Details | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed
Rev | Author | Line No. | Line |
326 | f9daq | 1 | #include <stdio.h> |
2 | #include <stdlib.h> |
3 | |||
4 | #include <TROOT.h> |
5 | #include <TH1D.h> |
6 | #include <TH1F.h> |
7 | #include <TH2D.h> |
8 | #include <TH2F.h> |
9 | #include <TH2I.h> |
10 | #include <TNtuple.h> |
11 | #include <TTree.h> |
12 | #include <TGraph.h> |
13 | #include <TGraphErrors.h> |
14 | #include <TCanvas.h> |
15 | #include <TStyle.h> |
16 | #include <TSystem.h> |
17 | #include <TFile.h> |
18 | #include <TDirectory.h> |
19 | #include <TPaveText.h> |
20 | #include <TSpectrum.h> |
21 | #include <TF1.h> |
22 | #include <TColor.h> |
23 | #include <algorithm> |
24 | using namespace std; |
25 | |||
26 | #include <iostream> |
27 | #include <string> |
28 | |||
29 | #include "base.h" |
30 | #include "gain.h" |
31 | #include "savetoroot.h" |
32 | |||
33 | int charge(int runNumber, int save){ |
34 | |||
35 | int HAPDnumber; //Number of HAPD: 0, 1, 2 or 3! |
36 | |||
37 | double xmin = -50; |
38 | double xmax = 300; |
39 | char name[64]; |
40 | char pdfname[128]; |
41 | char buf[256]; |
42 | char hname[0xF]; |
43 | |||
44 | sprintf(buf,"../modules/%04d/%04d_1_Treshold_Waveform.root",runNumber,runNumber); |
45 | TFile * data = new TFile(buf); |
46 | |||
47 | const char * serialNumber = getSN(runNumber); |
48 | printf("base.c return: %s\n", serialNumber); |
49 | /******* PREVERI ČE JE NALOŽEN FILE *******/ |
50 | if (!strcmp(serialNumber, "NoFILE")){ |
51 | printf("Ni naloženege datoteke\n"); |
52 | return -1; |
53 | } |
54 | std::string serialNumberTemp = serialNumber; |
55 | std::cout << serialNumberTemp << std::endl; |
56 | std::string HAPDserialNumber,FEBserialNumber; |
57 | |||
58 | GRID m = mapping(); |
59 | int vrstaPisave = 82; |
60 | |||
61 | TCanvas * c, * c4; |
62 | TH1D * h; |
63 | TH2D * h2 = NULL; |
64 | TPad * pad1, * pad2, * pad3; |
65 | TPaveText * sn, * gainTitle; |
66 | |||
67 | /********** GLOBALNE **********/ |
68 | gStyle->SetOptStat(0); |
69 | //gStyle->SetOptTitle(1); |
70 | gStyle->SetTextFont(vrstaPisave); |
71 | gStyle->SetTitleFont(vrstaPisave); |
72 | gStyle->SetTitleFontSize(0.1); |
73 | gStyle->SetNumberContours(100); |
74 | |||
75 | gStyle->SetPalette(55); |
76 | |||
77 | //gROOT->SetBatch(kTRUE); //Does not show canvases |
78 | |||
79 | |||
80 | |||
81 | /******* ZRIHTA GRAFE *******/ |
82 | for(HAPDnumber=0;HAPDnumber<4;HAPDnumber++){ |
83 | |||
84 | if(save==2) { |
85 | SaveToRootInit(); |
86 | } |
87 | |||
88 | //std::cout << serialNumberTemp << std::endl; |
89 | FEBserialNumber = serialNumberTemp.substr(0,serialNumberTemp.find(",")); |
90 | serialNumberTemp.erase(0,FEBserialNumber.length()+1); |
91 | if(!"noserial")) continue; |
92 | HAPDserialNumber = FEBserialNumber.substr(0,FEBserialNumber.find("/")); |
93 | FEBserialNumber.erase(0,FEBserialNumber.find("/")+1); |
94 | |||
95 | sprintf(hname,"hcharge%d_0",HAPDnumber); |
96 | printf("%s \t %s \t %s \n",FEBserialNumber.c_str(),HAPDserialNumber.c_str(),hname); |
97 | |||
98 | sprintf(name,"%04d_%s_Charge_c4",runNumber,HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
99 | c4 = new TCanvas(name,name,0,0,1200,1200); |
100 | c4->Divide(2,2); |
101 | |||
102 | for (int chip=0;chip<4; chip++){ |
103 | sprintf(name,"%04d_%s_c%d",runNumber,HAPDserialNumber.c_str(),chip); |
104 | c = new TCanvas(name,name,0,0,1200,1200); |
105 | c->cd(); |
