Subversion Repositories f9daq

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 308 → Rev 309

0,0 → 1,75
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TGraph.h>
int TDraw(const char *fname ){
FILE *fp=fopen(fname,"r");
if (!fp) return -1;
unsigned long t;
int type;
float temp0;
TGraph *gr[3];
float f[10];
int j=0;
int ndim=400;
char line[400];
int colorTable[14] = { kBlack, kGray, kRed, kGreen, kBlue, kYellow, kMagenta, kCyan, kOrange, kSpring, kTeal, kAzure, kViolet, kPink };
char SensorType[3][16]={"T","Tmin","Tmax"}
double time0;
int first=1;
TLegend *leg= new TLegend(0.85,0.8,1,0.95);
for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
gr[i] = new TGraph();
while (fgets(line,ndim,fp)!=NULL) {
printf("***%s\n", line);
if (type<3 && type>-1) gr[type]->SetPoint (gr[type]->GetN(), t-time0, temp0);
TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Merger temperature",200,10,1400,1000);
//gr[0]->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); // The X axis is a time axis
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
char picname[1024];
return 0;
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: cvi/apps/mergertest/impact.bat
--- cvi/apps/mergertest/impact.bat (nonexistent)
+++ cvi/apps/mergertest/impact.bat (revision 309)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+rem @C:\Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS\ISE\bin\nt\impact.exe -batch %1 > %2 2>&1
+rem @C:\Xilinx\14.7\LabTools\LabTools\bin\nt\impact.exe -batch %1 > %2 2>&1
+@C:\Xilinx\14.7\LabTools\LabTools\bin\nt\impact.exe -batch %1 > %2 2>&1
\ No newline at end of file
Index: cvi/apps/mergertest/impact.cmd
--- cvi/apps/mergertest/impact.cmd (nonexistent)
+++ cvi/apps/mergertest/impact.cmd (revision 309)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+setmode -bscan
+setcable -port usb21 -baud 3000000
+readTemperatureAndVoltage -p 1
Index: cvi/apps/mergertest/mergerjtag.c
--- cvi/apps/mergertest/mergerjtag.c (nonexistent)
+++ cvi/apps/mergertest/mergerjtag.c (revision 309)
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+#include <ansi_c.h>
+#include <utility.h>
+#include <cvirte.h>
+#include <userint.h>
+#include "mergerjtag.h"
+static int panelHandle;
+void bin2hex (const char * str, char *target)
+ char target0[0xFF],target1[0xFF];
+ int i;
+ int end= strlen(str);
+ target0[0]=0;
+ if (end>32) strncpy (target0, &str[end-32-1] , 32);
+ target0[32]=0;
+ end-=32;
+ if (end>0) {
+ strncpy (target1, &str[0] , end);
+ target1[end-1] = 0;
+ }
+// printf("==>%s %s\n==>%s\n", target1, target0, str);
+ sprintf(target,"0x%08X%08X",strtoul (target1, NULL, 2) ,strtoul (target0, NULL, 2) );
+char impact_output[255]= "impact_merger.txt";
+int jtagexecute(const char *impactcmd, int wait){
+ char cmd[255];
+ int jtagchainid = 1;
+ FILE *fp =fopen("impact.cmd","w");
+ fprintf(fp,"setmode -bscan\n");
+ fprintf(fp,"setcable -port usb21 -baud 3000000\n");
+ fprintf(fp,"identify\n");
+ fprintf(fp,"%s\n", impactcmd );
+ fprintf(fp,"exit\n");
+ fclose(fp);
+ sprintf(cmd,"impact.bat impact.cmd %s ", impact_output);
+ printf("%s\n",cmd);
+ if (wait) return system(cmd);
+ else return LaunchExecutableEx (cmd, LE_SHOWNORMAL, NULL);
+int loadbit( int wait){
+ const char impactcmd[255]="impact.cmd";
+ char cmd[255];
+ int jtagchainid = 1;
+ char bitfile[255]="arich_merger_rev01.bit";
+ //GetCtrlVal(pnl, PANEL_BITFILE,bitfile);
+ char foutput[255]="impacttest_feb";
+ FILE *fp =fopen(impactcmd,"w");
+ fprintf(fp,
+ "setmode -bscan\n"
+ "setcable -port usb21 -baud 3000000\n"
+ "identify\n");
+ //fprintf(fp, "readdna -p %d\n", jtagchainid );
+ fprintf(fp, "assignfile -p %d -file %s\n",jtagchainid, bitfile );
