Rev 1 | Details | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed
Rev | Author | Line No. | Line |
1 | f9daq | 1 | /* |
2 | |||
3 | vhodne datoteke: |
4 | |||
5 | Mappingi: |
6 | channel mapping |
7 | mapping modulov |
8 | |||
9 | Kalibracija: |
10 | pedestals.dat ... adc suma |
11 | ph511.dat ... adc fotovrhov vrhov |
12 | |||
13 | |||
14 | // sumpedestals.dat vsota adc po modulih |
15 | |||
16 | ./readdata -c config.xml -i input.dat -o output -n nevents -w writentuple -d debuglevel |
17 | |||
18 | */ |
19 | #include <stdlib.h> |
20 | #include <stdio.h> |
21 | #include "TNtuple.h" |
22 | #include "TH1F.h" |
23 | #include "TH2F.h" |
24 | #include "TF1.h" |
25 | #include "TCanvas.h" |
26 | #include "TStyle.h" |
27 | #include "TFile.h" |
28 | #include "TMath.h" |
29 | #include "TRandom3.h" |
30 | #include <zlib.h> |
31 | #include <iostream> |
32 | #include <fstream> |
33 | |||
34 | |||
35 | #include <stdlib.h> |
36 | #include <stdio.h> |
37 | #include <string.h> |
38 | #include <assert.h> |
39 | #include <vector> |
40 | |||
41 | #include <libxml/tree.h> |
42 | #include <libxml/parser.h> |
43 | #include <libxml/xpath.h> |
44 | #include <libxml/xpathInternals.h> |
45 | |||
46 | #include "PETProjDataMgr.h" |
47 | |||
48 | |||
49 | // en krog je 4790 korakov |
50 | #define NSTEPS 4790 |
51 | // nt->Draw("px1/max1:py1/max1>>hmy(200,-1,4,200,-1,4)","max1>500","colz") |
52 | //#define MAXCH 64 |
53 | #define MAXCH 72 |
54 | |||
55 | |||
56 | #define RUNREC_ID 1 |
57 | #define EVTREC_ID 2 |
58 | #define POSREC_ID 3 |
59 | |||
60 | typedef struct { |
61 | unsigned int num_events,num_channels,pedestal,xy; |
62 | int nx,x0,dx,ny,y0,dy; |
63 | } RUNREC; |
64 | RUNREC *runrec; // start header: appears once at the start of the file |
65 | |||
66 | typedef struct { |
67 | int mikro_pos_x,set_pos_x; |
68 | int num_iter_y,mikro_pos_y,set_pos_y; |
69 | } POSREC; |
70 | POSREC *posrec; // position header: appears at every change of position |
71 | |||
72 | class Channel { |
73 | public: |
74 | Channel(){}; |
75 | ~Channel(){}; |
76 | int ix; |
77 | int iy; |
78 | int idx; |
79 | void SetIxIy(int a,int b){ix=a;iy=b;idx=ix+4*iy;}; |
80 | }; |
81 | |||
82 | class Module { |
83 | public: |
84 | Module(){}; |
85 | ~Module(){}; |
86 | double r; |
87 | double phi; |
88 | void SetRPhi(double rr, double pphi){r=rr;phi=pphi*TMath::Pi()/180.;}; |
89 | }; |
90 | |||
91 | class Geometry { |
92 | |||
93 | public: |
94 | |||
95 | |||
96 | ~Geometry(){ m_calibration->Close(); }; |
97 | Channel ch[16]; |
98 | Module module[4]; |
99 | |||
100 | |||
101 | TRandom3 *m_rnd; // random generator |
102 | TH1I *m_crystalid[4];// kalibracijski histogrami |
103 | char * m_modulesmapName; // ime datoteke s podatki o pozicijah modulov |
104 | char * m_channelsmapName; // ime datoteke s podatki o pozicijah elektronskih kanalov |
105 | //char * m_sumpedestalsName; |
106 | char * m_pedestalsName; // ime datoteke s podatki o pedestalih |
107 | char * m_photopeakName; // ime datoteke s podatki o vrhovih |
108 | char * m_calibrationrootName; // ime datoteke s kalibracijskimi histogrami |
109 | TFile *m_calibration; // datoteke s kalibracijskimi histogrami |
110 | |||
111 | double m_dx; // pitch x kristalov |
112 | double m_dy; // pitch y kristalov |
113 | int m_nx; // stevilo kristalov v x smeri |
114 | int m_ny; // stevilo kristalov v y smeri |
115 | |||
116 | float gPedestals[MAXCH]; |
117 | float gPeak[MAXCH]; |
118 | |||
119 | //float gSumPedestals[MAXCH]; |
120 | double m_peakscaling; // scaling za adcje |
121 | double m_threshold; // threshold za upostevanje zadetkov na kanalih |