106 | pad1 = new TPad("pad11","SN",0,0.975,1,1,0,0); |
107 | pad1->SetFillStyle(4000); |
108 | pad1->Draw(); |
109 | pad1->cd(); |
110 | sn = new TPaveText(0.2,0,0.8,1,"ndc"); |
111 | sn->SetBorderSize(0); |
112 | sn->SetFillColor(4000); |
113 | sn->SetTextSize(.8); |
114 | sn->SetTextAlign(22); |
115 | sprintf(buf,"Charge %s",HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
116 | sn->AddText(buf); |
117 | //sn->Draw(); |
118 | |||
119 | /******* DRUGI PAD *******/ |
120 | c->cd(); |
121 | pad2 = new TPad("pad2","Date",0.05,0.95,0.95,.99,0,0); |
122 | pad2->SetFillStyle(4000); |
123 | pad2->Draw(); |
124 | pad2->cd(); |
125 | gainTitle = new TPaveText(0,0,1,1,"ndc"); |
126 | gainTitle->SetBorderSize(0); |
127 | gainTitle->SetFillColor(kSpring+1); |
128 | gainTitle->SetTextSize(.8); |
129 | gainTitle->SetTextAlign(22); |
130 | sprintf(buf,"Charge scan over center of channels:"); |
131 | switch(chip){ |
132 | case 0: sprintf(buf,"%s Chip A",buf);break; |
133 | case 1: sprintf(buf,"%s Chip B",buf);break; |
134 | case 2: sprintf(buf,"%s Chip D",buf);break; |
135 | case 3: sprintf(buf,"%s Chip C",buf);break; |
136 | } |
137 | gainTitle->AddText(buf); |
138 | gainTitle->Draw(); |
139 | |||
140 | //----------- PAD 2 (FIGURES) |
141 | c->cd(); |
142 | pad3 = new TPad("pad3","Figures",0,0,1,0.96,0,0); |
143 | pad3->SetFillStyle(4000); |
144 | pad3->Draw(); |
145 | pad3->cd(); |
146 | pad3->Divide(6,6,0,0,0); |
147 | for (int i=0;i<36;i++) { |
148 | int idx = i+chip*36; |
149 | sprintf(name,"%s;%d",hname,m.pozicijaPixla[idx]+1); |
150 | h = ((TH1D * ) data->Get(name)); |
151 | |||
152 | TVirtualPad *pad = pad3->cd(m.pozicijaPixlaNaCipu[idx]+1); |
153 | pad->SetBorderSize(0); |
154 | pad->SetBorderMode(0); |
155 | |||
156 | if (idx==0 && h->InheritsFrom("TH1D") ) { |
157 | sprintf(name,"%s_2d",h->GetName()); |
158 | TAxis *axis = h->GetXaxis(); |
159 | h2 = new TH2D(name,h->GetTitle(),144,-0.5,143.5,axis->GetNbins(), |
160 | axis->GetXmin(), |
161 | axis->GetXmax()); |
162 | h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("HAPD 2d channels"); |
163 | h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(axis->GetTitle()); |
164 | h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); |
165 | } |
166 | |||
167 | if (h) { |
168 | //printf("TH2D %s\n",name); |
169 | sprintf(name,"ASIC %d ch %d",chip,idx); |
170 | h->SetTitle(name); |
171 | h->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(xmin,xmax); |
172 | h->SetMinimum(-0.1); |
173 | h->SetStats(kFALSE); |
174 | h->SetFillColor(kBlue); |
175 | h->DrawCopy("AH"); |
176 | |||
177 | if(save==2) { |
178 | sprintf(text_for_STR, "Charge_1D_%s_ASIC_%d_CH_%d", HAPDserialNumber.c_str(),chip,idx); |
179 | SaveToRootAddTH1DCopy(h, text_for_STR); |
180 | } |
181 | |||
182 | if (h2){ |
183 | for(int k=xmin;k<h->GetNbinsX(); k++){ |
184 | //if (idx==133) printf("x = %d \t y = %d \t value = %d\n", idx+1, k,(int)h->GetBinContent(k+1)); |
185 | if ((int)h->GetBinContent(k+1)==0) h2->SetBinContent(idx+1,k+1,1); |
186 | else h2->SetBinContent(idx+1,k+1,h->GetBinContent(k+1)); |
187 | } |
188 | } |
189 | } else printf("TH2D %s does not exist !!!!\n",name); |
190 | } |
191 | c->Modified(); |
192 | c->Update(); |
193 | if(chip%2==0) c4->cd(chip+2); |
194 | else c4->cd(chip); |
195 | c->DrawClonePad(); |
196 | if (save==1){ |
197 | switch (chip) { |
198 | case 0: sprintf(pdfname,"../modules/%04d/%04d_%s_1_Charge.pdf(",runNumber,runNumber,HAPDserialNumber.c_str());break; |
