
+ $(document).ready(function($) {
+ var myElement = document.getElementById('main-container');
+ var mc = new Hammer(myElement);
+ mc.on('swipe', onSwipe);
+ $("#reboot").click(function(event) {
+ $('#reboot_dialog').modal("show");
+ });
+ $("#reboot_confirm").click(function(event) {
+ $.get('/reboot');
+ setTimeout(function(){ window.close(); }, 1000);
+ });
+ });
+})(window.Desktop = window.Desktop || {}, jQuery);
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/css/style.css
--- apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/css/style.css (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/css/style.css (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
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+ color: #48b3d2;
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+ list-style-type: none;
+ color: #cccccc;
+ }
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+ content: "- ";
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+ -ms-user-select: text;
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+ float: left;
+ margin: -6px 0px 0px 11px;
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+ margin: 5px 0px 0px 15px;
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+ color: #111 !important;
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+ margin-left: -120px;
+#header {
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+ color: #CCC;
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+ width: 120px;
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+ color: #000000;
+ text-decoration: none;
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/fpga.conf
--- apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/fpga.conf (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/fpga.conf (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/img/apps.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/img/dummy.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/index.html
--- apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/index.html (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/index.html (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+<!-- $Id$
+ *
+ * Red Pitaya TCPSOCKET service manager
+ *
+ * Author: Dakus <>
+ *
+ * (c) Red Pitaya
+ *
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></meta>
+ <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no">
+ <title>Red Pitaya</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../assets/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../assets/popupstack.css" type="text/css" />
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../assets/help-system/help-system.css" type="text/css" />
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css?2">
+ <script src="../assets/jquery/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script>
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+ <script src="../assets/jquery/jquery.browser.js"></script>
+ <script src="../assets/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
+ <script src="../assets/browsercheck.js?1"></script>
+ <script src="../assets/analytics-core.js"></script>
+ <script src="../assets/popupstack.js?1"></script>
+ <script src="../assets/help-system/help-system.js"></script>
+ <script src="js/help-tcpsocket.js"></script>
+ <script src="js/manager.js?3"></script>
+ <script src="js/analytics-main.js?1"></script>
+ <div id="loader-wrapper">
+ <div id="loader"></div>
+ </div>
+ <div id="header">
+ <div id="description">&nbsp;</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="full-content">
+ <div class="container-fluid">
+ <div class="navbar navbar-inverse" role="navigation">
+ <div class="container">
+ <div class="navbar-header">
+ <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse">
+ <span class="sr-only">T</span>
+ <span class="icon-bar"></span>
+ <span class="icon-bar"></span>
+ <span class="icon-bar"></span>
+ </button>
+ <a class="navbar-brand" href="/">
+ <img class="back-btn" src="../assets/images/navigation_arrow_left.png">
+ </a>
+ <img class="logo" width=110 src="../assets/images/navigation_logo.png">
+ </div>
+ <div class="collapse navbar-collapse">
+ <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div id="global_container" style="position: relative;">
+ <div id="main">
+ <div class="left-tcpsocket">
+ <div class="left-content-tcpsocket" style="font-size: 18pt; color: gray;">
+ <p>TCPSOCKET server application</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Enables remote control of Red Pitaya using multievent binary buffer</li>
+ <li>Provides access to Red Pitaya waveform sampler (fast ADC).</li>
+ <li>Supports WIFI or LAN remote interface</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="right-tcpsocket">
+ <br>
+ <br>
+ <br>
+ <img src="img/apps.png" width="200%">
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <div id="label-is-runnung" align=center style="font-size: 16pt; color: red;">
+ TCPSOCKET server is not running, press RUN button to start it
+ </div>
+ <div id="label-is-not-runnung" align=center style="font-size: 16pt; color: green; display: none;">
+ TCPSOCKET server is running... (IP="<span id="ip-addr"></span>", port="9930")
+ </div>
+ <div align="center">
+ <ul class="">
+ <li class="run_buttons" id="TCPSOCKET_RUN">
+ <a href="#" id="a_run" style="">RUN</a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="run_buttons" id="TCPSOCKET_STOP" style="display:none;">
+ <a href="#" id="a_stop">STOP</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <div align=center>
+ Example about how to Control your Red Pitaya using MATLAB/Python/LabVIEW/Scilab.
+ Are available on link below
+ <div align="center">
+ <ul class="">
+ <li class="example_button" id="TCPSOCKET_EXAMPLES">
+ <span>Examples</span>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <div id="sys_info_view" style="display:none; position:fixed; bottom:0; left: 0; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); text-align:left; padding: 5px; font-size:12px; color:white; ">
+ FPS:<span id="fps_view">0</span> Throughput:<span id="throughput_view">0</span> CPU Load:<span id="cpu_load">0</span>
+ <br/> Memory total:<span id="totalmem_view">0</span> Free:<span id="freemem_view">0</span> Usage:<span id="usagemem_view">0</span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="modal fade" id="feedback_error" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="bazaar_naLabel" aria-hidden="true">
+ <div class="modal-dialog">
+ <div class="modal-content">
+ <div class="modal-header">
+ <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>
+ <h4 class="modal-title" id="oops_label">Oops, something went wrong</h4>
+ </div>
+ <div class="modal-body" style="text-align: center; font-size: 18px;">
+ <p>Please send us the report and help us to fix this issue</p>
+ <p>Thank you!</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="modal-footer">
+ <div class="bazaar-link" style="float: left; width: 50%;">
+ <a href="#" style="border: 1px solid; width: 100%" id="send_report_btn" data-dismiss="modal" class="list-group-item btn">Send report</a>
+ </div>
+ <div class="bazaar-link" style="float: left; width: 50%;">
+ <a href="#" style="border: 1px solid; width: 100%" id="restart_app_btn" data-dismiss="modal" class="list-group-item btn">Restart Application</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="modal fade" id="analytics_dialog" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="bazaar_naLabel" aria-hidden="true">
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+ </div>
+ <div class="modal-body">
+ <p>Would you like to help Red Pitaya team to improve its product and services by occasionally providing anonymous diagnostic and usage information?</p>
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+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/info/icon.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/info/info.json
--- apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/info/info.json (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/info/info.json (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "name": "TcpSocket",
+ "version": "0.96-336",
+ "revision": "4506f6e",
+ "description": "Remote access and binary multievent transfer of waveforms"
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/js/analytics-main.js
--- apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/js/analytics-main.js (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/js/analytics-main.js (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Redpitaya analytics system
+// Created by Alexey Kaygorodov
+(function($) {
+ var startUsing = 0;
+ $(document).ready(function($) {
+ AnalyticsCore.init(function(){
+ AnalyticsCore.sendExecTime('/tcpsocket_manager', 'tcpsocket_manager');
+ AnalyticsCore.sendScreenView('/tcpsocket_manager', 'Redpitaya', 'Remote control');
+ AnalyticsCore.sendSysInfo('/tcpsocket_manager');
+ startUsing =;
+ });
+ });
+ $(window).on('beforeunload', function(){
+ $.cookie('tcpsocket_manager-run', - startUsing);
+ });
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/js/help-tcpsocket.js
--- apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/js/help-tcpsocket.js (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/js/help-tcpsocket.js (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+var helpListTCPSOCKET =
+ idle: [
+ {
+ Text: "How to control your Red Pitaya remotely?",
+ URL: "",
+ Img: "pool"
+ },
+ {
+ Text: "Red Pitaya's Forum",
+ URL: "",
+ Img: "star"
+ }
+ ],
+ loaded: [
+ {
+ Text: "Description3",
+ URL: "",
+ Img: "star"
+ },
+ {
+ Text: "Description4",
+ URL: "",
+ Img: "pool"
+ }
+ ]
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/js/manager.js
--- apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/js/manager.js (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/js/manager.js (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ * Red Pitaya TCPSOCKET service manager
+ *
+ * Author: Artem Kokos <>
+ *
+ * (c) Red Pitaya
+ *
+ */
+(function(TCPSOCKET, $, undefined) {
+ TCPSOCKET.CheckServerStatus = function() {
+ $.ajax({
+ url: '/get_tcpsocket_status',
+ type: 'GET',
+ timeout: 1500
+ })
+ .fail(function(msg) {
+ if (msg.responseText.split('\n')[0] == "active") {
+ $('#TCPSOCKET_RUN').hide();
+ $('#TCPSOCKET_STOP').css('display', 'block');
+ $('#label-is-runnung').hide();
+ $('#label-is-not-runnung').show();
+ } else {
+ $('#TCPSOCKET_STOP').hide();
+ $('#TCPSOCKET_RUN').css('display', 'block');
+ $('#label-is-not-runnung').hide();
+ $('#label-is-runnung').show();
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ TCPSOCKET.StartServer = function() {
+ $.ajax({
+ url: '/start_tcpsocket_manager',
+ type: 'GET',
+ timeout: 1500
+ })
+ .fail(function(msg) {
+ if (msg.responseText) {} else {}
+ })
+ }
+ TCPSOCKET.StopServer = function() {
+ $.ajax({
+ url: '/stop_tcpsocket_manager',
+ type: 'GET',
+ timeout: 1500
+ })
+ .fail(function(msg) {
+ if (msg.responseText) {} else {}
+ })
+ }
+ TCPSOCKET.GetIP = function() {
+ $.ajax({
+ url: '/get_rpip',
+ type: 'GET',
+ }).fail(function(msg) {
+ var res = msg.responseText.split(";");
+ var ethIP = res[0].match(/inet\s+\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\/2[0-90]\b/);
+ var wlanIP = res[1].match(/inet\s+\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\/2[0-90]\b/);
+ if (ethIP != null){
+ ethIP = ethIP[0].split(" ")[1].split("/")[0];
+ $('#ip-addr').text(ethIP);
+ }
+ else if (wlanIP != null){
+ wlanIP = wlanIP[0].split(" ")[1].split("/")[0];
+ $('#ip-addr').text(wlanIP);
+ }
+ else $('#ip-addr').text("None");
+ }).done(function(msg) {
+ var res = msg.responseText.split(";");
+ var ethIP = res[0].match(/inet\s+\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\/2[0-90]\b/);
+ var wlanIP = res[1].match(/inet\s+\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\/2[0-90]\b/);
+ if (ethIP != null){
+ ethIP = ethIP[0].split(" ")[1].split("/")[0];
+ $('#ip-addr').text(ethIP);
+ }
+ else if (wlanIP != null){
+ wlanIP = wlanIP[0].split(" ")[1].split("/")[0];
+ $('#ip-addr').text(wlanIP);
+ }
+ else $('#ip-addr').text("None");
+ });
+ }
+}(window.TCPSOCKET = window.TCPSOCKET || {}, jQuery));
+// Page onload event handler
+$(function() {
+ // Init help
+ Help.init(helpListTCPSOCKET);
+ Help.setState("idle");
+ TCPSOCKET.CheckServerStatus();
+ setInterval(TCPSOCKET.GetIP, 1000);
+ setInterval(TCPSOCKET.CheckServerStatus, 3000);
+ $('#TCPSOCKET_RUN').click(TCPSOCKET.StartServer);
+ $('#TCPSOCKET_STOP').click(TCPSOCKET.StopServer);
+ $('#TCPSOCKET_EXAMPLES').click(function(){
+ });
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/nginx.conf
--- apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/nginx.conf (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/www/apps/tcpsocket_manager/nginx.conf (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ location /get_tcpsocket_status {
+ add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';
+ add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true';
+ add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS';
+ add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'DNT,X-Mx-ReqToken,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type';
+ default_type application/json;
+ content_by_lua '
+ local f = io.popen("systemctl is-active redpitaya_tcpsocket.service")
+ local content = f:read("*all")
+ f:close()
+ ngx.say(content)
+ ';
+ }
+ location /start_tcpsocket_manager {
+ add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';
+ add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true';
+ add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS';
+ add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'DNT,X-Mx-ReqToken,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type';
+ default_type application/json;
+ content_by_lua '
+ local f = io.popen("systemctl start redpitaya_tcpsocket.service")
+ f:close()
+ ngx.say("OK")
+ ';
+ }
+ location /stop_tcpsocket_manager {
+ add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';
+ add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true';
+ add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS';
+ add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'DNT,X-Mx-ReqToken,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type';
+ default_type application/json;
+ content_by_lua '
+ local f = io.popen("systemctl stop redpitaya_tcpsocket.service")
+ f:close()
+ ngx.say("OK")
+ ';
+ }
+ location /get_rpip {
+ add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';
+ add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true';
+ add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS';
+ add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'DNT,X-Mx-ReqToken,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type';
+ default_type application/json;
+ content_by_lua '
+ local eth = io.popen("ip -4 addr list eth0")
+ local wlan = io.popen("ip addr list wlan0wext")
+ local eth_content = eth:read("*all")
+ local wlan_content = wlan:read("*all")
+ eth:close()
+ wlan:close()
+ ngx.say(eth_content..";"..wlan_content)
+ ';
+ }
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/
--- apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/ (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/ (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/redpitaya/lib/
+cat /opt/redpitaya/fpga/fpga_0.94.bit > /dev/xdevcfg
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/Makefile
--- apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/Makefile (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/Makefile (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# $Id: Makefile 1249 2014-02-22 20:21:40Z ales.bardorfer $
+# (c) Red Pitaya
+# Trigger
+# Trigger project source file.