+ fprintf(fp, "program -p %d -prog\n" ,jtagchainid );
+// fprintf(fp, "verify -p %d\n",jtagchainid );
+ fprintf(fp,"exit\n");
+ fclose(fp);
+ sprintf(cmd,"impact.bat %s %s ", impactcmd,impact_output);
+ printf("%s\n",cmd);
+ if (wait) system(cmd);
+ else LaunchExecutableEx (cmd, LE_SHOWNORMAL, NULL);
+return 0;
+int ImpactOutputInspect( const char *fname, const char *opt){
+ FILE *fout;
+ const int ndim=400;
+ char buff[ndim];
+ char fpgasn[0xFF], hexsn[0XFF];
+ char impactout[255];
+ char *ret;
+ char *ret0;
+ char *ret1;
+ char *ret2;
+ int downloadok=0;
+ int xc6slx45=0;
+ FILE *fp = NULL;
+ if (fname!=NULL) fp = fopen (fname, opt);
+ fout = fopen (impact_output, "r");
+ while (fgets(buff,ndim,fout)!=NULL) {
+// printf("%s",buff);
+ ret=strstr(buff, "INFO:iMPACT:188 - '1': Programming completed successfully.");
+ if (ret !=NULL){
+ printf("Download OK!\n");
+ //SetCtrlVal(pnl,firmware_control[febboard], 1);
+ downloadok=1;
+ }
+ ret=strstr(buff, "INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc5vlx50t successfully.");
+ if (ret !=NULL){
+ printf("Device xc5vlx50t found!\n");
+ //SetCtrlVal(pnl,fpga_control[febboard], 1);
+ xc6slx45=1;
+ }
+ ret=strstr(buff, "Temperature");
+ for (int k=0;k<2;k++){
+ if (ret !=NULL){
+ char t0[0xFF]="";
+ printf("#%s#\n",ret);
+ for (int i=0;i<3;i++){
+ ret=strstr(ret, "Reading:");
+ if (ret!=NULL) {
+ ret=(ret+8);
+ sscanf(ret,"%s", t0);
+ printf("t=%ul sens=%d T=%s\n",time(NULL), i+k*2, t0);
+ if (fp){
+ fprintf(fp, "%ul %d %s\n",time(NULL), i+k*2, t0);
+ }
+ } else break;
+ }
+ if (k==0) {
+ fgets(buff,ndim,fout);
+ ret=strstr(buff, "Reading:");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ret=strstr(buff, "'1': DNA =");
+ if (ret !=NULL){
+ sscanf(ret,"'1': DNA = '%s", fpgasn);
+ bin2hex(fpgasn,hexsn);
+ printf("%s",hexsn);
+ //SetCtrlVal(pnl,target_control[febboard], hexsn);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(hexsn,"");
+ }
+ }
+ if (fp) fclose (fp);
+ fclose(fout);
+ return 0;
+FILE *fmon=NULL;
+int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ if (InitCVIRTE (0, argv, 0) == 0)
+ return -1; /* out of memory */
+ if ((panelHandle = LoadPanel (0, "mergerjtag.uir", PANEL)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ double tinterval;
+ GetCtrlVal(panelHandle, PANEL_TINTERVAL, &tinterval);
+ SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_TIMER, ATTR_INTERVAL, tinterval);
+ TimerOnOffCB(panelHandle, PANEL_TIMERON, EVENT_COMMIT,NULL,0,0);
+ DisplayPanel (panelHandle);
+ RunUserInterface ();
+ DiscardPanel (panelHandle);
+ if (fmon) fclose(fmon);
+ return 0;
+int CVICALLBACK ExitCB (int panel, int control, int event,
+ void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
+ switch (event) {
+ QuitUserInterface (0);
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int CVICALLBACK ReadCB (int panel, int control, int event,
+ void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
+ switch (event) {
+ jtagexecute("readTemperatureAndVoltage -p 1\n", 1);
+ ImpactOutputInspect("read_out.txt","w");
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int CVICALLBACK LoadCB (int panel, int control, int event,
+ void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
+ switch (event) {
+ loadbit(1);
+ ImpactOutputInspect("loadbit_out.txt","w");
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int CVICALLBACK TimerOnOffCB (int panel, int control, int event,
+ void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
+ int state;
+ switch (event)
+ {
+ GetCtrlVal(panel, control, &state);
+ if (state){
+ printf ("Enabling timer....\n");
+ ResumeTimerCallbacks();
+ } else {