199 | default: sprintf(pdfname,"../modules/%04d/%04d_%s_1_Charge.pdf",runNumber,runNumber,HAPDserialNumber.c_str());break; |
200 | } |
201 | c->SaveAs(pdfname,"pdf"); |
202 | } else if (save==4){ |
203 | sprintf(pdfname,"../modules/%04d/%04d_%s.pdf",runNumber,runNumber,HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
204 | c->SaveAs(pdfname,"pdf"); |
205 | } |
206 | } |
207 | if (h2) { |
208 | sprintf(name,"%04d_%s_c%d",runNumber,HAPDserialNumber.c_str(),5); |
209 | c = new TCanvas(name,name,600,500); |
210 | c->SetLeftMargin(0.15); |
211 | c->SetRightMargin(0.15); |
212 | c->SetLogz(1); |
213 | |||
214 | sprintf(buf,"Charge scan over the center of channels"); |
215 | |||
216 | h2->SetTitle(buf); |
217 | gStyle->SetTitleFontSize(0.05); |
218 | h2->SetTitleFont(vrstaPisave); |
219 | h2->SetTitleOffset(0); |
220 | |||
221 | h2->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(1,10000); |
222 | h2->GetZaxis()->SetTickLength(.02); |
223 | h2->GetZaxis()->SetLabelFont(vrstaPisave); |
224 | h2->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.03); |
225 | |||
226 | h2->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(xmin,xmax); |
227 | h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(vrstaPisave); |
228 | h2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(vrstaPisave); |
229 | //h2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04); |
230 | h2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelColor(kBlack); |
231 | //h2->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(12); |
232 | h2->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); |
233 | h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("ADC channel (a.u.)"); |
234 | //h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); |
235 | h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); |
236 | h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitleColor(kBlack); |
237 | |||
238 | //h2->GetXaxis()->SetTickLength(0.05); |
239 | h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(vrstaPisave); |
240 | h2->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(vrstaPisave); |
241 | //h2->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04); |
242 | h2->GetXaxis()->SetLabelColor(kBlack); |
243 | //h2->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(.05); |
244 | //h2->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(0); |
245 | //h2->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); |
246 | h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Channel"); |
247 | //h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); |
248 | h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(kBlack); //zato ker ga ne moreš pozicionirat |
249 | h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); |
250 | |||
251 | |||
252 | h2->DrawCopy("COLZ"); |
253 | if(save==2) { |
254 | sprintf(text_for_STR, "Charge_2D_%s", HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
255 | SaveToRootAddTH2DCopy(h2, text_for_STR); |
256 | } |
257 | |||
258 | c->Modified(); |
259 | c->Update(); |
260 | if (save==1){ |
261 | sprintf(pdfname,"../modules/%04d/%04d_%s_1_Charge.pdf",runNumber,runNumber,HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
262 | c4->SaveAs(pdfname,"pdf"); |
263 | sprintf(pdfname,"../modules/%04d/%04d_%s_1_Charge.pdf)",runNumber,runNumber,HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
264 | c->SaveAs(pdfname,"pdf"); |