122 | int m_debug; |
123 | |||
124 | |||
125 | //--------------------------------------------------- |
126 | int SetThreshold(int threshold){ |
127 | m_threshold=threshold; |
128 | return 0; |
129 | }; |
130 | double GetThreshold(){ |
131 | return m_threshold; |
132 | } |
133 | |||
134 | |||
135 | int readfile(const char *fname, float *x, int nmax, int defaultvalue=0){ |
136 | int id; |
137 | float ix; |
138 | std::ifstream f(fname); |
139 | if (f.is_open()){ |
140 | std::cout << "Reading ... " << fname << std::endl; |
141 | while (f.good()){ |
142 | f >> id >> ix; |
143 | if (id<nmax) x[id]=ix; |
144 | if (m_debug) std::cout << fname << " " << id << " " << ix <<" "<< std::endl; |
145 | } |
146 | f.close(); |
147 | } else { |
148 | std::cout << "Cannot read " << fname << std::endl; |
149 | std::cout << "Default value will be used :" << defaultvalue << std::endl; |
150 | for (int i=0;i<nmax;i++){ |
151 | x[i]=defaultvalue; |
152 | } |
153 | } |
154 | return 0; |
155 | }; |
156 | |||
157 | void ReadChannelMap(const char *fname){ |
158 | int id,ix,iy; |
159 | char line[400]; |
160 | std::ifstream f(fname); |
161 | if (f.is_open()){ |
162 | std::cout << "Reading ... " << fname << std::endl; |
163 | f.getline(line,400); |
164 | while (f.good()){ |
165 | f >> id >> ix >> iy; |
166 | if (id<16) ch[id].SetIxIy(ix,iy); |
167 | if (m_debug) std::cout << fname << " " << id << " " << ix <<" "<< iy << std::endl; |
168 | } |
169 | f.close(); |
170 | } else { |
171 | std::cout << "Cannot read " << fname << std::endl; |
172 | } |
173 | |||
174 | }; |
175 | |||
176 | void ReadModuleMap(const char *fname){ |
177 | int id; |
178 | double r,phi; |
179 | char line[400]; |
180 | std::ifstream f(fname); |
181 | if (f.is_open()){ |
182 | std::cout << "Reading ... " << fname << std::endl; |
183 | f.getline(line,400); |
184 | while (f.good()){ |
185 | f >> id >> r >> phi; |
186 | if (id<4) module[id].SetRPhi(r,phi); |
187 | if (m_debug) std::cout << fname << " " << id << " " << r <<" "<< phi << std::endl; |
188 | } |
189 | f.close(); |
190 | } else { |
191 | std::cout << "Cannot read " << fname << std::endl; |
192 | } |
193 | |||
194 | }; |
195 | |||
196 | int getvalue(xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx, const char* xpathExpr, std::vector<xmlChar *> &retval) { |
197 | |||
198 | xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj; |
199 | xmlNodeSetPtr nodes; |
200 | xmlChar * ret=NULL; |
201 | int size; |
202 | int i; |
203 | assert(xpathExpr); |
204 | /* Evaluate xpath expression */ |
205 | xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(BAD_CAST xpathExpr, xpathCtx); |
206 | if(xpathObj == NULL) { |
207 | fprintf(stderr,"Error: unable to evaluate xpath expression \"%s\"\n", xpathExpr); |
208 | return retval.size(); |
209 | } |
210 | |||
211 | nodes = xpathObj->nodesetval; |
212 | size = (nodes) ? nodes->nodeNr : 0; |
213 | for(i = 0; i< size; i++) { |
214 | ret = xmlNodeGetContent(nodes->nodeTab[i]); |
215 | if(ret) { |
216 | retval.push_back(ret); |
217 | printf("[%d] %s Return value: %s\n", i, xpathExpr, ret); |
218 | } |
219 | } |
220 | |||
221 | /* Cleanup of XPath data */ |
222 | xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); |
223 | |||
224 | return retval.size(); |
225 | } |
226 | |||
227 | char * getvalue(xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx, const char* xpathExpr, int which) { |
228 | |||
229 | xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj; |
230 | xmlNodeSetPtr nodes; |
231 | xmlChar * ret=NULL; |
232 | int size; |
233 | int i; |