+ SuspendTimerCallbacks ();
+ printf ("Disabling timer....\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int CVICALLBACK SetIntervalCB (int panel, int control, int event,
+ void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
+ double tinterval;
+ switch (event) {
+ GetCtrlVal(panel, control, &tinterval);
+ SetCtrlAttribute (panel, PANEL_TIMER, ATTR_INTERVAL, tinterval);
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int CVICALLBACK TimerCB (int panel, int control, int event,
+ void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
+ switch (event) {
+ jtagexecute("readTemperatureAndVoltage -p 1\n", 1);
+ ImpactOutputInspect("merger_temperature.txt","a");
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int CVICALLBACK DrawCB (int panel, int control, int event,
+ void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2) {
+ switch (event) {
+ char name[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN];
+// char dfile[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN];
+// char efile[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN];
+// status = FileSelectPopup ("dat", "*.dat", ".dat",
+// "Izberi datoteko s podatki",
+// VAL_LOAD_BUTTON, 0, 0, 1, 0, efile);
+// EscapeString(efile,dfile);
+ sprintf(name ,"C:/root/bin/root.exe TDraw.cxx(\\\"%s\\\")", "merger_temperature.txt");
+ // sprintf(name ,"C:/root/bin/root.exe IUdraw.cxx");
+ printf("%s\n",name);
+ LaunchExecutable(name);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
Index: cvi/apps/mergertest/mergerjtag.h
--- cvi/apps/mergertest/mergerjtag.h (nonexistent)
+++ cvi/apps/mergertest/mergerjtag.h (revision 309)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+/* LabWindows/CVI User Interface Resource (UIR) Include File */
+/* */
+/* WARNING: Do not add to, delete from, or otherwise modify the contents */
+/* of this include file. */
+#include <userint.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ /* Panels and Controls: */
+#define PANEL 1
+#define PANEL_EXIT 2 /* control type: command, callback function: ExitCB */
+#define PANEL_READ 3 /* control type: command, callback function: ReadCB */
+#define PANEL_DRAW 4 /* control type: command, callback function: DrawCB */
+#define PANEL_LOAD 5 /* control type: command, callback function: LoadCB */
+#define PANEL_TEXTBOX 6 /* control type: textBox, callback function: (none) */
+#define PANEL_TIMERON 7 /* control type: binary, callback function: TimerOnOffCB */
+#define PANEL_TINTERVAL 8 /* control type: numeric, callback function: SetIntervalCB */
+#define PANEL_TIMER 9 /* control type: timer, callback function: TimerCB */
+ /* Control Arrays: */
+ /* (no control arrays in the resource file) */
+ /* Menu Bars, Menus, and Menu Items: */
+ /* (no menu bars in the resource file) */
+ /* Callback Prototypes: */
+int CVICALLBACK DrawCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
+int CVICALLBACK ExitCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
+int CVICALLBACK LoadCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
+int CVICALLBACK ReadCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
+int CVICALLBACK SetIntervalCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
+int CVICALLBACK TimerCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
+int CVICALLBACK TimerOnOffCB(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
Index: cvi/apps/mergertest/mergerjtag.uir
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: cvi/apps/mergertest/mergertest.c
--- cvi/apps/mergertest/mergertest.c (nonexistent)
+++ cvi/apps/mergertest/mergertest.c (revision 309)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Index: cvi/apps/mergertest/mergertest.cws