265 | } else if (save==2){ |
266 | sprintf(pdfname,"../modules/%04d/%04d_%s.pdf",runNumber,runNumber,HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
267 | c4->SaveAs(pdfname,"pdf"); |
268 | c->SaveAs(pdfname,"pdf"); |
269 | } |
270 | |||
271 | if(save==2) { |
272 | sprintf(text_for_STR,"../modules/%04d/%04d_%s_out.root",runNumber,runNumber,HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
273 | SaveToRootWrite(text_for_STR, HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
274 | } |
275 | } |
276 | } |
277 | delete data; |
278 | return 0; |
279 | } |
280 | |||
281 | float getGain(TH1D * h, int deadChannelSigma) { |
282 | TF1 * g0, * g1, * g2, * g3; |
283 | float gain; |
284 | float mean1, sigma1, mean2; |
285 | //Double_t * xpeaks; |
286 | Float_t * xpeaks; |
287 | |||
288 | TSpectrum * s = new TSpectrum(3); |
290 | //printf("Found %d candidate peaks to fit\n",nfound); |
291 | xpeaks = s->GetPositionX(); |
292 | |||
293 | Float_t * first(&xpeaks[0]); |
294 | Float_t * last(first + nfound); |
295 | std::sort(first, last); |
296 | |||
297 | |||
298 | |||
299 | float xp; |
300 | for (int p=0;p<nfound;p++) { |
301 | xp = xpeaks[p]; |
302 | //printf("Vrh številka %d je na poziciji %f\n",p,xp); |
303 | if(p==0) { |
304 | g0 = new TF1("0ph","gaus",xp-14,xp+14); |
305 | h->Fit(g0,"QR"); |
306 | } else if(p==1) { |
307 | g1 = new TF1("1ph","gaus",xp-14,xp+14); |
308 | h->Fit(g1,"QR+"); |
309 | } else if(p==2) { |
310 | g2 = new TF1("2ph","gaus",xp-14,xp+14); |
311 | h->Fit(g2,"QR+"); |
312 | } else { |
313 | g3 = new TF1("3ph","gaus",xp-14,xp+14); |
314 | h->Fit(g3,"QR+"); |
315 | } |
316 | } |
317 | |||
318 | if(nfound >= 1){ |
319 | mean1 = g0->GetParameter(1); |
320 | sigma1 = g0->GetParameter(2); |
321 | if (sigma1<deadChannelSigma) gain = 0; |
322 | else gain = 30; |
323 | } else { |
324 | gain = 0; |
325 | } |
326 | if(nfound > 1){ |
327 | mean2 = g1->GetParameter(1); |
328 | printf("%f \t %f\n", mean1, mean2); |
329 | if (mean1<mean2) gain = mean2 - mean1; |
330 | else gain = mean1 - mean2; |
331 | //printf("nfound: %d \t gain: %.1f \t mean1: %.1f \t sigma1: %.1f \t mean2: %.1f\n", nfound, gain, mean1, sigma1, mean2); |
332 | } |
333 | delete s; |
334 | return gain; |
335 | } |
336 | |||
337 | int gain(int runNumber, int save){ |
338 | |||
339 | int HAPDnumber = 0; //Number of HAPD: 0, 1, 2 or 3! |
340 | |||
341 | char name[128]; |
342 | char pdfname[128]; |
343 | char buf[0xFF]; |
344 | float ojacanje; |
345 | |||
346 | char hname[0xF]; |
347 | |||
348 | sprintf(buf,"../modules/%04d/%04d_1_Treshold_Waveform.root",runNumber,runNumber); |
349 | TFile * data = new TFile(buf); |
350 | |||
351 | const char * serialNumber = getSN(runNumber); |
352 | printf("base.c return: %s\n", serialNumber); |
353 | /******* PREVERI ČE JE NALOŽEN FILE *******/ |
354 | if (!strcmp(serialNumber, "NoFILE")){ |
355 | printf("Ni naloženege datoteke\n"); |
356 | return -1; |
357 | } |
358 | std::string serialNumberTemp = serialNumber; |
359 | std::cout << serialNumberTemp << std::endl; |
360 | std::string HAPDserialNumber,FEBserialNumber; |
361 | |||
362 | GRID m = mapping(); |
363 | int vrstaPisave = 82; |
364 | |||
365 | int blackWhite = 40; |
366 | int max = 140; |
367 | |||
368 | TCanvas * c1, * c2, * c3; |
369 | TPad * pad1, * pad2; |
370 | TPaveText * title; |
371 | TH1D * h; |
372 | TH1F * Gain1D; |
373 | TH2F * Gain2D; |
374 | TH2I * Gain2D_black, * Gain2D_white; |
375 | |||