234 | assert(xpathExpr); |
235 | |||
236 | xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(BAD_CAST xpathExpr, xpathCtx); |
237 | if(xpathObj == NULL) { |
238 | fprintf(stderr,"Error: unable to evaluate xpath expression \"%s\"\n", xpathExpr); |
239 | return NULL; |
240 | } |
241 | |||
242 | nodes = xpathObj->nodesetval; |
243 | size = (nodes) ? nodes->nodeNr : 0; |
244 | for(i = 0; i< size; i++) { |
245 | ret = xmlNodeGetContent(nodes->nodeTab[i]); |
246 | if(ret) { |
247 | printf("%s=%s\n", xpathExpr, ret); |
248 | if (which == i) break; |
249 | } |
250 | } |
251 | |||
252 | xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); |
253 | return (char *) ret; |
254 | |||
255 | } |
256 | |||
257 | int readxmlconfig(const char *fname){ |
258 | xmlInitParser(); |
260 | |||
261 | /* Load XML document */ |
262 | xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseFile(fname); |
263 | if (doc == NULL) { |
264 | fprintf(stderr, "Error: unable to parse file \"%s\"\n", fname); |
265 | return(-1); |
266 | } else { |
267 | std::cout << "Reading ... " << fname << std::endl; |
268 | } |
269 | |||
270 | /* Create xpath evaluation context */ |
271 | xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext(doc); |
272 | if(xpathCtx == NULL) { |
273 | fprintf(stderr,"Error: unable to create new XPath context\n"); |
274 | xmlFreeDoc(doc); |
275 | return(-1); |
276 | } |
277 | |||
278 | m_pedestalsName = getvalue(xpathCtx, "//pedestals" , 0); |
279 | //m_sumpedestalsName = getvalue(xpathCtx, "//sumpedestals", 0); |
280 | m_photopeakName = getvalue(xpathCtx, "//photopeak" , 0); |
281 | m_modulesmapName = getvalue(xpathCtx, "//modules" , 0); |
282 | m_channelsmapName = getvalue(xpathCtx, "//channels" , 0); |
283 | m_calibrationrootName = getvalue(xpathCtx, "//channelcalibration", 0); |
284 | m_threshold = atoi(getvalue(xpathCtx, "//adcthreshold", 0)); |
285 | m_nx = atoi(getvalue(xpathCtx, "//nofcrystalsx", 0)); |
286 | m_ny = atoi(getvalue(xpathCtx, "//nofcrystalsx", 0)); |
287 | m_dx = atof(getvalue(xpathCtx, "//crystalpitchx", 0)); |
288 | m_dy = atof(getvalue(xpathCtx, "//crystalpitchy", 0)); |
289 | |||
290 | xmlXPathFreeContext(xpathCtx); |
291 | xmlFreeDoc(doc); |
292 | xmlCleanupParser(); |
293 | xmlMemoryDump(); |
294 | return 0; |
295 | }; |
296 | |||
297 | |||
298 | double GetEnergy(int ch, int adc){ |
299 | return (adc-gPedestals[ch])/(gPeak[ch]-gPedestals[ch])*m_peakscaling; |
300 | } |
301 | int GetRealPosition(int ipmt, float px,float py,float &cx,float &cy){ |
302 | // iz CoG izracuna pozicijo na kristalu |
303 | |||
304 | int binx = m_crystalid[ipmt]->GetXaxis()->FindBin(px); |
305 | int biny = m_crystalid[ipmt]->GetYaxis()->FindBin(py); |
306 | int crystalid = m_crystalid[ipmt]->GetBinContent(binx,biny); |
307 | cx= ( crystalid % m_nx - m_nx/2. + 0.5 ) * m_dx; |
308 | cy= ( crystalid / m_nx - m_ny/2. + 0.5 ) * m_dy; |
309 | |||
310 | |||
311 | // razmazi pozicijo po povrsini kristala |
312 | double rndx = (m_rnd->Rndm()-0.5) * m_dx; |
313 | double rndy = (m_rnd->Rndm()-0.5) * m_dy; |
314 | cx+= rndx; |
315 | cy+= rndy; |
316 | return crystalid; |
317 | } |
318 | |||
319 | TVector3 GetGlobalPosition(int ipmt, double angle, float cx, float cy){ |
320 | |||
321 | double phi = angle + module[ipmt].phi; |
322 | double &r = module[ipmt].r; |
323 | double sinphi = sin(phi); |
324 | double cosphi = cos(phi); |
325 | |||
326 | TVector3 rv( cosphi* r + sinphi * cx , sinphi* r - cosphi * cx, cy); |
327 | //if (m_debug) printf( "[%d] phi=%f %f global ( %f , %f , %f )\n" ,ipmt, module[ipmt].phi,angle, rv.x(), rv.y(), rv.z()); |