--- cvi/apps/mergertest/mergertest.cws (nonexistent)
+++ cvi/apps/mergertest/mergertest.cws (revision 309)
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+[Workspace Header]
+Version = 1302
+Pathname = "/c/home/cvi/apps/mergertest/mergertest.cws"
+CVI Dir = "/c/program files/national instruments/cvi2013"
+CVI Shared Dir = "/C/Program Files/National Instruments/Shared/CVI"
+CVI Pub Local Dir = "/C/ProgramData/National Instruments/CVI2013"
+CVI Pub Global Dir = "/C/ProgramData/National Instruments/CVI"
+IVI Standard Root Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/IVI"
+IVI Standard Root 64-bit Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/IVI"
+VXIplug&play Framework Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/VISA/winnt"
+VXIplug&play Framework 64-bit Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/VISA/win64"
+Number of Projects = 1
+Active Project = 1
+Project 0001 = "mergertest.prj"
+Drag Bar Left = 323
+Window Top = 34
+Window Left = 115
+Window Bottom = 839
+Window Right = 1510
+Maximized = True
+Maximized Children = True
+Max32 Number Of Errors = 20
+Track Include File Dependencies = True
+Prompt For Missing Includes = True
+Stop On First Error File = False
+Bring Up Err Win At Start = True
+Bring Up Err Win For Errors = False
+Save Changes Before Running = "Always"
+Save Changes Before Compiling = "Always"
+Hide Windows = False
+Break At First Statement = False
+Sort Type = "File Name"
+Number of Opened Files = 1
+Window Confinement Region Enabled = True
+MainColumnWidth = 306
+FileDateColumnWidth = 70
+FileSizeColumnWidth = 70
+[Project Header 0001]
+Version = 1302
+Don't Update DistKit = False
+Platform Code = 4
+Build Configuration = "Debug"
+Warn User If Debugging Release = 1
+Batch Build Release = False
+Batch Build Debug = False
+[File 0001]
+Path = "/c/home/cvi/apps/mergertest/mergerjtag.c"
+File Type = "CSource"
+Disk Date = 3602752144
+In Projects = "1,"
+Window Z-Order = 1
+Source Window State = "1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,115,0,0,0,0,0,36,32,0,40,2,400,600,0,0,"
+[File 0002]
+Path = "/c/home/cvi/apps/mergertest/mergerjtag.uir"
+File Type = "User Interface Resource"
+Disk Date = 3602752185
+In Projects = "1,"
+[Tab Order]
+Tab 0001 = "/c/home/cvi/apps/mergertest/mergerjtag.c"
+[Default Build Config 0001 Debug]
+Generate Browse Info = True
+Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
+Batch Build = False
+Profile = "Disabled"
+Debugging Level = "Standard"
+Execution Trace = "Disabled"
+Command Line Args = ""
+Working Directory = ""
+Environment Options = ""
+External Process Path = ""
+[Default Build Config 0001 Release]
+Generate Browse Info = True
+Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
+Batch Build = False
+Profile = "Disabled"
+Debugging Level = "Standard"
+Execution Trace = "Disabled"
+Command Line Args = ""
+Working Directory = ""
+Environment Options = ""
+External Process Path = ""
+[Default Build Config 0001 Debug64]
+Generate Browse Info = True
+Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
+Batch Build = False
+Profile = "Disabled"
+Debugging Level = "Standard"
+Execution Trace = "Disabled"
+Command Line Args = ""
+Working Directory = ""
+Environment Options = ""
+External Process Path = ""
+[Default Build Config 0001 Release64]
+Generate Browse Info = True
+Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
+Batch Build = False
+Profile = "Disabled"
+Debugging Level = "Standard"
+Execution Trace = "Disabled"
+Command Line Args = ""
+Working Directory = ""
+Environment Options = ""
+External Process Path = ""
+[Build Dependencies 0001]