+# make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- clean all
+# on PC and move to Red Pitaya:
+# scp trig root@
+# This project file is written for GNU/Make software. For more details please
+# visit:
+# GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) tools are used for the compilation and linkage.
+# For the details about the usage and building please visit:
+# Versioning system
+VERSION ?= 0.00-0000
+REVISION ?= devbuild
+# List of compiled object files (not yet linked to executable)
+OBJS = sockserv.o fpga_osc.o calib.o daq.o
+# List of raw source files (all object files, renamed from .o to .c)
+SRCS = $(subst .o,.c, $(OBJS)))
+# Executable name
+# GCC compiling & linking flags
+CFLAGS += -g -std=gnu99 -Wall -Werror
+CFLAGS += -I/opt/redpitaya/include
+CFLAGS += -L/opt/redpitaya/lib
+#LDLIBS = -lm -lpthread -lrp
+# Red Pitaya common SW directory
+# Additional libraries which needs to be dynamically linked to the executable
+# -lm - System math library (used by cos(), sin(), sqrt(), ... functions)
+LIBS=-lm -lpthread -lrp
+# Main GCC executable (used for compiling and linking)
+# Installation directory
+# Makefile is composed of so called 'targets'. They give basic structure what
+# needs to be execued during various stages of the building/removing/installing
+# of software package.
+# Simple Makefile targets have the following structure:
+# <name>: <dependencies>
+# <command1>
+# <command2>
+# ...
+# The target <name> is completed in the following order:
+# - list od <dependencies> finished
+# - all <commands> in the body of targets are executed succsesfully
+# Main Makefile target 'all' - it iterates over all targets listed in $(TARGET)
+# variable.
+all: $(TARGET)
+# Target with compilation rules to compile object from source files.
+# It applies to all files ending with .o. During partial building only new object
+# files are created for the source files (.c) which have newer timestamp then
+# objects (.o) files.
+%.o: %.c version.h
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
+# Makefile target with rules how to link executable for each target from $(TARGET)
+# list.
+ $(CC) -o $@ $^ $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
+# Version header for traceability
+ cp $(SHARED)/include/redpitaya/version.h .
+# Clean target - when called it cleans all object files and executables.
+ rm -f $(TARGET) *.o
+# Install target - creates 'bin/' sub-directory in $(INSTALL_DIR) and copies all
+# executables to that location.
+ mkdir -p $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin
+ cp $(TARGET) $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin
+ mkdir -p $(INSTALL_DIR)/src/utils/$(TARGET)
+ -rm -f $(TARGET) *.o
+ cp -r * $(INSTALL_DIR)/src/utils/$(TARGET)/
+ -rm `find $(INSTALL_DIR)/src/tools/$(TARGET)/ -iname .svn` -rf
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/daq.h
--- apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/daq.h (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/daq.h (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#ifndef DAQ_H
+#define DAQ_H
+int daq_init (char * buff);
+int daq_clear ();
+int daq_end ();
+int daq_run (const char *par, char ** buff, int *maxlen);
+int daq_main (int argc, char **argv);
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/sockserv.c
--- apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/sockserv.c (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/sockserv.c (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+ C socket server example, handles multiple clients using threads */
+#include<string.h> //strlen
+#include<stdlib.h> //strlen
+#include<arpa/inet.h> //inet_addr
+#include "daq.h"
+#define PORT 9930
+//the thread function
+void *connection_handler(void *);
+int is_connected = 0;
+int ncalls=0;
+extern int ctrl_c;
+int writesock(int sock, int id , char *msg, int len ){
+ int hdr[2];
+ hdr[0]= id;
+ hdr[1]= len + 8;
+ write(sock , hdr , 8);
+ return write(sock , msg , len);
+int main(int argc , char *argv[]) {
+ int socket_desc , client_sock , c , *new_sock=NULL;
+ struct sockaddr_in server , client;
+ if (argc >1) return daq_main(argc, argv);
+ //Create socket
+ socket_desc = socket(AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , 0);
+ if (socket_desc == -1)
+ {
+ printf("Could not create socket");
+ }
+ puts("Socket created");
+ //Prepare the sockaddr_in structure
+ server.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
+ server.sin_port = htons( PORT );
+ //Bind
+ if( bind(socket_desc,(struct sockaddr *)&server , sizeof(server)) < 0)
+ {
+ //print the error message
+ perror("bind failed. Error");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ puts("bind done");
+ //Listen
+ listen(socket_desc , 3);
+ //Accept and incoming connection
+ puts("Waiting for incoming connections...");
+ c = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+ //Accept and incoming connection
+ puts("Waiting for incoming connections...");
+ c = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+ while( (client_sock = accept(socket_desc, (struct sockaddr *)&client, (socklen_t*)&c)) )
+ {
+ puts("Connection accepted");
+ pthread_t sniffer_thread;
+ if (is_connected){
+ char message[0xFF]="Only one client can connect. Disconnect it first!";
+ perror(message);
+ writesock(client_sock , 0, message , strlen(message));
+ close (client_sock);
+ continue;
+ }
+ new_sock = (int *) malloc(1);
+ *new_sock = client_sock;
+ if( pthread_create( &sniffer_thread , NULL , connection_handler , (void*) new_sock) < 0)
+ {
+ perror("could not create thread");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ //Now join the thread , so that we dont terminate before the thread
+ //pthread_join( sniffer_thread , NULL);
+ puts("Handler assigned");
+ }
+ if (client_sock < 0)
+ {
+ perror("accept failed");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void *daq_handler(void *rdata){
+ pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL);
+ //Get the socket descriptor
+ int sock = *(int*)rdata;
+ int *idata = (int *)rdata;
+ char * settings = (char *) (idata+2);
+ daq_init(settings);
+ settings +=12;
+ int bufsize = 0;
+ char * data = NULL;
+ //for(int i =0;i<5;i++) printf("%d %d\n",i, idata[i]);
+ while (1){
+ int nb = daq_run ( settings, &data, &bufsize );
+ int error = 0;
+ socklen_t len = sizeof (error);
+ int retval = getsockopt (sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len);
+ if (retval!=0 || error!=0) break;
+ writesock(sock , 1, data , nb );
+ if (ctrl_c) break;
+ //break;
+ }
+ if (data!=NULL) free(data);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Exiting thread %d\n", sock ) ;
+ return NULL;
+ * This will handle connection for each client
+ * */
+void *connection_handler(void *socket_desc) {
+ //Get the socket descriptor
+ int sock = *(int*)socket_desc;
+ int read_size;
+ char *message , client_message[2000];
+ is_connected = 1;
+ //Send some messages to the client
+ message = "Info from connection handler\n";
+ writesock(sock , 0, message , strlen(message));
+ //Receive a message from client
+ pthread_t daq_thread = 0;
+ while( (read_size = recv(sock , client_message , 2000 , 0)) > 0 )
+ {
+ //Send the message back to client
+ int * hdr = (int *) client_message;
+ printf("Received %d bytes RECID = %d LEN %d\n",read_size, hdr[0], hdr[1]);
+ switch (hdr[0]){
+ case 0:
+ ctrl_c = 0;
+ hdr[0]= sock;
+ if( pthread_create( &daq_thread , NULL , daq_handler , (void*) &client_message) < 0)
+ {
+ perror("could not create daq thread");
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ ctrl_c = 1;
+ sleep(1);
+ if (daq_thread) {
+ pthread_cancel(daq_thread);
+ daq_thread = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(read_size == 0)
+ {
+ puts("Client disconnected");
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ else if(read_size == -1)
+ {
+ perror("recv failed");
+ }
+ if (daq_thread) {
+ pthread_cancel(daq_thread);
+ daq_thread = 0;
+ }
+ //Free the socket pointer
+ free(socket_desc);
+ socket_desc = 0;
+ is_connected = 0;
+ return 0;
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/calib.c
--- apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/calib.c (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/calib.c (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ * $Id: calib.c 881 2013-12-16 05:37:34Z rp_jmenart $
+ *
+ * @brief Red Pitaya Oscilloscope Calibration Module.
+ *
+ * @Author Jure Menart <>
+ *
+ * (c) Red Pitaya
+ *
+ * This part of code is written in C programming language.
