Details | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed
Rev | Author | Line No. | Line |
59 | f9daq | 1 | [Project Header] |
2 | Version = 551 |
3 | Platform Code = 4 |
4 | Pathname = "/c/ICFA/2014/rich/rich.prj" |
5 | CVI Dir = "/c/measurementstudio/cvi" |
6 | VXIplug&play Framework Dir = "/C/Program Files/IVI Foundation/VISA/winnt" |
7 | Number of Files = 4 |
8 | Sort Type = "No Sort" |
9 | Target Type = "Executable" |
10 | Build Configuration = "Debug" |
11 | Warn User If Debugging Release = 1 |
12 | Flags = 16 |
13 | Drag Bar Left = 158 |
14 | Window Top = 102 |
15 | Window Left = 324 |
16 | Window Bottom = 500 |
17 | Window Right = 1000 |
18 | |||
19 | [File 0001] |
20 | File Type = "CSource" |
21 | Path = "/c/ICFA/2014/rich/rich.c" |
22 | Res Id = 1 |
23 | Exclude = False |
24 | Disk Date = 3493032330 |
25 | Project Flags = 0 |
26 | Compile Into Object File = False |
27 | Object Format = "Win32-MSVC" |
28 | ForceCompile_Debug = False |
29 | ForceCompile_Release = True |
30 | Window Top = 296 |
31 | Window Left = 244 |
32 | Window Height = 0 |
33 | Window Width = 0 |
34 | Source Window State = "1,23,23,23,20,20,20,0,0,110,0,0,0,0,0,38,0,0,28,45," |
35 | Header Dependencies Line0001 = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31" |
36 | Header Dependencies Line0002 = ",32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53," |
37 | |||
38 | [File 0002] |
39 | File Type = "User Interface Resource" |
40 | Path = "/c/ICFA/2014/rich/rich_ui.uir" |
41 | Res Id = 2 |
42 | Exclude = False |
43 | Disk Date = 3493023287 |
44 | Project Flags = 0 |
45 | Window Top = 12 |
46 | Window Left = 9 |
47 | Window Height = 882 |
48 | Window Width = 1420 |
49 | |||
50 | [File 0003] |
51 | File Type = "Function Panel" |
52 | Path = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/WUSBVME_DLL/wusbvme_dll.fp" |
53 | Res Id = 3 |
54 | Exclude = False |
55 | Disk Date = 3292542496 |
56 | Project Flags = 0 |
57 | Window Top = 0 |
58 | Window Left = 0 |
59 | Window Height = 0 |
60 | Window Width = 0 |
61 | |||
62 | [File 0004] |
63 | File Type = "Function Panel" |
64 | Path = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/CAENV673A/CAENV673A.fp" |
65 | Res Id = 4 |
66 | Exclude = False |
67 | Disk Date = 3244094710 |
68 | Project Flags = 0 |
69 | Window Top = 0 |
70 | Window Left = 0 |
71 | Window Height = 0 |
72 | Window Width = 0 |
73 | |||
74 | [SCC Options] |
75 | Use global settings = True |
76 | SCC Provider = "" |
77 | SCC Project = "" |
78 | Local Path = "" |
79 | Auxiliary Path = "" |
80 | Perform Same Action For .h File As For .uir File = "Ask" |
81 | Comment = "" |
82 | Username = "" |
83 | Use Default Comment = False |
84 | Use Default Username = False |
85 | Do Not Include PRJ File in Actions = True |
86 | Suppress CVI Error Messages = False |
87 | |||
88 | [Compiler Options] |
89 | Default Calling Convention = "cdecl" |
90 | Max Number Of Errors = 10 |
91 | Require Prototypes = True |
92 | Require Return Values = True |
93 | Enable Pointer Mismatch Warning = False |
94 | Enable Unreachable Code Warning = False |
95 | Track Include File Dependencies = True |
96 | Prompt For Missing Includes = True |
97 | Stop On First Error File = False |
98 | Bring Up Err Win For Warnings = True |
99 | Show Build Dialog = False |
100 | O Option Compatible With 5.0 = False |
101 | |||
102 | [Run Options] |
103 | Stack Size = 250000 |
104 | Debugging Level = "Standard" |
105 | Save Changes Before Running = "Ask" |
106 | Break On Library Errors = True |
107 | Break On First Chance Exceptions = False |
108 | Hide Windows = False |
109 | Break At First Statement = False |
110 | |||
111 | [Compiler Defines] |
112 | Compiler Defines = "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN /DWUSBVME" |
113 | |||
114 | [Command Line Args] |
115 | Command Line Args = "" |
116 | |||
117 | [Watch Point 1] |
118 | Watch Expression = "ndata[channel]" |
119 | Update Display Continuously = False |
120 | Break When Value Changes = False |
121 | Scope = "Local" |
122 | File = "lr_tdc.c" |
123 | Function = "read_tdc_gate" |
124 | DllName = "" |
125 | |||
126 | [Included Headers] |
127 | Header 0001 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi_c.h" |
128 | Header 0002 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/assert.h" |
129 | Header 0003 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/cvidef.h" |
130 | Header 0004 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/cvirte.h" |
131 | Header 0005 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/ctype.h" |
132 | Header 0006 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/errno.h" |
133 | Header 0007 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/float.h" |
134 | Header 0008 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/limits.h" |
135 | Header 0009 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/locale.h" |
136 | Header 0010 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/math.h" |