+Number of Dependencies = 0
+[Build Options 0001]
+Generate Browse Info = True
+Enable Uninitialized Locals Runtime Warning = True
+Execution Trace = "Disabled"
+Profile = "Disabled"
+Debugging Level = "Standard"
+Break On Library Errors = True
+Break On First Chance Exceptions = False
+[Execution Target 0001]
+Execution Target Address = "Local desktop computer"
+Execution Target Port = 0
+Execution Target Type = 0
+[SCC Options 0001]
+Use global settings = True
+SCC Provider = ""
+SCC Project = ""
+Local Path = ""
+Auxiliary Path = ""
+Perform Same Action For .h File As For .uir File = "Ask"
+Perform Same Action For .cds File As For .prj File = "Ask"
+Username = ""
+Comment = ""
+Use Default Username = False
+Use Default Comment = False
+Suppress CVI Error Messages = False
+Always show confirmation dialog = True
+[DLL Debugging Support 0001]
+External Process Path = ""
+[Command Line Args 0001]
+Command Line Args = ""
+Working Directory = ""
+Environment Options = ""
Index: cvi/apps/mergertest/mergertest.prj
--- cvi/apps/mergertest/mergertest.prj (nonexistent)
+++ cvi/apps/mergertest/mergertest.prj (revision 309)
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+[Project Header]
+Version = 1302
+Pathname = "/c/home/rok/arich_daq/mergertest/mergertest.prj"
+CVI Dir = "/c/program files/national instruments/cvi2013"
+CVI Shared Dir = "/C/Program Files/National Instruments/Shared/CVI"
+CVI Pub Local Dir = "/C/ProgramData/National Instruments/CVI2013"
+CVI Pub Global Dir = "/C/ProgramData/National Instruments/CVI"
+IVI Standard Root Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/IVI"
+VXIplug&play Framework Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/VISA/winnt"
+IVI Standard Root 64-bit Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/IVI"
+VXIplug&play Framework 64-bit Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/VISA/win64"
+Number of Files = 2
+Target Type = "Executable"
+Flags = 2064
+Copied From Locked InstrDrv Directory = False
+Copied from VXIPNP Directory = False
+Locked InstrDrv Name = ""
+Don't Display Deploy InstrDrv Dialog = False
+Include Files Folder Not Added Yet = True
+Instrument Files Folder Not Added Yet = True
+Library Files Folder Not Added Yet = True
+Folder 0 = "Source Files"
+FolderEx 0 = "Source Files"
+Folder 1 = "User Interface Files"
+FolderEx 1 = "User Interface Files"
+[File 0001]
+File Type = "CSource"
+Res Id = 1
+Path Is Rel = True
+Path Rel To = "Project"
+Path Rel Path = "mergerjtag.c"
+Path = "/c/home/rok/arich_daq/mergertest/mergerjtag.c"
+Exclude = False
+Compile Into Object File = False
+Project Flags = 0
+Folder = "Source Files"
+Folder Id = 0
+[File 0002]
+File Type = "User Interface Resource"
+Res Id = 2
+Path Is Rel = True
+Path Rel To = "Project"
+Path Rel Path = "mergerjtag.uir"
+Path = "/c/home/rok/arich_daq/mergertest/mergerjtag.uir"
+Exclude = False
+Project Flags = 0
+Folder = "User Interface Files"
+Folder Id = 1
+[Custom Build Configs]
+Num Custom Build Configs = 0
+[Default Build Config Debug]
+Config Name = "Debug"
+Is 64-Bit = False
+Is Release = False
+Default Calling Convention = "cdecl"
+Optimization Level = "Optimize for speed (level 2)"
+Require Prototypes = True
+Show Warning IDs in Build Output = False
+Selected Warning Level = "None"
+Warning List None = "4,9,84,105,106,107,108,109,110,111"
+Warning List Common = ""
+Warning List Extended = ""
+Warning List All = ""
+Warning Mode = 0
+Enable Unreferenced Identifiers Warning = False
+Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = False
+Enable Unreachable Code Warning = False
+Enable Assignment In Conditional Warning = False