+ * Please visit
+ * for more details on the language used herein.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "calib.h"
+const char eeprom_device[]="/sys/bus/i2c/devices/0-0050/eeprom";
+const int eeprom_calib_off=0x0008;
+ * @brief Read calibration parameters from EEPROM device.
+ *
+ * Function reads calibration parameters from EEPROM device and stores them to the
+ * specified buffer. Communication to the EEPROM device is taken place through
+ * appropriate system driver accessed through the file system device
+ * /sys/bus/i2c/devices/0-0050/eeprom.
+ *
+ * @param[out] calib_params Pointer to destination buffer.
+ * @retval 0 Success
+ * @retval -1 Failure, error message is put on stderr device
+ *
+ */
+int rp_read_calib_params(rp_calib_params_t *calib_params)
+ FILE *fp;
+ size_t size;
+ /* sanity check */
+ if(calib_params == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "rp_read_calib_params(): input structure "
+ "not initialized\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* open eeprom device */
+ fp=fopen(eeprom_device, "r");
+ if(fp == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "rp_read_calib_params(): Can not open EEPROM device: "
+ " %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* ...and seek to the appropriate storage offset */
+ if(fseek(fp, eeprom_calib_off, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
+ fclose(fp);
+ fprintf(stderr, "rp_read_calib_params(): fseek() failed: %s\n",
+ strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* read data from eeprom component and store it to the specified buffer */
+ size=fread(calib_params, sizeof(char), sizeof(rp_calib_params_t), fp);
+ if(size != sizeof(rp_calib_params_t)) {
+ fclose(fp);
+ fprintf(stderr, "rp_read_calib_params(): fread() failed, "
+ "returned bytes: %d (should be :%d)\n", size,
+ sizeof(rp_calib_params_t));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+ return 0;
+ * Initialize calibration parameters to default values.
+ *
+ * @param[out] calib_params Pointer to target buffer to be initialized.
+ * @retval 0 Success, could never fail.
+ */
+int rp_default_calib_params(rp_calib_params_t *calib_params)
+ calib_params->fe_ch1_fs_g_hi = 28101971; /* 0.6543 [V] */
+ calib_params->fe_ch2_fs_g_hi = 28101971; /* 0.6543 [V] */
+ calib_params->fe_ch1_fs_g_lo = 625682246; /* 14.56 [V] */
+ calib_params->fe_ch2_fs_g_lo = 625682246; /* 14.56 [V] */
+ calib_params->fe_ch1_dc_offs = 585;
+ calib_params->fe_ch2_dc_offs = 585;
+ calib_params->be_ch1_fs = 42949673; /* 1 [V] */
+ calib_params->be_ch2_fs = 42949673; /* 1 [V] */
+ calib_params->be_ch1_dc_offs = 0x3eac;
+ calib_params->be_ch2_dc_offs = 0x3eac;
+ return 0;
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/calib.h
--- apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/calib.h (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/calib.h (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * $Id: calib.h 881 2013-12-16 05:37:34Z rp_jmenart $
+ *
+ * @brief Red Pitaya Oscilloscope Calibration Module.
+ *
+ * @Author Jure Menart <>
+ *
+ * (c) Red Pitaya
+ *
+ * This part of code is written in C programming language.
+ * Please visit
+ * for more details on the language used herein.
+ */
+#ifndef __CALIB_H
+#define __CALIB_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @defgroup calib_h Calibration
+ * @{
+ */
+/** Calibration parameters, stored in eeprom device
+ */
+typedef struct rp_osc_calib_params_s {
+ uint32_t fe_ch1_fs_g_hi; /**< High gain front end full scale voltage, channel 1 */
+ uint32_t fe_ch2_fs_g_hi; /**< High gain front end full scale voltage, channel 2 */
+ uint32_t fe_ch1_fs_g_lo; /**< Low gain front end full scale voltage, channel 1 */
+ uint32_t fe_ch2_fs_g_lo; /**< Low gain front end full scale voltage, channel 2 */
+ int32_t fe_ch1_dc_offs; /**< Front end DC offset, channel 1 */
+ int32_t fe_ch2_dc_offs; /**< Front end DC offset, channel 2 */
+ uint32_t be_ch1_fs; /**< Back end full scale voltage, channel 1 */
+ uint32_t be_ch2_fs; /**< Back end full scale voltage, channel 2 */
+ int32_t be_ch1_dc_offs; /**< Back end DC offset, channel 1 */
+ int32_t be_ch2_dc_offs; /**< Back end DC offset, on channel 2 */
+} rp_calib_params_t;
+/** @} */
+int rp_read_calib_params(rp_calib_params_t *calib_params);
+int rp_default_calib_params(rp_calib_params_t *calib_params);
+#endif //__CALIB_H
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/fpga_osc.c
--- apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/fpga_osc.c (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/fpga_osc.c (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+ * $Id: fpga_osc.c 881 2013-12-16 05:37:34Z rp_jmenart $
+ *
+ * @brief Red Pitaya Oscilloscope FPGA controller.
+ *
+ * @Author Jure Menart <>
+ *
+ * (c) Red Pitaya
+ *
+ * This part of code is written in C programming language.
+ * Please visit
+ * for more details on the language used herein.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include "fpga_osc.h"
+ *
+ * This module initializes and provides for other SW modules the access to the
+ * FPGA OSC module. The oscilloscope memory space is divided to three parts:
+ * - registers (control and status)
+ * - input signal buffer (Channel A)
+ * - input signal buffer (Channel B)
+ *
+ * This module maps physical address of the oscilloscope core to the logical
+ * address, which can be used in the GNU/Linux user-space. To achieve this,
+ * OSC_FPGA_BASE_ADDR from CPU memory space is translated automatically to
+ * logical address with the function mmap(). After all the initialization is done,
+ * other modules can use this module to controll oscilloscope FPGA core. Before
+ * any functions or functionality from this module can be used it needs to be
+ * initialized with osc_fpga_init() function. When this module is no longer
+ * needed osc_fpga_exit() must be called.
+ *
+ * FPGA oscilloscope state machine in various modes. Basic principle is that
+ * SW sets the machine, 'arm' the writting machine (FPGA writes from ADC to
+ * input buffer memory) and then set the triggers. FPGA machine is continue
+ * writting to the buffers until the trigger is detected plus the amount set
+ * in trigger delay register. For more detauled description see the FPGA OSC
+ * registers description.
+ *
+ * Nice example how to use this module can be seen in worker.c module.
+ */
+/* internal structures */
+/** The FPGA register structure (defined in fpga_osc.h) */
+osc_fpga_reg_mem_t *g_osc_fpga_reg_mem = NULL;
+/** The FPGA input signal buffer pointer for channel A */
+uint32_t *g_osc_fpga_cha_mem = NULL;
+/** The FPGA input signal buffer pointer for channel B */
+uint32_t *g_osc_fpga_chb_mem = NULL;
+/** The memory file descriptor used to mmap() the FPGA space */
+int g_osc_fpga_mem_fd = -1;
+/* Constants */
+/** ADC number of bits */
+const int c_osc_fpga_adc_bits = 14;
+/** @brief Max and min voltage on ADCs.
+ * Symetrical - Max Voltage = +14, Min voltage = -1 * c_osc_fpga_max_v
+ */
+const float c_osc_fpga_adc_max_v = +14;
+/** Sampling frequency = 125Mspmpls (non-decimated) */
+const float c_osc_fpga_smpl_freq = 125e6;
+/** Sampling period (non-decimated) - 8 [ns] */
+const float c_osc_fpga_smpl_period = (1. / 125e6);
+ * @brief Internal function used to clean up memory.
+ *
+ * This function un-maps FPGA register and signal buffers, closes memory file
+ * descriptor and cleans all memory allocated by this module.
+ *
+ * @retval 0 Success
+ * @retval -1 Error happened during cleanup.
+ */
+int __osc_fpga_cleanup_mem(void)
+ /* If register structure is NULL we do not need to un-map and clean up */
+ if(g_osc_fpga_reg_mem) {
+ if(munmap(g_osc_fpga_reg_mem, OSC_FPGA_BASE_SIZE) < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "munmap() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ g_osc_fpga_reg_mem = NULL;
+ if(g_osc_fpga_cha_mem)
+ g_osc_fpga_cha_mem = NULL;
+ if(g_osc_fpga_chb_mem)
+ g_osc_fpga_chb_mem = NULL;
+ }
+ if(g_osc_fpga_mem_fd >= 0) {
+ close(g_osc_fpga_mem_fd);
+ g_osc_fpga_mem_fd = -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * @brief Maps FPGA memory space and prepares register and buffer variables.
+ *
+ * This function opens memory device (/dev/mem) and maps physical memory address
+ * OSC_FPGA_BASE_ADDR (of length OSC_FPGA_BASE_SIZE) to logical addresses. It
+ * initializes the pointers g_osc_fpga_reg_mem, g_osc_fpga_cha_mem and
+ * g_osc_fpga_chb_mem to point to FPGA OSC.
+ * If function failes FPGA variables must not be used.
+ *
+ * @retval 0 Success
+ * @retval -1 Failure, error is printed to standard error output.
+ */
+int osc_fpga_init(void)
+ /* Page variables used to calculate correct mapping addresses */
+ void *page_ptr;
+ long page_addr, page_off, page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
+ /* If module was already initialized once, clean all internals. */
+ if(__osc_fpga_cleanup_mem() < 0)
+ return -1;
+ /* Open /dev/mem to access directly system memory */
+ g_osc_fpga_mem_fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR | O_SYNC);
+ if(g_osc_fpga_mem_fd < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "open(/dev/mem) failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Calculate correct page address and offset from OSC_FPGA_BASE_ADDR and
+ */
+ page_addr = OSC_FPGA_BASE_ADDR & (~(page_size-1));
+ page_off = OSC_FPGA_BASE_ADDR - page_addr;
+ /* Map FPGA memory space to page_ptr. */
+ MAP_SHARED, g_osc_fpga_mem_fd, page_addr);
+ if((void *)page_ptr == MAP_FAILED) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "mmap() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ __osc_fpga_cleanup_mem();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Set FPGA OSC module pointers to correct values. */
+ g_osc_fpga_reg_mem = page_ptr + page_off;
+ g_osc_fpga_cha_mem = (uint32_t *)g_osc_fpga_reg_mem +
+ (OSC_FPGA_CHA_OFFSET / sizeof(uint32_t));
+ g_osc_fpga_chb_mem = (uint32_t *)g_osc_fpga_reg_mem +
+ (OSC_FPGA_CHB_OFFSET / sizeof(uint32_t));
+ return 0;
+ * @brief Cleans up FPGA OSC module internals.
+ *
+ * This function closes the memory file descriptor, unmap the FPGA memory space
+ * and cleans also all other internal things from FPGA OSC module.
+ * @retval 0 Sucess
+ * @retval -1 Failure
+ */
+int osc_fpga_exit(void)
+ return __osc_fpga_cleanup_mem();
+// TODO: Move to a shared folder and share with scope & spectrum.