376 | gStyle->SetOptStat(0); |
377 | gStyle->SetPalette(52); |
378 | gStyle->SetNumberContours(100); |
379 | |||
380 | |||
381 | for(HAPDnumber=0;HAPDnumber<4;HAPDnumber++){ |
382 | |||
383 | SaveToRootInit(); |
384 | |||
385 | //std::cout << serialNumberTemp << std::endl; |
386 | FEBserialNumber = serialNumberTemp.substr(0,serialNumberTemp.find(",")); |
387 | serialNumberTemp.erase(0,FEBserialNumber.length()+1); |
388 | if(!"noserial")) continue; |
389 | HAPDserialNumber = FEBserialNumber.substr(0,FEBserialNumber.find("/")); |
390 | FEBserialNumber.erase(0,FEBserialNumber.find("/")+1); |
391 | |||
392 | sprintf(hname,"hcharge%d_0",HAPDnumber); |
393 | printf("%s \t %s \t %s \n",FEBserialNumber.c_str(),HAPDserialNumber.c_str(),hname); |
394 | |||
395 | /******* 1D *******/ |
396 | sprintf(buf,"%04d_%s_Gain1D",runNumber,HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
397 | c1 = new TCanvas(buf,buf,0,0,600,300); |
398 | |||
399 | sprintf(name,"1D Gain of HAPD %s (%04d);Channel number;Gain",HAPDserialNumber.c_str(),runNumber); |
400 | Gain1D = new TH1F("Gain1D",name,144,0,144); |
401 | |||
402 | /******* 2D *******/ |
403 | sprintf(buf,"%04d_%s_Gain2D",runNumber,HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
404 | c2 = new TCanvas(buf,buf,0,0,600,600); |
405 | c2->SetRightMargin(0.15); |
406 | |||
407 | sprintf(name,"Backside view: Gain of HAPD %s (%04d)",HAPDserialNumber.c_str(),runNumber); |
408 | Gain2D = new TH2F("Gain2D",name,12,-0.5,11.5,12,-0.5,11.5); |
409 | Gain2D_black = new TH2I("Gain2D_black","Gain2D_black",12,-0.5,11.5,12,-0.5,11.5); |
410 | Gain2D_white = new TH2I("Gain2D_white","Gain2D_white",12,-0.5,11.5,12,-0.5,11.5); |
411 | Gain2D->SetMinimum(-0.1); |
412 | Gain2D->SetMaximum(max); |
413 | Gain2D_black->SetMinimum(blackWhite); |
414 | |||
415 | /******* NAREDI HISTOGRAME *******/ |
416 | for (int i=0;i<12;i++) { |
417 | for (int j=0;j<12;j++) { |
418 | sprintf(name,"%s;%d",hname,m.pozicijaPixla[m.koordinatniSistem[i][j]]+1); |
419 | //printf("%s\n",name); |
420 | h = (TH1D *) data->Get(name); |
421 | h->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-50,300); |
422 | |||
423 | ojacanje = getGain(h); |
424 | //printf("channel %d \t gain %f\n", m.koordinatniSistem[i][j], ojacanje); |
425 | |||
426 | Gain1D->Fill(m.koordinatniSistem[i][j],ojacanje); |
427 | |||
428 | Gain2D->Fill(i,j,ojacanje); |
429 | if(ojacanje<=blackWhite) Gain2D_white->Fill(i,j,ojacanje); |
430 | Gain2D_black->Fill(i,j,ojacanje); |
431 | } |
432 | } |
433 | |||
434 | |||
435 | c1->cd(); |
436 | c1->SetGrid(1); |
437 | |||
438 | Gain1D->SetTitle(""); |
439 | //Gain1D->SetLineWidth(2); |
440 | Gain1D->SetFillColor(kRed-10); |
441 | |||
442 | Gain1D->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,140); |
443 | Gain1D->GetYaxis()->SetTickLength(0.01); |
444 | Gain1D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(vrstaPisave); |
445 | Gain1D->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(vrstaPisave); |
446 | Gain1D->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04); |
447 | Gain1D->GetYaxis()->SetLabelColor(kBlack); |
448 | //Gain1D->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(0); |
449 | Gain1D->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); |
450 | Gain1D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Gain"); |
451 | Gain1D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); |