+Uninitialized Locals Compile Warning = "Aggressive"
+Require Return Values = True
+Enable C99 Extensions = False
+Enable OpenMP Extensions = False
+Stack Size = 250000
+Stack Reserve = 1048576
+Stack Commit = 4096
+Image Base Address = 4194304
+Image Base Address x64 = 4194304
+Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN /DK6517_MAIN"
+Sign = False
+Sign Store = ""
+Sign Certificate = ""
+Sign Timestamp URL = ""
+Sign URL = ""
+Manifest Embed = False
+Icon File Is Rel = False
+Icon File = ""
+Application Title = ""
+Use IVI Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True
+Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy"
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL Is Rel = False
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
+Generate Source Documentation = "None"
+Runtime Support = "Full Runtime Support"
+Runtime Binding = "Shared"
+Embed Project .UIRs = False
+Generate Map File = False
+Embed Timestamp = True
+Create Console Application = False
+Using LoadExternalModule = False
+DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
+Register ActiveX Server = False
+Numeric File Version = "1,0,0,0"
+Numeric Prod Version = "1,0,0,0"
+Comments = ""
+Comments Ex = ""
+Company Name = ""
+Company Name Ex = "%company"
+File Description = "mergertest (Debug x86)"
+File Description Ex = "%application (%rel_dbg %arch)"
+File Version = "1.0"
+File Version Ex = "%f1.%f2"
+Internal Name = "mergertest"
+Internal Name Ex = "%basename"
+Legal Copyright = "Copyright © 2018"
+Legal Copyright Ex = "Copyright © %company %Y"
+Legal Trademarks = ""
+Legal Trademarks Ex = ""
+Original Filename = "mergertest.exe"
+Original Filename Ex = "%filename"
+Private Build = ""
+Private Build Ex = ""
+Product Name = " mergertest"
+Product Name Ex = "%company %application"
+Product Version = "1.0"
+Product Version Ex = "%p1.%p2"
+Special Build = ""
+Special Build Ex = ""
+Add Type Lib To DLL = False
+Include Type Lib Help Links = False
+TLB Help Style = "HLP"
+Type Lib FP File Is Rel = False
+Type Lib FP File = ""
+[Default Build Config Release]
+Config Name = "Release"
+Is 64-Bit = False
+Is Release = True
+Default Calling Convention = "cdecl"
+Optimization Level = "Optimize for speed (level 2)"
+Require Prototypes = True
+Show Warning IDs in Build Output = False
+Selected Warning Level = "None"
+Warning List None = "4,9,84,105,106,107,108,109,110,111"
+Warning List Common = ""
+Warning List Extended = ""
+Warning List All = ""
+Warning Mode = 0
+Enable Unreferenced Identifiers Warning = False
+Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = False
+Enable Unreachable Code Warning = False
+Enable Assignment In Conditional Warning = False
+Uninitialized Locals Compile Warning = "Aggressive"
+Require Return Values = True
+Enable C99 Extensions = False
+Enable OpenMP Extensions = False
+Stack Size = 250000
+Stack Reserve = 1048576
+Stack Commit = 4096
+Image Base Address = 4194304
+Image Base Address x64 = 4194304
+Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN /DK617_MAIN"
+Sign = False
+Sign Store = ""
+Sign Certificate = ""
+Sign Timestamp URL = ""
+Sign URL = ""
+Manifest Embed = False
+Icon File Is Rel = False
+Icon File = ""
+Application Title = ""
+Use IVI Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True
+Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy"
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL Is Rel = False
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
+Generate Source Documentation = "None"
+Runtime Support = "Full Runtime Support"
+Runtime Binding = "Shared"
+Embed Project .UIRs = False
+Generate Map File = False
+Embed Timestamp = True