+ * @brief Provides equalization & shaping filter coefficients.
+ *
+ *
+ * This function provides equalization & shaping filter coefficients, based on
+ * the type of use and gain settings.
+ *
+ * @param [in] equal Enable(1)/disable(0) equalization filter.
+ * @param [in] shaping Enable(1)/disable(0) shaping filter.
+ * @param [in] gain Gain setting (0 = LV, 1 = HV).
+ * @param [out] filt Filter coefficients.
+ */
+void get_equ_shape_filter(ecu_shape_filter_t *filt, uint32_t equal,
+ uint32_t shaping, uint32_t gain)
+ /* Equalization filter */
+ if (equal) {
+ if (gain == 0) {
+ /* High gain = LV */
+ filt->aa = 0x7D93;
+ filt->bb = 0x437C7;
+ } else {
+ /* Low gain = HV */
+ filt->aa = 0x4C5F;
+ filt->bb = 0x2F38B;
+ }
+ } else {
+ filt->aa = 0;
+ filt->bb = 0;
+ }
+ /* Shaping filter */
+ if (shaping) {
+ filt->pp = 0x2666;
+ filt->kk = 0xd9999a;
+ } else {
+ filt->pp = 0;
+ filt->kk = 0xffffff;
+ }
+ * @brief Updates triggering parameters in FPGA registers.
+ *
+ * This function updates trigger related parameters in FPGA registers.
+ *
+ * @param [in] trig_imm Trigger immediately - if set to 1, FPGA state machine
+ * will trigger immediately and other trigger parameters
+ * will be ignored.
+ * @param [in] trig_source Trigger source, as defined in rp_main_params.
+ * @param [in] trig_edge Trigger edge, as defined in rp_main_params.
+ * @param [in] trig_delay Trigger delay in [s].
+ * @param [in] trig_level Trigger level in [V].
+ * @param [in] time_range Time range, as defined in rp_main_params.
+ * @param [in] equal Enable(1)/disable(0) equalization filter.
+ * @param [in] shaping Enable(1)/disable(0) shaping filter.
+ * @param [in] gain1 Gain setting for Channel1 (0 = LV, 1 = HV).
+ * @param [in] gain2 Gain setting for Channel2 (0 = LV, 1 = HV).
+ *
+ *
+ * @retval 0 Success
+ * @retval -1 Failure
+ *
+ * @see rp_main_params
+ */
+int osc_fpga_update_params(int trig_imm, int trig_source, int trig_edge,
+ float trig_delay, float trig_level, int time_range,
+ int equal, int shaping, int gain1, int gain2)
+ int fpga_trig_source = osc_fpga_cnv_trig_source(trig_imm, trig_source,
+ trig_edge);
+ int fpga_dec_factor = osc_fpga_cnv_time_range_to_dec(time_range);
+ int fpga_delay;
+ float after_trigger; /* how much after trigger FPGA should write */
+ int fpga_trig_thr = osc_fpga_cnv_v_to_cnt(trig_level);
+ /* Equalization filter coefficients */
+ ecu_shape_filter_t cha_filt;
+ ecu_shape_filter_t chb_filt;
+ get_equ_shape_filter(&cha_filt, equal, shaping, gain1);
+ get_equ_shape_filter(&chb_filt, equal, shaping, gain2);
+ if((fpga_trig_source < 0) || (fpga_dec_factor < 0)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "osc_fpga_update_params() failed\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Pre-trigger - we need to limit after trigger acquisition so we can
+ * readout historic (pre-trigger) values */
+ if (trig_imm)
+ after_trigger=OSC_FPGA_SIG_LEN* c_osc_fpga_smpl_period * fpga_dec_factor;
+ else
+ after_trigger =
+ ((OSC_FPGA_SIG_LEN-7) * c_osc_fpga_smpl_period * fpga_dec_factor) +
+ trig_delay;
+ if(after_trigger < 0)
+ after_trigger = 0;
+ fpga_delay = osc_fpga_cnv_time_to_smpls(after_trigger, fpga_dec_factor);
+ /* Trig source is written after ARM */
+ /* g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->trig_source = fpga_trig_source;*/
+ if(trig_source == 0)
+ g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->cha_thr = fpga_trig_thr;
+ else
+ g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->chb_thr = fpga_trig_thr;
+ g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->data_dec = fpga_dec_factor;
+ g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->trigger_delay = (uint32_t)fpga_delay;
+ /* Update equalization filter with desired coefficients. */
+ g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->cha_filt_aa = cha_filt.aa;
+ g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->cha_filt_bb =;
+ g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->cha_filt_pp = cha_filt.pp;
+ g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->cha_filt_kk = cha_filt.kk;
+ g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->chb_filt_aa = chb_filt.aa;
+ g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->chb_filt_bb =;
+ g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->chb_filt_pp = chb_filt.pp;
+ g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->chb_filt_kk = chb_filt.kk;
+ return 0;
+/** @brief OSC FPGA reset
+ *
+ * Triggers internal oscilloscope FPGA state machine reset.
+ *
+ * @retval 0 Always returns 0.
+ */
+int osc_fpga_reset(void)
+ g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->conf |= OSC_FPGA_CONF_RST_BIT;
+ return 0;
+/** @brief OSC FPGA ARM
+ *
+ * ARM internal oscilloscope FPGA state machine to start writting input buffers.
+ * @retval 0 Always returns 0.
+ */
+int osc_fpga_arm_trigger(void)
+ g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->conf |= OSC_FPGA_CONF_ARM_BIT;
+ return 0;
+/** @brief Sets the trigger source in OSC FPGA register.
+ *
+ * Sets the trigger source in oscilloscope FPGA register.
+ *
+ * @param [in] trig_source Trigger source, as defined in FPGA register
+ * description.
+ */
+int osc_fpga_set_trigger(uint32_t trig_source)
+ g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->trig_source = trig_source;
+ return 0;
+/** @brief Sets the trigger delay in OSC FPGA register.
+ *
+ * Sets the trigger delay in oscilloscope FPGA register.
+ *
+ * @param [in] trig_delay Trigger delay, as defined in FPGA register
+ * description.
+ *
+ * @retval 0 Always returns 0.
+ */
+int osc_fpga_set_trigger_delay(uint32_t trig_delay)
+ g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->trigger_delay = trig_delay;
+ return 0;
+/** @brief Checks if FPGA detected trigger.
+ *
+ * This function checks if trigger was detected by the FPGA.
+ *
+ * @retval 0 Trigger not detected.
+ * @retval 1 Trigger detected.
+ */
+int osc_fpga_triggered(void)
+ return ((g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->trig_source & OSC_FPGA_TRIG_SRC_MASK)==0);
+/** @brief Returns memory pointers for both input signal buffers.
+ *
+ * This function returns pointers for input signal buffers for both channels.
+ *
+ * @param [out] cha_signal Output pointer for Channel A buffer
+ * @param [out] cha_signal Output pointer for Channel B buffer
+ *
+ * @retval 0 Always returns 0.
+ */
+int osc_fpga_get_sig_ptr(int **cha_signal, int **chb_signal)
+ *cha_signal = (int *)g_osc_fpga_cha_mem;
+ *chb_signal = (int *)g_osc_fpga_chb_mem;
+ return 0;
+/** @brief Returns values for current and trigger write FPGA pointers.
+ *
+ * This functions returns values for current and trigger write pointers. They
+ * are an address of the input signal buffer and are the same for both channels.
+ *
+ * @param [out] wr_ptr_curr Current FPGA input buffer address.
+ * @param [out] wr_ptr_trig Trigger FPGA input buffer address.
+ *
+ * @retval 0 Always returns 0.
+ */
+int osc_fpga_get_wr_ptr(int *wr_ptr_curr, int *wr_ptr_trig)
+ if(wr_ptr_curr)
+ *wr_ptr_curr = g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->wr_ptr_cur;
+ if(wr_ptr_trig)
+ *wr_ptr_trig = g_osc_fpga_reg_mem->wr_ptr_trigger;
+ return 0;
+/** @brief Convert trigger parameters to FPGA trigger source value.
+ *
+ * This function takes as an argument trigger parameters and converts it to
+ * trigger source value used by the FPGA trigger source reigster.
+ *
+ * @param [in] trig_imm Trigger immediately, if set to 1 other trigger parameters
+ * are ignored.
+ * @param [in] trig_source Trigger source as defined in rp_main_params
+ * @param [in] trig_edge Trigger edge as defined in rp_main_params
+ *
+ * @retval -1 Error
+ * @retval otherwise Trigger source FPGA value
+ */
+int osc_fpga_cnv_trig_source(int trig_imm, int trig_source, int trig_edge)
+ int fpga_trig_source = 0;
+ /* Trigger immediately */
+ if(trig_imm)
+ return 1;
+ switch(trig_source) {
+ case 0: /* ChA*/
+ if(trig_edge == 0)
+ fpga_trig_source = 2;
+ else
+ fpga_trig_source = 3;
+ break;
+ case 1: /* ChB*/
+ if(trig_edge == 0)
+ fpga_trig_source = 4;
+ else
+ fpga_trig_source = 5;
+ break;
+ case 2: /* External */
+ if(trig_edge == 0)
+ fpga_trig_source = 6;
+ else
+ fpga_trig_source = 7;
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Error */
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return fpga_trig_source;
+/** @brief Converts time range to decimation value.
+ *
+ * This function converts time range value defined by rp_main_params to
+ * decimation factor value.
+ *
+ * @param [in] time_range Time range, integer between 0 and 5, as defined by
+ * rp_main_params.
+ *
+ * @retval -1 Error
+ *
+ * @retval otherwise Decimation factor.
+int osc_fpga_cnv_time_range_to_dec(int time_range)
+ /* Input: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 translates to:
+ * Output: 1x, 8x, 64x, 1kx, 8kx, 65kx */
+ switch(time_range) {
+ case 0:
+ return 1;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ return 8;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ return 64;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ return 1024;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ return 8*1024;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ return 64*1024;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return -1;
+/** @brief Converts time to number of samples.
+ *
+ * This function converts time in [s], based on current decimation factor to
+ * number of samples at ADC sampling frequency.
+ *
+ * @param [in] time Time in [s]
+ * @param [in] dec_factor Decimation factor
+ *
+ * @retval Number of ADC samples define dby input parameters.
+ */
+int osc_fpga_cnv_time_to_smpls(float time, int dec_factor)
+ /* Calculate sampling period (including decimation) */
+ float smpl_p = (c_osc_fpga_smpl_period * dec_factor);
+ int fpga_smpls = (int)round(time / smpl_p);
+ return fpga_smpls;
+/** @brief Converts voltage to ADC counts.
+ *
+ * This function converts voltage in [V] to ADC counts.