452 | //Gain1D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(.5); |
453 | Gain1D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleColor(kBlack); |
454 | |||
455 | //Gain1D->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,80); |
456 | //Gain1D->GetXaxis()->SetTickLength(0.05); |
457 | Gain1D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(vrstaPisave); |
458 | Gain1D->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(vrstaPisave); |
459 | Gain1D->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04); |
460 | Gain1D->GetXaxis()->SetLabelColor(kBlack); |
461 | //Gain1D->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(.05); |
462 | //Gain1D->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(0); |
463 | //Gain1D->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); |
464 | Gain1D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Channel"); |
465 | Gain1D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); |
466 | Gain1D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(kBlack); //zato ker ga ne moreš pozicionirat |
467 | Gain1D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1); |
468 | |||
469 | Gain1D->DrawCopy(); |
470 | |||
471 | |||
472 | c2->cd(); |
473 | |||
474 | Gain2D->SetTitle(""); |
475 | |||
476 | Gain2D->GetZaxis()->SetTickLength(.02); |
477 | Gain2D->GetZaxis()->SetTitleFont(vrstaPisave); |
478 | Gain2D->GetZaxis()->SetLabelFont(vrstaPisave); |
479 | Gain2D->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.03); |
480 | Gain2D->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("G_{a}"); |
481 | Gain2D->GetZaxis()->CenterTitle(); |
482 | |||
483 | |||
484 | //Gain2D->GetYaxis()->SetTickLength(0.03); |
485 | Gain2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(vrstaPisave); |
486 | Gain2D->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(vrstaPisave); |
487 | Gain2D->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.03); |
488 | Gain2D->GetYaxis()->SetLabelColor(kBlack); |
489 | Gain2D->GetYaxis()->SetLabelOffset(.01); |
490 | //Gain2D->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(12); |
491 | Gain2D->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); |
492 | Gain2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Rows"); |
493 | Gain2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035); |
494 | Gain2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); |
495 | Gain2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleColor(kBlack); |
496 | |||
497 | //Gain2D->GetXaxis()->SetTickLength(0.03); |
498 | Gain2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(vrstaPisave); |
499 | Gain2D->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(vrstaPisave); |
500 | Gain2D->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.03); |
501 | Gain2D->GetXaxis()->SetLabelColor(kBlack); |
502 | //Gain2D->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(.05); |
503 | //Gain2D->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(0); |
504 | //Gain2D->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); |
505 | Gain2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Columns"); |
506 | Gain2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.03); |
507 | Gain2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor(kBlack); //zato ker ga ne moreš pozicionirat |
508 | Gain2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); |
509 | |||
510 | Gain2D->DrawCopy("COLZ"); |
511 | |||