+Create Console Application = False
+Using LoadExternalModule = False
+DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
+Register ActiveX Server = False
+Add Type Lib To DLL = False
+Include Type Lib Help Links = False
+TLB Help Style = "HLP"
+Type Lib FP File Is Rel = False
+Type Lib FP File = ""
+[Default Build Config Debug64]
+Config Name = "Debug64"
+Is 64-Bit = True
+Is Release = False
+Default Calling Convention = "cdecl"
+Optimization Level = "Optimize for speed (level 2)"
+Require Prototypes = True
+Show Warning IDs in Build Output = False
+Selected Warning Level = "None"
+Warning List None = "4,9,84,105,106,107,108,109,110,111"
+Warning List Common = ""
+Warning List Extended = ""
+Warning List All = ""
+Warning Mode = 0
+Enable Unreferenced Identifiers Warning = False
+Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = False
+Enable Unreachable Code Warning = False
+Enable Assignment In Conditional Warning = False
+Uninitialized Locals Compile Warning = "Aggressive"
+Require Return Values = True
+Enable C99 Extensions = False
+Enable OpenMP Extensions = False
+Stack Size = 250000
+Stack Reserve = 1048576
+Stack Commit = 4096
+Image Base Address = 4194304
+Image Base Address x64 = 4194304
+Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN /DK617_MAIN"
+Sign = False
+Sign Store = ""
+Sign Certificate = ""
+Sign Timestamp URL = ""
+Sign URL = ""
+Manifest Embed = False
+Icon File Is Rel = False
+Icon File = ""
+Application Title = ""
+Use IVI Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True
+Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy"
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL Is Rel = False
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
+Generate Source Documentation = "None"
+Runtime Support = "Full Runtime Support"
+Runtime Binding = "Shared"
+Embed Project .UIRs = False
+Generate Map File = False
+Embed Timestamp = True
+Create Console Application = False
+Using LoadExternalModule = False
+DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
+Register ActiveX Server = False
+Add Type Lib To DLL = False
+Include Type Lib Help Links = False
+TLB Help Style = "HLP"
+Type Lib FP File Is Rel = False
+Type Lib FP File = ""
+[Default Build Config Release64]
+Config Name = "Release64"
+Is 64-Bit = True
+Is Release = True
+Default Calling Convention = "cdecl"
+Optimization Level = "Optimize for speed (level 2)"
+Require Prototypes = True
+Show Warning IDs in Build Output = False
+Selected Warning Level = "None"
+Warning List None = "4,9,84,105,106,107,108,109,110,111"
+Warning List Common = ""
+Warning List Extended = ""
+Warning List All = ""
+Warning Mode = 0
+Enable Unreferenced Identifiers Warning = False
+Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = False
+Enable Unreachable Code Warning = False
+Enable Assignment In Conditional Warning = False
+Uninitialized Locals Compile Warning = "Aggressive"
+Require Return Values = True
+Enable C99 Extensions = False
+Enable OpenMP Extensions = False
+Stack Size = 250000
+Stack Reserve = 1048576
+Stack Commit = 4096
+Image Base Address = 4194304
+Image Base Address x64 = 4194304
+Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN /DK617_MAIN"
+Sign = False
+Sign Store = ""
+Sign Certificate = ""
+Sign Timestamp URL = ""
+Sign URL = ""
+Manifest Embed = False
+Icon File Is Rel = False
+Icon File = ""
+Application Title = ""
+Use IVI Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True
+Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy"
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL Is Rel = False
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