+ *
+ * @param [in] voltage Voltage in [V]
+ *
+ * @retval adc_cnts ADC counts
+ */
+int osc_fpga_cnv_v_to_cnt(float voltage)
+ int adc_cnts = 0;
+ if((voltage > c_osc_fpga_adc_max_v) || (voltage < -c_osc_fpga_adc_max_v))
+ return -1;
+ adc_cnts = (int)round(voltage * (float)((int)(1<<c_osc_fpga_adc_bits)) /
+ (2*c_osc_fpga_adc_max_v));
+ /* Clip highest value (+14 is calculated in int32_t to 0x2000, but we have
+ * only 14 bits
+ */
+ if((voltage > 0) && (adc_cnts & (1<<(c_osc_fpga_adc_bits-1))))
+ adc_cnts = (1<<(c_osc_fpga_adc_bits-1))-1;
+ else
+ adc_cnts = adc_cnts & ((1<<(c_osc_fpga_adc_bits))-1);
+ return adc_cnts;
+/** @brief Converts ADC counts to voltage
+ *
+ * This function converts ADC counts to voltage (in [V])
+ *
+ * @param [in] cnts ADC counts
+ *
+ * @retval voltage Voltage in [V]
+ */
+float osc_fpga_cnv_cnt_to_v(int cnts)
+ int m;
+ if(cnts & (1<<(c_osc_fpga_adc_bits-1))) {
+ /* negative number */
+ m = -1 *((cnts ^ ((1<<c_osc_fpga_adc_bits)-1)) + 1);
+ } else {
+ m = cnts;
+ /* positive number */
+ }
+ return m;
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/fpga_osc.h
--- apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/fpga_osc.h (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/fpga_osc.h (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+ * $Id: fpga_osc.h 881 2013-12-16 05:37:34Z rp_jmenart $
+ *
+ * @brief Red Pitaya Oscilloscope FPGA controller.
+ *
+ * @Author Jure Menart <>
+ *
+ * (c) Red Pitaya
+ *
+ * This part of code is written in C programming language.
+ * Please visit
+ * for more details on the language used herein.
+ */
+#ifndef __FPGA_OSC_H
+#define __FPGA_OSC_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** @defgroup fpga_osc_h fpga_osc_h
+ * @{
+ */
+/** Base OSC FPGA address */
+#define OSC_FPGA_BASE_ADDR 0x40100000
+/** Base OSC FPGA core size */
+#define OSC_FPGA_BASE_SIZE 0x30000
+/** OSC FPGA input signal buffer length */
+#define OSC_FPGA_SIG_LEN (16*1024)
+/** OSC FPGA ARM bit in configuration register */
+/** OSC FPGA reset bit in configuration register */
+/** OSC FPGA trigger source register mask */
+#define OSC_FPGA_TRIG_SRC_MASK 0x00000007
+/** OSC FPGA Channel A threshold register mask */
+#define OSC_FPGA_CHA_THR_MASK 0x00003fff
+/** OSC FPGA Channel B threshold register mask */
+#define OSC_FPGA_CHB_THR_MASK 0x00003fff
+/** OSC FPGA trigger delay register register mask */
+#define OSC_FPGA_TRIG_DLY_MASK 0xffffffff
+/** OSC FPGA data decimation mask */
+#define OSC_FPGA_DATA_DEC_MASK 0x0001ffff
+/** OSC FPGA Channel A input signal buffer offset */
+#define OSC_FPGA_CHA_OFFSET 0x10000
+/** OSC FPGA Channel B input signal buffer offset */
+#define OSC_FPGA_CHB_OFFSET 0x20000
+/** @brief OSC FPGA registry structure.
+ *
+ * This structure is direct image of physical FPGA memory. When accessing it all
+ * reads/writes are performed directly from/to FPGA OSC core.
+ */
+typedef struct osc_fpga_reg_mem_s {
+ /** @brief Offset 0x00 - configuration register
+ *
+ * Configuration register (offset 0x00):
+ * bit [0] - arm_trigger
+ * bit [1] - rst_wr_state_machine
+ * bits [31:2] - reserved
+ */
+ uint32_t conf;
+ /** @brief Offset 0x04 - trigger source register
+ *
+ * Trigger source register (offset 0x04):
+ * bits [ 2 : 0] - trigger source:
+ * 1 - trig immediately
+ * 2 - ChA positive edge
+ * 3 - ChA negative edge
+ * 4 - ChB positive edge
+ * 5 - ChB negative edge
+ * 6 - External trigger 0
+ * 7 - External trigger 1
+ * bits [31 : 3] -reserved
+ */
+ uint32_t trig_source;
+ /** @brief Offset 0x08 - Channel A threshold register
+ *
+ * Channel A threshold register (offset 0x08):
+ * bits [13: 0] - ChA threshold
+ * bits [31:14] - reserved
+ */
+ uint32_t cha_thr;
+ /** @brief Offset 0x0C - Channel B threshold register
+ *
+ * Channel B threshold register (offset 0x0C):
+ * bits [13: 0] - ChB threshold
+ * bits [31:14] - reserved
+ */
+ uint32_t chb_thr;
+ /** @brief Offset 0x10 - After trigger delay register
+ *
+ * After trigger delay register (offset 0x10)
+ * bits [31: 0] - trigger delay
+ * 32 bit number - how many decimated samples should be stored into a buffer.
+ * (max 16k samples)
+ */
+ uint32_t trigger_delay;
+ /** @brief Offset 0x14 - Data decimation register
+ *
+ * Data decimation register (offset 0x14):
+ * bits [16: 0] - decimation factor, legal values:
+ * 1, 8, 64, 1024, 8192 65536
+ * If other values are written data is undefined
+ * bits [31:17] - reserved
+ */
+ uint32_t data_dec;
+ /** @brief Offset 0x18 - Current write pointer register
+ *
+ * Current write pointer register (offset 0x18), read only:
+ * bits [13: 0] - current write pointer
+ * bits [31:14] - reserved
+ */
+ uint32_t wr_ptr_cur;
+ /** @brief Offset 0x1C - Trigger write pointer register
+ *
+ * Trigger write pointer register (offset 0x1C), read only:
+ * bits [13: 0] - trigger pointer (pointer where trigger was detected)
+ * bits [31:14] - reserved
+ */
+ uint32_t wr_ptr_trigger;
+ /** @brief ChA & ChB hysteresis - both of the format:
+ * bits [13: 0] - hysteresis threshold
+ * bits [31:14] - reserved
+ */
+ uint32_t cha_hystersis;
+ uint32_t chb_hystersis;
+ /** @brief
+ * bits [0] - enable signal average at decimation
+ * bits [31:1] - reserved
+ */
+ uint32_t other;
+ uint32_t reseved;
+ /** @brief ChA Equalization filter
+ * bits [17:0] - AA coefficient (pole)
+ * bits [31:18] - reserved
+ */
+ uint32_t cha_filt_aa;
+ /** @brief ChA Equalization filter
+ * bits [24:0] - BB coefficient (zero)
+ * bits [31:25] - reserved
+ */
+ uint32_t cha_filt_bb;
+ /** @brief ChA Equalization filter
+ * bits [24:0] - KK coefficient (gain)
+ * bits [31:25] - reserved
+ */
+ uint32_t cha_filt_kk;
+ /** @brief ChA Equalization filter
+ * bits [24:0] - PP coefficient (pole)
+ * bits [31:25] - reserved
+ */
+ uint32_t cha_filt_pp;
+ /** @brief ChB Equalization filter
+ * bits [17:0] - AA coefficient (pole)
+ * bits [31:18] - reserved
+ */
+ uint32_t chb_filt_aa;
+ /** @brief ChB Equalization filter
+ * bits [24:0] - BB coefficient (zero)
+ * bits [31:25] - reserved
+ */
+ uint32_t chb_filt_bb;
+ /** @brief ChB Equalization filter
+ * bits [24:0] - KK coefficient (gain)
+ * bits [31:25] - reserved
+ */
+ uint32_t chb_filt_kk;
+ /** @brief ChB Equalization filter
+ * bits [24:0] - PP coefficient (pole)
+ * bits [31:25] - reserved
+ */
+ uint32_t chb_filt_pp;
+ /* ChA & ChB data - 14 LSB bits valid starts from 0x10000 and
+ * 0x20000 and are each 16k samples long */
+} osc_fpga_reg_mem_t;
+/** @} */
+// TODO: Move to a shared folder and share with scope & spectrum.
+/** Equalization & shaping filter coefficients */
+typedef struct {
+ uint32_t aa;
+ uint32_t bb;
+ uint32_t pp;
+ uint32_t kk;
+} ecu_shape_filter_t;
+int osc_fpga_init(void);
+int osc_fpga_exit(void);
+void get_equ_shape_filter(ecu_shape_filter_t *filt, uint32_t equal,
+ uint32_t shaping, uint32_t gain);
+int osc_fpga_update_params(int trig_imm, int trig_source, int trig_edge,
+ float trig_delay, float trig_level, int time_range,
+ int equal, int shaping, int gain1, int gain2);
+int osc_fpga_reset(void);
+int osc_fpga_arm_trigger(void);
+int osc_fpga_set_trigger(uint32_t trig_source);
+int osc_fpga_set_trigger_delay(uint32_t trig_delay);
+/* Returns 0 if no trigger, 1 if trigger */
+int osc_fpga_triggered(void);
+/* Returns pointer to the ChA and ChB signals (of length OSC_FPGA_SIG_LEN) */
+int osc_fpga_get_sig_ptr(int **cha_signal, int **chb_signal);
+/* Returns signal pointers from the FPGA */
+int osc_fpga_get_wr_ptr(int *wr_ptr_curr, int *wr_ptr_trig);
+/* Returnes signal content */
+/* various constants */
+extern const float c_osc_fpga_smpl_freq;
+extern const float c_osc_fpga_smpl_period;
+/* helper conversion functions */
+/* Convert correct value for FPGA trigger source from trig_immediately,
+ * trig_source and trig_edge from application params.
+ */
+int osc_fpga_cnv_trig_source(int trig_imm, int trig_source, int trig_edge);
+/* Converts time_range parameter (0-5) to decimation factor */
+int osc_fpga_cnv_time_range_to_dec(int time_range);
+/* Converts time in [s] to ADC samples (depends on decimation) */
+int osc_fpga_cnv_time_to_smpls(float time, int dec_factor);
+/* Converts voltage in [V] to ADC counts */
+int osc_fpga_cnv_v_to_cnt(float voltage);
+/* Converts ADC ounts to [V] */
+float osc_fpga_cnv_cnt_to_v(int cnts);
+/* Debug - dump to stderr current parameter settings (leave out data) */
+void osc_fpga_dump_regs(void);
+/* debugging - will be removed */
+extern osc_fpga_reg_mem_t *g_osc_fpga_reg_mem;
+extern int g_osc_fpga_mem_fd;
+int __osc_fpga_cleanup_mem(void);
+#endif /* __FPGA_OSC_H*/
Index: apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/version.h
--- apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/version.h (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/sockserv/version.h (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * $Id: $
+ *
+ * @brief Red Pitaya simple version strings. To be embedded in binaries
+ * at build time for SW traceability.