328 | return rv; |
329 | } |
330 | |||
331 | Geometry(const char *fnameconfig, int debug){ |
332 | m_debug = debug; |
333 | readxmlconfig(fnameconfig); |
334 | |||
335 | ReadModuleMap(m_modulesmapName); |
336 | ReadChannelMap(m_channelsmapName); |
337 | |||
338 | std::cout << "Reading ... " << m_calibrationrootName << std::endl; |
339 | m_calibration = new TFile(m_calibrationrootName); |
340 | for (int i=0; i<4;i++) { |
341 | char hn[256]; |
342 | sprintf(hn,"pmt1%d_calib",i); |
343 | m_crystalid[i]= (TH1I *) m_calibration->Get(hn); |
344 | m_crystalid[i]->ls(); |
345 | } |
346 | |||
347 | //readfile(m_sumpedestalsName ,gSumPedestals,4); |
348 | m_peakscaling=3000; |
349 | |||
350 | readfile(m_pedestalsName,gPedestals,4*16, 0); |
351 | readfile(m_photopeakName,gPeak,4*16, m_peakscaling); |
352 | |||
353 | m_rnd= new TRandom3(); |
354 | }; |
355 | |||
356 | }; |
357 | |||
358 | |||
359 | class readdata { |
360 | private: |
361 | |||
362 | TNtuple* gNtuple; |
363 | |||
364 | |||
365 | TH1F* m_Adc[MAXCH]; |
366 | TH1F* m_AdcCut[MAXCH]; |
367 | TH2F* m_Adc_vs_Nhits[MAXCH]; |
368 | TH2F* m_Adc_vs_Sum[MAXCH]; |
369 | TH2F* m_Adc_vs_Sum_Uncorected[MAXCH]; |
370 | TH2F* m_Nhits; |
371 | TH1F* m_AdcSum[6]; |
372 | TH2F* m_CenterOfGravity[6]; |
373 | TH2F* m_ReconstructedPosition[6]; |
374 | TH2F* m_CenterOfGravityforChAboveThreshold[6]; |
375 | TH2F* m_GlobalPosition; |
376 | TH1F* m_AdcSumCluster[6]; |
377 | TH2F* m_MaxAdc[4]; |
378 | TH2F* m_SumAdc[4]; |
379 | |||
380 | Geometry *m_geo; // pozicije modulov in kanalov |
381 | float gSum[6]; |
382 | float gRawSum[6]; |
383 | float gMax[6]; |
384 | float gSumCluster[6]; |
385 | float gNtdata[MAXCH*3]; |
386 | int gNabove[5]; |
387 | int m_neve; // number of events to process |
388 | |||
389 | public: |
390 | PETProjDataMgr *m_projector; // projektor za sinograme |
391 | |||
392 | double m_rotation; // trenutna rotacija setupa |
393 | double m_threshold; // |
394 | |||
395 | double gData[MAXCH]; // korigirani ADC ji |
396 | double gAdc[MAXCH]; // raw ADC ji |
397 | int m_debug; // debug izpisi |
398 | int m_write; // ce je ta flag nastavljen, se v root file izpisuje ntuple |
399 | int m_coincidences; // stevilo koincidenc |
400 | |||
401 | //--------------------------------------------------- |
402 | int Initialize(){ |
403 | |||
404 | if (m_write) { |
405 | char varlist[1024], tmplist[1024]; |
406 | sprintf( varlist,"sum0:sum1:sum2:sum3:nh0:nh1:nh2:nh3:c0:c1:c2:c3:px0:px1:px2:px3:py0:py1:py2:py3:rx0:rx1:rx2:rx3:ry0:ry1:ry2:ry3:max0:max1:max2:max3"); |
407 | for (int i=0;i<MAXCH;i++) { |
408 | sprintf(tmplist,"%s",varlist); |
409 | sprintf(varlist,"%s:a%d",tmplist,i); |
410 | } |
411 | /* |
412 | energija .. (adc -pedestal) * scaling |
413 | |||
414 | sum0 .. sum3 vsota energij po vseh kanalih fotopomnozevalke |
415 | nh0 .. nh4 stevilo zadetkov na fotopomnozevalki (adc nad thresholdom) |
416 | c0 .. c4 vsota energij za kanale nad thresholdom |
417 | px0 .. px4 x koordinata COG na fotopomnozevalki |
418 | py0 .. py4 y koordinata COG na fotopomnozevalki |
419 | max0 .. max3 maximalna energija na kanalu na fotopomnozevalki |
420 | a0 .. a63 energija na i-tem kanalu |
421 | */ |
422 | gNtuple = new TNtuple("nt","Pet RAW data",varlist); |
423 | printf ("#%s#\n",varlist); |
424 | } |
425 | m_Nhits = new TH2F("hnabove","Stevilo zadetkov nad nivojem diskriminacije",4,-0.5,3.5, 16,+0.5,16.5 ); // stevilo hitov nad thresholdom |
426 | m_GlobalPosition = new TH2F("globalxy","Rekonstruirana koordinata zadetka",200,-80,80,200,-80,80); // reconstruirana koordinata v globalnem sistemu |