+Generate Source Documentation = "None"
+Runtime Support = "Full Runtime Support"
+Runtime Binding = "Shared"
+Embed Project .UIRs = False
+Generate Map File = False
+Embed Timestamp = True
+Create Console Application = False
+Using LoadExternalModule = False
+DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
+Register ActiveX Server = False
+Add Type Lib To DLL = False
+Include Type Lib Help Links = False
+TLB Help Style = "HLP"
+Type Lib FP File Is Rel = False
+Type Lib FP File = ""
+[Compiler Options]
+Default Calling Convention = "cdecl"
+Require Prototypes = True
+Require Return Values = True
+Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = False
+Enable Unreachable Code Warning = False
+Enable Unreferenced Identifiers Warning = False
+Enable Assignment In Conditional Warning = False
+O Option Compatible With 5.0 = False
+Enable C99 Extensions = False
+Uninitialized Locals Compile Warning = "Aggressive"
+Precompile Prefix Header = False
+Prefix Header File = ""
+[Run Options]
+Stack Size = 250000
+Stack Commit = 4096
+Image Base Address = 4194304
+Image Base Address x64 = 4194304
+[Compiler Defines]
+Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN /DK617_MAIN"
+[Create Executable]
+Executable File_Debug Is Rel = True
+Executable File_Debug Rel To = "Project"
+Executable File_Debug Rel Path = "mergertest.exe"
+Executable File_Debug = "/c/home/rok/arich_daq/mergertest/mergertest.exe"
+Executable File_Release Is Rel = True
+Executable File_Release Rel To = "Project"
+Executable File_Release Rel Path = "mergertest.exe"
+Executable File_Release = "/c/home/rok/arich_daq/mergertest/mergertest.exe"
+Executable File_Debug64 Is Rel = True
+Executable File_Debug64 Rel To = "Project"
+Executable File_Debug64 Rel Path = "mergertest.exe"
+Executable File_Debug64 = "/c/home/rok/arich_daq/mergertest/mergertest.exe"
+Executable File_Release64 Is Rel = True
+Executable File_Release64 Rel To = "Project"
+Executable File_Release64 Rel Path = "mergertest.exe"
+Executable File_Release64 = "/c/home/rok/arich_daq/mergertest/mergertest.exe"
+Icon File Is Rel = False
+Icon File = ""
+Application Title = ""
+DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols"
+Use IVI Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False
+Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True
+Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy"
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL Is Rel = False
+Custom Directory to Copy DLL = ""
+Generate Source Documentation = "None"
+Add Type Lib To DLL = False
+Include Type Lib Help Links = False
+TLB Help Style = "HLP"
+Type Lib FP File Is Rel = False
+Type Lib FP File = ""
+Type Lib Guid = ""
+Runtime Support = "Full Runtime Support"
+Instrument Driver Support Only = False
+Embed Project .UIRs = False
+Generate Map File = False
+[External Compiler Support]
+UIR Callbacks File Option = 0
+Using LoadExternalModule = False
+Create Project Symbols File = True
+UIR Callbacks Obj File Is Rel = False
+UIR Callbacks Obj File = ""
+Project Symbols H File Is Rel = False
+Project Symbols H File = ""
+Project Symbols Obj File Is Rel = False
+Project Symbols Obj File = ""
+[ActiveX Server Options]
+Specification File Is Rel = False
+Specification File = ""
+Source File Is Rel = False
+Source File = ""
+Include File Is Rel = False
+Include File = ""
+IDL File Is Rel = False
+IDL File = ""
+Register ActiveX Server = False
+[Signing Info]
+Sign = False
+Sign Debug Build = False
+Store = ""
+Certificate = ""
+Timestamp URL = ""
+URL = ""
+[Manifest Info]
+Embed = False
+tpcEnabled = 0
+tpcOverrideEnvironment = 0
+tpcEnabled x64 = 0
+tpcOverrideEnvironment x64 = 0