+ *
+ * @Author Ales Bardorfer <>
+ *
+ * (c) Red Pitaya
+ *
+ * This part of code is written in C programming language.
+ * Please visit
+ * for more details on the language used herein.
+ */
+#ifndef VERSION_H
+#define VERSION_H
+#define XSTR(s) STR(s)
+#define STR(s) #s
+#ifndef VERSION
+#define VERSION_STR "0.00-0000"
+#ifndef REVISION
+#define REVISION_STR "unknown"
+#endif /* VERSION_H */
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
Index: apps/RedPitaya/jupyter/signal_tdcadc_stream.ipynb
--- apps/RedPitaya/jupyter/signal_tdcadc_stream.ipynb (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/jupyter/signal_tdcadc_stream.ipynb (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "deletable": true,
+ "editable": true
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "# On trigger signal acquisition\n",
+ "\n",
+ "## Description\n",
+ "\n",
+ "This example shows how to acquire 16k samples of signal on fast analog inputs.\n",
+ "Signal will be acquired when the internal trigger condition is meet.\n",
+ "Time length of the acquired signal depends on the time scale of a buffer\n",
+ "that can be set with a decimation factor.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "TODO: describe some calculations\n",
+ "\n",
+ "## Required hardware\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- Red Pitaya\n",
+ "- Signal (function) generator\n",
+ "\n",
+ "![wiring diagram](img/generate_continous_signal_on_fast_analog_output.png)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "deletable": true,
+ "editable": true
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "The `rp` object is an instance of the `redpitaya` class.\n",
+ "When the object is initialized, the FPGA bitstream is loaded and\n",
+ "memory mapped FPGA registers are mapped into software.\n",
+ "Repeating FPGA bitstream loading will cause all registers to reset,\n",
+ "while mapping the memory space multiple times will cause segmentation faults.\n",
+ "So untill this issues are handled by the driver\n",
+ "a `redpitaya` instance should be created only once."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": false,
+ "deletable": true,
+ "editable": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from redpitaya import redpitaya\n",
+ "rp = redpitaya()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": false,
+ "deletable": true,
+ "editable": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# generator configuration\n",
+ "#rp.GenReset()\n",
+ "#rp.GenFreq(0, 100000.0)\n",
+ "#rp.GenAmp(0, 1.0)\n",
+ "#rp.GenWaveform(0, rp.WAVEFORM_SINE)\n",
+ "#rp.GenOutEnable(0)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": false,
+ "deletable": true,
+ "editable": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# acquisition configuration\n",
+ "size = rp.AcqGetBufSize()\n",
+ "print(size)\n",
+ "rp.AcqReset()\n",
+ "rp.AcqSetDecimationFactor(1)\n",
+ "rp.AcqSetTriggerLevel(0, -0.05)\n",
+ "#rp.AcqSetPostTriggerDelay(size//2) # place trigger in the middle of the buffer\n",
+ "#rp.AcqSetPostTriggerDelay(size//2)\n",
+ "rp.AcqSetPostTriggerDelay(0)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "size = 1024\n",
+ "channels = (0,1)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# start acquisition process\n",
+ "rp.AcqStart()\n",
+ "# set trigger source to start acquisition\n",
+ "rp.AcqSetTriggerSrc(rp.TRIG_SRC_CHA_PE)\n",
+ "# wait in a loop for trigger state to chage from TRIG_STATE_WAITING\n",
+ "while rp.AcqGetTriggerSrc():\n",
+ " pass\n",
+ "print('triggered')\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# read data from FPGA FIFO into memory and display it\n",
+ "buff = [rp.AcqGetOldestDataV(ch, size) for ch in channels];"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": false,
+ "deletable": true,
+ "editable": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import time\n",
+ "import numpy as np\n",
+ "\n",
+ "from import push_notebook, show, output_notebook\n",
+ "from bokeh.models import HoverTool, Range1d\n",
+ "from bokeh.plotting import figure\n",
+ "from bokeh.plotting import show, output_file, vplot\n",
+ "from bokeh.resources import INLINE \n",
+ "from bokeh.models import Column\n",
+ "output_notebook(resources=INLINE)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": false,
+ "deletable": true,
+ "editable": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "def hfill(histogram, datum, weight=1):\n",
+ " for idx, b in enumerate(histogram[1]):\n",
+ " if idx > 0:\n",
+ " if (datum < b and datum >= histogram[1][0]) or (datum <= b and idx == len(histogram[1]) - 1):\n",
+ " histogram[0][idx - 1] += int(weight)\n",
+ " break\n",
+ " \n",
+ "def h1d(title, titlex, titley, nbins, xmin,xmax):\n",
+ " h = np.histogram([], bins=nbins, range= (xmin,xmax))\n",
+ " p = figure(title=title,tools=\"save\", background_fill_color=\"#E8DDCB\")\n",
+ " p.quad(top=h[0], bottom=0, left=h[1][:-1], right=h[1][1:])\n",
+ " p.xaxis.axis_label = 'p.h.(ADC)'\n",
+ " p.yaxis.axis_label = 'N'\n",
+ " return [h,p]"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": false,
+ "deletable": true,
+ "editable": true,
+ "scrolled": false
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "hadc = np.histogram([], bins=40, range= (0,0.5))\n",
+ "p1 = figure(title=\"ADC distribution\",tools=\"save\", background_fill_color=\"#E8DDCB\")\n",
+ "p1.quad(top=hadc[0], bottom=0, left=hadc[1][:-1], right=hadc[1][1:], fill_color=\"#036564\", line_color=\"#033649\")\n",
+ "p1.xaxis.axis_label = 'p.h.(ADC)'\n",
+ "p1.yaxis.axis_label = 'N'\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "htdc = np.histogram([], bins=100, range= (0,size))\n",
+ "p2 = figure(title=\"TDC distribution\",tools=\"save\", background_fill_color=\"#E8DDCB\")\n",
+ "p2.quad(top=htdc[0], bottom=0, left=htdc[1][:-1], right=htdc[1][1:], fill_color=\"#036564\", line_color=\"#033649\")\n",
+ "p2.xaxis.axis_label = 'p.h.(ADC)'\n",
+ "p2.yaxis.axis_label = 'N'\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#print(hist)\n",
+ "#for event in [ 1,2,3,4,4,5,6,32,4,10]:\n",
+ "# hfill(hist,event)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "#adcplot = show(p1, notebook_handle=True)\n",
+ "N = size\n",
+ "x = np.arange(N) / rp.FS\n",
+ "\n",
+ "colors = ('red', 'blue')\n",
+ "hover = HoverTool(mode = 'vline', tooltips=[(\"T\", \"@x\"), (\"V\", \"@y\")])\n",
+ "tools = \"pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,crosshair,save\"\n",
+ "p = figure(plot_height=500, plot_width=900, title=\"oscilloscope\", toolbar_location=\"above\", tools=(tools, hover))\n",
+ "p.xaxis.axis_label='time [s]'\n",
+ "p.yaxis.axis_label='voltage [V]'\n",
+ "p.y_range=Range1d(-0.1, 0.1)\n",
+ "r = [p.line(x, buff[i], line_width=1, line_alpha=0.7, color=colors[i]) for i in channels]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "target = show( Column(p, p1, p2), notebook_handle=True)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": false,
+ "deletable": true,
+ "editable": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "size = 1024\n",
+ "channels = (0,1)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "rp.AcqReset()\n",
+ "rp.AcqSetDecimationFactor(1)\n",
+ "threshold = -0.05\n",
+ "rp.AcqSetTriggerLevel(0, threshold)\n",
+ "rp.AcqSetPostTriggerDelay(size-80)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "neve = 0\n",
+ "while True:\n",
+ " rp.AcqStart()\n",
+ " rp.AcqSetTriggerSrc(rp.TRIG_SRC_CHA_NE) \n",
+ " while (rp.AcqSetTriggerSrc(rp.TRIG_SRC_CHA_NE)): pass\n",
+ " buff = [rp.AcqGetLatestDataV(ch, size) for ch in channels];\n",
+ "\n",
+ " adcdata = np.absolute(np.amin(buff[0]))\n",
+ " signal = np.array(buff[0])\n",
+ " tdcdata = np.where(signal < threshold)[0] # get item\n",
+ "# print (adcdata, tdcdata)\n",
+ " hfill(hadc,adcdata)\n",
+ " \n",
+ " for a in tdcdata:\n",
+ " if a - tdcdata[0] > 5:\n",
+ " hfill(htdc,a-tdcdata[0])\n",
+ " break \n",
+ " neve+=1\n",
+ " for i in channels:\n",
+ " r[i]['y'] = buff[i]\n",
+ "# push updates to the plot continuously using the handle (intererrupt the notebook kernel to stop)\n",
+ " if (neve%10 == 0):\n",
+ " push_notebook(handle=target)\n",
+ "# time.sleep(0.05)"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "Python 3",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.5.2"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 2
Index: apps/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.c
--- apps/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.c (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.c (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+// Title: RedPitaya.c
+// Purpose: A short description of the implementation.
+// Created on: 27. 01. 2017 at 13:29:33 by Samo Korpar.
+// Copyright: . All Rights Reserved.