427 | |||
428 | |||
429 | char hname[0xFF]; |
430 | char hn[0xFF]; |
431 | for (int i=0;i<MAXCH;i++){ |
432 | sprintf(hname,"Raw ADC Ch. %d ;ADC;N",i); |
433 | sprintf(hn,"ach%d",i); |
434 | m_Adc[i] = new TH1F(hn,hname,4000,-0.5,3999.5); // osnovni adcji |
435 | sprintf(hname,"cADC za dogodke z manj kot x hitov na pmtju Ch. %d ;ADC;N",i); |
436 | sprintf(hn,"cutch%d",i); |
437 | m_AdcCut[i] = new TH1F(hn,hname,4000,-0.5,3999.5); // adcji za zadetke z manj kot 7 hiti na PMTju |
438 | sprintf(hname,"cADC proti stevilu zadetkov na pmtju Ch. %d ;ADC;N",i); |
439 | sprintf(hn,"singlech%d",i); |
440 | m_Adc_vs_Nhits[i] = new TH2F(hn,hname,200,0,4000, 17,-0.5,16.5); // adc proti stevilu zadetkov na PMTju |
441 | sprintf(hname,"cADC proti vsoti kanalov na pmtju, Ch. %d ;ADC;ADCsum",i); |
442 | sprintf(hn,"corrch%d",i); |
443 | m_Adc_vs_Sum[i] = new TH2F(hn,hname,200,0,4000, 200,0,12000 ); // raw adc proti vsoti kanalov na PMTju |
444 | sprintf(hname,"Raw ADC proti vsoti kanalov na pmtju, Ch. %d ;ADC;ADCsum",i); |
445 | sprintf(hn,"adcvssumch%d",i); |
446 | m_Adc_vs_Sum_Uncorected[i] = new TH2F(hn,hname,100,0,3500, 100,5000,12000 ); // adc proti vsoti kanalov na PMTju |
447 | } |
448 | |||
449 | for (int i=0;i<4;i++) { |
450 | sprintf(hname,"Vsota cADC na PMTju %d ;ADC;N",i); |
451 | sprintf(hn,"pmt%d",i); |
452 | m_AdcSum[i] = new TH1F(hn,hname,200,0,20000); // vsota adcjev na PMTju |
453 | sprintf(hname,"Vsota cADC na PMTju za dogodke z manj kot x zadetki %d ;ADC;N",i); |
454 | sprintf(hn,"clusterpmt%d",i); |
455 | m_AdcSumCluster[i] = new TH1F(hn,hname,200,0,20000); // vsota adcjev na pmtju, ki so nad threshholdom, za dogodke z manj kot 5 zadetki na PMTju |
456 | |||
457 | sprintf(hname,"Center naboja CoG PMT %d ;x;y",i); |
458 | sprintf(hn,"pmt1%d",i); |
459 | m_CenterOfGravity[i] = new TH2F(hn,hname,200,-0.25,3.25,200,-0.25,3.25); // center naboja na PMTju |
460 | |||
461 | sprintf(hname,"Center naboja CoG za zadetke nbad thresholdom PMT %d ;x;y",i); |
462 | sprintf(hn,"pmt2%d",i); |
463 | m_CenterOfGravityforChAboveThreshold[i] = new TH2F(hn,hname,200,0,3,200,0,3); // center naboja za zadetke nad thresholdom |
464 | |||
465 | sprintf(hname,"Rekonstruirana koordinata PMT %d ;x(mm);y(mm)",i); |
466 | sprintf(hn,"pmt3%d",i); |
467 | m_ReconstructedPosition[i] = new TH2F(hn,hname,200,-12,12,200,-12,12); // korigirana koordinata na pmtju |
468 | |||
469 | sprintf(hname,"SumAdc PMT %d ;SumAdc(a.u.);crystal ID",i); |
470 | sprintf(hn,"sumadc%d",i); |
471 | m_SumAdc[i] = new TH2F(hn,hname,200,0,12000,81,-0.5,80.5); // SumADC spekter za razlicne kristale |
472 | } |
473 | |||
474 | // store mapping |
475 | TH1I *hx= new TH1I("mapping", "ch mapping", 16, -0.5,15.5); |
476 | for (int j=0;j<16;j++) hx->Fill(j,m_geo->ch[j].idx); |
477 | |||
478 | return 0; |
479 | }; |
480 | |||
481 | int FillHistograms(){ |
482 | for (int i=0;i<MAXCH;i++) { // zanka cez vse elektronske kanale; |
483 | float x=gData[i]; |
484 | int ipmt= i/16; |
485 | float s=gSum[ipmt]; |
486 | // int idx= 2*(ipmt)+64; |
487 | // const float fSlope1=2; |
488 | // const float fSlope2=3; |
489 | // if ( ((s-gSumPedestals[ipmt] ) > fSlope1*(x-gPedestals[i])) && ((s-gSumPedestals[ipmt] ) < fSlope2*(x-gPedestals[ipmt])) ) { |
490 | if (gNabove[ipmt]<7){ |
491 | m_Adc_vs_Sum[i]->Fill(x,s); |
492 | m_Adc_vs_Sum_Uncorected[i]->Fill(gAdc[i],gRawSum[ipmt]); |
493 | m_AdcCut[i]->Fill(x); |
494 | } |
495 | } |
496 | |||
497 | TVector3 r_coincidence[2]; |
498 | int f_coincidence[2]={0,0}; |
499 | |||
500 | for (int ipmt=0;ipmt<4;ipmt++){ // zanka preko pmtjev |