137 | Header 0011 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/setjmp.h" |
138 | Header 0012 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/signal.h" |
139 | Header 0013 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/stdarg.h" |
140 | Header 0014 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/stddef.h" |
141 | Header 0015 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/stdio.h" |
142 | Header 0016 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/stdlib.h" |
143 | Header 0017 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/string.h" |
144 | Header 0018 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ansi/time.h" |
145 | Header 0020 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/windows.h" |
146 | Header 0021 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/windef.h" |
147 | Header 0022 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winnt.h" |
148 | Header 0023 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/basetsd.h" |
149 | Header 0024 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/Guiddef.h" |
150 | Header 0025 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/pshpack4.h" |
151 | Header 0026 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/poppack.h" |
152 | Header 0027 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/pshpack2.h" |
153 | Header 0028 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/pshpack8.h" |
154 | Header 0029 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winbase.h" |
155 | Header 0030 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winerror.h" |
156 | Header 0031 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/wingdi.h" |
157 | Header 0032 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/pshpack1.h" |
158 | Header 0033 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winuser.h" |
159 | Header 0034 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/tvout.h" |
160 | Header 0035 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winnls.h" |
161 | Header 0036 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/wincon.h" |
162 | Header 0037 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winver.h" |
163 | Header 0038 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winreg.h" |
164 | Header 0039 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winnetwk.h" |
165 | Header 0040 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/winsvc.h" |
166 | Header 0041 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/mcx.h" |
167 | Header 0042 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/sdk/include/imm.h" |
168 | Header 0043 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/utility.h" |
169 | Header 0044 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/CAENV673A/CAENV673A.h" |
170 | Header 0045 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/userint.h" |
171 | Header 0046 = "/c/ICFA/2014/rich/rich_ui.h" |
172 | Header 0047 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/WUSBVME_DLL/wusbvme_dll.h" |
173 | Header 0048 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/ivi.h" |
174 | Header 0049 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/visa.h" |
175 | Header 0050 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/visatype.h" |
176 | Header 0051 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/include/vpptype.h" |
177 | Header 0052 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/WUSBVME_DLL/usb.h" |
178 | Header 0053 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/WUSBVME_DLL/xxusb_dll.h" |
179 | Header 0019 = "/c/MeasurementStudio/cvi/instr/CAENV673A/CAENV673A_DEF.h" |
180 | Max Header Number = 53 |
181 | |||
182 | [Create Executable] |
183 | Executable File_Debug = "/c/ICFA/2014/rich/rich_dbg.exe" |
184 | Target Creation Date_Debug = 3493382801 |
185 | Force Creation of Target_Debug = False |
186 | Executable File_Release = "/c/ICFA/2014/rich/rich.exe" |
187 | Target Creation Date_Release = 3152012344 |
188 | Force Creation of Target_Release = True |
189 | Icon File = "" |
190 | Application Title = "" |
191 | DLL Exports = "Include File Symbols" |
192 | DLL Import Library Choice = "Gen Lib For Current Mode" |
193 | Use VXIPNP Subdirectories for Import Libraries = False |
194 | Use Dflt Import Lib Base Name = True |
195 | Where to Copy DLL = "Do not copy" |
196 | Add Type Lib To DLL = False |
197 | Include Type Lib Help Links = False |
198 | Type Lib FP File = "" |
199 | Type Lib Guid = "" |
200 | Uses DataSocket = 0 |
201 | Uses NIReports = 0 |
202 | Uses DCom95 = 0 |
203 | Instrument Driver Support Only = False |
204 | |||
205 | [External Compiler Support] |
206 | UIR Callbacks File Option = 0 |
207 | Using LoadExternalModule = False |
208 | Create Project Symbols File = True |
209 | UIR Callbacks Obj File = "" |
210 | Project Symbols H File = "" |
211 | Project Symbols Obj File = "" |
212 | |||
213 | [DLL Debugging Support] |
214 | External Process Path = "" |
215 |