+// Include files
+//#include "RedPitaya.h"
+#include "RedPitaya_ui.h"
+#include <userint.h>
+#include <ansi_c.h>
+#include <utility.h>
+#include <visa.h>
+#include <cvirte.h>
+// Constants
+#define MAX_THREADS 10
+#define NSAMPLES 2048
+#define NBEFORE 80
+#define NGROUP 32
+#define MAXSAMPLES 16384
+#define MINTRGDELAY -8192
+#define MAXTDCCH 0x80
+// Types
+// Static global variables
+static int daq_on = 0;
+static int ntics;
+static int poolHandle = 0;
+static int p1h, pID, rID, tfID;
+static int ph_tdc, ph_wf;
+static int dtdc[MAXTDCCH];
+static int debugOut = 0;
+static time_t t0;
+static ViStatus istat;
+static ViSession RedPHandle,RMHandle;
+// Static functions
+static int update_plots (void) {
+ if (ph_tdc>0) DeleteGraphPlot (p1h, P1_TDC_G, ph_tdc, VAL_DELAYED_DRAW);
+ ph_tdc = PlotY (p1h, P1_TDC_G, &dtdc[0], MAXTDCCH, VAL_INTEGER,
+ return (0);
+static int export_data (void) {
+ char filename[0xFF],rootcmd[0xFF];
+ int type=0;
+ int neve;
+ GetCtrlVal(p1h,P1_FILENAME_EN,filename);
+ GetCtrlVal(p1h,P1_FILETYPE,&type);
+ unsigned int hdr[10];
+ time_t t;
+ hdr[0] = 0x1;
+ hdr[1] = sizeof(int) * MAXTDCCH;
+ hdr[2] = t0;
+ GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_CEVE_N, &neve);
+ hdr[3] = neve;
+ hdr[4] = (unsigned int)( time(&t)-t0);
+ FILE *fp;
+ switch (type) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ fp =fopen(filename,"wb");
+ if (fp) {
+ fwrite(hdr,sizeof(unsigned int),5,fp);
+ fwrite(dtdc,sizeof(int),MAXTDCCH,fp);
+ fclose(fp);
+ if (type) {
+ sprintf(rootcmd ,"root.exe plottdc.cxx(\\\"%s\\\")", filename);
+ LaunchExecutable(rootcmd);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ fp=fopen(filename,"w");
+ if (fp) {
+ for (int i=0; i<MAXTDCCH; i++) fprintf(fp,"%d\n", dtdc[i]);
+ fclose(fp);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return (0);
+static int CVICALLBACK daq_run(void *functionData) {
+ int trgdly,neve,ieve,ndata;
+ float data[10000];
+ char datac[100000];
+ char *ctoken_p;
+ char response[80];
+ time_t t;
+ response[0] = 0;
+ t0 = time(&t);
+ if (RedPHandle) {
+ istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:RST\r\n");
+ istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:AVG OFF\r\n");
+ istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:DEC 1\r\n");
+ istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:TRIG:LEV -0.03\r\n");
+ istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:TRIG:DLY %0d\r\n", trgdly);
+ istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:START\r\n");
+ Delay(0.01);
+ istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:TRIG CH1_NE\r\n");
+// istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:TRIG NOW\r\n");
+ }
+ GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_NEVE_N, &neve);
+ ieve=0;
+ do {
+ while (VI_TRUE) {
+ if (RedPHandle) istat = viQueryf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:TRIG:STAT?\r\n", "%s",response);
+ if (response[0]=='T') break;
+ if (!daq_on) break;
+ }
+ if (!daq_on) break;
+ if (RedPHandle) {
+ istat = viQueryf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:SOUR1:DATA:LAT:N? %0d\r\n", "%s", NSAMPLES, datac);
+ istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:START\r\n");
+ Delay(0.001);
+ istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:TRIG CH1_NE\r\n");
+// istat = viPrintf (RedPHandle, "ACQ:TRIG NOW\r\n");
+// Delay(0.01);
+ }
+ ndata=0;
+ ctoken_p = strtok (datac, "{,}\r");
+ while (ctoken_p) {
+ sscanf(ctoken_p,"%f",&data[ndata]);
+ if ((ndata)&&(data[ndata]<-0.015)&&(data[ndata-1]>=-0.015)) dtdc[ndata/NGROUP]++;
+ ctoken_p = strtok (NULL, "{,}\r");
+ ndata++;
+ }
+ ph_wf = PlotY (p1h, P1_WF_G, data, ndata, VAL_FLOAT, VAL_THIN_LINE, VAL_NO_POINT, VAL_SOLID, 1, VAL_BLUE);
+ SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_CEVE_N, ++ieve);
+ if (debugOut) {
+ sprintf(response,"%d, %d",ieve,ndata);
+ istat = InsertTextBoxLine (p1h, P1_IO_TB, -1, response);
+ debugOut=0;
+ }
+ } while (ieve<neve);
+ daq_on=0;
+ SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_DAQ_S, daq_on);
+ SetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_CEVE_N, ieve);
+ return 0;
+// Global variables
+// Global functions
+/// HIFN What does your function do?
+/// HIPAR x/What inputs does your function expect?
+/// HIRET What does your function return?
+int CVICALLBACK cb_timer (int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData,
+ int eventData1, int eventData2) {
+ QueueUserEvent (9000, p1h, P1_TIMER_T);
+ return (0);
+int CVICALLBACK debug_pressed (int panel, int control, int event,
+ void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
+ switch (event) {
+ debugOut=1;
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int __stdcall WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
+ LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {
+ int i,refon,dummy;
+ char response[80];
+ if (InitCVIRTE (hInstance, 0, 0) == 0)
+ return -1; /* out of memory */
+ SetSleepPolicy(VAL_SLEEP_MORE);
+ CmtNewThreadPool (MAX_THREADS, &poolHandle);
+ SetStdioWindowOptions (1000, 0, 0);
+ SetStdioWindowSize (150, 600);
+ SetStdioWindowPosition (825, 20);
+ istat = viOpenDefaultRM (&RMHandle);
+ if (RMHandle) istat = viOpen (RMHandle, "TCPIP0::", VI_NULL, VI_NULL, &RedPHandle);
+ if (RedPHandle){
+ istat = viSetAttribute (RedPHandle, VI_ATTR_TCPIP_KEEPALIVE, VI_TRUE);
+ istat = viSetAttribute (RedPHandle, VI_ATTR_TCPIP_NODELAY, VI_TRUE);
+ istat = viSetAttribute (RedPHandle, VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR, '\n');
+ istat = viSetAttribute (RedPHandle, VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR_EN, VI_TRUE);
+ istat = viSetAttribute (RedPHandle, VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE, 1000);
+ }
+ if ((p1h = LoadPanel (0, "RedPitaya_ui.uir", P1)) < 0) return -1;
+ DisplayPanel (p1h);
+ istat = SetCtrlAttribute (p1h, P1_WF_G, ATTR_DATA_MODE, VAL_DISCARD);
+ if (RedPHandle) istat = viQueryf (RedPHandle, "*IDN?\r\n", "%s",response);
+ else sprintf(response,"Connection to RedPitaya is missing");
+ istat = InsertTextBoxLine (p1h, P1_IO_TB, -1,response);
+ istat = ProcessDrawEvents ();
+ QueueUserEvent (1000, p1h, P1_RESET_PB);
+ do {
+ GetUserEvent (1, &pID, &rID);
+ switch (rID) {
+ case P1_TIMER_T:
+ ntics+=1;
+ GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_REFON_CB, &refon);
+ if (refon) update_plots();
+ break;
+ case P1_REFRESH_PB:
+ update_plots();
+ break;
+ case P1_DAQ_S:
+ GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_DAQ_S, &daq_on);
+ if (daq_on) {
+ CmtScheduleThreadPoolFunction (poolHandle, daq_run, (void *)&dummy, &tfID);
+ } else {
+ CmtWaitForThreadPoolFunctionCompletion (poolHandle, tfID,
+ CmtReleaseThreadPoolFunctionID (poolHandle, tfID);
+ }
+ break;
+ case P1_RESET_PB:
+ for (i=0; i<MAXTDCCH; i++) {
+ dtdc[i]=0;
+ }
+ update_plots();
+ case P1_CLEAR_PB:
+ DeleteGraphPlot (p1h, P1_WF_G, -1, VAL_IMMEDIATE_DRAW);
+ break;
+ case P1_EXPORT_PB:
+ export_data();
+ break;
+ case P1_TDCLOG_S:
+ GetCtrlVal (p1h, P1_TDCLOG_S, &istat);
+ SetCtrlAttribute (p1h, P1_TDC_G, ATTR_YMAP_MODE, istat);
+ update_plots();
+ break;
+ default:
+ Delay(1.);
+ }
+ } while ((rID != P1_EXIT_PB)||daq_on);
+ CmtDiscardThreadPool (poolHandle);
+ DiscardPanel (p1h);
+ if (RedPHandle) istat = viClose (RedPHandle);
+ if (RMHandle) istat = viClose (RMHandle);
+ return 0;
Index: apps/RedPitaya/plottdc.cxx
--- apps/RedPitaya/plottdc.cxx (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/plottdc.cxx (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+void plottdc(char *filename) {
+ FILE *fp =fopen(filename,"r");
+ if (fp) {
+ unsigned int hdr[10];
+ int nb = fread(hdr,sizeof(unsigned int), 5, fp);
+ int size = hdr[1]/sizeof(int);
+ printf("FILE %s opened\nheader read nb=%d\ndata size %d\n", filename, nb ,size);
+ //int *data = new unsigned int[size];
+ float *data = new float[size];
+ nb = fread(data, sizeof(float), size, fp);
+ printf("FILE data elements %d\n", nb);
+ fclose(fp);
+ TFile *f = new TFile(TString(filename)+".root","RECREATE");
+ TH1F *h = new TH1F("h","TDC;tdc(bin);N",size, -0.5, size-0.5);
+ for (int i=0; i< size; i++ ) h->SetBinContent(i+1,data[i]);
+ h->DrawCopy();
+ f->Write();
+ f->Close();
+ }
Index: apps/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.prj
--- apps/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.prj (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.prj (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+[Project Header]
+Version = 1302
+Pathname = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.prj"
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+CVI Pub Local Dir = "/C/ProgramData/National Instruments/CVI2013"
+CVI Pub Global Dir = "/C/ProgramData/National Instruments/CVI"
+IVI Standard Root Dir = "/C/Program Files (x86)/IVI Foundation/IVI"
+VXIplug&play Framework Dir = "/C/Program Files (x86)/IVI Foundation/VISA/winnt"
+IVI Standard Root 64-bit Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/IVI"
+VXIplug&play Framework 64-bit Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/VISA/win64"
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+Copied from VXIPNP Directory = False
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+[File 0001]
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+Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya_ui.uir"
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+Folder = "User Interface Files"
+Folder Id = 0
+[File 0002]
+File Type = "Include"
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+Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya_ui.h"
+Exclude = False
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+Folder = "Include Files"
+Folder Id = 1
+[File 0003]
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+Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/plottdc.cxx"
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+Project Flags = 0
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+Folder Id = 2
+[File 0004]
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+Path = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.c"
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+Folder Id = 2
+[Custom Build Configs]
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+[Default Build Config Debug]
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+Warning List Common = ""
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+Icon File = ""
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+File Description Ex = "%application (%rel_dbg %arch)"
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+File Version Ex = "%f1.%f2"
+Internal Name = "RedPitaya"
+Internal Name Ex = "%basename"
+Legal Copyright = "Copyright © 2017"
+Legal Copyright Ex = "Copyright © %company %Y"
+Legal Trademarks = ""
+Legal Trademarks Ex = ""
+Original Filename = "RedPitaya.exe"
+Original Filename Ex = "%filename"
+Private Build = ""
+Private Build Ex = ""
+Product Name = " RedPitaya"
+Product Name Ex = "%company %application"
+Product Version = "1.0"
+Product Version Ex = "%p1.%p2"
+Special Build = ""
+Special Build Ex = ""
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+Type Lib FP File Is Rel = False
+Type Lib FP File = ""
+[Default Build Config Release]
+Config Name = "Release"
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+Is Release = True
+Default Calling Convention = "cdecl"
+Optimization Level = "Optimize for speed (level 2)"
+Require Prototypes = True
+Show Warning IDs in Build Output = False
+Selected Warning Level = "Common"
+Warning List None = ""
+Warning List Common = ""
+Warning List Extended = ""