501 | int j2= (ipmt/2)*2+1-ipmt%2; // sosednja fotopomnozevalka |
502 | |||
503 | float posx[2]={0,0}; |
504 | float posy[2]={0,0}; |
505 | float sum[2]={0,0}; |
506 | for (int ich=0;ich<16;ich++){ // zanka preko elektronskih kanalov na fotopomnozevalki |
507 | int ch= ich+ipmt*16; |
508 | if (gMax[ipmt]>m_threshold) { |
509 | posx[0]+= gData[ch]*m_geo->ch[ich].ix; |
510 | posy[0]+= gData[ch]*m_geo->ch[ich].iy; |
511 | sum[0] += gData[ch]; |
512 | |||
513 | if (gData[ch]> 0.2*gMax[ipmt]){ // pri racunanju pozicije upostevaj le kanale, ki imajo vrednost vecjo od ratio*maksimalna na tisti fotopomnozevalki |
514 | posx[1]+= gData[ch]*m_geo->ch[ich].ix; |
515 | posy[1]+= gData[ch]*m_geo->ch[ich].iy; |
516 | sum[1] += gData[ch]; |
517 | } |
518 | } |
519 | } |
520 | |||
521 | if (m_write) { |
522 | gNtdata[12+ipmt]=posx[0]/sum[0]; |
523 | gNtdata[16+ipmt]=posy[0]/sum[0]; |
524 | gNtdata[20+ipmt]=(sum[1]>0)?posx[1]/sum[1]:-10; |
525 | gNtdata[24+ipmt]=(sum[1]>0)?posy[1]/sum[1]:-10; |
526 | gNtdata[28+ipmt]=sum[0]; |
527 | } |
528 | if (gMax[ipmt]>gMax[j2]){ // izberi fotopomnozevalko, ki ima vec zadetkov kot soseda TRG= (P1|P2) & (P3|P4) |
529 | |||
530 | if ( sum[0] > 0 ) { |
531 | float px=posx[0]/sum[0]; |
532 | float py=posy[0]/sum[0]; |
533 | |||
534 | m_CenterOfGravity[ipmt]->Fill(px,py); |
535 | |||
536 | float cx=0; //koordinata na pmtju |
537 | float cy=0; |
538 | int crystalID = m_geo->GetRealPosition(ipmt,px,py,cx,cy); |
539 | m_ReconstructedPosition[ipmt]->Fill(cx,cy); |
540 | m_SumAdc[ipmt]->Fill(gSum[ipmt], crystalID ); |
541 | if (m_debug > 2) printf("ipmt=%d cx=%f cy=%f\n",ipmt,cx,cy); |
542 | r_coincidence[ipmt/2] = m_geo->GetGlobalPosition(ipmt, m_rotation, cx, cy) ; |
543 | f_coincidence[ipmt/2] =1; |
544 | m_GlobalPosition->Fill( r_coincidence[ipmt/2].x(),r_coincidence[ipmt/2].y()); |
545 | |||
546 | } |
547 | if ( sum[1] > 0 ) { |
548 | |||
549 | float px=posx[1]/sum[1]; |
550 | float py=posy[1]/sum[1]; |
551 | m_CenterOfGravityforChAboveThreshold[ipmt]->Fill(px,py); |
552 | } |
553 | |||
554 | } |
555 | } |
556 | |||
557 | for (int i=0;i<MAXCH;i++) if (gData[i]>m_threshold) { m_Adc_vs_Nhits[i]->Fill(gData[i],gNabove[i/16]); } |
558 | for (int i=0;i<MAXCH;i++) if (gData[i]>m_threshold && gNabove[i/16]<5 ) { gSumCluster[i/16]+=gData[i]; } |
559 | for (int ipmt=0;ipmt<4;ipmt++) { |
560 | m_AdcSum[ipmt]->Fill(gSum[ipmt]); |
561 | m_AdcSumCluster[ipmt]->Fill(gSumCluster[ipmt]); |
562 | } |
563 | |||
564 | for (int i=0;i<4;i++) m_Nhits->Fill(i,gNabove[i]); |
565 | |||
566 | if (m_write) { |
567 | for (int i=0;i<4;i++) gNtdata[i]=gSum[i]; |
568 | for (int i=0;i<4;i++) gNtdata[4+i]=gNabove[i]; |
569 | for (int i=0;i<4;i++) gNtdata[8+i]=gSumCluster[i]; |
570 | for (int i=0;i<MAXCH;i++) gNtdata[32+i]=gData[i]; |
571 | gNtuple->Fill(gNtdata); |
572 | } |
573 | // |
574 | // coincidences |
575 | // |
576 | if (f_coincidence[0]&&f_coincidence[1]){ |
577 | m_coincidences++; |
578 | if (m_debug > 1) { |
579 | printf( "Coincidence ( %f , %f , %f ) ( %f , %f , %f )\n" , |
580 | r_coincidence[0].x(), r_coincidence[0].y(), r_coincidence[0].z(), |
581 | r_coincidence[1].x(), r_coincidence[1].y(), r_coincidence[1].z() ); |
582 | } |
583 | m_projector->AddEvent( r_coincidence[0] , r_coincidence[1]); |
584 | } |
585 | return 0; |
586 | }; |
587 | |||
588 | |||
589 | int Process( const char *fnamein, int nevetoprocess){ |
590 | gzFile fp=gzopen(fnamein,"r"); |
591 | printf("Process....\n"); |
592 | if (!fp) { |
593 | printf("File %s cannot be opened!\n", fnamein); |
594 | return 0; |
595 | } else { |
596 | printf("Processing file %s\n", fnamein); |