512 | Gain2D_black->DrawCopy("TEXT,SAME"); |
513 | Gain2D_white->SetMarkerColor(kWhite); |
514 | Gain2D_white->DrawCopy("TEXT,SAME"); |
515 | |||
516 | |||
517 | c1->Modified(); |
518 | c1->Update(); |
519 | c2->Modified(); |
520 | c2->Update(); |
521 | |||
522 | sprintf(buf,"%04d_%s_Gain",runNumber,HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
523 | c3 = new TCanvas(buf,buf,0,0,1000,1000); |
524 | c3->cd(); |
525 | /******* 1D *******/ |
526 | sprintf(buf,"%04d_%s_gain1d_pad1",runNumber,HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
527 | pad1 = new TPad(buf,"SN",.15,0.7,.85,1,0,0); |
528 | pad1->SetFillStyle(4000); |
529 | pad1->Draw(); |
530 | //pad1->SetRightMargin(0.15); |
531 | |||
532 | /******* 2D *******/ |
533 | sprintf(buf,"%04d_%s_gain2d_pad2",runNumber,HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
534 | pad2 = new TPad(buf,"Date",.15,0,.85,0.7,0,0); |
535 | pad2->SetFillStyle(4000); |
536 | pad2->Draw(); |
537 | pad2->SetRightMargin(0.15); |
538 | |||
539 | pad1->cd(); |
540 | pad1->SetGrid(1); |
541 | Gain1D->DrawCopy(); |
542 | |||
543 | sprintf(text_for_STR, "Gain_1D_%s", HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
544 | SaveToRootAddTH1F(Gain1D, text_for_STR); |
545 | |||
546 | title = new TPaveText(0.2,.93,0.8,.94,"ndc"); |
547 | title->SetBorderSize(0); |
548 | title->SetFillColor(4000); |
549 | title->SetTextSize(.06); |
550 | title->SetTextAlign(22); |
551 | title->SetTextFont(vrstaPisave); |
552 | title->AddText("Gain"); |
553 | title->Draw(); |
554 | |||
555 | |||
556 | pad2->cd(); |
557 | Gain2D->DrawCopy("COLZ"); |
558 | |||
559 | Gain2D_black->DrawCopy("TEXT,SAME"); |
560 | Gain2D_white->SetMarkerColor(kWhite); |
561 | Gain2D_white->DrawCopy("TEXT,SAME"); |
562 | |||
563 | sprintf(text_for_STR, "Gain_2D_%s", HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
564 | SaveToRootAddTH2F(Gain2D, text_for_STR); |
565 | |||
566 | title = new TPaveText(0.2,.91,0.8,.93,"ndc"); |
567 | title->SetBorderSize(0); |
568 | title->SetFillColor(4000); |
569 | title->SetTextSize(.035); |
570 | title->SetTextAlign(22); |
571 | title->SetTextFont(vrstaPisave); |
572 | title->AddText("Backside view gain"); |
573 | title->Draw(); |
574 | |||
575 | delete c1; |
576 | delete c2; |
577 | |||
578 | if (save==1) { |
579 | sprintf(pdfname,"../modules/%04d/%04d_%s_Gain.pdf",runNumber,runNumber,HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
580 | c3->SaveAs(pdfname,"pdf"); |
581 | } else if (save==2){ |
582 | sprintf(pdfname,"../modules/%04d/%04d_%s.pdf",runNumber,runNumber,HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
583 | c3->SaveAs(pdfname,"pdf"); |
584 | } else if (save==3){ |
585 | sprintf(pdfname,"../modules/%04d/%04d_%s.pdf(",runNumber,runNumber,HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
586 | c3->SaveAs(pdfname,"pdf"); |
587 | } else if (save==5){ |
588 | sprintf(pdfname,"../modules/%04d/%04d_%s.root",runNumber,runNumber,HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
589 | c3->SaveAs(pdfname,"root"); |
590 | } |
591 | |||
592 | |||
593 | sprintf(text_for_STR,"../modules/%04d/%04d_%s_out.root",runNumber,runNumber,HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
594 | SaveToRootWrite(text_for_STR, HAPDserialNumber.c_str()); |
595 | |||
596 | delete Gain1D; |
597 | delete Gain2D; |
598 | delete Gain2D_white; |
599 | delete Gain2D_black; |
600 | |||
601 | } |
602 | delete data; |
603 | return 0; |
604 | } |