+Warning List All = ""
+Warning Mode = 0
+Enable Unreferenced Identifiers Warning = True
+Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = True
+Enable Unreachable Code Warning = True
+Enable Assignment In Conditional Warning = True
+Uninitialized Locals Compile Warning = "Aggressive"
+Require Return Values = True
+Enable C99 Extensions = True
+Enable OpenMP Extensions = False
+Stack Size = 250000
+Stack Reserve = 1048576
+Stack Commit = 4096
+Image Base Address = 4194304
+Image Base Address x64 = 4194304
+Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN"
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+Sign Store = ""
+Sign Certificate = ""
+Sign Timestamp URL = ""
+Sign URL = ""
+Manifest Embed = False
+Icon File Is Rel = False
+Icon File = ""
+Application Title = ""
+Use IVI Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True
+Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy"
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL Is Rel = False
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
+Generate Source Documentation = "None"
+Runtime Support = "Full Runtime Support"
+Runtime Binding = "Shared"
+Embed Project .UIRs = False
+Generate Map File = False
+Embed Timestamp = True
+Create Console Application = False
+Using LoadExternalModule = False
+DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
+Register ActiveX Server = False
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+Include Type Lib Help Links = False
+TLB Help Style = "HLP"
+Type Lib FP File Is Rel = False
+Type Lib FP File = ""
+[Default Build Config Debug64]
+Config Name = "Debug64"
+Is 64-Bit = True
+Is Release = False
+Default Calling Convention = "cdecl"
+Optimization Level = "Optimize for speed (level 2)"
+Require Prototypes = True
+Show Warning IDs in Build Output = False
+Selected Warning Level = "Common"
+Warning List None = ""
+Warning List Common = ""
+Warning List Extended = ""
+Warning List All = ""
+Warning Mode = 0
+Enable Unreferenced Identifiers Warning = True
+Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = True
+Enable Unreachable Code Warning = True
+Enable Assignment In Conditional Warning = True
+Uninitialized Locals Compile Warning = "Aggressive"
+Require Return Values = True
+Enable C99 Extensions = True
+Enable OpenMP Extensions = False
+Stack Size = 250000
+Stack Reserve = 1048576
+Stack Commit = 4096
+Image Base Address = 4194304
+Image Base Address x64 = 4194304
+Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN"
+Sign = False
+Sign Store = ""
+Sign Certificate = ""
+Sign Timestamp URL = ""
+Sign URL = ""
+Manifest Embed = False
+Icon File Is Rel = False
+Icon File = ""
+Application Title = ""
+Use IVI Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True
+Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy"
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL Is Rel = False
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
+Generate Source Documentation = "None"
+Runtime Support = "Full Runtime Support"
+Runtime Binding = "Shared"
+Embed Project .UIRs = False
+Generate Map File = False
+Embed Timestamp = True
+Create Console Application = False
+Using LoadExternalModule = False
+DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
+Register ActiveX Server = False
+Add Type Lib To DLL = False
+Include Type Lib Help Links = False
+TLB Help Style = "HLP"
+Type Lib FP File Is Rel = False
+Type Lib FP File = ""
+[Default Build Config Release64]
+Config Name = "Release64"
+Is 64-Bit = True
+Is Release = True
+Default Calling Convention = "cdecl"
+Optimization Level = "Optimize for speed (level 2)"
+Require Prototypes = True
+Show Warning IDs in Build Output = False
+Selected Warning Level = "Common"
+Warning List None = ""
+Warning List Common = ""
+Warning List Extended = ""
+Warning List All = ""
+Warning Mode = 0
+Enable Unreferenced Identifiers Warning = True
+Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = True
+Enable Unreachable Code Warning = True
+Enable Assignment In Conditional Warning = True
+Uninitialized Locals Compile Warning = "Aggressive"
+Require Return Values = True
+Enable C99 Extensions = True
+Enable OpenMP Extensions = False
+Stack Size = 250000
+Stack Reserve = 1048576
+Stack Commit = 4096
+Image Base Address = 4194304
+Image Base Address x64 = 4194304
+Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN"
+Sign = False
+Sign Store = ""
+Sign Certificate = ""
+Sign Timestamp URL = ""
+Sign URL = ""
+Manifest Embed = False
+Icon File Is Rel = False
+Icon File = ""
+Application Title = ""
+Use IVI Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True
+Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy"
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL Is Rel = False
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
+Generate Source Documentation = "None"
+Runtime Support = "Full Runtime Support"
+Runtime Binding = "Shared"
+Embed Project .UIRs = False
+Generate Map File = False
+Embed Timestamp = True
+Create Console Application = False
+Using LoadExternalModule = False
+DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
+Register ActiveX Server = False
+Add Type Lib To DLL = False
+Include Type Lib Help Links = False
+TLB Help Style = "HLP"
+Type Lib FP File Is Rel = False
+Type Lib FP File = ""
+[Compiler Options]
+Default Calling Convention = "cdecl"
+Require Prototypes = True
+Require Return Values = False
+Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = False
+Enable Unreachable Code Warning = False
+Enable Unreferenced Identifiers Warning = False
+Enable Assignment In Conditional Warning = False
+O Option Compatible With 5.0 = False
+Enable C99 Extensions = True
+Uninitialized Locals Compile Warning = "Disabled"
+Precompile Prefix Header = False
+Prefix Header File = ""
+[Run Options]
+Stack Size = 250000
+Stack Commit = 4096
+Image Base Address = 4194304
+Image Base Address x64 = 4194304
+[Compiler Defines]
+Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN"
+[Create Executable]
+Executable File_Debug Is Rel = True
+Executable File_Debug Rel To = "Project"
+Executable File_Debug Rel Path = "RedPitaya.exe"
+Executable File_Debug = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.exe"
+Executable File_Release Is Rel = True
+Executable File_Release Rel To = "Project"
+Executable File_Release Rel Path = "RedPitaya.exe"
+Executable File_Release = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.exe"
+Executable File_Debug64 Is Rel = True
+Executable File_Debug64 Rel To = "Project"
+Executable File_Debug64 Rel Path = "RedPitaya.exe"
+Executable File_Debug64 = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.exe"
+Executable File_Release64 Is Rel = True
+Executable File_Release64 Rel To = "Project"
+Executable File_Release64 Rel Path = "RedPitaya.exe"
+Executable File_Release64 = "/c/home/CVI/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.exe"
+Icon File Is Rel = False
+Icon File = ""
+Application Title = ""
+DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
+Use IVI Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True
+Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy"
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL Is Rel = False
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
+Generate Source Documentation = "None"
+Add Type Lib To DLL = False
+Include Type Lib Help Links = False
+TLB Help Style = "HLP"
+Type Lib FP File Is Rel = False
+Type Lib FP File = ""
+Type Lib Guid = ""
+Runtime Support = "Full Runtime Support"
+Instrument Driver Support Only = False
+Embed Project .UIRs = False
+Generate Map File = False
+[External Compiler Support]
+UIR Callbacks File Option = 0
+Using LoadExternalModule = False
+Create Project Symbols File = True
+UIR Callbacks Obj File Is Rel = False
+UIR Callbacks Obj File = ""
+Project Symbols H File Is Rel = False
+Project Symbols H File = ""
+Project Symbols Obj File Is Rel = False
+Project Symbols Obj File = ""
+[ActiveX Server Options]
+Specification File Is Rel = False
+Specification File = ""
+Source File Is Rel = False
+Source File = ""
+Include File Is Rel = False
+Include File = ""
+IDL File Is Rel = False
+IDL File = ""
+Register ActiveX Server = False
+[Signing Info]
+Sign = False
+Sign Debug Build = False
+Store = ""
+Certificate = ""
+Timestamp URL = ""
+URL = ""
+[Manifest Info]
+Embed = False
+tpcEnabled = 0
+tpcOverrideEnvironment = 0
+tpcEnabled x64 = 0
+tpcOverrideEnvironment x64 = 0
Index: apps/RedPitaya/RedPitaya_ui.h
--- apps/RedPitaya/RedPitaya_ui.h (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/RedPitaya_ui.h (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+/* LabWindows/CVI User Interface Resource (UIR) Include File */
+/* */
+/* WARNING: Do not add to, delete from, or otherwise modify the contents */
+/* of this include file. */
+#include <userint.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ /* Panels and Controls: */
+#define P1 1
+#define P1_EXPORT_PB 2 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
+#define P1_EXIT_PB 3 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
+#define P1_IO_TB 4 /* control type: textBox, callback function: (none) */
+#define P1_WF_G 5 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
+#define P1_CLEAR_PB 6 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
+#define P1_RESET_PB 7 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
+#define P1_CEVE_N 8 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define P1_TDC_G 9 /* control type: graph, callback function: (none) */
+#define P1_NEVE_N 10 /* control type: numeric, callback function: (none) */
+#define P1_TDCLOG_S 11 /* control type: binary, callback function: (none) */
+#define P1_DAQ_S 12 /* control type: textButton, callback function: (none) */
+#define P1_TIMER_T 13 /* control type: timer, callback function: cb_timer */
+#define P1_REFON_CB 14 /* control type: radioButton, callback function: (none) */
+#define P1_REFRESH_PB 15 /* control type: command, callback function: (none) */
+#define P1_DEBUG_PB 16 /* control type: command, callback function: debug_pressed */
+#define P1_FILENAME_EN 17 /* control type: string, callback function: (none) */
+#define P1_FILETYPE 18 /* control type: ring, callback function: (none) */
+ /* Control Arrays: */
+ /* (no control arrays in the resource file) */
+ /* Menu Bars, Menus, and Menu Items: */
+ /* (no menu bars in the resource file) */
+ /* Callback Prototypes: */
+int CVICALLBACK cb_timer(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
+int CVICALLBACK debug_pressed(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
Index: apps/RedPitaya/RedPitaya_ui.uir
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: apps/RedPitaya/Perušek_Primož_-_Razvoj_LabVIEW_gonilnikov_za_inštrument_Red_Pitaya.pdf
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: apps/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.h
--- apps/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.h (nonexistent)
+++ apps/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.h (revision 258)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// Title: RedPitaya.h
+// Purpose: A short description of the interface.
+// Created on: 27. 01. 2017 at 13:29:33 by korpar.
+// Copyright: . All Rights Reserved.
+#ifndef __RedPitaya_H__
+#define __RedPitaya_H__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+// Include files
+#include "cvidef.h"
+// Constants
+// Types
+// External variables
+// Global functions
+int Declare_Your_Functions_Here (int x);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+#endif /* ndef __RedPitaya_H__ */