597 | } |
598 | const int bsize=20000; |
599 | |||
600 | unsigned int *buf = new unsigned int[bsize]; |
601 | int nr=0; |
602 | int hdr[4]; |
603 | |||
604 | int nread=0; |
605 | while (!gzeof(fp) ){ |
606 | int nitems = gzread(fp,hdr, sizeof(int)*4 ); |
607 | if (nitems !=4*sizeof(int)) break; |
608 | int recid = hdr[0]; |
609 | int nb = hdr[1] - 4*sizeof(int); |
610 | if ( nb > bsize) { |
611 | nb=bsize; |
612 | printf ("Error bsize %d nb=%d\n",bsize,nb); |
613 | } |
614 | // int nint = nb/sizeof(int); |
615 | int n=hdr[3]; |
616 | nitems=gzread(fp, buf, nb); |
617 | nr++; |
618 | if (nitems!=nb){ printf("Read Error nb=%d nitems=%d\n",nb,nitems); continue; } |
619 | |||
620 | switch (recid){ |
621 | case RUNREC_ID: |
622 | runrec=(RUNREC *) (&buf[0]); |
623 | printf("RUNREC RECID = %u\n",hdr[0]); |
624 | printf("RUNREC Length = %u\n",hdr[1]); |
625 | printf("RUNREC File version = %u\n",hdr[2]); |
626 | |||
627 | printf("RUNREC Time = %u\n",hdr[3]); |
628 | printf("Number of events per step = %u\n",runrec->num_events); |
629 | printf("Number of channels measured = %u\n",runrec->num_channels); |
630 | printf("Pedestal = %u\n",runrec->pedestal); |
631 | printf("Scan type = %u :: 0 -> single data scan :: 1 -> XY position scan\n",runrec->xy); |
632 | printf("Number of steps in X = %d\n",runrec->nx); |
633 | printf("Start position X = %d\n",runrec->x0); |
634 | printf("Step size direction X = %d\n",runrec->dx); |
635 | printf("Number of steps in Y = %d\n",runrec->ny); |
636 | printf("Start position Y = %d\n",runrec->y0); |
637 | printf("Step size direction Y = %d\n",runrec->dy); |
638 | |||
639 | break; |
640 | case POSREC_ID: |
641 | posrec=(POSREC *) (&buf[0]); |
642 | printf("POSREC nx=%d , posx=%d setx=%d posy=%d sety=%d angle(deg)= %3.2f \n",n,posrec->mikro_pos_x,posrec->set_pos_x,posrec->mikro_pos_y,posrec->set_pos_y, posrec->set_pos_x*360./NSTEPS); |
643 | m_rotation = posrec->set_pos_x*2*TMath::Pi()/NSTEPS; |
644 | break; |
645 | case EVTREC_ID: |
646 | break; |
647 | |||
648 | } |
649 | |||
650 | if (recid!=EVTREC_ID) continue; |
651 | if (nread++==nevetoprocess) break; |
652 | int idx=1; |
653 | int neve=buf[0]/2; |
654 | //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
655 | for (int nev=0;nev<neve;nev++){ |
656 | int len=buf[idx]; |
657 | int sb =buf[idx+1]; |
658 | unsigned int *pbuf=&buf[idx+2]; |
659 | if (sb!=0xffab) { |
660 | printf("0x%04x!0xffab len=%d\n",sb,len); |
661 | break; |
662 | } |
663 | // postavi na nic |
664 | #define InitArrayWithAValue(arr,n,x) {for (int i=0;i<n;i++) arr[i]=x;} |
665 | InitArrayWithAValue( gSum , 4 , 0); |
666 | InitArrayWithAValue( gRawSum , 4 , 0); |
667 | InitArrayWithAValue( gMax , 4 , 0); |
668 | InitArrayWithAValue( gSumCluster, 4 , 0); |
669 | InitArrayWithAValue( gNabove , 4 , 0); |
670 | InitArrayWithAValue( gData , MAXCH, 0); |
671 | InitArrayWithAValue( gAdc , MAXCH, 0); |
672 | //------------------------------------------------------------ |
673 | for (int i0=0;i0<len-2;i0+=2) { |
674 | |||
675 | int data0 = pbuf[i0]; |
676 | int data1 = pbuf[i0+1]; |
677 | int geo = (data1 >> 11) & 0x1f; |
678 | int ch = (data1&0x1f) | (geo<<5); |
679 | int dtype = (data1>>9)&0x3; |
680 | int adc = data0&0xfff; |
681 | |||
682 | switch (dtype) { |
683 | case 0x0: |
684 | if (ch<MAXCH) { |
685 | m_Adc[ch]->Fill(adc); |
686 | |||
687 | int ipmt = ch/16; |
688 | |||
689 | gAdc[ch]=adc; |
690 | gRawSum[ipmt]+=adc; |
691 | |||
692 | if (ch<64) gData[ch]=m_geo->GetEnergy(ch,adc); else gData[ch]=adc; |
693 | |||
694 | gSum[ipmt]+=gData[ch]; |
695 | if (gData[ch] >gMax[ipmt] ) gMax[ipmt]= gData[ch]; |
696 | if (gData[ch] >m_threshold ) gNabove[ipmt]++; |
697 | } |
698 | break; |
699 | case 0x10: |
700 | case 0x11: |
701 | case 0x01: |
702 | break; |
703 | } |
704 | |||
705 | };// for (int i0=0;i0<len-2;i0+=2) |
706 | //------------------------------------------------------------ |
707 | |||
708 | idx+=len+1; |
709 | FillHistograms(); |
710 | } // for (int nev=0;nev<neve;nev++) |
711 | //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
712 | } // while (!gzeof(fp) ) |
713 | gzclose(fp); |
714 | delete buf; |
715 | return nr; |
716 | } |
717 | |||
718 | readdata(const char *fnameconfig, std::vector<TString> &fnamein, const char *fnameout, int write2root=0, int nevetoread=-1, int debug=0 ){ |
719 | m_debug = debug; |
720 | m_write = write2root; |
721 | m_neve = nevetoread; |
722 | |||
723 | m_geo = new Geometry(fnameconfig,m_debug); |
724 | m_threshold=m_geo->GetThreshold(); |
725 | |||
726 | char rootname[0xFF]; sprintf(rootname,"%s.root",fnameout); |
727 | TFile *rootFile = new TFile(rootname,"RECREATE"); |
728 | Initialize(); |
729 | printf("Konec inicializacije ...\n"); |
730 | |||
731 | m_projector=PETProjDataMgr::GetInstance(); |
732 | m_projector->SetDebug(m_debug); |
733 | m_projector->SetRingDiameter(2*m_geo->module[0].r); |
734 | m_projector->SetFilename(fnameout); |
735 | |||
736 | m_coincidences=0; |
737 | |||
738 | int nr = 0; |
739 | for (unsigned int i=0;i< fnamein.size() ;i++) { |
740 | int neve = m_neve -nr; |
741 | if (m_neve == -1) nr += Process(fnamein[i].Data(), m_neve); |
742 | else if (neve>0) nr += Process(fnamein[i].Data(), neve); |
743 | } |
744 | printf("End...\nreaddata::Number of events read=%d\nreaddata::Number of coincidences=%d\n",nr,m_coincidences); |
745 | |||
746 | m_projector->WriteInterfile(); |
747 | rootFile->Write(); |
748 | rootFile->Close(); |
749 | } |
750 | |||
751 | ~readdata(){ |
752 | if (m_geo) delete m_geo; |
753 | }; |
754 | |||
755 | }; |
756 | |||
757 | #ifdef MAIN |
758 | |||
759 | |||
760 | int main(int argc, char **argv){ |
761 | |||
762 | std::cout << "Usage:" << argv[0] << " -c config.xml -i input.dat -o output -n nevents -w writentuple -d debuglevel "<< std::endl; |
763 | //----------------------------------------------------------------- |
764 | char configfile[256]="ini/config.xml"; |
765 | char outputfile[256]="/tmp/petfmf"; |
766 | int nevetoread =-1; |
767 | int writentuple =0; |
768 | int verbose =0; |
769 | char c; |
770 | |||
771 | std::vector<TString> inputfilelist; |
772 | while ((c=getopt (argc, argv, "c:i:o:n:w:d:")) != -1){ |
773 | switch(c){ |
774 | case 'c': sprintf(configfile,"%s",optarg); break; |
775 | case 'i': inputfilelist.push_back(TString(optarg)); break; |
776 | case 'o': sprintf(outputfile,"%s",optarg); break; |
777 | case 'n': nevetoread = atoi(optarg) ; break; |
778 | case 'w': writentuple = atoi(optarg); break; |
779 | case 'd': verbose = atoi(optarg); break; |
780 | default: abort(); |
781 | } |
782 | } |
783 | std::cout << "Used: " << argv[0] << " -c " << configfile << " -o " << outputfile << " -n " << nevetoread << " -w " << writentuple << " -d " << verbose ; |
784 | for (unsigned int i=0;i< inputfilelist.size() ;i++) std::cout << " -i " << inputfilelist[i]; |
785 | std::cout << std::endl; |
786 | //----------------------------------------------------------------- |
787 | new readdata(configfile, inputfilelist,outputfile, writentuple, nevetoread, verbose); |
788 | |||
789 | std::cout << "Output data files " << outputfile << std::endl; |
790 | return 0; |
791 | } |
792 | |||
793 | #endif |